Top 260 Establishment Quotes

The mainstream media and most of the political establishment are too quick to slander as ‘nativist’ the advocacy of barring of Islamist radicals from legal entry into the United States.
Tom Tancredo
Keep under strict surveillance and control those secret establishments which, within your government structures, seem to regard themselves as above the law.
Sean MacBride
Both during the elections and as Prime Minister, I have repeatedly and publicly said that I support the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside the State of Israel.
Ariel Sharon
We played in bars and other such establishments and anywhere where people would listen. Sometimes they did, and sometimes not. The outfits we wore were classics of the 50’s.
Phil Harris
Every time Mr. Trump provokes howls from the establishment, his base cheers and gets re-energized.
Antony Blinken
It takes real courage and conviction to attack the esta

It takes real courage and conviction to attack the establishment from within and makes waves as big as a tsunami. Ted Cruz has done that – consistently and successfully – on immigration and other issues like Obamacare, voting rights, and the 2nd Amendment.
Tom Tancredo
It is hard to be unhappy in a gay bar where everyone’s singing show tunes! In fact, I’ve spent many a night in those kind of places – in that particular place, actually – Marie’s Crisis: it’s truly a New York establishment.
Miriam Shor
Every step and every movement of the multitude, even in what are termed enlightened ages, are made with equal blindness to the future; and nations stumble upon establishments, which are indeed the result of human action, but not the execution of any human design.
Adam Ferguson
What the establishment was trying to do was to position me as a Republican running in the Democratic primary.
John Delaney
Men and women motivated by faith have every right and obligation to bring their belief and commitment to the public debate. However, that is very different from the governmental establishment of religion that our founders warned against and our constitution prohibits.
Bill Haslam
It is to the last degree distressing to contemplate the state and establishment of our navy… unless the private emolument of individuals in our navy is made superior to that in privateers, it never can become respectable; it never will become formidable. And without a respectable navy – alas, America!
John Paul Jones
The Committee to Save America. Have you ever heard anything more smug, more pompous but – most importantly – more anti-democratic? Because it turns out that the Committee to Save America was really the Committee to Save the American Establishment.
Steve Hilton
The successful establishment of a buffer zone around Fort Carson will provide an example for other bases around the country as we seek to protect the training mission of the U.S. military while preserving critical habitats on our ranges.
Wayne Allard
If I had been a member of the academic establishment, I could have done other experiments.
Albert Ellis
Brexit and Trump had upended the fundamental establishment viewpoint that politics was aspirational, that good politics promised progress, generational betterment and ever-expanding world reach.
Michael Wolff
People misunderstand what a police state is. It isn’t a country where the police strut around in jackboots; it’s a country where the police can do anything they like. Similarly, a security state is one in which the security establishment can do anything it likes.
John Lanchester
Throughout the west, the rise of populism has shaken establishments, with politicians and commentators asking why there has been a resurgent interest in socialism, and a growth of the far right on the opposite side.
Dawn Foster
We are dealing with treachery and threats, which accompanied the establishment of Israel.
Bashar al-Assad
I think the rise of progressives is the biggest storyline there is, whether it’s Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or Kara Eastman or Randy Bryce, Richard Ojeda – real populist progressives that are willing to actually fight for the progressive message rather than the lukewarm establishment Democrats.
Cenk Uygur
The establishment will do all they can to block him, so grassroots America’s going to have to turn out in droves for Mr. Trump.
Virgil Goode
The establishment of a National Methamphetamine Prevention Week will significantly increase awareness of meth and educate the public on effective ways to help prevent its use.
Ron Lewis
The job of the organizer is to maneuver and bait the establishment so that it will publicly attack him as a ‘dangerous enemy.’
Saul Alinsky
When I was younger, I just thought that my plans were probably going to be more exciting than my parents’ plans or the establishment. I sort of got by on being a little bit of a rebel.
Amy Grant
One of the nicest things about receiving the accolade of Australia is that, previously, the knighthood was historically for what was termed ‘the establishment.’ Now, this is an accolade for somebody who comes from a working-class background. Someone whose father was a truck driver and decided to buy a truck.
Lindsay Fox
Doubt, indulged and cherished, is in danger of becoming denial; but if honest, and bent on thorough investigation, it may soon lead to full establishment of the truth.
Ambrose Bierce
We’re seeing that the well-funded, sort of ‘having the establishment backing’ doesn’t really help you. In fact, you know people are sort of tired of that – they don’t trust the Democratic National Party. Many Democrats in Kentucky don’t. They are looking for somebody who is honest.
Amy McGrath
Saudi Arabia has been commended for allowing women the right to drive; the opening of cinemas and other entertainment establishments; ending the power of arrest of the religious police. In parallel however, there have been arrests of the activists who for years had advocated for these changes.
Crispin Blunt
This is what the establishment is scared of: Of joy, the sense of humour, of irony.
Beppe Grillo
The Establishment Clause prohibits government from making adherence to a religion relevant in any way to a person’s standing in the political community.
Sandra Day O’Connor
Hillary Clinton, an agent for the Oligarchy, was defeated despite the vicious media campaign against Donald Trump. This shows that the media and the political establishments of the political parties no longer have credibility with the American people.
Paul Craig Roberts
In the new century, we should continue to work together to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the vast number of developing countries including China and India and promote the establishment of a just and equitable new international political and economic order.
Li Peng
How do you make it to the top when all you have is ambition and talent? You believe in yourself and surround yourself with other idealistic and talented friends that fuel each other and push against the establishment to take you seriously.
Tamra Davis
Yevtushenko is a high member of his country’s establishment, and he lies terribly about the United States to his Russian readers.
Joseph Brodsky
At first, we couldn’t be establishment, because we didn’t have any money. We were guerrilla marketers, and we still are, a little bit. But, as we became No. 1 in our industry, we’ve had to modify our culture and become a bit more planned.
Phil Knight
I think people knew why I was doing what I was doing. They knew I wasn’t part of an interest group. And, in a way, by attacking me, the Malaysian establishment identified me as someone who was principled and prepared to stand up to them.
Clare Rewcastle Brown
The establishment wonders why we can’t get more of the black vote. It’s because it’s not doing the things necessary to establish a deeper relationship with the black community. Most black people don’t think alike. Most black people just vote alike.
J. C. Watts
The establishment, the newspapers, they try to create s

The establishment, the newspapers, they try to create something called Scottish literature, but when people are actually going to write, they are not going to necessarily prescribe to that, they’ll write what they feel.
Irvine Welsh
Everyone knew in Pakistan that the military establishment was going to bring in Imran as PM and people did not want to risk the wrath of this powerful lobby.
Reham Khan
As a Donald Trump supporter, the battle to elevate the will of the people above that of the establishment is one with which I empathize.
Kayleigh McEnany
Someone like Bernie Sanders can be in office for 30 years, but he’s not the establishment.
Jimmy Gomez
Major reforms include optimisation of the Signals establishments, restructuring of repair echelons, redeployment of ordnance echelons, better utilisation of supply and transport echelons, besides closure of military farms, and Army postal establishments in peace locations.
Nirmala Sitharaman
By and large, the artistic establishment disapproved of Margaret Thatcher.
Craig Brown
Personally, when a controversy erupts, we decide first whether it requires clarification and, secondly, if it receives notice from authorities and the establishment, we submit responses to their queries.
Amitabh Bachchan
There’s a level of sophistication of filmmaking that’s mind-boggling. Anything you need for your movie, there’s an establishment that can make it happen really fast.
Ang Lee
There are some in the establishment who dislike a candidate who thinks for himself and isn’t easily controlled by the Washington establishment. I will be someone who will be taking a firm stand on principle and will not be knuckling under whenever the establishment snaps its fingers.
Kris Kobach
The establishment of free trade agreements can be a critical and progressive step towards greater economic integration, and continues to become more valuable in an increasingly global world.
Dan Kildee
The Establishment center… has led us into the stupidest and cruelest war in all history. That war is a moral and political disaster – a terrible cancer eating away at the soul of our nation.
George McGovern
I don’t like the royal family, I don’t like the establishment, I don’t like the civil service.
Paul Weller