Top 95 Tunnel Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Tunnel Quotes from famous people such as Gigi Hadid, Joe Sestak, Bruno Fernandes, Ally McCoist, Kevin Mitnick, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I've learned that if I only put my mind to one thing th

I’ve learned that if I only put my mind to one thing that I can get tunnel vision. Then I may not be as open to other opportunities because I’m so focused on one thing. I think what’s worked better for me personally is I have three goals every day: be nice, work hard, and make friends.
Gigi Hadid
When there’s no light at the end of the tunnel, it’s hard to keep things going.
Joe Sestak
At Old Trafford you warm up with nobody in the stands, you hear nothing in the tunnel, and then you enter the pitch and you hear an incredible noise.
Bruno Fernandes
I always looked across the tunnel in Old Firm games and fancied our chances but there’s a big difference between that and knowing you’re going to win. There’s so many things can happen in an Old Firm game.
Ally McCoist
If you go to a coffee shop or at the airport, and you’re using open wireless, I would use a VPN service that you could subscribe for 10 bucks a month. Everything is encrypted in an encryption tunnel, so a hacker cannot tamper with your connection.
Kevin Mitnick
The trains that travel the Chunnel are massive machines. The Eurostars are bullet-shaped and a quarter-mile long. They are pulled by a 136,000-pound locomotive and move in the open air at 185 m.p.h. and through the tunnel at 100 m.p.h.
Peter Landesman
When people say, ‘You have Alzheimer’s,’ you have no idea what Alzheimer’s is. You know it’s not good. You know there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. That’s the only way you can go. But you really don’t know anything about it. And you don’t know what to expect.
Nancy Reagan
If you had told me in 1997 that even 5 people would be waiting online for me to sign my new book in 2009, I would have jumped around like Joe Carter in the 1993 World Series. I love it. I can’t imagine why anyone wouldn’t like it. The only thing I worry about is carpal tunnel syndrome – my last tour almost caused it.
Bill Simmons
I was single-minded and I had tunnel vision. Now it’s time for a change.
Evelyn Ashford
If you could drive straight down, into a tunnel bored through the crust of the planet, you’d hit this molten mess in about an hour. It’s called the asthenosphere – a sluggish sea, several hundred miles thick, on which floats the Earth’s cool epidermis – the so-called tectonic plates.
Seth Shostak
When I put my nose in a glass, it’s like tunnel vision. I move into another world, where everything around me is just gone, and every bit of mental energy is focused on that wine.
Robert M. Parker, Jr.
I’m going to miss the wind tunnel between Buildings 3 and 4. The ways in which the parking situation forced me to get ‘creative.’ Bob Ley and his snide comments. Trey Wingo and his snarky comments. Meeting so many people who I respect the hell out of. And the bizarre if not dysfunctional ‘SportsNation’ family.
Michelle Beadle
The book begins and ends with the visits to give the impression of a tunnel into their ancestors and family history. I believe in going backwards into the past – I felt I was digging a tunnel back to the past.
Anita Desai
For those suffering from depression, I know how dark and endless that tunnel can feel. But if happiness seems impossible to find, please hold on to the possibility of hope, faint though it may be.
Zelda Williams
If you don’t care about the lapel or the buttons or the fit, then you are doing a disservice to the consumer. We’re all inside the tunnel, speaking the language of business, but we need to speak the language of customers.
Mickey Drexler
Stress makes us prone to tunnel vision, less likely to take in the information we need. Anxiety makes us more risk-averse than we would be regularly and more deferential.
Noreena Hertz
I have a fear of tubes and tunnels. Going through any tunnel causes me great anxiety.
Tyler Perry
I went to a lot of Chicago Wolves games when I was growing up… They would come out of the tunnel, the pyramid would be there, and the fire would come out of the pyramid. I thought it was the coolest thing.
Hilary Knight
America to me is so varied and exciting. I always feel nostalgia for the place I’m not in, and then I get there and find myself in a traffic jam going into the Lincoln Tunnel, and I think, ‘God, why was I romanticizing this part of the country?’ I think it has to do with the romantic, unrealistic temperament.
Ian Frazier
I kind of became a gym rat. The more results I saw, the more dedicated I became. It is such a great feeling to see your hard work pay off. I mean, if I’m gonna skip the In-N-Out burgers, there better be light at the end of the tunnel!
Jonathan Lipnicki
A lot of times when I ran, to be honest, I didn’t know where I was in the race. So I always was looking up at the scoreboard to say, ‘Just call my name to see where I am,’ because I tried to have such tunnel vision not to distract myself.
Gail Devers
I think there are certain events that would be an amazing torch for a turn in how the world is getting on, and the Ryder Cup would be one of them that is like a shining light at the end of the tunnel.
Tommy Fleetwood
Cornrows came back with a vengeance in the early ’00s with every dude trying to grow his hair out to get ‘braided up.’ It was crazy. Girls were getting carpal tunnel in hoods across America trying to make plaits out of 1.5 inches of ungreased hair.
Amanda Seales
There is light at the end of the tunnel for India, but it’s that of an oncoming train which will run them over.
Navjot Singh Sidhu
If you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, you are looking the wrong way.
Barry Commoner
If we see light at the end of the tunnel, it the light of the oncoming train.
Robert Lowell
The claim that Israel seeks to annihilate the Palestinians is simply a lie. Israel seeks to stop rocket attacks and tunnel invasions, and as long as Hamas is dedicated to those actions, they can expect a forceful Israeli reaction.
James Howard Kunstler
Future forecasting is all about testing strategies – it’s like a wind tunnel.
Jamais Cascio
If you were going to protect Buckingham Palace, you wouldn’t put a tunnel in halfway down the Mall. If you wanted to protected Wembley Stadium, you wouldn’t put a tunnel halfway up Wembley Way.
Tony Robinson
The Master of Ceremonies in ‘Bridge and Tunnel’ is a wonderful man, if I do say so myself. I talk about all the characters in the third person. But, he is a really congenial… just a good stand-up guy, who happens to be Pakistani-American. He’s been here for years.
Sarah Jones
I save my dreams and hopes for my kids. When I’m making a wish under a bridge or tunnel, it’s always for them.
Alison Sweeney
I can't tell you how scary it can be for an artist to b

I can’t tell you how scary it can be for an artist to be in a space where they don’t know where the light is at the end of the tunnel.
Rohit Saraf
My heart stopped seven times and I had to be resuscitated seven times. It’s incredible I’m still here so every day I feel happy to have a second chance but I’m sorry to say I didn’t see any tunnel or any light at the end of it.
Alex Zanardi
I miss walking out of the tunnel, the 90 minutes and the adrenalin rush that I’ll never, ever replace.
Alan Shearer
The thing about a hero, is even when it doesn’t look like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, he’s going to keep digging, he’s going to keep trying to do right and make up for what’s gone before, just because that’s who he is.
Joss Whedon
I want people to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Amber Mark
Sometimes that light at the end of the tunnel is a train.
Charles Barkley
Learning is a tunnel experience that makes us think more broadly.
Anna Deavere Smith
The only way to find out anything about what kinds of lives people led in any given period is to tunnel into their records and to let them speak for themselves.
John Dos Passos
There is a light at the end of the tunnel… hopefully its not a freight train!
Mariah Carey
Some actors couldn’t figure out how to withstand the constant rejection. They couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Harrison Ford
My tunnel vision work ethic is very hard to come by, I believe. I have had an unwavering faith in myself and my career for as long as I can remember.
When you’re a manager you always have tunnel vision at certain times.
Paul Lambert
The great ones have the ability to focus and tune everything else out and see more than the others. Average quarterbacks have tunnel vision. They see what’s in front of them. The better you get, the more that tunnel expands, and the more guys on the field you see.
Kurt Warner
I like CrossFit. I agree with a lot of their coaching tips and the foundation of functional movements and hard work. They embody all that stuff. But I also think there’s a bit of a cult following within the CrossFit community, a bit of a fraternity, which obviously creates a bias and a little bit of a tunnel vision.
Roman Reigns
I had prostate cancer that, for me, was debilitating. I didn’t touch a guitar for two years, but when I realized I was seeing the light at the end of the recovery tunnel and was going to live pain-free, I realized again that it was a fun little instrument to play.
Ronnie Montrose
‘Mandie and the Secret Tunnel’ – the book and now the movie – pits a very young woman against forces she cannot control and events she cannot possibly know about. She’s in way over her head, and you’re pulling for her from the opening scene.
Dean Jones
People who get trapped in the tunnel vision of making money think that is all there is to life.
Felix Dennis
Big clubs in Europe always go through difficult spells where it appears as though there is no light at the end of the tunnel. But because they are big clubs, they always come back, and they do so with a vengeance.
Fernando Torres
I think it’s true that people seemed to have had a kind of tunnel vision in my regard, and that has been something that I’ve been having to fight against for a long time.
Amanda Knox
I wanted to go to Berklee College of Music because that’s where Steve Vai went – I was total tunnel vision.
John Petrucci
There is absolutely, 100 percent, a light at the end of the tunnel for anyone who stutters.
Emily Blunt
As you approach the finish line, you go through a tunnel of people, all of them cheering and encouraging you. Then I heard the speaker say, ‘Alessandro Zanardi, you are an Ironman!’ It was something phenomenal, something amazing… I got very emotional at that point.
Alex Zanardi
The summer of 1830 I… blasted the tunnel through the rock to take water from the dam above the falls for the mill… In 1831 we lowered the tunnel four feet, and built a new dam across the creek.
Ezra Cornell
If I could bring ‘The Tunnel’ to life, I’d like to do it like that.
Billy Howle
No matter what you’re going through, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel and it may seem hard to get to it but you can do it and just keep working towards it and you’ll find the positive side of things.
Demi Lovato
We owe it to consumers to treat their dollars with respect and to double- and triple-check our assumptions about complex marketplaces rather than getting locked into a regulatory tunnel vision that will ultimately leave consumers with fewer, more expensive choices.
Michael O’Rielly
Flying down a tunnel of 1s and 0s is not how hacking is really done.
Walter O’Brien
As a novelist, you have to pick your battles. You are tired. You have begun to experience the first ominous tinglings of carpal tunnel syndrome. You wake up in the middle of the night with both hands lying across your chest like a couple of plucked bird carcasses, dead of all sensation.
Lynn Coady
I didn’t play the game right because I saw a reward at the end of the tunnel.
Ryne Sandberg
It’s tricky to ask a filmmaker to explain his own work; usually we’re the least qualified to make sense of what we’ve done, unfortunately, because of the tunnel vision required to create anything over four years.
Stephen Gaghan
Retiring for good wasn’t difficult. I knew at the time it was right. I was no longer capable of achieving the standards I’d set myself and there was no light at the end of the tunnel.
Ian Botham
After a while, you can't get any higher. It's like your

After a while, you can’t get any higher. It’s like your head is in a wind tunnel – everything is vibrating.
Method Man
We love, you know, children love the ingredients of poetry. And then they go into this tunnel that we call adolescence, and when they come out of it, they hate poetry.
Billy Collins
When you’re writing about difficult things and darker issues, it’s nice to offer some sort of light at the end of the tunnel. Some sense of hope. Sometimes, the best way to do that is by offering it in the music, so that you can dance your way out of the darkness.
Jens Lekman
I remember when we were in Egypt as refugees. It was tough, but there was always hope – hope that there’s light at the end of the tunnel.
Luol Deng
I liked to watch the expression in the fighter’s face change when you connected with him. You know when you connect in the right spot. It’s like a tunnel vision.
Gerry Cooney
If you do not have an absolutely clear vision of something, where you can follow the light to the end of the tunnel, then it doesn’t matter whether you’re bold or cowardly, or whether you’re stupid or intelligent. Doesn’t get you anywhere.
Werner Herzog
Wherever my story takes me, however dark and difficult the theme, there is always some hope and redemption, not because readers like happy endings, but because I am an optimist at heart. I know the sun will rise in the morning, that there is a light at the end of every tunnel.
Michael Morpurgo
I loved playing at Anfield, but it could be quite intimidating because you come out of the tunnel and see their fans singing ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’, and it gives you goosebumps.
Michael Essien
When I was 20 years old, I got cast in ‘Spring Awakening’ and got swept up in this experience where it was kind of tunnel vision. We were working – it was nonstop.
Jonathan Groff
The light at the end of the tunnel is just the light of an oncoming train.
Robert Lowell
Because people with autism are also strongly obsessional, meaning that they pursue their current interest to extraordinary detail and lengths and in great depth, they can develop ‘tunnel vision’ that prevents them from seeing the bigger picture, including the repercussions of their current actions.
Simon Baron-Cohen
I wanted to put my present joy in the context of all the past pain, to show that there really is light at the end of the tunnel.
Mariette Hartley
Running out the tunnel and hearing my name called out for the first time, stepping out before the game. I just had a different type of feeling, it was amazing, like I actually made it to the NBA.
Collin Sexton
Unhappiness in a child accumulates because he sees no end to the dark tunnel. The thirteen weeks of a term might just as well be thirteen years.
Graham Greene
When I was playing Marius in the inaugural production of ‘Les Mis,’ I contracted glandular fever which developed into a post-viral depression. I was 23 and I couldn’t see any light at the end of the tunnel.
Michael Ball
If you go down through the horizon of a black hole, at the center you don’t find a tunnel that leads you to some other place in the universe.
Kip Thorne
When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don’t throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.
Corrie Ten Boom
It was definitely some tough moments throughout my life, but I kind of stayed focused and came through the other end of the tunnel.
Victor Cruz
I speak to people who have coached me down the years who tell me to look at how far I’ve come and to just keep going, there will be light at the end of the tunnel.
Oliver Burke
There’s no light at the end of the tunnel in the Republican message, no promise of better things to come. There’s only the present stagnation, followed by a slow decline.
John Podhoretz
Struggling is hard because you never know what’s at the end of the tunnel.
Don Rickles
I just kind of do my thing with sort of tunnel vision for the story and my role and how it fits together.
Lin Shaye
As a race car driver, I don’t think I will drive forever, because it is not so much a question of being competitive, but of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
Alex Zanardi
Also the wonderful thing about film, you can see light at the end of the tunnel. You did realise that it is going to come to an end at some stage.
John Hurt
The magic’s back and we’re in a time tunnel, feeling like when we were in our 20s back in the 1970s.
Peter Criss
You cut off the capacity for grief in your life, and you cut off the joy at the same time. They both come up through the same tunnel. You don’t have one without the other.
William Hurt
Research has shown that time pressure leads to tunnel vision and that people think more creatively when they are calm, unhurried and free from stress and distractions. We all know this from experience.
Carl Honore
Some infrastructure projects clearly require massive, coordinated investment – interstate highways or a new trans-Hudson tunnel, for instance. Others don’t have to. We should be unafraid of pilot projects and learning.
Cathy Engelbert
The Hudson River Tunnel is a chokepoint for the financial center – and most productive region – of the United States. It is the most heavily trafficked piece of rail in the entire country and even a partial closure will suffocate our nation’s economy.
Mikie Sherrill
I always said when I was wrestling that you have tunnel vision because it’s all consuming. It’s hard to focus on anything else other than what you’re doing. When I stepped away from that, I wanted to have my hand in a lot of different pots.
Christian Cage
I announce the resignation of the government, perhaps as the only way for Lebanon’s main political blocs to assume their responsibilities and come together to pull Lebanon out of an unknown tunnel.
Najib Mikati
The magic of Disneyland, walking through the tunnel und

The magic of Disneyland, walking through the tunnel underneath the train station to Main Street, it just transports you to other places and other times.
John Lasseter
At a certain point, I became a kind of musician that has tunnel vision about jazz. I only listened to jazz and classical music.
Herbie Hancock