Top 175 Covering Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Covering Quotes from famous people such as Milo Yiannopoulos, Mike Wallace, Bobby Lashley, Robert Jay Lifton, Geena Davis, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The dirty little secret the media doesn't want to admit

The dirty little secret the media doesn’t want to admit is that Trump generates such good content that they can’t help covering him even when they hate him.
Milo Yiannopoulos
Covering Richard Nixon’s triumphant run in 1968 turned out to be my last major assignment as a general correspondent for CBS News. In September of that year, ’60 Minutes’ made its debut and I began the best, the most fulfilling job a reporter could imagine.
Mike Wallace
I’m not covering up. I don’t need a t-shirt on to go wrestle.
Bobby Lashley
But I spent just two calendar years at Cornell University, though it was covering more than three years of work, and then went to medical school and did become interested in psychiatry, and even helped form a kind of psychiatry club in medical school.
Robert Jay Lifton
I never intended to become a data head. I could never have predicted it would play such an important role in my life. Yet here we are: My Institute on Gender in Media has sponsored the largest amount of research ever done on gender depictions in media, covering a 20-year-plus span.
Geena Davis
When a big event happens, people turn on to CNN, not only because they know there will be people there covering an event on the ground, but because they know we’re going to cover it in a way that’s non-partisan, that’s not left or right.
Anderson Cooper
And at that point, I think my experience in covering the subject helped me. I think editors felt comfortable with the idea of me telling this story because I had demonstrated that I know this business pretty well.
Laura Hillenbrand
I used to always buy clothes too big, but I should have showed off instead of covering up.
Carey Lowell
With years of experience doing whatever it takes to get to the bottom of each story, I am looking forward to covering the stories in the human dimension and impart the passion and visceral reactions the audience seeks.
Geraldo Rivera
Our covering ministry is Challenge for Christ ministries, and Travel the Road was solely our mission arm, designed to expose people to what missions are, then connect them with agencies that send people out.
Michael Scott
I generally don’t follow domestic news that much aside from how it relates to the stories I’m covering abroad, like what Americans think of the War in Afghanistan.
Lynsey Addario
I only use one side of the Physicians Formula Twin Cream Concealer Opens a New Window – the yellower side. It’s great for covering up red spots.
Camilla Luddington
In the past, I’ve done some covering. My first show in New York, I covered three guys in ‘Jersey Boys.’ I think it was always something that was helpful for keeping my head on straight.
Colin Donnell
The Earth has been lawned with life for something over 3.5 billion years. That’s a span of time great enough to encompass some honest-to-goodness catastrophe. For example, 700 million years ago, Earth underwent a planet-wide deep freeze, with ice covering the oceans from the poles to the equator.
Seth Shostak
Historians and scholars have access to every issue of every newspaper and journal written during the civil rights struggle of the 1960s but can access only a comparative handful of papers covering the election of Barack Obama.
Jeffrey Zeldman
I’m not wedded to covering the markets. I’m intrigued by the markets. If I can connect Main Street with Wall Street, then I’ve succeeded.
Neil Cavuto
I was unknown because I came to Washington from the West. I started covering Watergate. Immodestly, I’d say I did it pretty well, in part because it was hard to go wrong.
Tom Brokaw
The White House used to belong to the American people. At least that’s what I learned from history books and from covering every president starting with John F. Kennedy.
Helen Thomas
My 2016 was basically spent covering Donald Trump and falling madly in love with James Fletcher.
Brooke Baldwin
Even if your bosoms are your best asset, deep round-neck or scoop-neck Ts can be too revealing. Offset this flash of gorgeousness by covering up your arms with a little cardi that has sleeves to the elbow.
Covering the NBA is about covering people. I think that’s why it’s sometimes compared to a reality show – because you actually get the chance to know the characters, not just the teams.
Malika Andrews
When I was first assigned to cover the Republican presidential race in 2007, that meant covering John McCain. He was the next in line, and at that point that mattered in the GOP.
Dana Bash
Most Muslim women know it is fear and curiosity that cause people to stare. They know it is ignorance and stereotypes that cause people to suppose that a piece of material covering the hair strips a woman of the ability to speak English, pursue a career, work a remote control.
Randa Abdel-Fattah
Maybe that’s the whole teen oeuvre, you know covering people in disgusting bodily fluids and whatnot.
Rider Strong
I’ve been covering North Korea nuclear issues since I was a young reporter in the Tokyo bureau of ‘The Times’ and wrote some of the first pieces about the existence of the program at Yongbyon.
David E. Sanger
The best thing that you can do to break down any of the barriers that women face in sports is to be over prepared – know your value, but also know the subject matter that you’re covering.
Maria Taylor
I think that the press has a duty and an obligation to report on local government, state government, federal government – to be aggressive, to do its job. And its job is to report on whatever it’s covering.
Mark McKinnon
I was on the campaign trail, covering Donald Trump for two years – and it’s really hard to do anything for yourself with a schedule like that. I didn’t have time to answer text messages from my friends or go to the gym, let alone get my nails done.
Katy Tur
I feel like I’ve been playing, coaching and covering basketball my entire life.
Doris Burke
I feel like covering my children’s eyes when they watch television. It’s better that they spend their time doing something constructive.
I made video art for quite a long time, and I made this video covering myself in burgers and dancing to Major Lazer and doing covers of Britney Spears songs… I can’t remember how I got there, but my teacher said he’d have to fail me because it had mild nudity.
Charli XCX
The Trump administration, to its credit, has initiative

The Trump administration, to its credit, has initiatives on housing. It has initiatives on child care. It does not have true initiatives in terms of making health care more affordable and covering the remaining millions of Americans who do not have insurance coverage.
Annie Lowrey
I’m sorry to say I’m very lizard-like. My skin is dry, so covering my face in greasy antioxidants is a better alternative.
Sally Phillips
Covering two presidential campaigns for CNN was great fun, especially because of remarkable friends throughout the entire political unit, especially Mark Preston.
Ed Henry
I am not covering stories as a transgender reporter. I’m a reporter who is transgender. Otherwise, it would be like having a black reporter only cover stories about blacks or a Hispanic reporter covering stories about Hispanics.
Zoey Tur
The other guys and myself have agreed that Billy Sherwood will do an excellent job of covering my parts, and the show as a whole will deliver the same Yes experience that our fans have come to expect over the years.
Chris Squire
If with open mind one reads and observes industriously and long; if in so doing one covers a wide field and so covering reflects in terms of realism, he is likely, soon or late, to be brought to a sudden consciousness that Man is an unknown quantity and his existence unsuspected.
Louis Sullivan
When I’m covering a story, it’s not just about gathering facts, but it’s gathering the human element as well.
Brooke Baldwin
I love myself the way I am, but people will always message me about other people with vitiligo who cover their skin. ‘Winnie Harlow, you need to tell them that they need to love themselves the way they are and stop covering their skin!’ No! If that’s what makes them comfortable and what makes them happy, let them be.
Winnie Harlow
I’ve been covering all four corners of the country in connection with promoting sustainable and responsible tourism. So not only am I just travelling, I am travelling responsibly.
Shenaz Treasury
On a daily basis I’m covering things that are leaking out of the White House and leaking out what should be closed-door meetings on the Hill. That is not integrity.
Harris Faulkner
In Twenty20, because of the pace of the game, everyone is constantly involved in the field, you have to work as a team covering each other, there’s no time to take your eye off the ball.
Isa Guha
I’d never played a cop before, and this particular role with what she is going thru, especially during the first season, covering her alcoholism to her on the job performance, was a great opportunity for me as an actress.
Nancy McKeon
One of the unique things about covering politics in America is that I’ve gotten to see a lot of corners of this country that I never would’ve gotten to see. It turns out that there are a lot of really beautiful places in corners of America you wouldn’t necessarily expect.
Kasie Hunt
Last year, when we were in Mobile, Al., covering Hurricane Ivan, we heard the stories of poor people, many of them black stranded downtown because they had no way out.
Al Roker
Hell, covering all with its gloomy vapors, has cast shadows on even the holiest eyes.
Jean Racine
Supramolecular chemistry is the chemistry of the intermolecular bond, covering the structures and functions of the entities formed by association of two or more chemical species.
Jean-Marie Lehn
When pop and rock were taking over from jazz, and Sinatra was covering a Beatles song, it was all very new. I get to come at it from a different direction.
Michael Buble
I know better than to ever attempt to get a reporter removed from covering any topic. That would never be an option.
Stephanie Grisham
Listen to the late Isaac Hayes covering ‘Walk on By’ by Burt Bacharach or Mayfield singing The Carpenters’ vanilla-seeming ‘We’ve Only Just Begun,’ and you realize soul’s insistence on transformation: Mayfield in particular makes the song not just about love but the start of revolution.
Kevin Young
The shortstop is a perfectly conditioned athlete. You’re running out on relays all the time. You’re covering second base. On every pitch, you’re moving.
Lou Boudreau
When I got the job with Fox, I said ‘God, are you sure?’ I know nothing about politics; I’ve been covering car accidents and street closures and the pothole patrol in my hometown.
Ainsley Earhardt
With the overhand right in the past, I always got caught. My chin was up, and my shoulder wasn’t where it was supposed to be, covering my chin.
Joseph Parker
Rauner needs to tell Illinoisans what essential health benefits he intends to keep covering in Illinois.
J. B. Pritzker
A human being has so many skins inside, covering the depths of the heart. We know so many things, but we don’t know ourselves! Why, thirty or forty skins or hides, as thick and hard as an ox’s or bear’s, cover the soul. Go into your own ground and learn to know yourself there.
Meister Eckhart
We all have insecurities, but some of us are better at covering them up.
David Harewood
Am I the only person covering politics who ever noticed that Newt Gingrich is actually a nincompoop?
Molly Ivins
My life isn’t always at risk, even if I’m in a war zone. A lot of these places have areas of calm, so covering war doesn’t necessarily mean being shot at all the time.
Lynsey Addario
CNN was crazy to think they could fill 24 hours with news – let alone around the world in 10 to 20 languages. Reuters or AP with a thousand people around the world covering news? Crazy.
Jason Calacanis
Throughout the lead-up to the war, CNN worked hard to air all sides of the story. We had a regular segment called Voices of Dissent in which we spent time covering antiwar protests and interviewing those who were opposed to the war with Iraq.
Jim Walton
Well I think we can’t avoid covering the news and when the president says something like that you’re the enemy of the people, I think I’m well within my right to stand up and say this is well within my lane as a journalist and as an American to say that that’s not appropriate.
Jim Acosta
I call people who are covering up NSA crimes traitors.
William Binney
I'll never forget coming home after covering Sandy Hook

I’ll never forget coming home after covering Sandy Hook. Seeing the faces of family members. The firefighters who could never unsee the unthinkable. Those tiny caskets. I came home, sat in my dark apartment because I didn’t even bother to turn the lights on, and wept.
Brooke Baldwin
Sometimes, they do a great job covering everyone downfield, so you just have to checkdown and hit a tight end to convert. That’s just how we play ball.
Lamar Jackson
I get a lot of joy out of covering other people’s songs, and, at my best, I think I bring something a little new to a lot of them.
Shawn Colvin
When I was trained as a journalist, as a race-relations reporter in Nashville covering the end of the civil-rights movement, we were strictly forbidden to use the first-person pronoun. There was kind of an electric charge around it. To come out from hiding and use the word ‘I’ carried a lot of fright for me.
Lawrence Wright
Covering, hosting, and sharing E3 has been a highlight of my year, not to mention a defining part of my career.
Geoff Keighley
I got such a bad series of sinus infections while covering President Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign, I lost my sense of smell!
Kristen Welker
The idea of being a foreign correspondent and wandering the world and witnessing great events, having adventures and covering the activities of world leaders, appealed to me greatly. It was a very glamorous life in those days.
Alan Cranston
About 25 years ago, I started out as a reporter covering politics. And that sort of just evolved into organized crime, because organized crime and politics were the same thing in Boston.
Howie Carr
For me, journalism has been more a matter of projecting a particular approach to covering policies, to covering issues. It was a continuation of what I tried to do in government.
Eliot Spitzer
I see so, so many novels written by people who are obviously short story writers. What they end up doing, it’s going the full distance, covering three hundred pages or so, but they do it by just writing five or six long stories, and weaving them together, making them interdependent.
Stephen Graham Jones
Asean is obviously a very important association for us. Over the past 30 years Asean has made great strides in regional cooperation covering a number of areas, although recently it has been under strain because of the financial crisis and other challenges.
Hassanal Bolkiah
I’d been watching documentaries about early rock where white artists took ‘race records’ from blues and soul musicians to achieve mass appeal. I wanted to flip that and do an EP covering only white artists.
Anderson Paak
My favorite emoji is definitely the sad face, like the ‘See, I’m sorry’ sad face, which I use all the time… Or the monkey face, where he’s covering his eyes.
Jade Thirlwall
In covering breaking news, there’s no better way than using a helicopter.
Zoey Tur
Trump’s rise was contingent on wide swaths of the country completely tuning out so-called mainstream media sources, while all too many outlets did a poor job covering 2016.
Ben Domenech
I think there were times when I first started out, when I was covering Iraq – I was basically living there in 2003 and 2004 – that car bombs and attacks became so the norm that it was weird for me to leave and realize that no one else actually cared about what was going on there.
Lynsey Addario
The mainstream press and television do a very soft job of covering the press, either as corporate entities or as news organizations.
Sydney Schanberg
I remember starting out and covering songs.
Bebe Rexha
Cooking a piece of fish and cooking it right. Knowing the fish, knowing the properties of the fish. That’s a hard thing to do rather than covering it with a lot of sauces and foams or other cooking methods that might be high wire acts and look good on the outside.
Geoffrey Zakarian
In my case, I was covering politics in Texas as a newspaper man in the 1960’s.
Jim Lehrer
You can learn all about the human condition from covering the crime beat in a big city – you don’t need to go to Beirut for that – but a foreign correspondent begins to understand poverty from a different perspective.
P. J. O’Rourke
The fact of the matter is, particularly when covering a campaign, which is a very high-speed story, it’s incredibly unusual for the reporter to be in the same place as the dateline when the story is filed.
Andrew Rosenthal
Covering the civil-rights movement was a mind- and eye-opener for me. Houston was a segregated society, as was Texas as a whole – some of it by law, a lot of it by fear and tradition. But there was no violence where I lived, and if there was hate, it was either concealed from me or I just didn’t recognize it.
Dan Rather
I am proud to state that every national Jewish organization we support enforces non-discrimination practices around sexual orientation and that more than 70 percent have written policies in place covering gender identity and expression.
Lynn Schusterman
I spent time in, like, criminal courts, and covering murder trials for papers.
Kurt Loder
I will have a defensive back on my side, and Peyton will place it in the perfect spot. It’s something I had never seen before. Never. They say I have good corners covering me. But it’s hard for them with Peyton.
Demaryius Thomas
The politicians of New York have everything that is necessary to make proper decisions and they will have to live with what happens afterwards. The worst scenario is the politicians covering their eyes and turning it over to the FBI.
Tom Hayden
Everyone covering ‘Stage Beauty’ asks me: ‘What’s it like to wear a dress?’
Billy Crudup
Recently released government economic statistics covering 2010, the first year of real recovery from the financial collapse of 2008, found that fully 93 percent of additional income gains coming out of the recession went straight into the wallets and purses of the top 1 percent.
Eric Alterman
As someone who’s been covering presidential campaigns since the 1950s, I have no delusions about political reporting. Candidates bargaining access to get the kind of news coverage they want is nothing new.
Dan Rather
Ideally, I’d like every issue to include a diverse group of stories that meet the qualifications sketched above, but covering a wide range of specific matter and flavour.
Stanley Schmidt
When I worked in Los Angeles covering hard news, very o

When I worked in Los Angeles covering hard news, very often when something important would happen I’d be off in the woods covering something unimportant, which was more interesting to me.
Charles Kuralt
Commerce seems to be covering every aspect of our lives now. Which me, because I’m a romantic, is sad for me to say.
Jeremy Irons
I never thought I’d be covering the White House. I never thought I’d be covering the White House for CNN. And I never thought I’d be covering the White House for CNN while Donald Trump was president.
Kaitlan Collins
I never got away from the war. Not because I was obsessed with it in those years, but because it was the event of my generation and I started out covering it so I stayed with it.
Neil Sheehan
We got our start doing covers and I think, and hearing other people covering our songs is super flattering.
Chrissy Costanza
Back in August 2002, I was hired as a reporter for a website covering New Jersey politics, then still a pretty novel concept. I was 22 years old, not from the state, and thoroughly inexperienced.
Steve Kornacki
When I was growing up, my house was filled with books. My mother was an educator, and my father was a history buff, so our home was a virtual library, covering every author from Beverly Cleary to James Michener.
Jeff Kinney
If 2,000 Tea Party activists descended on Wall Street, you would probably have an equal number of reporters there covering them.
Amy Goodman
During the whole time we were covering the Bulls, I would get blasted by every other sports reporter who thought I had unfair access. I don’t think it was unfair. It was just fortunate for NBC.
Ahmad Rashad
I started covering Trump’s charitable giving sort of by accident.
David Fahrenthold
I loved my time at MTV because the music was critical; the music was our thrust. That’s what the channel was all about. And I loved that, because we were pushing the limits with how we were covering and interviewing and consuming music and bands.
Lisa Kennedy Montgomery
A truly moral health care system should start out by covering all of its citizens with basic health care. It would not be seduced by its technology and fancy buildings.
Richard Lamm
In campaign reporting more than any other kind of press coverage, reporters aren’t just covering a story, they’re a part of it – influencing outcomes, setting expectations, framing candidates – and despite what they tell themselves, it’s impossible to both be a part of the action and report on it objectively.
Michael Hastings
Everything is about energy. We’re surrounded by electro mist, fog and smog. We’re covering ourselves in the wrong sorts of electro-magnetism. These idiot politicians who talk about climate change, for goodness sake, do they really think little us can do anything about it? No, of course not.
Noel Edmonds
I was 23 years old. It was a wild time. I was covering everything that blew up – blackouts, Studio 54, son of Sam killer, and all of that stuff.
John Tesh
I just think that a metal band covering a bunch of metal songs is so boring, so ‘done before.’
M. Shadows
When we learned to play in bands, what we were covering was equal part the Velvet Underground and the Grateful Dead. That would defy the logic that somehow these things don’t fit in the same musical well.
Bryce Dessner
When we went to cover it I thought we would change it to a song of loving and longing instead of the sex machine song Kylie turned it into. I’ve met Kylie and told her we were covering her song and she was pleased.
Wayne Coyne
There’s an attention paid to the fame – the sort of sheath that’s on you, this sort of cloud that’s covering over you – and that’s what people want to touch. It’s not even really you that they want to touch.
Justine Bateman
I was covering the Supreme Court when it decided Gideon v. Wainright, and the case has always had special meaning for me.
Anthony Lewis
I got my first job when I moved to Los Angeles. I worked at a coffee shop for five years and it was one of the best experiences I ever had. It was a bunch of actors covering shifts for each other and becoming great friends.
Katie Leclerc
It’s not a good thing to be friends with people you’re covering. There’s just no point in doing it. It’s tempting, but they’re not going to consider you their friend anyway. They just know that you’re somebody that can do something for them.
Kurt Loder
If you go back to 2001, the market had two violent short covering rallies then, although I know the market didn’t officially get going until March 2003.
Louis Navellier
As a beat reporter covering the CIA and intelligence world after the terrorist attacks of 2001, I could sense that many things I couldn’t see or understand were changing, expanding, getting so big they were difficult to manage.
Dana Priest
‘Rapper’s Delight’ came from the TV entertainment show ‘Good Times,’ but when the times called for a shift in the narrative, artists answered, covering brutal truths in their rhymes that were uncomfortable for society to confront.
Steve Stoute
I’ve always been someone who believes in being real and embraced my imperfections with pride rather than covering it up.
Zareen Khan
My strength is my unpredictablity. I can wrestle, I can strike, I can move fast, and I do a good job of covering up. And because of my experience, I’m able to put myself in good positions in the ring. The guys I fight, they have to be ready for anything.
Tyron Woodley
I worked in Ann Arbor for two years, covering Michigan football and basketball in the early 1990s.
Jason Whitlock
A journalist covering politics, most of us are aware of the necessity to try to be sure we’re unbiased in our reporting. That’s one of the fundamentals of good journalism.
Walter Cronkite
It’s important to stay a human, to be a journalist, to be a human covering the stories and trying as best as I can to put myself in their shoes, to be respectful, to just listen.
Brooke Baldwin
My mom likes to say I’ve been covering news since the day I was born – longer if you count my time in utero.
Katy Tur
I really love my True Match concealer: it is great if y

I really love my True Match concealer: it is great if you just want to cover some spots, and you don’t have to cover your whole face. I don’t really like wearing a face full of makeup all the time; I just like covering up the spots that I am a little self-conscious about.
Cassadee Pope
I represent a district covering Rockland, Westchester and Bronx counties, all of which are part of the 9 million people that this water is so important for.
Eliot Engel
Today more than 20,000 communities participate in the National Flood Insurance Program. More than 90 insurance companies sell and service flood service insurance. There are more than four million policies covering the total of $800 billion.
Gary Miller
I like indoor Christmas trees. And I like people who decorate their homes with lights and all that crap. I think it’s a healthy outlet for them. If they weren’t covering their lawns with twinkling lights, they’d be doing something that was really, really creepy.
Lewis Black
I spent another six years in Europe covering sporting events such as the Tour de France.
John Tesh
Covering a historic event is perfectly legitimate. It’s not sneaking into somebody’s boudoir… These people belong to history, and not to record that if you have the opportunity would be wrong.
Elliott Erwitt
One of the big things that I have realised since styling people is was how many women, size 14 and above, think that covering up in lots of fabric is the best way to dress. I literally could not agree less.
Dawn O’Porter
Oh, yeah, I’ve always thought of covering some of my influences like Billy Joel, Elton John, Stevie Wonder.
Jon Secada
The point is, the political reporters are the ones who no longer understand the ritual they are covering. They keep searching for political meanings in the tepid events when a convention is now essentially a human drama and only that.
William Greider
I think that in our society we should do everything to encourage child-bearing and family-making. And I think that if insurance will cover Viagra for men, it should also be covering these kinds of methods to try to build families.
Joan Lunden
It is critical that we pass legislation to dramatically reform our health insurance system, and this reform should include a genuine public option, universal coverage, an end to insurance policy rescissions, and no restrictions against covering people with pre-existing conditions.
Jerrold Nadler
The insurance companies aren’t covering that. Should Monsanto be liable for these losses? Should the state government? Who’s going to cover the losses? The fact is, here’s an industry with no long-term liability in place.
Jeremy Rifkin
I’ve just learned that love is a very fleeting thing, so we – then we have it; we need to hold on to it but hold on to it in a gracious fashion. Not in the smothering but more so just a covering kind of love.
Betty Wright
If you can get a cotton material like a T-shirt, you cut it up, you fold it and put elastic bands around it – this is a non-medical facial covering.
Theresa Tam
I think it’s very important to have a sense of balance in covering the war, but you don’t have to be morally neutral about terrorism.
Walter Isaacson
I find my earliest memories covering the anachronistic features of a previous incarnation. Clear recollections came to me of a distant life, a yogi amidst the Himalayan snows. These glimpses of the past, by some dimensionless link, also afforded me a glimpse of the future.
Paramahansa Yogananda
Why should we build very large spaces when they are not necessary? We can design halls spanning several kilometres and covering a whole city, but we have to ask, what does it really make? What does society really need?
Frei Otto
There’s no story that breaks, including a five-alarm fire in Brooklyn, that I don’t wish I were covering.
Walter Cronkite
Covering Capitol Hill was my first assignment in political journalism, and I still think it is the best beat in Washington.
Kasie Hunt
The media in America is not covering American AIDS very much. They’re covering African AIDS as if somehow miraculously it’s all stopped here. Well, it hasn’t, and the one thing they’re not saying about Africa is that all those people are going to die; there’s no way these people can be saved – none.
Larry Kramer
Yes, Barack Obama had his clashes with the press. I witnessed those first-hand covering the second term of his administration. But we did not have Barack Obama on almost a weekly basis referring to the press as the enemy of the people and accusing reporters of treason and calling legitimate stories fake news.
Jim Acosta
I think I’m still chewing on my years as a foreign correspondent. I found myself covering catastrophes – war, uprising, famine, refugee crises – and witnessing how people were affected by dire situations. When I find a story from the past, I bring some of those lessons to bear on the narrative.
Geraldine Brooks
‘A Pirate Looks at 40,’ we had to do that song. I’ve been covering that forever.
Zac Brown
I think we have tremendous media covering the sport of boxing, even if boxing is a little bit lost in popularity with MMA sports. And I think that with the show ‘Lights Out’ it’s going to get more attention to the sport, and it’s going to put more attention to the problems that athletes in general have.
Wladimir Klitschko
Going back as far as I do covering men’s college basketball, the objections to me being an analyst never came from inside the game. The players and coaches have always showed me the utmost respect and quite frankly my gender has never felt like an issue inside the game.
Doris Burke
Most announcers play pattycake, pattycake with the players they’re covering.
Johnny Miller
I think when I started going to war zones and started covering humanitarian issues, it became a calling because I realized I had a voice, and I can give people without a voice a voice… and now it is something that sits inside of me every day.
Lynsey Addario
Journalists dedicate their lives to covering war – they make many personal sacrifices, and it’s not something that’s gender-based. In a place like Libya where there’s heavy fighting, it doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman.
Lynsey Addario
With my skin, I have to avoid direct contact with the sun, so that, combined with my mom being conservative, meant I grew up wearing stockings under shorts and long sleeves under tank tops. It was kind of embedded in me that I was supposed to be covering up.
Winnie Harlow
The day after my mom died I fly back to California and spend the three weeks before the California primary making arrangements for her cremation, planning and getting the house ready for a memorial service and covering political rallies in Southern California. The normalcy of work helps.
Brianna Keilar
In the beginning, all of us got ‘women type’ stories. Like covering the first lady instead of the president.
Connie Chung
I mean, first of all, let me say whichever superhero fi

I mean, first of all, let me say whichever superhero first came up with the idea of wearing a cape, he wasn’t really onto anything good. The number of times I’m treading on that damn thing or I throw a punch and it ends up covering my whole head. It’s really not practical.
Christian Bale
To shoot a conventional film means that you are always covering yourself. You are putting nets and, in a way, letting bad decisions take over.
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
From the very beginning, we were all a hundred and ten percent about the music, from the very early days when we could barely play our instruments, and we were just covering other people’s songs when we were in high school.
Ed Kowalczyk
The feathers have been retired to the London Hard Rock Cafe. I don’t obsess about it as much. Also, it’s strange – the better physical shape I get in, the less I care about what suit I’m covering myself up in. I’m not really out to flaunt it, but I’m just more comfortable in my own skin.
Brandon Flowers
I defend a woman’s right to cover her hair if she chooses, but the face is central to human interaction, and so the ideologues who promote its covering are simply misogynists.
Mona Eltahawy
I can play every position in the secondary. And I can do everything – help run support, traveling, covering whoever is out there, small guy, big guy. I can play any type of coverage – blitz if I need to. There aren’t too many people who can do all of that.
Jalen Ramsey
Every school should have well-rehearsed emergency response protocols covering a variety of possible scenarios, from fire to armed intruders. Schools should have good lines of communications with local emergency response officials and practice those relationships in drills and special exercises.
Irwin Redlener
Storytelling is the only studio movie where the censorship is perfectly clear, the only studio movie with a big red box covering up a shot. I take pride in that – and, of course, in having avoided the fate of Eyes Wide Shut.
Todd Solondz
If chick-lit really is taking a commercial battering, I’d suggest it’s because the marketing has been done to death. Covering everything in girlie pink and putting chocolate in the title may once have been a clever Pavlovian device but now makes readers feel a bit sick.
Jojo Moyes
I do have a problem with how ‘Politico’ has engaged in covering politics, especially on our side. I think it is tweet-happy, it is clickbait in many cases, and it’s devoid of facts.
Sean Spicer
Because the heart beats under a covering of hair, of fur, feathers, or wings, it is, for that reason, to be of no account?
Jean Paul
In fifty years of covering the sport, of course Muhammad Ali is by far the dominant figure.
Dick Schaap
You know, we have a long history of covering different periods of this band’s development with a live record… a sort of live thing that would be done for three or four records, and that was the intention with this particular package.
Alex Lifeson
Islam’s not just about covering your hair. It’s about how you treat other people.
Bassem Youssef
Truly, if you can’t cover a five-car pile-up on Route 128, you should not be covering a presidential campaign.
Molly Ivins
We really have the most beautiful planet in our solar system. None other can sustain life like we know it. None other has blue water and white clouds covering colorful landmasses filled with thriving, beautiful, living things like human beings.
Sunita Williams
The understanding of Syria’s devastating civil war has been distorted by the immense danger and difficulty of covering it.
Nancy Gibbs
Computing should be taught as a rigorous – but fun – discipline covering topics like programming, database structures, and algorithms. That doesn’t have to be boring.
Geoff Mulgan
I had never been out covering a story, but boy, was that fun.
Ed Bradley
Many futurists use a checklist approach to make sure they’re covering a sufficiently wide set of topics in terms of both research and brainstorming during a foresight exercise.
Jamais Cascio