Top 22 Heather Bresch Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Heather Bresch Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Patients deserve increased price transparency and affor

Patients deserve increased price transparency and affordable care, particularly as the system shifts significant costs to them.
Heather Bresch
If you put on your business hat, you can’t maintain competitiveness by staying at a competitive disadvantage. I mean, you just can’t. The odds are just not in your favor.
Heather Bresch
Being a woman leader is secondary to me – and should be to others.
Heather Bresch
I’m fortunate that Mylan provides this platform that we can make a difference in the lives of people. I’m blessed.
Heather Bresch
I certainly, to this day, believe I did everything I needed to do to get my degree.
Heather Bresch
Throughout our history we have been tireless advocates for expanding access to high-quality, affordable medicine. This is especially true in the area of HIV/AIDS.
Heather Bresch
My experiences with gender bias are probably the norm. What I found was that expectations of women were simply lower, and this resulted in being overlooked for certain opportunities.
Heather Bresch
I hope to be viewed and judged first and foremost by my accomplishments and capabilities as a leader – regardless of my gender.
Heather Bresch
As a mother of four children, I want to know the drugs I’m giving them are safe. And as an American businesswoman, I want to keep jobs here, and that means making sure foreign drug plants have to meet the same standards as domestic ones.
Heather Bresch
The value that the generic drug industry brings to the U.S. healthcare system is indisputable.
Heather Bresch
Obama had the wherewithal to muscle through an entire health care reorganization, right? Like it, don’t like it, whatever.
Heather Bresch
The most important characteristic that has allowed me to succeed is confidence. I have always been comfortable in my own skin, and even when I was just starting out in my career, had the strength and self-assurance to ask tough questions and push for answers.
Heather Bresch
Tax has generated a significant amount of discussion, and companies are forced to do what they can to maintain that global competitiveness and perform.
Heather Bresch
I’m running a business.
Heather Bresch
When I hear things like ‘unpatriotic,’ I just chalk it up to a lot of political rhetoric.
Heather Bresch
We are going to continue to run a business, and we are going to continue to meet the supply and demand that’s out there.
Heather Bresch
As a leader, these attributes – confidence, perseverance, work ethic and good sense – are all things I look for in people. I also try to lead by example and create an environment where good questions and good ideas can come from anyone.
Heather Bresch
We are driven by the belief that every person in this world matters and access to better health is a right, not a privilege.
Heather Bresch
You know what makes me want to cry? I think, whoever the next Facebook is, why would you ever start that company here in the United States?
Heather Bresch
No one was talking about price decreases, but that does happen in the industry to keep medicine affordable.
Heather Bresch
Some shareholders believe it is all about price and a few people’s pockets.
Heather Bresch
Women don’t necessarily understand that it is possible to have the same level of ambition as men – they allow themselves to be held back by the obstacles rather than empowered by the possibilities.
Heather Bresch