Top 161 Salary Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Salary Quotes from famous people such as Paul Heyse, Susan Wojcicki, Cenk Uygur, James Altucher, Michelle Pfeiffer, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

In the spring of 1854, some of my publications persuade

In the spring of 1854, some of my publications persuaded King Maximilian II of Bavaria to offer me, at the suggestion of Emanuel Geibel, a position in Munich with an annual salary of 1000 guilders, to take part in his so-called symposia, weekly soirees at which scholars and poets were gathered.
Paul Heyse
Whether it’s salary or a promotion or a job, I think it’s important for women to ask for what they think they deserve.
Susan Wojcicki
I made $70,000 in the 1990s, when I was a corporate lawyer. I didn’t see that salary again until I was on MSNBC.
Cenk Uygur
Don’t stay at the job for safe salary increases over time. That will never get you where you want – freedom from financial worry. Only free time, imagination, creativity, and an ability to disappear will help you deliver value that nobody ever delivered before in the history of mankind.
James Altucher
I act for free, but I demand a huge salary as compensation for all the annoyance of being a public personality. In that sense, I earn every dime I make.
Michelle Pfeiffer
For people who earn on an average about RS 15,000 a month and who travel a lot, if the salary is late then the landlord will throw him out. I know how life is after that because I have been there.
Ritesh Agarwal
TV that people will never see, that giant international corporations will never touch, will never pay your salary.
Norman Lear
The U.K. is one of the few places in the world that has final salary pensions.
Jim Ratcliffe
In ’38, this time I did a job for Mr. Stryker. I went on his payroll at about half the salary I was getting before, to cover what he called Harvest in Ohio.
Ben Shahn
When it comes to landing a good job, many people focus on the role. Although finding the right title, position, and salary is important, there’s another consideration that matters just as much: culture.
Adam Grant
Now I get a very nice salary as a member of Congress, but when I’m in Washington, I sleep in my office.
Jason Chaffetz
In our works at Bethlehem and San Francisco, and all over the United States, I adopted this system: I pay the managers practically no salary. I make them partners in the business, only I don’t let them share in the efforts of any other man.
Charles M. Schwab
I do genre films because I like them or because I need the money. I make a star’s salary when I do horror because I can still open a movie in Italy or Spain or Germany.
Robert Englund
I’d get rid of it, just get rid of the draft altogether. We’d just deal with the salary cap.
Stan Van Gundy
I remember when I got my first salary, Rs 3000/- while working as an assistant director during my college summer vacation and I gave it to my mom.
Ishita Dutta
It wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world if we didn’t have a salary cap.
Jerry Jones
I never refused my help to any person black or white; and I liked the office nonetheless because there were neither fees nor salary connected with it.
Salmon P. Chase
I don’t talk about my salary.
Howard Stern
Initially I even had to work in a textile firm for a meagre salary of Rs. 400 a month. Then things changed for me when I became an assistant to Shekhar Kapoor.
Satish Kaushik
I don’t clean, I don’t make the bed. I spend my salary. I worry a lot. I just don’t worry about socks on the floor.
Amanda Peet
Bare hands grip success better than kid gloves. Be thorough in all things, no matter how small or distasteful! The man who counts his hours and kicks about his salary is a self-elected failure.
Charles M. Schwab
That’s one reason India is an attractive proposition for retiring. Servants are much more reasonable than in England. It’s not exploitation so long as you pay a proper salary.
Miriam Margolyes
One thing I don’t want to feel is marketplace pressure, so I’m really glad I enjoy teaching because I can rely on that for a salary. I think it would be such a different game if I had to write a book that has to sell well.
Aimee Bender
I’ve always been petrified of working for a boss who I didn’t like but who I was in fear of, because I wanted my salary.
Simon Cowell
Even though the UFC is millionaire, trillionaire, we have to live our reality. Unfortunately, the UFC makes all that, we don’t. But I’m happy with my job, happy with my salary.
Jessica Andrade
I went through all my electric bills, the water bills, the phone bills, elevator contracts, and I found enough wasteful spending without reducing any programs anywhere, without reducing any services, I found enough wasteful spending to pay my entire salary for three years.
Thomas Massie
You just have to keep at it and budget yourself; be prudent. It’s art, so you really don’t go into it to make a zillion dollars, but there’s definitely bills to pay, and I want everyone in the band to have a salary and whatever they need.
Cindy Wilson
Dude, I throw a stick. Come on. I get paid a pretty good salary to throw a stick.
Breaux Greer
Since President Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act in 1963, the gap between men and women’s earnings has narrowed by less than a half-cent per year. At this rate, American women will have to wait until 2062 to bring home the same salary as their male counterparts.
Jackie Speier
If you were my agent and I was making $10 million a movie and made four movies a year, that means you have a salary of $4 million.
Peter Stormare
Most people see a job offer from Google as a victory, and I should have seen it that way. I should have at least seen the salary that way.
Sarah Cooper
At Cornell University, it was well known that after fiv

At Cornell University, it was well known that after five years on Wall Street, you could expect to be making half a million a year in salary and bonus; after 10 years, you could expect a million or more. I had 60 grand of university debt, and my parents had no retirement. I needed that money.
Philipp Meyer
In Georgia and around the country, people are striving for a middle class where a salary truly equals economic security. But instead, families’ hopes are being crushed by Republican leadership that ignores real life or just doesn’t understand it.
Stacey Abrams
My father started out as a musician but he had a salary from a day job working as a health inspector for the government. When he left to set up his own entertainment agency his income became more uncertain.
Carol Drinkwater
I sell my first book to Random House, a memoir of my years as a war photographer, for twice my NBC salary.
Deborah Copaken Kogan
If you want to win in this league, you need quality depth management, in the age of the salary cap.
Robert Kraft
Even if I were offered twice my salary elsewhere, I would stay at Juve. Doing so would make me proud, as it is a worthy thing to do.
Gianluigi Buffon
The harsh reality is that if you are middle-aged, write computer code for a living, and earn a six-figure salary, you’re headed for the unemployment lines. Your market value declines as you age, and it becomes harder and harder to get a job.
Vivek Wadhwa
I buy my own clothes. I have a teacher’s salary.
Jill Biden
My first pay cheque was when I was a security guard in a Benetton showroom, which was Rs 900. I took all my security guard friends for a treat to eat Chinese food and ended up spending my entire salary in just three days, leaving me with no choice but to rely on my friends for food for the entire month.
Amit Sadh
In my mom’s case, she did a fantastic job. She raised four well-rounded, smart boys on a public school teacher’s salary. She’s impressive. She was always there for us. She sacrificed for us constantly.
Brook Lopez
Everyone has a salary. Everyone has hopes and dreams for where they can invest their money. Everyone wants to do the best they can with it, and they don’t want to be subjected to any sort of predatory lending.
Dede Gardner
Frankly, any city person who doesn’t think I deserve a white-collar salary as a farmer doesn’t deserve my special food.
Joel Salatin
All workers, whether they are employed in the private or public sector, should avoid living ‘paycheck to paycheck.’ Studies show that every household wastes 10% or more of its salary or income on unnecessary expenditures or by not taking the time to shop for better prices. It’s all a matter of proper budgeting.
Mark Skousen
I didn’t decide I was crazy until 1952. That’s when I began making a steady salary and could afford to be crazy.
Allan Sherman
I think Paul Hollywood was quite perfectly within his rights to stay with Love Productions. They’d made him famous, he was getting a decent salary and he was enjoying it. Why shouldn’t he stay with them?
Prue Leith
I know NBC pays my salary but I have never doubted who I work for. I think about the people who watch. They’re the ones who matter to me.
Ann Curry
Both class and race survive education, and neither should. What is education then? If it doesn’t help a human being to recognize that humanity is humanity, what is it for? So you can make a bigger salary than other people?
Beah Richards
The players wanted more money, higher salary caps and they didn’t have that family relationship we felt with the players. Mentally, the players were more businesslike.
Guy Lafleur
My program intends to outsource tree plantation to uneducated rural men and women with a monthly salary of Rs5,000 for barely an hour’s work.
H. D. Kumaraswamy
The entertainment business is and always has been about money, and it’s about, ‘Does that person merit that salary?’ The fact is that that the business, in my view, has been somewhat bankrupt for years – only the new media made it viable.
Mike Medavoy
I’m trying to set a good example. I don’t need to take a high salary, which would impede the success of Morningstar.
Joe Mansueto
For so long, women have been waiting to get recognized. The world doesn’t work that way. We need to teach girls that it’s OK to ask for what you want when it comes to your salary or whatever it is you want to enhance your career. No one is going to notice you no matter how amazing you are.
Reshma Saujani
You can play professional lacrosse, but they make less than a teacher’s salary now. I always thought about that. And it’s a very difficult career, a short career, as a pro athlete.
Nash Grier
It’s difficult on a ship to get away from your job because that accommodation house, which is where seafarers live, is their workplace, it’s where they live, it’s where they relax, it’s everything, and it’s just hard to get away. And seafarers often refer to their job as being in prison with a salary.
Rose George
Twenty games is the magic figure for pitchers – .300 is the magic figures for batters. It pays off in salary and reputation. And those are the two things that keep a ballplayer in business.
Warren Spahn
It didn’t seem fair that no matter how many passes I caught or how many touchdowns I scored, I was considered a ‘lowly tight end’ and would never be paid anywhere close to a salary as high as the elite wide receivers.
Tony Gonzalez
In China you have to be in peak form because you need to do well. You earn a lot – I had a huge salary – but then you have to prove you are worth it. Every match is a challenge and I played next to or faced some truly great players.
Women continue receiving less salary for the same kind of job. Women have a higher unemployment rate in our country. When you analyze the composition of poverty, you will find that most of the families in poverty are being run by a woman.
Laura Chinchilla
I think a mother deserves the highest respect and when you talk about salary, it’s not always about cash, but I feel it’s the love and respect that you give to someone.
Manushi Chhillar
Owners never paid my salary. I always recognized that it was the people in the seats who did. I always wanted to give my best.
Ted Lindsay
In our works at Bethlehem and San Francisco, and all over the United States, I adopted this system: I pay the managers practically no salary. I make them partners in the business, only I don’t let them share in the efforts of any other man.
Charles M. Schwab
Although I was paid a salary in Ann Arbor, my wife and

Although I was paid a salary in Ann Arbor, my wife and children and I drank powdered milk at six cents a quart instead of the stuff that came in bottles. I was a tightwad.
Donald Hall
If we want politics to be the kind of arena where you’re attracting and encouraging really competent people who do a job well because that’s what they’re supposed to do, then you have to pay them a salary that’s commensurate with that.
Stephen J. Dubner
It would be bad for the squad if one player had a much higher salary than the rest.
Wesley Sneijder
My agent tells me I am drawing the largest salary ever paid in the halls of England. Wonderful, isn’t it? for a quiet, rural gardener like myself.
Lillie Langtry
When we took on the name The Drifters, we became the new Drifters, and signed a contract to be put on salary, which I think was like a hundred dollars a week, a piece, five hundred dollars for all five of us.
Ben E. King
My salary is converted to bitcoin, and taxes are taken out. You have to do all the tax computations in dollars because the IRS does not deal in bitcoins.
Gavin Andresen
A church debt is the devil’s salary.
Henry Ward Beecher
When an actor comes to me and wants to discuss his character, I say, ‘It’s in the script.’ If he says, ‘But what’s my motivation?, ‘ I say, ‘Your salary.’
Alfred Hitchcock
TV is sort of the only way to go for an actress my age to make a decent salary; with independent films, you just can’t.
Jessica Lange
‘Salaryitis’ is when you become so accustomed to that salary that you no longer have the gumption to pull out of the rut and strike out on your own. It destroys the nerve of ambitious, imaginative men, and bowing to it has meant sure defeat for more people than any other sickness, mental or physical.
E. Joseph Cossman
Anybody who makes an outlandish salary obviously attracts attention.
Jerry Buss
I don’t take any money from my ministry. I’m not on salary. My husband supports me.
Anne Graham Lotz
In 1962, I had an entry-level reporter’s job at an Omaha television station. I had bargained to get a salary of $100 dollars a week because I didn’t feel I could tell Meredith’s doctor father I was making less.
Tom Brokaw
If salary is your most important consideration, make sure you don’t take too much time off beyond the allotted 12-14 weeks of maternity leave – and certainly don’t leave altogether.
Jean Chatzky
It was definitely not the salary that made me join Manchester United; I went for football reasons – for the history of the club, the league, the fans, and the coach because he is one of the best in the world.
Henrikh Mkhitaryan
We don’t make enough in our job to live the way that we would want to and to have the support that we would need. Most of our income doesn’t even come from our salary from our employer and we have to find income from other places.
Tobin Heath
My salary swings an unbelievable amount. When I had Holly, I took seven months off, so my salary was very low. It fluctuates wildly. No one pays you for the period you spend writing. I am certainly not rich.
Deirdre O’Kane
For the first few years we paid all the bills first and divided what was left as salary. Sometimes that was $50 a week.
The Oscar changed everything. Better salary, working with better people, better projects, more exposure, less privacy.
Kathy Bates
At medical centers such as the Cleveland Clinic and Kaiser Permanente, teams of doctors and nurses provide coordinated care while working for salary instead of getting paid for every procedure.
Matthew Heineman
The courts cannot garnish a father’s salary, nor freeze his account, nor seize his property on behalf of his children, in our society. Apparently this is because a kid is not a car or a couch or a boat.
June Jordan
There is a species of person called a ‘Modern Churchman’ who draws the full salary of a beneficed clergyman and need not commit himself to any religious belief.
Evelyn Waugh
Managers, regardless of salary, should not be allowed to earn or use comp time. They are expected to work as many hours as needed to get the job done – especially at these salary levels.
Jodi Rell
It is my belief that one’s salary is between an individual and the IRS.
Jessica Savitch
As everyone knows, tips constitute the bulk of a waiter’s or waitress’s income. But they are also optional, at least in theory. Does it really seem like a good idea to make someone’s salary so susceptible to customers’ whims on a given day – or whether any customers happen to show up at all?
Stephen J. Dubner
How much is an hour of your time worth? It’s worth whatever wage you would get if you spent that hour working. If you work for an hourly rate, this is an easy calculation. Even if you work for a salary and a fixed number of hours, the principle is the same: It’s whatever your salary works out to per hour.
Emily Oster
I give a tenth of my salary to charity every month, so in terms of giving back, I do my best.
Wilfried Zaha
I came into the game when I broke into the major leagues, the minimum salary was seven thousand dollars, and I’d have to go home in the wintertime and get a job.
Nolan Ryan
The salary of a member of Congress ends the day that he of she leaves office.
Virgil Goode
You want to balance the budget in this country? We change the salary structure for Congress and the President. Every year they don’t balance the budget, we don’t pay them.
Daniel Keys Moran
As I learned, like, each year, more and more, I face it as far as there’s always something. There’s always talk about something. Off the field or if it’s on the field, it’s age, it’s my salary. It’s always something, so I learned to kind of use that nowadays, it’s like motivation.
LeSean McCoy
When women fight for a higher salary, they can often fe

When women fight for a higher salary, they can often feel guilty. When men fight for more pay, they feel empowered. I’ve always wanted to encourage women to go after the money they deserve.
Whitney Wolfe Herd
Let’s set things straight… there are 300 million people living in countries within the Nile basin in horrific economic and security conditions. The $500 that they earn in Israel every month is an annual salary in their countries of origin.
Eli Yishai
My mother hid the struggle from us children. She complained about her salary, and she had a tough time. Although she became a headmistress, she still had to do a lot of sewing. The more I think about her, the more remarkable I realise she was. And she understood straight away when I said that I wanted to write.
Derek Walcott
While there have been news reports of recent college graduates living with their parents because they have been unable to find a job paying a salary sufficient to move out, their near and long-term career prospects remain far brighter than for those without a college degree.
Elaine Chao
When I was making the ‘Kid’ my salary was $75 a week. Chaplin gave me a $5,000 bonus at the end of the picture.
Jackie Coogan
I wouldn’t mind taking a rest for three or four months, but I have to keep on making films for the sake of my crew, who just wait for the next film because they’re not on a fixed salary.
Satyajit Ray
Money and salary is not a particularly good motivator in the long term.
Matt Mullenweg
My interest only is trying to help the lives of the people of this state, try to educate people and create jobs. It’s not even for me. I’ve never gained anything. I don’t even take a salary. I’ve never gained anything from being here except for the joy and the privilege of serving the people of this state.
Robert J. Bentley
The first law I passed in my cabinet was a law eliminating the double salary for the prime minister and the ministers. I have a salary as member of parliament. I don’t want a double salary. So it was a very important decision.
Enrico Letta
I want nothing for myself from being Governor. I don’t take a salary or PEIA, I don’t need business connections or the next hot tip. I drive myself everywhere I go, without taking a dime from the state.
Jim Justice
Since I entered the league, half of my checks have always gone into a separate account… I pride myself on doing that. I’ve done it no matter the size of my contract or salary.
Iman Shumpert
Oh, my goodness, when we came to the farm in 1961, I mean, it wouldn’t even support one salary.
Joel Salatin
Price doesn’t make deals, and salary doesn’t control your career.
Christopher Voss
I was going to live on my salary or go down swinging.
Gene Tierney
In my barrio, jobs work and money saves lives. When I have had the funds to place a gang member on a job site and pay his salary, I’ve seen him stop banging. When, on the rarest of occasions, an employer has offered a job to one of these youth, I’ve witnessed kids suddenly have a reason to get up in the morning.
Greg Boyle
I’ve argued for a long time here… that I think that one of the things that is absolutely killing parity is the individual maximum salary.
Stan Van Gundy
The salary of the chief executive of a large corporation is not a market award for achievement. It is frequently in the nature of a warm personal gesture by the individual to himself.
John Kenneth Galbraith
I was working as a secretary in Manchester and thought I would always do that. Then I got this letter offering me a two-year fellowship where I could write; they would pay me a salary and give me a flat to live in. It was heaven.
Sophie Hannah
My craziest ambition is to take John Madden’s job and salary.
Michael Strahan
I was editing Canadian Literature. I didn’t want to let Canadian Literature go, so they reached a nice compromise by which I received half a professor’s salary.
George Woodcock
Besides being driven around Manhattan by a chauffeur whose salary his father’s company paid, in a Cadillac his father’s company leased to ‘scope out properties,’ Donald’s job description seems to have included lying about his ‘accomplishments’ and allegedly refusing to rent apartments to Black people.
Mary L. Trump
Salary stories are intrusive. Do you ask your neighbour what they earn for their job?
Nicole Kidman
I wouldn’t mind taking a rest for three or four months, but I have to keep on making films for the sake of my crew, who just wait for the next film because they’re not on a fixed salary.
Satyajit Ray
Once we were a part of Equity, we were able to get a salary, and then because we were employing ourselves, we just made sure we were always working. We put in hours to get subscribers. We used to do little shows at rich peoples’ houses to get them to give us money.
Glenne Headly
I was offered a choice of a flat salary up front or a percentage of the film’s future earnings. I took the up front money. Nobody could have figured what Halloween would ultimately become.
Donald Pleasence
There is a species of person called a ‘Modern Churchman’ who draws the full salary of a beneficed clergyman and need not commit himself to any religious belief.
Evelyn Waugh
I’m famous for being nicer to my fans than anyone on the face of the Earth because I figure a) They pay my salary, and b) It’s probably like a big moment in your life to meet somebody so I would say, just come on up.
James Woods
The only way to make real wealth is to get rid of your salary. In a salary, by definition, you are creating wealth for others, and you are creating a chain and handcuffs for yourself.
James Altucher
In addition to being an economic security issue, the failure to pay women a salary that’s equal to men for equal work is also a women’s health issue. The fact is that the salary women are paid directly impacts the type of health care services they are able to access for both themselves and their families.
Kirsten Gillibrand
In America, people buy cars, and they put very little money down. They get a car, and they go to work. The work pays them a salary; the salary allows them to pay for the car over time. The car pays for itself.
Iqbal Quadir
John W. Snow was paid more than $50 million in salary, bonus and stock in his nearly 12 years as chairman of the CSX Corporation, the railroad company. During that period, the company’s profits fell, and its stock rose a bit more than half as much as that of the average big company.
Alex Berenson
What I promise to my actors, and to my director, is to

What I promise to my actors, and to my director, is to give them the salary and everything they need.
Jean-Claude Van Damme
Whenever you have to figure out things that aren’t explicit, like in salary negotiations, you see differences in how women and people of color succeed.
Caroline Ghosn
I can’t apply $3 billion in capital to the tech industry. It wouldn’t work. But in infrastructure, education, I can make a real difference. I can change someone’s life, for the better, permanently. If I can improve a kid’s education, I can increase their salary later on and for decades.
Dustin Moskovitz
Those from whose pocket the salary is drawn, and by whose appointment the officer was made, have always a right to discuss the merits of their officers, and their modes of exercising the duties they are paid to perform.
Charles Babbage
The point of the feminist movement wasn’t simply to set our underwear on fire and muscle into small spaces in the male-dominated workplace, but to create a world where the contribution of both sexes was equally valued and no one’s worth was judged on their take-home salary.
Mariella Frostrup
In 1968, the situation at Harvard was not one of which we can be proud. In that year, the proportion of minority persons in salary and wage positions was approximately 3 per cent. Virtually no minority workers were employed on Harvard construction projects.
Derek Bok
When it comes to salary negotiation, don’t forget that salary is only one term of employment. What else is on the table – vacation time, benefits, bonuses, flex days? Before determining that these terms are ‘must-haves’ or ‘giveaways’ to get a bigger salary, find out what the counterpart has to offer.
Christopher Voss
Winning an Oscar attracts the attention of directors and other actors and creates a boost in salary, particularly for someone like Halle Berry. For an established star like Denzel Washington, the benefits are less tangible.
Marc Platt
That’s what counts for you as a player if you are on a high salary and you are earning, let’s say, enough money, which you normally can’t spend in your lifetime. It’s something you should really think about – where you play, what level you play, the audience.
Michael Ballack
I don’t mind saying, you know, that I don’t take a salary from the church, and God has blessed me with more money than I could imagine from my books.
Joel Osteen
The camera fails to capture the ‘business’ in show business! We typically will give 10 percent of our salary to the agent, 10 percent to the manager, and 5 percent to the lawyer, plus the publicist gets a flat fee, which needs to be budgeted for.
Danica McKellar
You can’t just go out and buy players and make a super team, because it’s so hard to do that. The salary cap doesn’t allow it. We have a much smaller salary cap than the NBA, and they only have 12 on a roster.
Connor McDavid
Until we command the exact same salary as every male counterpart, I feel a political desire to stand by other women. If we don’t stand together, that equality will never be fully realized, and that bothers me.
Shirley Manson
Salary negotiations are particularly important because people are testing you as both a co-worker and an ambassador. They really don’t want you to be a pushover, and they don’t want you to be a jerk.
Christopher Voss
People may think that I just want to manage in the Premier League but I’m prepared to go to a non-league club, and if they can’t pay me a salary just pay me a win bonus. I’m up for that.
Sol Campbell
Whether we notice it or not, we spend our days negotiating for something: for our spouse to do more housework, a child to eat just three more bites or go to bed on time, an extended deadline on a project, a salary increase, a better rate on a vacation package.
Christopher Voss
Some people said, ‘Why didn’t you sign Peyton Manning?’ Well, we just couldn’t do it. We would have had to let go of two or three of our outstanding players to create enough room in the salary cap to do something with him.
Bob McNair
I grew up in the Seventies; my dad is an aeronautical engineer and my mum was an English and arts teacher and for a while my family had to exist on one salary.
Alice Roberts
I think my top salary was maybe in 1966. I made $17,000 and 11 of that came from selling other players’ equipment.
Bob Uecker
Asking what I considered an impossible salary when I didn’t want to work for someone has boosted my pay again and again.
Ethel Waters
Growing up, I watched my single mother work hard to provide for her three kids. She raised us in a one-bathroom house on a public-school teacher’s salary of $22,000 a year.
Conner Eldridge
I’m the first to admit this whole salary thing is getting out of control. In the final analysis, it’s still about the work.
Jim Carrey
The mindset in India is to get an education that will secure a job, and then think about how to get a particular salary. We’re used to that kind of a life, and that’s how we bring up our children.
Ravichandran Ashwin
But in the meantime I became accustomed to the writing life and it would be hard to change now – partly because of the salary cut if I went to my other love, teaching; and partly because I still have stories to tell, even though it isn’t all that fun doing the work anymore.
Orson Scott Card
Both class and race survive education, and neither should. What is education then? If it doesn’t help a human being to recognize that humanity is humanity, what is it for? So you can make a bigger salary than other people?
Beah Richards
On ‘Mystic River,’ I had to cut my salary and everyone else’s to get it made.
Clint Eastwood
I can’t suddenly say that because I am acting opposite Amitabh Bachchan, Akshay Kumar, and Varun Dhawan… I should get the same salary as theirs. Because I won’t get the audience to the theatres as much as they will.
Taapsee Pannu
In my first start-up, I didn’t get any salary for four years, so I had to move back with my parents.
Travis Kalanick
The more they applaud, the bigger your salary will be.
Anna Held
Although I receive a small salary from Apple, I do virtually no real work at the company.
Steve Wozniak
If you work for the federal government, the average salary is $7,000 higher than the private sector. Something’s wrong with that, when you’re making more money working for the government than you can working in the private sector.
Jesse Ventura
My mother taught us to sell food in the market so we co

My mother taught us to sell food in the market so we could pay for school. I would get up at 4:30 A.M. and start selling bread and cheese before going to class. School cost $65. The average salary was $125 a year, and with 10 kids, how are you going to pay for that?
Dikembe Mutombo
In some cases, managers and employees have secured pensions beyond their original base salary. It is wrong, the people doing it know it’s wrong, and we have to put an end to it.
Jerry Brown
My salary for ‘Splash’ was $350,000. I got about $800,000 for ‘Summer Rental.’ So, yes, I thought, ‘Well, here’s a chance to get some furniture for the house and some clothes for the kids.’
John Candy
Sarasota in 1974 was a city of 46,459 people, the 73rd-largest market in the country and sixth-largest in Florida, according to Arbitron Ratings. To supplement my meager salary, I was a bartender at Big Daddy’s on St. Armand’s Circle and a sailing instructor at nearby Lido Beach.
Craig Sager
I became a hero after V Shantaram cast me in ‘Geet Gaya Pattharon Ne.’ He paid me a monthly salary of 100 rupees!
Salary matters shouldn’t be told to everyone. It’s a matter of respect for my teammates.
Carlos Tevez