Top 299 Christians Quotes

Although all serious Christians recognize the importance that the Bible places on prayer, most fall short when it comes to doing it.
Tony Evans
The Church is not a gallery for the exhibition of eminent Christians, but a school for the education of imperfect ones.
Henry Ward Beecher
We are Christians by the same title as we are natives of Perigord or Germany.
Michel de Montaigne
As someone who cares about human rights, I am deeply dismayed to learn that Mr. McCain’s charity has accepted money from Saudi Arabia. Their track record of oppressing women, gays, Christians, and political opponents is notoriously horrific.
Roger Stone
What the world requires of the Christians is that they should continue to be Christians.
Albert Camus
Whether the Sikhs want to worship in Wisconsin or the Christians want to worship in Texas or the Jews want to worship in New York, we’re living under the magnificent umbrella of a Constitution that says we can.
Marianne Williamson
I’ve had Christians treat me in a way that is so wrong and so vicious, I realized there’s a difference between God’s people and God.
Anne Graham Lotz
I’ve long been offended by not-so-godly pro football players I’ve known who showed up for pregame chapel – Sunday-only Christians rubbing the proverbial rabbit’s foot – then after victories declared it was ‘God’s will’ that their team won.
Skip Bayless
The blatant aggressiveness of theocracies I find distressing, because I grew up when Christians, Muslim and animists lived peacefully together.
Wole Soyinka
For Christians, faith is a precious good, the most valuable personal and social resource. When it is left untapped, the common good suffers – not just the particular interests of Christians.
Miroslav Volf
Mormonism is not historic Christianity. When people say, ‘Well, Mormons and Christians all believe the same things,’ my response is, ‘If that’s true, why are they always on my front doorstep trying to convert me?’
Robert Jeffress
People tend to say Christians are always judging, but the word of God convicts Christians and urges them to obey God’s commands.
Monica Johnson
Our Christian conviction is that Christ is also the messiah of Israel. Certainly it is in the hands of God how and when the unification of Jews and Christians into the people of God will take place.
Pope Benedict XVI
If you’re not electing Christians, then in essence you are going to legislate sin.
Katherine Harris
‘Charlie Hebdo’ had been nondenominational in its satire, sticking its finger into the sensitivities of Jews and Christians, too – but only Muslims responded with threats and acts of terrorism.
George Packer
The god of the Christians, as we have seen, is the god who makes promises only to break them; who sends them pestilence and disease in order to heal them; a god who demoralizes mankind in order to improve it.
Johann Most
Real Christians revel in desperate ventures for Christ, expecting from God great things and attempting the same with exhilaration.
Charles Studd
The theological contacts between Jews and Christians during much of the premodern period are best characterized as disputations. Even when not engaged in face-to-face argumentation, Jews and Christians spoke about each other in essentially disputational terms.
David Novak
Why do people get upset when Christians say there is only one way to Heaven? Shouldn’t those who follow a particular religion believe its doctrine to be true?
Monica Johnson
It’s kind of fun to listen to Christians who say: I’m a New Testament Christian. What other kind of Christian is there?
Randall Terry
As a reward for their efforts, however, those early Christians were beaten, stoned to death, thrown to the lions, tortured and crucified. Every conceivable method was used to stop them from talking.
Josh McDowell
If the Christians who were alive in the 1770s behaved and believed like the Christians of today, there wouldn’t be an America as we know it.
Randall Terry
The real evidence is not practically speaking in scholarship but in how Jesus and the Christianity based on him manifest themselves in the lives of practising Christians. Their lives are the proofs of their beliefs.
Lionel Blue
In 1817, Czar Alexander I personally founded the Societ

In 1817, Czar Alexander I personally founded the Society of Israelite Christians but had less luck defeating Judaism than he’d had defeating Napoleon; gentile serfs and merchants in areas bordering the Pale even showed disturbing new signs of ‘Judaizing.’
Tom Reiss
The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.
Brennan Manning
Although the Nasser revolution of 1952 was secular, the culture remained deeply religious – but it was a faith of moderation and tolerance. Women made up nearly half my class at university, and my senior academic adviser there was a woman. In Alexandria, my friends were Christians and Muslims.
Ahmed Zewail
At home and in church – which I didn’t go to a lot, I was very rebellious, but my family was strict Christians – they would ask us, ‘What’s the shortest verse in the Bible?’ and I was the one who always said ‘John 11:35’ straightaway. It stayed with me: the Bible has stayed with me.
Benjamin Clementine
And because we are, somehow, better than they, we get to go to heaven and they don’t. Christians will tell you outright that they believe that.
Neale Donald Walsch
That is the idea that good Christians don’t talk about sex, at least not out loud, and certainly not in the church. I want to say that both of those ideas are fallacious.
Gary Chapman
Most Christians would not recognize Mormonism as part of the Christian faith.
Franklin Graham
This morning in the Washington Post there was a statistic about how 85% of Americans are Christians.
Sally Quinn
In a very real sense, Jews have to believe that Christians have missed the point about how to wait for the end, and Christians have to believe something quite similar about the Jews.
David Novak
I have learned to interface – what I think would be the contemporary term – with various different lexicons, and people speak very different languages. I’ve learned to speak in a lot of tongues, and I can live with the bellicose language of some fervent, fire-breathing Christians, sure.
You can’t make yourself saved. This is very threatening to people, even Christians, because of what it seems to say about freedom.
John Piper
It is the Democratic Congress, the liberal-biased media and the homosexuals who want to destroy all Christians.
Pat Robertson
Arab society features apartheid of women, apartheid of homosexuals, and apartheid of Christians, Jews, and democracy.
Yair Lapid
I think as Christians we have to sponsor a national Lighten-Up Day.
Willie Aames
Persecution of Christians is growing around the world, and Congress needs to pay more attention to it.
Elliott Abrams
Muslims and Christians can work together to depose dictators and assert the power of the people. We’ve seen it happen on the Tahrir Square in Cairo during the 2011 revolution in Egypt, with devout Muslims and Coptic Christians protesting side by side.
Miroslav Volf
My feeling is that if all Catholics or Reformed Christians had been deported to Germany, the Dutch government in London would have instructed the population in the occupied Netherlands to help them.
Els Borst
The roots of India’s soft power run deep. India’s is a civilization that, over millennia, has offered refuge and, more importantly, religious and cultural freedom, to Jews, Parsis, several varieties of Christians, and Muslims.
Shashi Tharoor
Some people are trying to create hatred among Hindus, Muslims, Christians, and Parsis by following the divide and rule trick adopted by British rulers, but they have been failed miserably.
Rajnath Singh
In my run-ins with Christians… I find that they really are good moral people. And we overlap on everything, and they don’t seem to be the kind of people that are waiting to hear voices to tell them what to do.
Penn Jillette
Throughout my ministry, I have sought to build bridges between Jews and Christians.
Billy Graham
Precisely because intelligent design does not turn the study of biological origins into a Bible-science controversy, intelligent design is a position around which Christians of all stripes can unite.
William A. Dembski
But to understand what it means to be strong and courageous, Christians should look to the person of Christ.
Marvin Olasky
The opportunity here in the U.S. is so unique because we are so diverse, with so many different cultures living together. Christians, Jews, Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists, all with their own connections to the spiritual aspects of food and with lessons that we can learn from each other.
Marcus Samuelsson
During my years in the United States, I met a lot of evangelicals; they comprise a quarter of the American population, and are utterly unlike most Christians you’ll encounter in this country.
Neil Macdonald
Jesus is ideal and wonderful, but you Christians – you are not like him.
Mahatma Gandhi
There is no such thing as ‘separation of church and state.’ Reporters continue to promote this fallacy and scare Christians out of standing up for their beliefs.
Ken Ham
My parents are very good examples of Christians. They are big on forgiveness.
James Acaster
Prayer is such a basic foundation of a Christian’s relationship with God. It’s how we communicate and fellowship with Him. But a surprising number of people, young and old, new and even long-time Christians, say they’re not satisfied with their prayer life.
Joyce Meyer
What I find is that we’re all human beings and that it’s all very similar, what we believe. At the bottom, there’s really not that much difference between Christians and Muslims and Hindus and Buddhists. We all worship God.
Dennis Quaid
Too many Christians live their lives like slaves – to the devil – because they believe his lies more than they trust God.
Joyce Meyer
Ever since the Crusades, when Christians from western E

Ever since the Crusades, when Christians from western Europe were fighting holy wars against Muslims in the near east, western people have often perceived Islam as a violent and intolerant faith – even though when this prejudice took root Islam had a better record of tolerance than Christianity.
Karen Armstrong