Top 60 Specialize Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Specialize Quotes from famous people such as Rachel Lindsay, Harry Knowles, Al Franken, Donald Johanson, Jenny McCarthy, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I'm a trial attorney and I specialize in defense civil

I’m a trial attorney and I specialize in defense civil litigation. My firm represents businesses and organizations in whatever aspect they get sued, whether it’s commercial litigation, to personal injury, liability, contracts, we litigate for them on their behalf.
Rachel Lindsay
I specialize in cool inside movie news. Specifically, the news from movies that excite us fans.
Harry Knowles
I do personal attacks only on people who specialize in personal attacks.
Al Franken
I was being groomed as an undergraduate to specialize in Midwestern prehistory, but going back to my teenage days, my interest has always been in our early human ancestors. I wanted to work in Africa.
Donald Johanson
Corner one of the hundreds of doctors who specialize in autism recovery, and they’ll tell you stories of dozens of kids in their practice who no longer have autism. Ask them to speak to the press and they’ll run for the door. They know better.
Jenny McCarthy
There are divisions between a culinary chef and a dessert chef, also called a pastry chef. There are specializations within the pastry chef field. Some pastry chefs specialize in baking breads, while others are master cake designers. Each field requires an exceptional level of creativity and attention to detail.
Ron Ben-Israel
I specialize in movies that people say are underrated, with the exception of ‘Superbad.’
Greg Mottola
As both a fine artist and a graphic designer, I specialize in the visual presentation of words.
John Langdon
As both a fine artist and a graphic designer, I specialize in the visual presentation of words.
John Langdon
I specialize in early homes, and what I care about the most is renovating a home and taking it back to its original construction idea.
Daryl Hall
Kids of this day and age know you don’t necessarily have to specialize in one sport no matter how much society and your coaches are pushing you towards that.
Pat Connaughton
I specialize in cool inside movie news. Specifically, the news from movies that excite us fans.
Harry Knowles
Economists specialize in pointing out unpleasant trade-offs – a skill that is on full display in the health care debate. We want patients to receive the best care available. We also want consumers to pay less. And we don’t want to bankrupt the government or private insurers. Something must give.
Sendhil Mullainathan
To generalize on women is dangerous. To specialize on them is infinitely worse.
Rudolph Valentino
I was a child with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and remember enjoying all of my courses almost equally. When it came time at the end of my high school career to choose a major in which to specialize, I was in a quandary.
Gertrude B. Elion
My whole thing is if you want to do it, then do it. Kobe told me this, but he said, ‘You don’t wanna lay all your eggs in one basket, but you wanna lay all your eggs in one basket.’ If you wanna do something and be great at it, that’s what you’re going to have to specialize in. Just take it and run.
Mohamed Bamba
Economists specialize in pointing out unpleasant trade-offs – a skill that is on full display in the health care debate. We want patients to receive the best care available. We also want consumers to pay less. And we don’t want to bankrupt the government or private insurers. Something must give.
Sendhil Mullainathan
The division of labor among nations is that some specialize in winning and others in losing.
Eduardo Galeano
There are divisions between a culinary chef and a dessert chef, also called a pastry chef. There are specializations within the pastry chef field. Some pastry chefs specialize in baking breads, while others are master cake designers. Each field requires an exceptional level of creativity and attention to detail.
Ron Ben-Israel
There’s a reason I write articles and go out for good dinners: because I’m better at research than cooking. And there are people who are much better at cooking than research, so it’s mutually beneficial for us to specialize.
David Autor
For many people in the music conservatory world, the message was always, Focus! ‘You can’t do everything; you really need to specialize.’ And especially at an early age, I ignored this advice.
Bryce Dessner
I was sent off to study in Georgia to keep me from movies. When I outgrow this film career, I will become a practicing doctor. I want to specialize in cardiology.
Sai Pallavi
When I was a teenager, I worked in New Orleans for a chef named Paul Prudhomme. That was a very important time in my life as a chef. I developed my palate and learned a lot. And here I am now. I specialize in modern Mexican and contemporary Latin cuisines.
Aaron Sanchez
Kids of this day and age know you don’t necessarily have to specialize in one sport no matter how much society and your coaches are pushing you towards that.
Pat Connaughton
A Jewish deli should specialize in, first and foremost, Yiddish foods, the foods of the Eastern European Ashkenazi Jews. So, if it’s a place that specializes in pizza or chicken wings or diner food and then does a corned beef sandwich on the side, it’s not a Jewish delicatessen.
David Sax
I’m a trial attorney and I specialize in defense civil litigation. My firm represents businesses and organizations in whatever aspect they get sued, whether it’s commercial litigation, to personal injury, liability, contracts, we litigate for them on their behalf.
Rachel Lindsay
I have always been a great fan of Peter Chan and many other great directors who specialize in anything outside of action.
Donnie Yen
I specialize in movies that people say are underrated, with the exception of ‘Superbad.’
Greg Mottola
The instant people specialize, it’s in their interest to dehumanize the people their specialized function operates upon.
William T. Vollmann
In a sufficiently prosperous society where people specialize sufficiently, and where enough of the crappy work is done by machines, all work becomes art.
Nick Hanauer
When I was a teenager, I worked in New Orleans for a chef named Paul Prudhomme. That was a very important time in my life as a chef. I developed my palate and learned a lot. And here I am now. I specialize in modern Mexican and contemporary Latin cuisines.
Aaron Sanchez
What we need is more people who specialize in the impos

What we need is more people who specialize in the impossible.
Theodore Roethke
Rising living standards – whether in a village, a region, a nation, or the world – depend first on specialization: on letting people concentrate on what they do best and trade with others who specialize in other things.
Virginia Postrel
Some actors specialize in shooting weapons and punching people. Some have the market on playing buffoons cornered, others specialize in roles that require heavy makeup or outrageous wardrobe. Some trade exclusively in a post-ironic blase attitude.
Rob Lowe
Economists have understood since the Victorian era that the main benefits of trade come from comparative advantage: the idea that people can specialize in what they’re good at and then benefit from exchange. The principle is no more mysterious than specialization in the labor market.
David Autor
I do personal attacks only on people who specialize in personal attacks.
Al Franken
We don’t need a specialized gang unit. We need patrol officers who specialize in knowing their community.
Greg Boyle
We don’t need a specialized gang unit. We need patrol officers who specialize in knowing their community.
Greg Boyle
I have been a print reporter my whole career. It’s all I ever wanted to be. I specialize in political profiles. I have probably profiled hundreds of people over the years, people in very powerful positions. People don’t always like what I write, but most people still talk to me.
Mark Leibovich
You specialize in something until one day you find it is specializing in you.
Arthur Miller
Rising living standards – whether in a village, a region, a nation, or the world – depend first on specialization: on letting people concentrate on what they do best and trade with others who specialize in other things.
Virginia Postrel
I specialize in murders of quiet, domestic interest.
Agatha Christie
You specialize in something until one day you find it is specializing in you.
Arthur Miller
What we need is more people who specialize in the impossible.
Theodore Roethke
Con artists specialize in finding what people need, and Trump knows the media craves variety, scandal, secrets, and he-said-she-said stories, even of the most dubious provenance.
Rick Wilson
I specialize in murders of quiet, domestic interest.
Agatha Christie
I have been a print reporter my whole career. It’s all I ever wanted to be. I specialize in political profiles. I have probably profiled hundreds of people over the years, people in very powerful positions. People don’t always like what I write, but most people still talk to me.
Mark Leibovich
Economists have understood since the Victorian era that the main benefits of trade come from comparative advantage: the idea that people can specialize in what they’re good at and then benefit from exchange. The principle is no more mysterious than specialization in the labor market.
David Autor
Some actors specialize in shooting weapons and punching people. Some have the market on playing buffoons cornered, others specialize in roles that require heavy makeup or outrageous wardrobe. Some trade exclusively in a post-ironic blase attitude.
Rob Lowe
To generalize on women is dangerous. To specialize on them is infinitely worse.
Rudolph Valentino
Obama has no power to change American policy because there are people who specialize in drawing these policies, which have been and still are hostile towards Islam.
Muqtada al Sadr
My whole thing is if you want to do it, then do it. Kobe told me this, but he said, ‘You don’t wanna lay all your eggs in one basket, but you wanna lay all your eggs in one basket.’ If you wanna do something and be great at it, that’s what you’re going to have to specialize in. Just take it and run.
Mohamed Bamba
I was sent off to study in Georgia to keep me from movies. When I outgrow this film career, I will become a practicing doctor. I want to specialize in cardiology.
Sai Pallavi
As a field archeologist, one usually has to specialize in a particular part of the world or specific culture, whereas if one is a materials specialist, one can jump around to different areas. So I’ve had experience on excavations all over the place.
Gail Carriger
In a sufficiently prosperous society where people specialize sufficiently, and where enough of the crappy work is done by machines, all work becomes art.
Nick Hanauer
The division of labor among nations is that some specialize in winning and others in losing.
Eduardo Galeano
I wanted to be able to talk with people who have trade jobs and make records with them. I want to do more records with carpenters, electricians, people who specialize in even more bizarre trades that are off the beaten path.
Jack White
Con artists specialize in finding what people need, and Trump knows the media craves variety, scandal, secrets, and he-said-she-said stories, even of the most dubious provenance.
Rick Wilson
As a field archeologist, one usually has to specialize in a particular part of the world or specific culture, whereas if one is a materials specialist, one can jump around to different areas. So I’ve had experience on excavations all over the place.
Gail Carriger
BitPay is the leading payment processor for bitcoin. The company specialize in setting up merchant accounts to accept bitcoin payments.
Perianne Boring