Top 133 Construct Quotes

I’m proposing a change: love thy worker-bee. Celebrate the ones who toil without complaint, play on a team, construct the hive, produce the honey… executing the plan!
Nancy Lublin
Marriage is a social construct, but I still believe in it.
Talulah Riley
The greatest real thrill that life offers is to create, to construct, to develop something useful. Too often we fail to recognize and pay tribute to the creative spirit. It is that spirit that creates our jobs.
Alfred P. Sloan
Memoirs are – memory is – rarely 100 percent accurate. Any autobiography is a construct, ballpark, even unnatural. Private diaries, too, can be unreliable – a detail that matters only if the diary is read.
Darin Strauss
You have to connect your work to what people are doing. A good way is to construct a bridge between theory and practice – Amartya Sen and I tried this by founding the Human Development and Capabilities Association where practitioners meet theoreticians and their discourse influences practice.
Martha Nussbaum
After securing security, we can be confident that our achievements will be safeguarded and also have the capacity to construct infrastructure such as regional railways, airports, and highways that will facilitate trade and help us to integrate faster.
Ali Bongo Ondimba
Historical facts are the vital framework around which non-fiction writers construct their narratives; they are, quite simply, indispensable.
Saul David
Corporations and financiers have used their growing influence to induce governments and international organizations to construct a global framework of institutions and regulations that enable elites to maximize their rental income.
Guy Standing
I don’t make much of comparisons in general, it’s not how I think people construct themselves and I don’t think it’s a healthy way of dealing with your own reality.
Sophie Gregoire Trudeau
I think that, as a writer, while it’s your job to construct stories, you have to navigate your way through them with your heart.
Abi Morgan
Art is the symbol of the two noblest human efforts: to construct and to refrain from destruction.
Evelyn Waugh
You have your assigned sex but gender is more of a cons

You have your assigned sex but gender is more of a construct and I think one that is incredibly disillusioning and I think when we buy into those constructs then we start to maybe, unbeknownst to ourselves, cause real damage to our psyches.
Esme Creed-Miles
The pattern shows that whenever countries try to construct access to the single market… it has required freedom of movement and massive contributions to the E.U. budget, and no role in any decision making processes that frame the rules.
Jo Johnson
The me you see on stage is largely a construct, based on me at my worst, my most annoying, my most petty, and my most patronizing.
Stewart Lee
People say that human rights is a Western construct foisted on others. But that’s not true. Equality, dignity, respect and justice are as much an integral part of the Islamic tradition.
Cherie Blair
I construct myself and do things how I want to do them, because your artistry is a very precious thing – it’s ultimately your whole life if you want it to be.
Tash Sultana
We are already experiencing the symptoms of climate change, especially with a hotter and drier climate in southern Australia – the rush to construct desalination plants is an expensive testament to that.
Malcolm Turnbull
We are in a phase of democratization. We are constructing a democracy. We cannot construct a democracy with irritants.
Jovenel Moise
If you construct political narratives around the psychodramas of politicians, even when they don’t invite it, you open the way for those who can play this game more effectively.
George Monbiot
My difficulty with the whole right-left construct is that I don’t think it describes modern politics or the modern choices that people face in the world.
Leo Varadkar
In the real world, answers may not be clear cut. There will be messy choices, and you’re not going to be able to construct a policy response in a neat and tidy way. Being able to listen to other people, even as you stay true to your principles, that’s how you actually succeed.
Jake Sullivan
I see stardom very clearly as a construct that’s been created in order to sell things.
Julie Christie
The world runs on individuals pursuing their self interests. The great achievements of civilization have not come from government bureaus. Einstein didn’t construct his theory under order from a, from a bureaucrat. Henry Ford didn’t revolutionize the automobile industry that way.
Milton Friedman
I thought a company that provides mutual-fund information could be a great business, because you could construct an effective moat by building large financial databases and customer lists and a strong brand name.
Joe Mansueto
I think I have a sound or a certain feel in certain harmonies in the way I construct melodies.
Johann Johannsson
And we will accept the creation of the Iberian Federation of a socialist republic which will give each region the right to construct its life in accordance with its economic possibilities and political preponderance.
Federica Montseny
I rebel at the notion that I can’t be part of other groups, that I can’t construct identities through elective affinity, that race must be the most important thing about me. Is that what I want on my gravestone: Here lies an African American?
Henry Louis Gates
Adolescence is a modern construct and very American in so many ways.
Tayari Jones
I try to construct each of my novels around one central theme – core tensions shared by the characters.
Chris Pavone
The political construct that idealized cowboys fell into disrepute during and immediately after the New Deal. In those years, Americans turned away from Western individualism and toward the idea of an activist government.
Heather Cox Richardson
Image is something you construct, while reputation starts at home. If you are able to pass on solid values to your children, then they can become citizens of the world.
Diego Della Valle
I recognise that Socialism has ended its purely theoretical course, and that the hour to construct has come.
John Burns
It’s not rocket science. It’s not super high technology to construct border barriers.
Kris Kobach
I wish Americans understood that race is a social construct, even if we don’t want it to be.
Rachel Dolezal
Too often, we take our construct of reality as an absolute, and what I’m trying to point out for most people is it’s important for us to know what we don’t know.
Apollo Robbins
Religion is an irrational construct.
Michel Onfray
With ‘All Is Song,’ I tried to construct a very traditional narrative that pulls no tricks.
Samantha Harvey
It might be the history major in me, but I look to the past when I try to construct my fictional futures.
Alexandra Bracken
Choosing is a creative process, one through which we construct our environment, our lives, ourselves.
Sheena Iyengar
As I get older, I’m sort of fascinated with the idea of somebody who could construct an entire persona for themselves – one that was really, in a lot of ways, fundamentally at odds with who they really were as a person.
Will Arnett
I’m not the type of guy who’s funny in the room. I’m the guy who’s funny late at night on a computer, trying to construct jokes.
Scott Aukerman
We construct a narrative for ourselves, and that’s the thread that we follow from one day to the next. People who disintegrate as personalities are the ones who lose that thread.
Paul Auster
One can construct a strong legal and ethical argument f

One can construct a strong legal and ethical argument for minimizing the fees that are paid to world sanctioning organizations in conjunction with championship bouts. It’s not uncommon for skilled fighters to be denied championship opportunities while less-talented but better-connected boxers fight for belts.
Thomas Hauser
Stories where the author has known very little, but run a computer program that tells him how to construct a planet, and looked up specific things about rocketry and so on, really suck.
Frederik Pohl
Therapy, as opposed to analysis, is a whole construct of myth, beautiful and creative.
Dennis Potter
Our sense of self is a kind of construct. It is in some ways like a novel, and it’s like a fabric of fictions that we patch together from memory.
Dan Chaon
If development is defined in social and economic terms while Hindutva is defined in cultural terms, it should be possible for the BJP to construct a political platform that is reassuring to a large majority of Indians and is respectful to the letter and spirit of the Constitution.
Sanjaya Baru
We could construct a machine that is more intelligent than we can understand. It’s possible Google is that kind of thing already. It scales so fast.
George Dyson
Attempts to construct an ethic from the rules of evolution, or from psychology and sociology, end up being simply inadequate.
Pope Benedict XVI
A story is how we construct our experiences.
Doris Lessing
Fiction allows us to both evade truth and to approach it – or, rather, it’s fiction that allows us to ‘construct’ our world. It’s haunted by the unimaginable and the unspeakable.
Joshua Oppenheimer
It’s just nice to have people around and see people actively trying to construct a community of mutual support around music.
Julien Baker
I saw my gender – and myself – as something of a construct. Like anyone who read one too many women studies’ books in the 1990s, I aspired to both ‘do’ and undo my sex.
Alissa Quart
I’m trying to construct a world that maximises the probability that SpaceX continues its mission without me.
Elon Musk
If people feel misled or deceived, then sorry that they feel that way, but I believe that’s more due to their definition and construct of race in their own minds than it is to my integrity or honesty, because I wouldn’t say I’m African American, but I would say I’m black, and there’s a difference in those terms.
Rachel Dolezal
By dismantling the narrow politics of racial identity and selective self-interest, by going beyond ‘black’ and ‘white,’ we may construct new values, new institutions and new visions of an America beyond traditional racial categories and racial oppression.
Manning Marable