Top 111 Elderly Quotes

I think that society has to be careful not to shift all of its resources to the elderly versus the young.
Bill Gates
I’ve personally demanded that tyrants let their people go. I’ve tried to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, protect the elderly and infirm, and defend the needy from the aggressively greedy. I’ve led a blessed life. What a kick for a kid from the projects.
Gary Ackerman
Anything that we can do to improve the lives of elderly people is welcome so far as I am concerned.
Judi Dench
You see these casting directors’ lists of characters, and they’re all boxed in. Twenties is the hot girlfriend, thirties you can still be hot but moving swiftly to hot mum. Forties, you’re the legal person in a pantsuit. Then, once you reach your fifties, you’re positively elderly.
Thandie Newton
Early coronavirus fatality rates as often cited may appear worse than they actually are for a majority of the public because they do not include the many undiagnosed, asymptomatic cases; and because they do not reflect the dramatically elevated risk for the elderly compared to the rest of the population.
Sharyl Attkisson
The dissemination of advanced implantable technology will likely be just as ruthlessly democratic as the ailments it is destined to treat. Meaning that, someday soon, we may have a new class of very smart, very fast people – yesterday’s disabled and elderly.
Daniel H. Wilson
In the high-income English-speaking world, the elderly get treated very well indeed.
Angus Deaton
There are no Hollywood stars speaking out for the elderly. They’re forgotten, bewildered, and I don’t think it’s because people are cruel or don’t care. It’s because you don’t want to think about your own mortality. I think people don’t talk about it enough.
Ricky Gervais
I am a huge admirer of Franklin Roosevelt’s, and I believe social security has done untold good in alleviating the once-widespread issue of poverty among the elderly. FDR believed in the greatness and generosity of Americans – but he was also a cold-blooded politician.
Jon Meacham
Strong families serve society by bringing forth healthy children and maturing young adults, by being a rich source of a compassion for sick members, of support for others in time of crisis and of care for the elderly and the dying.
Vincent Nichols
As the nation’s elderly population grows, dozens of industries have tried to harness the political might of older Americans for corporate goals.
Charles Duhigg
There’s no such thing as ageing gracefully. I don’t meet people who want to get Alzheimer’s disease, or who want to get cancer or arthritis or any of the other things that afflict the elderly. Ageing is bad for you, and we better just actually accept that.
Aubrey de Grey
Those who value a strong safety net for our neediest citizens see that every extra dollar spent on these unions is a dollar that cannot go to help the sick, the elderly, and the vulnerable.
Bruce Rauner
Many seniors understand that Social Security is social insurance as opposed to a program where we put money aside for our own retirement. But most elderly individuals think they’re getting their money back. So it isn’t selfishness as much as a misunderstanding.
Richard Lamm
I don’t think films about elderly people have been made very much.
Maggie Smith
Most elderly are retirees with relatively low incomes. But some may possess assets, and they will be classified as poor. As such, the elderly poverty rate could be overstated.
Carrie Lam