Top 151 No Time Quotes

Words matter. These are the best No Time Quotes from famous people such as Ajinkya Rahane, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Karthi, Jean-Georges Vongerichten, Lord Byron, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Personally, I take every match seriously and give off m

Personally, I take every match seriously and give off my best… My aim is to win and there’s no time to relax.
Ajinkya Rahane
A big man has no time really to do anything but just sit and be big.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
When my first film ‘Paruthiveeran’ released, I had no time to get excited. It was a worrying time for me. I was anxious to know how it would be accepted.
I think, as a chef and restaurateur, that you have to take care of your business. Otherwise, you’re only as good as your last meal. You have to watch if your food costs are too high, or you could be out of business in no time.
Jean-Georges Vongerichten
The busy have no time for tears.
Lord Byron
My parents had job jars because my father would say, ‘Kids today have too much time, too much money and no responsibility. You’re going to have no time, no money and a lot of responsibility.’
Denise Morrison
In the summer we shoot ‘Murdoch’ and it’s 12 hours days or longer for the light. When I get home it’s eat and sleep. There’s no time for a workout, though maybe I can squeeze in a ride on the weekend.
Yannick Bisson
I enjoyed the opportunities, but there was no time to think.
Namie Amuro
Mahesh has no time to do anything apart from shooting for his films. And any free time he has is family time. He doesn’t even step out to meet friends.
Namrata Shirodkar
When I throw a softball, there’s no time to think about the motion of my arm. I just look at the first baseman’s glove and react.
Keegan Bradley
Hell, if I’d jumped on all the dames I’m supposed to have jumped on, I’d have had no time to go fishing.
Clark Gable
Those who are trying to remain healthy with HIV/AIDS are in the most vulnerable period of their lives; that’s no time to leave them without access to care.
David Mixner
It is my contention that Aesop was writing for the tortoise market. hares have no time to read.
Anita Brookner
Embrace good smells. No cost, no calories, no energy, no time – a quick hit of pleasure.
Gretchen Rubin
I’ve never seen ‘The Goonies.’ I’ve never seen ‘Indiana Jones.’ I watched ‘UHF’ over and over again when I was little, and that was it. I had no time for any other movies. I watched ‘Naked Gun,’ ‘UHF,’ and ‘Airplane!’ over and over.
Eric Andre
That’s one thing I never had to do on a Mike Bay set is sit around and pontificate about the next scene; there’s no time for it. You’re already in the next scene.
Shia LaBeouf
Compared to TV, ‘Palookaville’ was restriction-free, except we had no money and no time.
Alan Taylor
The work pressure in a daily is much. There is no time to etch out characters.
Supriya Pathak
I have no time for it at all, when women just don’t like women. I don’t get it.
Victoria Beckham
The 1930s was a funny time. People knew they might not live for another six months, so if they were attracted to one another, there was no time to dawdle.
Alan Furst
Small nations have no time for small goals – they have to think big in order to become contributors.
Kersti Kaljulaid
The biggest influence on my books was the fact that I had worked in a newspaper for so long. In a daily paper, you learn to write very quickly; there is no time to sit and brood about what you are going to say.
Maeve Binchy
There’s no time for boys in my life right now.
Karlie Kloss
I haven’t had an easy life, but at some point, you have to take responsibility for yourself and shape who it is that you want to be. I have no time for moaners. I like to chase my dreams and surround myself with other people who are chasing their dreams, too.
Aimee Mullins
I have no time for political hacks who say things they don’t believe because they get paid to.
Tucker Carlson
Barry Hearn has said there’s no time for playboys, but I’m not a playboy.
Judd Trump
The unflattering reviews are painful for short periods of time; the badly written ones are deeply, deeply insulting. That reviewer took no time to really read the book.
Toni Morrison
I feel best when I get to go running or hit the gym, but sometimes I just have no time.
Angela Yee
I’ve always been known for speeding up the tempo. To me, that’s just the way you play the game – aggressive. There’s no time to rest. You rest on the sidelines.
Andrew Whitworth
The experience I don’t want to see repeated occurred in ‘Bush v. Gore.’ The Court divided five to four. There were four separate dissents, and that confused the press. In fact, some of the reporters announced that the decision was seven-two. There was no time to get together.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
That’s what really bothered me about high school: There was just no time to do anything other than school.
Andrew W.K.
I am a firm believer in open justice, and an opponent o

I am a firm believer in open justice, and an opponent of closed justice in any normal circumstances. But I am also an opponent of legal purism, and have no time for institutionalised mythmaking – whether from the authoritarian right or the liberal left.
Kenneth Clarke
When it comes to tackling your financial goals, whatever they might be, there’s no time like the present.
Suze Orman
Globalization has created this interlocking fragility. At no time in the history of the universe has the cancellation of a Christmas order in New York meant layoffs in China.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
In fashion, there’s huge pressure to produce results in no time. But you cannot guarantee numbers, because fashion gravitates around desire.
Marco Zanini
As a species, taking all in all, we are still too young, too juvenile, to be trusted. We have spread across the face of the earth in just a few thousand years, no time at all as evolution clocks time, covering all livable parts of the planet, endangering other forms of life, and now threatening ourselves.
Lewis Thomas
My focus is totally on films and I have no time for a love life.
Sometimes when you’re constantly playing volleyball there is no time to decompress mentally and physically.
Jordan Larson
There’s no time to waste. Every day, there needs to be movement on something.
Desiree Rogers
I love ‘Teach Yourself’ books. I bought an old weaving loom and had no time for classes, but one ‘Teach Yourself’ later, and my bobbin is flying.
Sandi Toksvig
I have no boyfriend. No time. None send me over the moon, so I just kind of do my thing.
Christina Grimmie
We are producing something people can live without. But we need to keep thinking what would make our products a priority purchase even if they are not a necessity. If we stop doing that, no matter how successful Nintendo is at the moment, things will start going wrong in no time.
Satoru Iwata
Growing old is no more than a bad habit which a busy person has no time to form.
Andre Maurois
I always tell the fans, ‘Screw it! Like what you like. Listen to what you want.’ Insisting that one type of music is better than the next is snobbery, and I have no time for that. Check out all the music that’s out there. There’s great stuff you’re probably missing.
Corey Taylor
Throughout the day no time for memorandums now. Go ahead! Liberty and independence forever.
Davy Crockett
In general, the mass media tell us that black people are not loving, that our lives are so fraught with violence and aggression that we have no time to love.
bell hooks
I find that doing of the will of God leaves me no time for disputing about His plans.
George MacDonald
If you go to Real Madrid, there’s no time to improve as a manager. You don’t have a chance to be a better manager, you already have to be the best.
Julian Nagelsmann
Huge open source organizations like Red Hat and Mozilla manage the collaboration of hundreds of people who don’t know one another and have spent no time hanging around the water cooler.
Margaret Heffernan
There is no time you should shut the doors, as there is always love out there for you.
Rachel Riley
I feel like I’m close to all the ‘Lord of the Rings’ and ‘Goonies’ people, but I’m kind of sequestered with my wife and kids. But as soon as there’s some reason for all of us to be together, it’s like no time has passed, lots of hugs.
Sean Astin
For my part, I confess I seldom listen to the players: one has so much to do, in looking about and finding out one’s acquaintance, that, really, one has no time to mind the stage. One merely comes to meet one’s friends, and show that one’s alive.
Frances Burney
Every composer knows the anguish and despair occasioned by forgetting ideas which one had no time to write down.
Hector Berlioz
For years, I had no time for exploratory travel.
Renee Fleming
In real life, it is the hare who wins. Every time. Look around you. And in any case it is my contention that Aesop was writing for the tortoise market. Hares have no time to read. They are too busy winning the game.
Anita Brookner
They were so exhausted and seasick and all they could do was crawl up those beaches. And thousands of them lay dead in no time at all. It’s unthinkable.
Barry Pepper
What qualified me to write about Israel was that I wanted to; it took no time to convince myself. The only reservation I had was about eaven: I wanted to write about the Jewish heaven but did not feel qualified because I did not and do not believe in ‘it,’ though I should.
Joshua Cohen
I have too many responsibilities and principles. There’s no time for ‘guilty’ pleasures.
A. R. Rahman
No pen, no ink, no table, no room, no time, no quiet, no inclination.
James Joyce
Drill instructors worked seven days a week, fifteen to seventeen hours a day in many cases, with no time off in between platoons.
R. Lee Ermey
At no time during the period intervening between the ratification of the Constitution and the inauguration of the new government were the leaders in Federalism certain that the agrarian party, which had opposed the Constitution, might not render the instrument ineffectual by securing possession of Congress.
Charles A. Beard
Fortunes made in no time are like shirts made in no time; it’s ten to one if they hang long together.
Douglas William Jerrold
I don't like to fill up my schedule. It's easy to do, b

I don’t like to fill up my schedule. It’s easy to do, but then that year arrives, and you find that you have no time, so you are desperately trying to cancel something. I have to think of my family.
Juan Diego Florez
I have no time for real horses, so I have a plastic horse. Large size. Called Max Von Sydow. For photographs it looks real. If I do a photo shoot and it stands in the background, you think it’s a horse. A horse is a horse.
Udo Kier
I never wanted to separate from either wife. It was accumulated stress. We had virtually no time to ourselves. After politics we were both working very hard to establish new careers.
John Hewson
The time of wisdom cannot be measured, and for me, wisdom is the garden. There is no time in the garden.
W. S. Merwin
Even if my film does well, you will not see me blowing my own trumpet. There is no time to sit and dwell on whether it’s done well or not done well.
Sonakshi Sinha
I have no time for women who don’t support other women. It’s the ultimate compliment when a woman tells you that you look good.
Victoria Beckham
I have no time for those who say there is no way Scotland could go it alone. I know first-hand the contribution Scotland and Scots make to Britain’s success – so for me there’s no question about whether Scotland could be an independent nation.
David Cameron
Fortunes made in no time are like shirts made in no time; it’s ten to one if they hang long together.
Douglas William Jerrold
I know of no time in human history where ignorance was better than knowledge.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Sometimes you go into a film and you have no time to prepare and have to compress the details into a few days and then rely on the instinct and what happens when you’re in a scene with other actors and that chemistry or not.
Sally Hawkins
When you see a girl like me bustin’ perps, there ain’t no time to be pretty.
Mariska Hargitay
The real menace in dealing with a five-year-old is that in no time at all you begin to sound like a five-year-old.
Jean Kerr
The modern woman has a modern life, and most of us work. There’s no time to change before we go out in the evening, so a dress should always look appropriate for day and night.
L’Wren Scott
I feel sorry for kids these days. They get so much homework. Remember the days when we put a belt around our two books and carried them home? Now they’re dragging a suitcase. They have school all day, then homework from six until eleven. There’s no time left to be creative.
Tom Petty
As a congressman, why should I be forced to peruse cable stations and blog sites for information on the discussions and then be asked to vote for the deal when I have no input and no time to know even what’s in it?
John Fleming
I’ve seen so many young filmmakers – even professional filmmakers who get a Hollywood deal – they don’t quite know where to begin, where to end, and they’ll waste a lot of time making this perfect shot, an establishing shot, and then there’s no time left to shoot the dialogue.
George A. Romero
Golf is just for fun. I have no time to be a pro golfer, not even after F1. I think it’s too late and I’m too old to learn now. Golf is just a hobby and maybe I can improve a little bit more.
Heikki Kovalainen
Digital time does not flow; it flicks. Like any binary, discrete decision, it is either here or there. In contrast to our experience of the passing of time, digital time is always in the now, or in no time. It is still. Poised.
Douglas Rushkoff
No time to marry, no time to settle down; I’m a young woman, and I ain’t done runnin’ around.
Bessie Smith
I have no time to write songs.
Priyanka Chopra
I have no time for being embarrassed.
Aidy Bryant
Once I’m on stage, there’s just no time for a sip of water – I’ve always got my hands in puppets! My voice is raw by the time I finish.
Nina Conti
Celebs says we have no time for love, but I wouldn’t say that.
Randeep Hooda
Saying that you’re too busy, that there’s no time left for a workout is just an excuse – one must make time.
Neha Dhupia
I can break the ice with people in no time. I think I can even make a wall talk to me!
Zareen Khan
Once you’re drafted there is no time to relax.
Derek Carr
For an athlete, there’s no time off… until it’s over.
Terry Bradshaw
Men of power have no time to read; yet the men who do not read are unfit for power.
Michael Foot
I started writing the one-sentence stories when I was translating ‘Swann’s Way.’ There were two reasons. I had almost no time to do my own writing, but didn’t want to stop. And it was a reaction to Proust’s very long sentences.
Lydia Davis
‘Shotgun Stories’ and ‘Take Shelter’… I was willing to make those with no money and no time. With ‘Mud,’ I just wanted to protect it until I could have the resources. It’s a real tricky movie.
Jeff Nichols
We need to stop fighting Christian against Christian. I have no time for anything but trying to love other people. That is a full-time job.
Anne Rice
How many times have you wanted to make a chocolate cake

How many times have you wanted to make a chocolate cake from scratch or prove you can make a flakey crust as good as your grandmother’s….but you just don’t have the time! A snow day is the perfect day to enlist the kids with no time pressure, or worse, dinner guests to impress.
Rachel Campos-Duffy
The Chip also reduces the damage done by bandits. They still steal drinks and cheers along the course, but no longer scramble the paying runners’ results. No entry fee, no Chip, no time or place.
Joe Henderson
I have no time for fad diets.
Laura Whitmore
I wrote my first novel in the same conditions as most first novelists – I had a full-time job, I shared an apartment, I had no time – and so I became a compulsive outliner of everything. Ever since then, my process has consisted of trying to forcibly rid myself of that compulsion.
Jonathan Dee
The present fashion system is too hard – there are too many collections. The designers have no time to think! Money is too important. Schedules are too crazy.
Azzedine Alaia
What with making their way and enjoying what they have won, heroes have no time to think. But the sons of heroes – ah, they have all the necessary leisure.
Aldous Huxley
Honestly, I have had to live like a high priestess in this show. It is a very, very lonely life. When you work the way I work – that means hard – there’s no time for play.
Ann Miller
There are times when you got to put a little ‘extra’ in, especially on a card at WrestleMania or SummerSlam because it’s no time to hold anything back. You have to pull out all of the stops.
Dean Ambrose
You have no time to do the science if you’re talking to the media.
James Hansen
I have no time for perfection.
There never seems to be enough hours in the day. At the moment I have no time to make new music because I’ve been doing so much promotion for this new single.
I spent almost no time studying categories like geography and sports, even though they came up frequently on ‘Jeopardy,’ because I’m already strong in those subjects.
James Holzhauer
In theatre, there’s no time for a proper meal.
Tamsin Greig
There’s no time for regrets. You’ve just got to keep moving forward.
Mike McCready
We spend all our time teaching reading and writing. We spend absolutely no time at all, in most schools, teaching either speaking or, more importantly still, listening.
Julian Treasure
There is no time for cut-and-dried monotony. There is time for work. And time for love. That leaves no other time!
Coco Chanel
This is no time for ease and comfort. It is time to dare and endure.
Winston Churchill
The time of wisdom cannot be measured, and for me, wisdom is the garden. There is no time in the garden.
W. S. Merwin
The glass is always half full: I have no time for anything negative – and actually, I’ve bought crystals for all my team, so they all carry crystals as well.
Victoria Beckham
I learned my business in the theater and in television, particularly working with the actors. You can learn much more in the theater than directing a movie, because then you have no time when you are shooting a movie to really work with the actors. You have to learn this craft somewhere else.
Michael Haneke
I don’t play Hollywood maids, the hee-hee kind of people who are so in love with their madam’s children they have no time for their own.
Esther Rolle
Why do people sit up so late, or, more rarely, get up so early? Not because the day is not long enough, but because they have no time in the day to themselves.
Florence Nightingale
Once illness strikes, you realize there’s not a lot of time for you to do what you really need to do. And there’s no time like the present.
Rufus Wainwright
Television is like speed chess, as you have no time and no money. It is like trying to play Grandmaster chess with a 20 minute timer. The rewards are great, though, as it moves faster and you get to see the finished results much quicker.
Dean Devlin
Everybody has their iPhone cameras, BlackBerry cameras, and I see those cameras pointed up at me all the time now, which is actually really good because of what it does for me and my band. There is no time for us not to be on our toes because they’re on all the time whenever you’re playing. I think it’s very healthy.
Ronnie Montrose
When you play a lead role, you’re in pretty much every scene. It’s incredibly tiring. You really have to disappear into the film because you have no time to do anything else. You are either awake and playing the character, or you are trying to catch up on sleep.
Gabriella Wilde
That’s the way I like it because there’s no time to have nerves about it. You just run out and do it.
Doug Flutie
I have no time to think about other writers. I am too busy with my own problems.
Harper Lee
I have no time for the endless nostalgia: ‘Oh gosh I used to . . . ‘ Life is too short; I don’t have any time for sitting and saying I miss things. What’s the point? Go and do something else.
Kate Adie
At no time are we ever in such complete possession of a journey, down to its last nook and cranny, as when we are busy with preparations for it.
Yukio Mishima
In a marriage, in any long-term relationship, not to bother with lying. There’s no time for that. If you have any sort of secret life, it will come back to haunt you.
Andy Garcia
I would feel ill without theater. It's kind of a cliche

I would feel ill without theater. It’s kind of a cliche, but every time you make a mistake, you really do have to learn from it to move on. When you’re doing something live, there’s no time to dwell. Hopefully you’ll laugh it off, but if not, you can always take a day to hate yourself.
Nina Arianda
Our subjective experience of time is highly variable. We all know that days can pass like weeks and months can feel like years, and that the opposite can be just as true: A month or year can zoom by in what feels like no time at all.
Joshua Foer
I was, indeed, forced to take a break for two years. I was down with arthritis and hormonal imbalance. To add to my woes, I started putting on a lot of weight in no time.
There was no ‘before’ the beginning of our universe, because once upon a time there was no time.
John D. Barrow
At no time did I suggest that violence is justice, and I can’t believe I even have to explain that. But the alternative is letting someone like Kayleigh McEnany misquote and manipulate what you say. McEnany, who repeatedly lies to the American people.
Brianna Keilar
I feel I want to grow as an actress and be better. I want to progress as a singer and songwriter, and produce movies and everything. So there’ll be no time when I feel I’ve done it all.
Jennifer Lopez
As soon as a good script comes my way, I waste no time in signing a project.
Konkona Sen Sharma
The World War broke out with such elemental violence, and with such resort to all means for leading or misleading public opinion, that no time was available for reflection and consideration.
Hjalmar Branting
I was studying at Stanford University with two quarters left to go before receiving an undergraduate degree in electrical engineering. Then, I got the telephone call from my mother. I had no choice. I went home, and I jumped into the company feet first, right from day one. There was no time to grieve my father.
Azim Premji
Rahul Gandhi gets a copy of every programme that has been started by the Centre during Parliamentary procedure, but he has got no time to read. He has got time to go to night clubs.
Subramanian Swamy
His struggle for a bare living left him no time to take advantage of the public evening school. In time he learned to read, to follow a conversation or lecture; but he never learned to write correctly; and his pronunciation remains extremely foreign to this day.
Mary Antin
So many have come to me that I might serve them, leaving me no time to think of myself. However, I assure you that I do feel deep down within me, God be praised.
Saint Francis de Sales
No time is better spent than that spent in the service of your fellow man.
Bryant H. McGill
When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it’s your world for the moment. I want to give that world to someone else. Most people in the city rush around so, they have no time to look at a flower. I want them to see it whether they want to or not.
Georgia O’Keeffe
He who is too busy doing good finds no time to be good.
Rabindranath Tagore
Apart from work, I really have no time for myself. I am literally living out of a suitcase. But I love my life!
Raashi Khanna
There’s no time for being babies or being scared. If you’re scared, go to church.
Stephen Jackson
The real menace in dealing with a five-year-old is that in no time at all you begin to sound like a five-year-old.
Jean Kerr
In Twenty20, because of the pace of the game, everyone is constantly involved in the field, you have to work as a team covering each other, there’s no time to take your eye off the ball.
Isa Guha
I am not one of those actresses who says she has no time for love.
Parineeti Chopra
When you sit there doing a film score for three months there’s no time to experiment.
Jon Hopkins
What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare?
W. H. Davies
I love London in the rare parts of the year when it’s quiet, and no time is more reliably quiet than the week between Christmas and New Year.
John Lanchester
We are so obsessed with doing that we have no time and no imagination left for being. As a result, men are valued not for what they are but for what they do or what they have – for their usefulness.
Thomas Merton
So much of our lives is given over to the consideration of our imperfections that there is no time to improve our imaginary virtues. The truth is we only perfect our vices, and man is a worse creature when he dies than he was when he was born.
Edward Dahlberg
I might be doing a lot more theater, which is kind of what I love, but there’s simply no time for.
Erika Slezak
I had grown up seeing people in school where I felt like I needed to keep them at arm’s length, or on the picket line, where there was a tonne of hostility and no time to build rapport with people.
Megan Phelps-Roper