Top 205 Liberals Quotes

Welfare became a term of opprobrium – a contentious, often vindictive area of political conflict in which liberals and conservatives clashed and children were lost sight of.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
First there was racism. Then liberals created institutional racism and coded racism. You can only hear it with a dog whistle.
Evan Sayet
American liberals are an external part of Israel’s conscience, and when it disdains them, it becomes a harder and more isolated place. The support that Israel has gained from millenarian American conservatives is no substitute, in part because such allies aren’t persuasive global advocates for Israel.
Jacob Weisberg
Liberals from California to Washington are fighting President Trump on illegal immigration.
Matt Rosendale
The liberals in the House strongly resemble liberals I have known through the last two decades in the civil rights conflict. When it comes time to show on which side they will be counted, they excuse themselves.
Shirley Chisholm
The Liberals would love to have people believe that the choice is a carbon tax or nothing. I reject that.
Andrew Scheer
Liberals sit from this lofty perch of pomposity, but they are the champions of ignorance. They don’t know what they’re talking about.
Rush Limbaugh
Most Americans will let liberals and conservatives play their games because most Americans don’t pay attention.
Dennis Miller
There are some in black robes sitting on federal benches all across this country. They’re Democrats, Republicans, liberals, and even conservatives that pervert the Constitution.
Paul Broun
There are conservatives who say, ‘Why would you show the country in a weak way?’ And there are liberals who say I’m exploitative.
Seph Lawless
Liberals, many of them, not all of them, but many of them are obsessed with race. They see everything through a filter of race.
Bernard Goldberg
I don’t trust liberals, I trust conservatives.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
While millionaire Liberals like Justin Trudeau may want higher gas prices, hardworking Canadian families definitely do not.
Andrew Scheer
The pain and hardship the Trudeau Liberals are causing Canadians is just temporary.
Andrew Scheer
The liberals and free people of the world will not like to see the Palestinian people living under siege. We have received indications from the international community that they will not stop their aid.
Ismail Haniyeh
A loyal liberal can get away with anything with other liberals, as long as that loyal liberal is liberal and attacks conservatives left and right, spouts the right words, they get away with anything.
Rush Limbaugh
I wrote ‘Bamboozled’ to expose and uncover the lies liberals have used for generations to exploit minorities for the vote.
Angela McGlowan
It was obvious after the ’97 election that as long as there were two small-c conservative parties trying to destroy each other, the Liberals would win every election.
Andrew Scheer
Liberals are always proposing perfectly insane ideas, laws that will make everybody happy, laws that will make everything right, make us live forever, and all be rich. Conservatives are never that stupid.
P. J. O’Rourke
Being veterans of the struggle to push back against fundamentalist Christians, American liberals are well acquainted with the pitfalls of the neoconservative flirtation with the religious-right.
Maajid Nawaz
I guess we’d better start getting used to the consequences and permit the American liberals to squeak and squeal us to ultimate defeat.
Marcus Luttrell
Liberals cannot win in the battle of ideas, so they resort to banning or suppressing ideas they don’t like.
Jesse Lee Peterson
Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.
William F. Buckley, Jr.
My fellow liberals need to open their minds and realize that not all Trump supporters are racist, sexist, or deplorable individuals.
Seph Lawless
We’re liberals, so quitting is not an option. We will push through the hard days so we can celebrate together on the good ones.
Sophie Gregoire Trudeau
Global warming is a fact. Now it’s up to liberals to make it a reality. Hence there is crucial importance in preventing powerful, greedy free market forces from getting in the way of worsening storms and rising sea levels. The Kyoto Accord is a good first step.
P. J. O’Rourke
In my view, the future of politics is, without a doubt, social liberalism married to economic conservatism. Which means we have to make an economic argument to social liberals, that it’s OK to vote for us. But we won’t run the economy into the ground at the same time.
Louise Mensch
I save all my good e-mails. Listen to this one: ‘You liberals should be deported.’
Alan Colmes
When students and liberals initially occupied Tahrir Sq

When students and liberals initially occupied Tahrir Square, it looked like it might be a passing thing.
Richard Engel
Liberals get credit for good intentions, and that’s about it, because everything they do fails.
Rush Limbaugh
‘Democratic socialism’ is awful as a slogan and catastrophic as a policy. And ‘social democracy’ – a term that better fits the belief of more ordinary liberals who want, say, Medicare for all – is a politically dying force. Democrats who aren’t yet sick of all their losing should feel free to embrace them both.
Bret Stephens
I hope to submit to the little pamphlet magazines here ‘freelance’ and perhaps shall join the Labour Club, as I really want to become informed on politics, and it seems to have an excellent program. I am definitely not a Conservative, and the Liberals are too vague and close to the latter.
Sylvia Plath
As liberals in charge and a media question the capabilities of police, they then limply ask why there is an anti-police atmosphere or why cops are holding back.
Greg Gutfeld
If the Liberals’ law is passed, will sex education in the schools, including elementary grades, include the same portrayals of sexual activity which presently exist in heterosexual instruction? Will there be the same presentation of homosexual activity? Of course there will.
Stockwell Day
Liberals, it has been said, are generous with other peoples’ money, except when it comes to questions of national survival when they prefer to be generous with other people’s freedom and security.
William F. Buckley, Jr.
I think one of the most threatening places to be in politics is a black conservative because there are so many liberals who want to continue to reinforce a stereotype that doesn’t exist about America.
Tim Scott
There was no doubt that there was a vast organization which was making fools of all the liberals in Hollywood and taking their money, that there was a police state among the Left element in Hollywood and Broadway.
Elia Kazan
Incredible that liberals aren’t more concerned about the monopoly of information in South Dakota.
Laura Ingraham
As usual the Liberals offer a mixture of sound and original ideas. Unfortunately none of the sound ideas is original and none of the original ideas is sound.
Harold MacMillan
We have seen a major decomposition of French political life, of the old political mainstream parties, and what we see now is a real new configuration which is emerging between the patriots and the new liberals.
Marine Le Pen
Justin Trudeau had a message of asking Canadians to have trust in our immigration system. The problem is Canadians don’t have trust in the Liberals to manage it.
Andrew Scheer
Liberals complain that coal activity isn’t a major producer of jobs because the industry is producing a lot more coal with a lot fewer workers. That is absolutely true. Ladies and gentlemen, that is called productivity.
Stephen Moore
One thing about liberals: It doesn’t even occur to them that there is another side to an argument. They are so convinced of the righteousness of their own position that it doesn’t dawn on them that a reasonable person might have a different viewpoint.
Monica Crowley
When liberals finally grasped the strength of popular feeling about the family, they cried to appropriate the rhetoric and symbolism of family values for their own purposes.
Christopher Lasch
I want to reclaim ‘liberal.’ I’m a liberal, and I think most Americans are liberals.
Al Franken
One of the hardiest myths in British public life is that there is a conspiracy of silence on immigration. Liberals and leftists, it is alleged, have bandied together to prevent debate or discussion of ‘mass immigration’ into the U.K., caused by Labour’s ‘open door’ policies.
Mehdi Hasan
I think there are some liberals who are extremely biased about Fox News and wish to shun it or wish to criticize any liberal who appears on Fox News. That, to me, is not a particularly liberal attitude.
Alan Colmes