Top 165 Founding Quotes

Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater
I think the Founding Fathers probably knew what they were doing in setting up the government to have a healthy tension between the executive branch and the legislative branch.
Gina Raimondo
In so many areas, it is critical to our Nation’s future that we restore and preserve in their full vigor our Founding principles. Not the least of these is the Framers’ vision of a strong, independent Executive, chosen by the country as a whole.
William Barr
After the founding of the People's Republic in 1949, sc

After the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949, science fiction became a tool for popularizing scientific knowledge, and its main intended readers were children.
Liu Cixin
Our Founding Fathers who created this republic did not believe in democracy. When did we come to worship this idol?
Pat Buchanan
I think the founding fathers believed religion shouldn’t interact directly with government.
Jesse Ventura
I am about as pro-Google a person as you’re going to find in the media. I’ve had friends at all levels of the company since its founding, and still do now.
James Fallows
Everybody knows that Alexander Hamilton was a founding father of the United States, a young father to be sure: only thirty at the time of the Constitutional Convention and just turned thirty-eight when he left behind his brilliant career as Secretary of the Treasury.
Edmund Morgan
The Treasury Department has a critical role to play in helping to set the direction of a U.S. and global economy, a role that reaches back to America’s founding.
Henry Paulson
Dr. King challenged our country to fulfill the promises of liberty, equality, and justice prescribed in the founding of our great nation. Leading by example, he stressed the teachings of tolerance, service, and love, regardless of race, color, or creed.
Steve Scalise
I rise in support of the separation of powers as established by our Founding Fathers in the Constitution. The Constitution clearly delegates the power to deal with criminal matters, like the use of drugs, to the States.
Dana Rohrabacher
In another situation, and in an active station in life, I should have been keenly occupied, and the founding of an order would have never come into my head.
Adam Weishaupt
Our leaders ranged from bad to extraordinary. But through it all, the GOP was the one party even vaguely amenable to limited-government conservatism, to at least some adherence to the Constitution over the social preferences of the moment, and to the constraints on government power that our Founding Fathers so cherished.
Rick Wilson