Top 222 Hung Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Hung Quotes from famous people such as Daniel Bryan, Robert Musil, Howard E. Koch, Dereck Chisora, Alla Nazimova, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I've always respected and appreciated Punk, but we neve

I’ve always respected and appreciated Punk, but we never really hung out. We came from the same route, but we didn’t necessarily hang out in the same circles. I’ve always had a great appreciation and respect for his hard work.
Daniel Bryan
On this thin, scarcely real and yet so perceptible sensation the whole world hung as on a faintly trembling axis, and this in turn rested on the two people in the room.
Robert Musil
You might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb.
Howard E. Koch
I knew Szpilka from around 2004, after he had stopped being a football hooligan and I was over in Poland for business. We did some filming together for about 10 minutes and hung out afterwards, he is a cool guy.
Dereck Chisora
The actor should not play a part. Like the Aeolian harps that used to be hung in the trees to be played only by the breeze, the actor should be an instrument played upon by the character he depicts.
Alla Nazimova
A lot of people are really hung on the past – they can’t get past that – but you’ve gotta get past that if you want any future.
Vinnie Paul
I had the lunchbox that cleared the cafeteria. I was very unpopular in the early grades. Because I hung out with my grandfather, I started to bring my lunchbox with sardine sandwiches and calamari that I would eat off my fingers like rings. I was also always reeking of garlic.
Rachael Ray
I went on tour with the Rolling Stones in 1972 for two or three cities. And in 1975, I was the tour photographer for the Rolling Stones. I hung onto my camera for dear life. Because it scared the hell out of me.
Annie Leibovitz
A lot of the original people on ‘SNL’ came through Chicago – and Toronto, I’m sure – but Chicago was the center of it all. When I was there, Chris Farley – I knew him; we hung out and stuff – he went off to ‘Saturday Night Live,’ it was like, ‘It’s possible to be from here and make it.’
Jay Chandrasekhar
I kind of rode this weird line between athlete and artist. It was a little different because most of the athletes were total jocks, and most of the artists dressed in black and were kind of considered a little on the fringe. But I hung out with both crowds in my high school.
Terry Crews
In Sonic Youth, at the end of ‘Expressway to Yr. Skull,’ we’d tap on the backs of our guitars to get this low-level feedback, and if I leaned forward, and the guitar hung off my body, it would resonate differently.
Lee Ranaldo
We hung out with a group of nerdy friends playing games.
Ross Duffer
That’s the way it was in New York City in the early Seventies, all the artists hung out together.
Bebe Buell
That’s what we wanted to get across in that moment, particularly when Shaun goes to the shop when he’s all hung over. He doesn’t notice any of the zombies around him just because he never had before, so why should he at that point?
Simon Pegg
I actually think I’m lucky. Because blokes who lose their hair at a later age, in their thirties and forties, get hung up about it. Because they had hair and then lose it. But I’ve never had that problem.
Gregg Wallace
In real life, a relationship takes a long time. Either somebody is involved with somebody else, and that’s ending, or somebody’s hung up on an ex, or your job isn’t going right, and so you’re focused more on that than relationships. It just takes a lot for two people to get together.
Paul Rust
It’s the idea that when you say ‘actress’, people think of an airy, floaty, no-brain person, which of course you can’t be if you are an actor. It is an unfortunate word, which is why, for a time, I hung on to ‘actor’, because it just seemed more workmanlike, you know, like you say ‘woman doctor’ not ‘doctoress’.
Miranda Richardson
It took Cianfrance 12 years to bring ‘Blue Valentine’ to the screen after he first conceived it. He found Gosling and Williams early on, and they hung in there with him. The film finally premiered at Sundance 2010, then screened at Cannes and the Toronto Film Festival before landing in theaters in December.
Katie Hafner
I’ve been writing about growing old for some time, really from the beginning of my career. It’s something I’m apparently hung up about and now that I am old, hopefully I speak about it with some authority.
Loudon Wainwright III
You should see my baby pictures. My cheeks hung off my face like water balloons. You can imagine how often I was teased.
Sean Covey
I was a hop-around. I hung out with the rockabilly crew, the guys who were trying to be rappers, the funny kids.
Katy Perry
Don’t get hung up on the size. If you feel bad about yourself because a 12 is what fits, take a Sharpie, and write ‘6’ on the label.
Stacy London
I met Peter Sellers when I was 21 and we got married ten days later. He was not right mentally, but I hung in there for four years before I left.
Britt Ekland
I have this little plaque that my husband hung on our wall at home. It says, ‘If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough.’
Julie Sweet
We went to Big Sur about three years ago and hung out at the Esalen Institute.
Jeff Ament
I never really worked with Chris Farley, I hung out with him, but I had plans, I had big plans, movies, and I was in no hurry.
Andy Dick
When Howard Dean started saying some honest things, they hung him.
Robert Scheer
In the 1970s, girls didn’t do anything. It wasn’t their fault. For me and the other working-class girls I hung around with, our route was plotted – you were a secretary and a wife. I wanted to hitchhike around the world, go on motorbikes, be in bands.
Viv Albertine
I live again the days and evenings of my long career. I dream at night of operas and concerts in which I have had my share of success. Now like the old Irish minstrel, I have hung up my harp because my songs are all sung.
John McCormack
I met Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin when I hung out with Michael Lang just before the Woodstock Festival. They were as charismatic in person as they were on stage.
Peter Max
To be honest with you, I am passionate about all the people out there who want to know Jesus, they want to know God, and they are sick of a system that is hung up on a bunch of things that have nothing to do with the love of God.
Rob Bell
When I was a kid, I used to see apparitions and have ha

When I was a kid, I used to see apparitions and have hallucinations, and my entire perception of the world was badly disoriented. And I had kind of a chaotic childhood because of that. I’ve really hung onto it, though. Because I actually like those feelings.
Jim Woodring
Clowns are the pegs on which the circus is hung.
P. T. Barnum
I had two ambitions: One was to be in The Actors Studio, and the other was to walk into a bar where actors hung out, and everyone would know that I was a professional actor and I would be accepted.
Peter Falk
As a teen-ager I played cards, shot craps, played pool, went to the track, hung around social clubs. I knew that some card and crap games were run by the mob, and some social clubs were mob social clubs. Even as a kid I knew guys that were here today, gone tomorrow, never seen again, and I knew what had happened.
Joseph D. Pistone
I graduated from college December of 2017 and looking ahead and thinking about potentially starting a book, I just kept getting hung up before even starting because I didn’t want to write a book that only people that have served in the military or that have been to combat could understand.
Kyle Carpenter
I hung out a lot with the ring crew guys. I got along better with them then I did the other guys, the other talent. The guys that show up early in the morning and set the ring up and stay there all day and then take the ring down and drive five and six hours that night to get to the next show.
The Ultimate Warrior
We had a cabin in the mountains – and I remember, one year around this time, a moose came down the river, and one night he came to our cabin and hung out on the back porch for hours. They’re really, really, really big animals. And dangerous, especially if they’re a momma.
Annaleigh Ashford
I was so nervous on the night of my honeymoon, I put my pants to bed, and I hung over a chair.
Bobby Heenan
Who can measure the love Christ felt for a lost world, as he hung upon the cross, suffering for the sins of guilty men? This love was immeasurable. It was infinite.
Ellen G. White
My new house has a deck that wraps around my writing room; my writing room has many windows, and outside the windows I’ve hung bird feeders… for enticing different species. So I imagine I will be writing about that.
Julia Cameron
When I was a kid, I did dial the 900 numbers out of curiosity, but I was such a goodie-two-shoes that I immediately hung up because I didn’t want it showing up on the bill.
Ari Graynor
If you get hung up on the history of a part then you’re on a hiding to nothing.
Lesley Sharp
I don’t get hung up a lot on angst.
Karin Slaughter
The best thing I have is the knife from Fatal Attraction. I hung it in my kitchen. It’s my way of saying, Don’t mess with me.
Glenn Close
When I hung out with my Uncle Chris, things got real. He was fun, talkative, and loud. He was the life of the party and a magnet for mischief. Since he saw the world through a gangsta’s lens, he wanted me to become tough and aggressive.
My father was a painter. There was a lot of singing. We hung around with a lot of folk musicians. My family knew a lot of great folk musicians of the time, like Woody Guthrie, Paul Robeson, Leadbelly. They were all people we knew.
Alan Arkin
You want to know if anyone’s going to go see your film. You shouldn’t worry about it or get hung up on it. So yea, you kind of monitor it.
Dominic Cooper
There was a point of frustration, where I thought I should just take a film, even though I didn’t want to. I was impatient with being at home. But I hung on to the approach I’ve always had, which is to wait for a project that I could contribute something unique to.
Peter Weir
When I was a child and came with my elders to Galway for their salmon fishing in the river that rushes past the gaol, I used to look with awe at the window where men were hung, and the dark, closed gate.
Lady Gregory
I’m not like other writers. I’m not hung up on using my own songs. In fact, my sister Bunny always tells me I sing other people’s songs better than my own. She says I loosen up and give the songs a different feel.
El DeBarge
The hardcore fans have hung with us because they go, ‘Hey, they don’t disappoint.’ And we stick to that style.
Angus Young
I was very protective of my father and I didn’t like these people who hung around outside all day. They creeped me out.
Lisa Marie Presley
I’ve hung out with Jay-Z a couple of times, and he was awesome.
Ryan Lochte
The first one I did was an action film with Sammo Hung and George Lam, but I had the usual female role for that time: you know, damsel in distress, rescued by the hero.
Michelle Yeoh
I hung out with Merle Haggard on his bus, which sort of freaks me out. It was him and his wife. We played with Merle in Oklahoma City. I’m from Arizona, and we talked about Arizona, and he remembered playing for two dollars a day down there at a bar.
Dierks Bentley
When I was little, I got to pick my hair ribbon from my mother’s collection that hung over her dressing-table mirror. I have an entire room of ribbons in my New York apartment.
Alexandra Stoddard
When I was around eleven or twelve, my board got hung up on the top of a bowl, and I got a concussion, and I knocked my teeth out. That was the first time that I got seriously injured, and I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance, and my parents briefly doubted.
Tony Hawk
The magnificent cosmos is a palace that has the sun and the moon as its lamps and the stars as its candles; time is like a rope or ribbon hung within it, on to which the Glorious Creator each year threads a new world.
Said Nursi
I’ve been delivering these little homilies since 1980 – that’s 37 years – and altogether, NPR statisticians tell me, my bloviation total is 1,656 commentaries – and I trust you’ve hung onto every word.
Frank Deford
I drove to Nashville a few times, met with some people and hung out, went to the Opry, and that kind of stuff. I made the decision – you’ve got to be present to win, so I packed it up and moved out here, and it’s been great. It’s been the best decision I ever made.
Luke Combs
We hung out on the streets, played stickball, and did all of the things that other kids did.
Bob Cousy
The recollection of how, when and where it all happened

The recollection of how, when and where it all happened became vague as the lingering strains hung in the rafters of the studio. I wanted to shout back at it, Maybe I didn’t write you, but I found you.
Hoagy Carmichael
I grew up under the spell of London. Illustrator Kerry Lee’s evocative 1950 wall map of the city hung above our breakfast table at home in Canada. Over my corn flakes, I traced the capital’s high roads and medieval alleys.
Rory MacLean
My homies that are around me never give me that ‘star pass.’ I’ve hung out with some stars who are playing basketball and everyone let’s them score all the baskets. Shooting pool, they let them make all the shots. My homies don’t let me get away with that.
Jamie Foxx
It is a strange trade that of advocacy. Your intellect, your highest heavenly gift is hung up in the shop window like a loaded pistol for sale.
Thomas Carlyle
We went to a very small high school. It was, like, in a wooded house; it was a weird school. I hung out with a lot of guys in high school, and I did theater with a few of my close girlfriends.
Chelsea Peretti
I was a snot-nosed teenage skater at one point, who listened to only punk records and hung around people that had that idea of what is okay to do and what isn’t okay to do.
Ariel Rechtshaid
I was a normal guy with a job at Costco, thinking about going back to school. I played sports; I hung out with my friends. I wanted to make something of myself, but I didn’t know what.
Jeff Bauman
My writing is really intuitive. As a kid, I went to school in New Jersey and hung out in New York, so the way kids used to talk got into our earlier songs.
Donald Fagen
My first publication was a haiku in a children’s magazine when I was 9 years old. I received one dollar for it! I gave the check to my dad for Christmas, and he framed it and hung it over his desk.
Linda Sue Park
You know how to tell if the teacher is hung over? Movie Day.
Jay Mohr
I’ve always had lots of friends and my house was the house they all hung out at.
Adam Sandler
In my Philly neighborhood, black and white kids hung together without even thinking about it. The spirit of Martin Luther King was alive and well.
Daryl Hall
When I hung up my toe shoes, I didn’t look back. In all my years, I have never looked back.
Patricia McBride
I hung onto Hollywood by the skin of my teeth, and at first I fought over every piece of bread. Later, I got very small parts.
Inbar Lavi
We all learn from each other, and I never really hung out with guys in that way, so I missed out.
Lee Konitz
Something I miss terribly from the ’60s – the most important phrase in the English language was, ‘I got hung up.’ Somebody says they got hung up, it’s unassailable, you know? You don’t go near that. Whoa! I know what that can be like.
Alan Arkin
I’m the kind of person whose clothes are all hung up and color-coordinated, to the point where my whites don’t touch my creams.
Gabrielle Union
America is immature as a nation, and part of the reason why ‘Hung’ is a hit show is because it deals with that immature side of the male brain where we are kind of comparing ourselves to the rest of the world.
Thomas Jane
I was a public affairs officer. I worked with the media, but I didn’t just stay at my desk. I assisted in military duties, travelled around Anbar province, hung out with a wide variety of Marines.
Phil Klay
It was a dark period of my life when William Hung was the most famous Asian man.
Alan Yang
It’s so much fun to dream in your driveway. I had an old wooden backboard in my driveway. That’s where my friends and I hung out.
Brad Stevens
God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, ‘I love you.’
Billy Graham
All my friends were cheerleaders, and I was the girl who hung out at home. I just worked on my music all the time.
Meghan Trainor
There’s no shortage of opinions about our agency, just like every other agency up here – and just like the Congress. I’d encourage our folks not to get too hung up on what I consider to be the noise on TV and in social media.
Christopher A. Wray
Bob Smith from Brooklyn is a guy who sometimes gets hung with problems and fears. Wolfman Jack is a happy-go-lucky guy who knows how to party. The challenge of my life has been letting more and more of Bob Smith go, becoming the Wolfman on an almost full-time basis, while still taking care of business.
Wolfman Jack
I never wanted to be one of those guys who hung on too long.
Christian Cage
From the moment we met on ‘The Jump’ we were best friends. We really enjoyed each other’s company and we hung out a lot so I knew that, if nothing else, I had made a friend for life in Spencer.
Vogue Williams
Alan’s publishing company was in the Brill Building, and of course, the Brill Building was where all the songwriters hung out because that’s where all the publishers were.
Johnny Rivers
I’ve known a lot of people who were punkers who went on to get academic degrees. Very few of them, however, continued their active role in the punk community. Most of them hung up their leather jacket when they did so.
Greg Graffin
My friend Danny Clinch, who’s a photographer, gave me a big, signed, numbered print of a photo he took of Eddie Vedder in Seattle. It’s hung in my writing room where I have posters of writers that inspire me. They’re all pointing at me. Tom Waits is like, ‘Don’t sell out!’
Brian Fallon
I have encountered riotous mobs and have been hung in effigy, but my motto is: Men’s rights are nothing more. Women’s rights are nothing less.
Susan B. Anthony
The stars, that nature hung in heaven, and filled their

The stars, that nature hung in heaven, and filled their lamps with everlasting oil, give due light to the misled and lonely traveller.
John Milton
I was not the kid that hung out at the arcade.
Jane Lynch
Growing up, I was the only Indian kid around for miles, so I ached to belong. I had a neighborhood pack of nine guys and two girls, and we hung out all the time. We played football, baseball, and broom-hockey on the iced-up lake.
Jay Chandrasekhar
When I first met Jeff Bezos back in the late 90s, the only automated thing in his office was a rotating fan, gently blowing across a pair of identical blue shirts he’d hung on a water pipe behind his desk.
Marc Randolph
I made sure no butt cheek hung out. You know, the original Daisy, Catherine Bach’s shorts were shorter than mine.
Jessica Simpson
We’ve all seen that every challenge we’ve gone through, we’ve learned something from. It’s not getting hung up on the challenges but figuring out how to get ahead.
Amy Purdy
For me, prog rock has always been essentially British. It combines all our great and eccentric genius. We are not hung up on categories, rules and classification. We love people who break the mould, challenge us and make us think differently.
Gavin Esler
I didn’t go to high school, but when I did go to school, I was actually in the group made up of cheerleaders; I just wasn’t one of them. But I hung out with a bunch of different kids.
Ashley Benson
I’m at a point where I’m going where the journey leads me. I’ve set goals but I don’t get really hung up if I don’t achieve those goals right away or in my time, you know what I mean?
Deborah Cox
I probably shouldn’t say this about all animals, but at least the farm animals that I’ve hung out with, and even when I go to the zoo usually, they’re like a blank slate. I guess that’s why I like them. They’re puppets, and you can imagine them being anything you want.
Kristen Schaal
We had been reading about these beatniks who hung out or lived in Greenwich Village, and we wanted to find out what a ‘beatnik’ was, and so a friend and I went right to the source. What we learned, of course, was that beatniks were mostly artists.
Richie Havens
I hung around with Jason Robards, Richard Harris, Robert Shaw, Richard Burton. I knew not to match them for drinks.
Martin Landau
I grew up with parents who were English professors at Wichita State University, and we were more liberal-minded as a family than most of the people I hung out with in Wichita. During summers, we went off to Telluride, Colorado, where I’ve returned every summer since I was born.
Antonya Nelson
It all started in Michigan. My dad got a job in Michigan, so we all moved up there from St. Louis. I kind of hung out in the summer and had nothing to do, so I sort of got into acting. And then I was going to Grand Blanc High, doing the acting thing and hoping it would pan out.
Evan Peters
I don’t know how I didn’t kill any one of my sisters. For this one horror film we were making, I made my own harness for my sister. I wrapped her in all these ropes, but then also put a noose around her neck and hung her from a tree. Now I think, ‘What if my harness didn’t work?’ I’m so lucky that nothing ever happened.
Alexa Vega
I was 16 years old and wanted to help my mom with the rent. There was a restaurant called China Buffet in Tampa that hung a ‘Help Wanted’ sign outside, so I went in and ended up hosting every Friday and Sunday for $6 or $7 an hour.
Michelle Phan
My dad had a guitar that he gave me. I went to Walmart and bought a chord chart and hung it up in my room, and I was just trying to figure out how to play the guitar and put words with what I was learning.
Morgan Wallen
There’s a rich family culture in South Central. The block that I grew up on, all the kids were best friends. They hung out at each other’s houses. I can knock on the person’s house two doors down and grab some food and just hang out or go into the backyard and play basketball when they’re not there.
Spencer Paysinger
Every song is like a kid. How can you have that many kids and have a favorite? Which one do I like to hang most with? Probably the one that I haven’t hung most with recently.
Eddie Van Halen
I was extremely close to my father, inseparable. Where we hung out most of the time was the pub.
Samantha Power
Red Sonja, she was a hellraiser before Buffy, Xena, and Ripley even existed. When so many heroines in comics were all hung up on romance and the bizarre gender politics of comics at the time, Sonja was out cutting off the heads of dragons and pirates.
Gail Simone
So I called and said, ‘Mommy, I’m doing a political film with Jean-Luc Godard. You have to come and sign the contract.’ She thought I was lying, so she hung up the phone. But then she came the next day, even though she had never taken an airplane in her life. She came to Paris and she signed my contract.
Anna Karina
I don’t get hung up about anything really.
Paz de la Huerta
Just try to make an impact on the game somehow whether it is on the defensive or offensive end. I think that has always been something that I have hung my hat on especially offensively. If it is not the night, then go make a play defensively and get after, dive for loose balls, create a charge, make an impact that way.
Patty Mills
I love my dad and respect him and miss him, but I never hung around my father that much because my dad was a lawyer and engineer, and he really didn’t understand what I was about. I was supposed to go to law school at UCLA – I was admitted – and instead of going to law school, I went on the road with a band.
Robert David Hall
Cities might become biological entities, walls hung with curtains of algae that glow at night and sequester carbon, and floors made from tweaked cellular material that strengthens like bones as we walk on it.
Annalee Newitz
When ‘Hung’ got canceled, I was available for pilot season, and ‘Arrow’ was the first thing I auditioned for. It wasn’t the first script that came to me, but it was my first audition.
Stephen Amell
I was just so rambunctious as a little kid. It started because I hung out with my older brothers and their friends. I always had to fight to prove I was tough.
Rashad Evans
The first acting part I ever got was a guest spot on ‘Chicago Hope’ playing a security guard. I thought, ‘Oh, this is going to be cool.’ But a little bit later, I got a vague part on this short-lived show called ‘Marshall Law’ with Arsenio Hall and Sammo Hung. It was a poor man’s ‘Rush Hour.’
Maz Jobrani
Let me tell you, it is still morning in America. It just happens to be kind of a head pounding, hung over for four hours in America – and it’s shaping up to be a nasty day, but its still morning in America.
Glenn Beck
I got way more songs with Key! than Greedo, but I met them via each other, they Facetimed me at 6 A. M. in Atlanta, wearing sunglasses. Key! said, ‘You and Greedo doing a whole project.’ And I was like, ‘Alright.’ Then they hung up on me.
Kenny Beats
I was an athlete, but I hung out with the band guys. I

I was an athlete, but I hung out with the band guys. I was adaptable.
Josh Holloway
And, since the model he faithfully copies is not going to be hung up next to the picture, since the picture is going to be there on its own, it is of no interest whether it is an accurate copy of the model.
Lucian Freud
I’ve always seen TV as… it didn’t occupy the same rarefied space as literature, but it’s art you can use day to day. I’ve never been hung up on where it figures in the hierarchy of learning.
Louis Theroux
Europeans have it better than the Americans. The Americans work too hard. The balance is out of whack. Europe’s hung onto a little bit more of living a life and then working as well.
Jason Clarke
The first thing I bought that was really stylish was in 1969 when I was eleven. I saved up for a black, grey and white tie-dye grandad vest. It was too big – they weren’t catering for kids my age – and hung off me, but I loved it.
Paul Weller
Most people who get into power in the western world start with great intentions, but slowly they all become entrapped and hung by their own petard.
David A. Stewart
What’s important at the grocery store is just as important in engines or medical systems. If the customer isn’t satisfied, if the stuff is getting stale, if the shelf isn’t right, or if the offerings aren’t right, it’s the same thing. You manage it like a small organization. You don’t get hung up on zeros.
Jack Welch
I don’t get hung up on weight.
Jack Black
Pro football gave me a good sense of perspective to enter politics: I’d already been booed, cheered, cut, sold, traded and hung in effigy.
Jack Kemp
I’m not hung up on getting married.
Konkona Sen Sharma
I do believe at the end of the night when you’re with your family, the character gets hung up on the door like a coat, and is there to be taken on the next morning.
Liam Neeson
When we were kids, the type of friends we hung out with were more creative types.
Matt Duffer
The name ‘Wiz’ comes from me being the youngest dude in my age group of people that I hung out with. I was pretty good at anything I tried to do, so they would call me a young wiz.
Wiz Khalifa
I loved the Rumble that Shawn Michaels won. Bulldog threw him over, and he hung on by the skin of the teeth and dumped Bulldog – that was one of my favourite ones.
Seth Rollins
My faith was undermined by the same sort of things that make people skeptics of religion in general. Part of it was, there was no real place for me in Judaism. Maybe if there was I would’ve hung in there, but I was attracted to the social-justice aspects of Judaism, and I was attracted to the prophets.
David Berman
A jigsaw puzzle is my form of meditation. In New York, I glued all of the ones I did together and hung them up on the wall.
Carly Chaikin
I was scared of the devil starting around age nine. Before that, I was gathering every family member in the living room, slipping a shirt over my robe so the bottom hung like a skirt and performing Gloria Estefan songs with feverish intensity.
Perfume Genius
It was work as well as play while shooting for ‘Ishq Vishq’ in South Africa. What made the trip more enjoyable was our energetic and fun-loving director Ken Ghosh, who hung out with the cast a lot.
Amrita Rao
When I was a kid, I played sports a lot. My mom and dad were divorced, but I hung out in the neighborhood a lot, and it was all about sports. I would be out all day on the sand lot or on the hockey rink. My dad would take me to baseball games, but he worked so hard, and he would always fall asleep.
Alex Gibney
When I was 10 or 11, I was on this TV series called ‘Dead Man’s Gun’ and Henry Winkler was a guest star. He hung out with me and my brother the whole time. We had no idea who he was. Our parents were star struck.
Reece Thompson
I was doing unemployment for a little bit and then I started a dog-walking business in my neighborhood. I went to FedEx and started printing out some flyers and hung them up around my neighborhood. Then I started walking people’s dogs for a couple months.
I did a couple of movies in Brazil, and the actors were incredibly congenial and hung out together a lot. Even the biggest stars would do radio commercials – they’re not put on a pedestal like they are in the United States.
Alan Arkin
I did a film in Nairobi, Kenya called ‘The Last Elephant,’ with John Lithgow, Isabella Rosallini, and James Earl Jones. So I was in seventh heaven, alright? About a year later I get a call from my agent and he says they want to see you for this project called Candyman. I thought he was joking so I hung up.
Tony Todd
I don’t want to get hung up on what ‘people,’ that nebulous mass, think about me. That’s the way to unhappiness, I think.
Monica Ali
I’ve never hung around with any models. I’ve always hung around with my friends from school and kept myself to myself.
Georgia Salpa
The iPhone rules, but it does everything but get a call, you know? I can’t tell you how many times my wife has been madder at me because cell phone coverage dropped and she thought I hung up on her.
Ralphie May
I used to skate around the rink with my mom, and we used to race each other until I started getting way better. Then she hung up her skates and resorted to playing my music at the rink.
Mirai Nagasu
I first met the ‘Trailer Park Boys’ when they did my web television show, and since then, I’ve hung out with them a few times.
Tom Green
I try not to think about what people think of me. You can’t, because then you get hung up in all the people who love you, and you’ve also got all the people who hate you, because of what you’re doing.
Eve Ensler
I’ve tried to apply for jobs and I’ve been hung up on because of how I speak.
Rosie Jones
I have been hung in effigy by the gay community for a long time, from when I was on President Reagan’s first AIDS commission.
Richard DeVos
If you are a nurturing mother, and a good one, you can

If you are a nurturing mother, and a good one, you can go to play groups, sit on the floor and play all the games, and have tea with the other mothers, but wouldn’t you like to think that’s not all there is? That you haven’t hung up your high heels without knowing how to walk in them?
Tori Amos
It’s important not to get hung up on the notion that everyone who has an injury is trying to dodge it.
Steve Clarke
When I see a wall that’s hung with different objects, framed or unframed, what I like about it is its fluidity and rule-breaking nature. Just experiment a bit.
Nate Berkus
Some art needs to be hung on the wall and stared at inquisitively, while other pieces require a more active approach.
Anthony Fantano
I was a loner and never hung out with anyone. I never had any friends.
Richard Pryor
When I did ‘Young Guns II,’ I hung out with Emilio and Kiefer, and I once took a trip with Rob Lowe – we jumped trains.
Christian Slater
I had a lot of friends who dreamed of being actors, and as I hung out with them, I became more interested in it.
Gong Yoo
I’ve never been a guy who was anal about housework. A typical Wellington flat when I was flatting was a warehouse with, basically, sheets hung up for walls.
Taika Waititi
Dullness is the only crime for which an editor ought to be hung.
Josephus Daniels
I think people get hung up on starters and 11s, and that number kind of rings through a lot of media’s heads.
Jill Ellis
I probably hung on for a couple of years too long on ‘Scary Go Round.’ I knew I had lost some of my enthusiasm for the characters and the setup, but I wasn’t sure what to do next.
John Allison
I do love doing stunts; I was in a film called ‘The Quiet Ones,’ which was quite a spooky film, and I had to be hung upside down, which was good.
Erin Richards
Even Andy never hung his own paintings. He’d sell them or put them in a box.
Paul Morrissey
I hung out with all the guys in my neighborhood when I was little… I would, like, skateboard and go to skate parks, like, every day and do motor cross, like, every weekend, and I was kind of one of those girls.
Daniella Monet
Come September, the middle of September when the first frost comes, that’s hunting season. Fishing poles are hung up and the hunting season starts. You’ve got to be careful, if you’re a hunter, that it doesn’t become an obsession.
Bud Grant
I blame myself more so because I hung a curve. If you want to point a finger, point it at me.
David Wells
From my childhood I had been intended for the clergy. This prospect hung like a dark cloud on my mind.
Nikola Tesla
I think women are not as hung up on the testosterone thing. They’re more collaborative. They multitask better, and I think they’re more results-oriented. They just want to cut to the chase and get it done.
Linda McMahon
While filming ‘Annie Hall,’ I never really hung out with Woody Allen.
Carol Kane
I hung at the studio. Myself and James Booker and several other musicians, as kids, we just literally hung at the studio, hoping somebody would get sick or get hurt and that we’d get to sub for them.
Dr. John
At nine years old, I was presented an opportunity to move to Toronto to train for pairs dancing. As soon as I heard that that’s what it entailed, I was out of there. It’s like a past life. I hung up my skates and never looked back.
Rachel McAdams
I hung around New York and did a little stock-company stuff. I wasn’t really sure at that time if I even wanted to be an actor. I got no encouragement.
Charles Bronson
Political cartoonists get hung up on daily deadlines and the front page. The worst thing you can do is open up the newspaper and ask, ‘What’s funny about this?’
Jeff MacNelly
I’ve hung out at dozens of playgrounds, bored out of my mind, with not even a look of comfort from disapproving mothers all around me. Either they think I’m a pedophile or a deadbeat dad. That’s what I get for being a single dad – suspicious looks at the playground.
Dominic West
I wanted to be like my friends. I hung out with girls who had blue eyes and blond hair and I thought, ‘I want to look like them!’
Selena Gomez
When he hung up on Nancy Reagan, that’s when he crossed his final threshold.
David Gergen
I used to be hung up on my figure, but it’s a waste of time. I don’t believe in diets. Have four pints one night, be healthy the next.
Sophie Ellis-Bextor
I grew up playing sports, and being athletic was just something I have always hung on to.
Taylor Louderman
I don’t like to consider myself a normal preacher. When you look at religious people, they’re the ones who hung Christ from the cross. I look at myself as a man carrying a message of hope.
Sam Childers
I wouldn’t want to think people doted on us, hung on every word, or wanted to look like us.
Robert Smith
For a while, I was all sports all the time. Then, as I started to get into theater, they dropped away, but I hung on tight with a highly competitive Ultimate Frisbee team. It was probably less intense than I remember, but it was fun.
Colin Donnell
I had hoped to do a lot more to help promote science in

I had hoped to do a lot more to help promote science in this country and in Europe, but I cannot see how that can happen. I have become toxic. I have been hung to dry by academic institutes who have not even bothered to ask me for my side of affairs.
Tim Hunt
Through everything I’ve gone through- and I’ve been everywhere, at the top of the world, in jail, hung over drunk – I never gave up my dream of winning a gold medal in the Olympics.
Dan O’Brien
Ali was a guy that had a lot of discipline. If you hung around him, you’d be able to get some of that discipline that he had. And I learned from that. He was a sweet man.
Larry Holmes
A dead cow or sheep lying in a pasture is recognized as carrion. The same sort of a carcass dressed and hung up in a butcher’s stall passes as food.
John Harvey Kellogg
I usually hung out with my songwriter friends at their places or mine.
Eddie Rabbitt
I believe in myself enough to not get hung up on what other people are doing, or what I should be writing, or the nature of how I’m writing. I’m just able.
Aldous Harding
I’ve hung out in the writer’s room a few times, but the fact is we’ve got such a good writing staff, I don’t want to get my peanut butter fingerprints on anything.
Patton Oswalt
I never get hung up on the past – the memories are too negative.
Brigitte Bardot
No sane local official who has hung up an empty stocking over the municipal fireplace, is going to shoot Santa Claus just before a hard Christmas.
Al Smith
The think that we hung the film version all on was ‘Hedwig’ on tour. On stage, it’s one theatre, one show. It just seemed natural to change it. In the film, we were able to go to flashback rather than have her talk to the audience. And we had the play to practice and to see where we had made mistakes.
John Cameron Mitchell
I’ve hung out and performed with many Native American musicians, and my experience is that the first peoples of this land are incredibly open, warm and forgiving.
John Densmore
I grew up in a very small country town in Victoria. I had a very normal, low-key kind of upbringing. I went to school, I hung out with my friends, I fought with my younger sisters. It was all very normal.
Stella Young
People stopped hanging out with me at the point when I stopped doing drugs. All of a sudden they didn’t wanna hang out with me anymore. And I would have hung out with them. I mean they were killing themselves, but I still would have hung out with them.
John Wozniak
John F. Kennedy went to bed at 3:30 in the morning on November 9, 1960, uncertain whether he had defeated Richard Nixon for the presidency. He thought he had won, but six states hung in the balance, and after months of exhaustive campaigning, he was too tired to stay awake any longer.
Robert Dallek
Since the model he so faithfully copies is not going to be hung up next to the picture… it is of no interest whether it is an accurate copy of the model.
Lucian Freud
Seeing our kids’ beautiful, colorful art hung on the wall brightens my heart and our home.
Tiffani Thiessen
I love Wagner, but the music I prefer is that of a cat hung up by its tail outside a window and trying to stick to the panes of glass with its claws.
Charles Baudelaire
As a kid, I hung out a lot at Golfland in Milpitas.
Jeannie Mai
Children say that people are hung sometimes for speaking the truth.
Joan of Arc
I remember Geauga Lake. I remember Six Flags. I remember going to the mall. I hung out there. These big, grand places that served as pinnacles of the community were not only institutions or places of commerce. They were communal spaces where a lot of people went and shared good memories. These are very nostalgic places.
Seph Lawless
I don’t get too hung up on what people think of me.
Bobcat Goldthwait
And I think, on the other end, there were actors who were not as good as I was, perhaps who could have hung in too, but began to blame everything on race.
James Earl Jones
When I moved to L.A. a few years ago, my sister hung out with a couple of people with big followings. I’d hang out with them, too, and eventually was tagged in a picture with Acacia Brinley, who does a lot on YouTube. She got me from, like, 6,000 to 17,000 followers over a couple of days.
Lucky Blue Smith
All of these really strong females making names for themselves in what were traditionally male-dominated spaces. And I’m not usually one to get too hung up on the male-vs.-female side of things, but it is interesting to see the dynamic shifting and it’s happening across the board. It’s cool to be a part of that.
Nita Strauss
The neck on which diamonds might have worthily sparkled, will look less tempting when the biting winter has hung icicles there for gems.
Samuel Lover
Mum eventually graduated with a City & Guilds certificate that hung proudly on our living room wall throughout my childhood.
David Lammy
When I was growing up, I was obviously gay, and I got heckled every day of my life. The only way I knew how to survive was to make people laugh. If I could make them laugh, I wouldn’t get hung in a locker for two hours. That’s a blessing.
Carson Kressley
What did Christ really do? He hung out with hard-drinking fishermen.
Iggy Pop
I went to New York and Miami and hung out by the beach, and I love the American boys, so I wrote a song about it.
I miss the times I hung out with my friends. Instead of taking the bus, we would just walk, talk and laugh a lot.
Seo In-guk
I never read any fairy tales or classics until I was an adult; all we ever had was comics… No television, either. If we wanted entertainment, we hung around the fish shop.
Michael Foreman
I went and hung out at a foot fetish party, and I knew

I went and hung out at a foot fetish party, and I knew that was a very popular fetish to have, but I didn’t realize how amazing it would be to have it.
Nikki Glaser
I told my mother at about the seventh year of therapy that I had been abused sexually by my father, and she hung up the phone on me.
Anne Heche
In the Troubadour days, it was all those songwriters that I hung around with all the time, so I could get songs and find out what was going on. So we all knew each other, and we just carried each other’s word around.
Linda Ronstadt
I have never ever hung out with actors and comedians. I can’t stand it.
Keith Allen
I’ve known my wife since we were 13 years old in eighth grade, and we kinda dated each other’s best friends. The four of us always hung out, but I really wanted her. We dated around 17, but I was no way mature enough for her.
Dierks Bentley