Top 130 Carter Quotes

Electing Barack Obama president was a glorious Jackie Robinson moment for the United States of America. Obama didn’t just win; he became the first Democrat since Jimmy Carter to win a popular-vote majority.
Timothy Noah
I like Dixie Carter as a person a lot. I think she’s great.
Matt Hardy
I didn’t see Kirby Puckett as a Hall of Famer. I didn’t see Gary Carter as a Hall of Famer. I didn’t see Don Sutton as a Hall of Famer. I didn’t see Phil Niekro as a Hall of Famer. As much as I like Jim Rice, I’m not so sure he’s a Hall of Famer.
Reggie Jackson
In his 4 years in the White House, President Carter worked to make the Federal Government more competent and compassionate and more responsive to the American people.
Nathan Deal
At the Carter Center we work with victims of oppression, and we give support to human rights heroes.
Jimmy Carter
I remember the Vince Carter Raptor days: playing all the video games with him. Playing against him is one thing; having a chance to learn from him is a whole – another level of excitement.
Willie Cauley-Stein
President Jimmy Carter was a citizen soldier. Ironically, he was considered weak because he didn’t kill anybody and he didn’t get anyone killed.
Andrew Young
It’s kind of wild for me any time anybody says, ‘I love this movie with Lauren Ashley Carter. I’m going to watch all her other movies,’ because that’s exactly the way I feel as a fan of other actors.
Lauren Ashley Carter
I’m an advocate for gay marriage. I have more gay friends than Carter has pills.
Patti Stanger
The post-presidency, as Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton have proved, is a win-win. Money, Nobels, the ability to leverage your global celebrity for any cause or hobbyhorse you wish, plus freedom to grab the mike whenever the urge takes you without any terminal repercussions.
Tina Brown
What I know of Steve Trevor is everything that I learned from ‘Wonder Woman,’ the television series with Lynda Carter. And I don’t remember much. I do remember his uniform, though.
Nathan Fillion
Eventually, and thanks to my dad, I started working for Total Nonstop Action for $1,000 a show. He was the boss, right under Dixie Carter. TNA wasn’t doing too well at that point, but I had a job making okay money.
The first time I ever saw snow skis was when I was 62 y

The first time I ever saw snow skis was when I was 62 years old and that was 19 years ago and I’m still skiing. So, we’ll be skiing with some very close friends of the Carter Center letting them know what the Carter Center is doing around the world. We have programs in over 65 countries.
Jimmy Carter
In the post-Watergate atmosphere of 1975 and 1976, the just-plain-folks personalities of both Ford and Carter seemed the perfect antidote to Nixon’s arrogant, isolated presidency. But as alert history-minded readers know, Ford and Carter were both rebuffed by voters in their efforts to hold on to the presidency.
Jeff Greenfield
Eric Carter is a more raw, more emotional protagonist. He’s a bit of an Everyman.
Corey Hawkins
In critical ways, Obama has reversed not just Bush policy but every president’s approach to the world since the Second World War, save for that of his soulmate Jimmy Carter.
Elliott Abrams
When Reagan left office, he was the most unpopular living president, apart from Nixon, even below Carter. If you look at his years in office, he was not particularly popular. He was more or less average. He severely harmed the American economy.
Noam Chomsky
Though there are many differences between Barack Obama and Jimmy Carter, they are strikingly similar in their poor economic records and even more so in their shared pessimism and bearishness on America.
David Limbaugh