Top 272 Rural Quotes

My mother lived through the Great Depression. Her family of 11 children pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and moved to wherever there was work at the time. And in rural Oklahoma, that wasn’t easy to find.
Chuck Norris
I grew up in rural Oregon in a log house with bark left on inside and out. We had no electricity, a massive stone fireplace, a grand piano, and tons of books.
Virginia Euwer Wolff
Landowners, farmers and gamekeepers, though they comprise a small minority of the rural population, claim to speak for everyone, and dismiss those who challenge them as interfering urbanites.
George Monbiot
I belong to the generation of workers who, born in the villages and hamlets of rural Poland, had the opportunity to acquire education and find employment in industry, becoming in the course conscious of their rights and importance in society.
Lech Walesa
When I was a kid growing up, I lived in a little rural village called Woolton Hill, and the nearest town was Newbury. No bands played anywhere near us, so as much as I wanted to be on the grid and in the loop, I never was.
Jamie Hince
Society in the English countryside is still strangely, quaintly divided. If black comedy and a certain type of social commentary are what you want, I think English rural communities offer quite a lot of material.
Rachel Cusk
One of India’s major blessings is the rich store of experience and knowledge available in the rural and tribal areas.
M. S. Swaminathan
Protecting consumers goes beyond just fighting illicit schemes. It also involves making sure that they get what they pay for. Unfortunately, rural telephone customers aren’t always assured of that.
Ajit Pai
I grew up just outside of Austin, and my upbringing was fairly rural.
Amber Heard
Afghanistan is a rural nation, where 85 percent of people live in the countryside. And out there it’s very, very conservative, very tribal – almost medieval.
Khaled Hosseini
Black, white, rural, urban, Democrat, Republican, independent. People who come from both ends of the socio-economic spectrum. Male, female. Young and old alike. This is our Kentucky.
Matt Bevin
It’s common in rural Ireland to pick up a nickname that relates to an animal, bird, or a spider. Mine became ‘scorpion’ because I fought back, and scorpions are docile creatures until pushed too far.
Walter O’Brien
Many Mexican directors are scared to shoot in Mexico City, which is why there are many stories in Mexican cinema about little rural towns, or set a hundred years ago.
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
How the hell can you change gender in the rural areas? I am a woman. We don’t have good doctors; we are not rich to do such procedures.
Caster Semenya
The rural nature of our district relies heavily on the profitability of our family farms.
Chris Gibson
Bloom County was set in a tidy, rural environment probably because of Harper Lee’s ‘To Kill a Mockingbird.’
Berkeley Breathed
Both my parents were atheists, and my grandmother was an atheist in rural Kentucky, and so they were trying to make sure that my brother and I would be atheists, too, and it worked, which doesn’t mean that they didn’t teach us a lot of wonder of science and of nature and the world and all of that.
Andrew Sean Greer
The Millennial Generation – the biggest American generation in history – is reversing the migration into rural areas and moving back to city centers.
Logan Green
I grew up in a rural area. I grew up in deep southern middle Tennessee, probably about thirty miles from the Alabama border. There’s nothing there, really. And the TV was my link to the outside world. It’s what kept me from going into factory employment. It’s what made me want to go to college. It was really inspiring.
DJ Qualls
The poverty found in rural areas has some characteristics that are very different from the poverty found in inner cities.
Marco Rubio
If we tackle deforestation in the right way, the benefits will be far-reaching – greater food security, improved livelihoods for millions of small farmers and indigenous people, more prosperous rural economies, and above all, a more stable climate.
Paul Polman