Top 191 Reverse Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Reverse Quotes from famous people such as W. Averell Harriman, Tristram Stuart, Kelly Miller, Charles Duhigg, Jon Voight, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

As far as the Russians were concerned, I felt the rever

As far as the Russians were concerned, I felt the reverse; they had adequate gold, if they wanted to buy, and they weren’t dependent upon international trade. I felt they were more self-sufficient.
W. Averell Harriman
In the United States, under 3 percent of municipal food waste – so that’s the food scraps that goes into people’s garbage cans – actually gets recycled. If you go to a place like South Korea, the exact reverse is the case. It’s about 3 percent that doesn’t get recycled.
Tristram Stuart
In 1917 – as we have seen, – Italy suffered a great reverse, losing 200,000 soldiers and immense supplies.
Kelly Miller
It is almost always a bad idea to use a reverse mortgage to pay for a vacation or to buy a risky investment, like stocks or deferred annuities.
Charles Duhigg
I think the word ‘progressive’ is a very devious term. It was created as a substitute for ‘communist.’ What they propose is the reverse of progress.
Jon Voight
A good engineer thinks in reverse and asks himself about the stylistic consequences of the components and systems he proposes.
Helmut Jahn
We hope we can slow or possibly reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer’s.
Gregory Benford
If you can’t afford the upkeep of your home, it makes no sense to do a reverse mortgage. You will just end up having to sell eventually when you realize you can’t afford the home, and whether you have any equity left after the sale depends on the size of the reverse loan that must be settled.
Suze Orman
When running to fill a time quota, however, the reverse happens. You can’t make that time pass any faster by rushing, so you settle into a pace that feels right to you at the moment. Each minute above a quota is a little victory.
Joe Henderson
My parents’ concern has been one of my greatest assets – I needed something to kick against. If they’d supported me every step of the way I might not have had enough fire in my belly to get where I have. Then I think: was this whole thing reverse psychology, did you really go to those lengths?
KT Tunstall
Comebacks don’t seem likely when your back is up against the wall and your hope is depleted. But if you will stay the course, you will discover God’s power to reverse the irreversible in your life.
Tony Evans
Every good poet includes a critic, but the reverse is not true.
William Shenstone
Always bake in the center of the oven. A pan placed too close to the bottom of the oven will receive more heat radiating from the oven floor, baking it faster from the bottom. The reverse is true of something baked on the top rack. Always bake in the center for the most even baking and browning all around.
Claire Saffitz
A jealous lover of human liberty, deeming it the absolute condition of all that we admire and respect in humanity, I reverse the phrase of Voltaire, and say that, if God really existed, it would be necessary to abolish him.
Mikhail Bakunin
While it would be as wrong of me to attribute these traits to women at the exclusion of men as it would be for a man to do the reverse, I think women can often be very strong team players and good communicators and collaborators.
Diane Nelson
I don’t believe in reverse racism. I really don’t.
Rachel Dolezal
When there is a situation where one does not see demand for a year or two, then capex is suspended. It will reverse only when the situation improves.
Jamshyd Godrej
The world is like a reverse casino. In a casino, if you gamble long enough, you’re certainly going to lose. But in the real world, where the only thing you’re gambling is, say, your time or your embarrassment, then the more stuff you do, the more you give luck a chance to find you.
Scott Adams
When you’re playing rock music to 10,000 people, you almost attack the audience. When you play acoustic you’re waiting for the audience to respond. It’s a reverse energy, and you’re more vulnerable. It’s really intense.
John Waite
It’s good for everyone to understand that they are to love their enemies, simply because your enemies show you things about yourself you need to change. So in actuality enemies are friends in reverse.
Gary Busey
What did Citibank get out of it? It got the ability to reverse the arbitrage. Actually, what they got was the ability to give themselves a profit, and that saved the bank.
Bill Janklow
I’m perfectly happy to eat organic food, but if I choose to pay more for it, I don’t pat myself on the back ethically. Quite the reverse. I think I’m actually being quite greedy, because what I’m doing is essentially saying, ‘I want more land to be devoted to growing my food.’
Matt Ridley
All players want nice things to be said and written about them and you have to take the reverse in equal measure.
James Haskell
But a rejection of freedom of movement within Europe’s own boundaries does not strengthen the case for accepting more migrants and refugees from outside: the reverse, in fact.
Owen Jones
Leaders who can push themselves beyond their comfort zones and understand how to harness the power of reverse innovation have the chance to become the next great visionaries.
Dinesh Paliwal
Error-prone or biased artificial-intelligence systems have the potential to taint our social ecosystem in ways that are initially hard to detect, harmful in the long term, and expensive – or even impossible – to reverse.
Kate Crawford
Usually I do everything reverse. I practice something in movies and then I try it in real life.
John Cusack
President Obama famously promised that the Affordable Care Act would not only slow the growth in health care costs, but would also reverse these trends, making the average health insurance plan cheaper. That isn’t happening.
Scott Gottlieb
My mom really let us do our own thing and play with different trends, and my sister was a little older, so she had all the beauty tricks. I would stuff things like rolled-up toilet paper into my hair to get volume, or do the reverse, and I’d lie on my back, and she’d use an actual iron to straighten it.
Chrissy Teigen
What the insurance companies have done is to reverse the business so that the public at large insures the insurance companies.
Gerry Spence
The loss of the American colonies was the first time the process of British empire building had been put significantly into reverse, and became the starting point for a nostalgic yearning for lost colonies – and the wealth and global influence that came with them – that has become part of our national psyche.
David Olusoga
In order to reverse the maternal health crisis for blac

In order to reverse the maternal health crisis for black women in the U.S., we need concrete policies from our leaders and better protocols from hospitals.
Patrisse Cullors
Well, a general danger of punditry is that there’s very little incentive to change your position or admit error. If you reverse your position, the people who backed you before will be unhappy, but a lot of the people who now agree with you will still pillory you.
Max Boot
If we are going to reverse the race to the bottom, workers must have the right to engage in collective bargaining.
Bernie Sanders
Journal paywalls are an example of something that works in the reverse direction, making communication less open and efficient.
Alexandra Elbakyan
Some financial advisers say anyone who may move in less than seven years should not take out a reverse mortgage.
Charles Duhigg
Just as we send young American Jews to Israel through the Birthright program, we need to also consider a ‘reverse Birthright’ for Israeli kids to come see America.
Edgar Bronfman, Sr.
It takes courage to pull the ball down and reverse field and do some of the crazy things that Favre and Manziel do. There’s going to be consequences when sometimes it doesn’t work out. But it takes a tremendous amount of guts and courage to go make a play when there’s nothing there instead of throwing the ball away.
Jon Gruden
By a series of violent shocks, the nations in succession have struggled to shake off the Past, to reverse the action of Time and the verdict of success, and to rescue the world from the reign of the dead.
John Dalberg-Acton
I see tremendous imbalance in the world. A very uneven playing field, which has gotten tilted very badly. I consider it unstable. At the same time, I don’t exactly see what is going to reverse it.
George Soros
I am in an adolescence in reverse, as mysterious as the first, except that this time I feel it as a decay of the odds that I might live for a while, that I can sleep it off.
Harold Brodkey
Unfortunately, a significant portion of the world is still struggling with poverty and hunger and it will be impossible to reverse this trend without a huge mobilization of financial resources.
Jovenel Moise
Only we, the public, can force our representatives to reverse their abdication of the war powers that the Constitution gives exclusively to the Congress.
Daniel Ellsberg
The great myth that many social scientists want to encourage is that there is an incompatibility between modern technology and traditional religion. This is absolute nonsense. If anything, it’s the reverse.
Rodney Stark
By confirming the importance of politics and politicians in Britain, we can build from the bottom up and begin to reverse the worrying anti-politics trend, which will empower the elite technocrats and leave defenceless the man or woman in the street with a mere vote to cast.
David Blunkett
My college coach was a baseball guy. So why is no one questioning why a baseball player is coaching or analyzing softball when the reverse happens?
Jessica Mendoza
I’ve driven a stick on both sides of the road, I’ve had cars where the shift patterns reverse like weird Russian cars where the shifter tree is in the wrong direction. I think I’ve driven every weirdo stick that’s out there.
Josh Gates
If you, or any public-spirited programmer, wanted to figure out what the software on your machine is really doing, tough luck. It’s illegal to reverse engineer the source code of commercial software to find out how it works.
Clive Thompson
The relationship of the two problems is rather the reverse. To a great extent disarmament is dependent on guarantees of peace. Security comes first and disarmament second.
Ludwig Quidde
Unlike other loans, a reverse mortgage doesn’t have to be repaid until the borrower moves out of the home or passes away.
Jean Chatzky
I do not think that having children – I have three teenagers – keeps you young. The reverse. It thrusts you into a full-frontal confrontation with your own all-too-obvious maturity.
Rachel Johnson
Putting women’s traditional needs at the center of social planning is not reverse sexism. It’s the best way to reverse the increasing economic vulnerability of men and women alike.
Stephanie Coontz
For most people, creativity is a serious business. They forget the telling phrase ‘the play of ideas’ and think that they need to knuckle down and work more. Often, the reverse is true. They need to play.
Julia Cameron
I grew up in a Texas where people would say, ‘I didn’t leave the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party left me.’ Now, the reverse is happening. People are leaving the Republican Party because the Republican Party is going too far to the right in Texas. And that’s a source of great potential support for Democrats.
Julian Castro
Cash from a reverse mortgage can be paid out in several ways, including a lump sum, a monthly payment, a line of credit, or a combination of those. If you do not need money right away, it is usually a bad idea to take all the money upfront, since it starts accumulating interest charges immediately.
Charles Duhigg
I’m not a hopeless romantic. I’m quite the reverse. I’m a nasty piece of work, an ego maniac.
Hugh Grant
In the five years from 2007 to 2012, we only gained a little over 1,200 farmers. Since we aren’t going to stop eating, we have to reverse that trend, or we’ll see even more consolidation, more corporate farms, or increasing food imports; none of that is in our interest.
Chris Gibson
Music was segregated in the ’80s, and then in the ’90s the boundaries started to break down, and rock kids got into electronic music. But then you got this reverse snobbery where people would only listen to electronic music and not rock.
Thomas Bangalter
Let’s take fashion seriously, but not ourselves so seriously. Or reverse that, maybe don’t take fashion so seriously, but take yourself seriously. Actually, don’t take yourself seriously, that’s for sure. So, yeah, take fashion seriously, just not yourself.
Devendra Banhart
I don’t know if there’s anything Kanye West can do that can erase his influence on me, because it’s here. It’s already there. He can’t even reverse that himself, because it’s just so ingrained in me.
I think culture is a very challenging thing to reverse.
Ayanna Pressley
I always say that characters must drive plots, never the reverse. Writing about large-scale events creates the risk that the scope of the events themselves can overwhelm the characters. I emphatically do not want that. That was the only trepidation I felt when I started ‘The Twilight War.’
Paul S. Kemp
Populist promises to reverse every tough decision are n

Populist promises to reverse every tough decision are nothing but empty rhetoric, irresponsible leadership, and bad politics. They are not the solution to Ireland’s problems.
Enda Kenny
I always read that men don’t like intelligent girls, but I’ve always found the reverse.
Mary Wesley
A lot of people think, ‘I’ll give acting or poetry or filmmaking a try. And if it doesn’t work out I’ll go get a law degree, do something else that’s more practical.’ For me I went the reverse way. I lived the back-up plan.
Brit Marling
The first 20 stories written about a public figure set the tone for the next 2,000 and it is almost impossible to reverse it.
Charles Colson
I can only go one way. I’ve not got a reverse gear.
Tony Blair
Just because Pluto or comets aren’t as big as Jupiter doesn’t mean they are not scientifically important – indeed, just the reverse is often true. Sometimes, great things come in small packages.
Alan Stern
Meanwhile the fact that the connection with the activity of memory in ordinary life is for the moment lost is of less importance than the reverse, namely, that this connection with the complications and fluctuations of life is necessarily still a too close one.
Hermann Ebbinghaus
My life has been in reverse. It wasn’t fame, and it wasn’t money, but I always wanted to succeed. The only way I could do that was to try with every job to be better than I was in the last one, and to learn.
David Jason
Lawsuits against reverse mortgage companies, including the nation’s largest, Financial Freedom Senior Funding, contend that those firms helped pressure older Americans into bad investments.
Charles Duhigg
India profoundly changed my outlook on life because you see how people can be content and very happy with little or even no possessions. It’s the reverse of the West.
Gary Wright
You can have a lot of unhappiness by not having money, but the reverse is no guarantee of happiness.
Philip Kaufman
If we can reach populations in developing countries and help them understand the value of their indigenous diet and lifestyles rather than copying ours, perhaps we can reverse the exponential rise in cardiovascular disease that is plaguing them.
Dean Ornish
China believes that a global order without it at the top is a historical aberration. It aims to change that and reverse the spread of liberty around the world.
John Ratcliffe
I can see why there’s a misconception that it’s easier when your parents are actors, but it doesn’t work out at all. In fact, it’s the reverse.
Max Irons
We take such good care of our employees. What I do is think about what I would want my employer to be like. We started helping our employees with every facet of their lives, and our HR problems went from A to Z in reverse.
Mike Lindell
As a child, my mother told me lots of fairy stories, many her own invention. She, too, tended to reverse the norm.
Tanith Lee
The only result of our present system – unless we reverse the drift – must be the gradual extension of the fascist sector and the gradual disappearance of the system of free enterprise under a free representative government.
John T. Flynn
I want to be the first guy to reverse a communist revolution.
Elliott Abrams
Washington is deeply frustrating because so many of the positions that politicians hold are a product of ephemeral self-interest. They reverse themselves, for themselves, all the time.
Ari Melber
We will reverse course on the heavy hand of regulation, discarding Dodd-Frank and any other regulations that advance a political agenda at the expense of jobs and investment on Main Street.
Rick Perry
The thing that’s very puzzling to somebody who’s been in Pakistan repeatedly since 1983 is lots of people live in compounds with high walls in Pakistan. I mean, that’s so completely routine. In fact, you know, it would be un-routine to have the reverse.
Peter Bergen
I think Rush have always had this reputation, particularly to non-fans, of being an ultra-serious and cerebral group when, in fact, the reverse is true. We don’t take ourselves seriously at all. Sure, we take our music seriously, but that’s altogether different.
Alex Lifeson
Me and my step-dad shared a $500 Chevy Celebrity, a 1983 Dodge Ram truck, and an old Ford Ranger truck – it was a piece of junk. I hated that thing. It fell apart. It didn’t always go in reverse. So I drove in a circle or I would just get somebody to sit in the thing and I would push it backward.
Forrest Griffin
Number one, you can sell before you buy. I call it reverse e-commerce. You take a picture, you list it for sale, you sell it, you collect the revenue, then you go buy it and send it to the customer.
Marc Ostrofsky
Every time we give a musician the advice to give away the music and sell the T-shirt, we’re saying, ‘Don’t make your living in this more elevated way. Instead, reverse this social progress, and choose a more physical way to make a living.’ We’re sending them to peasanthood, very much like the Maoists have.
Jaron Lanier
When you start with a portrait and search for a pure form, a clear volume, through successive eliminations, you arrive inevitably at the egg. Likewise, starting with the egg and following the same process in reverse, one finishes with the portrait.
Pablo Picasso
One or two wrong turns where I’m from could put you on a path that’s hard to reverse… We had to stick together to get through down South.
Ben Wallace
What you would call a ‘lead,’ I’ve always considered a supporting part, and what people would call ‘supporting parts,’ I’ve considered leads. In a way, I look at it in reverse, because supporting parts – when they’re done correctly – are the ones that are progenitors for storylines, to move forward.
Adrian Pasdar
Reverse every natural instinct and do the opposite of what you are inclined to do, and you will probably come very close to having a perfect golf swing.
Ben Hogan
Trumponomics is Obamanomics in reverse.
Stephen Moore
As a doctor, I will take it and make it my mission to heal the nation, reverse the course of Obamacare, and repeal every last bit of it.
Rand Paul
Most Americans know we are in a mess, and as they look

Most Americans know we are in a mess, and as they look at Donald Trump, they believe he is the one leader who can reverse the downward death spiral of this nation we love so dearly.
Robert Jeffress
Darn the wheel of the world! Why must it continually turn over? Where is the reverse gear?
Jack London
I write in reverse: Rather than come up with a narrative and write jokes for that narrative, I write jokes independently of the narrative, then I try to fit them in.
Jeff Kinney
I agree the Kookaburra ball takes a longer time to reverse than the SG.
S. Sreesanth
On one hand, we know that everything happens for a reason, and there are no mistakes or coincidences. On the other hand, we learn that we can never give up, knowing that with the right tools and energy, we can reverse any decree or karma. So, which is it? Let the Light decide, or never give up? The answer is: both.
Yehuda Berg
It was said that Chile was not ready to vote for a woman, it was traditionally a sexist country. In the end, the reverse happened: the fact of being a woman became a symbol of the process of cultural change the country was undergoing.
Michelle Bachelet
When I put out ‘Same Thing In Reverse,’ I was told categorically that this will never get played in America.
Boy George
I try to lead a pretty active lifestyle. My biggest hobby is traveling with my family. I love to travel to new places and try crazy things. I’m a bit of a daredevil, so I have done things like zip lining, parasailing, scuba diving, and reverse bungee jumping!
Caroline Sunshine
I try to lie as much as I can when I’m interviewed. It’s reverse psychology. I figure if you lie, they’ll print the truth.
River Phoenix
There’s so many R&B songs where guys are talking about a clingy girl, like, ‘I don’t want a girlfriend, and this girl’s so clingy, and blah blah blah.’ But I’m a woman, and I’ve been in situations that have been the reverse of that, so I wanted to tell that story.
The no-first-use policy for nuclear weapons was a well thought out stand… We don’t intend to reverse it.
Rajnath Singh
The Egyptian was the reverse of a theorist or mere thinker. He wanted to perceive with his senses how the soul took its way from the dead body into higher realms – he wanted to have this constructed before him.
Rudolf Steiner
I had done debate programmes before and quite often you go into them thinking: ‘I might need to build some energy in the room.’ ‘On Question Time,’ the reverse is true. A lot of the time, I am just trying to not have it turn into a slanging match.
Fiona Bruce
I’d love to do something like put a piece of moon rock on Mars and a piece of Mars on the moon, a sort of reverse archaeology.
Cornelia Parker
This system of encouragement proves serviceable as a preventive of punishment, the attainment of the tickets being a reward, the forfeiture of them the reverse; and, as such, boys seem often more affected by their loss than by coercion.
Joseph Lancaster
John D. Rockefeller said that he found friendships based on business to be far more long lasting and profitable than the reverse. I think there’s something to that. A company can end up being very Confucian, where the good of the individual is subjugated to the good of the whole.
Ben Horowitz
It’s like, ‘How can I reverse engineer what it takes to gain followers on a platform?’ And I’m curious about how it works. And I’m the same way with people. I’m curious about what makes them tick.
Logan Paul
I’m getting older. That’s realistic. I can’t reverse time. I can slow it down a little bit.
Jordan Burroughs
People of color grow up steeped in ‘white’ culture. The reverse is not true. And, no, listening to hip-hop on the way to work does not count as immersion.
John Ridley
Wrong is wrong. Guys try to find a way to get the ball to reverse, but you have to stay in the laws.
AB de Villiers
Without solid connections between homicides, we may have the reverse problem of believing three local murders are the work of one serial killer when they may actually be the work of three!
Pat Brown
I could drive from the age of nine. My dad had his car pitch at home, and we used to drive the cars around the land, take them up to the tap, wash them, and reverse them back.
Tyson Fury
To do what we are doing in this budget to our children, cutting their health care funds, decreasing opportunity, simply so we can pay for tax cuts and a war in Iraq is beyond belief, and we need to reverse it.
Tom Allen
I was the only white kid in my neighborhood for most of my youth even in high school, so reverse racism was just as apparent as racism.
Shia LaBeouf
We don’t live in reverse. We live forward.
Eddie Griffin
I think the first decision I took when I became a government minister was to reverse the planned closure of Monklands Accident and Emergency. It’s an issue close to my heart.
Nicola Sturgeon
It’s not everybody that can handle firing Denzel Washington or coming to blows and saying, ‘This is what’s happening because I said so.’ Usually, it’s the reverse.
Amanda Warren
Guilty pleasure – I love Falling in Reverse. Ronnie Radke is just amazing.
Rhea Ripley
If Republicans and Democrats commit to working together, we can reach a bipartisan, common-sense agreement to reverse Illinois’ economic decline and set the stage for a bright economic future.
Bruce Rauner
A reverse mortgage is available to anyone who is at least 62 years old and owns a home outright, or has a small mortgage balance remaining.
Suze Orman
The only time I had an ego is I when wanted to have a reverse Undertaker record at WrestleMania, and they messed it up!
Big Show
I'm guilty of reverse discrimination. I'm white, and pe

I’m guilty of reverse discrimination. I’m white, and people don’t think that white fighters are any good.
Tommy Morrison
It has always amazed me how tax cuts don’t work until they take effect. Mr. Obama’s experience with deferred tax rate increases will be the reverse. The economy will collapse in 2011.
Arthur Laffer
This country must break the cycle of childhood obesity. Unless we reverse course, this epidemic will continue to put more of our children and the future of our nation at risk.
Marcia Fudge
I was offered the role of the Reverse Flash on ‘The Flash’ by Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg and Greg Berlanti, who co-created the series with Andrew. I said ‘yes’ immediately because I had worked with those guys before on the show ‘Eli Stone.’
Matt Letscher
The state is there to serve the citizen, not the reverse.
Dominic Grieve
Market forces will one day crush the Federal Reserve. One day, the market forces will reverse.
Marc Faber
Once you have something so deeply infused in your culture and your brand, it would be very difficult to reverse that inertia if you wanted to.
Andrew Mason
I am a kind of paranoid in reverse. I suspect people of plotting to make me happy.
J. D. Salinger
Thanks to aid, a distressing number of African leaders care little about what their citizens want or need – after all it’s the reverse of the Boston tea-party – no representation without taxation.
Dambisa Moyo
After 40, you want to reverse the ageing process. That’s complicated for me because I spent so many years wanting to be older.
Sam Rockwell
Mr. Obama still has time to reverse course. A great deal depends on it. To fail on health care yet again might well be the ‘Waterloo’ Republicans dream of.
Thomas Frank
The long march of Western civilization from pantheons of gods for every taste to one God for all has been thrown into reverse by celebrity worship to give us a plethora of ancient deities to follow.
Florence King
Before mobile phones, I used to call my parents from a phone box and reverse the charges.
Tamara Ecclestone
Design, refine and repeat, and keep learning all the way along. It sounds bland and pedestrian, but in fact, it’s the reverse.
Anouska Hempel
I think rap is creating a reverse racism.
Eddie Rabbitt
Sadly, this is the same old Republican story of Robin Hood in reverse – tax cuts for the rich while programs for average and low income Americans suffer.
Jose Serrano
My kids are all pretty big and tough and strong, and I don’t worry about them being bullied – the reverse, be kind to people and don’t ever be a bully yourself, and I think they’ve followed that.
Alan Thicke
For some reason, it seems like pop writers, it’s like they just get worse or something over time. And then you’re really jealous of movie directors whose careers seem to grow and they’ll be 70 years old and still doing these incredible jobs. I’m going to reverse that, I hope.
James Mercer
Beneath the Sugar Sky’ is an homage to the portal fantasies of my childhood: it is the portal running in reverse.
Seanan McGuire
There can’t be reverse racism against a group that is not at a disadvantage.
Justin Simien
People’s attitude seems to be that if you don’t have a television, you’re not connected to reality – somehow you’re not in reality. It’s quite interesting, because I suspect that possibly it’s the reverse.
Jodhi May
I’ve discovered as an author that the process of writing a novel becomes harder over time, not easier. I used to think the reverse must be true, that it would be like any task, and the more I practiced, the more adept I’d become.
Tawni O’Dell
Our science and advisory board think that nuclear lamin dysfunction is a side-effect of DNA damage and mutations, rather than the cause. We are currently trying to mend nuclear dysfunction using Human Telomerase reverse transcriptase.
Liz Parrish
The weirder you’re going to behave, the more normal you should look. It works in reverse, too. When I see a kid with three or four rings in his nose, I know there is absolutely nothing extraordinary about that person.
P. J. O’Rourke
If I had one singular galvanizing ambition in life, I would try to reverse engineer toward it, but I don’t.
Chelsea Clinton
I’m always good at seeing five, ten steps ahead. Like, really thinking ahead, you know? Reverse engineering, whatever it is, you know.
Michael B. Jordan
Well-trained medical doctors and engineers leave Nigeria to the developed countries. We want to reverse that.
Goodluck Jonathan
In surveys, many borrowers say reverse mortgages have improved their lives and provided money they needed for retirement.
Charles Duhigg
The pace of global warming is accelerating and the scale of the impact is devastating. The time for action is limited – we are approaching a tipping point beyond which the opportunity to reverse the damage of CO2 emissions will disappear.
Eliot Spitzer
The most important practical lesson that can be given to nurses is to teach them what to observe – how to observe – what symptoms indicate improvement – what the reverse – which are of importance – which are of none – which are the evidence of neglect – and of what kind of neglect.
Florence Nightingale
Sometimes you can take those dramatic roles and maybe interject a little humor into them, and I think the reverse also works.
Dennis Farina
As governor, I'll reverse cuts to the Local Government

As governor, I’ll reverse cuts to the Local Government Fund and will work cooperatively with communities across the state to combat the challenges they face.
Richard Cordray
Remember, until the 1970s, the spread of democracy has always been accompanied by the decline of inequality. The more democratic our societies have been, the more equal they have been becoming. Now we have the reverse tendency. The spread of democracy now is very much accompanied by the increase in inequality.
Ivan Krastev
In a strange way, I expected Russia to become more like America since the Soviet Union collapsed, but the reverse is true. America has become more like Russia: a kleptocratic society.
Gary Shteyngart
Al Gore is not just whistling in the wind. Global warming is for real. Every scientist knows that now, and we are on our way to the destruction of every species on earth, if we don’t pay attention and reverse our course.
Theodore C. Sorensen
The ultimate goal is to have a pill that can prevent or reverse all diseases of aging. The major diseases that I’d like to tackle are heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and cancer. I want to reduce those diseases by 10 percent.
David Andrew Sinclair
I think that commercials can really ruin a song. You know that the person sold the song for a good deal of money, and that was the tradeoff. But, music and picture can marry in a beautiful way, and the reverse also.
David Lynch
Sports passion is deeply, infamously territorial: our city-state is better than your city-state because our city-state’s team beat your city-state’s team. My attachment to the Sonics is approximately the reverse of this.
David Shields
We are looking at gene therapies to Reverse Atherosclerosis, Regenerate muscles and tissue, Improve cell signaling, Clear misfolded Proteins, Rejuvenate the immune System, Clear Senescent Cells, and Treat Monogenic Diseases.
Liz Parrish
My mom was a freethinking artist – she was wild and would do anything to get a laugh from me. She’d go in reverse through a drive-through so I could order from the window: ‘Hi, can I get a milk shake?’
Tig Notaro
Long before folks fretted the demise of ‘quantitative easing,’ I fretted its existence. It proved the reverse of its image, an antistimulus, and we’ve done okay not because of it, but despite it.
Kenneth Fisher
I was away from the game for a few years, and it feels good to be back. I’m bowling quite well and also getting the ball to reverse swing. During the time off, I worked a lot on getting the ball to reverse swing; now it’s working well for me.
Fidel Edwards
By rule, the decision to reverse a call by use of instant replay is at the sole discretion of the crew chief.
Joe Torre
Every young man’s best purchase is his first car, which spells freedom. My first one was a ’70 Camaro, springtime gold-over-saddle, a 307 with Hi-jackers and chrome reverse mags.
George Pelecanos
I’m sort of a reverse Method actor. In my personal life, I become my characters. After ‘One Tree Hill’, I started dressing in Converse and ripped jeans and hoodies. On ‘Awkward’, it manifests in how I speak.
Ashley Rickards
Al Qaeda’s leaders seek to reverse what they claim are corrupt Islamic practices bookended by the Mongol invasions in 1256 and Ataturk’s ending the caliphate in 1924. Theirs is a fight to turn Islam’s clock back to the time of Prophet Muhammad’s original followers.
Malcolm Nance
It is surprising how many professional athletes, along with their families and friends, are gaga over movie and music stars, and the reverse is true with entertainers and sports stars.
Cheech Marin
The way I was parented did affect my parenting – probably in the reverse. My dad was pretty strict, and the next generation probably wants to be less strict.
Alan Thicke
The family only represents one aspect, however important an aspect, of a human being’s functions and activities. A life is beautiful and ideal or the reverse, only when we have taken into our consideration the social as well as the family relationship.
Havelock Ellis
We go along, without a fixed itinerary, yet at the same time with an end (what end?) in mind, and with the aim of reaching the end. A search for the end, a dread of the end: the obverse and the reverse of the same act.
Octavio Paz
Because the fees associated with a reverse mortgage are high, such loans make sense only for borrowers who expect to live in their home for a number of years.
Charles Duhigg
Basically, if reverse engineering is banned, then a lot of the open source community is doomed to fail.
Jon Johansen
I always recommend, if you can, to patent or protect whatever your idea is. If you can’t, you have to make your best judgment. Sometimes people don’t get anywhere because they sit on something, so afraid to reveal it. And yet, in the reverse, sometimes if you expose something too widely, you can risk losing it.
Lori Greiner
Ask a woman’s advice, and whatever she advises, Do the very reverse and you’re sure to be wise.
Thomas Moore
A really good comedy, I think, is played as if it was real, and it’s the circumstances that make it amusing. And I think that the – the inverse or the reverse is true for drama.
Kenneth Lonergan
It’s happening: Lou Dobbs’ dream come true and Silicon Valley’s worst nightmare. We’re already seeing the reverse brain drain as smart immigrants take their U.S. educations and experience building companies and creating technology back to their home countries.
Sarah Lacy
I think that there are some people on the so-called Left who might say we have to circle our wagons around the first African American president, and to me that is racism in reverse because his policies are actually still the racist policies of empire.
Cindy Sheehan
I did enjoy and take pride in my work as an actress, yet I’m bemused by suppositions that my life since has somehow been less fulfilling. That certainly is not the case. Rather the reverse.
Grace Kelly
I suffer from reverse body dysmorphia. When I look in the mirror I see somebody slimmer. It’s quite a shock to see myself on TV, especially on widescreen.
Deborah Meaden
The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want.
Margaret Young
If you love food and you love red wine and they put you in France, you’re in a good place and you’re in a bad place at the same time. You have to weigh yourself every day, and you have to have an alarm number. When you get to that number, you have to start putting it in reverse.
Salma Hayek
If something is successful with the audience, it’s automatically suspect; the reverse is to say that not to reach audiences is the greatest compliment an artist can receive!
Carlisle Floyd
Normally, I could hit hard enough, as anyone who studie

Normally, I could hit hard enough, as anyone who studied my fights might have known. But the impression was that I was essentially defensive, the very reverse of a killer, the prize fighter who read books, even Shakespeare.
Gene Tunney
We have to reenergize our economy so it works for all Americans; invest in our schools so that all our children have the tools they need to compete and succeed in life; rebuild and enhance our infrastructure; and we must reduce carbon pollution and reverse climate change.
Ned Lamont
You can say I had a severe case of ‘Roots’ envy. I wanted to be like Alex Haley, and I wanted to be able to… do my family tree back to the slave ship and then reverse the Middle Passage, as I like to put it, and find the tribe or ethnic group that I was from in Africa.
Henry Louis Gates
Reverse swing is a great asset if it happens.
Andrew Flintoff
I printed a list of Irish names from the Internet and my husband, Dave, saw Finley on the list. I really liked it but didn’t want to scare Dave off with my enthusiasm. So I used a little reverse psychology and let him think it was his idea.
Holly Marie Combs