Top 130 Trap Quotes

Watergate just happened to come along at the same time as the demand for honesty in relations between the sexes, in advertising, in ecology, in almost everything. It just stumbled into that great big elephant trap that had already been built for it.
Walter Cronkite
It is impossible to trap modern physics into predicting anything with perfect determinism because it deals with probabilities from the outset.
Arthur Eddington
When I think of trap, I think of something that is unrehearsed. It’s something that’s edgy, not too well put together.
I think that open tunings are a trap really because it’s really hard not to sound like an open tuning when your using one and that gets old as well as what you learn in one open tuning is going to stay there.
Leo Kottke
You can’t get into the trap of paying for customer acquisition.
Aileen Lee
Everything that was interesting was outside of Poland. Great music, art, film, hippies, Mick Jagger. It was impossible even to dream of escape. I was convinced as a teen-ager that I would have to spend the rest of my life in this trap.
Olga Tokarczuk
In the ’80s, I did two hours of cardio every day, split between running and the stationary bike. It was a trap – afterward I’d feel starving but also bulletproof, so I’d pig out. I slid into what I call exercise bulimia, when you’re running more and more miles so you can eat worse and worse food.
Skip Bayless
I grew up listening to a lot of emo music, a lot of rock music, a lot of rap music, a lot of trap music, funk, everything.
Lil Peep
To avoid the trap of Europe fragmenting on the economy, security, and identity, we have to return to the original promises of the European project: peace, prosperity and freedom. We should have a real, adult, democratic debate about the Europe we want.
Emmanuel Macron
I can’t keep my trap shut in interviews – I’m not very good at dissembling.
Sheila Hancock
There is no such thing as a value trap. There are investing mistakes.
Mohnish Pabrai
Humility is the true key to success. Successful people lose their way at times. They often embrace and overindulge from the fruits of success. Humility halts this arrogance and self-indulging trap. Humble people share the credit and wealth, remaining focused and hungry to continue the journey of success.
Rick Pitino
I quit drinking because I thought somewhere I had fallen in that trap of addiction, and the only way to get out of it was to acknowledge it to myself.
Pooja Bhatt
In order to make the novel into a polyhistorical illumination of existence, you need to master the technique of ellipsis, the art of condensation. Otherwise, you fall into the trap of endless length.
Milan Kundera
When we blame all Muslims, all Syrians, or all members of any other group because of the actions of individuals, we fall into the trap of asserting collective guilt. We empower the narrow-minded ideology that we are trying to defeat.
Samantha Power
I think some parents fall into a trap, teaching their k

I think some parents fall into a trap, teaching their kids that everything is always perfect and everyone is always a winner.
Summer Sanders
I don’t want to write a novel per year. I know that I need a break of one or two years. So maybe I invent some new, urgent activity so I don’t fall into the trap of starting a new novel.
Umberto Eco
The conservative movement is about government playing its important yet limited role, and about not falling into the trap of believing that every problem has an exclusive government answer for it.
Marco Rubio
I’ve been listening to ‘Chapo Trap House’ – they’re quite radical. Every time I listen to it, my brain feels opened up.
Rebecca Hall
Despite fashioning myself a very unconventional lifestyle with my music, I had ended up in a really conventional situation. I was also guilty of becoming a people-pleaser, which is absolutely exhausting and not a sustainable way of living. It can be so damaging to fall into that trap, especially in close relationships.
KT Tunstall
She felt Britain should not be so dependent on coal. She was in favour of building up nuclear energy to break the dependence on coal, and the main opposition to nuclear came from the environment movement. Mrs. Thatcher thought she could trap them with the carbon emissions argument.
Nigel Lawson