Top 131 Small Business Quotes

As you probably know, half of the people who work in this country work for small businesses. And it’s more than that, because two out of every three net new jobs come from small business. So we mean it when we talk about small business being the engine for the economy.
Karen Mills
You’re not free if you can’t start a small business because you fear losing your health care, and you’re certainly not free if a male boss or politician prevents you from making decisions about your own reproductive health.
Pete Buttigieg
I’m sensitive to the resources needed by a small business to get started and keep going.
Wayne Messam
Any small business that’s predicated on technological innovation and is differentiated and superior can expand globally very effectively using the Internet as a vehicle for promotion.
John Quelch
Small companies need capital to invest, expand, and create jobs. And the economy needs a healthy small business community to bolster and sustain its recovery.
Sam Graves
The Small Business Administration was fundamental in helping our company. There’s great initiative from the government if you know the right places to look.
Kevin Plank
I’m a big fan of small business ownership. I think it’s the backbone of American innovation. But to be successful, you first have to have the courage to go for it.
Bill Rancic
I started my first business when I was 19. I learned a valuable lesson as a small business owner. You are the first one to work, last one to leave, and last one to be paid.
Kevin McCarthy
If you cannot bore your friends to death about your own small business, then something is seriously wrong.
Theo Paphitis
My father was a small business owner. When I was growing up, he ran a one-hour photo store – back when there were one-hour photo stores.
Randall Park
After several trillion dollars of stimulation by the Obama Administration and the Fed, one might think the economy would be chugging along at a pretty good clip. But, it just isn’t so, and the light at the end of the tunnel is pretty dim. Just ask a small business owner.
Bob Beauprez
As a mother of four and a small business owner, I know it takes discipline and tough choices to balance a budget.
Lauren Boebert
The vast majority of small business owners want nothing to do with figuring out a website. They are neck-deep in their business trying to keep it going.
Andrew Yang
It is simply unfair for the Internal Revenue Service to lay claim to the bulk of a small business or farm when a death occurs. Federal tax policy should instead be geared toward helping the next generation keep these family-owned operations alive.
Cindy Hyde-Smith
It’s tough for people to get into business, especially a small business.
Fred DeLuca
Small business people are people with goals and values that can’t be calculated on a profit and loss statement.
Linda McMahon
Lots of small business men have been contacting me to say they wish they had the nerve to say what I said.
David A. Siegel
Growing up on a family farm, I know firsthand the challenges of running a small business… challenges that only seem to be growing for today’s entrepreneurs.
Sam Graves
Occupational licensing laws – in trades like moving companies, realtors, hair dressers, limousine services, beauticians, physical therapy, and on and on – stunt small business start ups, destroy jobs, and raise prices for lower-income consumers.
Stephen Moore
I’ve always loved small business.
Chuck Fleischmann
As a former small business owner, I recognize both the important role small businesses play in our economy and the broad universe of challenges that small business owners face in trying to make ends meet.
Sue Kelly
Small business is America’s engine of job creation.
Sam Graves
We have a duty to ensure that patients don’t have to worry whether they’ll be dropped from their coverage if they get sick. Small business owners shouldn’t have to break the bank to provide coverage to their employees. And families should not be forced into bankruptcy because of a medical crisis.
Jeff Merkley
Many small business owners want to pass their family legacy on to their kids and grandkids, but they are turned over to vulture funds because the family may be asset rich but lacks the cash to pay the estate taxes. I have met people who literally sold the farm to pay the taxes.
Stephen Moore
Small business in America is booming. The job creator in America, small business, is absolutely moving ahead.
Pete Domenici
Small businesses provide 75 percent of new U.S. jobs and are the backbone of our economy, and no outdated ban should be keeping small business owners from collecting the same interest their money could earn if it were held by an individual.
Sue Kelly
One of the best programs that the federal government sp

One of the best programs that the federal government sponsors is the Small Business Innovation Research program, in which more than 2.5 percent of federal research and development funding at the largest agencies goes directly to small businesses.
Raja Krishnamoorthi
It is my hope that by reducing the tax burden on small business owners that we can help them grow their businesses and, in doing so, create jobs.
John Liu
The collusion of big business, big labor, and big government threaten the spirit of small business that makes America great.
Foster Friess
Every family in America knows they have to do a budget. Every small business in America knows they have to do a budget. Every local government, every state, knows they have to do a budget.
John Boehner
In six short years, small business owners and family farmers will once again be assessed a tax on the value of their property at the time of their death, despite having paid taxes throughout their lifetime.
Doc Hastings
The people of Mississippi can’t just go home, shut down their small business, shut down their restaurants, shut down their gyms… and just think that you can come back six weeks from now, flip a switch and everything’s gonna be fine. That’s not the way the economy works.
Tate Reeves
Eliminating the Death Tax will continue to restore consumer confidence, spur capital investment, and create new jobs which are critical components of economic growth, particularly within the small business community.
Howard Coble