Top 17 Paul Begala Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Paul Begala Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

It seems to me the American people never really forgave

It seems to me the American people never really forgave the Democrats for being right about Vietnam.
Paul Begala
I try hard to be a good Catholic.
Paul Begala
I was the guy that told Bill Clinton he was going to win. I had gotten the final polling numbers. He had a comfortable lead. He was not going to lose.
Paul Begala
I think too many Democrats are too wimpy. But I think they’re beginning to toughen up.
Paul Begala
Most politicians, when they meet with a guy like me, or a guy like Carville, tell you about how they can win.
Paul Begala
It taught me that Clinton’s instinct to make this about your life as a citizen, rather than his as a human being, was the right answer to these things.
Paul Begala
I’m very sunny. You know, I’m always optimistic.
Paul Begala
I don’t like being a voyeur, looking into other people’s marriages.
Paul Begala
Bush began helping Enron in the eighties.
Paul Begala
But I think what happened was that Clinton knew how to fight back. And the way he fought back was on the issues – being tough in staying on the things that mattered to people in their lives.
Paul Begala
Again, President Reagan was sort of an amiable presence out at the ranch by the last 6 months of his presidency. He had no effect on national policy at all.
Paul Begala
So one important lesson of Vietnam is, the first casualty of an unwise and unjust war are the American troops called on to fight it. Their service should be honored.
Paul Begala
Politics is show business for ugly people.
Paul Begala
Again and again, I’ve seen Bush turn a blind eye as his henchmen have leveled zealous attacks against his political enemies – assaults which the president himself has sometimes directly encouraged.
Paul Begala
I didn’t spend a lot of time on national security the American people will be glad to know.
Paul Begala
I’m a Catholic, but I used to love going to Vacation Bible School with my fundamentalist friends.
Paul Begala
Bill and Hillary Clinton are the most investigated couple in American history – now the most thoroughly exonerated couple in American history.
Paul Begala