Top 265 Occupy Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Occupy Quotes from famous people such as Richard Engel, Philipp Meyer, Bernie Sanders, Colin Powell, Pawan Kalyan, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

When students and liberals initially occupied Tahrir Sq

When students and liberals initially occupied Tahrir Square, it looked like it might be a passing thing.
Richard Engel
When I finish a book, I get extremely restless; I have to aggressively find ways to occupy myself; going off into the woods alone, doing things that are physically or mentally demanding to keep myself busy until the next big idea comes.
Philipp Meyer
The Occupy Wall Street protests are shining a national spotlight on the most powerful, dangerous and secretive economic and political force in America.
Bernie Sanders
What you’re seeing with Occupy Wall Street and the others are people who are unhappy and they’re directing their unhappiness now toward Wall Street and toward those they think are doing too well in our society.
Colin Powell
Nature, philosophy and social issues are the three things that always occupy my mind. You do not have any power over others but can only change yourself.
Pawan Kalyan
I’m always studying something or trying to learn something, keep myself creatively occupied, because I think that energy can get kind of destructive if it doesn’t have somewhere to go.
Rosemarie DeWitt
Whether one agrees or disagrees with the tactics of the Occupy Wall Street movement, it’s easy to understand the inspiration for its anger as well as its impatience.
Eric Alterman
I want that which is hilarious and that which is heartbreaking to occupy the same territory in the book because I think they very often occupy the same territory in life, much as we try to separate them.
Richard Russo
I’m an anarchist and I do think things such as Occupy Wall Street are about getting a little closer to the solution.
Woody Harrelson
My wrists, which are tattooed with my daughters’ names, are always occupied by a watch.
Debi Mazar
I was very proud to be at ‘The Wall Street Journal’. I have nothing bad to say about it. I had a great run there. In what turned out to be the final years of my tenure there, ‘AllThingsD’ occupied me more and more and was much more fun.
Walt Mossberg
BDS is not a typical act of political correctness, undertaken by radical academics whose usual prey is the youth of America. This is a worldwide movement designed to destroy the one democracy in the Middle East and the hopes of people who have occupied that land for over three thousand years.
Thom Tillis
We are too occupied with celebrity. Believe me, it’s not what it’s cracked to be.
David Cassidy
I am all for charity in judging the men who have occupied the Oval Office over the past seventy years, given the huge responsibilities the president carries across the world.
Nigel Hamilton
The Occupy movement needs an organizing principle, and – just as the Tea Party did – it needs some actual measures of success. Choose one candidate whose agenda is squarely within that of the movement and make his or her electoral success a focal point.
Eliot Spitzer
American troops have not only occupied Ulster but are arriving in increasing numbers in England.
John Amery
If I could create a world where people lived forever, or at the very least a few billion years, I would do so. I don’t think humanity will always be stuck in the awkward stage we now occupy, when we are smart enough to create enormous problems for ourselves, but not quite smart enough to solve them.
Eliezer Yudkowsky
Occupy Wall Street is a real movement.
Russ Feingold
The arteries are found in nearly every part of the animal body, with the exception of the hairs, nails, and epidermis; and the larger trunks usually occupy the most protected situations, running, in the limbs, along the flexor side, where they are less exposed to injury.
Henry Gray
Under the leadership of President Bush and Vice President Cheney, the United States has given up the moral high ground that we used to occupy as an international leader.
Marty Meehan
At a certain point, we saw the police cracking down on the Occupy Wall Street activists. I won’t call the actions of police appropriate or inappropriate.
Vladimir Putin
I’m a Scrabble nut, and I need something to do while I’m travelling. Scrabble keeps me occupied, I play against myself. I have a high score of 718 that I’m always trying to beat. I’m a good player. You don’t want to play me for money, that’s for sure.
Suzi Quatro
If Occupy Wall Street can see their way to more collaboration with the union movement, then there will be a great deal of political action possible.
David Harvey
When something that occupies a giant space in your life comes to an end, then you have to go through a mourning period. I loved ‘The Shield.’ It was one of the hardest and one of the greatest experiences of my life. But having said that, I’m always thinking about what’s next.
Michael Chiklis
When Occupy Wall Street happened, I took my money out of Citibank. I already had problems with all the banks – Citibank, Bank of America – but I was kind of just too lazy to take my money out until I saw how Citibank responded to Occupy Wall Street.
Talib Kweli
Sculpture occupies the same space as your body.
Anish Kapoor
We say that someone occupies an official position, whereas it is the official position that occupies him.
Georg C. Lichtenberg
My father-in-law was a pilot. During World War II, he was shot down in a B-17 over Belgium. With the help of the French Resistance, he made his way through Occupied France and back to his base in England.
Bobbie Ann Mason
Painting keeps me occupied in those moments when travel can be aimless and even disorienting. Mainly it is a way to register at least some of the new impressions of a foreign place, when its thrilling barrage can sometimes overwhelm you.
Susan Minot
We live in a time where there’s a great deal of navel-gazing with the devices that we have that occupy so much of our time… many subjects of history are lost.
Ng Chin Han
It can’t be ‘occupied territory’ if the land is your own.
Reuven Rivlin
Exercise keeps me occupied, which is good for my mental

Exercise keeps me occupied, which is good for my mental health.
Gail Porter
We don’t have a state, neither in Gaza nor in the West Bank. Gaza is under siege and the West Bank is occupied. What we have in the Gaza Strip is not a state, but rather a regime of an elected government. A Palestinian state will not be created at this time except in the territories of 1967.
Ismail Haniyeh
What we have, what we wish we had – ambitions fulfilled, ambitions disappointed, investments won, investments lost, elections won, elections lost – these things may occupy our attention, but they do not define us.
Mitt Romney
I don’t have a dogma that gives me a compass, that occupies me.
Ashley Zukerman
Humans have occupied a position in nature that they should not. It is impossible for humans to conquer nature.
Svetlana Alexievich
U2 is an original species… there are colours and feelings and emotional terrain that we occupy that is ours and ours alone.
Task switching is hard because we do not control what is on our mind. Despite our efforts, the original task continues to occupy our mental bandwidth. Although we can control where our time goes, we cannot fully control how our bandwidth is allocated.
Sendhil Mullainathan
Psychoanalysts are not occupied with the minds of their patients; they do not believe in the mind but in a cerebral intestine.
Bernard Berenson
In November 2000, the Republicans stole from America our most precious right of all: the right to free and fair elections… Now President Bush occupies the White House, but with questionable legitimacy.
Cynthia McKinney
Now, we occupy a lowly position, both in space and rank in comparison with the heavenly sphere, and the Almighty is Most High not in space, but with respect to absolute existence, greatness and power.
Much like the Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street’s message has gotten wrapped up in stereotypes. The Tea Party was weighed down by the birther movement, and Occupy Wall Street has gotten looped in with hippie culture.
Meghan McCain
After making the ‘Occupy’ movie, when you finish watching the film, you want to take a hot shower. You want to go home and shower because you’ve just spent an hour and fifteen minutes with the greasiest, dirtiest people you will ever see.
Steve Bannon
I was a very sickly kid. While I was in the hospital at age 7, my Dad brought me a stack of comic books to keep me occupied. I was hooked.
Len Wein
I like very human stories that venture into sci-fi or the supernatural or areas that I think occupy a lot of space in our collective memory for the films that we loved as children.
Colin Trevorrow
An occupying power has no right to make significant alterations in the character of the occupied society, to change the laws all around, without a strong security reason and so forth.
Juan Cole
When you hear the party that glorified Occupy Wall Street blast success; when you hear them minimize the genius of the men and women who make jobs out of nothing, is that what you teach your children about work?
Artur Davis
The thing about Occupy is that the sentiment the movement embodies is timeless: Don’t be greedy, share.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
People will remember that the Tea Party was co-opted and funded by billion-dollar corporations, and that it was supported by Fox News and other outlets with the same vigor with which they attempt to denigrate the Occupy protesters.
Henry Rollins
Each atom of the Holy Spirit is intelligent, and like all other matter has solidity, form, and size, and occupies space.
Orson Pratt
I was 16 before I met another passionate collector. One summer, I visited England; a new friend took me calling on his dotty, brilliant old aunt. She occupied a quaint house in Kent. Its walls were lined with glass-fronted cases full of what? Ancient shoe buckles.
Allan Gurganus
It seems that it had been destined before that I should occupy myself so thoroughly with the vulture, for it comes to my mind as a very early memory, when I was still in the cradle, a vulture came down to me, he opened my mouth with his tail and struck me a few times with his tail against my lips.
Leonardo da Vinci
My life became occupied with only a couple of things: go to the stadium and practice, come back home, eat, then go back to training.
Neeraj Chopra
And the fact that Haiti was occupied for 19 years by the United States, from 1915 to 1934.
Edwidge Danticat
The day is not far off when the economic problem will take the back seat where it belongs, and the arena of the heart and the head will be occupied or reoccupied, by our real problems – the problems of life and of human relations, of creation and behavior and religion.
John Maynard Keynes
I say to the Occupy protesters – you’re occupying the wrong place, you’re protesting the wrong thing.
Sarah Palin
Too many women without sufficient interest in the home to occupy their time drift into the habit of three-hour lunches with their friends, followed by fashion shows, matinees and shopping sprees.
Van Heflin
General Grant had no fixed plan of campaign beyond the general idea to avoid the strong defensive line occupied by General Lee behind Mine Run, and find a way to draw him out to open battle.
James Longstreet
France was an occupied country, a country that surrendered and was left without the right to choose.
Jean-Marie Le Pen
Occupy is anything but a protest movement. That’s why it has been so hard for news agencies to express or even discern the ‘demands’ of the growing legions of Occupy participants around the nation, and even the world.
Douglas Rushkoff
Each employed immigrant has his or her place of work. It is only the taxi driver, forever moving on wheels, who occupies no fixed space. He represents the immigrant condition.
Amitava Kumar
Colonialism is an idea born in the West that drives Western countries – like France, Italy, Belgium, Great Britain – to occupy countries outside of Europe.
Ahmed Ben Bella
I think this Occupy Wall Street thing is great. I think

I think this Occupy Wall Street thing is great. I think that is a good thing and that people need to stand up, voice their opinions, and be heard.
Simon Baker
The benefit a father can confer on his son is to make him fit to occupy the front rank in the assembly of the learned.
One of the things I loved – or I love still – about this Occupy movement is it’s got a very gentle core. I mean, it’s really decidedly nonviolent in the face of all kinds of situations.
Lee Ranaldo
Success is the space one occupies in the newspaper. Success is one day’s insolence.
Elias Canetti
I don’t think I started kicking a ball until I was six or seven. Horses were my first love, so I was occupied with that.
Millie Bright
Whatever position I occupied, it was the result of colleagues – of my comrades in the movement – who had decided in their wisdom to use me for the purpose of focusing the attention of the country and the international community on me.
Nelson Mandela
First of all, no candidate is going to win by catering to the alleged Occupy Wall Street vote.
Jim DeMint
In the first place, it must be remembered that our point of view in examining the construction of a play will not always coincide with that which we occupy in thinking of its whole dramatic effect.
Andrew Coyle Bradley
If you look at the people in the Occupy and tax-evading movements, they come from all walks of life and have embraced that attitude of opposition from the 1970s.
Keith Allen
When their city was occupied by the Gauls, and the Romans, who were besieged in the Capitol, had made military engines from the hair of the women, they dedicated a temple to the Bald Venus.
The Occupy Wall Street project feels like a burning ember that might light the torch of justice and inflame our longing for freedom.
James A. Forbes
Certainly, Occupy Wall Street protesters have different ideas about the movement’s mission. Many of the marchers I met even disagreed on the purpose of their trek – some thought it was about getting to Washington to protest the ‘supercommittee’; others thought it was about visiting other Occupations.
Elizabeth Flock
Is it philosophical, is it quite allowable, to assume without evidence from fossil plants that the family or any of the genera was once larger and wide spread? and occupied a continuous area?
Asa Gray
You tend to meet on a more regular basis with people in your industry, and reality being what it is, you tend to meet with them at the particular level that you occupy; so that develops a fraternity relationship.
Lew Wasserman
When you have something that is perfect, that occupies a position and sector unrivaled by anyone else, that’s one thing we do not want to tamper with.
John Paulson
Couture occupies the uppermost stratosphere of fashion. It is the holy of holies, as only about 2,000 women globally are fortunate enough to wear these precious garments tailored to their exact measurements, making it perhaps the most exclusive club in the world.
Kevin Kwan
Those who occupy their minds with small matters, generally become incapable of greatness.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
When we classify an issue as a ‘shield issue’ it is usually because we feel that someone else occupies the high ground on that issue. We feel we can’t win on that issue and so we adopt a defensive posture.
Preston Manning
I don’t think about the end game. I’ve got lots to occupy my mind. It’s the rage that keeps me going.
Terry Pratchett
Be ever engaged, so that whenever the devil calls he may find you occupied.
St. Jerome
The skirmishes in the occupied land are part of the war of destiny. The outcome of hundreds of years of war will be defined in Palestinian land.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Every man is dishonest who lives upon the labor of others, no matter if he occupies a throne.
Robert Green Ingersoll
My dad occupied a government position, deputy collector, in a city called Nainital, so we had access to the cinemas at any time. I saw my first movies when I was very young.
Naseeruddin Shah
Whatever will happen has to be based on long-term policies and strategies of resistance. We had the Occupy Wall Street movement, but when they had to step up and organize in a more institutional way, the whole movement dissolved.
Raoul Peck
In writing the history of a disease, every philosophical hypothesis whatsoever, that has previously occupied the mind of the author, should lie in abeyance.
Thomas Sydenham
As a transgendered artist, I have always occupied a place outside of the mainstream. I have gladly paid a price for speaking my truth in the face of loathing and idiocy.
Would you allow a people to come from somewhere else and occupy a part of the United States, and set up an independent state, and, after 50 years, you would not be able to stay on this land?
Hassan Nasrallah
Before I had kids, my bag was clean. In case I need to occupy them, I like to have Hot Wheels cars, See’s lollipops, and a deck of cards.
Betsy Brandt
The 20th century is a period defined by cultural and artistic movements. However, the 21st century creative-scape that we occupy now doesn’t really have movements in the same way. Instead it’s made up of diverse individuals working across various platforms simultaneously; art, architecture, film, music and literature.
Doug Aitken
The cinema occupies an important place in the overall development of art and literature.
Kim Jong Il
I occupy much of my time in theological studies for which I have a natural inclination.
Cole Younger
The man who occupies the first place seldom plays the p

The man who occupies the first place seldom plays the principal part.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
When someone lives as a minority, they experience the world differently than those of us who live in the majority. We may occupy the same physical space, but we don’t occupy the same psychic space.
Jennifer Granholm
The presidency has made every man who occupied it, no matter how small, bigger than he was; and no matter how big, not big enough for its demands.
Lyndon B. Johnson
The similarities are limited but real. They amount to a shared disgust with politics as usual in America. The Tea Party focuses on the federal government; Occupy Wall Street focuses on corporate America and its influence over the government.
George Packer
I want to reveal in a simple way the usual – and unusual – life of the city; the corporation workman, the busmen, policemen, the civil servants, the theatres, Moore Street and also, what occupies so large a place in Dublin’s life, the literary and artistic.
Patrick Kavanagh
Today, the Iraqi citizen sees that America is coming and wants to occupy his country and kill him, and he is willing to experience for himself what happened in Palestine.
Bashar al-Assad
Technology is at a point where we should allow multiple parties to occupy the same spectral space.
Ronald Coase
People with water-borne diseases occupy more than 50% of hospital beds across the world. Does the answer lie in building more hospitals? Really, what is needed is to give them clean water.
Manoj Bhargava
The city of London, within the walls, occupies a space of only 370 acres, and is but the hundred and fortieth part of the extent covered by the whole metropolis.
Henry Mayhew
I have seen one shrike occupy himself for hours in sticking up on thorns, a number of small fishes that the fishermen had thrown on the shore. The fishes dried up and decayed.
John Bachman
Part of what’s interesting about the ‘Star Wars’ world is, villains are complex, obviously, and they occupy, as in life, different roles within different organizations.
Simon Kinberg
In 2011, when I established the activist group Scholarism, I could have not imagined that a year later, 100,000 people would take to the street and occupy for a week to urge the government to withdraw the national education curriculum.
Joshua Wong
To a mind like mine, restless, inquisitive, and observant of everything that was passing, it is easy to suppose that religion was the subject to which it would be directed; and, although this subject principally occupied my thoughts, there was nothing that I saw or heard of to which my attention was not directed.
Nat Turner
‘The Birth of a Nation’ occupies a view of the South not far from Scarlett O’Hara’s in ‘Gone With the Wind,’ and modern audiences have to wrestle with that beloved movie’s romanticizing of racism.
Richard Corliss
Of course there is really vile anti-Semitism in Wagner’s writings, but I can’t accept the idea that characters like Beckmesser and Alberich are Jewish stereotypes in disguise. Would Beckmesser be a court councillor if he was meant to be a Jewish stereotype? No Jew could occupy such a role.
Daniel Barenboim
Occupy has to continue as a bold, in-your-face movement – occupying banks, corporate headquarters, board meetings, campuses and Wall Street itself. We need weekly – if not daily – nonviolent assaults right on Wall Street.
Michael Moore
Barack Obama is Occupy Wall Street. Barrack Obama is plugged into that world. That’s what he believes.
Monica Crowley
In the past, liberals have competed to see who could shout the loudest to shut down the banks, ridicule success, and penalize anyone working in finance. In fact, the Occupy Wall Street movement was an aggressive liberal effort to shut down Wall Street banks.
Richard Grenell
Thank God for Occupy and thank God for ‘The Daily Show,’ Colbert and the rising up that’s going on around the world.
Bonnie Raitt
A playwright lives in an occupied country. And if you can’t live that way you don’t stay.
Arthur Miller
The Pawn moves only one square at a time, and that straight forward, except in the act of capturing, when it takes one step diagonally to the right or left file on to the square occupied by the man taken, and continues on that file until it captures another man.
Howard Staunton
The very welfare state the Occupy Wall Street protesters so eagerly applaud is what has saddled Greece with colossal debt and left its economy on the brink of collapse, igniting violent protests across the nation.
Kayleigh McEnany
There isn’t really anybody who occupies the lens to the extent that Lindsay Lohan does. Something happens when she steps in front of the camera. There is this magnetic energy.
Richard Phillips
My fiction occupies, actually, the very heart of American culture: this eternal question and struggle of what it means to be an American.
Ken Liu
I came from a hospitality background and saw that 80 percent of seats in cars weren’t occupied most of the time.
John Zimmer
I urge you to read the Occupy Manifesto, written by the New York City General Assembly. It is unavoidably clear. This is not directionless action. If it were, the media would have moved on.
Henry Rollins
I used to be very scared of silence because I felt it was my responsibility to keep people occupied. That definitely spawns from an insecurity in myself. When people aren’t enjoying themselves, when I’m involved, it somehow comes back to it being my fault. But I do want people to have a good time.
Dylan Sprouse
Occupy Wall Street is meant more as a way of life that spreads through contagion, creates as many questions as it answers, aims to force a reconsideration of the way the nation does business and offers hope to those of us who previously felt alone in our belief that the current economic system is broken.
Douglas Rushkoff
What was extraordinary about Occupy London was that it was a village with a louder voice than one of the biggest cities of the world.
Rhys Ifans
When I am occupied with a work that requires continuity – a novel, for example – I write every day.
Jose Saramago
In Western capitalism circa 2013, fear that the market economy has become dysfunctional is not limited to a few entrepreneurs in Boulder. It is being publicly expressed, with increasing frequency, by some of the people who occupy the commanding heights of the global economy.
Chrystia Freeland
Occupy yourself in beholding and bewailing your own imp

Occupy yourself in beholding and bewailing your own imperfections rather than contemplating the imperfections of others.
Saint Ignatius
The Bible illustrated by Dore occupied many of my hours – and I think probably gave me many nightmares.
Eleanor Roosevelt
But the thing that will always occupy me the most is music.
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
Colleges do not merely offer preparation for the future; they occupy four years of a student’s life, and an institution should do what it can to make these years absorbing and enjoyable.
Derek Bok
My goal would be to find a big, fat subject that would occupy me to the end of my life, and when I finish it, I’ll die. What’s agony is starting; I hate starting them. I just want to keep writing now and end when it ends.
Philip Roth
As long as you don’t forgive, who and whatever it is will occupy rent-free space in your mind.
Isabelle Holland
Although the organizing logic of our nation’s surveillance apparatus is invisibility and secrecy, its operations occupy the physical world.
Trevor Paglen
There is no other way to change something or someone for the better except to occupy it first. The only person you can occupy is yourself. That is why the only person who can change you for the better is you. Without your decision to change and your commitment to change, you will not change.
Gary Zukav
When I put a quarter into an arcade machine or call up an emulated game on my computer, I do it to escape the world that is a slave to the time that makes things fall apart. I have never played these games to occupy my world.
D. B. Weiss
Israel cannot be a democracy if it occupies land of other people.
Ayman Odeh
I’m a practical actor and work keeps me occupied. It takes care of my bills, so there are many reasons for which I work.
Arbaaz Khan
The few bright meteors in man’s intellectual horizon could well be matched by women, were she allowed to occupy the same elevated position.
Ernestine Rose
In terms of Hurricane Sandy, I really do see some hopeful grassroots responses, particularly in the Rockaways, where people were very organized right from the beginning, where Occupy Sandy was very strong, where new networks emerged.
Naomi Klein
Sports occupies a central place in our society, and, as such, it is unavoidably cultural in nature and often engaged in societal issues.
John Skipper
If you take a book of a thousand pages on the Second World War, in which 50 million people died, the concentration camps occupy two pages and the gas chambers ten or 15 lines, and that’s what one calls a detail.
Jean-Marie Le Pen
My feeling is that if all Catholics or Reformed Christians had been deported to Germany, the Dutch government in London would have instructed the population in the occupied Netherlands to help them.
Els Borst
I love being down at Occupy Wall Street. The sincerity, the youth involvement, the desire for better, is palpable and moving. There is true caring, sharing, and refreshingly naive hope.
Elayne Boosler
My sense is that jurists from other nations around the world understand that our court occupies a very special place in the American system, and that the court is rather well regarded in comparison, perhaps, to their own.
Sandra Day O’Connor
You will notice that the Occupy Wall Street crowds – and the progressives who support them – focus on bringing the wealthy down to earth rather than lifting the 99 percent. They have a nearly religious belief that too much wealth is fundamentally immoral and unhealthy for society.
David Harsanyi
A lot of artists think they want anger. But a real, strong, bitter anger occupies the mind, leaving no room for creativity.
David Lynch
In the twenty-first century, the robot will take the place which slave labor occupied in ancient civilization.
Nikola Tesla
Sport-based video games occupy an odd space within the sphere of modern home entertainment. Reliably enjoyed by millions, the sport-based video game stands at what sometimes feels like an oblique angle from the larger medium, and in ways that can be hard to articulate.
Tom Bissell
Everybody knows if you are too careful you are so occupied in being careful that you are sure to stumble over something.
Gertrude Stein
Those years when Poland was occupied by the Nazis was one of the darkest time in Poland’s history.
Andrzej Duda
Occupy Wall Street means making Wall Street and the corporate power elite understand that the people affected by the binge of unregulated greed are not going away, and they are not going to give up.
Dana Spiotta
What’s been good for the downtime is I got a dog. A little black lab. I’ve been training her, so she’s kept me occupied.
Brooks Koepka
The World Trade Center was for me not only out of scale vertically, but it was also out of scale in plan. It occupied several blocks that were all massed together.
Cesar Pelli
Take the complications, rules, shoulds, musts, have tos, and so on out of your life. By uncomplicating your life and removing the trivial pursuits that occupy so much of it, you open a channel for the genius within you to emerge.
Wayne Dyer
In petrol stations on the motorways where people have left the place looking messy, I clear up each lavatory I happen to have occupied. When people drop paper on the ground, and everything like that, I pick it up, put it in the lavatory, and make that room look nice.
Joanna Lumley
Yeah, I played with LEGOs. We had LEGOs, Lincoln Logs, and Playmobil, and they all occupied the same space. I guess that’s fairly common. I’m saying this as if it’s a bizarre phenomenon that we had a toy chest.
Zach Woods
I think ideas should be flying about and banging into each other. It is a kind of energy. If you occupy static positions, then things sort of ossify.
Tom Paulin
Our beliefs, our values shape the way we look out at th

Our beliefs, our values shape the way we look out at the world and the way we treat it. If we believe that we were here, placed here by God, that this – all of this creation is for us, it’s for us to go and occupy, dominate and exploit, then we will proceed to do that.
David Suzuki
A soul occupied with great ideas performs small duties.
Harriet Martineau
I think art is inherently nonviolent and it actually occupies your mind with creation rather than destruction.
Anthony Kiedis
When an Occupy demo in the centre of Frankfurt makes world news, I shall hurry to join in.
Nigel Farage
The point about melody and beat and lyric is that they exist to engage you in a very particular way. They want to occupy your attention.
Brian Eno
I was always fond of books right since my childhood days. Even as a teenager, books were my company. Not that I did not have friends, but books kept my occupied most of the time.
Tahiti is now completely occupied by materialistic ideas and I think it is wrong.
Sterling Hayden
The only things standing between you and the compassionate, wise, and creative person you want to be are matters of choice. Your choice. No one can occupy your generosity except you.
Gary Zukav
This should be the message of Occupy Wall Street: We just want a chance; our government needs to give us a chance.
Meghan McCain
Vinyl is democratic, as surely as the iPod is fascist. Vinyl is representational: It has a face. Two faces, in fact, to represent the dualism of human nature. Vinyl occupies physical space honestly, proud as a fat woman dancing.
Adam Mansbach
In the past, my brain would never stop. Now I’m a father; the world no longer revolves around me. When I’m with Bronx, he’s got my complete attention. He’s the only thing that occupies my thoughts.
Pete Wentz
By making pictures, you learn the many different properties of photography. I use those properties differently than, say, an advertising agency would, but we’re both operating in the same reality. A face painted by Picasso occupies the same reality as a portrait by Stieglitz.
Sigmar Polke
The indigenous peoples never had, and still do not have, the place that they should have occupied in the progress and benefits of science and technology, although they represented an important basis for this development.
Rigoberta Menchu
‘Occupy’ is nothing but a pack of louts, thieves, and rapists, an unruly mob, fed by Woodstock-era nostalgia and putrid false righteousness. These clowns can do nothing but harm America.
Frank Miller
I think people have always had ambiguous relationships toward the police because of the position in society they occupy. But that anxiety and that animosity isn’t as strong in other places as it is in the U.S., partially because the police are armed here.
Clare-Hope Ashitey
What artists are doing, and what people who are receiving the arts are doing, is entering into this agreement to occupy a parallel world. The parallel world is ever-expanding. We used to think that it existed only for people who were wealthy, well-born, or educated. It isn’t like that.
Melvyn Bragg
The new social question is: democracy or the rule of the financial markets. We are currently witnessing the end of an era. The neoliberal ideology has failed worldwide. The U.S. movement Occupy Wall Street is a good example of this.
Sigmar Gabriel
Apart from exercising, reading and watching movies also keep me occupied.
Somewhere, everywhere, now hidden, now apparent in what ever is written down, is the form of a human being. If we seek to know him, are we idly occupied?
Virginia Woolf
Ever since I could first write I have been doing so. When I was taught how to write and read at school, I made up my mind that this was what I love to do best and this was the world I was going to occupy.
Anita Desai
An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the brain cell it occupied.
Arnold H. Glasow
The host of ‘Face The Nation,’ Bob Schieffer, was an important figure in my childhood years. Every Sunday in the fall, he occupied my family’s time after church and before the NFL pregame shows.
Chris Borland
There’s no violence coming from the Occupy protesters.
Michael Moore
The Analytical Engine does not occupy common ground with mere ‘calculating machines.’ It holds a position wholly its own, and the considerations it suggests are more interesting in their nature.
Ada Lovelace
The eyes like sentinel occupy the highest place in the body.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
I do miss home, especially my parents, but my work keeps me occupied most of the time.
Riya Sen
Remember that cosmic fact and mental myth cannot occupy the same place at the same time, any more than two hands can occupy the same glove. So choose what is truly right for you.
Vernon Howard
Those placed in the position which I now occupy, commonly feel concern about their worthiness to receive the great honour which has been done them.
Cecil Frank Powell
I love the notion of the feckless sort of knight in tarnished armor who would love to fill the shoes of the legendary hero but just can’t. And then find a moment when they do. And I love the idea that there’s a myth waiting for each of us to occupy.
Shane Black
Well, I think that when you direct a movie or write it. And in the case of the two movies I did, I wrote and directed, they occupy a special place for you.
Sean Penn
Most of my life I was occupied with American television and American food. My ethnicity was my choice. It still is.
Isaac Mizrahi
I hate being on my own, I rely on my friends and my fam

I hate being on my own, I rely on my friends and my family and my job to keep me occupied and to make me feel comforted and wanted and needed and all that stuff.
Gok Wan
Speaking is what most people work on. They forget the thinking and the breathing and instead try to occupy space with sound.
Margaret Heffernan
In fact, the religious right consists of an alliance of several groups that, without experiencing anything like the oppression visited on black Americans, have consistently occupied lower rungs in the American social hierarchy.
Ross Douthat
The real danger to the world’s resistance movements is the attempt to distort reality and to place the blame on the resistance groups’ actions without allowing them to portray their perspective, thus ignoring the reality of the occupation and the siege, like the situation in occupied Palestine.
Hassan Nasrallah
I turned to the novel, an artistic form which had in former days been neglected and had thus acquired a bad reputation, but which during the nineteenth century had developed and elevated itself to the ranks occupied by drama and the ancient epic.
Henrik Pontoppidan
When we are afraid we ought not to occupy ourselves with endeavoring to prove that there is no danger, but in strengthening ourselves to go on in spite of the danger.
Hale White
I’m quite comfortable being the husband of a woman who’s a big celebrity. And of course a superstar’s brother. It’s not an enviable place to occupy but it’s the reality. I’m very closely related to two very successful people and I accept that happily.
Arbaaz Khan
The way I was educated, maybe from just inhaling something in the air back then, I grew up believing that E. B. White occupied the apex of essay writing.
Paul Di Filippo
Teaching does allow me to keep one foot in the youthful waters I tend to occupy in my novels, so I’m thankful for that. My students also remind me on a daily basis that the stories I collected during my district attorney days are actually interesting to people who haven’t had that experience.
Alafair Burke
It’s been so long since a talented writer last occupied the White House; no wonder, then, that American writers have been among the most prominent of all the demographic groups claiming a piece of Barack Obama for themselves.
Jonathan Raban
I don’t even pretend we can occupy the Lib Dem holier-than-thou, hands-entirely-clean-and-entirely-empty-type stance. No, we are getting our hands dirty, and inevitably and totally understandably we are being accused of being just like any other politicians.
Nick Clegg
I once knew a house rather like The Land of Smiles – an old house occupied by a varied collection of young people, mainly students. However none of these people were true models for the characters in the book, though their way of life may have been.
Margaret Mahy
God willing, we shall come to a stage where the world looks at the Palestinian question, and Palestinian rights on Palestinian national soil, as well as the questions of the occupied Syrian and Lebanese territories. These are the bases on which peace will be built.
Hussein of Jordan
The most important thought that ever occupied my mind is that of my individual responsibility to God.
Daniel Webster
As the Occupy Movement demonstrated, it’s tough to change anything when you’re talking about everything.
Marcus Sakey
The important thing to understand about legislators is that there are dozens of competing interests and issues that occupy them. They are stretched thin.
Mark Shields
Thank you, Occupy Wall Street. With your vivid example of anticapitalist squalor, I’ve been able to convince all three of my children to become investment bankers.
P. J. O’Rourke
Dominicans, Nicaraguans, and even the already highly skilled Cubans greatly improved their baseball skills when occupied by U.S. troops. The only acceptable resistance to a hated American presence was to try to beat them in baseball games.
Mark Kurlansky
I was a hardliner with regard to colonialism, which had occupied Africa and large parts of the world. We were waging an armed struggle, and therefore, one had to be strong. But now, no one asks for weapons but for economic aid, which changes your position.
Muammar al-Gaddafi
In fact, the element of play has an important role in my life, and I think that should be the case in the life of every artist. Our life is occupied with playing, whether we play an instrument or a role.
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
I think that rather than saying that Occupy Wall Street has died, we can say that they’re in the process of understanding what the long march through alternative institutions might mean.
Henry Giroux
Staying cooped up in one place is frustrating and I try to keep myself occupied – with yoga, meditation, cooking, reading, watching movies – to take my mind off things.
Shriya Saran
Just ten of the Jewish billionaires on this Earth have more than enough to transform the occupied territories into heaven. We can put the ‘pal’ back in Palestinian.
Roseanne Barr
Then I realized my early work did have something special that audiences adored apart from what I humbly thought about them. They occupy a distinguished niche in Italian film history and probably always will.
Dario Argento
I like to feel occupied.
Pierre Dukan
If you love things or ideas or people that contradict each other, you have to be prepared to fight for every square inch of intellectual real estate you occupy.
G. Willow Wilson
One’s work usually occupies more than half of one’s waking life. Choosing work that does not bring happiness will lead to a life that is mostly disappointing.
Bo Bennett
Everything that looks to the future elevates human nature; for life is never so low or so little as when occupied with the present.
Letitia Elizabeth Landon
If you want to occupy the C-suite or the top one-tenth of 1% in any organization, you have to be obsessively devoted to your career at the expense of everything else. And women look at that, and they think, ‘No.’
Jordan Peterson
I was a very happy child, so to speak. But, since we didn’t have video games or television, and very little radio, in terms of a form of entertainment, I used to read a lot and I would draw a lot, and those two things used to occupy my time.
Iraq is not occupied, but there are foreign forces on its soil, which is different.
Jalal Talabani
Occupy Wall Street didn't just spring from the earth or

Occupy Wall Street didn’t just spring from the earth organically, out of thin air. This was all part of the global socialist movement.
Monica Crowley
In occupied Iraq, the introduction of new paper money took almost a year, 20 or so Boeing 747s, the mobilisation of the U.S. military’s might, three printing firms, and hundreds of trucks.
Yanis Varoufakis
I detest ‘Jingle Bells,’ ‘White Christmas,’ ‘Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer,’ and the obscene spending bonanza that nowadays seems to occupy not just December, but November and much of October, too.
Richard Dawkins
To have been torn from the study would have been as death; my time was entirely occupied with art.
John James Audubon
The very special place that a language occupies among institutions is undeniable, but there is much more to be said-, a comparison would tend rather to bring out the differences.
Ferdinand de Saussure
Sport crosses party lines and ethnic lines. It occupies a greater realm, and it’s all the more disappointing when sports figures turn out to be like everyone else.
Philip Kerr
No man who is occupied in doing a very difficult thing, and doing it very well, ever loses his self-respect.
George Bernard Shaw
Poland was once a powerful imperial country that disappeared from maps of Europe for more than 100 years. It was partitioned and occupied by the Nazis and the Russians… We pop up and disappear and we do not trust what we are told to believe.
Olga Tokarczuk
The Security Council represents the situation from 1945 – you had the Allies who won the war who occupied that. The defeated guys – the Germans and Japan – were out. The occupied countries had no voice. That was fine in ’45, but today, Germany rules Europe, frankly. They are driving Europe but have no voice.
Mo Ibrahim
We package everything as a product so we can derive income from it. Then we can occupy ourselves with higher-order psychological lifestyle things. This is a very new issue. Money still matters, but other factors have joined the status game – like how interesting, how meaningful your work is.
Tino Sehgal
Before the sacred, people lost all sense of power and all confidence; they occupy a powerless and humble attitude toward it. And yet no thing is sacred of itself, but by declaring it sacred, by my declaration, my judgment, my bending the knee; in short, by my – conscience.
Max Stirner
I believe that Palestine is an occupied land from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, and this is the right of the entire Palestinian people, this land.
Hassan Nasrallah
Search occupies this wonderful moment in a user’s day where it doesn’t even really break along demographics, right?
Marissa Mayer
Well, one thing that I’ve learned is that love and fear cannot occupy the same space. So, one of the weapons to defeat fear is love. Learning the power of love and being loved by the creator of love. Being loved by God himself.
Kirk Franklin
Life is occupied in both perpetuating itself and in surpassing itself; if all it does is maintain itself, then living is only not dying.
Simone de Beauvoir
Unlike the Tea Party, who see themselves as the customers of government, people in the Occupy Wall Street movement understand that we are the government. Stated most simply, we are trying to run a 21st-century society on a 13th-century economic operating system. It just doesn’t work.
Douglas Rushkoff
I couldn’t vote to confirm any candidate who supports executive amnesty. The attorney general is a top law enforcement officer in this country – the senior person – and anyone who occupies that office must have fidelity to the laws of the United States duly passed, and to the Constitution of the United States.
Jeff Sessions
The jobs crisis has reached a boiling point, which is why we see Occupy Wall Street protestors crying out for an America that lets all of us reach for the American Dream again – a dream that says if you work hard and play by the rules, you can have a good life and retire with dignity.
John Garamendi
The true God He has extension, and form, and dimensions. He occupies space; has a body, parts, and passions; can go from place to place. He can eat, drink, and talk.
Orson Pratt
Love, with very young people, is a heartless business. We drink at that age from thirst, or to get drunk; it is only later in life that we occupy ourselves with the individuality of our wine.
Karen Blixen
Russia will occupy most of the good food lands of central Europe while we have the industrial portions. We must find some way of persuading Russia to play ball.
Henry L. Stimson
The new elites have no allegiances to nation states and don’t care about the damage they do to workers, the environment, or the rest of humanity. They are unhinged sociopaths, far removed from what the Occupy Movement called the ’99 percent.’
Henry Giroux
To understand Occupy Wall Street, you have to understand artists. Art is freedom – freedom of expression – and its message has resonated through society for centuries.
Peter M. Brant
The CIA teamed up with Army, Air Force and Naval Intelligence to run one of the most nefarious, classified, enhanced interrogation programs of the Cold War. The work took place inside a clandestine facility in the American zone of occupied Germany, called Camp King.
Annie Jacobsen
Giving frees us from the familiar territory of our own needs by opening our mind to the unexplained worlds occupied by the needs of others.
Barbara Bush
The latter part of a wise person’s life is occupied with curing the follies, prejudices and false opinions they contracted earlier.
Jonathan Swift
The dramatic wish of Romanians at the end of the Second World War was to be occupied by the Americans and not by the Russians.
Traian Basescu
What is a fear of living? It’s being preeminently afraid of dying. It is not doing what you came here to do, out of timidity and spinelessness. The antidote is to take full responsibility for yourself – for the time you take up and the space you occupy. If you don’t know what you’re here to do, then just do some good.
Maya Angelou
To praise it would amount to praising myself. For the entire content of the work… coincides almost exactly with my own meditations which have occupied my mind for the past thirty or thirty-five years.
Carl Friedrich Gauss
The al-Aqsa compound is occupied territory that, as per the status quo, is administered by the King of Jordan and the Muslim Waqf.
Ayman Odeh
Corn occupies a really special role in what I’ve been calling American agro-economics.
Hope Jahren
The Ryan Murphy universe is a very strange place to occ

The Ryan Murphy universe is a very strange place to occupy, and I would never tell anyone who loves Chad Radwell to ever give up complete hope.
Glen Powell
When I was on my own in a hotel room in Romania, I had the imagination to keep myself occupied.
Rhona Mitra
My family is originally from Palestine, who came here to the United States, you know, from an occupied land to find a better life and find security and safety.
Linda Sarsour
In the case of composite colour, an infinity of systems must be obtained for maxima infinitely slight and with an infinity of interval values separating them – that is to say, the whole thickness of the sensitive layer is occupied in continuous manner by these maxima.
Gabriel Lippmann
‘Peace Mom’ is my most heartfelt, but I am most proud of ‘Myth America’ because I nailed the problem and gave the solutions long before the Occupy Movement. I think it’s a great organic class analysis.
Cindy Sheehan
Housework has been reduced to a minimum. Even without servants, there is scarcely enough to do to keep women occupied eight hours a day. Moreover, girls are now trained to handle jobs in high school. They graduate from school and college prepared to take over places in the business world.
Van Heflin
I’ve always liked to keep myself busy so I don’t get sucked in by temptations and that was part of the reason why I set up my BMO brand – to keep me occupied during my career, but also for when I finish football.
Adebayo Akinfenwa
If any one idea can justly be called the American idea, it is that a child’s circumstances at birth should not determine the station in life that that child will occupy as an adult.
Steven Weinberg
When an idea exclusively occupies the mind, it is transformed into an actual physical or mental state.
Swami Vivekananda
Faced with this general consideration it will immediately be realized on inquiry into the particular position occupied within this general scheme by the scientific field of catalysis that it is in the first stages of its development.
Wilhelm Ostwald
The rate of human invention is faster, and the rate of cultural loss is slower, in areas occupied by many competing societies with many individuals and in contact with societies elsewhere.
Jared Diamond
Ideas not coupled with action never become bigger than the brain cells they occupied.
Arnold H. Glasow
Sculpture occupies real space like we do… you walk around it and relate to it almost as another person or another object.
Chuck Close
What we witnessed in Ferguson, in Baltimore, and in Baton Rouge was a collapse of social order. So many of the actions of the Occupy movement and Black Lives Matter transcend peaceful protest and violates the code of conduct we rely on. I call it anarchy.
David A. Clarke, Jr.
In the same way that Occupy Wall Street forever elevated that concept of income inequality, the Black Lives Matter protesters have elevated the idea of inequity in policing as it relates to minority communities.
Charles M. Blow
The United States was an innocent victim after September 11. It had never attacked or occupied Afghanistan. So therefore it had no choice but to go after the aggressors.
Queen Rania of Jordan
The dwelling places of Europe have an air of inheritance, or cumulative possession – a hive occupied by generations of bees.
John Updike