Top 130 Polls Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Polls Quotes from famous people such as Kitty Kelley, Mike Fitzpatrick, Mollie Hemingway, Jack Kemp, Nina Turner, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

When Caroline Kennedy endorsed Barack Obama in 2008 as

When Caroline Kennedy endorsed Barack Obama in 2008 as her father’s rightful heir, she laid upon him the mantle of Camelot and the enduring mystique of John F. Kennedy, who, according to polls, continues to be America’s most beloved president.
Kitty Kelley
Despite the administration’s long public information campaign, for many months polls have consistently indicated only 37 percent of those eligible for Medicare say they only partially understand the program.
Mike Fitzpatrick
Pundits talk as if polls are always right, but if they were, pundits wouldn’t have jobs.
Mollie Hemingway
If you believe these polls, you’re making a mistake.
Jack Kemp
The best way to build a house is not from the top, but from the bottom. When you go to the polls, vote from the bottom up.
Nina Turner
Whether wisely or not, one of the first priorities of the incoming Obama administration was to present a package of healthcare benefits, which, to no one’s surprise, produced an uproar in Congress and an assortment of polls declaring that the majority of Americans were opposed to it.
Sherwin B. Nuland
In the polls, over 80% support the right to die and have done for the last 25 years. Even 80% of practising Catholics and Protestants support it, plus 76% of Church Times readers.
Polly Toynbee
Polls that have been taken by kindergarten, first- and second-grade teachers indicate that 30 percent of the kids have been deprived in some way so that they are physically unable to keep up with the class.
C. Everett Koop
According to various polls conducted, the single most important issue in last week’s election was not the Iraq War, not the War on Terror, not even the economy. It was the cultural war.
John Doolittle
The polls are with us on this. They say the American people, more than anything, want to see spending cuts rather than tax increases.
John Fleming
It’s gratifying to work for somebody who doesn’t measure accomplishment by the temporary state of public-opinion polls.
Steve Schmidt
Opinion polls show that millennials are focused, aspirational and entrepreneurial. The young people I meet want more freedom – to start firms, keep more of what they earn, and move to areas with opportunities without paying a fortune.
Liz Truss
It seems the more shallow and mean the candidates are the more they rise in the polls.
Paul F. Tompkins
It doesn’t matter what the early votes look like. It doesn’t matter what the polls look like. We can lose everything.
Jon Lovett
Particularly in the South, efforts continue to be made to deny blacks access to the polls, even where blacks constitute the majority of the voters.
Coretta Scott King
The polls are just being used as another tool of voter suppression. The polls are an attempt to not reflect public opinion, but to shape it. Yours. They want to depress the heck out of you.
Rush Limbaugh
The considerations and aspirations of the people in the Lok Sabha polls is completely different from Assembly polls.
H. D. Kumaraswamy
I look at what the polls say about attributes. I noticed in 2004 that George W. Bush led John Kerry by double digits for eight straight months on the question of who is more likely to take a position and stick with it.
Kellyanne Conway
According to recent opinion polls, a large majority of Iraqis believe that the U.S. military has no intention to leave Iraq, and that it would stay even is asked by the Iraqi government to leave.
John Conyers
Squabbling in public will eventually ruin football; there’s no doubt it’s hurting us already. Polls taken by Louis Harris – polls as valid as any political polls – indicate that very clearly.
Pete Rozelle
I think President Bush tried to step up on Social Security even though the polls showed that was unpopular. He has not been successful and backed off, but I admire people who take on big problems.
Donna Shalala
The polls indicated that I was feisty, that I was tough, that I had a sense of humor, but they weren’t quite sure if they liked me and they didn’t know whether or not that I was sensitive.
Geraldine Ferraro
On the one hand, she is cut off from the protection awarded to her sisters abroad; on the other, she has no such power to defend her interests at the polls, as is the heritage of her brothers at home.
Florence Kelley
The national polls are distorted. To get a national sample, they rely too much on Hispanics from New York and California, which is where large populations are but also where most of the radical Hispanics are.
Paul Manafort
I don’t put a lot of stock into polls.
Justin Trudeau
Since too few Americans go to the polls, I say what this country needs is a bobblehead election, where voters will get free bobblehead dolls of their choice when they show up and vote for president.
Frank Deford
Do you ever get the feeling that the only reason we have elections is to find out if the polls were right?
Robert Orben
I’m passionate about mobilizing young Latinos to get to the polls, so I’m involved with Voto Latino. Latinos are a vital but underrepresented force in this country.
Ana Ortiz
The six of us gathered at my house, and we walked to the polls. I’ll never forget it. Not a Negro was on the streets, and when we got to the courthouse, the clerk said he wanted to talk with us. When we got into his office, some 15 or 20 armed white men surged in behind us – men I had grown up with, had played with.
Medgar Evers
Opinion polls sponsored by newspapers were traditionally meant to bring to the fore the mood of the people objectively.
N. Bhaskara Rao
A hit show takes Hollywood magic indeed, but it also takes a lot of math and science, plus the study of polls and trends to make and sell a TV show.
Kristoffer Polaha
Sure, it is apparent that presidents are looking at pol

Sure, it is apparent that presidents are looking at polls, but they are also stepping up on issues. President Clinton stepped up on tobacco. He shaped the polls on the tobacco issue.
Donna Shalala
Azam Khan must be barred from contesting polls.
Jaya Prada
Gay rights is just a matter of time. Look at the polls. Worrying about gay marriage, let alone gay civil unions or gay employment rights, is a middle-age issue. Young people just can’t see the problem. At worst, gays are going to win this one just by waiting until the opposition dies off.
Gail Collins
Journalists should denounce government by public opinion polls.
Dan Rather
The winner of the elections which saw the participation of almsot 30 million people was the Iranian nation and the losers were those who tried to keep people away from the polls.
Ali Khamenei
You live by the media, you live by the polls, you’ve got to suffer by the polls, too.
Kellyanne Conway
It’s not opinion polls that determine the outcome of elections, it’s votes in ballot boxes.
Nicola Sturgeon
You cannot be driven by the polls. The polls change all the time; they’re easily manipulated by whoever wants to ask those poll questions; they go up; they go down.
Dick Cheney
We have too many politicians who are poll-driven to excess. Polls are important. You’ve got to know what the public is thinking, but you can’t let them drive you completely.
Rudy Giuliani
Polls? Nah… they’re for strippers and cross country skiers.
Sarah Palin
There is a reality to the primary process, and you don’t win primaries by being ahead in national polls. You win them by winning Iowa, by winning New Hampshire, by winning South Carolina, winning Florida.
Rudy Giuliani
The problem is that when polls are wrong, they tend to be wrong in the same direction. If they miss in New Hampshire, for instance, they all miss on the same mistake.
Nate Silver
We live in a diverse nation, but it isn’t that diverse. If any one state showed results so dramatically different from the results in each of the other 50 states, the likeliest explanation would be that someone had tampered with the polls.
Timothy Noah
There is often little to distinguish what Beijing wants from what Canada’s foreign affairs mandarins want out of the Canada-China relationship, which is in any case rarely even close to what Canadians want – like some demonstrable public benefit for once, the opinion polls consistently show.
Terry Glavin
Bringing climate change to the forefront of American politics means making politicians feel the heat – in their campaign coffers and at the polls – and it’s time we voters make a change.
Tom Steyer
In Britain, polls show large majorities in favour of mansion taxes and higher taxes on the finance sector.
Geoff Mulgan
If you’re sick and tired of the politics of cynicism and polls and principles, come and join this campaign.
George W. Bush
Second, recent polls over there show that the majority of Iraqis want us to leave precipitously.
William Odom
I haven’t trusted polls since I read that 62% of women had affairs during their lunch hour. I’ve never met a woman in my life who would give up lunch for sex.
Erma Bombeck
You can’t depend on polls.
Michael Bloomberg
I’m a believer in the polls, by the way. Rarely do you see a poll that’s very far off.
Donald Trump
In those stupid online polls to find the best sitcom ever, ‘Father Ted’ never gets the credit it deserves.
Sean Lock
You can drive yourself crazy and tie yourself in knots trying to anticipate what someone’s going to like or not like, and doing test screenings and opinion polls. But pay too much mind to that, and you’ll wind up with a big pile of mush.
Kevin Feige
Ronald Reagan knew audiences. It was a key element of his political genius. One of the things at which brilliant politicians are better than mediocre ones is smelling new public concerns over the horizon before they are picked up by polls – before the public even knows to call them ‘issues’ at all.
Rick Perlstein
If the characters on ‘The West Wing’ were watching a TV show wherein a character like Trump was leading in the polls, they wouldn’t find it believable.
Aaron Sorkin
In modern politics, polls often serve as the canary in the mine – an early warning signal of danger or trends. But polls can also be used to wag the dog – diverting attention from something significant.
Donna Brazile