Top 265 Partly Quotes

I did know Ted Hughes and I partly wrote the book to explain to myself and others the complexities of a marriage that was for six years wonderfully productive of poetry and then ended in tragedy.
Anne Stevenson
I have this horrible sense of humor where I think discomfort is funny – partly because I experience discomfort a lot, and it’s a way of laughing at it and getting a release.
Joaquin Phoenix
I’m an early bird, partly because I like to have some quiet time and partly because by 9am emails begin arriving, the phone starts ringing and I have dragons to kill of one sort or another.
Andrew Motion
The word ‘happiness’ always bothered me, partly because it was scientifically unwieldy and meant a lot of different things to different people, and also because it’s subjective.
Martin Seligman
A lot of people will always say, ‘I really know nothing about the ancient world.’ But there’s lots and lots of things people know. Partly, they’ve been encouraged to think they’re ignorant about it. In some ways, the job to do is show people that they know much more than they’d like to admit.
Mary Beard
In Formula E, because it has that structure of being quite cost-controlled and partly standardised, it means a small team or big manufacturer, if you get it right you have a chance for success which is great.
Susie Wolff
I’m partly obsessed by aging gracefully.
Dave Matthews
Here’s a proposal, offered only partly in jest: no resident of the United States, whether born here or abroad, should get to be a citizen until age 18, at which time each such resident has to take a test.
Eric Liu
I think women do have that fatal streak to them that’s partly because it’s been romanticized, the martyr complex – ‘Look what you did to me!’
Gillian Flynn
Here in Bengal the production has to work under more pressing schedules partly caused by monetary reasons as the shooting has to be wrapped up within a limited number of days to prevent cost overrun and hence there is not much scope to rethink and alter.
Saswata Chatterjee
My life and my work are very interlocked. That’s partly why I like to keep my private life private.
Kate Bush
I think I’m drawn to female characters partly because they don’t have as easy or as obvious a relationship to power in society, and so they suffer under social constraints or have to maneuver within them in ways men sometimes don’t or are unconscious about, or have certain liberties that are invisible to them.
Todd Haynes
I write a world where everyone is partly right.
Orhan Pamuk
Shareholder activism is not a privilege – it is a right and a responsibility. When we invest in a company, we own part of that company and we are partly responsible for how that company progresses. If we believe there is something going wrong with the company, then we, as shareholders, must become active and vocal.
Mark Mobius
Marry for Love, an Heroick Action, which makes a mighty noise in the World, partly because of its rarity, and partly in regard of its extravagancy.
Mary Astell
The promise of Obama’s presidency, in many people’s minds, is partly that America will move toward becoming a post-racial society. It’s pretty clear, though, that we aren’t there yet.
Timothy Noah
Comedy is based partly on mean-spiritedness.
Nipsey Russell
A contemporary artist like Grayson Perry is brilliant partly because of his expert knowledge of art history, not despite it.
Munira Mirza
Poetry is partly sympathy, don’t you think? If it’s any good, it gets people to think about others’ points of view.
Edwin Morgan
As a director, I’ve wanted to have adventure in my life, creative adventure. I think it’s partly because I grew up, basically from age six to 26, mostly on television series where the producers find something that works and then do it over and over and over again.
Ron Howard
I never get obsessed with ratings, partly because the C

I never get obsessed with ratings, partly because the Channel series ‘Utopia,’ which I did, had small ratings but a passionate following, which allowed a second series.
Alistair Petrie
I do actually like Los Angeles. Partly because I was told I wouldn’t.
Hugh Laurie
All my work is partly biographical. I mean, ‘Crash’ was absolutely that, absolutely. But you just wouldn’t recognize me in most of those characters. But I was in every single one of those characters in ‘Crash,’ because those were all fears that I had felt. Things that I had thought in my deepest, darkest heart.
Paul Haggis
I like writing. It’s partly control freak, and partly I really like what I do for a living. I have the luckiest job in the world. I can get up every day and do what I love for a living.
J. Michael Straczynski
Partly because I get such astonishingly nice fans.
Neil Gaiman
I became a journalist partly so that I wouldn’t ever have to rely on the press for my information.
Christopher Hitchens
My wife runs the house. She raised our kids with me only partly there. It’s just what coaching is. A lot of times, you’re raising other people’s children, sometimes at the expense of your own. I hope that wasn’t the case with my children, but at times, it probably was.
John Calipari
Travel is an exercise partly in broadening yourself and partly in defining your own limits.
Andrew Solomon
Man could not stay there forever. He was bound to spread to new regions, partly because of his innate migratory tendency and partly because of Nature’s stern urgency.
Ellsworth Huntington
The value of the television network is partly tradition, serving as a navigation device and as a brand. Research shows that people do know and understand ABC as a brand, like Disney.
Anne Sweeney
Perhaps it is partly that we need to love books ourselves as parents, grandparents and teachers in order to pass on that passion for stories to our children. It’s not about testing and reading schemes, but about loving stories and passing on that passion to our children.
Michael Morpurgo
Women are more difficult to caricature than men – partly because beauty is more difficult to caricature.
Steve Breen
I wanted readers to be genuinely unsure as to whether she’s telling the truth or lying. It meant making her partly sympathetic, and partly unsympathetic, which wasn’t easy.
Lee Child
I think women are particularly open-minded, partly because we’re cultivated to be and also because we’re collaborative.
Maya Wiley
You can tell a lot about your cooks’ personalities by their music collection. I personally have such an eclectic collection, partly due to the combining of music libraries with girlfriends past.
Johnny Iuzzini
Any woman who is currently with a man is with him partly because she loves the way he smells.
Christina Hendricks
Women have made tons of progress. But we still have a small percentage of the top jobs in any industry, in any nation in the world. I think that’s partly because from a very young age, we encourage our boys to lead and we call our girls bossy.
Sheryl Sandberg
I’m manifestly not the same as Alex Salmond. I’m a different gender, for example… I’m being flippant, but maybe this is a partly gender-driven difference: I’m very keen that we find a way of reaching out across party divides to find things we agree on, as well as the things we disagree on.
Nicola Sturgeon
I write as a way of keeping myself going. You build your life around writing, and it’s what gets you through. So it’s partly just curiosity to see what you can do.
Robert Morgan
Nobody would say, ‘I’m voting for this guy because he’s got the stronger chin,’ but that, in fact, is partly what happens.
Daniel Kahneman
The United States Cyber Command was created partly in response to a Russian hacking attack that long predated the 2016 election.
David E. Sanger
No company fails in communist China, because they’re all partly owned by the government.
Jim Bunning
Partly because the town is just finicky, there are strange Catch 22 clauses in the consciousness of this community and one of them was that you, I found out, you can’t do a comedy unless you’ve just done a comedy.
Val Kilmer
I tend to edit some as I go – partly because one of the reasons I don’t outline much is that I don’t know what the next scene will be until I’ve actually written the previous scene.
Ann Leckie
Our driver policy was partly dictated by who was available because of other contracts.
John Surtees
I get along with Democrats really well, and I think that’s something that’s unreported. I think it’s partly my libertarian tendencies.
Raul Labrador
For the jihadists, Muslim women who embrace Western mores, and wear tight jeans or mini skirts, are hated symbols of corruption that need to be eradicated. For the ideological mentors of Breivik, a similar disturbance comes from the burqa, which is banned in France and Belgium, partly thanks to their efforts.
Mustafa Akyol
I probably felt most out of place as a young kid growing up in Sri Lanka. My mental world was somewhere else, partly because of reading and daydreaming.
Romesh Gunesekera
I live my life on self-belief and I live it partly on going with the flow.
Mel B
Partly because of the way I write – I don’t work with an outline or in a straight line. I work where I can see things happening, and so I get lots and lots of little bits to start with, and I’m doing the research at the same time.
Diana Gabaldon
‘Wild at Heart’ created a set of expectations maybe, partly, on my part, certainly on my publisher’s part, but also in the world out there, that my next books would be as remarkable.
John Eldredge
In running, I know that I can train as much as I want a

In running, I know that I can train as much as I want and I’m never going to break the world record for the five miles. It’s partly genetics; I’m just not built for it. But if I worked really hard, I might be able to cut my time by half. Could I do the same thing with my mind and my well-being?
Stefan Sagmeister
The Internet was appealing partly because it was something I could do in bed and feel like I was achieving something. I had an operation when I was 13 and ended up with complications, so I was in and out of the hospital. The bottom line is you can get through health challenges. It’s part of why I was so driven.
Pete Cashmore