Top 646 Gay Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Gay Quotes from famous people such as Johnny Vegas, Jamie-Lynn Sigler, Stephen Fry, Michelle Visage, Cynthia Nixon, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

There's lots of stuff about me being a fan of Cliff but

There’s lots of stuff about me being a fan of Cliff but not being gay. Which suggests that he is, but he’s not. Anyway, this is Channel 4, let their lawyers sort it out.
Johnny Vegas
Gay marriage is absolutely something that I am in full support of and a big advocate of, and I think it’s an important issue, but there’s a reason that I don’t talk about politics and why I’ll never be in politics. I am not the person to ever do that.
Jamie-Lynn Sigler
I think the fact that I’m so well known to be gay makes it very difficult to have a convincing relationship with a woman on screen. It wouldn’t be at all difficult for me to kiss a woman – I’ll kiss a frog if you like.
Stephen Fry
As a mom to biological children and adopted gay children all around the world, nothing gives my heart strings a tug as much as seeing a parent stand by their queer/gay/trans child with beaming pride.
Michelle Visage
I believe we all have different ways we came to the gay community and we can’t and shouldn’t be pigeon-holed into one cultural narrative which can be uninclusive and disempowering.
Cynthia Nixon
Though gay lifestyles have certainly moved into the open, there’s little evidence that society has become more open in its basic attitudes or that entertainers should feel cozy in emerging from the velvet underground.
Peter Bart
The gay bunting erects his white crest, and gives utterance to the joy he feels in the presence of his brooding mate; the willow grouse on the rock crows his challenge aloud; each floweret, chilled by the night air, expands its pure petals; the gentle breeze shakes from the blades of grass the heavy dewdrops.
John James Audubon
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender teens are bullied and ostracized in epidemic proportions. It’s disgusting, and it must change.
Monica Raymund
You can’t wake up one day and say ‘I’m for gay marriage,’ and wake up the next day and say ‘I’m against it.’ Wake up one day and say, ‘I’m pro-choice,’ and the next day wake up and say, ‘I’m pro-life.’ There’s no credibility there.
Roger Stone
The battle going on over gay marriage in America reveals an awful lot. The Bible belt – people hate gay people. Because the Bible tells them? No, the Bible tells them an awful lot of things that they ignore.
Ian Mckellen
Remember that I was out of the closet at the age of sixteen. My parents knew I was gay; I’d had to tell them.
Boy George
A person once asked me, in a provocative manner, if I approved of homosexuality. I replied with another question: ‘Tell me: when God looks at a gay person, does he endorse the existence of this person with love, or reject and condemn this person?’ We must always consider the person.
Pope Francis
I come from the New York theatre world, and I have a lot of gay male friends, so this friendship of Will and Grace’s isn’t such a stretch.
Debra Messing
When I was growing up, I was obviously gay, and I got heckled every day of my life. The only way I knew how to survive was to make people laugh. If I could make them laugh, I wouldn’t get hung in a locker for two hours. That’s a blessing.
Carson Kressley
I saw ‘Brokeback Mountain’ in a packed house in Chelsea, New York, when I was filming a Bollywood film there. Chelsea, being a predominately gay neighbourhood, had the most euphoric reaction. I saw couples holding hands and crying at the end. It was the most heartening viewing I have ever been to.
Karan Johar
To me, if a heterosexual has a right to do it, then I have a right to do it. And if it’s important to the gay youth – who are now setting the agenda – then its important to me.
Harvey Fierstein
No self-respecting gay guy would have ever made some of the hair and clothing choices I am still trying to live down.
David Copperfield
Above these universal themes ‘Truth Will Set U Free’ is also a song composed for those who were born gay. I am a straight man so I do not profess to understand or know what a LGBT person experiences but I do recognize injustice when I see it.
Corey Hart
The two hot issues are the gay issue and the abortion issue. These are the two defining issues in the evangelical community these days. I’m sure that these hot buttons will be pushed, time and time again.
Tony Campolo
I was horrified when Richard Chamberlain and Rupert Everett said gay actors should stay in the closet. They were saying to people that they should live a lie and not be liberated, to live in fear of being found out.
Alan Cumming
There is just a lot of creativity and theatricality in performers who happen to be gay. Maybe there’s a success in numbers, so by the law of averages we are going to get these jobs.
Neil Patrick Harris
What ‘March’ is saying is that it doesn’t matter whether we are black or white, Latino or Asian. It doesn’t matter whether we are straight or gay.
John Lewis
I’m sure other people in the business have considered reasons why they’re doing what they’re doing, but I do think that if you’re gay you have a responsibility to come out.
Rachel Maddow
I consider myself gay because at the end of the night, that’s who I want to cuddle with. But when I go out, I go to straight clubs.
Jai Rodriguez
Cogsworth, the character I did on ‘Beauty and the Beast,’ could be a bit flamboyant onscreen, because basically, he is a cartoon. But they didn’t want Cogsworth to become Disney’s gay character, because it got around a gay man was playing him.
David Ogden Stiers
I think the world has a place for gay superheroes, certainly.
Stan Lee
I have hardly any friends who aren’t gay.
Tracey Emin
All I want to do is be a gay icon. I was reading Lady Gaga’s twitter, because she has like 12 million followers, or something like that. I feel like she has fans, gay, straight, bi, who would throw themselves off a building for her.
Mindy Kaling
I think people feel threatened by homosexuality. The problem isn’t about gay people, the problem is about the attitude towards gay people. People think that all gays are Hannibal Lecters. But gay people are sons and daughters, politicians and doctors, American heroes and daughters of American heroes.
Hollis Stacy
Lying about one’s sexuality seems to be one of the ridiculous rules of what constitutes being a Hollywood movie star. Obviously, my own experience of working and continuing to work as an out gay actor is exactly that – working as an actor and not as a movie star. I don’t think the two are the same.
Ben Daniels
I’m for all kinds of gay rights. I’m almost like a gay man myself.
NeNe Leakes
I have a wife and a son, but the gay rumors have starte

I have a wife and a son, but the gay rumors have started. I guess it’s a sign that I’m moving up the ladder.
Hugh Jackman
For some reason, the military seems more afraid of gay people than they are against terrorists, but they’re very brave with the terrorists… If the terrorists ever got a hold of this information, they’d get a platoon of lesbians to chase us out of Baghdad.
Gary Ackerman
I now realize that I am a gay man before anything else. Other gays may think they’re a Jew first, or black, or a banker, but I’m gay.
Larry Kramer
It’s not the ’90s anymore. I think the gay community is a lot more accepted these days.
Tila Tequila
And I’m in favor of that because I have a gay son, who’s a very successful theater designer.
Robert MacNeil
It never occurred to me that I needed to say that I was gay. I simply am. Anyone who knows me or who’s been around me ten minutes knows it too.
Michael Jeter
If people are going to complain about stereotyping, it’s as likely to be Italian-Americans as gay people.
Jason Bateman
Being gay in San Francisco is fun. Being gay in Saudi Arabia – that’s a whole other matter.
Gilbert Baker
I’m not that good looking… nobody is that good looking. I have seen a lot of movie stars, and maybe four are amazing looking. The rest have a team of gay guys who make it happen.
Tina Fey
My mom doesn’t get the whole gay thing, but she loves me.
Jai Rodriguez
I got into theatre very early, so yes I was surrounded by gay people quite early and frequently.
Judith Light
I feel strongly for gay marriage to be accepted.
Bernadette Peters
My dad’s gay experiences really had a very positive influence on me and my straight relationships – how to better accept all the weirdness and ambiguity and ups and downs and paradoxes. I knew from the beginning I was writing about love.
Mike Mills
There’s nothing wrong with being gay. I have plenty of friends who are going to hell.
Stephen Colbert
When I see gay people holding hands or kissing in the streets, I just don’t think that’s right.
Tim Hardaway
I don’t like gay people and I don’t like to be around gay people. I am homophobic. I don’t like it. It shouldn’t be in the world or in the United States.
Tim Hardaway
I know growing up as a young gay person how much you hate yourself, how much you already think you’re different.
Cat Cora
The more I’ve been able to learn about gay rights and equal pay and gender equity and racial inequality, the more that it all intersects. You can’t really pick it apart. It’s all intertwined.
Megan Rapinoe
Ultimately, love conquers all, and gay or straight, don’t we all want to believe that? I would that if this was to happen to me, and one of my kids had come and told me he or she was gay, I would say: If that’s the only way you can live, then I love you.
Paul Sorvino
When you’re a kid growing up, and you think you’re gay, you know that you’re different; you’re often teased and it can really destroy your self-esteem. But sports can be great for building self-esteem.
Greg Louganis
It’s a facet of the gay rights movement that people don’t think about enough. Why suddenly marriage equality? Because it wasn’t until 1981 that the court struck down Louisiana’s ‘head and master rule,’ that the husband was head and master of the house.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Now I’ve devoted my life to making sure that I can be a trailblazer for any other African American kids or any other gay kids or any other kids that just feel weird or uncomfortable and have their own issues and don’t know how to express themselves. I want to be like a beacon for those kids now.
Todrick Hall
Can’t blame men for wanting him. And wouldn’t be surprised if Dad even mildly flirted back. Dad somewhat enjoyed being called gay. He said it made women want to prove the assertion wrong.
Jennifer Grant
Gay guys love women who are tough, who are survivors. They always call me a diva. And I am a survivor; I’ve pulled through everything and I’ve not become bitter about it.
Samantha Fox
Yes, we become stronger when men and women, young and old, gay and straight, native-born and immigrant fight together to create the kind of country we all know we can become.
Bernie Sanders
The first director who ever allowed me to shoot a film for him was a male. He was a gay male. My first feature also came from him. I worked for a lot of dudes at NYU.
Reed Morano
It’s important for closet gay athletes everywhere, not just at the professional level, but more importantly athletes at the younger level in high school and college, to understand they do have support around them and that they can come out and feel comfortable. And honestly, that is going to help save lives.
Scott Fujita
I think people are slowly realizing that don’t have to be looking in a mirror to enjoy something. And they’re realizing that watching a show with drag queens in it doesn’t make you gay any more then listening to rap makes you black.
Trixie Mattel
Thinking back on it, I’ve been in this business since I was 3, and I grew up in musical theater, so I was raised and surrounded by gay men and gay women. I was hardly around anyone straight.
A. J. McLean
In the case of my book, I don’t think it’s really the coming-out gay novel that everyone really needed, even though it was received as such. The boy is too creepy, he betrays his teacher, the only adult man with whom he’s enjoyed a sexual experience, etc.
Edmund White
Gay people are made and not born.
I don't care who anybody sleeps with. If a couple has b

I don’t care who anybody sleeps with. If a couple has been together all that time – and there are gay relationships that are more solid than some heterosexual ones – I think it’s fine if they want to get married. I don’t know how people can get so anti-something.
Betty White
I don’t know if I make the best gay films.
Ang Lee
I’m an advocate for gay marriage. I have more gay friends than Carter has pills.
Patti Stanger
On gay adoption I have changed my mind.
Theresa May
It’s a good thing to be foolishly gay once in a while.
If I was gay, why wouldn’t I admit it? It wouldn’t harm me.
Simon Cowell
Being able to live my life transparently does empower me to feel like I can be myself more. It’s easier for me to flirt with girls now that girls know that I’m gay. It almost makes it a sexier encounter than if I was trying to pretend that I was straight.
Neil Patrick Harris
I was part of a show called ‘Manifest Equality’ in Los Angeles in 2010, and I realized there was a disconnect between people who are gay or have gay friends and are gay-friendly, and people who think they don’t know any gay people.
iO Tillett Wright
I have always been attracted to gay guys so I always thought I am gay man.
Trisha Paytas
Will isn’t a screaming queen – that’s Jack’s part. They needed someone to play the part for America. It’s just not the same as Britain. To have a gay character as a lead is risky.
Eric McCormack
It’s okay for me to be gay, but God didn’t make me that way.
David Copperfield
There’s an awareness of fashion in this country, and it’s not limited to gay people.
Calvin Klein
A lot of people thought I was gay.
Anderson Silva
I would say that although my music may be or may have been part of the cultural background fabric of the gay community, I consider myself an outsider who belongs everywhere and nowhere… Being a human being is what truly counts. That’s where you’ll find me.
Annie Lennox
I grew up in one of the most socially conservative neighborhoods in Ohio, and my parents were traditional Catholics. But in her old age, my mother got her home health care from a guy who was gay, who was wonderful to her. Before she died, she rode a float in the Cincinnati Gay Pride Parade.
Gail Collins
I have no problem whatsoever with allowing gay people to live as they please, as long as they don’t try to impose their lifestyle on everyone else.
Ben Carson
All over the country, they’re reading about me, and the story doesn’t center on me being gay. It’s just about a gay person who is doing his job.
Harvey Milk
I don’t really care how or why Obama got to the right place on gay marriage. I’m just glad he got there.
Mark McKinnon
I was so beat down as a young person – being black, being gay, being unable to assimilate because I could never, ever pull off being butch.
Billy Porter
When I was in high school I got involved in the fringe theater scene in Chicago, and I met some openly gay people. I could see that it got better, that they were happy and loved and supported. I saw with my own eyes that it got better.
Dan Savage
If I was 14 and knew some gay people, I wouldn’t nearly have had the struggle I had. Our world is definitely changing.
Portia de Rossi
I’m happy to say I’m a feminist. Being a feminist is just believing in equal rights. Man, woman, gay, straight, black, white – we’re all in it together.
Aaron Taylor-Johnson
I’m not focused on the gay and lesbian movement.
Billy Graham
Certainly our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters need to be supported in living out their call to holiness.
Salvatore J. Cordileone
And also, there’s a reason why gay characters are so interesting. Because much like the women in Bridgerton,’ there are a lot of hurdles and there’s a lot of self-growth, and there’s a real strength to gay men.
Jonathan Bailey
I think that gay marriage should be between a man and a woman.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
It wasn’t that much of a stretch to play a gay demon. I am, you know, both gay and a demon. Don’t tell my wife.
Ken Marino
I have a wide spectrum, a wide demographic. I have the young girls, I have the gay community, I have many regular theatergoers. I do feel a tremendous responsibility and pride to be a role model for some of these young people.
Idina Menzel
Gay icons usually have some tragedy in their lives, but I’ve only had tragic haircuts and outfits.
Kylie Minogue
George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were gay, just for starters. They didn’t have a name for it, but their primary affections and intellectual attractions were all for other men.
Larry Kramer
Gay TV has been immensely important in transforming American culture in a more gay-positive direction.
Tony Kushner
I wasn't close to my father, but I wanted to be all my

I wasn’t close to my father, but I wanted to be all my life. He had a funny sense of humor, and he laughed all the time – good and loud, like I do. He was a gay Irish gentleman and very good-looking. And he wanted to be close to me, too, but we never had much time together.
Judy Garland
Every player has played with gay guys.
Charles Barkley
Jesus never said a word about homosexuality. In all of his teachings about multiple things – he never said that gay people should be condemned. I personally think it is very fine for gay people to be married in civil ceremonies.
Jimmy Carter
I’m an Air force Brat and I’ve lived all over the world and this country and there were people in my community who were gay – nurses, hairdressers, designers – people who just had a different way about themselves.
Pam Grier
My depression at the end of Wham! was because I was beginning to realise I was gay, not bi.
George Michael
What the Pope thinks of being gay does not matter to the world. It matters to the people who like the Pope and follow the Pope… It is not a reflection of all religious people.
Lady Gaga
When I got married, my mother was very surprised. She said: ‘What on earth is going on? I thought you were gay?’
Stephen Daldry
In New York City, it’s popular. I used to think to myself, ‘Man, there’s a lot of gay people out here.’ And it had me comfortable: it was like, I can be myself! I used to still try to hide it, until it was really overwhelming – there were just too much girls attracted to me!
Young M.A
For many gay and bisexual men of color, economic inequalities add to the pernicious effects of oppression and homophobia.
Karamo Brown
A significant fraction of evangelical voters appear more likely to ignore the candidates’ specific economic and foreign policy platforms in favor of concerns about gay marriage or abortion.
Lawrence M. Krauss
I have put gay dating on the map.
Patti Stanger
Valentino was apparently gay or bisexual. And his two lesbian wives. But without any question, he had sex with men. From choice. So he was one or the other.
Cesar Romero
Gay men don’t have much in common with lesbians.
Douglas Murray
I am very proud of the role I played in getting legal equality for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, and in helping get rid of the prejudice by being visible about it, helping to block the conviction of Bill Clinton of impeachment.
Barney Frank
One of the greatest compliments you can ever get is when you make fun of a certain sect of people and they are laughing the hardest. When we did ‘Men on Film’ on ‘In Living Color,’ gay men wrote in how much they loved it.
Marlon Wayans
The stereotypical gay man is someone whose company I enjoy, someone who makes me laugh, someone I’d want my kid to be. The stereotypical gay woman makes me insecure, conscious of my failings as a feminist.
Ayelet Waldman
When you make that choice of stepping out and facing the issue of disclosure, you do create this kind of self-imposed negative fear. It’s unfortunate it still happens today. ‘Do I step out and say I’m a gay guy?’ But you have got to do it and live your life on your terms and no one else’s terms.
Rob Halford
I’ve had so many crushes on gay boys.
Alicia Silverstone
It’s illegal to be gay in Little Rock – this is such a reality for so many people, but once people get to these bubbles of New York or L.A. or Boulder, Colorado, they forget.
iO Tillett Wright
I’m not gay, so I don’t know much about Broadway musicals.
Norm MacDonald
I think all gay men are used to people saying no to them, to people not giving them choices.
Perfume Genius
I don’t understand what the big deal is with gay marriage. Get over it, people.
Kristin Chenoweth
I was at Yale from 1953 to 1957, and I tried to commit suicide in my freshman year because I was gay, and I thought I was the only person in the school who was. I was just totally and utterly miserable.
Larry Kramer
Gay activists claim that because I don’t subscribe to their political agenda, I am a homophobe, meaning I have a mental disorder – because that is what phobias are.
Laura Schlessinger
Just because you’re gay doesn’t mean you’re not homophobic.
Hannah Gadsby
For the record, I am gay.
Megan Rapinoe
I do not support a constitutional amendment to prohibit gay marriage.
Corrine Brown
I’m not an adulterer. I’m not gay.
Michael Strahan
There are pop managers, and then there’s Simon Cowell, who isn’t gay, Jewish or particularly riveting. He’s not without interest but he doesn’t exactly have the hinterland of, say, Brian Epstein.
Peter York
Instead of plotting the demise of the traditional family, as some politicians and religious leaders would have you believe, gay people mow their lawns and watch ‘American Idol’ and video their children’s concerts and have the same hopes and dreams that their straight counterparts do.
Jodi Picoult
The more people who come forward and talk about how much they love gaming, how much they talk about individuality and diversity, the more gamers of color that come out and gay gamers that come out and everybody talking about what they love – that’s what the community has in common: a love of gaming.
Aisha Tyler
I'm trying to tell kids if they are gay, it's OK to be

I’m trying to tell kids if they are gay, it’s OK to be gay. I’ve tried to tell families if they have a gay family member to accept them and love them as they always have.
Jeanne Phillips
To me, celebrity doesn’t mean a whole lot unless you’re willing to use it. So I wanted to use it in a different way, with my AIDS work, the human rights stuff for the gay and lesbian community and the speaking I do.
Judith Light
The representation of gay characters on screen is important for us all to think about because there are sadly too few representations of gay characters on screen in mainstream cinema. If Marvel starts making movies about gay superheroes, then we’ll be in a really great place. We’re not at that place.
Graham Moore
You look at the Americans. They don’t lack fervour in moral causes. They promote democracy, freedom of speech, women’s rights, gay rights, sometimes even transgender rights. But you don’t see them applying that universally across the world with all their allies.
Lee Hsien Loong
Gay marriage is the last bastion of, to me… as a legal, ceremonial, sentimental and religious side, it’s one of the last steps. Retaining your job being one of the earlier steps, like, not getting kicked out of your job because you’re gay.
Gus Van Sant
That pains me in my heart to think that someone who is gay would think that I don’t love them and care about them.
Kirk Cameron
I have lots of friends and, like me, they’re not married. So my kids have lots of godparents – men and women, gay and straight. My loft is always filled with people helping me out with them and loving them.
Edie Falco
I had a hell of a time convincing people I was gay – which was so annoying!
Portia de Rossi
I, personally, am trying to get more and more involved with the gay and lesbian movement, very much so.
A. J. McLean
If you look at issues like immigration, gay marriage, gun regulation – these are all things that probably wouldn’t be a source of much discussion at all in D.C., if they weren’t sources of self-perpetuation.
Mark Leibovich
You don’t have to be gay to be attracted to your friend.
Vera Farmiga
I’m for human lib, the liberation of all people, not just black people or female people or gay people.
Richard Pryor
Yesterday Senator John Kerry changed his mind and now supports the ban on gay marriages. I’m telling you this guy has more positions than Paris Hilton.
David Letterman
Coming to the Gold Coast and being able to live as an openly gay man is really important.
Tom Daley
Dancehall has always had a homophobic problem, but you go to dance parties in Jamaica, and some of the biggest dancers are kinda gay, just not outspoken about it. Dancehall was the first kind of music I was DJing, and it was always more about the rhythm.
I would love to have children some day. I’d like little gay boys. That would be good.
Lara Stone
I’d just rather have a really sharp, interesting, smart gay son than some big dumb hetero meathead.
It was a pleasure to be a gay eyesore.
Lance Loud
The reason there’s so many gay people now is because it’s a chemical warfare operation, and I have the government documents where they said they’re going to encourage homosexuality with chemicals so that people don’t have children.
Alex Jones
I know a lot of gay males who I work with that are fantastic people and I love hanging out with them. But because I hang out and bring gay men into my life, does that mean that I’m gay? I promise you that I very much love women.
Ryan Seacrest
We need somebody who’s got the heart, the empathy, to recognize what it’s like to be a young teenage mom, the empathy to understand what it’s like to be poor or African-American or gay or disabled or old – and that’s the criterion by which I’ll be selecting my judges.
Barack Obama
People want to talk about whether I have rock cred, whether I’m selling out, the theatricality, the gay stuff… Chill out! And just enjoy yourself.
Adam Lambert
I have asked the village blacksmith to forge golden chains to tie our ankles together. I have gathered all the gay ribbons in the world to wind around and around and around and around and around and around again around our two waists.
Harry Crosby
I’m sorry I’m not gay or Jewish, so I don’t have a special interest group of journalists that support me.
Vincent Gallo
Gay sisters don’t think too bad of transvestites. Gay brothers do.
Marsha P. Johnson
Holding those two identities of being gay and Asian have, I guess, made my skin a little thicker.
Bowen Yang
The gay male is always going to be at the bottom.
Scott Thompson
Of course, I have a different vested interest in the gay community, because I am gay, and I would certainly enjoy the tax advantages that straight people have, and the inheritance advantages, and things like Social Security, but I’ve always been a civil rights advocate across the board. That’s how I was raised.
Janis Ian
We really got a lot of very conservative gay people. You could look at the figures from the last election and realize that a third of the gay movement voted Republican.
Kate Clinton
Issues over same-sex marriage and LGBT people in the PCUSA are not new: there is a 40-plus year history of arguments and tacit agreements over the issue of sexuality in the denomination, and the first openly gay minister in the PCUSA was ordained in 2011.
Anthea Butler
Exactly Straight women who surround themselves only with gay men or white people who refuse any other race into their circles are unhealthy and it has more to do with one’s individual fear and individual closets.
Judith Light
I could be wrong, but I think heterosexual marriage is

I could be wrong, but I think heterosexual marriage is threatened more by heterosexuals. I don’t know why gay marriage challenges my marriage in any way.
Elizabeth Edwards
I’m so sick of gay this, gay that. I could care less. It ain’t affecting my life at all.
Larry the Cable Guy
But it’s amazing how many people think that gay men should slink off into the shadows when it comes to having friendships with children.
Armistead Maupin
I knew that this was what I wanted to talk about on stage. There was no point being coy about it, or pretending that I wasn’t gay. That was the substance of my whole act. If you took that away, there would be nothing left.
Julian Clary
My mother and father could not handle even me being gay. We never talked about it, really.
Rufus Wainwright
Sexuality is very fluid, but I never chose to be gay.
Adam Silvera
Being transgender, like being gay, tall, short, white, black, male, or female, is another part of the human condition that makes each individual unique, and something over which we have no control. We are who we are in the deepest recesses of our minds, hearts and identities.
Linda Thompson
STAR is a very revolutionary group. We believe in picking up the gun, starting a revolution if necessary. Our main goal is to see gay people liberated and free and have equal rights that other people have in America.
Marsha P. Johnson
I notice that students, particularly for gay students, it’s too easy to write about my last trick or something. It’s not very interesting to the reader.
Thom Gunn
‘Star Trek’ fans totally accepted my sexual orientation. There are a great number of LGBT people across ‘Star Trek’ fandom. The show always appealed to people that were different – the geeks and the nerds, and the people who felt they were not quite a part of society, sometimes because they may have been gay or lesbian.
George Takei
I don’t Google myself, but I’ve heard that people think I’m gay. I’ve heard it all.
Kellan Lutz
I’m sure that people who elected me, some of them thought I was gay, some of them thought I wasn’t gay, and most of them didn’t care.
Ed Koch
There are so many different camps about what being gay means. The danger comes when each one is so rigid that it sees itself as the true picture.
Dan Butler
The corporate right fires up the religious right against gay marriage and abortion and uses their votes to push their deregulation and tax cuts for the rich. It’s an old trick. The House of Saud has the same arrangement with the Mullahs in Saudi Arabia.
Adam McKay
I have the most eclectic audience – I’ve got gay, I’ve got straight, black, white, rich, poor, young, old, in 45 countries. And they don’t all come because I’m the Sinatra kid, though that’s a big part of it. My biggest successes have come from pop songs that I write myself.
Michael Buble
You know, I’m gay and I grew up being aware of that at a very early age, in a fairly repressed family.
Alan Ball
You see gay relationships that are just stunning in the quality of the relationship.
Justin Welby
To hang out in a gay bar or put on a sequined halter top makes me feel like a total person.
Dennis Rodman
My favorite thing to do is to wind those guys up by hitting on their girlfriends. I say, ‘I think your girlfriend’s gorgeous, but it’s all right, I’m gay.’ They get very nervous after a few minutes!
Adam Garcia
My image had always been very heterosexual, very straight. So it was a nice experience for me, a chance to clarify my own feelings about gay and lesbian civil rights.
Bruce Springsteen
I think also there was a lot of coming to terms with where I am in life, where I fit in as a gay man in America, and getting more comfortable with who I am.
Bob Mould
Think about it: Look at the strides of awareness and treatment and tests that women have had with breast cancer, that the gay community has had with AIDS, because they’re active and they talk about it.
Herbie Mann
I feel like Hollywood likes to use gay people to tell either really sad gay stories starring straight actors, or everything’s about a struggle. Everything’s about coming out. Nothing was about just living and breathing as a human being who happens to be gay.
Tommy Dorfman
I think my election is one of several indications that gay and lesbian folk are being brought more into the center of things. I’d like to think that my election signals my bringing of gay and lesbian folk into the center of the church.
Gene Robinson
An operetta is simply a small and gay opera.
Gustav Mahler
Says he, ‘I am a handsome man, but I’m a gay deceiver’.
George Colman
I was raised thinking I’d burn in hell for being gay, but I didn’t have a choice. It’s just who I am.
Jai Rodriguez
It wasn’t a secret that I was gay. I’d come out to my parents during my junior year of high school, on the day that I also wrecked the family car.
Mary Cheney
It became clear to me in an instant that living a gay life without publicly acknowledging it is simply not enough to make any significant contribution to the immense work that lies ahead on the road to complete equality.
Zachary Quinto
I am not gay.
Roberto Cavalli
Without gay men, I am nothing.
Janice Dickinson
You live with the fear people might find out. Then you

You live with the fear people might find out. Then you actually have the courage to tell people and they go, I don’t think you are gay. It’s enough to drive you crazy.
Portia de Rossi
I’m gay, and I was born this way.
Cat Cora
There are gay and lesbian people in all walks of life, in all different types of professions. I just happen to be a gay man who sings in a heavy metal band.
Rob Halford
There’s no question that the gay movement would not be as far along as it is without AIDS. But how can there be any other issue in the face of death, possible extinction?
Larry Kramer
I think gay marriage should be the national law.
Rose McGowan
Just like food, you could think peanut butter is your favorite food for 5,000 years and then be like, ‘I actually like burgers better’, you know? I was just trying to say that kids and people in general don’t have to label themselves and say, ‘I’m straight’ or ‘I’m gay’ or ‘I’m whatever.’
Lily-Rose Depp
Sexuality is very fluid, but I never chose to be gay.
Adam Silvera
Gay people are the sweetest, kindest, most artistic, warmest and most thoughtful people in the world. And since the beginning of time all they’ve ever been is kicked.
Little Richard
Personally speaking, growing up as a gay man before it was as socially acceptable as it is now, I knew what it was to feel different, to feel alienated and to feel not like everyone else. But the very same thing that made me monstrous to some people also empowered me and made me who I was.
John Logan
Man, if you’re gay we can be friends. If you’re straight, we can be friends. I’m not gay, I don’t plan on being gay, I don’t condone it and I’m not sayin’ I’m against it.
ASAP Rocky
I would like to do another piece of fiction dealing with a number of issues: Lesbian parenting, the 1960’s, and interracial relationships in the Lesbian and Gay community.
Audre Lorde
No candidate can win a presidential race advocating gay marriage and opposing the military action in Iraq.
Dick Morris
I don’t much care who is gay or straight or married or not. I mostly notice if they are brave enough to confront bigotry.
Jasmine Guy
I think specifically because of the character that I played, people are very connected to her. I used to get letters from young gay and lesbian and trans-gendered kids saying, ‘I didn’t kill myself because of Buffy’.
Amber Benson
One of my favorite episodes was the one in which Homer grew hair. That was a very unique episode, since there was a gay secretary, but that wasn’t even the issue of the show-the issue was Homer’s image changing because he had hair.
Dan Castellaneta
There are some people that the press like to pick on and not just the gay press, but the press in general. And some people, the press just doesn’t care about at all.
Nathan Lane
The first gay person I ever met was surely not the first gay person I ever met.
Mary Schmich
I am for gay marriage. Or same-sex marriage. I don’t want to say it the wrong way. I think people are sensitive to it. I have been painted as being this right-wing zealot on choice. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Harold Ford, Jr.
My thoughts on gay marriage are that everyone has the right to love and be loved, and that’s the position I take.
Nick Jonas
I’m saying it loud: I’m a Republican who supports gay rights.
Mark McKinnon
Most Americans don’t care about gay marriage.
Dan Savage
If a person is homosexual by nature – that is, if one’s sexuality is as intrinsic a part of one’s identity as gender or skin color – then society can no more deny a gay person access to the secular rights and religious sacraments because of his homosexuality than it can reinstate Jim Crow.
Jon Meacham
I feel like in 10 or 15 years’ time our children are going to look back and say, ‘What? You were around when gay people weren’t allowed to get married?’
Scarlett Johansson
It’s of very little importance to me that I was born gay. It doesn’t make me a better athlete, it doesn’t make me a stronger person, it doesn’t really do anything to enhance my life. It’s just something I was born with, the same as green eyes.
Johnny Weir
I’m 10-12 years into life as an out gay man, and I’m a different person. I think there are things about my journey that might be useful to other people, and coming up with a hit record on its own doesn’t seem to be enough anymore.
George Michael
Anyone who watched George W. and Karl Rove while the former was governor of Texas will recognize a familiar pattern. Like much of Bush’s social policy – from faith-based social services to railing against gay marriage – women’s issues are one of the bones they’ve decided they can throw to the Christian right.
Molly Ivins
When I first ran for Congress in the 1990s, my background as an openly gay Asian was one of the focal points of the campaign, and, in fact, my opponent attacked me for it.
Mark Takano
I’m happy to be everybody’s gay best friend.
Andy Cohen
Maybe there are logical reasons for a gay person not to have a great relationship with their parents – not because there’s a parent who made him gay, but just because it may be difficult to understand everything.
B. D. Wong
I remember on the pilot of ‘Will and Grace’ some executives from NBC saying to me, ‘There are too many gay jokes.’ I said, ‘If not on this show, then what show?’
James Burrows
I have a big gay and lesbian following and they’ve been very loyal and kind to me.
Dolly Parton
I have some good friends of my own who happen to be gay

I have some good friends of my own who happen to be gay, and when it comes to gay, straight, or whatever, I’m for anything life-affirmative. I’m for gay power, straight power, male power, female power; everybody should feel empowered without oppressing anyone who’s different.
Matthew McConaughey
I think the least stereotypical gay character on television is probably Matt LeBlanc on ‘Episodes.’ He just plays it so straight-faced. They never talk about the fact that he’s such a huge gay person.
Adam Pally
What was interesting was talking to older gay men about what it was like being gay in the Eighties.
Dan Stevens
I don’t judge people by their sexual orientation or the color of their skin, so I find it really hard to identify someone by saying that they’re a gay person or a black person or a Jewish person.
Diana Ross
I’m a gay man who came from the last years of illegality. That focused my whole character. I think it focused everyone’s character in a way. You saw yourself as outside of the main structure.
Rupert Everett
My kind of gay, meeting a woman and falling in love, is a different experience because it wasn’t anything about ‘Oh, I’ve always been gay and I’m breaking the chains.’
Carol Leifer
For the most part, it was never assumed that I was gay, and I’ve had people be sort of surprised that I was gay or act apologetic like they didn’t know, which would just make me really uncomfortable. And I never had shame for it, but I never felt like introducing myself as, ‘I’m Antoni. I’m gay. How are you?’
Antoni Porowski
By definition, gay is smart. I see plenty of macho heterosexual idiots, but nine times out of 10 you can have a great conversation if you find a gay guy.
Jason Bateman
In the past, it weighed on me because nobody in my family is gay. I had no role models so I had to find my own way.
When I was running for speaker, people would go out of their way to point out why I wasn’t going to win: ‘You’re a woman, you’re too liberal, you’re gay, you’re from the West Side of Manhattan,’ which in that context was an insult.
Christine Quinn
How many gangsters you know, from Al Capone up to John Gotti, been gay?
Method Man
My dearest friend in the movement is Jack Nichols. If there were no such thing as gay or straight, we would still talk and share experiences till the end of time.
George Weinberg
I believe the scripture says that being gay is a sin.
Joel Osteen
I have close family members as well as lots of close friends who are gay. Many of them strongly support gay marriage.
Tony Abbott
I have no problem with any gay group that says they’re Republicans, but I will fight them tooth and nail if they try to change what the Republican Party believes.
Gary Bauer
Being gay isn’t something you choose, but you do face choices about whether and how to discuss it.
Pete Buttigieg
President Clinton not only benefits by gay and lesbian votes, but he benefits by showing the nation that he is a strong leader who implements his beliefs, who stands firm by those who he believes are being treated unfairly, and I think people respect that kind of leadership in the country.
David Mixner
I think I should be described as ‘bi’ – not bisexual, because I’m not – I’m gay – but ‘binational’ because I retain British nationality, and I add to it being Australian, which is like having your cake and eating it.
Miriam Margolyes
For the gay establishment, the death of right and wrong began when gaining civil rights ceased to be enough.
Tammy Bruce
I don’t think anyone wants to be gay.
Graham Norton
Those who condemn gay marriage, yet are silent or indifferent to the breakdown of marriage and divorce, are, in my view, missing the real issue.
Malcolm Turnbull
I think it’s great now that we seem to be in an era where it’s OK to be gay and I think that the society in North America has had more of a problem with it than any other society.
Jason Priestley
I guess there have been a few questions about my sexuality, and I’d like to quiet any unnecessary rumors that may be out there. While I prefer to keep my personal life private, I hope the fact that I’m gay isn’t the most interesting part of me.
T. R. Knight
I’m not gay, but I don’t think you have to be gay to have a gay hero. Growing up, Alan Turing was certainly mine. I’m also not the greatest mathematician of my generation. We have lots of biographical differences, but nonetheless, I always identified with him so much.
Graham Moore
I would say that I’m a feminist theorist before I’m a queer theorist or a gay and lesbian theorist.
Judith Butler
Any Democratic statement of core beliefs about the importance of families must include all our families, gay and straight. Our party has a long tradition of leading the charge on important questions of justice.
Jeanne Shaheen
I would love if gay men responded to me. All I want is for many gay men to dress up as me for Halloween.
Mindy Kaling
Gay men in L.A. are all a bunch of tens looking for an eleven.
Zach Braff
We encrypt ‘Drag Race’ with the secret language that kept gay people linked for many years before the ’80s.
My dad was a homicide cop in the gay neighborhood in the city when gay neighborhoods were desperate, depressing, sad places run by the mob. The only gay people he’d met when I came out to him were corpses.
Dan Savage
There’s nothing set in stone – some people perceive it as Will could be gay, asexual or whatever. Or, like how I see it, he was stuck in the Upside Down, and he was away for so long that all of his friends started growing up while he was in this other world.
Noah Schnapp
How could anyone like me for my true self? Being gay, d

How could anyone like me for my true self? Being gay, disabled, loud and funny was too much in one 5ft person.
Rosie Jones
Actual gay people can make many others feel uncomfortable and paranoid because they don’t know and can’t articulate what makes a person gay, and they worry that maybe they themselves are gay.
Dan Savage
I think there’s too many gay jokes in comedy and not enough honest explorations of sexuality.
Chris Gethard
I don’t think it should be a surprise for anyone to hear that I’m gay.
Adam Lambert
I’m not gay – everybody thinks I am – but I dig ‘The L Word.’
Shawn Colvin
The public has always had affection for gay entertainers. The time was right for an out gay entertainer.
Julian Clary
The way I would choose to identify myself wouldn’t be gay. I’ve been attracted mostly to ‘she’s’ but I’ve been with many people and I’m open to love wherever it can be found.
Ezra Miller
Our intention is to really explore this transition and, beyond that, explore the particular things that someone comes up against when they’re gay or lesbian.
Laura Innes
The poetry you read has been written for you, each of you – black, white, Hispanic, man, woman, gay, straight.
Maya Angelou
In 1978, when I thought of creating a flag for the gay movement, there was no other international symbol for us than the pink triangle, which the Nazis used to identify homosexuals in concentration camps. Even though the pink triangle was and still is a powerful symbol, it was very much forced upon us.
Gilbert Baker
Love yourself, whatever makes you different, and use it to make you stand out. Mine is my voice and the fact that I’m gay: well, the fact that I’m flamboyantly gay.
Ross Mathews
While I don’t often use the word, the technically precise term for my orientation is bisexual. I believe bisexuality is not a choice, it is a fact. What I have ‘chosen’ is to be in a gay relationship.
Cynthia Nixon
The novel space is a pure space. I’m nobody once I go into that room. I’m not gay, I’m not bald, I’m not Irish. I’m not anybody. I’m nobody. I’m the guy telling the story, and the only person that matters is the person reading that story, the target. It’s to get that person to feel what I’m trying to dramatize.
Colm Toibin
Of course, the majority of us would speak up in the face of outrageous bigotry, but do we speak up in a social situation when someone casually refers to something as ‘gay’? If we don’t, we are standing with the homophobes whom we are quietly fighting.
Jack Antonoff
Most of the longer-term relationships I’ve known have been gay relationships. They seem to be able to hang out longer.
Lewis Black
All socio-political phenomena in the U.K. come laden with the baggage of a class-based theory or two attached to them. In the case of gay Tories, there is one particularly silly variant of the category, which asserts that gayness is bred in public schools and thus fits with Conservatism like hand in glove.
Evan Davis
I think change is possible, but only for individuals who were never truly gay in the first place and who have a strong personal motivation to recover their heterosexuality.
Marilyn vos Savant
A lot of times I’ve reached my hand out to people in the gay community that just didn’t have nobody to help them when they were down and out.
Marsha P. Johnson
If my kid came to me and said ‘I’m gay,’ I’d say, ‘Son, I love you.’
Kirk Cameron
I had played many gay characters before, but they were finite – guest characters in TV shows or characters in plays.
Eric McCormack
I just think that gay men have much better taste than any straight man I have met. I have never gotten any grief about having a good time, being unapologetic, and irreverent from a gay man.
The gay community just recognizes what their closets are and we straight have to spend years trying to figure out which closet we are trapped in.
Judith Light
For some strange reason, my gay life didn’t get easier when I came out. Quite the opposite happened, really.
George Michael
West Hollywood is predominantly gay, so every man that came into the grocery store was shopping for his boyfriend.
Jeri Ryan
I think living my happy, open life and showing young gay kids you can be successful, you can have love in your life, you can be a contributing member of society and you can be respected – I think that’s it.
Bryan Batt
I’m not against gay people. I have a relative who is also gay. We can’t help it if they were born that way.
Manny Pacquiao
Everyone’s journey as a gay man or woman is different; it’s personal.
The writers have slowly taken the show, with subjects other gay shows have dived right into, slowly. It was over a year before Will even started to date.
Sean Hayes
I don’t believe in organized religion – I dealt with them hand in hand, and a whole bunch of Catholic priests tried to molest me. Telling me I was gay and I should go home with them and stuff.
Jonathan Davis
I won’t be in gay parades – I don’t think they need them. I believe in class – I believe that people should have a bit of class about them.
Tammy Faye Bakker
The term ‘new queer cinema’ and the films of mine that were associated with that term are from a very, very different time, one almost entirely defined by the AIDS era. It was a very different social and cultural regard for the lives, the experiences, the worth of gay people.
Todd Haynes
Anything that raises any internal honesty about gay lif

Anything that raises any internal honesty about gay life is inherently suspect.
Andrew Sullivan
I’d rather have a gay guy who can play than a straight guy who can’t play.
Charles Barkley
Loads of my friends are lesbians, and it really annoys me that gay people aren’t allowed to get married in most parts of America. I’d go on a march for gay rights any time.
I often laugh and say I should go down to the Department of the Interior and register as an endangered species. I’m a gay man over 60 and I’m alive.
David Mixner
I wore a cloak for many years, I had long hair, I may have had a drop earring for a week and I fancied myself as a philosopher poet but was somewhere more in the gay female leisure pirate.
Derren Brown
I’m not afraid to tell the world who I am. I’m Michael Sam: I’m a college graduate. I’m African American, and I’m gay. I’m comfortable in my skin.
Michael Sam
I love my gay fans. Gay people are always usually my best friends in the whole world. I completely adore them.
Britney Spears
I’m not ashamed of being gay, never have been and never will be. For that I have no apologies.
Tommy Kirk
The fact is, I’m gay, always have been, always will be, and I couldn’t be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud.
Anderson Cooper
I think knowing people by first names, not by what they do sexually, is really what it’s about. Not being afraid. Fear is the enemy. I’ve always been comfortable with being gay.
Herb Ritts
I think that there’s no doubt that as I see friends, families, children of gay couples who are thriving, you know, that has an impact on how I think about these issues.
Barack Obama
I think that freedom means freedom for everyone. As many of you know, one of my daughters is gay, and it is something we have lived with for a long time in our family. I think people ought to be free to enter into any kind of union they wish. Any kind of arrangement they wish.
Dick Cheney
There is a history of gay people pretending to be straight. I want to balance the sides. I’m a straight person pretending to be gay. I’ve had a lot of people to imitate. It’s easy when you’re British; we’re camp by nature, anyway.
Robbie Williams
I don’t think it’s a great leap to go from civil unions to gay marriage – I may be in the minority in believing that.
Harold Ford, Jr.
Gay writers now have both a sense of history and the fables that allows them to dwell in the realms of the ridiculous and at the same time talk seriously about things.
Tony Kushner
In Hollywood it seems that you’re considered gay until proven otherwise.
Ryan Seacrest
The inspiration behind ‘1950’ was… gay history and the way that our people had to hide in public and how that affected the way that we love each other now.
King Princess
You know, Republicans should have a consistent philosophy. And if your philosophy is about limited government and not intruding in people’s lives, you shouldn’t just inconveniently take a social issue like gay marriage and say, ‘Well, unless we think – actually we should be intruding your life.’
Mark McKinnon
What gay culture is before it is anything else, before it is a culture of desire or a culture of subversion or a culture of pain, is a culture of friendship.
Andrew Sullivan
I would like to see the gay population get on board with feminism. It’s a beautiful organisation and they’ve done so much. It seems to me a no-brainer.
Annie Lennox
I came out to my parents as gay, and then I realized, you know, four or five years later, that I wasn’t really happy, no relationships were working, and there was something missing in my life, and you know, I was doing drag, performing and stuff, and I realized through that arc that I was much happier doing that.
Candis Cayne
Someday, being gay will be a simple fact, free of party hats and blame. But not yet.
Andrew Solomon
I’m not homophobic in the slightest. I have lots of gay friends.
Michael Bisping
I’m lively and gay by nature.
Monica Vitti
There are so many things and so many aspects to gay life that I’ve discovered and so many things to write about. I have a new life, and I have a new take on dance music because of that life.
George Michael
When I first appeared, people couldn’t figure out whether I was gay, straight, black, white or whatever, and I loved that. I loved the fact it scares people.
It’s important not to lose sight of the fact people of all sorts are still putting themselves at risk. It happens to straight and gay, single and married. I have never been comfortable thinking of AIDS as something that ‘other people’ get.
Brande Roderick
I am the woman I grew to be partly in spite of my mother, and partly because of the extraordinary love of her best friends, and my own best friends’ mothers, and from surrogates, many of whom were not women at all but gay men. I have loved them my entire life, even after their passing.
Anne Lamott
Today, many people are engaging in same sex relationships and saying they are not gay.
Pam Grier
I know women that act queeny, I know men that are straight that act queeny, and I know gay men that act queeny… To me, those are people who think the rules don’t apply to them.
Alec Baldwin
I don’t blame homosexuals for being angry when people say they’ve made a choice to be gay, because they don’t.
James Dobson
If a person wants to be publicly gay, they should not b

If a person wants to be publicly gay, they should not be teaching in the public schools.
Jim DeMint
There are people that very strongly identify themselves as gay and then lesbian, and then I think there are a lot of people who are kind of some percentage or some version of that.
Michael Stipe
I’m not sure when I first knew that I was gay.
Mary Cheney
The token gay character is always so funny and so fantastic. That’s happened a lot. Or they’re often purely victims.
Ezra Miller
Tell me: when God looks at a gay person, does he endorse the existence of this person with love, or reject and condemn this person?… It is necessary to accompany them with mercy.
Pope Francis
My truth is I am gay and out, and if I can’t do that in my music, then I don’t need it. Fortunately, I do feel like there is a movement against homophobia, and I hope to be part of that.
Billy Porter
I am not gay; I don’t have a relationship with Ricky Martin.
I always supported gay issues, but I never understood transgender issues. But after I heard Bruce Jenner speak so honestly, so sincerely, and so relatably, I totally got it. I totally understood what he was saying – it was so compelling.
Lynda Carter
We need someone who will stand up and speak up and speak out for the people who need help, for people who are being discriminated against. And it doesn’t matter whether they are black or white, Latino, Asian or Native American, whether they are straight or gay, Muslim, Christian, or Jews.
John Lewis
I find it extremely ironic that Bush says that personal opinion should not be a tool in the interpretation of the Constitution, when he’s the one who’s lobbying for a Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. If that doesn’t stem from personal opinion, I don’t know what does.
Jessi Klein
I kind of cheer the presence of any gay characters at all – I think the more we can saturate television with any gay character or lesbian character or transgender character, I think that’s a really great thing. We’re kind of getting past the fact that they’re the punchline or that they’re the novelty.
Jesse Tyler Ferguson
I have a relative who is also gay. We can’t help it if they were born that way.
Manny Pacquiao
As long as gay people don’t have their rights all across America, there’s no reason for celebration.
Marsha P. Johnson
I keep telling these millennials it’s all about them to get into politics and start making things happen. They don’t care about whether or not someone is gay. They don’t care to see contraception taken away or want to even discuss it. They’re going forward, not backward.
Donna Brazile
There’s nothing wrong with being gay, but I’m not.
Joe Jonas
I’m sort of a gay man trapped in a woman’s body when it comes to music sometimes – it’s crowded in here!
I accept you, and you get the same respect from me whether you are black, white, gay straight, Asian, bisexual, Australian, tall, fat, whatever it is. We are all people, and I look at the people of the world the same way, as my brothers and sisters.
Nash Grier
I’ve got quite a big gay following. I played a lesbian prostitute in the TV series ‘Band Of Gold’ but I think my following really grew when I played one in the film ‘Imagine Me & You,’ with Piper Perabo.
Lena Headey
I’m not gay.
Matthew Morrison
And I used to go the punk clubs such as a gay club in Poland Street that everyone would go to because it was the only place you could go to looking like that without getting beaten senseless.
Gary Numan
‘Drag Race’ is the escape that everybody needs – gay, straight, or otherwise.
Michelle Visage
I’ve always had mostly gay male friends.
Melissa McCarthy
Adoption is a global issue these days – it’s certainly current – and it’s encouraging for a lot of couples whether they’re straight or gay.
Sara Ramirez
Christianity has made of death a terror which was unknown to the gay calmness of the Pagan.
After I quote unquote came out as a Republican, one of my dearest gay friends said to me, ‘You’ve got to go on a T.V. show and tell everyone you like gay people.’ I was like, ‘Why?’ He was like, ‘Because you’re a Republican.’ I was like, ‘I’m sorry who’s stereotyping who?’
Angie Harmon
During last night’s debate, John Kerry and John Edwards were so friendly to each other some political experts think that they may end up running together. In fact Kerry and Edwards were so friendly, President Bush accused them of planning a gay marriage.
Conan O’Brien
Gay marriage has jumped out of the closet on to the front page. Everyone from the president of the U.S. to retired four-star general Colin Powell is embracing the issue, now supported by most Americans. Still, a few people, like former First Lady Laura Bush appear to be conflicted.
Kitty Kelley
If my kids came to me and said, ‘I’m gay,’ I’d say, ‘Son, I love you.’ That’s never at stake. Never, never, never at stake.
Kirk Cameron
My kind of gay is like the late-breaking-lesbian kind of gay.
Carol Leifer
There are plenty of organisations making a real difference to the lives of gay people around the country that do need our help, so why undermine the wonder of ‘Strictly’ by politicising it?
Robert Rinder
When you’re a young kid and you’re gay, you’re out there on your own. And you’re trying to figure this thing out. And your parents typically aren’t gay.
James McGreevey
Obviously I'm not there to pick up anybody, but I'm not

Obviously I’m not there to pick up anybody, but I’m not afraid to hang out in a predominantly gay establishment.
Adrien Brody
Crucial to understanding federalism in modern day America is the concept of mobility, or ‘the ability to vote with your feet.’ If you don’t support the death penalty and citizens packing a pistol – don’t come to Texas. If you don’t like medicinal marijuana and gay marriage, don’t move to California.
Rick Perry
It’s not so easy to be gay or even a woman in some places in the world, and in many countries, it’s illegal to be gay. You can be put to death. It’s a global struggle. A human rights struggle on a global scale.
Gilbert Baker
I did a women’s movie, and I’m not a woman. I did a gay movie, and I’m not gay. I learned as I went along.
Ang Lee
Gay culture is surviving and thriving. Some activists believe the recent rise in homophobic violence might be a gauge of the success of positive gay images.
Lance Loud
We didn’t exist. Ronald Reagan didn’t say the word ‘AIDS’ until 1987. I’ve tried desperately to get a meeting in the White House; Gay Men’s Health Crisis is already an established organization. I have a certain presence.
Larry Kramer
If you help elect more gay people, that gives a green light to all who feel disenfranchised, a green light to move forward. It means hope to a nation that has given up, because if a gay person makes it, the doors are open to everyone.
Harvey Milk
For years, ‘Drag Race’ was gay people’s best kept secret. When I started doing drag, people didn’t know anything about it. Look at it now: it’s like it’s gone from black and white to IMAX.
Trixie Mattel
I remember how being young and black and gay and lonely felt. A lot of it was fine, feeling I had the truth and the light and the key, but a lot of it was purely hell.
Audre Lorde
I don’t buy into the idea that an Irish writer should write about Ireland, or a gay writer should write about being gay.
John Boyne
I’ve actually performed at Gay Pride in Atlanta three times in my career. I’ve always had a large gay following, particularly in the lesbian community. I am grateful for that. To me, it means my music transcends categories. It also means that I’m a cute girl singing a rock song in an alto voice!
Jennifer Nettles
Everyone has people in their lives that are gay, lesbian or transgender or bisexual. They may not want to admit it, but I guarantee they know somebody.
Billie Jean King
Being from New York, if you’re gay, you’re gay. I think it’s important that if you are gay, you not be afraid to say who you are.
Sue Wicks
People have often asked if I’m gay because I don’t go out of my way to spit and scratch and give people attitude.
Jason Bateman
No, I’m not gay.
Eric Stonestreet
Someone once asked me if I was gay. I said, ‘Do you think a three-letter word defines the complexity of my humanity?’ I avoid the trap of easy definition.
Cecil Taylor
Darling, I want my gay rights now.
Marsha P. Johnson
I probably haven’t had enough gay characters in my stuff. When you’re writing something, you’re thinking, ‘Why couldn’t this person be black, white, gay?’
Martin McDonagh
I don’t care if you’re gay, black, Chinese, straight. That means nothing to me. It’s all an illusion.
Joe Rogan
I like to think that if I were gay I would be out. Rupert Everett-style.
Ben Affleck
I don’t care what straight people do, I don’t care what gay people do. I don’t care what nobody do. That’s they business. I just care about what I do. You know what I’m saying?
ASAP Rocky
Growing up in a Jewish matriarchal world inside the patriarchal paradise of Salt Lake City, Utah, gave me increased perspective on gender issues, as it also did my gay brother and my lesbian sister. Our younger sister is the perfect Jewish-American wife and mother, and is fiercely proud of that fact.
Roseanne Barr
The most successful marriages, gay or straight, even if they begin in romantic love, often become friendships. It’s the ones that become the friendships that last.
Andrew Sullivan
I am a huge fan of gays. They love me, and I love them. They think of me as sort of a gay icon.
Tori Spelling
I’ve done the gay, over-the-top guy. I want to jump into another show where I wear pants for the majority of the time.
Jai Rodriguez
The hallway of every man’s life is paced with pictures; pictures gay and pictures gloomy, all useful, for if we be wise, we can learn from them a richer and braver way to live.
Sean O’Casey
Jason Voorhees was a kid who was picked on at summer camp, and Michael Myers was someone vilified by his own family. I think that’s why gay people like horror movies, because it’s seeking revenge on the privileged.
Sharon Needles
If you play a gay role, it sticks more than it does if an actor were to play a murderer or a psychopath.
Harry Hamlin
I’m not convinced about marriage. Divorce is so easy, and that fact that gay people are not allowed to marry takes much of the meaning out of it. Committing yourself to one person is sacred.
Natalie Portman
If you ask me about my views on the environment, on women’s rights, on gay rights, I am liberal. I don’t have a problem with that at all. Some of my best friends are liberal.
Bernie Sanders
He comes to London and gets a job in a nightclub, a gay club, where he’s known as Straight Dave by the bar staff – and no one believes he’s as straight as he claims to be. He meets the daughter of the club manager, and he has an affair with her.
Neil Tennant
I'm not for gay marriage, but I'm not for discriminatin

I’m not for gay marriage, but I’m not for discriminating against people.
Joel Osteen
I mean, I am fully aware of my influence and my responsibility to society in general representing the gay community. But in the same time, I don’t represent the entire gay community because it’s a vast, vast community, as one can imagine.
K. D. Lang
For historic reasons – principally the political Right’s opposition to gay rights – most gay spokespeople continue to think that the political Right is the sole locale from which anti-gay sentiment can come.
Douglas Murray
I think there is a generation gap. I personally look forward to, as our generation becomes the leaders, you are gonna see a change, and I think hopefully gay marriage will be a part of that country.
Vanessa Kerry
Again, as a gay man I look at that and say there’s a hopelessness that surrounds it, but as a human being I look at it and say ‘Why? Where’s this disparity coming from, and why can’t we as a culture and society dig deeper to examine that?’ We’re terrified of facing ourselves.
Zachary Quinto
America is off-the-hook gay. I will not go all Ann Coulter on you and say, ‘Our gays are better than their gays,’ but as far as countries go, we are in-your-face gay.
Henry Rollins
If you’ve driven over to the gay section of Los Angeles, it’s like a golf course… Real estate values go ‘boom!’
Adam Carolla
I’m a very recent convert to the gay scene. I went to a party a couple of years ago and met a very nice man who took me under his wing and started taking me out to clubs. It was a revelation.
Matt Lucas
I knew the full ‘Judy Garland Carnegie Hall’ double album set at age 2. And then my mother wondered why I was gay. I was like, ‘Are you nuts? You would make me get on the table to sing Judy Garland songs and you’re upset?’
Mario Cantone
Gay individuals should be able to adopt.
Tim Kaine
Growing up, one of my cousins was an out gay man.
Eric Stonestreet
In the earliest years of the AIDS crisis, there were many gay men who were unable to come out about the fact that their lovers were ill, A, and then dead, B. They were unable to get access to the hospital to see their lover, unable to call their parents and say, ‘I have just lost the love of my life.’
Judith Butler
Anita Bryant is an important figure in gay history because she enraged a generation of people who got active.
Gilbert Baker
I’ve been gay since the day I was born.
Andy Cohen
I was certainly open for something being on the edge of a nervous breakdown, perplexed by my own sexuality. I was gay.
Lionel Blue
Not every gay person recites poetry or has read Keats. You can get readers through anything if the characters are complicated. You can’t dismiss Josey Wales’ quite liberal worldview.
Marlon James
If every gay person were to come out only to his/her own family, friends, neighbors and fellow workers, within days the entire state would discover that we are not the stereotypes generally assumed.
Harvey Milk
I basically raised her. Ariana and I are 10 years apart, and she grew up with a really gay brother who just loves her unconditionally, and it’s reciprocated.
Frankie Grande
I’ve never understood why we would want to deny all the joys – and the challenges – of marriage to anyone. Which is why I think any loving, committed couple – gay or straight – should be able to get married.
Al Franken
Mr. Do-Nothing Obama will say today, ‘Lets think of all the poor dead people’ – or ‘let’s honor all the dead’ instead of fighting for the living. He has been really useless in terms of both HIV and gay issues. He is simply not a leader. He may be president, but he is not a leader.
Larry Kramer
Mental illness is the last frontier. The gay thing is part of everyday life now on a show like ‘Modern Family,’ but mental illness is still full of stigma. Maybe it is time for that to change.
Eric McCormack
The way I approach the character isn’t about being gay or straight. It’s just about who you love. Gender has very little to do with it.
Mia Kirshner
I didn’t have any role models. I really thought I was doomed to this loveless, lonely life. I didn’t know any gay people until I began doing theater.
Bryan Batt
And I’d like to believe that’s true, you know, kind of showing gay people in this kind of light and – where it’s not about that, it’s just about the characters for the first time, like those shows were.
Sean Hayes
I think the gay – the gay/straight alliances in the school are very useful as far as creating understanding among kids and so kids aren’t necessarily so stigmatized or demonized for being who they really are.
Jeanne Phillips
The only way to get gay issues off the front pages of Canadian newspapers is to grant gay and lesbian people our full civil equality and leave it alone.
Dan Savage
When it comes to two of the big social earthquakes in the last fifty years – which are the gay movement and the women’s movement – I think there is a direct line from Kinsey to those.
Bill Condon
If hearing that the CEO of Apple is gay can help someone struggling to come to terms with who he or she is, or bring comfort to anyone who feels alone, or inspire people to insist on their equality, then it’s worth the trade-off with my own privacy.
Tim Cook
The argument that gay marriage doesn’t affect straight marriages is a ridiculous red herring: Gay marriage affects society and law in dramatic ways. Religious groups will come under direct assault as federal and state governments move to strip them of their non-profit statuses if they refuse to perform gay marriages.
Ben Shapiro
I can’t tell you why I keep getting asked to play gay characters, but I never really considered ‘gay’ as an adjective, as a playable thing. Maybe it’s an element of the character, but it just describes a preference.
John Michael Higgins
Even in high school, I had friends that I didn’t know were gay until years later. I’d find out on Facebook or something and be like, ‘Oh, that explains some things,’ or ‘Wow, no wonder they were so cool.’
Kellan Lutz
I don't know of many evangelicals who want to deny gay

I don’t know of many evangelicals who want to deny gay couples their legal rights. However, most of us don’t want to call it marriage, because we think that word has religious connotations, and we’re not ready to see it used in ways that offend us.
Tony Campolo
I do not think our priorities are misplaced when we are looking at creating a whole new class of children from these gay marriages who could end up completely dependent on the State, on the taxpayers – the American people.
Jim Inhofe
I’m allergic to dogs, so I couldn’t even adopt what gay men typically adopt when they have that maternal gene.
Dan Savage
I’m for gay marriage, because I’m for gay divorce.
Melissa Etheridge
I’d love to see an openly gay player, a really, really good gay player come out.
Charles Barkley
I’m not saying that being gay is what defines me, but at the same time, if you feel like you have to hide it, then it becomes what defines you. You keep it hidden, and the secret becomes you.
Alan Ball
The gay people I knew in real life were soft spoken and didn’t want to call attention to themselves because they were terrified of exposing themselves, of people finding out that they’re gay.
Chris Colfer
I had heard before that there were rumors I was gay. It’s funny. My cousin gets his hair cut at this place, and one of the guys there told him that Scott Wolf was gay. He didn’t realize that he was my cousin.
Scott Wolf
The most important thing for me was to never, ever, ever deny it. But I didn’t really have the courage to talk about it. I was thinking, The people who need to know I’m gay know.
Portia de Rossi
My gay audience has been with me from the beginning.
Kylie Minogue
By in large in this country the issue of gay rights and equality should be past the point of debate. Really, there should be no debate anymore.
Scott Fujita
As we women know, there are so many other hurdles that we have to cross that I would love it if we could stop having the race conversation so that we can get women further on. You know, a female president now that we have an African American president. Maybe we can get an Asian female, a gay person?
Octavia Spencer
I was able to come out as gay publicly because my family had accepted me. They thought nothing of it, and without them I wouldn’t have been able to do it. If I didn’t have them in my life I would have felt like I had no one.
Gareth Thomas
Public-opinion polls show that Americans split about evenly on civil unions. But when the words ‘gay marriage’ are presented, they break 3-to-1 against it.
Dick Morris
If your neighbor has a completely different view on abortion, gay marriage, stem cell research, all of those things, you still are both Americans. Neither one of you is necessarily more patriotic than the other. Neither loves their country any more than the other one does.
Phil McGraw
I see interracial couples all the time in Nashville. I’m a Jew in Nashville. I’m a gay person in Nashville. It’s a non-issue in most of the time. That’s a huge leap forward.
Janis Ian
I’m an activist for gay marriage equality and children’s rights. I’m the face of Share Our Strength.
Sandra Lee
Gay teenagers are four times as likely to attempt suicide as straight ones. I wish they knew that there’s nothing wrong with them; that they are just a different shade of normal.
Jodi Picoult
I wanted to tell a dream-come-true story about going from a closeted gay kid who loved pop culture to an out adult man making pop culture. I went from being told when I was 21 that I should never go on TV because of my crossed eyes to winding up being a ‘Housewives’ whisperer and talk-show host.
Andy Cohen
If you fall in love with someone gay and you’re the opposite gender, it’s not going to work.
Rosie O’Donnell
Do the bishops seriously imagine that legalising gay marriage will result in thousands of parties to heterosexual marriages suddenly deciding to get divorced so they can marry a person of the same sex?
Malcolm Turnbull
I didn’t get bullied any more than anybody else. I think I got bullied more for being poor than being gay. But no more than any other kid. And I’m sure that I did my fair share of picking on other kids, too. We’re all humans.
Brandi Carlile
I think I have a very good reputation amongst the gay population and among the whole country because I stood up on the issue of gay rights. It is not easy to stand up on that issue when you are single and male in New York City. I did it anyway.
Ed Koch
Obviously the transgender movement has not progressed in the way that the gay and lesbian movement has. But I’m an activist – that’s just the kind of person I am.
Chaz Bono
Discovering I’m gay just sort of happened much later in life.
Sheryl Swoopes
Being gay is a fundamental part of my being – the core of who I’ve always been, and the thing that I had repressed and run from all my life.
James McGreevey
I can’t take on all the worries of the world, you know. I can only talk about being gay and being an actor. I’ll have to leave those other battles to somebody else.
Ian Mckellen
Being gay is not a Western invention. It is a human reality.
Hillary Clinton
I read that a lot of people think I’m gay. I don’t care. My boyfriend and I are not really phased by what people say.
Monica Raymund
When I meet gay fans out and about, they’re so great to talk to – and I’m big on hugging, because I’m from the Midwest. They’re just so energetic and loving. I’m proud to have those fans, and their support means a lot to me. I don’t want just girls coming to my movies; I want guys to come, too!
Kellan Lutz
Let there be no mistake. A gay man alone could never begin to replicate the inner workings of the female mind.
Michael Patrick King
I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am n

I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage. But when you start playing around with constitutions, just to prohibit somebody who cares about another person, it just seems to me that’s not what America’s about. Usually, our constitutions expand liberties, they don’t contract them.
Barack Obama
I’ve always had tremendous support from my parents. I think there’s a myth that gay people have lousy relationships with their parents.
B. D. Wong
My being gay was something of not great interest to me.
Maurice Sendak
I’ve never wanted to live in a ghetto or write in a ghetto. I want to write about a world that reflects the one most people live in. Gay people are just one aspect of that.
Val McDermid
Art is feminine… Look, if you’re handsome and young and beautiful, well, people are always going to say that you’re gay.
Juan Gabriel
Gay actors have been playing straight since Euripides.
Bryan Batt
I have a naturally camp sensibility and a camp sense of humour. I love the icons that gay people love.
Siobhan Fahey
So the first job that I got – my father got it for me – he had his clerical collar on, was a gay bar in D.C., it was Mr. Henry’s of Georgetown.
Tori Amos
Sometimes we look at gay being a bigger sin than being proud or not telling the truth. I don’t think God categorizes sins.
Joel Osteen
Gay people got a right to be as miserable as everybody else.
Chris Rock
The general population still thinks HIV is something that came in the 80s and went away, or that it only affects the gay population or intravenous drug users.
Annie Lennox
We had gay burglars the other night. They broke in and rearranged the furniture.
Robin Williams
From 1968 on, I was pretty much the black, gay SF writer.
Samuel R. Delany
I do think it’s well over-time to have a female Doctor Who. I think a gay, black female Doctor Who would be the best of all.
Helen Mirren
I’m all for guys being butch and guys being men. I identify with that and appreciate that. But if I’m going to stab my gay brother in the back who isn’t butch and who maybe acts a little bit more effeminate, what good is that?
Kyan Douglas
When I came out publicly, some photo editors had a field day searching for pictures of me with a limp wrist or some other stereotypical gay signifier – as though, after decades in the public eye, they’d suddenly come across a trove of shots where I looked like a Cher impersonator.
James McGreevey
I’m in a little bit of a different situation, because working in the business that I do and living in the city that I live in, I haven’t had a problem with people who are gay. Since I was 10 I’ve been working alongside them, and some of my best friends are gay.
Jason Bateman
When my brother-in-law, BIll Clinton, was elected, he had gay friends. That was a coming out.
Kate Clinton
I’ve had gay friends who grew up in small towns in France who had to lie for most of their lives, even to themselves. But eventually such lies become stronger than the people, and they have to face them.
Guillaume Canet
After Pride, Christmas is a drag queen’s next best holiday. It’s pretty gay, full of tinsel and glitter and finery and campness.
Courtney Act
I do not think the gay population has been all that rabid for gay marriage. Note that I do not use the words ‘gay community.’ Expunge that expression from your vocabulary. We are not a community.
Larry Kramer
Ziggy Stardust, the Village People, and punk rock really shaped who I am as a person and as a gay man.
Boy George
It’s kind of a shame that it’s even an issue. Not being gay, I can’t fully appreciate how complicated that is. In the article, the interviewer asked me, and I said that if I were, I would just say it.
Scott Wolf
In my opinion it’s not about gay or straight or bi, we’re attracted to spirits, whatever body they’re in. There are other reasons too, but that’s how I see it.
Dana Plato
The media has gone through lots of things that make it a less foreign thing to have your lead character be gay.
Gus Van Sant
Straight people say, ‘You know you’re just gay,’ and gay people say, ‘You know you’re just gay.’ There is such a thing as bisexual!
Andy Dick
Harvey Milk was a friend of mine, an important gay leader in San Francisco in the ’70s, and he carried a really important message about how important it was to be visible, how important it was to come out, and that was the single most important thing we had to do.
Gilbert Baker
I don’t care if you’re Christian, you’re Muslim, you’re gay, you’re straight – I am here to fight for your equality. Because I believe that we are all born equal, but we are not treated equally, and that is why we must fight.
The virtue of the civil partnerships scheme lay in the attempt to treat the needs of gay and lesbian couples as what they are, not to bundle them into some other category.
John Sentamu
If the tenth of the population that is gay became visible tomorrow, the panic of the majority of people would inspire repressive legislation of a sort that would shock even the pessimists among us.
Jane Rule
A lot of people – boys – look at me differently. They think that if they date me, they are gay because they are dating another boy. In instances like this, I feel almost excluded, if that’s the right word. I feel like I’m being put on a different shelf.
Jazz Jennings
The Trevor Project provides crisis-intervention and sui

The Trevor Project provides crisis-intervention and suicide-prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning teens and young adults. It’s truly a lifeline to so many young people who just need someone to listen to them.
Eric McCormack
I think, with the gay liberation movement has had need for heroes and heroines, and it would be rather nice to have Abraham Lincoln as your poster boy, wouldn’t it?
David Herbert Donald
Here is the real domino theory – gay man to gay man, bisexual man to straight woman, addict mother to newborn baby, they all fall down and someday it will come to you.
Anna Quindlen
A lot of straight actors are actively searching for gay roles because it is something different to do.
Rupert Everett
Rock Hudson let his gay agent marry him off to his secretary because he didn’t want people to get the right idea.
Anthony Perkins
Realizing I was gay was a long sort of waking up.
Melissa Etheridge
Even though I’m from the Midwest, the majority of my life has been spent on the coasts where being gay wasn’t really much of a conversation.
Andrew Rannells
I hate the term ‘arm candy.’ But, look, a woman’s figure is a beautiful thing, and if she has shapely legs, then she should show them off, because men love to see that. Not just heterosexual men – gay men like to see a woman in her beauty and the shape of her.
Bruce Forsyth
I grew up in a conservative small town, and the gay characters I saw on TV and in movies when I was growing up were all flamboyant and obnoxious and sometimes kind of annoying.
Chris Colfer
There are still civil rights issues. There are still people who can’t be visited by their spouse in the hospital because they’re gay. These are humanitarian issues. At the end of the day, all you want is for people to be happy in the pursuit of life, love and liberty.
Brandi Carlile
A Reagan appointee, Justice Kennedy is no liberal, as he has shown on issues from affirmative action to corporate campaign spending. But he has repeatedly sided with gay litigants before the court.
Adam Cohen
As for our garments, my Mother did not only delight to see us neat and cleanly, fine and gay, but rich and costly: maintaining us to the heighth of her estate, but not beyond it.
Margaret Cavendish
I’m not saying that hip-hop needs gay rappers or anything, but they need to stop being so close-minded because that will just cause the genre to fail. Look at pop. Pop doesn’t discriminate against people. Look at Lady Gaga, y’know what I mean?
ASAP Rocky
I went to school in the Bronx. I learned to constantly try to cover up the fact that I was gay. That facade of being somebody I’m really not just to protect myself definitely helped with acting.
Guillermo Diaz
An awful lot of gay pop stars pretend to be straight. I’m going to start a movement of straight pop stars pretending to be gay.
Robbie Williams
The big gay clubs like Heaven started having mixed nights in the late ’80s.
Neil Tennant
If I was gay, why would I hide it?
David Copperfield
As a gay man in Hollywood, I certainly understand what it means to be in it but not of it, to be marginalized at times and kept out of certain clubs.
Matt Bomer
John Parsons, the gay art director at ‘Vogue,’ really started my career.
David Bailey
We love trans women; all of us know that drag wouldn’t be an art form without trans women. I know that, RuPaul knows that, everybody in the gay community knows that. Trans women have always been a part of and the face of drag. And I can guarantee trans women will always be a part of ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race.’
Michelle Visage
I want to see gay couples stuck with their significant other at Home Depot with that far away look in their eye, get me out of here.
David Alan Grier
To be here in America so soon after the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage and at the birth of the Caitlyn phenomena feels so timely. It feels perfect for my universe to collide with Caitlyn’s, but on a purely personal level, I just think she is utterly fabulous and brave.
Boy George
One disco, one soft ball game, one lost love, one gay pride rally at a time.
Jasmine Guy
Our invisibility is the essence of our oppression. And until we eliminate that invisibility, people are going to be able to perpetuate the lies and myths about gay people.
Jean O’Leary
There are millions of gay people in the United States, including well-known celebrities.
Mary Cheney
It doesn’t matter if you’re black, white, gay, straight, come from different countries, different language… every single person is significant and is meaningful.
Michael Franti
I think honestly, some people who think they’re gay, they’re confused.
Stevie Wonder
It was difficult being a teacher and out of the closet in the ’50s. By the time I retired, the English department was proud of having a gay poet of a certain minor fame. It was a very satisfactory change!
Thom Gunn
I’m a gay man who came out when I was 10 years old, and there’s nothing in my life that I’m prouder of.
Sam Smith
Alan Carr is an out and proud gay man but there isn’t a famous bisexual equivalent – it’s a lot rarer.
Joe Lycett
No, I’ve never thought that I was gay. And that’s not something you think. It’s something you know.
Robert Plant
All my life, I have loved balloons - all balloons - the

All my life, I have loved balloons – all balloons – the heavy English sort, immense and round, that have to be pushed about, and the gay, light, gas-filled French ones that soar into the air the moment you let go of them.
Elizabeth Bibesco
If I were gay, life would be a lot simpler. I’m kind of annoyed that I’m not.
Grace Slick
I am not sure how much I would like being married if I wasn’t married to him. A man who likes flea markets and isn’t gay? I knew I was lucky.
Lynda Barry
When I was young, they thought I was from outer space. I was the only gay person they probably knew, and they struggled with that. Everybody knew I was gay. They just didn’t want to talk about it.
Gilbert Baker
It’s hard being gay in Edwardian times.
Rob James-Collier
A lot of attention has been going to social values – abortion, gay rights, other divisive issues – but economic values are equally important.
Robert Reich
The media seems to think only abortion and gay marriage are religious issues. Poverty is a moral issue, it’s a faith issue, it’s a religious issue.
Jim Wallis
I’ve worked with a lot of gay and lesbian organizations. I sit on the board of the Empire State Pride Agenda. I’ve also done a lot of work for Broadway Care/Equity Fights AIDS. I think it’s important because, when we can be of service to others, it only enhances our lives. I’ve been helped a lot in my life.
Billy Porter
You can’t just look at someone and guess their sexuality. There’s no point in assuming that every gay man has just one personality type.
Cameron Monaghan
In the 1980s, there weren’t a lot of role models for gay teenagers.
Mary Cheney
All I want to do is be a gay icon. I was reading Lady Gaga’s twitter, because she has like 12 million followers, or something like that. I feel like she has fans, gay, straight, bi, who would throw themselves off a building for her.
Mindy Kaling
I’ve fallen for straight men, I’ve fallen for gay men, I’ve fallen for straight women and gay women. I really have. I had crushes on really every single kind of person in the world.
Lynn Shelton
If people think I am gay, yeah, hey that doesn’t bother me. Not at all. What would people think? To me I am such a heterosexual guy. It doesn’t even, I don’t even think about it.
Jason Priestley
Young, gay and stuck in Arkansas? Sounds like a horror flick.
Henry Rollins
I didn’t want that 15 minutes of fame moment like, ‘Oh, she said she was gay.’
Kirsten Vangsness
Everyone in the gay community doesn’t think alike.
Ang Lee
I am a gay man. It’s not a secret, but not something that everyone would necessarily know.
Leo Varadkar
And I do – make no mistake, I am a Christian and I believe in God, and I don’t believe he makes mistakes. So I don’t believe that being gay is not a sin, and in fact it’s how you’re made.
Kristin Chenoweth
Finding out that I was gay when I was older was a shock and a disappointment.
Maurice Sendak
A gay person in office can set a tone, can command respect not only from the larger community but from the young people in our own community who need both examples and hope.
Harvey Milk
For me, Will being gay or not is besides the point. ‘Stranger Things’ is a show about a bunch of kids who are outsiders and find each other because they have been bullied in some way or are different.
Noah Schnapp
Yeah, I had gay friends. The first thing I realized was that everybody’s different, and it becomes obvious that all of the gay stereotypes are ridiculous.
Bruce Springsteen
When someone isn’t ready we must not try to force them out. People are being bullied and committing suicide because they’re gay and it’s horrible.
Ricky Martin
Honestly, I’m cool with everyone, and people pick up on that. I’d say, ‘I’m not gay, but it’s all good.’ It’s kind of like going to Paris when you don’t know the language; some Americans get into trouble over there, but I’m just like, ‘Sorry, I don’t speak French.’
Dylan McDermott
I was always driven by the idea that if people ever found out about who I was then the stature I created for myself within rugby would have to be as relevant as the fact I was gay. It was always the driving factor to be the strongest, the fastest, the most skilful.
Gareth Thomas
Because society places a value on masculinity, gay men aspire to it. If you go to a gay club and the doorman says, ‘You do realise this is a gay club, don’t you lads?’ you get all excited because you think, ‘Wow, he thought I was straight!’
Graham Norton
Anybody can be unhappy. We can all be hurt. You don’t have to be poor to need something or somebody. Rednecks, hippies, misfits – we’re all the same. Gay or straight? So what? It doesn’t matter to me. We have to be concerned about other people, regardless.
Willie Nelson
I don’t remember deciding to become a writer. You decide to become a dentist or a postman. For me, writing is like being gay. You finally admit that this is who you are, you come out and hope that no one runs away.
Mark Haddon
I grew up when people were afraid to ‘come out’ as gay. If you asked me how many gay kids I grew up with or went to school with, I would have said none – which of course could not have been true. The truth is I have no idea how many confused and frightened kids I grew up with. They are still out there.
Susan Estrich
If you’re gay and you can’t hold hands, or you’re black and you can’t catch a taxi, or you’re a woman and you can’t go into the park, you are aware there’s a menace. That’s costly on a psychic level. The world should be striving to make all its members secure.
Tony Kushner
Looking back, one of the things I love most about my mom was that she never, ever relented. She stuck to her guns right up until the end. She wasn’t abusive, but she was never that thrilled that I was gay.
Rufus Wainwright
I'm a sportsman, as good and strong as you, who just ha

I’m a sportsman, as good and strong as you, who just happens to be gay.
Gareth Thomas
God love Neil Patrick Harris – how great is that. People grew up with him; they go, ‘Oh it’s him, it’s that little boy and he just happens to be gay. How great for him!’ The more of those kind of examples that happen, the better it’s going to be.
Bryan Batt
Marriage hasn’t been my thing. But gay people, knock yourselves out!
Ben Affleck
What we really have to do is stop the adjective before the job title – whether it’s ‘black actor,’ a ‘gay actor’ or anything actor.
Matt Bomer
There are a lot of myths about gay people.
Cynthia Nixon
I think that the longer I look good, the better gay men feel.
Obama sees himself as such a huge change that he can be cautious about other societal changes. But what he doesn’t realize is that legalizing gay marriage is like electing a black president. Before you do it, it seems inconceivable. Once it’s done, you can’t remember what all the fuss was about.
Maureen Dowd
I go back and forth, but I never wanted to be the photographer of the gay and lesbian community. I will wave a rainbow flag proudly, but I am not a singular identity. I think a singular identity isn’t very interesting, and I’m a little bit more multifaceted as a person than that.
Catherine Opie
My American gay audience have continued to dance and sing to the music I make in a way that straight Americans haven’t. I am grateful to them for that.
George Michael
The writing was so clearly written on the wall about me, but I didn’t see it. I had no role models. I didn’t know there was even a possibility of being gay. I battled with it, but this was the way God made me. If you have a problem with it, take it up with the man upstairs.
Bryan Batt
I just live my life – but the support from the gay community is always fantastic. It’s really great because they are always the best people to always be around.
A. J. Pritchard
Who quick be to borrow and slow be to pay, their credit is naught, go they ever so gay.
Thomas Tusser
Everyone has people in their lives that are gay, lesbian or transgender or bisexual. They may not want to admit it, but I guarantee they know somebody.
Billie Jean King
A lot of gay men are in delusion if they think they’re super macho.
Scott Thompson
Gay kids need to stop killing themselves because they are made to feel worthless by cruel and relentless bullying.
Zachary Quinto
No one knew I was gay growing up but I was bullied. I was a cheerleader, fairly popular and considered straight.
Cat Cora
I have a half-brother who is very, very, very gay, many cousins, best friends who are all members of the LGBT community, and for me to not say anything would be hypocritical. There is a lot of prejudice. People think it is abnormal. No, it’s just another normal.
Lea Salonga
I condemn the national gay press for its emphasis on consumerism.
Harry Hay
I want to show straight men and gay men alike that self-care and grooming isn’t mutually exclusive with, like, femininity or masculinity.
Jonathan Van Ness
I pointed out that the Atlanta Olympic bomber – as well as Timothy McVeigh and the people who protest against gay rights at military funerals – are Christians but we journalists don’t identify them by their religion.
Juan Williams
The struggle isn’t just about being straight or gay or transgender – it’s a human struggle. That’s always really been my kind of starting point: If you’re out there and you’re odd, come over to my house.
Boy George
When I first started talking about gay marriage, most people in the gay community looked at me as if I was insane or possibly a fascist reactionary.
Andrew Sullivan
I want to love all the children of God – Christian, Jew, Moslem, Hindu, Buddhist – everyone. I want to love gay Christians and straight Christians.
Anne Rice
Modern elites live in bubbles of liberal affluence like Ann Arbor, Brookline, the Upper West Side, Palo Alto, or Chevy Chase. These places used to have impoverished neighborhoods nearby, but the poor people got chased out by young singles living in group homes, hipsters, and urban homesteading gay couples.
P. J. O’Rourke
These awful middle-class queens – which is what the gay movement has become – are so tiresome. It’s all Abercrombie & Fitch and strollers.
Rupert Everett
I used to hate myself for being gay. I couldn’t come to terms with it.
Calum Scott
I’m not going on a crusade but I’m proud of who I am. I feel I have achieved everything I could ever possibly have hoped to achieve out of rugby and I did it being gay. I want to send a positive message to other gay people that they can do it, too.
Gareth Thomas
Do I support the idea of gay marriage? No, I don’t.
Kirk Cameron
I don’t feel, finally, that my politics are entirely determined by the fact that I’m a gay man.
Tony Kushner
I’m a straight guy and I date women, but I get on really well with gay guys. I’m very comfortable with my sexuality. The weirdest thing for me is when straight guys get really freaked out by gay guys. It’s almost like they’re insecure in their own sexuality. For me, I can be in a room full of gay men and have fun.
Olly Murs
When my husband and I first became parents, we joked that our chubby baby was destined to grow into an Alex P. Keaton Reaganite – the most unlikely, and therefore hilarious, course for the child of an interracial gay couple in gentrifying Brooklyn.
Rumaan Alam
As somebody who happens to be gay, I particularly resen

As somebody who happens to be gay, I particularly resent that minorities are being encouraged to be fragile and bitter.
Andy Ngo
There’s a lesbian aesthetic, just as there’s gay camp, but I don’t know if there’s such a thing as ‘lesbian art.’
Catherine Opie
Sooner or later they are going to live in a New York City where gay marriage is not only legal, but it’s common and they don’t even notice.
Anthony Weiner
Like lots of people, I really love Roxane Gay.
Phoebe Robinson
My only regret about being gay is that I repressed it for so long. I surrendered my youth to the people I feared when I could have been out there loving someone. Don’t make that mistake yourself. Life’s too damn short.
Armistead Maupin
Just because you are out doesn’t make you the poster boy for the gay community.
Jai Rodriguez
I am gay. I’ve had two boyfriends most of my life.
Joe Exotic
As I walk around, I have met 70-year-old women who live on the Upper West Side who love the show. And I met a couple in Kansas – a couple of truck drivers who drove around together – who loved it. It’s popular all over the place and definitely in the gay community.
Lee Tergesen
When I first started teaching at Berkeley in 1958, I could not announce that I was gay to anybody, though probably quite a few of my fellow teachers knew.
Thom Gunn
The old Victorian laws against homosexuality were still on the statute books until the early 1990s. As a gay man living in Ireland, I and people like me found it easy to feel less than citizens.
Colm Toibin
We live in a world where we have friends, neighbors, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, people we journey with for years who are gay. And we need to love, affirm and all of us together work on the real problems that we have in the world.
Rob Bell
My dream is to have a gay son.
Amanda Holden
Gay guys know how to craft, and they craft really well. Straight guys, forget it.
Amy Sedaris
I wanted to represent minorities in the respect of people who had been bullied in school or people who were gay or lesbian or trans or people who aren’t blonde haired and blue-eyed. I have short hair, and I am covered in tattoos. I like showing people that it’s within their rights to be different.
Ruby Rose
If you’re gay, that doesn’t mean I want to discriminate against you, belittle or bully you, abuse or offend you. Not at all. I don’t want to go back to the dark days of criminalisation and the imprisonment of gay men and women; of Section 28 and legalised discrimination.
Mehdi Hasan
People think they know who I am, because I’ve played so many very, very out gay men on stage, and they think that’s me.
Nathan Lane
If you’re gay or religious you’re always hearing this word tolerance. It’s a pathetic word. It’s actually just a politically correct word for the term intolerance.
Rupert Everett
When are we going to stop labeling everyone? How many times have I been referred to as ‘out gay actor?’ Do we say, ‘out heterosexual actor’ when we refer to Tom Hanks?
Bryan Batt
I would love to be on ‘Glee,’ thus furthering the myth that I’m a gay man.
Jennifer Nettles
But when I did think about it and looked at the whole package – the producers behind the show, the writers, the cast I would be working with – I would have been a fool to turn it down just because the role for me was another gay role.
Sean Hayes
You want to help gay kids, you have to reach them in middle school and high school, when they’re being bullied.
Dan Savage
It’s always fun teasing the person. When they ask if I’m gay, I say, ‘Oh, I don’t know.’
Adam Garcia
My cousin’s gay, he went to London only to find out that Big Ben was a clock.
Rodney Dangerfield
A gay man can be friends with a straight man. That can happen.
Steve Guttenberg
Any professional athlete who gets on TV or radio and says he never played with a gay guy is a stone-freakin’ idiot.
Charles Barkley
The homosexual community wants me to be gay. The heterosexual community wants me to be straight. Every writer thinks, I’m the journalist who’s going to make him talk. I pray for them. I pray that they get a life and stop living mine!
Ricky Martin
Republicans constantly claim to be the party that defends the Constitution. We have no legitimate right to that claim until we get right on gay rights.
Mark McKinnon
It’s not being marketed as a gay show by a gay person. It’s just Ellen DeGeneres.
Kyan Douglas
I grew up in a pretty gay world – my brother’s gay and he’s been married to a man for 20 years, which is like 60 in straight-people years.
Kevin Smith
I have straight married friends that other friends think are gay, and I have gay friends who don’t throw that vibe at all. I know there’s a full range out there, but I feel that gay men who aren’t flamboyant are underrepresented on-screen.
David Walton
There are a lot of gay people in fashion, but it’s not as if every gay person is a great creator.
Calvin Klein
Judy Garland's father was gay. That seems to be the con

Judy Garland’s father was gay. That seems to be the consensus. They left Minnesota and went to California because he got caught with some boy backstage.
Judy Davis
Most of my friends in New York are single women or gay men.
Sarah Jessica Parker
By making the gay character funny and sweet but above all normal, you make a far better, longer lasting statement than you would if you had an entirely gay comedy.
Sue Perkins
There are enormously gifted Episcopal priests around this church who are gay and lesbian, some of whom are partnered, who would make wonderful bishops and they’re going to be nominated and they’re going to be elected.
Gene Robinson
Growing up in Kentucky, I used to hang out with four running buddies as a kid – 6, 10, and 11 years old. Two of them would later come out, and so 50 percent of my friends as a kid were gay.
Hal Sparks
I am gay, and I’m very comfortable with it.
Adam Lambert
I became the nation’s sweetheart because I’m a safe gay. I’m non-intrusive.
Gok Wan
Drag shows are one of my favorite things in the world. As a straight man I love going to gay bars. People at gay bars just love to dance.
Steve Kazee
A lot of what used to be known as gay culture – broadly speaking, homoeroticism and being camp – has been brought into mainstream culture. I think we should be moving to an era where it’s just sex.
Neil Tennant
My voice is so high-pitched, only gay dogs can hear it.
Ross Mathews
It’s about how you exist as a person in the world, and the idea that your work is more important than you as a person is a horrible, horrible message. I always think about a little gay boy in Wisconsin or a little lesbian in Arkansas seeing someone like me, and if I cannot be open in my life, how on earth can they?
Alan Cumming
Gay nightclubs offer better dance music.
Jack Davenport
My mom asked me one day at lunch in a very lovely and respectful way. I was finally comfortable enough to say yes, I was gay, and it really was never talked about again.
Dan Levy
I’ve had so many interviews where the last question is, Are you gay? I had to find very creative ways to say that I was gay, but that I wasn’t going to talk about it.
Portia de Rossi
I wanted people not to care about whether you were gay, straight, black, white, transgender, whatever it may be… That being said, there’s more work to be done… I still want to change the world, absolutely.
Boy George
It’s my belief that, like every other American, gay and lesbian couples should be able to make a lifetime commitment to the person they love and protect their families.
Mark Udall
I’m black. I’m gay. I’m culturally Christian. I am a walking target on so many levels, and it is horrifying and a cross that very, very many of us who look like me have to bear.
Tituss Burgess
A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and done his best; but what he has said or done otherwise shall give him no peace.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
I am not gay, I just like pearls.
Julian Eltinge
Another argument, vaguer and even less persuasive, is that gay marriage somehow does harm to heterosexual marriage. I have yet to meet anyone who can explain to me what this means. In what way would allowing same-sex partners to marry diminish the marriages of heterosexual couples?
Ted Olson
I oppose a constitutional amendment against gay marriage.
Ed Case
The fact that women are very young in obtaining their civil rights and African-Americans are young in obtaining their civil rights, I think it’s about time that we extend that to all Americans, whether straight, gay, purple, green, black, brown.
Octavia Spencer
I quickly found that I didn’t really fit into ‘gay culture,’ as identified by many gay people, and that it can be just as confining as straight culture, not least in the way that bisexual people are told that ‘they can’t make up their mind.’
John Cameron Mitchell
Gay rights is not something most of us think about – because most of us happen to have been born straight.
Jodi Picoult
One of the great things about being gay and out is that the papers couldn’t care less about your love life.
Graham Norton
Gay marriage is going to happen. It must.
Lady Gaga
I like diversity. I’d like there to be all levels of gay and straight, all different variations of gender, all colors, all creeds. I’m into seeing that.
I’m from a small town so, like, everyone’s married with children or about to have children. So it’s a little hard when you go home and people are like – and that’s why people think I’m gay – because they’re like ‘Why aren’t you married?’ And I’m like, ‘it doesn’t happen for everyone right off the bat.’
Kelly Clarkson
If what I read doesn’t reflect my life – whether I’m gay or Latino or on welfare – doesn’t that really mean that my life is not valuable?
Walter Dean Myers
I meet a lot of young people in the Midwest, and I saw what a difference a show like In the Life can make to their lives in some of these small towns where, you know, there are probably two gay people in the whole damn town.
Lesley Gore
I thought they were staring at me because I was gay. But it was because I was on the telly.
Julian Clary
David Bowie and Boy George created a safely contained t

David Bowie and Boy George created a safely contained theatrical expression of gay style.
Lance Loud
I trained as a ballet dancer and fell in love with Rudolf Nureyev; I thought him the most beautiful creature. My mum had to break it to me that not only was he gay, but he was dead.
Jessica Brown Findlay
Before I came out, the thought of someone calling me gay, even when I knew very well that I was, was petrifying.
Troye Sivan
If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge? We shouldn’t marginalise people for this. They must be integrated into society.
Pope Francis
Yes, but I think if you look at it with a sort of gay sensibility and want everything to be positive about gay life, it could be interpreted as antigay.
John Schlesinger
Part of the reason why I’ve never said that I was gay until now was because I didn’t want that adjective assigned to my name for all of eternity. You know, gay Rosie O’Donnell.
Rosie O’Donnell
Almost all the Disney villain witches are gay icons.
Jinkx Monsoon
One of my best friends was gay and Mormon, and I saw how conflicted he was. It was the first time my faith didn’t align with my mind and heart and the first time I was being taught something at church that I was like, ‘Hey, this doesn’t seem right.’
Dan Reynolds
I convened the first-ever national training conference for prosecutors on how to promote and deal with hate crime issues in terms of prosecutions and also protocol for defeating the gay panic defense.
Kamala Harris
As a young girl, there were the obvious messages about what girls could and couldn’t achieve. And to compound the limitations I felt being leveled upon me, I realized at the age of nine, that I was gay.
Chely Wright
Being gay facilitated my capacity for shame. As a child, I carried around this thing that gradually became this big dark secret. When I came out in a newspaper interview at 30 I was expecting the reaction the following day to be like the climax of ‘Dead Poets Society,’ but actually no one really cared.
Derren Brown
I once had a large gay following, but I ducked into an alleyway and lost him.
Emo Philips
Some reporter called me ‘the angriest gay man in the world’ or some such. Well, it stuck, but I realized it was very useful.
Larry Kramer
Gay couples cannot have children. All they can do is recruit your child.
Franklin Graham
When I was a kid, and I was odd, the default assumption was that I was odd, not that I was gay. Now when a kid is odd in a Greensburg, gay or straight, the default assumption is gay.
Dan Savage
One thing I hate in ethnic comedy is giving the audience the opportunity to laugh in a racist way at a thing. A lot of times dwarf comedians will do that, Arab comics, and gay comics will do it; everyone is laughing, but they’re not laughing at the joke, they’re laughing at this crazy character.
Ari Shaffir
I was inadvertently raised in the ‘gay community.’ I had straight parents, but I spent massive amounts of time at a very early age with gay, theater-hopeful thirty-somethings.
Darren Criss
I have friends that are gay, and we study the Bible together.
I have a friend who is around my age, a little younger, and she’s gay and came out to her own community when she was younger but not to her family and to the community at large.
Laura Innes
I feel like people are so eager and willing to accept the concept of females being bisexual and having it be a very natural thing, but as soon as a male proclaims himself as bisexual, we automatically dismiss it and say, ‘No, he’s just gay.’
Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman
It’s upsetting that it is such a big deal. I wish it weren’t an issue all the time. It’s funny that people say it’s a departure, because I’ve been acting since I was a child. I’ve played three gay roles out of hundreds.
Randy Harrison
I did not want to be the gay artist, and I talked to my manager all the time, like, I don’t want to lead with that. I didn’t want people to look at me like that’s all I am.
Hayley Kiyoko
I’ve been looking forward to doing an album, but it’s really sad to see how many doors have been closed because of the gay thing. I thought it was about the music.
Jai Rodriguez
A liberal pretending to be a conservative? That’s like a straight person pretending to be gay to get greater acceptance.
David Mamet
I’m always very proud of belonging to three minorities: gay, Jewish, white South African.
Antony Sher
Being queer you’re supposed to adore figure skating. It’s a sport, not an art. I love the costumes and hate the music and of course I worship Johnny Weir because so does he. Also he’s real. It’s a full gay thing and it always has been.
Mark Morris