Top 292 Admit Quotes

I’m the first to admit that we were totally dependent on a particular place and time… for us, seeing Minor Threat at the CBGB hardcore matinee was just as necessary a force in our lives as the Treacherous Three at Club Negril or the Funky Four + One More at the Rock Lounge.
Mike D
You know, my faith is one that admits some doubt.
Barack Obama
I must admit I like to muck around a bit; I always have.
Norman Wisdom
I must admit that self-tanner is one beauty arena I’ve been hesitant to explore, let alone fully embrace.
Emily Weiss
That the sea is one of the most beautiful and magnificent sights in Nature, all admit.
John Joly
So, two cheers for Democracy: one because it admits variety and two because it permits criticism.
E. M. Forster
I will admit I am quite obsessive about the world of anti-ageing.
Trinny Woodall
My natural-born sarcasm, when it’s unimpeded, can be a bit overbearing at times and I’m the first to admit that.
Tom Bergeron
Breakfast is my specialty. I admit it’s the easiest meal to cook, but I make everything with a twist, like lemon ricotta pancakes or bacon that’s baked instead of fried.
Hugh Jackman
Two cheers for Democracy; one because it admits variety, and two because it permits criticism.
E. M. Forster
I never will, by any word or act, bow to the shrine of intolerance or admit a right of inquiry into the religious opinions of others.
Thomas Jefferson
I’ve got to admit it’s getting better. It’s a little better all the time.
Paul McCartney
Al Gore has dedicated his life to detail. George W. Bush has not. He’s the first to admit it.
Peter Jennings
The idea that the Internet favors the oppressed rather than the oppressor is marred by what I call cyber-utopianism: a naive belief in the emancipatory nature of online communication that rests on a stubborn refusal to admit its downside.
Evgeny Morozov
At least I have the modesty to admit that lack of modesty is one of my failings.
Hector Berlioz
Always admit when you're wrong. You'll save thousands i

Always admit when you’re wrong. You’ll save thousands in therapy… and a few friendships too.
Harvey Fierstein
That was’ one time when my technique absolutely deserted me, I must admit. There was a wax face that he had created himself to cover his own ugliness. I was in his clutches and I had to hit him in the face.
Fay Wray
I was fascinated by mortality. Most people are, even if they don’t admit it.
Caitlin Doughty
I would gladly admit women are superior to men if only they would stop trying to be the same as us.
Sacha Guitry
I do all the evil I can before I learn to shun it? Is it not enough to know the evil to shun it? If not, we should be sincere enough to admit that we love evil too well to give it up.
Mahatma Gandhi
What’s an expert? I read somewhere, that the more a man knows, the more he knows, he doesn’t know. So I suppose one definition of an expert would be someone who doesn’t admit out loud that he knows enough about a subject to know he doesn’t really know how much.
Malcolm Forbes
Sadly, I do my homework. I’ve a soft spot for the boring minutiae. I read the Charter of the United Nations before meeting with Kofi Annan. I read the Meltzer report, and then I’ll read C. Fred Bergsten’s defense of institutions like the World Bank and the I.M.F. It’s embarrassing to admit.
Somewhere it is written that parents who are critical of other people’s children and publicly admit they can do better are asking for it.
Erma Bombeck
To change your mind about something is always difficult. I think that people who are big enough to admit they were wrong can be counted on your fingers.
Francoise Gilot
While I was writing ‘The Spare Room,’ I thought, ‘I’m going to look really bad in this book – there’s no redeeming this kind of awful, ugly emotion’, and I thought, ‘I’m not going to change it. I’ll call the character ‘Helen’ and admit to those feelings.’ I think this is a reason why people write.
Helen Garner
The country needs and, unless I mistake its temper, the country demands bold, persistent, experimentation. It is common sense to take a method and try it, if it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.
Anthony Burgess
It is a bad plan that admits of no modification.
Publilius Syrus
Everyone acknowledges that there is a political part to tenure, but no one likes to admit it.
Priyamvada Natarajan
When you watch Robin Williams, you can see a lot of Jonathan Winters. Robin is the first one to admit that; he worshiped Jonathan Winters.
Gilbert Gottfried
When a man is wrong and won’t admit it, he always gets angry.
Thomas Chandler Haliburton
I’m ashamed to admit that I very seldom read poetry, even though many of my friends are poets.
Celeste Ng
If we admit a thing so extraordinary as the creation of this world, it should seem that we admit something strange, and odd, and new to human apprehension, beyond any other miracle whatsoever.
George Berkeley
I have always been willing to admit when I made a mistake. I made a mistake in my understanding of the composition of the Contras, not on my opposition to the Contra war.
Bianca Jagger
The Soviet Union had only one party. You couldn’t express yourself freely; you couldn’t admit belief in God. And yet this terrible regime understood that human beings have to express themselves, through music, even at a bad level. All kids studied music automatically, just as they did maths or languages or sport.
Andris Nelsons
What then do you call your soul? What idea have you of it? You cannot of yourselves, without revelation, admit the existence within you of anything but a power unknown to you of feeling and thinking.
We live in a world where to admit anything negative about yourself is seen as a weakness, when it’s actually a strength. It’s not a weak move to say, ‘I need help.’ In the long run, it’s way better, because you have to fix it.
Jon Hamm
Every man who repeats the dogma of Mill that one country is no fit to rule another country must admit that one class is not fit to rule another class.
B. R. Ambedkar
A lot of people will always say, ‘I really know nothing about the ancient world.’ But there’s lots and lots of things people know. Partly, they’ve been encouraged to think they’re ignorant about it. In some ways, the job to do is show people that they know much more than they’d like to admit.
Mary Beard
We are to admit no more causes of natural things than such as are both true and sufficient to explain their appearances.
Isaac Newton
I am accused of using hard language. I admit the charge. I have not been able to find a soft word to describe villainy or to identify the perpetrator of it. The man who makes a chattel of his brother – what is he? The man who keeps back the hire of his laborers by fraud – what is he?
William Lloyd Garrison
The only thing I’d ever wanted in my life was to be a major-league ballplayer, but I had to admit to myself that I wasn’t good enough. It broke my heart.
Earl Weaver
I do not want to admit to the world that I can be a bad person. It is just that I don’t want anyone to have false expectations. Moviemaking is a harsh, volatile business, and unless you can be ruthless, too, there’s a good chance that you are going to disappear off the scene pretty quickly.
Tom Hanks
Women tend to be more intuitive, or to admit to being intuitive, and maybe the hard science approach isn’t so attractive. The way that science is taught is very cold. I would never have become a scientist if I had been taught like that.
Jane Goodall
I admit that the direct model has done a lot for Dell. That’s the only thing the company has ever really accomplished.
Eckhard Pfeiffer
I admit that Post-it note sheets that adhere to virtually any surface are now my substitute of choice for retention.
Candice Bergen
One of the most important things for me is my hair. I’ve always been about my hair, and I love that my mom and my nana taught me how to take care of it myself. It goes through a lot every day, but I try to keep it healthy. I have to admit, it can get a little dead on the ends.
Selena Gomez
I have to admit that I can't take a whole fig and eat i

I have to admit that I can’t take a whole fig and eat it on its own as I would a peach or mango. It’s just too much.
Yotam Ottolenghi
Nobody wants to admit it, but they send the worst teachers to The Bronx.
Ruben Diaz Sr.
It’s difficult to admit to ourselves that we suffer. We feel humiliated, like we should have been able to control our pain. If someone else is suffering, we like to tuck them away, out of sight. It’s a cruel, cruel conditioning. There is no controlling the unfolding of life.
Sharon Salzberg
Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations.
Steve Jobs
I watch the Food Network with my kids. We – yeah, I – I – I generally don’t admit that, but I love cooking.
Rick Santorum
I make mistakes; I’ll be the second to admit it.
Jean Kerr
I have dogs, and it’s no secret that I find reptiles interesting, but the thing about reptiles is that they really just wanna be left alone, and I understand them. It’s, ‘Don’t pick me up, stop holding me, don’t look at me, just leave me alone.’ I have to admit, sometimes I feel like that.
Nicolas Cage
To what a degree the same past can leave different marks – and especially admit of different interpretations.
Andre Gide
I’m the first person to shamelessly admit that I don’t know it all. With that said, my attitude is if such that if I don’t know something I want you to enlighten and inform me so we can grown and get somewhere together – even if that means we ultimately agree to disagree.
Joe Budden
When you stop to realize that Abraham Lincoln was probably never seen by more than 400 people in a single evening, and that I can enter over 40 million homes in a single evening due to the power of television, you have to admit the situation is not normal.
Chevy Chase
We operate under a jury system in this country, and as much as we complain about it, we have to admit that we know of no better system, except possibly flipping a coin.
Dave Barry
When you feel like you can’t stop something, you don’t want to admit it.
Catherine Oxenberg