Top 180 Important Things Quotes

There are more important things in life than being thin, anyway men prefer women with a bit of meat.
Keren Woodward
A pick-up artist gave me a good piece of advice: the three most important things in a relationship are honesty, trust and respect, and if you don’t have those, you don’t have love.
Neil Strauss
If you want to do really important things in life and big things in life, you can’t do anything by yourself. And your best teams are your friends and your siblings.
Deepak Chopra
My wife Patrice, in addition to being enormously supportive, has taught me a lot about life. She might argue it’s because I have so much to learn. One of the most important things I’ve learned is the art of listening.
James Comey
One of the most important things to me as a songwriter is to make music that’s young and fresh but also soulful and real. I want people to feel like they know me once they listen to my songs.
Tori Kelly
My focus – even before becoming CEO – has always been memorable and unique content. And one of the most important things we did to reinforce that was create A+E Studios.
Nancy Dubuc
I’m not one of those true writers who can’t bear not to be writing. Yet it’s one of the most important things in my life.
Robyn Davidson
One of the most important things I’m glad we did and am proud of is that we don’t have any real grass on our property. It might not be realistic to ask people to pull out their grass, but we’ll never have to think about it. We used Smart Grass, and I think it looks beautiful.
Lisa Ling
My religion and my family are the two most important things in my life. But I love basketball.
Shawn Bradley
One of the most important things for me in terms of my working method is doubt. I get very insecure about my ideas. And I don’t say ‘insecure’ in kind of a paranoid way. I mean just: ‘Are they good enough?’ ‘Is this the right thing to do?’ I really beat myself up over that.
Bill Viola
There would really be no reason to get up in the morning if Founders Fund was not willing to invest in companies that were doing important things, great businesses that very few people believe in.
Luke Nosek
It doesn’t mean you can’t discuss important things, but I would never do a joke about cancer, just because I don’t think any joke is funny enough to justify upsetting someone who is going through that.
Jon Richardson
It’s about important things such as having faith, pursuing your dreams and goals. My music is about drive.
That’s one of the most important things to me is that Detroit and Ann Arbor got my back. If you don’t have hometown love, then what’s the point?
Mayer Hawthorne