Top 110 Deeds Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Deeds Quotes from famous people such as William Greider, Jesse Jackson, Plautus, Plutarch, Joshua Chamberlain, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

In the deregulated realm of US banking and finance, cri

In the deregulated realm of US banking and finance, crime does occasionally pay for its foul deeds, not in prison time but by making modest rebates to the victims.
William Greider
A man must be willing to die for justice. Death is an inescapable reality and men die daily, but good deeds live forever.
Jesse Jackson
Let deeds match words.
Those who aim at great deeds must also suffer greatly.
The power of noble deeds is to be preserved and passed on to the future.
Joshua Chamberlain
Don’t get taken in by the superficiality of sanskaar. You can smoke, drink and have your share of fun. What matters is to do good deeds.
Alok Nath
The living Church of the redeemed is his book. He founded a religion of the living spirit, not of a written code, like the Mosaic law. Yet his words and deeds are recorded by as honest and reliable witnesses as ever put pen to paper.
Philip Schaff
A man who always speaks the truth wholeheartedly is greater than those who do penance and deeds of charity.
No intelligent man believes that anybody ever willingly errs or willingly does base and evil deeds; they are well aware that all who do base and evil things do them unwillingly.
When the mind once allows a doubt to gain entrance, the value of deeds performed grow less, their character changes, we forget the past and dread the future.
Jules Verne
Somehow, what’s in our hearts, good or bad is eventually translated into words and deeds.
Andy Stanley
Be prepared, and be careful not to do your good deeds when there’s no one watching you.
Tom Lehrer
Real worth requires no interpreter: its everyday deeds form its emblem.
Nicolas Chamfort
And now may the blessing of God rest upon all men. I have told unto them the Epic of Kings, and the Epic of Kings is come to a close, and the tale of their deeds is ended.
Many, whose hearts are conquered by acute spite, roll out balanced tales from their own heart, which do not balance when you weigh words against deeds.
Lucius Accius
Sad will be the day for any man when he becomes contented with the thoughts he is thinking and the deeds he is doing – where there is not forever beating at the doors of his soul some great desire to do something larger; which he knows he was meant and made to do.
Phillips Brooks
Reputation is favorable notoriety as distinguished from fame, which is permanent approval of great deeds and noble thoughts by the best intelligence of mankind.
George William Curtis
I have been doing good deeds since I was just a small child.
Chen Guangbiao
For a season, a gifted speaker can inspire with his words, but for a lifetime John McCain has inspired with his deeds.
Sarah Palin
We would frequently be ashamed of our good deeds if people saw all of the motives that produced them.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
All great deeds and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning. Great works are often born on a street corner or in a restaurant’s revolving door.
Albert Camus
Memories of our lives, of our works and our deeds will continue in others.
Rosa Parks
The Israeli government has proved over the past year its commitment to peace, both in words and deeds. By contrast, the Palestinians are posing preconditions for renewing the diplomatic process in a way they have not done over the course of 16 years.
Benjamin Netanyahu
Now this relaxation of the mind from work consists on playful words or deeds. Therefore it becomes a wise and virtuous man to have recourse to such things at times.
Thomas Aquinas
Often even a whole city suffers for a bad man who sins and contrives presumptuous deeds.
I probably wouldn’t be a good spokesman for an electric car, because I’ll still get on a private jet, and one flight on a private jet undoes all my electric-car good deeds.
George Clooney
Love proves itself by deeds, so how am I to show my love? Great deeds are forbidden me. The only way I can prove my love is by scattering flowers, and these flowers are every little sacrifice, every glance and word, and the doing of the least actions for love.
Thérèse of Lisieux
Only the other world has substance and reality; only good deeds and holy learning have tangible worth.
Abraham Cahan
The fact that we see some people doing what appears to be good civic-minded deeds may be because that is their true intention, and it may be that that is their best way to hold onto power in a setting where they have to depend on a lot of people.
Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
With his deeds, not only words, President Obama has revitalized our struggling space program.
Buzz Aldrin
We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not figures on a dial. We should count time by heart throbs. He most lives who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best.
Philip James Bailey
I don't believe in devils. Indifference and misundersta

I don’t believe in devils. Indifference and misunderstandings can create evil situations. Most of the time, people who appear to be evil are really victims of evil deeds.
Max von Sydow
As my parents taught me, by both words and deeds, a life of public services is as much a gift to the person who serves as it is to those he’s serving.
Merrick Garland
When deeds speak, words are nothing.
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
There is no refuge from memory and remorse in this world. The spirits of our foolish deeds haunt us, with or without repentance.
Gilbert Parker
The vigor and power and comfort of our spiritual life depends on our mortification of deeds of the flesh.
John Owen
If one begins all deeds well, it is likely that they will end well too.
My father is very Jean Valjean. He’s what I would call a great example of a religious person. He is a deeply thoughtful man whose religion is in his deeds way more than anything else. It’s not talked about that much.
Hugh Jackman
If a belief is not realized immediately in open deeds, it is stored up for the guidance of the future.
William Kingdon Clifford
In poverty and other misfortunes of life, true friends are a sure refuge. The young they keep out of mischief; to the old they are a comfort and aid in their weakness, and those in the prime of life they incite to noble deeds.
The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy.
Florence Scovel Shinn
We object not to the narration of the deeds of our unregenerate condition, but to the mode in which it is too often done. Let sin have its monument, but let it be a heap of stones cast by the hands of execration – not a mausoleum erected by the hands of affection.
Charles Spurgeon
When I look at President Obama, I see a leader with a cool head, a caring heart and an open mind, a president who has demonstrated through his demeanor and through his deeds that he is uniquely qualified to heal our divisions, rebuild our nation and lead us to a brighter future together.
Charlie Crist
Kind thoughts are rarer than either kind words or deeds. They imply a great deal of thinking about others. This in itself is rare. But they also imply a great deal of thinking about others without the thoughts being criticisms. This is rarer still.
Frederick William Faber
You wish to put a positive construction on your deeds and words.
Nigel Rees
Our deeds disguise us. People need endless time to try on their deeds, until each knows the proper deeds for him to do. But every day, every hour, rushes by. There is no time.
John Locke
I developed a theory that, in many ways, the early ‘Andy Griffith’ episodes especially were an awful lot like a Capra movie. They were a lot like ‘Mr. Deeds’ or a lot like ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ in tone and presentation.
Ron Howard
Neither soldiers nor money can defend a king but only friends won by good deeds, merit, and honesty.
Old deeds for old people, and new deeds for new.
Henry David Thoreau
Initial reports are encouraging. In the end of the day, it’s going to be deeds, not words, that matter.
Stephen Hadley
To be successful in struggle requires remembrance of the Creator and the doing of good deeds. This is important because successful struggle demands that there be a kind of social consciousness. There has to be a social commitment, a social consciousness that joins men together.
H. Rap Brown
I’m always signing blank deeds. That’s how an escrow company works.
Jeff Greene
What shall I say further? Shall I not stop short and leave to your imaginations to portray the tragic deeds of war? Is it not enough that I here leave it even to unexperience to fancy the hardships, the anxieties, the dangers, even of the best life of a soldier?
Deborah Sampson
Actions are the seed of fate deeds grow into destiny.
Harry S Truman
Other famous men, those of much talk and few deeds, soon evaporate. Action is the dignity of greatness.
Jose Marti
Our democracy is not a product but a continual process. It is preserved not by monuments but deeds. Sometimes it needs refining; sometimes it needs amending; sometimes it needs defending. Always, it needs improving.
Lee H. Hamilton
Where I come from, deeds mean a lot more than words.
Zell Miller
First in France, first in Romania – by land and sea to the English and Paris. Marvellous deeds by that great alliance. The violent brute will lose Lorraine.
The superior man acquaints himself with many sayings of antiquity and many deeds of the past, in order to strengthen his character thereby.
John Milton
My human rights activism has been widely met with encouragement and support. Ahangarani should earn plaudits, not only for her cinematic achievements, but also for her humanitarian deeds and her commitment to increased rights and freedoms for all.
Nazanin Boniadi
One lives with so many bad deeds on one’s conscience and some good intentions in one’s heart.
John Dewey
I hope to God that the inner strength that will vindicate my deeds will in good time spring forth from my own people. I have done as I had to on the prompting of my inner voice.
Kurt Huber
Little deeds are like little seeds, they grow to flower

Little deeds are like little seeds, they grow to flowers or to weeds.
Daniel D. Palmer
Traditionally, royal females who have not had the luck to become queens regnant have been granted very limited roles. They have been expected to look pretty, be discreet, do charitable good deeds, and – if married to princes or kings – be quietly supportive and, above all, fertile.
Linda Colley
Self-reliance is not just words, but deeds.
Ashraf Ghani
The suffragettes were women of action. Their motto was ‘Deeds not Words,’ and the film reflects that with a number of big set pieces, from the smashing of windows in central London to a riot at the Houses of Parliament.
Sarah Gavron
Noble deeds and hot baths are the best cures for depression.
Dodie Smith
Over the years, Good Deeds Day has annually gained greater popularity, spreading beyond geographical boundaries to include many more countries worldwide. International Good Deeds Day has become a global annual tradition of giving.
Shari Arison
Timidity makes a person modest. It makes him or her say, ‘I’m not worthy of being written up in the record of deeds in heaven or on earth.’ Timidity keeps people from their good. They are afraid to say, ‘Yes, I deserve it.’
Maya Angelou
Everything sells. Like integrity. Like democracy. Like truth. Like deeds.
Steven Weber
I knew many Marines had done brave deeds that no one saw and for which they got no medals at all. I was having a very hard time carrying those medals and didn’t have the insight or maturity to know what to do with my combination of guilt and pride.
Karl Marlantes
For them who delay aging, who infuse decrepit bodies with youth and beauty – they must rejoice in the fullness of their deeds.
F. Sionil Jose
All I ever seek from good deeds is a measure of respect.
Walter Annenberg
Religion is interesting because it brings out the best and the worst in humanity. It can be a source of good deeds, whether it’s people from different spiritual backgrounds coming together to help other people in need after a crisis. But it’s also a cause for war and bloodshed.
Josh Gad
Doing Good is a simple and universal vision. A vision to which each and every one of us can connect and contribute to its realisation. A vision based on the belief that by doing good deeds, positive thinking and affirmative choice of words, feelings and actions, we can enhance goodness in the world.
Shari Arison
A number of party… members lack proper discipline, are plagued by individualism, selfishness and opportunism. This gives rise to some individuals’ words not matching their deeds, not adhering to party rules and regulations and having no proper mechanisms for disciplining those who make mistakes.
Nguyen Phu Trong
Honest people don’t hide their deeds.
Emily Bronte
Our acts make or mar us, we are the children of our own deeds.
Victor Hugo
According to the Sutras, evil deeds result in hardships and good deeds result in blessings.
I believe in America. I believe in her purpose and her promise. I believe her best days have not yet been lived. I believe her greatest deeds are reserved for the generations to come.
Rick Perry
As a German, in view of the history of World War II and the terrible deeds of the Nazi period, I feel a special obligation to help as much as I can to develop European-Israeli relations and thus contribute to ensuring Israel’s future and existence.
Helmut Kohl
Similarly, anyone who wishes to understand the mind of the sacred writers must first cleanse his own life, and approach the saints by copying their deeds.
The man who sows wrong thoughts and deeds and prays that God will bless him is in the position of a farmer who, having sown tares, asks God to bring forth for him a harvest of wheat.
James Allen
Noble deeds that are concealed are most esteemed.
Blaise Pascal
We continue to confront racism from our past and our present, which is why we must hold everyone, from the highest offices to our own families, accountable for racist words and deeds and call racism what it is – wrong.
Stacey Abrams
True humility is expressed in deeds, not words. The humble are those who truly walk the same ground as everyone else – not necessarily with grovelling, hunched backs, but certainly not lording it over others, either.
Julian Baggini
When there is life and mankind, a person will live striving for good deeds, liberty and a bright life, and wish that goodness and justice will reign in the world.
Islom Karimov
How oft the sight of means to do ill deeds makes ill deeds done!
William Shakespeare
I tend not to meet the people I write about because I’m not really interested in the people I write about as people. I don’t want to know about their family life. I don’t want to know about their bad habits or their good deeds. I’m interested in their work.
Greil Marcus
The men who have furnished me with my greatest inspiration have not been men of wealth, but men of deeds.
James Cash Penney
I have never believed in keeping bouncers. Even as an actor, I walk alone without star tantrums. My work and good deeds for the country will be my shield.
Binnu Dhillon
What’s wrong with us isn’t a rap sheet of bad deeds, but a damaged heart, a soul-sickness, that plunges us into fearful self-protection, alienation from God and others.
Frederica Mathewes-Green
The passive acceptance of exclusionary words and deeds is not okay.
Chris Sacca
Money is the worst currency that ever grew among mankin

Money is the worst currency that ever grew among mankind. This sacks cities, this drives men from their homes, this teaches and corrupts the worthiest minds to turn base deeds.
We have all had the experience of finding that our reactions and perhaps even our deeds have denied beliefs we thought were ours.
James Baldwin
Too few presidents have steeped themselves not just in Lincoln’s words but his deeds, which is why Obama’s acquaintance with the great man is so compelling – especially since, like President-elect Lincoln, Obama will take office at a perilous time.
Michael Beschloss
A gentleman would be ashamed should his deeds not match his words.
I don’t expect people to forget my brash words or deeds. But I ask that they try to remember the actions that I took that were designed to help them.
George Wallace
Few men would dare to read their own autobiography if all their deeds were recorded in it; few can look back upon their entire career without a blush.
Charles Spurgeon
Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds.
George Eliot
I was always more of a Lydia Deeds than a Disney Princess, so anything offbeat like that, I would love to be a part of.
Ashleigh Murray
I don’t know if there is redemption for people like Charlie Rose or Garrison Keillor. An apology helps, but what really matter are deeds.
Ann Wilson
Not a day passes over the earth, but men and women of no note do great deeds, speak great words and suffer noble sorrows.
Charles Reade
Life is short and if you’re looking for extension, you had best do well. ‘Cause there’s good deeds and then there’s good intentions. They are as far apart as Heaven and Hell.
Ben Harper
Authentic values are those by which a life can be lived, which can form a people that produces great deeds and thoughts.
Allan Bloom
It is our duty to watch over the actions and activities of this government and to insist that, in words as well as in deeds, the interests of our constituency primarily and of the Nation ultimately are served.
Diane Watson
Putting forward your positive energy connects you back to basic human values which we all share. Good Deeds Day shows that no matter the size of the gesture, a smile that brightens someone else’s day or volunteering in your community, we can all take active part in making a difference.
Shari Arison
In the real world, words don’t automatically translate into deeds.
Kathleen Troia McFarland
For as one star another far exceeds, So souls in heaven are placed by their deeds.
Robert Greene
My good works, however wretched and imperfect, have been made better and perfected by Him Who is my Lord: He has rendered them meritorious. As to my evil deeds and my sins, He hid them at once. The eyes of those who saw them, He made even blind; and He has blotted them out of their memory.
Saint Teresa of Avila