Top 25 Dumping Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Dumping Quotes from famous people such as Anil Agarwal, Segolene Royal, Donella Meadows, Sheldon Whitehouse, Lawrence Summers, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The world wants India to remain an import-based economy

The world wants India to remain an import-based economy. Then India can be a dumping ground where gold can be dumped and other commodities such as oil and gas. They look at India as a huge market.
Anil Agarwal
I don’t want a Europe that is just a free-trade area attached to NATO. Even less do I want a Europe where it’s everyone against everyone, and social and fiscal dumping replaces solidarity.
Segolene Royal
We know it is impossible to go on finding, moving and wasting oil, leveling forests, paving land, dumping poisons, and multiplying our numbers. A new way of life, a new set of thoughts must be found.
Donella Meadows
I think people really understand that clean air and clean water and not having factories dumping their emissions into the atmosphere and into the rivers and into the sea has been a very good thing for America. EPA stands watch for very important principles that go all the way back to Teddy Roosevelt.
Sheldon Whitehouse
I think the economic logic behind dumping a load of toxic waste in the lowest wage country is impeccable and we should face up to it.
Lawrence Summers
I’m a big believer in the old-school way of releasing television. It’s not to say that other platforms aren’t making great shows, but there’s something about just dumping it all down at once that I think, honestly, cheapens it a touch.
Craig Mazin
I have a lot of stands on a lot of political issues. I’m very big on campaign finance reform. I still think most Americans aren’t aware of how the dumping of big corporate dollars and private donor dollars has totally corrupted the political system and taken it away from them.
Morgan Fairchild
When I was in college, I worked at a state hospital that was a dumping ground for all manner of the criminally insane and ‘mental defectives’ as they called them back then. It was a horrible place, like Arkham, mostly in terms of total neglect of the inmates, so I wanted to write an Arkham story.
Ann Nocenti
In 1958, Brooklyn Dodgers owner Walter O’Malley broke countless hearts when he moved the team known as the Boys of Summer to Los Angeles – dumping the guts and grit of Ebbets Field for the glitz and glamour of Hollywood.
Ed Henry
From pink water bottles for breast cancer to dumping a bucket of ice water on your head for neuromuscular conditions, it seems we’re bombarded by requests to be ‘aware’ of one thing or another.
Stella Young
While never the darling of pure free traders, measures to combat dumping, subsidies, and injurious import surges have always been deemed essential by open economies like the United States to maintain support for trade.
Robert Lighthizer
The most promising privacy thing is stupid phones. I’m dumping all my smart phones.
John McAfee
It seems like every week we are considering bills that would make it harder to limit the amount of carbon we are dumping into our atmosphere, and prevent implementation of clean technologies. The voters who sent us here deserve better.
Mark Pocan
A lot of people head into courtship looking for fireworks. Don’t pass up a chance by dumping someone after a first date because you don’t feel the fireworks. The fireworks can happen at any time and be maintained.
Helen Fisher
The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems.
Donald Trump
My life experience confirms that the U.S. government frequently overclassifies data. But that’s a stronger argument for not dumping large volumes of government traffic on an unclassified personal server than it is a justification for retroactively challenging classification decisions.
Michael Hayden
The Environmental Protection Agency rarely follows up prosecuting coal companies and their fellow polluters, even when the evidence is clear-cut that they are dumping and poisoning entire towns near their projects, and the state regulators are even worse.
Suzy Shuster
Drawing the desperate and the adrift, Los Angeles has long been the dumping ground of dreams both real and cinematic.
Steve Erickson
It was fairly obvious to anyone who studied the situation that China was dumping bedroom furniture in the U.S. to the detriment of our American workers and manufacturers to gain market access and share.
Howard Coble
It’s much easier for non-Indian companies to raise capital because they have profitable markets elsewhere. You might call it capital dumping, predatory pricing, or anti-WTO, but it’s a very unfair playing field for Indian startups.
Bhavish Aggarwal
God, that dumping ground of our dreams.
Jean Rostand
It’s gotta be hard when you are a newcomer to this kind of thing, this big political scene and you have somebody like Michael Bloomberg come in with hundreds of millions of dollars, dumping it in.
Lara Trump
My own view is that this planet is used as a penal colony, lunatic asylum and dumping ground by a superior civilisation, to get rid of the undesirable and unfit. I can’t prove it, but you can’t disprove it either.
Christopher Hitchens
We’ve turned a blind eye to Chinese economic activity, the manipulation of the renminbi, the dumping, the unfair trade practices. We’ve turned a blind eye to intellectual property theft.
Robert C. O’Brien
The ice bucket challenge went viral in 2014, partly because it was so much fun to watch videos of celebrities or friends dumping ice water on their heads. Videos of people in the challenge have been watched more than 10 billion times on Facebook – more than once per person on the planet.
Nicholas Kristof