Top 25 Rachel Dratch Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Rachel Dratch Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

If it gets laughs, it's funny.

If it gets laughs, it’s funny.
Rachel Dratch
I never wanted to be that person who leaves ‘SNL’ and nothing happens.
Rachel Dratch
When I was a kid, I was super shy.
Rachel Dratch
I think for anyone – male or female – in improv, the biggest thing to get over is the fear. I think every improviser has that.
Rachel Dratch
All I remember is the last time I played a videogame, it was Space Invaders.
Rachel Dratch
And you know when I was growing up, I knew I wanted to have kids, but I knew I didn’t want to do it alone. Then once I was 41, 42, I had to accept that I probably wouldn’t have kids unless I decided to adopt later on, but even then it would be with a partner.
Rachel Dratch
I’m definitely not up-to-date on the high-tech videogame world.
Rachel Dratch
I could see myself in some sort of pioneer bonnet, it’s my childhood fantasy, but I think I look too Jewish for the prairie.
Rachel Dratch
Well, I’ve claimed to have seen two ghosts in a hotel room.
Rachel Dratch
Many comedians have a dark side that lets them take a negative thing and turn it funny.
Rachel Dratch
When I was little, we used to have Atari.
Rachel Dratch
I did Second City, and Nia Vardalos also did Second City, so I knew her from there.
Rachel Dratch
But I majored in Drama, modified with Psychology.
Rachel Dratch
Since I was little, it was instilled in me to conserve water. In terms of what can you do as an individual, it’s an easy issue to get behind.
Rachel Dratch
Personally, I don’t even read bummer news stories about the environment because it makes me feel helpless to fix anything and reminds me that the general population doesn’t treat these issues as an important part of our political life.
Rachel Dratch
I don’t really consider myself an impressionist.
Rachel Dratch
The Yale group was doing the Harold. So by our senior year we were trying to do the Harold. Again, we had no idea what we were doing. We had one guy in the group who was pretty experimental; he would kind of push us to do weird things. It was really fun, a great experience.
Rachel Dratch
I also didn’t consider myself a huge baby person.
Rachel Dratch
Everybody always asks about Jimmy Fallon. I’m sorry to say that he’s very nice and there’s not much bad to say about him. I don’t know if he sucks at videogames or not. I don’t think he plays them, but he could have this whole secret life I don’t know about.
Rachel Dratch
I didn’t originally intend on writing a book. I started writing during the day to feel like I was accomplishing something creative.
Rachel Dratch
I had always wanted to be on SNL, it’s not always great, but it’s this leftover childhood dream.
Rachel Dratch
Actually, I didn’t like Dartmouth very much, but the whole theater scene I really liked.
Rachel Dratch
In real life, I’m gorgeous, beautiful.
Rachel Dratch
I remember watching Gilda Radner when I was a kid and everyone thought she was so funny and no one ever said that she was a funny woman, she was just funny.
Rachel Dratch
I did some acting in high school, I knew I really liked it.
Rachel Dratch