Top 260 Walls Quotes

There are many more serial killers living outside the prison walls than inside.
Pat Brown
A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, ‘darkness’ on the walls of his cell.
C. S. Lewis
The blues is the foundation, and it’s got to carry the top. The other part of the scene, the rock ‘n’ roll and the jazz, are the walls of the blues.
Luther Allison
People do think I was a one-hit wonder, that I’m maybe not the kind of singer that I can really be – that impression is there. I have to work really hard to break down those walls.
Tiffany Darwish
When works of art are presented like rare butterflies on the walls, they’re decontextualized. We admire their beauty, and I have nothing against that, per se. But there is more to art than that.
Hans Haacke
Storytelling is as old as speech. It existed before humans first began to carve shapes in stones and press their hands upon the rocky walls of caves.
Kate Forsyth
My father's work is rather mysterious, not much said, a

My father’s work is rather mysterious, not much said, and my grandfather’s is robust, bursting off the walls.
Jamie Wyeth
I don’t have many walls that I put up.
Austin Butler
The political solutions to the refugee crisis may be complex, but that does not mean we should abandon our humanity. We should not close our hearts, retreat behind walls, real or imagined, or ignore the pressing moral imperative to provide assistance and sanctuary for some of the world’s most desperate people.
Katharine Viner
Pictures deface walls more often than they decorate them.
William Wordsworth
I found many treasures in the woods over the years: shotgun shells, empty Colt 45 bottles, old railroad spikes, orange and black beetles eating a dead mouse, pebbles that looked just like teeth, old stone walls and cellar holes, a rusted out frying pan, the skull of a cat.
Jennifer McMahon
Public school felt like prison – cinderblock walls, fluorescent lights, metal lockers. It was so sterile and unstimulating.
Sufjan Stevens
I challenge the homes of Israel to display on their walls great quotations and scenes from the Book of Mormon.
Ezra Taft Benson
We’re not in the business of putting up barriers; that’s the job of politicians. They’re the idiots who want to build walls between people.
Danny Carey
I realized I’d built up walls and carried grudges for years. I had a lot of animosity, dating back to when I was growing up, toward people who told me that what I was doing datingwise was wrong.
Rex Chapman
Our mothers put God first when they fill their highest mission within the walls of their own homes.
Ezra Taft Benson
In the past the analysts were the department you never saw. They were the nerds at school. You went to see the investment bankers and maybe the salesmen but the Chinese walls divided them from the analysts. But new technology and the Internet changed all that.
Mark Getty
You don’t have to paint your walls lime green just to try to have your home feel decorated. If you’re a classic dresser or preppy dresser or a modern dresser, you wear a lot of black – whatever it is – your home should reflect that as well.
Nate Berkus
What do you hang on the walls of your mind?
Eve Arnold
The most important job you’ll ever have is in the walls of your own home.
Jane Clayson
I certainly didn’t grow up feeling there were brick walls in front of me.
Asher Keddie
When we used to walk to school, I used to read off the walls, graffiti and stuff, everything. I used to write stories, but I’d never finish them. I wrote poems.
Jorja Smith
Jesu’s walls of distortion are uplifting in comparison to those of its doom-driven contemporaries. The band’s 2009 album ‘Infinity’ has its bleak moments, but that album’s single 49-minute song resolves into something inspirational and grandiose by the time it’s over.
Anthony Fantano
There’s big granite walls up toward the Argentine border, but the weather’s serious, and a lot of the rock is mossy and wet.
Douglas Tompkins
My father worked in Chrysler’s drafting department and used to bring home tracing paper, No. 2 pencils, and masking tape from the office. With these, I used to trace off drawings from the ‘Superman’ and ‘Batman’ comics and put them up on my bedroom walls.
Jim Starlin
I actually grew up in a house in which bees lived in one of the walls, and they lived there 18 years, in fact, so it wasn’t a fleeting thing.
Sue Monk Kidd
As a child, I was hyper, I was a clown and I was sensitive. Today I’m all of the above, except I’ve refrained from bouncing off the walls.
Nadine Velazquez
Spiderman can climb walls and he’s got a cool outfit.
Rhona Mitra
There was a strange atmosphere on the set because we were filming in this large house, which was used for troubled children. You’d go in and find walls had been burnt down. The building was charged with this history and it stayed with us throughout the filming.
Beatrice Dalle
The secret to a happy marriage is if you can be at peace with someone within four walls, if you are content because the one you love is near to you, either upstairs or downstairs, or in the same room, and you feel that warmth that you don’t find very often, then that is what love is all about.
Bruce Forsyth
The fears you do not face become your walls. Most people in business, and in their personal lives, design everything so they can avoid doing what makes them feel uncomfortable. Yet any good business person knows we are not only paid to work, but also we are paid to be scared.
Robin S. Sharma
I remember my daughter Deni coming along, and she was so pure and caring of everybody and everything. And somehow, this little being managed to get around all the obstacles – the gun turrets, the walls, the moats, the sentries – that were wrapped around my heart. My heart at that time needed her.
Woody Harrelson
Talking, talking. Spinning a web of words, pale walls of dreams, between myself and all I see.
John Gardner
We are not going to build a pressure in Mexico. We’re not building walls to retain our people.
Vicente Fox
Heavy pillars, carved from the rock, bear the roof. Slowly, one’s eyes become accustomed to the dim light; then they can make out marvelous representations from Indian mythology carved on the walls.
Rudolf Otto
When I was a kid, I would make these incredibly bloody movies in my back yard. I was constantly making weird blood concoctions; Jell-O and milk was a good one. I was constantly ruining clothes and staining my parents’ walls and stuff.
Fran Kranz
I grew up in a country where I remember my parents not being able to have a conversation on the phone. The walls had ears, and you couldn’t speak freely.
Jan Koum
Life is a solitary cell whose walls are mirrors.

Life is a solitary cell whose walls are mirrors.
Eugene O’Neill
Trump wants to build a wall at the border of Mexico, while Clinton wants to tear down all walls.
Fabrizio Moreira
We make artificial divisions everywhere: Democrats and Republicans, black and white, millennials and baby boomers. Even those of us who are against building walls find ourselves pointing accusing fingers at those wall-builders.
Robert J. Waldinger
‘Crumbling’ Down’ is a very political song that I wrote with my childhood friend George Green. Reagan was president – he was deregulating everything, and the walls were crumbling down on the poor.
John Mellencamp
Look at the walls of Pompeii. That’s what got the internet started.
Robin Williams
I truly believe that building bridges, not building walls and not giving into fear, will make our communities better.
Charles Barkley
The walls of our upstairs hallway testify that we once had photogenic children. There are rows of framed pictures that show them playing baseball, basketball, holding a toad, and smiling in the sunlight at their eager parents. Everything is orderly and bright.
John Dickerson
I have a weird thing – if I can’t see where all the walls in my house are, I get a little bit freaked out. I think New York has Stockholm Syndrome’d my sense of space and what a house should be.
William Jackson Harper
No period of my life has been one of such unmixed happiness as the four years which have been spent within college walls.
Horatio Alger
People see you onstage and the glamorous side, but they don’t see you traveling 600 miles a night, eating truck stop food and spending by yourself staring at walls.
Jason Aldean
I grew up a clumsy kid with bad hand-eye coordination. Yet here on El Cap, I felt as though I had stumbled into a world where I thrived. Being up on those steep walls demanded the right amount of climbing skill, pain tolerance, and sheer bull-headedness that came naturally to me.
Tommy Caldwell
Relationships are personal, even in business, so sharing some of yourself and taking an interest in others helps to build trust and break down walls.
Dinesh Paliwal
I’d have liked to have leant against walls in thrillers.
Celia Johnson
Concrete you can mold, you can press it into – after all, you haven’t any straight lines in your body. Why should we have straight lines in our architecture? You’d be surprised when you go into a room that has no straight line – how marvelous it is that you can feel the walls talking back to you, as it were.
Philip Johnson
The hardest part of ‘Game of Thrones’ is there is so much incredible talent bouncing off the walls that you’ll actually miss some of them, and not getting it is very intimidating.
Alex Graves
Within the walls of our own homes, we can and should bear pure testimony of the divinity and reality of the Father and the Son, of the great plan of happiness, and of the Restoration.
David A. Bednar
I grew up in South Carolina. A lot of what I remember back in the day is AM radio. When I was a kid, you could hear Stevie Wonder and Buck Owens on the same station. All the walls and lines between music were taken down for me.
Darius Rucker
I was terrified to be my true self because I felt that it wasn’t enough. But I allowed myself to break down those walls.
Hannah Brown
I grew up in the suburbs outside of Newcastle, and there were blank walls, and there was a lot of space to imagine – the fields and the motorways – so I used to sit and talk to myself as different people.
Andrea Riseborough