Top 121 Singapore Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Singapore Quotes from famous people such as Pavel Durov, Pritam Singh, Tan Cheng Bock, Kevin Kwan, Lee Hsien Loong, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Telegram's popularity is spread evenly across continent

Telegram’s popularity is spread evenly across continents. We have a substantial user base in Spain, Italy, Netherlands and Germany. Also in Brazil, Mexico and Guatemala in Latin America, India, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq and Uzbekistan, across Asia.
Pavel Durov
For the longest time, the state discourse in Singapore has eschewed any reference to welfare. Similarly, the state has tended to place meritocracy on a pedestal. Political leadership has tended to frame both issues in the extreme, with welfare representing the bad, and meritocracy representing the good.
Pritam Singh
I’m prepared to mentor any political group, even PAP chaps can come to me, I’ll still mentor them. Because the objective must be very clear: you want to train people who will be good MPs. MPs who will think of Singapore first.
Tan Cheng Bock
I was born on the island of Singapore, and I grew up there until I was 11 years old, when I was forcibly removed by my dad and planted into suburban Houston. I was in shock for the first year and then began to really love it – but didn’t love it quite enough to stay.
Kevin Kwan
You have to understand that Singapore is quite different from Mauritius.
Lee Hsien Loong
The first play I did was a funny one called ‘The School for Wives’, by Moliere. We were wearing the ugliest wigs and the worst costumes you can ever imagine to try to recreate 17th-century France in Singapore. But I got my first real pay cheque from that. I was very happy taking that cheque to the bank.
Ng Chin Han
My main mission when I became Prime Minister, was to keep Singapore going and Singapore has been kept going. So, I’m happy with what I’ve done for Singapore.
Goh Chok Tong
When it comes to Singapore’s sovereignty, there can be no doubt where the WP has stood and will continue to stand. We stand with Singapore.
Pritam Singh
Through his long, productive career, Paul Theroux has mixed nonfiction books about exotic travel with novels set in exotic places. Africa, Singapore, Hong Kong, Honduras – he lives in and writes about places most of us never see.
Floyd Skloot
We know India is very focussed on black money; it is a very high-focus subject and we have been very careful to make sure the investments into India are legitimate. There is no ’round-tripping’ or hot money or bad money being funnelled through Singapore.
Lee Hsien Loong
In Singapore, Malcolm X type of activity would be extremely difficult because the government can be very harsh on lawbreakers.
Ian Mckellen
There is the perception that the government’s handling of the Covid-19 crisis has certainly not included adjectives that are more commonly associated with the Singapore government, such as clarity and decisiveness.
Pritam Singh
I am drawing my inspiration from resource-constrained developed nations like Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and Dubai in attracting global investments. Compared with them, Andhra Pradesh has more resources to leverage on.
N. Chandrababu Naidu
Within less than an hour of arriving in Singapore, it was clear we had arrived in a country where eating has been elevated to the status of a national pastime.
Fiona Bruce
If Singapore is a nanny state, then I am proud to have fostered one.
Lee Kuan Yew
I built bridges and worked for the army and SAS in Vietnam and Zimbabwe. I also sold watches and Jaguars in the Philippines and Singapore. In 1977, I returned to civil engineering and was posted to Muscat.
Bob Christo
In Singapore, I want to go to the water park on Sentosa Island.
Peyton List
At least when it comes to food, there’s no snobbery in Singapore.
Kevin Kwan
Singapore has been incredibly well-managed. It was created out of the swamp, with a strong emotional idea: a safe place for mostly Chinese, but accepting other cultures and other races.
Nicolas Berggruen
We want to build a compassionate and truly democratic Singapore where good values and people matter.
Tan Cheng Bock
The pride I feel in representing my people, no matter where I am, is never going to diminish. I could be in Hong Kong, Singapore, Egypt or even Las Vegas, I’ll always be representing my people.
Jay Sean
But, as a kid, I was travelling. Africa, Singapore, Australia, America, South Pacific, Philippines, France – I spent two years in each place and eventually made my way back to Edinburgh University for five years.
Angus Macfadyen
As borders take time to reopen, we will make sure the Government spends our reserves to nurture strong local businesses. To grow local supply chains. And to encourage innovation. This is important because local businesses will be Singapore’s growth catalyst in our post-COVID economy.
Tan Cheng Bock
But I have this vivid memory of flying over Borneo down the coast to Singapore. It was a two-hour journey in those days, and I remember looking out the window for two hours at this amazing canopy of unbroken jungle beneath me.
Clare Rewcastle Brown
I grew up at a time in Singapore – the ’70s and ’80s – where it was still possible to go riding around the island barefoot. And I was one of these kids that was just climbing trees and running around the neighbourhood.
Kevin Kwan
There is a real risk of a parliament dominated completely by elected PAP MPs. Is that a good outcome for Singapore? I would suggest it’s not.
Pritam Singh
As an army marches on its stomach, I vacation on mine. And for that reason, among others, I found myself in holiday heaven in Singapore.
Fiona Bruce
Based on German prototypes, green walls and roofs are a natural idea in Singapore’s tropical environment, where mosses, ferns, philodendrons, orchids and other epiphytes literally grow on trees.
Alan Huffman
But at the end of the day, any president must try to unify Singapore… that must be in the heart of the man who wants to be the president.
Tan Cheng Bock
Facebook is blocked in mainland China, but is used heavily by the rest of the Chinese-speaking world, including Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan.
Rebecca MacKinnon
Freedom of the news media must be subordinated to the overriding needs of Singapore, and to the primacy of purpose of an elected government.
Lee Kuan Yew
To put it bluntly, there isn't one economic theory that

To put it bluntly, there isn’t one economic theory that can single-handedly explain Singapore’s success; its economy combines extreme features of capitalism and socialism. All theories are partial; reality is complex.
Ha-Joon Chang
Countries in Asia – Singapore, certainly, but many other countries too – are good friends to both China and America, and we would like to be good friends with both.
Lee Hsien Loong
It’s tough, because I come to Singapore, and people say I’m not Singaporean, and I go to England, and people say I’m not English. It’s really hard to find your place, not just in the entertainment industry, but in life.
Jessica Henwick
India, Pakistan, China, Singapore and South Korea are heavily investing in nuclear arms. Since 21st century is the century of Asia, Asian countries should be the first ones to drop this arms race.
Óscar Arias
There’s nowhere that looks like Singapore; it’s absolutely beautiful on a purely aesthetic level.
Lisa Joy
I was always going back and forth between Singapore and the U.K.
Jessica Henwick
I experienced the heat when I was playing for Madrid. If we went to places like Sevilla early on in the season it was unbearable. Usually you can feel it on pre-season tours in places like Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Jakarta. The humidity levels are unreal, but this is different, the first game of the World Cup.
Steve McManaman
The Singaporean speculative tradition is different. Singapore doesn’t conceive itself as the centre of the world or the one country that’s going to save the world, so there’s a different tone that comes out in the way speculative fiction is done. That’s refreshing to read.
Ken Liu
In Singapore, I’d spend the majority of my time at hawker centres because the food there is incredible.
Jessica Henwick
Growing up in Singapore, I wasn’t allowed to visit China. So when I was finally able to go there after the country began opening up to tourism in the 1990s, I found it to be utterly astounding.
Kevin Kwan
Singapore is one of my favorite races, and the city is great.
Daniel Ricciardo
Urban design as a discipline barely exists in most American and Canadian cities. In Singapore, there are innovative transportation strategies at work.
Moshe Safdie
I’m part Spanish. My paternal grandfather came from Spain via Singapore to Manila. On my mother’s side it’s more mixture, with a Filipino mother and a father who was Scotch Irish-French; you know, white American hybrid. And I also have on my father’s side a great-great-grandmother who was Chinese. So, I’m a hybrid.
Jessica Hagedorn
I was born on the island of Singapore, and I grew up there until I was 11 years old, when I was forcibly removed by my dad and planted into suburban Houston. I was in shock for the first year and then began to really love it – but didn’t love it quite enough to stay.
Kevin Kwan
I’ve never been invited to do an exhibition or do a talk in England, except once, about 10 years ago. I’ve given talks all across Canada, many in the United States, South Africa, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan – but not England.
Brian Wildsmith
When I first came to Australia, one thing that struck me was how everything closed early. Singapore is very much a 24/7 place. You can get good food any time of the day – in the middle of the night, even.
Ronny Chieng
The risks of piracy spreading beyond the Red Sea and Indian Ocean, off the Somali coast, and in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore and beyond are substantial.
Peter Middlebrook
Our regular fitness programme means that the race lasting longer than others should not be a problem, but something you have to prepare for in Singapore is ensuring you always keep well-hydrated, as the heat and humidity can easily dehydrate you.
Romain Grosjean
What we have to learn from Singapore is multiculturalism or clearly having the aspect of a global city.
Park Won-soon
The political outcome that is desired is one which makes any government sensitive to the pulse of the people and their welfare, allowing any ruling party to govern without gridlock while promoting the political openness that so many of us yearn for in Singapore.
Pritam Singh
India’s sprawling subcontinent can never become a plus-size Singapore. But perhaps we can weave together an urban web that is the equivalent of a thousand Singapores.
Anand Mahindra
I think I fell in love with Singapore.
The U.S. has the finest research scientists in the world, but we are falling far behind other countries, like South Korea and Singapore, that are moving forward with embryonic stem cell research.
Louise Slaughter
Singapore is likely to be the world’s first market for self-driving cars. Commercial services around self-driving vehicles will likely be in Singapore before they are anywhere else in the world.
Karl Iagnemma
Every culture is different in terms of what is taboo and what is acceptable. I grew up in Singapore, where people are very mindful of that. One can see that as restriction or as consideration for a fellow person living within a shared environment.
Ng Chin Han
For me, any chance to serve Singapore even in its limited capacity… I would be glad to take it up and use it to serve Singaporeans.
Nicole Seah
You want to try to keep your sleep and meal patterns attached to the time zone that you’re in. It’s important so you don’t feel disoriented. If we take a red-eye and land in Singapore at 8 A.M., we’re not going to bed. Force yourself to stay awake, have breakfast, power through the day.
Harley Pasternak
My mother always said bringing me up was a tiring business, which I ‘believe. For instance, when we lived in Singapore, the Chinese staff used to leave their slippers at the bottom of the steps. Every night, I used to go and remove their slippers. I stopped being tiresome at about 14.
Ann Widdecombe
Singapore is a pretty fantastic place, and the race is always a challenge.
Romain Grosjean
I love Singapore’s rooftop bars.
Corinne Bailey Rae
I do enjoy Singapore very much.
Tim Rice
Asia can learn much from Europe. Trade could be made ea

Asia can learn much from Europe. Trade could be made easier in Asia, and the conditions for doing business could be improved by reducing red tape. In this regard, Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea have done better than the best in Europe.
Sri Mulyani Indrawati
In ‘Crazy Rich Asians,’ Singapore will be seen as it should be seen, without CGI, without the altering of the images to be more Chinese – a representation of Singapore as we know it and love it.
Henry Golding
It’s strange because pandan cake isn’t hard to make but yet it can only be bought in Singapore.
Zhao Wei
Getting to places like Bangkok or Singapore was a hell of a sweat. But when you got there it was the back of beyond. It was just a series of small tin sheds.
David Attenborough
I try to be very current. I try to take something from everywhere I’ve been. I’ve wrestled in Japan, Singapore, China, Germany, and England. I try to bring a mix of different styles to the table.
Johnny Gargano
When material comes to me, I don’t care where it’s coming from. Japan, Singapore, China, Africa… it could be from everywhere. The material should excite me. It’s not important where it’s coming from.
Aamir Khan
Through the outreach that I have done, through platforms, I hope to unify Singaporeans because at the end of the day, Singapore is our home. We share a common destiny, and I think all of us work together for the benefit of our country.
Tony Tan
It has to be good to live in Singapore because otherwise, nobody will stand for it.
Lee Hsien Loong
Singapore is a natural gateway for international firms looking to access Asia and for Asian businesses to access the world.
Tony Tan
Like so much in Singapore, admission to the Marina Bay’s casino is hierarchical: Free for anyone with an international passport, costly for locals, off-limits to migrant workers altogether.
Alan Huffman
However, should any Singaporean consistently establish that he or she rejects Singapore or our Constitution or runs Singapore down with a political agenda overseas, neither I, nor the WP will stand for such conduct.
Pritam Singh
We stand stoutly against all forms of terrorism, and cross-border terror is a particular problem that India has. Singapore has a problem with cross-border terror, too, because we are a very small country, and it is quite possible for an attack to be mounted on Singapore from beyond our shores.
Lee Hsien Loong
Singapore is a pretty special race with it being held at night; it makes a great show for the fans.
Romain Grosjean
If the wrong people show their true colors only after reaching our highest offices, Singapore is finished.
Pritam Singh
I am wary of unknown street food, available in plenty in places such as Singapore and Malaysia.
Vijay Antony
The Singapore Open is the flagship event of the Asian Tour, it is a massive event and it is being played in a great place. I love coming here and it is good to be back.
Lee Westwood
In Singapore, drivers generally obey the rules, but the attitude around pedestrians is actually quite different. It’s culturally different. People drive safely, but it’s not the same deference shown to pedestrians.
Karl Iagnemma
I know an elderly society matron in Singapore who would rather walk in the scorching sun for blocks on end rather than have her chauffeur drive into the Central Business District at peak hour and pay the $1.50 surcharge.
Kevin Kwan
Whatever initiatives we launch, we must always put the interests of Singaporeans and Singapore first.
Tony Tan
Singapore is one of my favorite races, and the city is great.
Daniel Ricciardo
The project that I did between ‘Boxer & Saints’ was ‘The Shadow Hero,’ which is illustrated by Sonny Liew, an artist who lives in Singapore.
Gene Luen Yang
The original communitarianism of Chinese Confucian society has degenerated into nepotism, a system of family linkages, and corruption, on the mainland. And remnants of the evils of the original system are still found in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and even Singapore.
Lee Kuan Yew
I don’t much like Singapore. It’s very big, very modern and very urbanised. As a rule, I prefer older places where you get a sense of the history.
Philippa Gregory
Singapore needs to be able to continue to add value to China in order for the relationship to be worthwhile for both sides.
Lee Hsien Loong
I was born in Singapore, but I left at four so memories are hazy.
Fiona Bruce
I have fond memories of Singapore. I shot here for around 25 days for ‘Bengali Babu English Mem.’
Mimi Chakraborty
My grandmother used to get her shoes made in Paris in the ’30s, and they would be shipped to her in Singapore.
Kevin Kwan
The countries who do the best in international comparisons, whether it’s Finland or Japan, Denmark or Singapore, do well because they have professional teachers who are respected, and they also have family and community which support learning.
Howard Gardner
You have an impeccable argument if you said that Singapore, Hong Kong, and Tokyo are food capitals. They have a maximum amount of great stuff to eat in the smallest areas.
Anthony Bourdain
Singapore has everything under one roof. There is something for everyone, right from my kids to my husband.
Aishwarya R. Dhanush
My mother is Lithuanian Australian, and my father was born in Singapore, but he is Pakistani / Saudi Arabian.
Shanina Shaik
I've done a bunch of consulting; I've actually spent ti

I’ve done a bunch of consulting; I’ve actually spent time in Singapore, England, Denmark, all over.
David Cohen
Wisdom would dictate that a sense of proportion, empathy and balance should drive how the Workers’ Party approaches Singapore politics.
Pritam Singh
The fact is Qatar, Etihad, Emirates, Singapore, Garuda, all of the three Chinese airlines, Air New Zealand – the fact is that international aviation relies very much upon agreements between nation-states, and it is not an area in which you have free market operations.
Anthony Albanese
I grew up in Singapore, and I went to Australia for law school, and after law school, I started doing stand-up comedy.
Ronny Chieng
Having stayed in Singapore for a period of time, I’ve seen how parents here have high expectations of their children because they want their kids to do well.
Zhao Wei
The area I hope we can learn most from Singapore is in the productivity and efficiency of its public servants.
Ko Wen-je
What we can do in Singapore may not be doable elsewhere. Some things you know you need: you want efficient government, you want clean government, you want to do away with corruption, you must educate your people. You want to get housing and so on. All these are not such secrets, not so special to Singapore.
Lee Hsien Loong
Whether you’re from Egypt or Argentina or Singapore or Canada, you have a need to feel important, a need to feel secure, and a need to feel loved. The culture and economics just determine how those needs are expressed.
Mark Manson
The Common Core State Standards are based on the best international research. They are built on the standards used by the most effective education systems around the world, including Singapore, Finland, Canada and the U.K.
Rex Tillerson
Whether a plane to Singapore, a subway in Manhattan, or the streets of Cincinnati, I search for meaningful conversation wherever I may travel. Without it, I believe we lose the ability to not only understand others, but more importantly, ourselves.
Dhani Jones
My main mission when I became Prime Minister, was to keep Singapore going and Singapore has been kept going. So, I’m happy with what I’ve done for Singapore.
Goh Chok Tong
I think Singapore is one of the great cities of the world.
Marco Pierre White
In Singapore, there may be 50 old-money families, but you wouldn’t know them to look at them.
Kevin Kwan
I’ve been to McDonald’s in Spain, Greece, Turkey, Ireland, Norway, Denmark, Holland, Scotland, Hong Kong, Japan, Canada and Singapore. Despite that, I’m still without a fast food endorsement, which hurts a bit because you’re not really somebody unless someone is paying for your McDonald’s.
Robin Lopez
Growing up in Malaysia, there wasn’t really a problem with representation. We saw faces like ours on screen because Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, China and Hong Kong all have their own film markets. It was only until I went back to the U.K. when I realized, ‘Where did all these faces go?’
Henry Golding
You can find fine dining in Singapore but there’s also a wide spread of local dishes available. In Singapore, I prefer to try the local bites.
Zhao Wei
I love Singapore because there’s a lot we can learn from them!
Nuseir Yassin
If I go to Singapore, I have friends there. If they came to Zambia, they’d feel the same way. I’ve made connections, and I have friends in many, many countries.
Dambisa Moyo
It is amazing that you now have a bus company in Ballymena producing world class buses for Hong Kong, Singapore, London and Las Vegas.
Martin McGuinness
If you don’t have that Singapore core, you can top up the numbers, but you are no longer Singapore. It doesn’t feel Singapore – it isn’t Singapore – and we can issue everybody red passports, but where is the continuity?
Lee Hsien Loong
I was drawn to the ethos of WP, which believes in building a strong and reasonable opposition that contributes to our political landscape in Singapore in a constructive manner. It’s a party that does not oppose for the sake of opposing.
Nicole Seah
Singapore has always held a special place in my heart.
Asha Bhosle
The most important thing to keep in mind is the incredible diversity of talent that’s out there – there are so many great actors from all over Asia, from Singapore and Hong Kong to the Philippines and Mainland China, not to mention many great Asian-American actors who are eager for fun and challenging roles.
Kevin Kwan
A truly united Singapore means having a Parliament that reflects all views, and not just the PAP view or the group-think of a single political party.
Tan Cheng Bock
In my wide travels across the world and my meetings with various heads of states, be that Africa or South Asia, Singapore or in high level meetings in the U.S., U.K. or Japan, one common mention is about Dr. Singh’s extraordinary reputation as a Wise Man, an outstanding Economist and a fine Gentleman.
Sunil Mittal
The first play I did was a funny one called ‘The School for Wives’, by Moliere. We were wearing the ugliest wigs and the worst costumes you can ever imagine to try to recreate 17th-century France in Singapore. But I got my first real pay cheque from that. I was very happy taking that cheque to the bank.
Ng Chin Han
We were constantly traveling between Malaysia and Singapore, which is connected by a bridge at the southernmost end of Malaysia. In fact, when I was a child, I had to go between countries twice a day to go to school, because I was living in Malaysia at the time but attending primary school in Singapore.
Ronny Chieng
We need a President who is intellectual, who is a brilliant thinker, and not only that, someone who has a heart for the people and who can represent Singapore on the greater world stage.
Nicole Seah