Top 230 Terrorist Quotes

Terrorist bombings, like rampage shootings, are events that maximize the amount of publicity per amount of damage. That’s why people do them, because they know they will set off a media frenzy.
Steven Pinker
A terrorist is someone who has a bomb, but doesn’t have an air force.
William Blum
Withdrawing federal funds to prevent radiological or bi

Withdrawing federal funds to prevent radiological or biological terrorist attack – that doesn’t just hurt Los Angeles: that hurts America.
Eric Garcetti
My view of Magneto is that he’s the terrorist who might someday evolve into a statesman.
Chris Claremont
We know that if al Queda or one of these terrorist organizations were to get a weapon of mass destruction from Iraq, that they would have no hesitation about using it to catastrophic consequences; the potential is for hundreds of thousands of casualties.
Paul Cellucci
If we had a terrorist attack, the way the people respond is going to determine whether that attack is just a tragedy or whether that attack becomes an all-out disaster.
Patrick J. Kennedy
Despite fearful rhetoric to the contrary, terrorism is not a transcendent threat. A terrorist attack cannot possibly destroy our country’s way of life; it’s only our reaction to that attack that can do that kind of damage.
Bruce Schneier
As president of the United States, my top priority will be to keep America safe. We’re going to go after the terrorist networks. We’re going to go after Osama bin Laden. We are not going to live in fear in this country.
Wesley Clark
The reality is that Trump’s focus on immigrants is to misconceive of the terrorist problem that exists in the United States.
Peter Bergen
Syria is hosting the most dangerous terrorist organizations.
Ariel Sharon
The mindset of a terrorist and the mindset of intolerance know no territorial boundaries when individuals are targeted either for their eating habits or for any other reason.
Kapil Sibal
Now we are showing to the world that this fighting against two terrorist groups was feasible and now we have an isolated case which doesn’t mean that terrorism is alive, as it was before.
Alberto Fujimori
Courts are grappling with what it means to be ‘part of’ al Qaida or the Taliban – every case poses a unique challenge, involving individuals with a different degree and type of connection to these terrorist organizations.
Tony West
Shock, confusion, fear, anger, grief, and defiance. On Sept. 11, 2001, and for the three days following the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil, President George W. Bush led with raw emotion that reflected the public’s whipsawing stages of acceptance.
Ron Fournier
A threat to our freedom is a threat to our freedom, whether from a terrorist or from a trade deal.
Marianne Williamson
Israel is under a dual terrorist attack, from within and from without. And terrorism from within is always more dangerous than terrorism from without.
Avigdor Lieberman
Airport security exists to guard us against terrorist attacks.
Salman Rushdie
I am encouraged by the news today that United States special operations personnel found, identified and killed the terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the operational commander of the al-Qaeda led insurgency in Iraq. Al-Zarqawi was the public face of the insurgency.
Mike Fitzpatrick
We want to look at how we would respond because, as hard as we work to prevent terrorist attacks here North America, if we have a catastrophic terrorist attack, it is the military that is going to have to go in at the request of civilian authorities.
Paul Cellucci
We exercise great caution in airing an audio- or videotape released by a terrorist organization holding a hostage. These are decisions made by CNN’s editorial staff and not by any third party.
Jim Walton
We have to remain vigilant, and we have to continue to take the fight to the terrorist.
Tom Cotton
The ultimate goal is to change Syria’s behaviour on a variety of issues – on its interference in Lebanese internal affairs, on its support for Palestinian terrorist groups that oppose the Palestinian Authority, on, most importantly, acting as a land bridge between Iran and Hezbollah, where Hezbollah gets all its arms.
Elliott Abrams
The fact that wealthy people or people from privileged backgrounds may wind up in a violent terrorist organization is not new.
Lowell Bergman
September 11, 2001, was a terrible tragedy by any measure, but it was not a historical turning point. It did not herald a new era of international relations in which terrorists with a global agenda prevailed or in which such spectacular terrorist attacks became commonplace.
Richard N. Haass
Today, people call each other ‘guys’ – this derives from Guy Fawkes, the bomb-making terrorist. No greater tribute has ever been paid to anyone in the history of politics.
Michael Leunig
Criminal and terrorist threats are morphing beyond traditional actors and tactics. We still have to worry about things like an al-Qaida cell plotting a large-scale attack, but we also now have to worry increasingly about homegrown violent extremists radicalizing in the shadows.
Christopher A. Wray
This isn’t about grabbing people’s guns; this isn’t about changing the Second Amendment. This simply says that someone who is on the terrorist watch list – a dangerous terrorist – should not be able to purchase a gun.
Ted Deutch
While we were there, we saw first-hand the senseless violence and destruction from terrorist groups that have repeatedly called for the end of Israel. These kinds of attacks are an unfortunate part of everyday life for the Israeli people.
Scott Garrett
To me, we never get enough funding. In New York, we are clearly the number one terrorist target in the country.
Peter T. King
We know we cannot underestimate the importance of emergency planning in our region, nor can we assume we’ll have ample warning time. If an earthquake or terrorist attack hits, we won’t necessarily have advance alerts or opportunities to double- and triple-check our plans.
Ellen Tauscher
Russell Defreitas plotted to commit a terrorist attack that he hoped would rival 9/11.
Loretta Lynch
It may be politically incorrect to say, but it is nevertheless true that a terrorist today is exponentially more likely to be a Muslim than a Christian.
Robert Jeffress
There’s a lot going on in the world that’s very disturbing: rewriting the Holocaust; pseudo-historians rewriting history itself. And we’re dealing with a terrorist mentality that involves whole nations.
Joel Grey
And so every one of us in the FBI, I don't care if it's

And so every one of us in the FBI, I don’t care if it’s a file clerk someplace or an agent there or a computer specialist, understands that our main mission is to protect the public from another September 11, another terrorist attack.
Robert Mueller
As technology advances, so too does terrorists’ use of technology to communicate – both to inspire and recruit. The widespread use of technology propagates the persistent terrorist message to attack U.S. interests, whether in the homeland or abroad.
James Comey
In short, it is the position of the people of the United States, as expressed by their representatives in Congress, that Israel’s fight is our fight. And so shall it be until the last terrorist on earth is in a cell or a cemetery.
Tom DeLay
The terrorist action of 9/11 gave birth to President Obama’s entry to the White House. Not directly, but indirectly.
Maya Angelou
Right now, American law bars the admission of aliens suspected of terrorist activity – but not of terrorist sympathies.
Richard Perle
Choosing to arm and train the Islamist opposition against dictator Moammar Gadhafi unleashed its most ruthless terrorist elements.
Pete Hoekstra
And the separatist terrorist organization, PKK, had easy access to Turkey to, inside Turkey.
Bulent Ecevit
Who is a terrorist? Is it not the person who has been persecuting human beings simply because they are black?
Oliver Tambo
Typically, terrorist attacks produce a rally-around-the flag effect as was the case after 9/11 and the huge outpouring of public support that then-President George W. Bush garnered.
Peter Bergen
Trump, of course, has been very wrong in the past about important issues such as President Barack Obama’s place of birth and Mexican immigrants, but the Republican frontrunner is correct in saying that former Republican President George W. Bush did not keep the country safe during the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Peter Bergen
I was arrested in September 2011 and detained for nine months before I was found guilty in June 2012 under Ethiopia’s overly broad Anti-Terrorism Proclamation, which ostensibly covers the ‘planning, preparation, conspiracy, incitement and attempt’ of terrorist acts.
Eskinder Nega
I think if you socialize, dine with, spend time with known terrorists that are on the list of those who want to do harm to America, you put yourself in peril. I don’t dine, socialize or spend time with people who are on the terrorist lists.
Harold Ford, Jr.
This resolution is further proof that Congress stands firmly behind our troops and remains resolved to pursue those responsible for the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, until they are discovered, detained, and punished.
John Doolittle
Throughout the world, terrorists are actively seeking their next recruit. Alarmingly, terrorist organizations are increasingly targeting school-age children as the next generation of terrorists.
Pat Roberts
The prescription for endless war poses a far greater danger to Americans than perceived enemies do, for reasons the terrorist organisations understand very well.
Noam Chomsky
The biggest terrorist is the God of the Quran. I know this is very dangerous and this will offend many people. The more you follow the steps of the prophet of Islam and the God of Islam, the more you get close to being a terrorist.
Mosab Hassan Yousef
We need to defeat al Queda and other terrorist organizations.
Paul Cellucci
People call him a terrorist, but you can use language to do many things and say many things about people, but John Brown was a hero.
James McBride
Terrorist groups are working and communicating across E.U. borders – our efforts to track those groups must do so as well.
Chris Murphy