Top 130 Hardship Quotes

It isn’t easy to suffer failure, go through all the pain and the hardship.
Abhinav Bindra
Sorrow happens, hardship happens, the hell with it, who never knew the price of happiness, will not be happy.
Yevgeny Yevtushenko
I like files. I like editing a CSS file without necessarily having to edit an HTML file. I like fixing a problem by replacing a corrupted file with a clean one. Maybe I’m set in my ways, but I don’t consider it a hardship to open a folder or replace a file.
Jeffrey Zeldman
The very greatest things – great thoughts, discoveries, inventions – have usually been nurtured in hardship, often pondered over in sorrow, and at length established with difficulty.
Samuel Smiles
The origin of all revolutions and corruption, and the spur and source of all base morals are just two sayings: The First Saying: ‘So long as I’m full, what is it to me if others die of hunger?’ The Second Saying: ‘You suffer hardship so that I can live in ease; you work so that I can eat.’
Said Nursi
Laughter is a uniting force, it brings people together, and it makes hardship easier.
Every entrepreneur has to deal with hardship, but if we’re tough enough and thoughtful enough, we can find a way to make hard things make us better.
Eric Greitens
One of the things that pains me is we have so tragically underestimated the trauma, the hardship we create in this country when we treat people unfairly, when we incarcerate them unfairly, when we condemn them unfairly.
Bryan Stevenson
Maybe it’s the music that enables them to function like that, to always take everything as it comes and never complain about the misery, hardship or injustice.
Wim Wenders
When you’re playing somebody who’s going through a lot – frustration and hardship – you’re just purging all your emotions, and it feels really good to do that.
Amanda Seyfried
The origin of all revolutions and corruption, and the s

The origin of all revolutions and corruption, and the spur and source of all base morals are just two sayings: The First Saying: ‘So long as I’m full, what is it to me if others die of hunger?’ The Second Saying: ‘You suffer hardship so that I can live in ease; you work so that I can eat.’
Said Nursi
In war and in peace, in prosperity and times of economic hardship, America has no better friend or more dependable ally than the United Kingdom.
Louis Susman
Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.
Thich Nhat Hanh
The pine stays green in winter… wisdom in hardship.
Norman Douglas
Poverty leads to hardship and failure.
Irwin Redlener
My parents did not come to the U.S. with much; they had a lot of hardship.
Nathan Chen
The justification for early boarding is based on a massive but common misconception. Because physical hardship in childhood makes you physically tough, the founders of the system believed that emotional hardship must make you emotionally tough. It does the opposite.
George Monbiot
When only a minority consisting of capitalists can enjoy the good life, while the majority of workers must endure hardship, they will naturally not be able to live together in peace and harmony.
Sun Yat-sen
Prison is no hardship, really. I’m in the art room as an assistant to the tutor, and basically, I’m doing what I like.
Rolf Harris
I think we’re programmed for hardship. In my experience, human beings are happiest when they’re working themselves to the bone. People are more likely to feel adrift and unsatisfied when they have too much leisure time. Obstacles are good.
Jeff Carlson
The purposeful restriction of knowledge has been at the heart of untold misery and hardship in this world. Serfs were kept illiterate so as to not jeopardize the feudal system. Slaves were kept in the dark on a variety of subjects so as to not provide them the possibility of escape.
Niger Innis
Whenever I write about immigration, I hear heart-wrenching stories of computer workers who are unemployed and facing severe hardship.
Vivek Wadhwa
There is no success without hardship.
Human behavior in the midst of hardship caught my attention very early on, and my first stories were all pictures, no words.
Wally Lamb
In the past, missionaries have traveled to far countries with the message of the gospel – with great hardship and often with the loss of life. In contrast, we can reach millions instantly from the comfort of our homes by merely hitting the ‘send’ button on our computers, or with iPads, or phones.
Ray Comfort
I usually give a book 40 pages. If it doesn’t grab me by then, adios. With young adult books, you can usually tell by Page 4 if it’s worth the time. The author establishes the conflict early, sometimes in the first sentence. The themes of hope, family, friendship and overcoming hardship appeal to most everyone.
Regina Brett
While salvation is a free gift, the ‘winning Christ’ can only be through unreserved consecration and unquestioning obedience. Nor is this a hardship, but the highest privilege.
Hudson Taylor
Humor is always important. There are people who help us deal with difficulty or hardship; from the concentration camps to the court jester, there was a need for humor. As long as these kinds of things exist, with repressive regimes, you need it to deal with the weight of daily life.
Maz Jobrani
Focusing only on street homelessness is resource-intensive, and acts after the rough sleeper has already endured significant hardship and trauma. Acting before people are homeless makes far more sense, economically and for the long-term wellbeing of a household.
Dawn Foster
Every true Christian is a soldier – of Christ – a hero ‘par excellence’! Braver than the bravest – scorning the soft seductions of peace and her oft-repeated warnings against hardship, disease, danger, and death, whom he counts among his bosom friends.
Charles Studd
Without strong communities, we cannot pull together during times of hardship. Our diversity turns from a source of strength to a source of conflict.
Vivek Murthy
Psychologically, it’s difficult to ever shrug off the effects of extreme hardship or poverty, family bereavement, chronic ill health or the memory of violent conflict.
Dawn Foster
The age-old mistake, which has stunted countless lives, is the assumption that because physical hardship in childhood makes you physically tough, emotional hardship must make you emotionally tough.
George Monbiot
I think men, growing up, you have to go through some form of hardship. You’ve got to harden the metal.
Ice T
We need leaders who are able to vividly remember how it feels to experience hardship, trauma and pain, who make us feel less alone.
Stephanie Land
My poverty taught me a lot. If someone dies, I cannot cry as I have seen so much hardship and death. I went to shoot even the day my dad had died. Death is reality.
Johnny Lever
Even if you were to fall into extreme financial hardship and file for bankruptcy, you need to understand that your student loan debt will not be discharged in bankruptcy. It is the Velcro of all debts.
Suze Orman
I’m often drawn to characters that are more obviously one thing. They’re passionate, and there is always an element of strength because I think every person possesses that in some way, even if they’ve experienced hardship in their lives.
Kate Winslet
Our disabled veterans earned their benefits by serving our great nation, and we must protect them and their families, especially during financial hardship.
Lucy McBath
There are uses to adversity, and they don’t reveal themselves until tested. Whether it’s serious illness, financial hardship, or the simple constraint of parents who speak limited English, difficulty can tap unexpected strengths.
Sonia Sotomayor
Out of economic hardship can come change – we are suddenly cast onto our wits and our talents and our resources and our strengths, as we lose all the choices we once had.
Michael Leunig
I don't wish hardship on anybody. My background was one

I don’t wish hardship on anybody. My background was one of being very difficult, very hard, and they were subject to the times I lived in. I wouldn’t wish that on anybody.
Kerry Stokes
It was no hardship to me to spend long hours reading and writing.
Patti Smith
We have to remember that no matter how much hardship we go through in our life, there is always going to be that fragile place in our heart.
Angie Martinez
There’s a mindset of flexibility and adaptability that comes with us. We don’t mind hardship. We don’t mind somebody saying, ‘Go in and do this nasty job.’ Whatever the job is, we can do it. That’s why the nation has a Marine Corps.
James F. Amos
I interviewed dozens and dozens of African women who had endured more hardship and trauma than most Westerners even read about, and they ploughed on. I often openly cried during interviews, unable to process this violence and hatred towards women I was witnessing.
Lynsey Addario
Everything is an open book. I don’t speak on other people’s hardship, but if it happened in my life or something that has been an experience on my particular journey, I’m going to talk about it. That’s what my fan base appreciates the most. I’m universal. You can relate to the things I say or that I go through.
Kevin Hart
When faced with a challenge, happy families, like happy people, just add a new chapter to their life story that shows them overcoming the hardship. This skill is particularly important for children, whose identity tends to get locked in during adolescence.
Bruce Feiler
The Coronavirus crisis is causing fear, anxiety and financial hardship for families across our community, our state and our nation.
Jeff Van Drew
I see, in this life, the hardship many suffer. I see the joy that music can give. How we deal with all this is part of a preparation for the next life.
Andris Nelsons
Let me say no danger and no hardship ever makes me wish to get back to that college life again.
Joshua Chamberlain
A mother deserves a day off to care for a sick child or sick parent without running into hardship – and you know what, a father does, too. It’s time to do away with workplace policies that belong in a ‘Mad Men’ episode.
Barack Obama