Top 181 Worries Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Worries Quotes from famous people such as Boris Johnson, Afrika Bambaataa, Jeanine Pirro, David Bowie, Skrillex, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

This is an absolute turning point in the story of our c

This is an absolute turning point in the story of our country because I think if we go on with being enmeshed in the E.U., it will continue to erode our democracy. That is something that worries me.
Boris Johnson
What worries me are these so-called radio stations with program directors who don’t play all the different flavors of hip-hop. They should play the old with the new, 24/7, 365 days a year. A lot of these program directors are just jiving around and not playing all the good music for the people.
Afrika Bambaataa
Here’s my take: People watch sports to get away from day-to-day stresses, work, illness, financial worries. We don’t need to be reminded of political divisions.
Jeanine Pirro
Questioning my spiritual life has always been germane to what I was writing. Always. It’s because I’m not quite an atheist and it worries me. There’s that little bit that holds on: ‘Well, I’m almost an atheist. Give me a couple of months.’
David Bowie
No one worries about genre when they’re dancing. They’re not asking themselves, ‘Is this song a dubstep song?’
During the Blair-Brown decade social concerns – what kind of society we have become – have gradually replaced economic worries. People fear that we have become an increasingly fragmented, boorish, more violent society.
Andrew Neil
No number of repairs will be able to fix Obamacare. The website is the least of Americans’ worries.
Ben Shapiro
I wanted a good relationship with my mother, and I realized I had a choice: Either I could spend all my time angry that she didn’t give me the hugs I thought I needed, or I could understand that she hugs differently. It’s not a spread-open-the-arms, ‘come here’ hug. She hugs by sheltering me from her worries.
Chandra Wilson
My roles have given me a lot of satisfaction. I became many individuals who were so different from me and whose experiences were so different from mine. I could experience all their emotions, their pains, their worries, their happiness.
Google worries – and rightly so – about how hard it is for a big company to come up with the next hot thing.
Bethany McLean
You know what worries me? Interacting with the kids. I’m afraid that’s when my Tourette’s will kick in.
Scott Thompson
As we develop and get quicker with technology in America, it’s like we’re downgrading if you look at the investment in education… that’s the thing that worries me.
On some level, there’s a limit to what the government really worries about when it comes to a guy like Ai Weiwei, who’s talking to a limited audience of people. He’s talking to people who more or less already agree with him.
Evan Osnos
All the stories are the least of my worries – I’m so used to it. There’s never been anybody trying to get away from the band, because this is what we all wanna do.
Nadine Coyle
I think too much during my day-to-day life; I’m the guy who worries about everything.
Brian Posehn
You’d think true masculinity was just calm and collected happiness. So alpha male that it needs not or worries not. But typically masculine characters are always fighting, and most violence comes from some agitated level of fear and anxiety.
Liev Schreiber
Sometimes it seems that what really worries the Israeli governments, even more than the Muslim Brotherhood, is the real Egypt.
Sayed Kashua
I don’t want to share my worries – that’s for me to know.
Nicholas Hoult
I understand the worries of many – not only here in this auditorium -, and some have already written to me to say that technical progress has lowered the threshold that stops people from helping themselves to protected works without the slightest embarrassment.
Johannes Rau
Because of what I’ve saved, I don’t really have a lot of worries about money.
Iman Shumpert
The world is a horrible place, but no one worries because we have all been pacified by anodyne television in which incorruptible cops solve crimes, crusading lawyers keep the innocent out of prison, and streetwise social workers rescue children from abuse.
Jed Mercurio
The idea of just sitting at home on Facebook worries me. I think we should all get out more.
Irvine Welsh
I want to investigate what scares me and worries me.
Jennifer Lynch
If you don’t have the love and support of your family, you need to find someone out there who you can confide in and share your concerns and worries with. And someone who can lift your spirits and make you feel valuable and strong and powerful.
Jazz Jennings
On the throne, one has many worries; and remorse is the one that weighs the least.
Jean Racine
It worries me that western journalists, especially British ones, call everyone they don’t like ‘marginal.’
Margarita Simonyan
I love being objected to. It worries me, but I love being objected to.
Stan Brakhage
I have existential worries inside of me, but I don’t always know how to express them all the time.
Lisa Hanawalt
It worries me that young singers think you can shortcut the training and go straight to fame and fortune, and programmes like Pop Idol have encouraged that.
Lesley Garrett
During the Great Depression, when people laughed their worries disappeared. Audiences loved these funny men. I decided to become one.
Jerry Stiller
The only time I feel complete expression is when I’m dancing. Then, I have no problems, no worries, no hang-ups. I feel I could do anything in the world.
Paula Kelly
Even a mother - Jewish or not - can't worry about every

Even a mother – Jewish or not – can’t worry about everything. So it is important that we limit our worries to real as opposed to imaginary risks.
Richard Thaler
I grew up with three sisters, so I got used to being around them and all of their worries about fashion and what they are wearing.
Israel Broussard
Some people can just let things go, but I can’t, especially if there’s something that worries me or makes me sad.
Greta Thunburg
I will confess that in general decisiveness worries me; it is often an excuse for being impatient with the details or insufficiently sensitive to other people’s concerns.
Abhijit Banerjee
The idea of God as a fatherly figure who looks down on us and worries about how we’re doing or takes sides when we have fights – it’s more irritating than Santa Claus. The world and the universe are far more wonderful if there’s not a puppet master.
Dave Matthews
The Left only worries about people who don’t want to work; they could care less. They cater more to people who are here illegally, and they care more about the feelings of countries that would love to see us wiped off the face of the Earth than they do hard-working Americans. It’s ridiculous.
Donald Trump, Jr.
What worries you, masters you.
John Locke
One of my worries about America is the epidemic of depression we’ve been in. One of the possibilities about that is that the ‘I’ gets bigger and bigger, and the ‘we’ gets smaller and smaller.
Martin Seligman
I remember being 20 years old and I’m living by myself for the first time with my buddies and what you’re worried about day to day is what am I going to eat for dinner? I don’t know how to cook, so I’ve got to get canned food. Those are the only worries you have in the world.
Brad Marchand
I had apprehensions of playing Jobs in ‘Pirates of Silicon Valley.’ TNT was really excited about me taking the part, but I had worries I usually didn’t have as an actor.
Noah Wyle
I am someone who worries a lot. I’m always worrying ‘what if?’ Now I’m a mum – there will be worries for the rest of my life, but they’re not about me anymore.
Penelope Cruz
There are two kinds of worries – those you can do something about and those you can’t. Don’t spend any time on the latter.
Duke Ellington
People’s mood is really determined primarily by their genetic make-up and personality, and in the second place by their immediate context, and only in the third and fourth place by worries and concerns and other things like that.
Daniel Kahneman
What worries me is that, because of the amount of media coverage of food, Britain seems to have become a foodie nation – but I’m not sure it actually has. I’m not sure there’s been a huge change in the pantry at home or what we cook for supper.
Fergus Henderson
Faced with stress, too many people feel they have nowhere to turn to, that they don’t have access to the kind of friendships or communities where they can easily and openly share their problems and worries.
Daisaku Ikeda
I’ve worried more and more as the years have gone on. The more you’re seen to be doing well, the more stress there is. You feel you ought to consider things more, and be more fussy – there’s further to fall. All these little worries.
Matthew Macfadyen
The first draft is all about freedom, and if loyalty is in question, it is only my loyalty to the characters and situations on the page. All the worries about where the material may have sprung from or what so-and-so might think can be dealt with later.
Jill McCorkle
It worries me about our unwillingness to really address reforms and modernization in Medicare. This thing was designed 37 years ago. It has not evolved to keep pace with current medical technology.
John Sununu
It seems like everything that we see perceived in the brain before we actually use our own eyes, that everything we see is coming through computers or machines and then is being input in our brain cells. So that really worries me.
Hayao Miyazaki
Meditation can help us embrace our worries, our fear, our anger; and that is very healing. We let our own natural capacity of healing do the work.
Thich Nhat Hanh
The satisfaction derived from the fleeting things of life is not lasting; and our wants remain unfulfilled. There is thus a general sense of dissatisfaction accompanied by all kinds of worries.
Meher Baba
Common sense, in so far as it exists, is all for the bourgeoisie. Nonsense is the privilege of the aristocracy. The worries of the world are for the common people.
George Jean Nathan
I write about what worries me and, hopefully, things worry me a little bit earlier than they do some other people, purely because I am a writer and it is my job to go out there and be worried by things.
Steven Knight
I have worries, but in difficult times, that is when I am quiet.
Ariel Sharon
Maybe it’s like becoming one with the cigar. You lose yourself in it; everything fades away: your worries, your problems, your thoughts. They fade into the smoke, and the cigar and you are at peace.
Raul Julia
What worries me is to be in the best physical form to score goals.
Diego Costa
When you’re young you have no worries, no drama, only your imagination. It’s the best!
Devon Werkheiser
It’s the immature mind that worries about what could be, and it’s the mature mind that worries about what is.
Aiden English
I am pleased to say that I am not a tortured comedian – I laugh a lot. My twenties weren’t particularly happy, but it’s the same for a lot of people. In your thirties, you realise that your life and your worries are really insignificant, and you have to force yourself to be more positive and take each day as a gift.
Miranda Hart
I don’t worry about protein. I don’t worry about all that. I’m from old school. I grew up in south Georgia. They didn’t worry about cholesterol or protein. They went out and worked and lived a long time, so I don’t put a lot of worries in my mind.
Herschel Walker
Just the fact that I have people I can talk to about my worries is a great gift.
Park Hyung-sik
While acting in 'W,' my worries about the way I act set

While acting in ‘W,’ my worries about the way I act settled down. I also discovered another side of myself. It was a turning point.
Lee Jong-suk
A couple of seats at a good picture house cost comparatively little but give a generous return in the shape of freshened minds and freedom from the worries that even the best regulated homes cannot always avoid.
Ivor Novello
It just worries me that if we start trying to erase history that we can learn from, where does that end? Do you start taking away books people find offensive? It’s just a path that seems very dangerous to me in this country.
Luther Strange
In the context of our world, sizes 8 and 10 are teeny, but not for Hollywood. I had to ask myself, ‘Do I want to be somebody who worries about what I’m eating? Or do I want to find a balance where I can be healthy and not consumed by that and maybe have to buy some larger pants?’ I bought new pants.
Tracee Ellis Ross
I always think that art is one of the most wonderful exciting curious ways to learn. I have no worries or apologies about art being used as a teaching medium.
Peter Greenaway
For a long time when I was first starting out, I didn’t have an agent, I hadn’t really gone to many auditions… I was very unaware of how the industry worked so I didn’t have the preconceptions or worries.
Stacy Martin
Let me tell you something about full moons: kids don’t care about full moons. They’ll play in a full moon, no worries at all. They only get scared of magic or werewolves from stupid adults and their stupid adult stories.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
I was a bit worried coming back to the Premiership from America, but I have been pleased with my form, and the interest I have received has been good for my ego. I have no worries about my fitness, and I am really looking forward to the season starting now.
Richard Gough
The world’s my oyster. But it worries me, all this showing off about being happy. Life is so precarious, and I know terrible things can happen. At the moment, everything is happy.
Jerry Hall
I can proudly say that I had no scandal throughout my career. And there was no serious injury worries because of what I was taught how to live off the pitch. It was very important.
Jay-Jay Okocha
It slightly worries me that when people find a problem, they rush to judgment of what to do.
Janet Yellen
If I can transport audiences for the three or four hours they’re at the opera, to make them forget all of their worries, the bills they have to pay and all that, then I’ve done my job. That, for me, is very gratifying.
Sondra Radvanovsky
What worries me is that ‘post-racial’ America is not that different from the Americas that have preceded us, and it might not ever be.
Roxane Gay
I worry about everyone – about old people, people who haven’t been able to see their families, about the economy and our children’s futures. The worries are endless.
Tess Daly
For expectant mothers there’s so much to think about – and so much to prepare for. In amongst those many thoughts and all the excitement are also some concerns, not least the serious worries for many about what will happen at work.
Caroline Lucas
Part of me worries about upsetting people, because we all have perceptions about Olympic champions.
Bradley Wiggins
I can’t take on all the worries of the world, you know. I can only talk about being gay and being an actor. I’ll have to leave those other battles to somebody else.
Ian Mckellen
When you are captain at the same time, that’s when it gets difficult and when your own game starts to decay because you have other worries and pressures.
Jonathan Agnew
If the creative artist worries if he will still be free tomorrow, then he will not be free today.
Salman Rushdie
Preachers prepare with this fear: ‘Am I going to be able to fill the time?’ The audience never worries about that.
Andy Stanley
While being a parent has been the most fulfilling experience of my life, it comes with a price. Besides the onslaught of worries and fears that can be paralyzing, more personally there is a struggle with identity, or the fear of loss or usurpsion of identity, if that makes sense.
Paul G. Tremblay
Every man should know, if you’re comfortable and you like it, you should do it. Everyone always worries about what the girls think, what the guys think. If you like it, do it.
Tom Brady
The world worries about disability more than disabled people do.
Warwick Davis
When you talk, you realize that the pains and worries you feel are universal; you no longer feel alone in your sadness. You relate and find comfort in the fact that there are other women going through the same things as you are.
Adwoa Aboah
I think just living in the day and age of technology, whether you’re a celebrity or a normal human being, you’re always worried about your privacy. And I think as long as you behave, you know you’re OK. I think anyone worries about that.
Nikki Bella
As parents, we have kids who reflect back to us our addiction to devices, and we have all sorts of worries about whether this is a healthy thing.
Franklin Foer
Managing can be more discouraging than playing, especially when you’re losing because when you’re a player, there are at least individual goals you can shoot for. When you’re a manager all the worries of the team become your worries.
Al Lopez
All human wisdom works and has worries and grief as reward.
Johann Georg Hamann
The United States and Russia probably do not have common aims and dreams, but they have common worries: Both Washington and Moscow are concerned about the rise of China and are threatened by the rise of radical Islam.
Ivan Krastev
I love Britain. It really worries me, the prospect of Ed Miliband propped up by Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP and what that could do to our country. It’s absolutely right that we highlight to voters that potential risk.
Liz Truss
The voice collects and translates your bad physical health, your emotional worries, your personal troubles.
Placido Domingo
No, I'm not very productive at all. I'm probably like a

No, I’m not very productive at all. I’m probably like an animal. I mean, great animals in the ocean feed all the time. I’m someone who procrastinates, worries, for most of a month, and then I’ll have a flurry of manic productivity with a sense of great urgency and fear for, like, two days.
Jonathan Ames
I’m worried about looking like a bad person when, in fact, I try to be a good person. I don’t like the public image that I’ve been dressed with and it worries me.
Rachel Johnson
The way Satan works is he offers you stuff that could look good to the eye and makes you feel comfortable, and if you follow that path all the worries and troubles will go away.
Israel Folau
It worries me about what happens if people in government are looking for that next job: ‘Yeah I’m working now, not as much money as I could be making, but when I leave here, that’s where I’m headed.’ That ultimately infects whatever it is that they’re doing.
Elizabeth Warren
I have worries and fears just like everybody else. But I have every reason to wake up each morning and be very happy.
Faith Hill
Everyone worries about their kids, of course, but you can drive yourself nuts thinking about all the horrible things in the world – and many, many people do. I believe life is to be lived and not survived.
Willie Geist
There are plenty of downsides in life for anyone, including me. Everyone has their own personal worries. Everyone has normal families, with normal arguments. But in football, things are going really well, and that’s what I want to maintain. That’s one thing I can keep on top of.
Joe Hart
No one worries about you like your mother, and when she is gone, the world seems unsafe, things that happen unwieldy. You cannot turn to her anymore, and it changes your life forever.
Adriana Trigiani
I love driving. It just makes me relaxed. All my worries go away.
Riddick Bowe
You can be barefoot and have worries.
Brigitte Bardot
What happens is, when I perform, I’m somewhere else. I go back in time and get in touch with who I really am. I forget my troubles, my worries.
Etta James
Dear World, I am leaving because I am bored. I feel I have lived long enough. I am leaving you with your worries in this sweet cesspool. Good luck.
George Sanders
President-elect Trump wasn’t my choice, but I’m going to be like Dave Chappelle, and I’m going to give him a chance – but I think there are people out there with legitimate worries.
Mick Foley
We live in an epoch where rational reasoning associated with evidence isn’t universally accepted and is, in fact, in jeopardy. That worries me a lot.
Rainer Weiss
The thing that worries me more than anything else is losing faith in the capacity of politics to change things. I don’t mean scepticism, criticism, querying, but I do mean cynicism.
Hilary Benn
It worries me a little bit the reach and power of TV. More people saw me in ‘The Practice’ than will ever see me in all the stage plays I ever do. Which is sort of humbling. Or troubling. Or both.
Michael Emerson
The gym was my sanctuary. The place where you could forget about all your worries, your problems, people asking you for money, people asking you to do this, do that.
Paul Pierce
When I look out at the people and they look at me and they’re smiling, then I know that I’m loved. That is the time when I have no worries, no problems.
Etta James
What worries me is that conservative thought is moving quickly, but we’re kind of the pachyderms in Congress because things move so slowly.
Jack Kingston
Usually, people have a tendency to be caught in the worries concerning the future or in the regret concerning the past. There is some kind of energy that is pushing them to run, and they are not able to establish themselves in the present moment.
Thich Nhat Hanh
As a young man, I feel as if it’s all about progressing. I may have had to mature a little faster than others, but no worries. I took it on full steam and led by example off the field.
Stefon Diggs
I’m free of stress and worries now because if I don’t like something I’m doing, I just find the fun in it instead of being miserable. Let me have fun with the people I work with, let me have fun making money – when I grew up so poor, ya know?
Jenny McCarthy
I wake up every morning bolt upright, whether it’s a commercial, not that that’s a good thing or a bad thing, because I shoot commercials in between movies. But whether it’s a commercial or a movie where I’m shooting a major train wreck, the thing that worries me most is when I’m doing a performance thing.
Tony Scott
It worries me that undergrads and high school students are forced into books they aren’t ready for, like Faulkner’s, and then they are afraid of putting their toes in the water again.
Alice McDermott
The addictive pleasure of abandoning yourself to a book, of losing consciousness of your worries, your body, and your surroundings, to become a ghost haunting other worlds has influenced me in many ways.
Diane Setterfield
We think these big people are very happy, but the truth is they are worse than us. We are just worried about one thing – hunger; they have a thousand worries.
Munshi Premchand
I can live on the road, no worries, because my life is scheduled, but when I come home to myself, that’s what I’m worried about, finding the balance.
Tash Sultana
I couldn’t think of anything worse than being in an unhappy marriage. It worries me because I’ve seen it destroy people.
Simon Cowell
Anyone who has problems, or worries, anyone who laughs and cries, anyone who feels can write. It’s only talking on paper… talking about the things that matter to us.
Patricia Reilly Giff
I don’t sweat the little stuff anymore. The little worries, I just don’t have time for them anymore.
The purpose of meditation is to make our mind calm and peaceful. If our mind is peaceful, we will be free from worries and mental discomfort, and so we will experience true happiness. But if our mind is not peaceful, we will find it very difficult to be happy, even if we are living in the very best conditions.
Kelsang Gyatso
What worries me is the professionalism of everything.

What worries me is the professionalism of everything.
Irvine Welsh
The sad truth is that mass migration, whatever the colour of the skins of those involved, upsets and worries indigenous people, especially the poorest.
Peter Hitchens
Failure worries me; nobody wants to fail. There is a fear that one day, films will not come my way, or if someone doesn’t watch your film, that is a worrying point. It is unpredictable in the industry.
Alia Bhatt
I think the least of people’s worries is a man In a dress.
‘The Last Ship,’ which is a beautifully written piece, is about a love triangle and young men working in a shipyard. Audiences may prefer to see a show that allows them to forget about their worries for an evening.
Rachel Tucker
One of the worries about a presidency is that everybody tells you yes. Nobody helps you figure out where your blind spots are.
John Dickerson
We recognise that, like us, other humans have insecurities and ambitions; we fall in love and have relationships that end in heartbreak; we worry about our children’s wellbeing; we say things we regret; we’re occasionally kept awake by fears or worries; and we try to impress people we look up to.
Owen Jones
Anybody that worries about somebody suing them, that means that they’re so crooked that they sue people, and they think people are gonna sue them.
Chi Chi Rodriguez
I believe everyone should have a broad picture of how the universe operates and our place in it. It is a basic human desire. And it also puts our worries in perspective.
Stephen Hawking
At college age, you can tell who is best at taking tests and going to school, but you can’t tell who the best people are. That worries the hell out of me.
Barnaby C. Keeney
Asking your children about their fears or worries about going back to school will help them share their burden.
Chuck Norris
The situation the Earth is in today has been created by unmindful production and unmindful consumption. We consume to forget our worries and our anxieties. Tranquilising ourselves with over-consumption is not the way.
Thich Nhat Hanh
To have someone who never makes a mistake, never finds her personal life in disarray, never worries about work-life balance? I think that would be unreal. What I’m writing is real.
Sophie Kinsella
On the plus side, leaving Leeds meant I have been able to spend a lot of time with the family, enjoying a very rare summer off and my first Christmas without work worries since I was a teenager. I was also able to accept an offer to work with BT Sport.
Neil Warnock
If they had taught a class on how to be the kind of citizen Dick Cheney worries about, I would have finished high school.
Edward Snowden
I am really driven, but my drive doesn’t effect the conversations I have in my head about life, and my worries and fears and insecurities.
Zach Braff
I feel better when I’m working. I tend to not know who I am when I’m not working. That worries me a little bit… I’ve been fortunate to be so busy, but I haven’t developed any other skills.
Allison Janney
Some people go to bed at night thinking, ‘That was a good day.’ I am one of those who worries and asks, ‘How did I screw up today?’
Tom Hanks
When you have a family that you know you can always come home too, it just takes care of all your worries.
Neha Sharma
You tell me which society is going to be the winner in this 21st Century: One that worries about how we feel or the one that worries about making sure that the next generation has the capacity to eat everybody’s lunch.
Jeb Bush
Until fairly recently, Amish teachers would reprimand the student who raised his or her hand as being too individualistic. Calling attention to oneself, or being ‘prideful,’ is one of the cardinal Amish worries. Having your name or photo in the papers, even talking to the press, is almost a sin.
Howard Rheingold
Six decades ago, as Mao’s Communists seized power, the question in Washington was, ‘Who lost China?’ Now, as his capitalist descendants stand astride the world stage and Washington worries about decline, it seems to be, ‘Who lost America?’
Eric Liu
From a very young age, I wanted to get up on stage whenever I went to the theatre – the actors just seemed to be having so much fun. One of my worries about theatre, in fact, is that the actors are quite often having more fun than the audience.
Olivia Williams
Part of me looks at the gay movement now and worries that we’re losing our individuality.
Boy George
I did not have a personal relationship with Jesus until I met my nanny, who helped me through a failing marriage and raising my two boys in a New York City apartment. She showed me by example what it was like to be able to talk to Jesus and bring all my cares and worries to Him. That was in 1990.
Kim Alexis
When you don’t have any worries, it is better, but things happen in football, and we know we must try to resolve as soon as we can.
Manuel Pellegrini
I don’t do much acting anymore anyway, and not to work for 20th Century Fox is really the least of my worries.
Hugh Grant
One of the saddest things I’ve seen in Amazonian cultures is people who were self-sufficient and happy that now think of themselves as poor and become dissatisfied with their lives. What worries me is outsiders trying to impose their values and materialism on the Piraha.
Daniel Everett
Social media worries me because it’s not part of my world.
Alex Kingston
My dad, he worries a bit, usually with good reason. There were quite a few years there where he was probably trying to resign himself to fact that I wouldn’t live too much longer, just because of the way I was living.
Jason Isbell
Please call your second witness, and then call your mother, she worries.
Colin Mochrie
People want to work with somebody who feels shame, who

People want to work with somebody who feels shame, who worries about the perceptions of others. Dishonesty is something we don’t like in others.
Frans de Waal
Little minds have little worries, big minds have no time for worries.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
I’ve never really been the type of person who worries much about what people think of me.
Stephen Baldwin
On the scale of someone who’s really laid-back about stuff and someone who worries a lot, I fall more towards the latter.
Anne Hathaway
Bob Marley is a huge influence. I love reggae music, but I also love the purpose of the songs he writes and the style of the music – it takes your worries away and makes you feel good, and I think that’s what music is about.
Colbie Caillat
Upon graduation, believe it or not, I had no job. I had no interviews. I had no prospects. I had no worries. What I did have, I had passion. I had enormous passion. I had passion for financial markets. I had fallen in love with financial markets.
Gary Cohn
I remember unbelievable tension in our home. There were lots of meetings, lots of worries. I remember my father told me I had to be careful of what I said on the phone because it was tapped. And I remember how his friends adored and revered him.
Dinah Manoff
It’s not so much religion per se, it’s false certainty that worries me, and religion just has more than its fair share of false certainty or dogmatism. I’m really concerned when I see people pretending to know things they clearly cannot know.
Sam Harris
I think a lot of stuff like people’s emails getting hacked or that an email you sent is stored on a hard drive somewhere, that kind of stuff worries me a little bit. It’s a weird thought that someone else could get into my information that easily. That stuff’s pretty scary.
Liam Hemsworth
The clear, unmistakable sign of a bureaucrat is somebody who worries about whether he has a window.
Herb Kelleher
I know something about life and being a father and the worries and the fears of bringing up children.
Pierce Brosnan
Ask a science professor what she worries about. It won’t take long. She’ll look you in the eye and say one word: ‘Money.’
Hope Jahren
The minute you do any layoffs, you might as well lay off the whole joint because everybody forgets about the customer and worries about their job security.
Steve Wynn
When people come and invest in India, they invest on a certain premise, and the fact that the very premise can change worries them a lot.
Chanda Kochhar
People sometimes come up to me, and it’s like they just want to capture Passenger. I feel like Pikachu. Sometimes, in the more sort of depressing moments, it feels like it’s not about the music, it’s just about the photo, and that really worries me.
Any degree of unemployment worries me.
Gerhard Schroder
I suspect any worries about genetic engineering may be unnecessary. Genetic mutations have always happened naturally, anyway.
James Lovelock
I finally know what distinguishes man from the other beasts: financial worries.
Jules Renard
I feel like kids are getting more and more used to communicating through a glass screen than they are face-to-face, and that worries me a little.
Mark Foster
I know at last what distinguishes man from animals; financial worries.
Romain Rolland
I get recognized now and again, but the paparazzi aren’t following me around. I get to go to the shop and buy bread and milk, and no one worries me.
Matthew Lewis
I used to be a free-loving, free-caring person with no worries. We lived with no fear, you know?
Vinnie Paul
One of the real worries I had before the first season of ‘Treme’ aired was that, man, people in New Orleans really hold movie and television shows up to a high standard in how they depict the city.
Wendell Pierce
There’s always going to be a part of me that worries about not looking as slim as other actresses.
Kate Winslet
I see a lot of tech companies developing technology here and selling it abroad, but I don’t see new factories being built, and that worries me, because it means we are not creating the jobs that will guarantee a good life for Israelis.
Stef Wertheimer
Cinema is a medium which makes you forget your worries and present a world which you can never be a part of.
Sajid Khan