Top 100 Physicist Quotes

In subjects that physicists think of as purely quantum, classical ideas and classical computational techniques can often be powerful.
Kip Thorne
It seems hopelessly improbable that any particular rules accidentally led to the miracle of intelligent life. Nevertheless, this is exactly what most physicists have believed: intelligent life is a purely serendipitous consequence of physical principles that have nothing to do with our own existence.
Leonard Susskind
Physicists are more like avant-garde composers, willing to bend traditional rules… Mathematicians are more like classical composers.
Brian Greene
The weapons were conceived and created by a small band of physicists and chemists; they remain a cataclysmic threat to the whole of human society and the natural environment.
Barry Commoner
We need less memorization – I never memorized the periodic table of the elements – I’ve never used it, and I’m a physicist! I can look it up.
Michio Kaku
There’s branches of science which I don’t understand; for example, physics. It could be said, I suppose, that I have faith that physicists understand it better than I do.
Richard Dawkins
You can convert the teachers, and you can convert the kids, but if they go home saying they want to be a physicist, and the parents question why they would want to do that, then it makes it very difficult.
Jocelyn Bell Burnell
I met Pierre Curie for the first time in the spring of the year 1894… A Polish physicist whom I knew, and who was a great admirer of Pierre Curie, one day invited us together to spend the evening with himself and his wife.
Marie Curie
Modern scientific knowledge appeared piecemeal. Historians wrote about human history; physicists tackled the material world; and biologists studied the world of living organisms. But there were few links between these disciplines, as researchers focused on getting the details right.
David Christian
Female physicists, astronomers and mathematicians are up against more than 2,000 years of convention that has long portrayed these fields as inherently male.
Margaret Wertheim
Our science has become terrible, our research dangerous, our findings deadly. We physicists have to make peace with reality. Reality is not as strong as we are. We will ruin reality.
Friedrich Durrenmatt
I have a theory that evolutionary biologists are more vain than particle physicists.
Robin Ince
Rush Holt would be a fine senator. He’s an actual physicist, which is neat. He cares very strongly about global warming, which is probably the single most pressing issue of our era.
Alex Pareene
Keep in mind that if you take a tour through a hospital and look at every machine with on and off switch that is brought into the service of diagnosing the human condition, that machine is based on principles of physics discovered by a physicist in a machine designed by an engineer.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
A physicist is an atom's way of knowing about atoms.

A physicist is an atom’s way of knowing about atoms.
George Wald
I was brought up as a physicist.
Gerhard Herzberg
Thor is magical, yes, but it is the magic of reality. His hammer was crafted ‘in the heart of a dying star,’ but so were you! Most of the atoms that make you up are in fact the innards of a ball of gas in space that got so heavy that it exploded. Stars died so that you could live, as physicist Lawrence Krauss would say.
Kyle Hill
There are no excuses for theoretical physicists not to perform and deliver.
Ashoke Sen
I always wanted to be an experimental physicist and was attracted to the idea of using continuing advances in technology to carry out fundamental science experiments that could not be done otherwise.
Barry Barish
What appeared to the earlier physicists to be the constant quantity of heat is nothing more than the whole motive power of the motion of heat, which remains constant so long as it is not transformed into other forms of work, or results afresh from them.
Hermann von Helmholtz
For a physicist or a mathematician, the most symmetrical object you could think about would be a sphere, because it looks identical no matter what you do to it, however you rotate it in any given direction.
Lawrence M. Krauss
My brother Carl became a physicist; I became an economist.
George Akerlof
I went to college because my father thought that I should learn engineering, because he wanted to go into the heating business with me. There, I realized I wanted to be a physicist. I had to tell him, which was a somewhat traumatic experience.
Leonard Susskind
The story of the Web starts in 1980, when Berners-Lee, a young consulting physicist at the CERN physics laboratory near Geneva, grew frustrated with existing methods for finding and transferring information.
Katie Hafner
I’m not a science fiction writer, I’m a physicist.
Michio Kaku
Physicists analyze systems. Web scientists, however, can create the systems.
Tim Berners-Lee
Physicists must feel they are in the most exciting field in the world. Their minds must be afire.
Bobbie Ann Mason
Although almost every theoretical physicist agrees with my prediction that a black hole should glow like a hot body, it would be very difficult to verify experimentally because the temperature of a macroscopic black hole is so low.
Stephen Hawking
Whenever you say you’re a physicist, there’s a certain fraction of people who immediately go, ‘Oh, I hated physics in high school.’ That’s because of the terrible influence of high school physics. Because of it, most people think physics is all about inclined planes and force-vector diagrams.
Sean M. Carroll
The development of quantum mechanics early in the twentieth century obliged physicists to change radically the concepts they used to describe the world.
Alain Aspect
Chemistry has been termed by the physicist as the messy part of physics, but that is no reason why the physicists should be permitted to make a mess of chemistry when they invade it.
Frederick Soddy
Today, all physicists know from studying Einstein and Bohr that sometimes an idea which looks completely paradoxical at first, if analyzed to completion in all detail and in experimental situations, may, in fact, not be paradoxical.
Richard P. Feynman
I started studying counterpoint and theory with a physicist whose hobby was music.
Krzysztof Penderecki
Physics is perceived as a lonesome, nerdy kind of enterprise that has very little to do with human feelings and the things that excite people day-to-day about each other. Yet physicists in their own working environment are very social creatures.
Leonard Susskind
I am a nuclear physicist by training and a deeply committed Christian. I don’t have any doubt in my own mind about God who created the entire universe. But I don’t adhere to passages that so and so was created 4,000 years before Christ, and things of that kind.
Jimmy Carter
When I get bored, or get stuck on an equation, I like to go ice skating, but it makes you forget your problem. Then you can tackle the problem with a fresh new insight. Einstein liked to play the violin to relax. Every physicist likes to have a past time. Mine is ice skating.
Michio Kaku
The work of mathematicians on ‘pure’ problems has often yielded ideas that have waited to be rediscovered by physicists. The work of Euclid, Apollonius and Archimedes on ellipses would be used centuries later by Kepler for his theory of planetary motion.
Dominic Cummings
The greatest progress is in the sciences that study the simplest systems. So take, say, physics – greatest progress there. But one of the reasons is that the physicists have an advantage that no other branch of sciences has. If something gets too complicated, they hand it to someone else.
Noam Chomsky
I wanted to become a mathematician, physicist or astronomer.
Philip Emeagwali
Among physicists, I’m respected I hope.
Stephen Hawking
As a physicist, I can state that none of the 18 physicists who signed the Statement works in this field; nor to my knowledge has ever published a paper on this subject.
David Douglass
It takes so long to train a physicist to the place where he understands the nature of physical problems that he is already too old to solve them.
Eugene Wigner
I was a child of a tech family. My grandfather was a nuclear physicist and was always a gadget guy.
Felicia Day
Physics is becoming too difficult for the physicists.
David Hilbert
My mom is an experimental chemist and physicist, so she is a cut-and-dried, nuts-and-bolts kind of woman, and my dad is a theoretical chemist, so we were definitely raised with his philosophical point of view: imaginary numbers and dimensions beyond our own. That’s the kind of thing we would talk about.
Andrew Sean Greer
I vowed to myself that when I grew up and became a theo

I vowed to myself that when I grew up and became a theoretical physicist, in addition to doing research, I would write books that I would have liked to have read as a child. So whenever I write, I imagine myself, as a youth, reading my books, being thrilled by the incredible advances being made in physics and science.
Michio Kaku
When I was 28 years old, I found myself in Schenectady, New York, where I discovered that it was possible for some people to make a good living as physicists.
Ivar Giaever
Bohr’s influence on the physics and the physicists of our century was stronger than that of anyone else, even than that of Albert Einstein.
Werner Heisenberg
My background is basically scientific math. My Dad was a physicist, so I have it in my blood somewhere. Scientific method is very important to me. I think anything that contradicts it is probably not true.
John Astin
Current psychological priesthoods ignore the fact that the profession of psychology was originated by Gustav Theodor Fechner, a physicist who recognized that the key to understanding human nature was the relationship between external stimuli and the brain.
Timothy Leary
The biggest conceptual change over the last 100 years in the way physicists think about the world is symmetry.
Lawrence M. Krauss
My goal is that a girl will watch ‘The Martian’ or ‘Interstellar’ and think, ‘I want to be an astronaut or a quantum physicist.’ It’s important to show powerful women who are good at their jobs because young girls need those examples.
Jessica Chastain