Top 22 Jim Acosta Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Jim Acosta Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I receive more threats than I could count; it's almost

I receive more threats than I could count; it’s almost every week.
Jim Acosta
We can’t have Trump supporters only trust what comes out of conservative news media and vice versa.
Jim Acosta
I think we have reached the point where we can state definitively, that Nazis are bad people.
Jim Acosta
I don’t believe that there are two sides to a story when it’s a matter of right versus wrong. It just doesn’t work that way.
Jim Acosta
I wish at times that the press had been a bit more in solidarity with one another.
Jim Acosta
Well I think we can’t avoid covering the news and when the president says something like that you’re the enemy of the people, I think I’m well within my right to stand up and say this is well within my lane as a journalist and as an American to say that that’s not appropriate.
Jim Acosta
It kind of goes without saying. But I will: If you are a Nazi, you aren’t a fine person. You’re bad.
Jim Acosta
As reporters, we not only deliver the news of the day. We must also defend the truth. And just because we are pro-truth doesn’t mean we are anti-Trump.
Jim Acosta
We go through periods of turmoil in our nation’s history, and one of the remarkable things about the United States is that we seem to keep making our way through those periods.
Jim Acosta
My parents were blue-collar.
Jim Acosta
Yes, Barack Obama had his clashes with the press. I witnessed those first-hand covering the second term of his administration. But we did not have Barack Obama on almost a weekly basis referring to the press as the enemy of the people and accusing reporters of treason and calling legitimate stories fake news.
Jim Acosta
Members of the press have been so savaged by Trump and his propagandists in the media that journalists seem almost foreign or anti-American to his supporters.
Jim Acosta
I don’t want my kids to grow up in a country where the press is called the enemy of the people.
Jim Acosta
My job is to ask tough questions.
Jim Acosta
Trump is a branding expert. He is a marketing genius to some extent.
Jim Acosta
Google my name and ‘Barack Obama.’ There were many days I was tough on him. People have short-term memories. They think we’re only being tough on Trump. That’s just not true.
Jim Acosta
I think aggressive, sometimes outspoken reporting from the White House briefing room is expected by the American people.
Jim Acosta
Neutrality for the sake of neutrality doesn’t really serve us in the age of Trump.
Jim Acosta
I was raised in this business not to make myself part of the story. I have never wanted to be part of the story.
Jim Acosta
We should not have the president of the United States referring to segments of American society as the enemy of the people.
Jim Acosta
The president is supposed to stand up for the First Amendment and stand up for the free press – not put us through the meat grinder.
Jim Acosta
Yes, I’ve received death threats.
Jim Acosta