Top 181 Obamacare Quotes

America is going to be destroyed by Obamacare, so whatever deal is put together must at least reschedule the implementation of Obamacare.
Scott Garrett
Republicans should embrace the possibility that Obamacare could pave the way toward lower health care entitlement spending overall. That won’t be easy. But it’s not unthinkable, either.
Joe Klein
Remember, before they called it Obamacare, they called it Hillarycare.
Hillary Clinton
I think TARP was the most defining vote since I’ve been in Congress. It was wrong. You don’t nationalize private – it was wrong. It desensitized people to what $700 billion was, which opened the door for a $900 million stimulus, for Obamacare, for all these things. It was wrong. It broke my heart.
Louie Gohmert
As a doctor, I will take it and make it my mission to heal the nation, reverse the course of Obamacare, and repeal every last bit of it.
Rand Paul
Republicans aren’t interested in a one-sentence fix unless that sentence is, ‘Obamacare is repealed.’
John Barrasso
I think the first and principle objective is to repeal Obamacare before it does lasting, fundamental damage to our health care system, to our individual liberty, to the relationship each of us has with his or her doctor.
Ted Cruz
Under Obamacare – which placed 159 federal agencies, commissions, and bureaucracies between patients and doctors – patients not only face dramatically higher health care costs, they’ve also lost the power to choose the options right for them.
Kevin Brady
Obamacare is socialism? Nope – as insurance companies vie to sell new policies, competition within private industry is growing rapidly, with the number of participating insurers growing by 26 percent between 2014 and 2015, and the number of products they offer growing by 66 percent.
Kurt Eichenwald
With Obamacare’s fate in jeopardy, Democrats have no solutions to solve the mess they forced upon Americans.
Bill Flores
My gut tells me that the Supreme Court will rule the subsidies to be illegal, and therefore, Obamacare will fail.
Bill Flores
Obamacare wouldn’t exist – it’s saved millions of lives – without Pelosi getting it through the House. Not a perfect piece of legislation, but she deserves a lot of credit for that.
Seth Moulton
Why do I hate Obamacare? Because it is a blast against freedom. It is a socialist program which will not work. It hasn’t worked anywhere in the world. It will be repealed.
John Raese
When Obamacare was introduced, Republicans and Democrats knew the status quo wasn’t working. But Republicans rejected the notion that to help 2 million people with preexisting conditions get access to care, we needed a 2,000-page bill that transformed one-sixth of the economy.
Cathy McMorris Rodgers
After the Democrats shoved the 2700 pages of ObamaCare down our throats – and we did find out how expensive, controlling, and coercive the legislation was – a majority of Americans wanted the Supreme Court to toss it aside as unconstitutional.
Bob Beauprez
Our friends on the other side decided early on they didn’t want to engage with us in a serious way, a serious way to help those suffering under Obamacare.
Mitch McConnell
Who needs enemies when you've got Republican Surrenderi

Who needs enemies when you’ve got Republican Surrenderists for Obamacare waiting in the wings?
Michelle Malkin
I don’t work for Donald Trump. I work with him. I work for the people who sent me up here. He ran on repealing and replacing Obamacare. Those people that put him and me in office expect us to repeal and replace Obamacare.
Ted Yoho
I hate it when Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi get to beat their drums and talk about what a great day it is for America that President Trump failed – when even they know ObamaCare is a total disaster.
Jeanine Pirro
I think the best thing we can do is sell that idea of smaller government – of fiscal responsibility vs. the Obama record. Obama made promises, and on every promise in which he’s actually delivered, things have gotten worse instead of better. He said if we get ObamaCare it’ll help, but health care prices went up.
Richard Mourdock
I voted to repeal the individual mandate in Obamacare… I think people appreciate the fact that they know where you stand.
David Jolly
Obamacare cannot be fixed and Republicans must not extend this disastrous legislation.
Ben Sasse
Small-business people do not want to have more than 50 employees, because that’s when all the regulatory burden of Obamacare kicks in.
Michele Bachmann
I’m a pro-life, pro-gun Marine that wants to repeal and replace Obamacare.
Todd Young
I would rather drink weedkiller than support Obamacare.
John Kennedy
The only way President Obama and his cohorts could sell Obamacare was to conceal the law’s true ramifications and convince those who were already content with their health insurance that they wouldn’t be affected.
Wayne LaPierre
The lack of portability and competition has long been a problem in America’s insurance market, yet Obamacare took no significant steps to open up the market between state lines.
Bill Flores
A four percent growth strategy means you fix a convoluted tax code. You get in and you change every aspect of regulations that are job killers. You get rid of Obamacare and replace it with something that doesn’t suppress wages and kill jobs.
Jeb Bush
With health care, despite the fact that we as a nation have already chosen to provide health care in one form or another to everyone, we have, until Obamacare, chosen to pick the least cost-effective means, a mix of private and public offerings, of providing that care. That makes no sense.
Mark Cuban
Obamacare imposed an unprecedented level of regulation and standardization on individual-market health insurance all across America. This has left many consumers in an intolerable predicament – in some cases, having to spend up to a third or even half of their income on premiums and deductibles before insurance kicks in.
Alex Azar
Small businesses have suffered under the demands of Obamacare and community banks have scaled back lending due to stringent provisions of Dodd-Frank financial regulation.
Anthony Scaramucci
With its Medicaid expansion, Obamacare may turn out to be the most equality-promoting policy enacted in a generation.
Timothy Noah
ObamaCare was a lemon, but the media were his lemonheads.
Greg Gutfeld
There is no greater example of government overreach and unrestrained liberalism than ‘Obamacare.’ It is so deeply flawed and such a clear and present threat to our economic stability that there is no way to fix it.
Tommy Thompson
It’s no surprise that Mitt Romney bent himself into a pretzel to disavow the portions of Obamacare that derive from his own reform in Massachusetts.
Timothy Noah
I don’t care if you are for having Mexico pay for the border wall, or you want to repeal and replace Obamacare, or if you want women to have complete access to reproductive rights – I don’t care. The fact is, if you don’t get the nuclear issue right, none of the other ones matter.
Valerie Plame
One of the clear problems of Obamacare is that it was perceived, I think rightly, as one party forcing its vision of how healthcare should be upon the rest of the country.
Bill Cassidy
Obamacare is not popular.
Ben Sasse
If Republicans triumph in 2014, it will undoubtedly be as a result of Obamacare. In 2010, Republicans soared to historic victory because the much-maligned Tea Party spearheaded mass resistance to Obama’s takeover of the healthcare industry.
Ben Shapiro
Obamacare is a big deal to me. It’s terrible legislation.
Ben Sasse
I told the president ‘no’ to special treatment for Congress when he tried to exempt them from Obamacare.
Pete Gallego
I have been outspoken on my opposition to ‘Obamacare,’ and I don’t buy the line that our Medicaid program, or any function of government, has reached maximum efficiency.
Doug Ducey
You can’t say it’s broken, but let’s keep some of Obamacare. You have to start over.
Steve Scalise
Americans were promised that Obamacare would lower their premiums and that they could keep their current plan if they liked it, but that’s not what Americans got.
Richard Burr
Everybody in this race is against Obama, okay? So saying you’re against Obama, against Obamacare, all the rest, it’s all fine, well and good, except it doesn’t move you forward.
Ed Rollins
I’m committed to voting to repeal Obamacare or defending it as much as possible.
Blake Farenthold
Obamacare became the disaster that its detractors always said that it would become.
Pete Hoekstra
Obamacare's design flaws were not the fault of the Amer

Obamacare’s design flaws were not the fault of the American people.
Kevin Brady
Make no mistake: Obamacare is a pro-death ‘health’ program.
Kesha Rogers
Bipartisanship has taken us to the brink of bankruptcy. We don’t need bipartisanship, we need application of principle… Where was the call for bipartisanship during the Obamacare debate? Not a single Republican voted for it. It wasn’t about bipartisanship, it was about having the votes to dictate your will.
Richard Mourdock
When President Obama passed health care reform, it was personal! And when Governor Romney says he would repeal Obamacare and put insurance companies back in charge of a woman’s health, that’s personal too.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
The defeat of Obamacare will come from the realization that the very idea of a government-administered health care system is absurd… and by people opting out of the system and developing workarounds.
Rand Paul
We beat Nazis in an hour and a half with less money than it took to build the Obamacare website.
Gavin McInnes
Obamacare is, ‘Patient, heal yourself.’
John Barrasso
What ObamaCare did was take some of the things we did for the poor and expanded the government to basically the whole marketplace.
Rand Paul
There wasn’t a bigger issue in my campaign than Obamacare. Everyone I talk to, every business, a lot of family farmers, are concerned about how this will affect them.
Jason T. Smith
Nearly every policy during the Obama years was anti-growth: tax increases; minimum-wage hikes; ObamaCare; Dodd-Frank regulations; massive debt spending; the Paris climate change accord; an EPA assault against American energy; massive expansions of food-stamps programs and more.
Stephen Moore