Top 640 Kept Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Kept Quotes from famous people such as Kevin J. Anderson, Paul Kagame, Aaron Judge, James D. Watson, Mariska Hargitay, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

It was like there was a pile of kindling that was in th

It was like there was a pile of kindling that was in the back of my imagination just waiting there. Once I lit it, it just flared up and I kept getting ideas and ideas.
Kevin J. Anderson
You kept quiet… When these victims wanted your help to survive, you kept quiet.
Paul Kagame
Even though it feels like you are so far away from the big leagues, my love for the game kept me motivated to get through the hard times in the minors.
Aaron Judge
I first became aware of Charles Darwin and evolution while still a schoolboy growing up in Chicago. My father and I had a passion for bird-watching, and when the snow or the rain kept me indoors, I read his bird books and learned about evolution.
James D. Watson
I was lucky enough to have a father who said, ‘Don’t quit.’ So I just kept going.
Mariska Hargitay
To know we are being spied on by our own government, and to have someone else’s government collaborating on that, to know that data storage is so cheap your information can be kept for years and used to create any kind of story, to me that’s a grave attack on human rights.
Sarah Harrison
For me, coming up, the first I had ever heard of basketball? It was from my mom. She was a really good player back in her day, and even played college ball at Kentucky State. And then she went on to become a coach and an AD after that – so she always stayed real close to the game, and kept it a part of her life.
Bradley Beal
The cross reveals that we’re called to a deeper, fuller experience of what it means to be alive and open to new dimensions of life which our religious boundaries – creeds, atonement theologies – have kept us from experiencing.
John Shelby Spong
Sometimes I’ll dress like a boy, sometimes I’ll dress like a Japanese crazy teenybopper. I have clothes from the 7th grade that I’ve kept and still wear.
I never read one hateful thing said about me by some 12 year old. So I got to live an actual life. And I’ve kept that mentality. Just because there’s a hurricane going on around you doesn’t mean you have to open the window and look at it.
Taylor Swift
One other hobby of mine has been playing the oboe but I have not kept this up after 1969.
Kenneth G. Wilson
Mitch Glazer and I went to high school together, and his mother was my English teacher for two years. She was my favorite teacher, and I followed Mitch’s career as a journalist, so we’ve kind of kept in touch over the years.
Mickey Rourke
Bitty was a nickname. When I became an actress I kept it. It’s the only thing that went with Schram!
Bitty Schram
You know, as a young child, I lay in my bedroom and I swore to myself then: ‘I’m not going to smoke and I’m not going to drink.’ And I said I’m not going to just say that when I’m a kid. I’m going to stick to that as an adult. I kept that in mind my whole life.
Floyd Mayweather, Jr.
Things said to a reporter in confidence should be kept in confidence.
Dorothy Kilgallen
But even at the height of these scandals, even at the time when our finances were at their worst, the NAACP branches – the grassroots – kept plugging away. They kept doing what they do, and they do it well.
Julian Bond
I believe that the whole idea of the consumer society is tottering. We’ve kept ourselves going by producing more and more goods, most of which people don’t need. I’m anti-consumerism; I own four pairs of black Levis and that’s it.
Paul Auster
When I was about 19, I shot a tape of me doing magic just to people on the streets, and I would edit together all the reactions and I kept pushing this idea, and then ABC came on board and made my first show.
David Blaine
The usual way – through a long series of rejections, revising my manuscripts, and kept trying again and again. Finally I was fortunate enough to find a good agent.
Danielle Steel
For years, ‘Drag Race’ was gay people’s best kept secret. When I started doing drag, people didn’t know anything about it. Look at it now: it’s like it’s gone from black and white to IMAX.
Trixie Mattel
When I told my mother that I wanted to be an actress, she said, you can’t live here and do that, and so I moved out. I was determined to prove her wrong because she was so sure that I was going to go astray. And that’s the juice that kept me going.
Cicely Tyson
When I am free to train and free to move, I feel like a gorilla in the jungle. Then, when there are a bunch of media obligations, I feel like I have been captured and am being kept on display.
Conor McGregor
Here’s how much I know about hockey. Mike Royko and I were in a tiny bar one winter night, and the radio kept reporting goals by the Blackhawks. I mentioned how frequently the team was scoring. ‘You’re listening to the highlights,’ Royko observed.
Roger Ebert
I kept the same suit for six years and the same dialogue. They just changed the title of the picture and the leading lady.
Robert Mitchum
I don’t try to just be a blues singer – I try to be an entertainer. That has kept me going.
B. B. King
I do not pretend to know precisely what is on foot there; but I think it pretty evident that there is a very free communication between that country and this body, and unless I am greatly mistaken, I see the dwarfish medium by which that communication is kept up.
Benjamin F. Wade
I never kept up with the fashions. I believed in wearing what I thought looked good on me.
Bettie Page
I’ve kept a diary since I was 11.
Evelyn Glennie
If there is only one thing in my life that I am proud of, it’s that I’ve never been a kept woman.
Marilyn Monroe
I’ve got tapes that I’m so thankful that my father made – old reel-to-reel tapes. I’ve got a ton of those things at home. He kept those like fine diamonds, I mean he kept them, you know, in a box and was very, very careful of them, you know.
Ricky Skaggs
I kept writing all these ballads; they’re me speaking about life. But how am I gonna do the live show I wanna do if I don’t have something I can dance to?
Laura Bell Bundy
In my case, I used the elements of these simple forms -

In my case, I used the elements of these simple forms – square, cube, line and color – to produce logical systems. Most of these systems were finite; that is, they were complete using all possible variations. This kept them simple.
Sol LeWitt
And eventually as I kept writing it, something emerged that was not quite me but a version of me.
Larry David
A soul which gives itself to prayer, either much or little, should on no account be kept within narrow bounds.
Saint Teresa of Avila
I am happy at Leeds and I want to stay. There has been talk that Leeds might sell some players, but all the players believe we can win some silverware next season and it is important that we are all kept together.
Robbie Keane
Athletics provided a life preserver for me, and that maybe kept me out of trouble. I never partied in high school. I mostly just dated.
Bill Fagerbakke
Our plants had now increased to 252: as they were all kept on shore at the tent I augmented the guard there, though from the general conduct of the natives there did not appear the least occasion for so much caution.
William Bligh
A Christian people who have for two hundred years kept a race in bondage, deprived of the advantages of civilization and religion, owe them a debt of gratitude which it would seem ungenerous to withhold.
Nelson A. Miles
I have kept a steady focus on restoring public faith in our state government since taking office July 1. Now it is time to make even bigger and bolder gains through legislative action.
Jodi Rell
We lived in a real rough place but my mother kept me straight.
Evander Holyfield
I did dancing and singing when I was little, and then when I was 12 years old my friends were taking speech and drama at school. They were private lessons, and I started doing that. Over the years everyone else dropped out and I just kept going. I loved it.
Bella Heathcote
My parents, they’re the kind of people that didn’t want me to get a big head, so they just kept challenging me and challenging me.
Abby Wambach
I started out doing something little. I went to Africa to spend five weeks putting roofs on a building. I seen the small child that stepped on a land mine. Three months later, I’m back helping pull the land mines out. Little things just kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger.
Sam Childers
President Clinton intentionally created a structure that was a little loose. And one that kept him a little in the center. He didn’t want one person filtering all the information that went to him. He had always operated with a lot of information coming in and a lot of stuff going out.
Dee Dee Myers
At last, the newspapers discovered the Bears. I kept writing articles about upcoming games, and by reading the papers, I learned editors like superlatives. I blush when I think how many times I wrote that the next game was going to be the most difficult of the season or how a new player was the fastest man in the West.
George Halas
Before I gave birth to Hope, I had a miscarriage. The pain was so enormous, I had to write myself out of it. I kept a diary and did not feel entirely complete until Hope was born.
Rachel Joyce
If you are kept in ignorance of the true way and permit yourself to rely upon and be guided by the opinion of imperfect man, you can never gain the riches that will bring you peace and lasting happiness.
Joseph Franklin Rutherford
My husband and I have kept a good balance between the work and the rest. I feel so lucky having a job, and I know so may people who focus too much on work, and their home lives suffer.
My first show was called ‘I Know I’ve Been Changed’ in ’92. I tried to do this show for years and years. It kept failing over and over and over again. Every time I went out to do the show, nobody showed up. I was like, ‘What is this about?’
Tyler Perry
What kept me going through all the years? More than anything, the love of and respect for competition. That’s what it comes down to for me. That’s why I do this.
Lesley Visser
I got nice rejections explaining that historical fiction was a difficult sell. But I kept trying.
Anita Diament
Children in dysfunctional homes at risk of abuse are kept in danger for too long because politically correct rules mean we won’t challenge unfit parents.
Michael Gove
In Michigan, a liberal democrat raised taxes and kept their government programs at the same level. And guess what? Their economy continued into the toilet, it continued down.
Rick Perry
I was uploading on YouTube and stuff, and they were liking it or whatever. I just kept elevating and elevating. I had little setbacks, but I used them as stepping stones.
Kodak Black
In these days a man is nobody unless his biography is kept so far posted up that it may be ready for the national breakfast-table on the morning after his demise.
Anthony Trollope
Writing nonfiction has been my most serious education, and for all those years it kept me from even glancing in the direction of despair.
Marilynne Robinson
I’ve always loved to write, and I kept a diary of what I thought about my business, being an entrepreneur and other things of interest to me.
Ben Casnocha
A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
John Stuart Mill
I like Mike D. We kept trying to get him to go solo. He wouldn’t do it.
I knew I wanted to be a journalist ever since I was a teenager. While it is interesting and gratifying to be on the business side and to see how that all works, the main reason I kept a business role here was to protect the editorial integrity of Salon.
David Talbot
Buonaparte has often made his boast that our fleet would be worn out by keeping the sea and that his was kept in order and increasing by staying in port; but know he finds, I fancy, if Emperors hear the truth, that his fleet suffers more in a night than ours in one year.
Horatio Nelson
To sleep after sunrise was impossible on account of the number of flies which kept buzzing about the face.
George Grey
My family has always supported me completely and kept m

My family has always supported me completely and kept me grounded. I never got lost in child Hollywood actor weirdness.
Sara Paxton
I always thought I’d eventually learn how to draw really well, and despite constant evidence to the contrary, I just kept on trying. If you’re too good at anything, you don’t have to think about the process, whereas I feel like I spend my life with my head under the bonnet, trying to understand how everything works.
Mark Haddon
Today we have access to highly advanced technologies. But our social and economic system has not kept up with our technological capabilities that could easily create a world of abundance, free of servitude and debt.
Jacque Fresco
I didn’t have a childhood, really, because I worked my whole life and… other reasons. So when I had some success, I went ballistic. That was my childhood, and the party kept going on.
Mickey Rourke
I was going to shave it. It went in two parts. I got a bob first but it kept falling all over my face. Then it was off, short. The main reason it was long was because my mother cut it short when I was little and I was trying to make up for that.
Cathy Freeman
Raymond Floyd. The man knows how to control situations. He was experienced. He didn’t let me get overly excited; he kept me in check. It allowed me to free myself up, and I played really well with him.
Payne Stewart
Children know from a remarkably early age that things are being kept from them, that grown-ups participate in a world of mysteries.
Anthony Hecht
Writing was always an aspiration, but I’d kept it a secret even from myself.
Kevin Powers
I kept going. The decisions I’ve had to make, the setbacks, the feeling of having my back against the wall, I was determined that I had the grit.
Eddy Alvarez
I’ve never really had much of a career plan, and interesting opportunities kept cropping up.
Nicholas Stern
I was in good control of my body, and I kept my head still.
Dennis Eckersley
With AC/DC, we’ve always started with rock, and we’ve just kept it going. The critic’s view is always, ‘They just made an album and it’s the same as the last one.’ I’ll have fifteen of them, anytime.
Angus Young
I took individual photographs of Annie Liebovitz, I kept taking her picture.
Shirley Knight
Looking back, I realize my favorite stories weren’t in books, they were in comics. On top of being a history enthusiast, my father was also a comics fan, and he kept his stash in the top drawer of his dresser, in easy reach of a kid making a beeline to the bathroom.
Jeff Kinney
My mother was a single parent, a speech therapist who worked for a company that kept a substantial percentage of the income they billed for her to teach stroke victims in convalescent hospitals to talk again.
Mona Simpson
Without my family, I’m nothing. They kept me in the right place. I believe that I’m the luckiest person in the country when I’m with them.
S. S. Rajamouli
I can’t take anything back. I’ve just kept grinding and kept working.
Jimmy Walker
I was in Florida with Burt Stern, the photographer who shot Marilyn Monroe on the beach with a sweater, and we smoked a joint. The bathing suit kept coming off in the water, and I just ripped it off. I was very comfortable being naked.
Rosanna Arquette
I took lessons for about everything you could imagine – gymnastics to karate to flute and piano. My mom always definitely kept me in some kind of class or program, but for guitar, I kinda gave up on then kinda just taught myself. Same thing with piano. I’ve never been good with following lessons.
Elle Varner
I actually started as a model builder and quickly progressed into production design, which made sense because I could draw and paint. But I kept watching that guy over there who was moving the actors around and setting up the shots.
James Cameron
I would think that other people could see if you had other talents. I grew and expanded from the Elly May role. I was doing real estate and personal appearances and kept my foot in the door.
Donna Douglas
Those who kept their sanity and humanity intact in the face of awful adversity. Heroes named and unnamed, some known only to God.
Silvia Cartwright
The only thing that kept the Cold War cold was the mutual deterrence afforded by nuclear weapons.
Chung Mong-joon
It really all started in Buffalo, when it was cold, I wanted to see if I could grow facial hair and lo and behold it just kept growing.
Ryan Fitzpatrick
I know what she used to do sometimes. She kept her best cape she wore on the street in there, and she used occasionally to go up there to get it and to take it into her room. She kept a great deal in the guest room drawers.
Lizzie Andrew Borden
Life is full of joys and sorrows, much of it our own making. Sadly, the West has voted time and time again for bigger government, more inflation, higher taxes and excessive regulation – all policies that have kept us from Adam Smith’s vision of an opulent society.
Mark Skousen
A personal offense is like a scratch on a phonograph record. I couldn’t move my thoughts beyond my pain. It kept repeating, as if I were stuck within its grooves. There was only one way to play beyond it. I had to forgive them, so my heart could take its form again.
Laurel Lea
With hacky sack, somebody brought one to recess in sixth grade and it kind of all went downhill from there! The same with the yoyo’s! One kid brought a yoyo one day and people started getting them. I just kept at it and found that I really loved it.
Jason Dolley
I have thousands of tapes, and photos and fliers, letters, posters, artwork – basically everything that ever happened, I kept. I’m not a hoarder, though. I’m sort of a librarian.
Ian MacKaye
Character must be kept bright as well as clean.
Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield
Men will bear many things from a kept mistress, which they would not bear from a wife.
Samuel Richardson
When I came into the industry I started with acting and

When I came into the industry I started with acting and I did drama during junior high and high school. I fell into dancing as a hobby, but whenever you need work, you try out different things. So I booked a lot of jobs for dancing and it kept rolling and rolling.
Harry Shum, Jr.
They call it the rope-a-dope. Well, I’m the dope. Ali just laid on the rope and I, like a dope, kept punching until I got tired. But he was probably the most smart fighter I’ve ever gotten into the ring with.
George Foreman
I was in high school and I had an independent album out, and we kept sending that out, and I was doing shows. No one really dug it. It was very Americana and had a lot of folk elements in it.
Tyler Hilton
The conundrum of free will and destiny has always kept me dangling.
William Shatner
When I first went to school, I was fighting all the time. The soldier mentality was still in me. I kept getting expelled. I found it hard to take instructions from anyone who wasn’t a military commander.
Emmanuel Jal
I once asked the most fabulous couple I know, Madonna and Guy Ritchie, how they kept things fresh despite having been married for almost seven months. ‘It’s a job, Al,’ Guy told me. ‘We work at it every day.’
Al Franken
To hear some men talk of the government, you would suppose that Congress was the law of gravitation, and kept the planets in their places.
Wendell Phillips
Everything I did, all my actions, all of the problems I had I dedicate to God and to Chile, because I kept Chile from becoming Communist.
Augusto Pinochet
I kept thinking, ‘this must be the coolest job – I’d like to be a professional baseball player.’ They were getting paid to play a game, and what a cool lifestyle that was.
Cal Ripken, Jr.
I kept on telling my parents school wasn’t for me. And they were like, ‘No you need to go university.’
When people tell me I’ve kept them up all night, I feel like I’ve succeeded.
Sidney Sheldon
Sports has kept me on the straight and narrow path.
Tommy Lasorda
I cannot, if I am in the field of glory, be kept out of sight: wherever there is anything to be done, there Providence is sure to direct my steps.
Horatio Nelson
The genius of our ruling class is that it has kept a majority of the people from ever questioning the inequity of a system where most people drudge along, paying heavy taxes for which they get nothing in return.
Gore Vidal
I know that might sound silly coming from someone my age, but I remember on my 14th birthday having a crisis like my mom should be having. I kept thinking that I was getting older, and I haven’t really accomplished anything. I remember thinking that I better accomplish something real soon.
Q’orianka Kilcher
I realized there was very little in Hollywood I would ever feel comfortable doing. If I kept one foot there and one foot in my Christianity, I would never grow.
Willie Aames
The anger in the Brigade against those who fought the Republic in the rear was sharpened by reports of weapons, even tanks, being kept from the front and hidden for treacherous purposes.
Bill Alexander
Movie stars are supposed to be healthy. They’re kept happy and nutritionally together.
Courtney Love
I’ve always dreamed of becoming a mother. I thought I would get married and do it all the traditional way, but life kept going on, my career kept me busy – and I had not stopped to become a mommy.
Kym Whitley
I just kept making social mistakes in my career.
Jimmy Iovine
Singing didn’t really come naturally to me, I don’t think. I had to really work at it. I just kept singing. I never was really worried about it, though, because I was writing songs, and that was the most important thing to me.
Tom Odell
For an hour every day, I did something. I was on the elliptical or the treadmill, and if someone asked me to go to a class – whether it was spinning, boxing, yoga, you name it – I went. By the end of the month, I felt so good, I just kept going. I didn’t want to lose my momentum.
Molly Sims
The bronze powder business, however, no longer required my personal attention, and was well managed by those I had chosen as the guardians of a secret, which was long and honourably kept.
Henry Bessemer
With care, and skill, and cunning art, She parried Time’s malicious dart, And kept the years at bay, Till passion entered in her heart and aged her in a day!
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Maybe it was all those wild times that kept me young.
Burt Ward
When I was growing up, I always read horror books, while my sister read romance novels. My sister became unmarried and pregnant during high school, and she kept saying, ‘This wasn’t supposed to happen! Why is this happening to me?’ Someone should have given her another book to read.
Dorothy Allison
I once interviewed David Herbert Donald, the Lincoln historian, and we talked about how one deals with the secondary sources and the previous biographies. He said something which kept coming back to me as I worked on Cleopatra, which was: ‘There’s no further new material; there are only new questions.’
Stacy Schiff
The road had the lonely times, but I kept myself busy.
Buck Owens
My fans kept asking where they could get clothes like Destiny’s Child’s, so it was only natural for us to do a clothing line.
Beyonce Knowles
When I was coming up as a kid, there were programs that kept me out of trouble and on the straight and narrow in South Central Los Angeles, and I always felt that when I got to a stage where I could provide similar opportunities to kids then I would do that.
Warren Moon
My dad had been in the second world war, had electric shock treatment, suffered from anxiety and was abusive to my mum. I kept a lid on my feelings at school but, when I was 18, dropped out of everything and couldn’t even be bothered to get out of bed.
Roland Orzabal
I did go on safari in Kenya when I was 17, with my moth

I did go on safari in Kenya when I was 17, with my mother, stepfather and little brother, and I kept a careful journal of the experience that was very helpful in terms of my sensory impressions of Africa. I have traveled quite a bit at distinct times in my life, though now that I have kids I’ve settled down.
Jennifer Egan
Even when I was a hip-hop DJ I always kept it classy. The motto is always ‘flashy but classy.’ You’ve got to be original and stand out from the crowd and take some chances. But you’ve always got to keep it classy.
Mayer Hawthorne
I was skint, and I had to move back to my mum and dad’s house, back into the room I shared with my brother when I was a kid. I kept getting people on the streets telling me that they loved me; it didn’t mean anything to me because I was still borrowing tenners off my pensioner father to go and get some chicken.
Ian Brown
When people ask how have I kept on top, I have to say with the help of every photographer, make-up artist and hairdresser I’ve ever worked with.
Linda Evangelista
My agent said, ‘Jerry, Dancing With the Stars – they want you on there.’ I said, ‘Ain’t no way. I’m not going to do that.’ Then he came back to me again, and he kept putting pressure on me. I said, ‘All right, I’ll give it a try.’
Jerry Rice
I’ve kept my phone on silent for a year and a half. For me, it’s too much noise. It’s not my jam. I like to keep things a lot more easygoing. The world’s not going to stop if you don’t pick up your phone.
Carly Pope
I want young children to savor and enjoy Tagore like I did since I was a child. He was too great a poet of India to be kept limited to Bengal. Everybody should read and celebrate him.
When I was growing up, and other people I knew were getting into trouble, I was somewhere in a deer stand or going to bed early so I could be up before dawn to hunt turkeys. My love of the outdoors kept me solid.
Donald Trump, Jr.
The weather records of the U.S.A. are the best kept and most accessible in the world, thanks to consistent government/military taxpayer support. There are longer European data sets, but the U.S.A. data is enough to forecast major extreme events.
Piers Corbyn
My daughter had carried within her a story that kept hurting her: Her dad abandoned her. She started telling herself a new story. Her dad had done the best he could. He wasn’t capable of giving more. It had nothing to do with her. She could no longer take it personally.
Regina Brett
With ‘Bangarang,’ I didn’t make any announcement, no campaign. I just put it on my Facebook and some other places. That’s how I’ve done everything with my previous records. I’ve always kept it organic.
My second marriage was to a girl I met in Manchester, kept a long-distance relationship going for two years, then we got married… disaster.
Ian McShane
Often I hear people say they do not have time to read. That’s absolute nonsense. In the one year during which I kept that kind of record, I read twenty-five books while waiting for people. In offices, applying for jobs, waiting to see a dentist, waiting in a restaurant for friends, many such places.
Louis L’Amour
Food prices are often kept artificially high. The result is that the Millennium Development Goals set out by the United Nations at the start of the new millennium are not being reached. Fine words have not yet been turned into deeds.
Jonathan Sacks
I’m always with my dad, and he’s my coach, and he just kept telling me, ‘You have to keep motivated, try to keep motivated.’
Sofia Kenin
I kept having chills. This was in the middle of the summer and I was wearing a sheepskin jacket and I was chilling. I was shaking all over.
Dick York
The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
John Stuart Mill
I read upon the subject and grew more and more interested, and after a time I became a member of the National Board, and had duties and responsibilities that kept me busy after my day’s work was done.
Rose Schneiderman
They kept us on the air probably a year more than they should have.
Richard Dawson
There was a time when all the actors were saying, ‘We should get residuals on videogames.’ I just kept going, ‘You don’t have any idea what goes into making a game, do you?’
Nolan North
When I was little, I would always try and look into the television screen along the sides. I kept thinking if you looked in there, you could see what was happening off camera.
Andrea Riseborough
I got into acting because my teachers kept nudging me into it. The power a teacher has to influence someone is so great. I can’t think of a profession I have more respect for.
Jon Hamm
I had an art teacher who’s the reason I got there in high school who encouraged me to go to Alabama. That’s where she had gone and kept raving over their art department.
Sela Ward
We’re the only major company in the U.S. that is solely in the professional beauty industry. We promised hairdressers when we started that we would stay with them. If I went retail tomorrow then we would be four times our size overnight, but I’m going to be the one guy who kept his word.
John Paul DeJoria
I don’t think I’ve ever had a mentor. The closest thing is my friend Christopher Fowler, another writer. Chris kept me sane for a long time before I made it.
Joanne Harris
But that was my very first time on a set and they said, you know, you have to stand on a mark. That little piece of tape that you stand on is called a mark. I kept correcting them and telling them that my name was Michael and not Mark. They said, ‘No, no honey.’ I was a little green.
Michael Weatherly
I think ‘Blood’ is honest about the dysfunction of family life and Jim will have to get to the bottom of secrets being kept from him.
Adrian Dunbar
I let my boy go and do and say pretty much as he likes, as, and perhaps because, my father kept no string on me.
Lincoln Steffens
We learned about gratitude and humility – that so many people had a hand in our success, from the teachers who inspired us to the janitors who kept our school clean… and we were taught to value everyone’s contribution and treat everyone with respect.
Michelle Obama
Many Afghan intellectuals in the United States believe that their country is best kept together. They are encouraged by the fact that no leading tribal or political figure there has called for secession.
Stephen Kinzer
I admire Madonna because she always did whatever she felt like doing. She went through some controversial periods when people rejected her, but she kept on reinventing herself.
Lack of lawful access certainly affects our ability to

Lack of lawful access certainly affects our ability to do our jobs, but we know where the harm really falls when evidence is kept unavailable – it falls on innocent people, the people we’re sworn to protect.
Christopher A. Wray
I am doing everything humanly possible to try and get well, but lately things have just kept getting worse.
Daniel Johns
But steel bars have never yet kept out a mob; it takes something a good deal stronger: human courage backed up by the consciousness of being right.
Ray Stannard Baker
I could have been a cult writer if I’d kept writing surrealistic novels. But I wanted to break into the mainstream, so I had to prove that I could write a realistic book.
Haruki Murakami
The pressure began to mount as I kept winning every time and people were anxious to see if I could be beaten.
Jahangir Khan
I kept giving up runs. It was, for sure, a rough road and a very rocky one. I enjoyed my time there, but not as much as I could have if I would have pitched well.
Billy Koch
The meals were served in a large hall, in which Moctezuma was accustomed to eat, and the dishes quite filled the room, which was covered with mats and kept very clean.
Hernan Cortes
There was a time when I kept track of it all; when my mind worked like a giant lint brush being swept over the fuzzy surface of popular culture. But these days, pop culture seems to have gotten fuzzier and fuzzier; notoriety comes and goes in the snap of a finger.
Susan Orlean
So the reason that the Bay of Pigs failed was that the original promise made by Eisenhower was not kept by the subsequent Administration. It allowed hostile air to wipe out the approaching invasion force.
E. Howard Hunt
2017 was crazy when I made the ‘Freshman’ cover ’cause I looked up to it, and I really wanted to be in it. It was motivation for me after that: I kept on going, and I grinded.
A Boogie wit da Hoodie
I kept the first Rickenbacker I ever got, a little short-scale John Lennon-type model. And I’ve got a couple of 12-string models, which are really nice, and I’ve got a Pete Townshend model, which Pete gave me a few years ago. But that’s about it.
Paul Weller
I made a point of eating so fast I never kept the other people waiting who generally ordered only chef’s salad and grapefruit juice because they were trying to reduce. Almost everybody I met in New York was trying to reduce.
Sylvia Plath
The Nixon administration kept a nasty eye on our show… Cops would come by – often just in time to see the act they wanted to see.
Dick Cavett
I had the opportunity to be around my kids a lot. I guess I could have kept working, but I had them when I was 47. You only get to see all this stuff once. I just chose to work at home and watch them.
Bob Seger
I don’t like the idea of competition – maybe because I kept losing them when I was a kid. Maybe it’s better to be the one who loses?
Michel Gondry
When I was a postdoc, I jotted every fresh thought on a three-by-five card and kept them in a card catalogue.
Randy Schekman
I’ve always kept it very simple. I’m a big believer that basics stay the same for all the formats.
AB de Villiers
I kept telling everyone I wasn’t going to Washington to stay. I go to visit.
John Engler
The actuality of all of material Nature is therefore kept out of action and that of all corporeality along with it, including the actuality of my body, the body of the cognizing subject.
Edmund Husserl
I was on my face. I heard the count from one to 10. I kept telling myself that I had to get up, but I couldn’t move. I couldn’t make myself move. It was the strangest feeling.
Rocky Marciano
I suppose that every time there is difficulty. I remember about Space Mountain: It took us ten years before we found the technology that would allow such a ride. And during these ten years, I had a model that I kept, waiting for the technology we needed.
John Hench
John Currin’s exaggerated realism and his twisted women kept me off balance, never knowing if they were sincere or ironic or some new emotion.
Jerry Saltz
My rookie year, I bought a new Range Rover, and, knowing what I know about traffic stops in this country, I made damn sure that the tint on the windows was legal. Somehow, though… I just kept getting pulled over for my tint.
Marcus Smart
Memory is the treasure house of the mind wherein the monuments thereof are kept and preserved.
Thomas Fuller
I read five books on the Constitution. My favorite was ‘Plain, Honest Men’ by Richard Beeman. I went on a science jag in the same way. I kept getting in arguments about evolution and being bested. So I read Charles Darwin’s ‘On the Origin of the Species,’ a fantastic book that is not that difficult.
Denis O’Hare
I was going to buy a book on hair loss, but the pages kept falling out.
Jay London
I’m not saying my mother didn’t like me, but she kept looking for loopholes in my birth certificate.
Les Dawson
A friend is long sought, hardly found, and with difficulty kept.
St. Jerome
Part of the reason that I wanted to become a footballer was to help my family and friends financially so that was one of the thoughts that kept me going.
Abdoulaye Doucoure
I wanted to be champ of the world, but I kept hoping something would happen to Frazier. I didn’t want to fight him. Nobody wanted to fight Joe Frazier.
George Foreman
If you got a dope girl, there’s going to be people that want her. But I don’t know, I’ve always kept my ‘A-game’ on point. I just make a point to make sure the woman that I’m with is taken care of. You got to keep it new, so I go out of my way to make them feel special.
Lance Gross
I had a patient once who dreamed she kept her husband i

I had a patient once who dreamed she kept her husband in the deep freeze except for mating. Lots of men feel that way.
Robert Johnson
On balance, my life has been a constant stream of blessings rather than disappointments and failures and tragedies. I wish I had been re-elected. I think I could have kept our country at peace. I think I could have consolidated what we achieved at Camp David with a treaty between Israel and the Palestinians.
Jimmy Carter
I’ve kept most of my friends for decades, and I continue to make new friends.
John Grant
Over the years, God and St. Therese have kept me going no matter how bad things were.
Tara Lipinski
Kids who are poor often have families that have not really been kept informed about… how important it is to read to your child, to reduce stresses in their life, to use positive incentives and words.
Geoffrey Canada
Nu shu means women’s writing. And it was a secret writing system that was invented by women, used by women and kept a secret by women in one very remote county in China for a thousand years. It’s the only language that was invented and used by women to have been found anywhere in the world.
Lisa See
You know, I think there was a point in time when people didn’t really understand how birth certificates were kept in the state of Hawaii, and now, I think that it’s been pretty much disclosed that they used to have a long form and now they don’t have a long form. Arizona used to have a long form, we now have a short form.
Jan Brewer
Oh my God, when I auditioned for ‘Hamilton,’ I kept messing up the words to ‘Say No To This.’
Jasmine Cephas Jones
My sense of the family history is somewhat sketchy, because my mother kept a great deal to herself.
Julie Andrews
In 2004, I was on the West End stage in The Woman In White, and for every show I had to climb into a fat suit to play the obese Count Fosco. It was hard work, and unbearably hot, but I sailed through because I’d always kept myself fit.
Michael Crawford
The ’90s were extremely diverse, almost like a laboratory of the new century. There was much experimenting around, in politics, economics, gender and family structures, and also in fashion. There was a cloud of possibilities which kept us all dizzy.
Jil Sander
I’m grateful for doing those drugs, because they kept me from getting laid and I would have gotten AIDS.
Steven Tyler
While I played Ranji Trophy for five years, I used to be asked, ‘When are you playing for the nation?’ – a question which I didn’t have any answer to. I kept playing before I got my first break in 1996; those five years were indeed frustrating.
Rahul Dravid
My fans kept asking where they could get clothes like ‘Destiny’s Child’s’, so it was only natural for us to do a clothing line. I was adamant about not putting my name on something that I didn’t love.
Beyonce Knowles
There was a golden retriever who saved countless lives on September 11 by going back in to find people. His companion was in a wheelchair. He got him out and kept going back in to save others.
Linda Blair
But I loved the theatre and I was just doing theatre 24/7 and kept dropping courses because I didn’t have the time and the chancellor thought that wasn’t a good idea after awhile.
Mandy Patinkin
In a democracy, citizens pass judgment on their government, and if they are kept in the dark about what their government is doing, they cannot be in a position to make well-grounded decisions.
Peter Singer
I had written a novel that was more of a classic linear novel, and I worked on it and worked on it for years, and it always seemed like it wouldn’t catch fire. At a certain point I just scrapped it all, and I kept maybe 15 percent of it, and I wrote those parts out on note cards.
Jenny Offill
Always being an underdog, always being the player or the person nobody really knew, that always kept a chip on my shoulder.
Paul George
No, I was never one of those positive people who believes he can have whatever he sets his sights on. I just kept working at it.
George Miller
It was all a back-handed blessing, and my friends were the ones who kept the faith, read my work, and urged me to submit it to publishers (by sending it out for me – they would not hear no for an answer.
Leslie Banks
Within 24 hours of my departure from Everton, I had already received the first offer. Then they kept coming, but I keep it all away from me.
Ronald Koeman
Initially, when ‘Scam’ was released and it instantly became huge, I did feel the pressure. Everyone kept telling me that my next move will decide my career, that I had to choose wisely and be double sure of what I do next. But when I thought about it, I realised there’s no formula to this.
Pratik Gandhi
I kept a steel wall around my moral and sexual instincts – protecting them, I thought, from the threats of the real world. This gave me a tremendous advantage in politics, if not in my soul. The true me, my spiritual core, slipped further and further from reach.
James McGreevey
‘Divorce’ was kind of strange because I was going in and out of doing it while doing different movies! So, I kept returning to a set character and this set gig, and that was kind of interesting for me as an actor.
Alex Wolff
Simply put, we have to take charge and take responsibility and support what’s in the marketplace. Because, quiet as it’s kept, the powers that be are cognizant of what our spending dollar means. And it is kept a little quiet, and we have to become aware of what we mean in the marketplace and take advantage of it.
Richard Roundtree
I had some difficult times when I first moved to Los Angeles when people would tell me I was saying things wrong. I felt different although my mum kept reminding me it was OK to be different.
Lily Collins
I like to work as much as I can, but I only really have the hiatus to work on other projects. I’ve kept myself busy recently. I voiced a character in ‘Ice Age 4,’ which was a lot of fun. I also did another small movie called ‘The Scribbler.’
Kunal Nayyar
When I was a boy, the priest, my uncle, carefully inculcated upon me this proverb, which I then learned and have ever since kept in my mind: ‘Dico tibi verum, Libertas optima rerum; Nunquam servili, sub nexu vivito, fili.’ ‘I tell you a truth: Liberty is the best of things, my son; never live under any slavish bond.’
William Wallace
When the blood of thousands of Americans is shed, the impact lingers. For a generation after the Civil War, the Republican injunction to ‘vote as you shot’ kept the party dominant for decades; from 1868 to 1912, only one Democrat – Grover Cleveland – won the White House.
Jeff Greenfield
I think that there is a generational change, where new generations that have grown up always having access to the internet have a somewhat different view in terms of personal information and what needs to be kept private.
Marissa Mayer
I grew up in a rural area. I grew up in deep southern m

I grew up in a rural area. I grew up in deep southern middle Tennessee, probably about thirty miles from the Alabama border. There’s nothing there, really. And the TV was my link to the outside world. It’s what kept me from going into factory employment. It’s what made me want to go to college. It was really inspiring.
DJ Qualls
Traveling around Ethiopia, I saw dozens of abandoned textile factories. People kept asking me to help them find work. So I thought I could make use of my experience in fashion to commercialize their products outside of Ethiopia.
Liya Kebede
In those days secrets were well kept.
Stuart Symington
Governments are moved by numbers, and the greater the number of people who admit that they believe, the greater the likelihood that the secret – if there is one being kept – will be revealed.
Dwight Schultz
My model for business is The Beatles: They were four guys that kept each others’ negative tendencies in check; they balanced each other. And the total was greater than the sum of the parts.
Steve Jobs
It seems to me I spent my life in car pools, but you know, that’s how I kept track of what was going on.
Barbara Bush
There are many, many people who have lost 100 pounds and kept it off.
Robert Atkins
My mother was a pediatrician, and she kept busy hours. I learned from her you could pack a lot into the day. Every minute had to count, and multitasking was a given.
Risa Lavizzo-Mourey
I had a stormy graduate career, where every week we would have a shouting match. I kept doing deals where I would say, ‘Okay, let me do neural nets for another six months, and I will prove to you they work.’ At the end of the six months, I would say, ‘Yeah, but I am almost there. Give me another six months.’
Geoffrey Hinton
I’ve known a lot of religious people. My mother is very religious, but she also is very private about it. When I was growing up, she never went to church. She just prayed and read her Bible and kept it to herself. I’m not from a background of flamboyant believers. It’s much more a personal issue.
Michael Shannon
I’ve experienced a private doubt, something that I’ve kept deeply inside, and then eventually delivered a piece of work that people responded to with huge enthusiasm.
Trevor Nunn
If God made anything better than women, he kept it for himself.
Kris Kristofferson
Casting is really exciting. With ‘Twilight,’ I wasn’t involved at all with the casting in the original. They kept me in the loop, which was great. They’d be like, ‘Hey Kristen Stewart’s gonna do it’ and I was like, ‘Really? Awesome.’
Stephenie Meyer
We promised new benefits to seniors like preventive screening and diabetes testing. We kept that promise.
Mike Rogers
I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering.
Steven Wright
Live in the very soul of expectation of better things, in the conviction that something large, grand, and beautiful will await you if your efforts are intelligent, if your mind is kept in a creative condition and you struggle upward to your goal.
Orison Swett Marden
But I was always an actor, and I kept telling myself that there will be a day when I will become a good actor.
Abhishek Banerjee
Personally, I can handle criticism, especially when it is deserved, and it’s because my dad never, ever said ‘Well done’ to me. He did it on purpose so that I kept my feet on the ground.
Granit Xhaka
I am a marathon runner. I ran the New York City marathon and almost died. I tried to run, like, a two-minute mile early on in the race. I was crazy enough to think I could win. After seven miles I thought I would die, but I slowed down my pace and kept going.
Sean Combs
I’ve always been athletic – I ran track in high school – and it kept my blood pressure in check over the years. Once I was diagnosed with hypertension, I stepped up my workouts.
Regina King
I begged and begged, and my uncle gave me his old turntables. It was one hi-fi and one old Stereo Lab turntable and a rusty mixer. I was really chuffed. I kept that for five years – that’s where I learned to mix.
Jamie xx
I had always loved music. I grew up listening to classic country, Waylon Jennings, Merle Haggard. My dad loved Vern Gosdin and Keith Whitley. So I kept going to class and started getting totally into playing guitar and teaching myself these songs.
Jake Owen
I had to make sure I kept an eye on the real world.
Roddy Doyle
Similarly, the Marquis is presented in this film as someone who would disturb the status quo and therefore must be kept imprisoned.
Philip Kaufman
After I went through two years of not winning an event, what kept me going was winning one more major. Once I won that last U.S. Open, I spent the next six months trying to figure out what was next. Slowly my passion for the sport just vanished. I had nothing left to prove.
Pete Sampras
I haven’t turned into some rich monster. I’ve kept my perspective. But I am a bit spoiled. It’s hard not to be a little spoiled by having a lot of money.
Christine McVie
On the one hand, I’ve had such a normal upbringing with my mum, who has kept me grounded, but on the other, the wild experiences through my dad.
Julian Lennon
I kept a diary right after I was born. Day 1: Tired from the move. Day 2: Everyone thinks I’m an idiot.
Steven Wright
I should have known growing up and not having any money ever that I should have kept every dollar that I had.
Heidi Montag
Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear – kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor – with the cry of grave national emergency.
Douglas MacArthur
What’s great about the way ‘Shame”s been received is that I kept on thinking there’s no way this film will be received well since I’ve had such a good time.
Abi Morgan
Christianity has kept itself going for centuries on hop

Christianity has kept itself going for centuries on hope alone, and has perpetrated all manner of naughtiness in the meantime.
Rachel Cusk
The former ruling class kept the community of actors in ignorance by means of various lies.
Bela Lugosi
How can smart women be so stupid about men sometimes? Lack of knowledge. It’s what men have kept secret for so long.
Steve Harvey
John Carpenter created the idea of Halloween, so his vision remains the most focused and intelligently directed of the series. The directors that have followed have kept the original intent of the concept.
Donald Pleasence
When I was a kid, people kept saying, ‘You can’t do this, you can’t do that,’ and I wanted to prove them wrong.
Eddie the Eagle
The thing that’s really kept me on my toes is how my mom would always tell me – it’s not the best thing for a mother to tell you – but she’d never tell me after I’d lose a soccer game, ‘You’ll do better next time.’ She’d always say, ‘There’s always somebody better.’
Brandon Flowers
There’s no way I can compete with someone who can write rap or rock and roll. Nor do I wish to. But I’ve always kept up to date with music changes. I worked very hard not to type myself.
Elmer Bernstein
When I was starting out, I did not do short fiction well, because I kept wanting to write books.
Elizabeth Moon
When I was a young boy, I used to gaze through the microscope of my father at the insects in amber that he kept in the house. And they were remarkably well preserved, morphologically just phenomenal.
Hendrik Poinar
People were desperately trying to fill their seats for the summer. And so prices are really low right now. And so they are kept from raising prices to make up for that difference.
David Neeleman
Religion kept some of my relatives alive, because it was all they had. If they hadn’t had some hope of heaven, some companionship in Jesus, they probably would have committed suicide, their lives were so hellish.
Octavia E. Butler
I feel like I’m always having to justify why I haven’t kept in touch with anyone from the old days in Stoke-on-Trent, but I’m like that with anybody. I don’t let anybody in. I just rely on myself.
Robbie Williams
The human body is the tabernacle of the spirit, and God expects that it be kept clean and unimpaired.
Ezra Taft Benson
One of the problems with organized religion is that it has always kept women in a second-class position. They have been viewed as the daughters of Eve.
Hugh Hefner
My role models have kept on changing.
Kapil Dev
The priesthood of God is a shield. It is a shield against the evils of the world. That shield needs to be kept clean; otherwise, our vision of our purpose and the dangers around us will be limited.
James E. Faust
I saw how, when my brother smoked reefer, it made my mother cry. He was 16 at the time. And I saw that she broke down and cried. I never wanted to hurt my mother, so I kept away from drugs.
Ving Rhames
My real last name is Flores, and Milian is actually my mom’s maiden name. So it’s not made up, which is cool; it runs in the family. And it actually worked out better for my career to have the last name Milian, because Flores kept me in a little box, and no one really associated me with the last name Flores.
Christina Milian
With ‘Smoke Signals,’ the character was so much like me growing up. I lost my parents, and I wish I’d had an opportunity to find out where they were. So I was reflecting on how I grew up, that feeling of abandonment. That whole film was a reality that I always held back and kept to myself.
Adam Beach
When I played in the sandbox, the cat kept covering me up.
Rodney Dangerfield
In hindsight, I see the great value of family and how it moulded my life and kept me together. So now family means everything to me.
Jimmy Cliff
This really should be kept secret, but you can learn a lot by watching the making-of DVDs. Every actor should do it. You figure out what you’re dealing with.
Bill Murray
The worst gig story I have is from a club in Alabama that I think is still up and running, so I won’t name the name of the club. We got hired in there to play, and the owner was pretty annoying. He kept coming up to me during the show and asking me to play ‘Purple Rain.’
Jason Aldean
Cancer taught my family that my mom is much stronger than we ever thought. Faced with a devastating diagnosis, she just kept going and living – never complaining.
Richard Grenell
The nWo pursued me for a while. To be perfectly honest, I think WCW management purposely kept me off ‘Nitro’ for a while to keep the nWo from getting to me.
Diamond Dallas Page
My parents had a normal life in Russia and they could have easily kept living a normal life, working and raising a child in Russia.
Maria Sharapova
Before the war, my parents were very proud people. They’d always talk about Japan and also about the samurai and things like that. Right after Pearl Harbor, they were just real quiet. They kept to themselves; they were afraid to talk about what could happen. I assume they knew that nothing good would come out of it.
Fred Korematsu
As I stood and gave the eulogy for young Michael Brown last week, I kept thinking about the fact that this child should have been in college instead of laying in a coffin.
Al Sharpton
My father kept me busy from dawn to dusk when I was a kid. When I wasn’t pitching hay, hauling corn or running a tractor, I was heaving a baseball into his mitt behind the barn… If all the parents in the country followed his rule, juvenile delinquency would be cut in half in a year’s time.
Bob Feller
It was most exciting when people first came up on the stage and then when they came back for the encore. We wanted to make a show that kept on developing, that was interesting, so we tried to do that with our live shows.
Neil Tennant
While working on my first five books, I kept wishing I was writing a novel. I thought until you wrote a novel, you weren’t taken seriously as a writer. It used to trouble me a lot, but nothing troubles me now, and besides, there has been a change. I think short stories are taken more seriously now than they were.
Alice Munro
I have kept a training diary to record my training plan

I have kept a training diary to record my training plans and my feelings and emotions for a long time.
Eliud Kipchoge
Telling the entire world and his dog how good a manager I was. I knew I was the best but I should have said nowt and kept the pressure off ‘cos they’d have worked it out for themselves.
Brian Clough
I must begin by saying something about the old Germany. That Germany, too, suffered from superficial judgment, because appearances and reality were not always kept apart in people’s minds.
Gustav Stresemann
My grandmother has always been my biggest fan, and she was my whole life. The only thing that kept me living after her death is my commitment to training. I took my pain out on the track.
Tori Bowie
I grew up without a lot of money and my parents grew up with far less money. And that’s kept me in line. Really in line.
Adrien Brody
The first record I made when I was 17. Labels merged and plans didn’t work out, but plans never work out as planned. But I never stopped making music. I never had a backup plan. I never thought, ‘Maybe I should just write, or maybe I should…’ I just kept going.
Ashley Monroe
I just kept on doing what everyone starts out doing. The real question is, why did other people stop?
William Stafford
I started playing piano; I picked up a ukulele, and I loved it and kept playing that. I play a bit of guitar, and some African drums from back in the day.
Max Schneider
When an individual is kept in a situation of inferiority, the fact is that he does become inferior.
Simone de Beauvoir
He surprised me by his familiarity with details of movements and battles which I did not suppose had come to his knowledge. As he kept me talking for over half an hour, I flattered myself that what I had to say interested him.
Henry Villard
And then, as the years went on, I just kept moving along, busting into doors and getting roles, until I started to actually believe that what these other people were saying was true.
Vincent D’Onofrio
I remember my buddies yelling at me, and it sounded like they were a football field away, and I remember them yelling, ‘You’re gonna make it, you’re gonna make it!’ I just kept trying to tell them that I was going to die.
Kyle Carpenter
I had phenomenal parents. They kept me very grounded, and I lived a normal life.
Zachery Ty Bryan
I was actually looking for answers where I kept asking myself – what am I doing?
Emmitt Smith
I had mice that I kept as pets when I was very young, and I’ve always liked the way they look. Even rats. I’m not scared of them.
Catherine Deneuve
The whole idea that what is not normal should be kept secret – that’s really distasteful to me.
Dan Farmer
The actions we took in the aftermath of 9/11 were harsh but necessary and effective. These steps were fully sanctioned and carefully followed. The detention and interrogation of top terrorists like Abu Zubaydah, Khalid Sheikh Muhammed and Abu Faraj al-Libbi yielded breakthroughs which have kept this country safe.
Jose Rodriguez
When I first started out, being from the South and going to New York or Chicago, people kept telling me to get voice lessons and ‘lose that stupid accent you got.’ And I’m like, ‘Well, where I come from, you have the stupid accent.’
Jeff Foxworthy
I grew up on the rough side of the tracks. If you looked like you were soft, you would be fodder for the wolves. I came up in my neighbourhood like, ‘I’m just gonna be me,’ and all the thugs just said, ‘It’s OK, he’s special.’ They knew I had the talent with the rhymes, so they kept me around.
I don’t know why my brain has kept all the words to the Gilligan’s Island theme song and has deleted everything about triangles.
Jeff Foxworthy
George was adamant his sexuality should be kept under wraps, which created a wholly unwelcome extra level of stress for him to manage.
Andrew Ridgeley
There are eight girls in the house in which I am living, and practically all of them are good looking. You can realize that I am kept busy.
Franz Schubert
Not all lies are harmful. Sometimes we’re willing participants in deception for the sake of social dignity, maybe to keep a secret that should be kept secret, secret. We say, ‘Nice song.’ ‘Honey, you don’t look fat in that, no.’
Pamela Meyer
I have always kept in mind the advice of Ronaldinho, and he spoke wonders of Barcelona and the city, which he told me is marvellous.
Very curious, at the age of about 13 years, Oswald began to study Marxism and he kept on in his writing, affirming that he was a Marxist. Probably he did want to show himself as a great, supreme Marxist.
John Sherman Cooper
That’s what I liked about hitch-hiking. If a crowd wasn’t big enough, I kept walkin.’
Brownie McGhee
Me and Future recorded so many songs that as soon as we did ‘Honest,’ I liked it a lot, but I didn’t see it as a single. But he just kept talking about it after we did it like, ‘Man, this is big. This is big. It’s gonna be a single.’
Metro Boomin
I love sport as long as it’s kept as an entertainment – not a meaning of life.
David Icke
I’m still a promising actor. It’s better to be climbing even if you have a lot of falls than to be descending. Maybe that’s kept me young. I haven’t gotten to any peak yet.
Antonio Banderas
The record shows that I’ve kept a very steady hand on the helm throughout some enormous challenges.
Kate Brown
I was in rehab for nine months, and I needed some solace and distraction. I was in town one day and I sort of stumbled into a jazz jam session, and kept going back.
Gregory Porter
I'm here now because of my faith. That's what got me si

I’m here now because of my faith. That’s what got me singing and what has kept me singing. That is what I have: what has kept me doing right and has provided me with the chances and the attitude and the skills to do this.
Aaron Neville
I’m not a celebrity, I’ve kind of been under the radar, has kept it easier for me to maintain a career.
Shia LaBeouf
There were a couple Aborigines in my primary school, but we never spoke to them. They kept to themselves, and we never really even locked eyes. They weren’t acknowledged officially either.
Phillip Noyce
Command that no one be received, or kept to be of your household indoors or without, if one has not reasonable belief of them that they are faithful, discreet, and painstaking in the office for which they are received, and withal honest and of good manners.
Robert Grosseteste
When I was coming up, I kept a ton of comic books, almost 300 comic books. Back in the day, they didn’t used to cost that much, so I used to keep ’em, collect ’em, trade ’em.
Michael Clarke Duncan
I have always been guided by striving to show the best that I could. That is what kept me going in tennis and it is the same now.
Steffi Graf
We just kept going down the road, we kept trying to make the next record, the right choices to get there.
Zac Brown
I kept my promises.
Scott Walker
I kept thinking I would be spending my life up to my elbows in shampoo.
Vidal Sassoon
I’m one of the most optimistic persons in the world. I always believed that – there’s another shot, another chance. In boxing, I never gave up. I kept trying, kept trying. Even when things seemed so dim, I continued to push forward to make something happen in my favor.
Sugar Ray Leonard
It’s funny… musical theater is what paid my rent and kept me going for the longest time.
Bryan Batt
Probably my mother. She was a very compassionate woman, and always kept me on my feet. And I think part of it is just the way you are, the way you’re raised. And she had the responsibility for raising me.
Ed Bradley
When the script for ‘The Wrestler’ kept coming to me I said, This movie is so good if you put me in the film as a wrestler people are going to say, ‘No credibility, Hulk Hogan isn’t a good actor,’ whatever Hollywood thinks of me.
Hulk Hogan
I was born Muslim, but for a large part of my life, I wasn’t necessarily raised Muslim. My father always kept everything around us, from Western philosophy to Eastern philosophy.
Lupe Fiasco
I kept an interested eye on the transfer window in England, which opened and closed last month, and the lack of frantic activity just goes to show the current financial state of the game right now.
David Ginola
In my life, I only kept learning different dance forms, yoga forms. From my gurus, I have learned how to be disciplined and consistency. Do a particular thing continuously, you will get the results.
Koena Mitra
I just kept telling myself that ultimately, the money that my grandparents had put away to go into my college fund, that they were investing for me to go to school and get this education, it had to be worth something.
I’ve been dancing since the age of two. I don’t really remember it, because I was little, but my mom signed me up and would put me in cute costumes. A lot of little girls get into dancing, but I loved it so much that I kept doing it.
Maddie Ziegler
When you’re kept out of the adult world, it’s a blessing in disguise.
Henry Rollins
My main mission when I became Prime Minister, was to keep Singapore going and Singapore has been kept going. So, I’m happy with what I’ve done for Singapore.
Goh Chok Tong
My father lost an eye to a snapped cable while trying to rescue trapped miners, though he kept on working for fifteen years afterward.
Homer Hickam
The wedding ring on my left hand was bought by my grandfather, Samuel Miliband, in Brussels in 1920. I never knew him, as he died when I was one. But his ring was kept by my aunt until it was placed on my finger by my wife Louise 32 years later.
David Miliband
I wanted very much to learn to draw, for a reason that I kept to myself: I wanted to convey an emotion I have about the beauty of the world.
Richard P. Feynman
We have to stop this violence. We have to make the political nature of the violence clear, that the violence we experience in our own homes is not a personal family matter, it’s a public and political problem. It’s a way that women are kept in line, kept in our places.
Patricia Ireland
When you’re writing for the Internet, you have the analytics, and you know that people are bailing every second. But various people kept reminding me that once people have bought a book, they’re in. You don’t have to be selling them on every page.
Robin Sloan
I’ve always kept a notebook in my pocket, I’ve always written stuff down since I was a kid.
Gord Downie
If I’m known as the girl that lost weight and it’s been six years later and I’ve still kept off the 110 pounds, God bless. Because I never kept off 100 pounds before in my life.
Carnie Wilson
I almost got a psychology degree, I almost got a philosophy degree. I kept changing it so they couldn’t make me graduate. I studied anthropology and eastern religion, epistomology, and astronomy… I took every interesting course I could find for nine years.
Patrick Rothfuss
I know there’s some kind of history to mountain music-like it came from Ireland or England or Scotland and we kept up the tradition.
Loretta Lynn
Everyone kept telling me, Just be yourself. Be yourself. I kept thinking, there’s got to be more to it than that!
Tony Danza
Rhythm and blues started even before phonograph records were being produced because black people entertained themselves. It wasn’t done for money. It was done for entertainment. Most white people didn’t know anything about this because prejudice kept them from ever seeing what was going on.
Jesse Stone
After I was fired from Disney, I did some of the worst

After I was fired from Disney, I did some of the worst movies ever made and I got professionally involved with a manager who said it didn’t matter what you did as long as you kept working. I wound up completely broke.
Tommy Kirk
Most historians agree that Abraham Lincoln was the most important man to ever occupy the White House because he abolished slavery and kept the states united through a bloody civil war.
Kitty Kelley
I held a variety of jobs – most notably ten years working in universities – and kept on writing.
Thomas Perry
When you’re kept by a patron you don’t have to duke it out in the media marketplace for dollars and for readers. In some ways that’s a blessing because it takes a lot of pressure off you.
David Talbot
I had a small-town life – I worked at the local McDonald’s for three years. I’m not sure why they kept me: I am something of a daydreamer and a dawdler, so they would only let me be the ‘friendly voice’ that greeted you when you entered the restaurant.
Rachel McAdams
A lot of companies have chosen to downsize, and maybe that was the right thing for them. We chose a different path. Our belief was that if we kept putting great products in front of customers, they would continue to open their wallets.
Steve Jobs
There are no secrets better kept than the secrets everybody guesses.
George Bernard Shaw
I am not very good at keeping secrets at all! If you want your secret kept do not tell me!
Miley Cyrus
She believed in nothing; only her skepticism kept her from being an atheist.
Jean-Paul Sartre
It started last year, during the summer. I went to the doctor and they found out it was kidney stones, so they had surgery done to help get those out and to pass them… More just kept coming in. So I had all together before the last show… I had like five surgeries.
Phillip Phillips
Sabotage did not involve loss of life, and it offered the best hope for future race relations. Bitterness would be kept to a minimum and, if the policy bore fruit, democratic government could become a reality.
Nelson Mandela
I made a choice before I lost my legs that I was going to live the best life possible and that I wasn’t going to let this slow me down – and that choice has kept me moving forward.
Amy Purdy
I always like to preserve my freedom. I’ve never really been attached to any place; that’s probably why I kept moving. I like to evolve.
Olivier Theyskens
All I wanted to do was ride skateboards – I wanted to be a professional skateboarder. But I had this problem. I kept breaking half of my body skateboarding.
Travis Barker
I sort of kept my hand in writing and went to work for the Sierra Club in ’52, walked the plank there in ’69, founded Friends of the Earth and the League of Conservation Voters after that.
David R. Brower
When I was eight years old, I got a dummy for Christmas and started teaching myself. I got books and records and sat in front of the bathroom mirror, practising. I did my first show in the third grade and just kept going; there was no reason to quit.
Jeff Dunham
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.
Dale Carnegie
I kept thinking I was always going to meet the right man, but I never did. Kept waiting for this knight in shining armour. ‘When’s he coming? He’s taking a long time, isn’t he?’
Samantha Fox
My only phobia is untidiness. My hair has to be neatly kept; my shoes are always clean. Everything has to be in a straight line, in its place.
Norman Wisdom
If we had a hard time, my mother would sit me down and we would talk about it, and she kept talking and kept processing until we started to laugh about it.
Liza Minnelli
This is the moment when I should also admit that when the Internet first arrived I kept telling people it was a fad.
Gail Collins
Once I graduated from university, I wanted to climb and be outdoors as much as possible. I worked as a part-time carpenter and kept up a relationship with The North Face. One thing led to another, and I’m lucky to be where I am now. It was a circuitous path with lots of adventure throughout.
Conrad Anker
The fact was, Ford kept stumbling around. I didn’t want him in the White House. I wanted Carter in, and I had a forum of 20 million people watching.
Chevy Chase
If you look at my career, towards the end you will see I was fighting like once a year. I was not part of the Don King top heavyweights, so I was kind of kept out. His guys were getting three to four fights a year and I could only get one.
Gerry Cooney
The feelings of my smallness and my nothingness always kept me good company.
Pope John XXIII
I am kind of a freak of nature who has loose joints, and I was able to put my legs behind my head, and it looked weird to people when I was a kid, so I kept doing it. It’s a great party gag.
Doug Jones
I had a lil’ chub-chub moment from ages 7 to 11. If somebody was teasing, they’d go straight to my fat. I was so insecure, I kept my shirt on in the pool, which is the worst because it sticks to your stomach anyway.
Jason Derulo
There were nine children in my father’s family and eight in my mother’s. My grandparents did the best with what they had. After the Depression, they were scratching out a living and working hard. They kept the family going.
Cheryl Ladd
Writing on a computer makes saving what’s been written too easy. Pretentious lead sentences are kept, not tossed. Instead of sitting surrounded by crumpled paper, the computerized writer has his mistakes neatly stored in digital memory.
P. J. O’Rourke
You know when I really realized like ‘wow’ what a gift this is was when I sang at camp and a girl wrote me a letter and said the song that I sung kept her from committing suicide.
Charles King
I’d be happy to be taken as a woman – and that’s what I was initially trying to do when I started throwing on dresses and stuff. But that wasn’t going to happen because everyone kept calling me sir. So I thought I’d change the method and just start wearing what I wanted to wear.
Eddie Izzard
The thinking was that so long as the British kept our b

The thinking was that so long as the British kept our basic documents in their hands and so long as they kept the formal right to change them, changes in our system would be careful and deliberate.
Stockwell Day
And, you know, I liked writing humor. Well, I should say, I wanted to write seriously, but it kept turning funny.
Roseanne Barr
Educational institutions, which are the grooming grounds for creating responsible citizens have to be kept tobacco and smoke-free.
M. Jayachandran
Bias and prejudice are attitudes to be kept in hand, not attitudes to be avoided.
Charles Curtis
I used to jog but the ice cubes kept falling out of my glass.
David Lee Roth
I remember from my father’s funeral that the minister kept using a metaphor about life of a prism. And I took that away like a cherished image.
Anna Deavere Smith
Unless people can be kept in the dark, it is best for those who love the truth to give them the full light.
Richard Whately
My Mother was a very wild Australian woman. When we were in Africa she could kill a snake with one blow from a crow bar, which she kept at the back door.
Mem Fox
It irritated me that my fans kept wanting me to retread old ground.
Dario Argento
At various stages in my life, I could have stopped, or took the long rest. For some reason, my heart told me otherwise. I just kept going. Half of the time, I wasn’t sure where I was heading. The other half, I was probably taking the wrong turns. No matter.
Li Lu
The thing about it is almost everyone could pass that way, but we were kept from doing it by our coaches.
Oscar Robertson
Let us take refuge from this world. You can do this in spirit, even if you are kept here in the body. You can at the same time be here and present to the Lord. Your soul must hold fast to him, you must follow after him in your thoughts, you must tread his ways by faith, not in outward show.
Saint Ambrose
And a lot of the artists and people that we hired were fans of Transformers growing up, so having so many fans working on my crew really kept me on point.
Michael Bay
The kidnapped person is so tantalizingly close, kept alive by a devastating hope. Kidnapping or hostage-taking is perhaps the most disturbing form of terror because it turns this hope into a liability that can paralyze.
Uzodinma Iweala
Writers collect stories of rituals: John Cheever putting on a jacket and tie to go down to the basement, where he kept a desk near the boiler room. Keats buttoning up his clean white shirt to write in, after work.
Mona Simpson
I went to work when I was a young fellow and I loved what I did. And I just kept working. And when I decided that maybe the time had come for me to quit, I got depressed. What could I do if I didn’t work?
Mike Wallace
Virtue is not photogenic, so I liked playing bad guys. But, whenever I played a bad guy, I tried to find something good in him, and that kept my contact with the audience.
Kirk Douglas
I used to write in a local coffee shop, but there was another guy, another writer, who kept sitting in my favorite seat. I would show up, and he would be there, and I would get exiled to a couch or something, and it would throw me off my game.
Lev Grossman
I’ve always had a longstanding dream, ever since I was a kid, where I was running on a big lake of ice and I kept running and kept running, just about to where I was trying to get to, and I fell through the ice, and then I couldn’t find the hole where I fell through to get back out again.
Garrett Hedlund
The discs which haunt the skies of Earth indicate that the unconscious cannot be kept waiting forever. These things are going to have to be dealt with.
Terence McKenna
Obama isn’t just too big to fail. He’s too big to know. Obama is so vital to the country and to the world, he must be kept out of the loop in order to save him from his failed presidency.
Rush Limbaugh
Philosophers have not kept up with modern developments in science. Particularly physics.
Stephen Hawking
I think talking about one’s love life is always… It’s a Pandora’s box, best kept in journals.
Emma Caulfield
The game has kept faith with the public, maintaining its old admission price for nearly thirty years while other forms of entertainment have doubled and tripled in price. And it will probably never change.
Connie Mack
I’ve watched my duty, straight an’ true, an’ tried to do it well; Part of the time kept heaven in view, An’ part steered clear of hell.
Will Carleton
When I was young, I kept a diary for about 10 years and I had to write in it every day. Even on days when nothing seemed to happen, I made myself think of something to put in it.
Jonathan Stroud
My grandmother came with me when I moved out to New York. She stayed with me for a week. I was, you know, living in the dorm. The first year, I had a lot of anxiety, and, I remember, my teachers kept saying I had so much jaw tension.
Jessica Chastain
Whoever won’t fight when the President calls him, deserves to be kicked back in his hole and kept there.
Lyndon B. Johnson
To correct a natural indifference I was placed half-way between misery and the sun. Misery kept me from believing that all was well under the sun, and the sun taught me that history wasn’t everything.
Albert Camus
When I was living in China, I learned to make things hyper-explicit because often they were being read by people whose command of English kept them from picking up what I thought were obvious signals.
James Fallows
I’m just happy that Jesus Christ, um, did not let me lose my teeth when I was 20 years old. ‘Cause I was wondering, like, what if you kept your baby teeth until the age of 18 or 20, and then you lose ’em? That would look pretty bad.
Metta World Peace
What has kept the world safe from the bomb since 1945 h

What has kept the world safe from the bomb since 1945 has not been deterrence, in the sense of fear of specific weapons, so much as it’s been memory. The memory of what happened at Hiroshima.
John Hersey
I was singing about six notes higher than I had to, in a range that kept me up in a bubblegum sound.
Nancy Sinatra
Most brands started from a strong base and kept a strong belief.
Daymond John
I just knew what I wanted to be since the third grade. And I always did well in school. I was the type to get good grades; I never really got below Cs or nothing like that. I always kept it A-B. But there’s no school for rap.
Big Sean
Any time guys move to ‘Raw’ and ‘SmackDown,’ I think that is what has kept NXT so relevant and has kept the fans so invested because they are now conditioned that whoever leaves or comes in, NXT, as a product, is going to give really exciting sports entertainment every time.
Adam Cole
I was down in Washington when 9/11 happened. We were in the middle of putting together the next summer season, and all I could think of was something somehow must make sense to us. Our Town kept coming into my mind.
Joanne Woodward
Over the course of those 12 episodes we discarded what didn’t work and kept what did and that refined it.
Dave Rowntree
I kept looking to do songs that were written years ago and would live or outlive all of us, and the one thing they had in common was Sinatra.
Michael Bolton
My father, a bakery-truck driver, was the epitome of the work ethic that probably kept me knocking out columns six days a week for a rough total of 12,600 over 50 years.
Irv Kupcinet
We shot ‘Telusa Telusa’ song in Bolivia. It took us 50 hours to get to the location. We shot in high altitudes, and oxygen cylinders were kept handy.
Rakul Preet Singh
I don’t feel I was ever a ‘famous’ child actor. I was just a working actor who happened to be a kid. I was never really in a hit show until I was a teenager with West Wing playing First Daughter Zoey Bartlet. In a way, that was my saving grace – not being a star on a hit show. It kept me working and kept me grounded.
Elisabeth Moss
Various channels of dialogue must be kept open to build trust. I will meet North Korea’s leader if it is needed to develop relations between the two Koreas.
Park Geun-hye
What needs to be kept in mind is both that capitalism is a hyper-abstract impersonal structure and that it would be nothing without our co-operation.
Mark Fisher
Beginning in the Clinton administration, there was, for nearly two decades, a broad bipartisan consensus that the best Internet policy was light-touch regulation – rules that promoted competition and kept the Internet ‘unfettered by federal or state regulation.’ Under this policy, a free and open Internet flourished.
Ajit Pai
I’ve been very lucky. I wanted to be an actress, but I didn’t really have the drive to sell myself. Fortunately I had a terrific agent in New York who kept me going from job to job.
Blythe Danner
The reason I started writing movies was because I kept getting parts that I just kind of stepped into. I didn’t have to do a lot of work and I ended up getting sort of bored.
Scott Caan
On foreign policy, President Obama has kept our nation safe from terrorism and restored our standing in the world. When it comes to one of our closest allies – Israel – President Obama has been resolute.
Chuck Schumer
The credit for much of this rightly belongs to the late Mayor Daley who forged a coalition of business and labor that kept Chicago always moving ahead.
Jane Byrne
I’ve often been asked what drives me, particularly through the last 50 years of abuse, and ridicule. What has kept me going is one word – care. I care enough about the land, the wildlife, people, the future of humanity. If you care enough, you will do whatever you have to do, no matter what the opposition.
Allan Savory
They kept me in short pants as long as they could, until they were shaving the hair on my legs because it was beginning to photograph.
Jackie Cooper
Pay in the acting world hasn’t kept up with inflation.
Maxine Peake
I’m the absolute worst at getting jobs, ever. I had 100 rejections before I landed one. I kept all the letters in a folder until I realized I could just chuck them away.
Timothy Morton
As my audience grew more diverse, I started interjecting social justice advocacy and commentaries about LGBT equality, and it just kept growing more.
George Takei
Well, when I was a little girl we had 17 cats once. They all lived outside, and they kept having more kittens. My mom made us put little ribbons around each kitten’s neck, put them in a wagon, and go door-to-door around the neighborhood to try to give them away.
Cheryl Hines
Japan is not a Western democracy. The Japanese have kept their traditions, culture and heritage, but they have joined the community of free nations.
Natan Sharansky
I once was interviewed and got so exasperated that I said, ‘What do you want, a shopping list?’ They kept asking, ‘What’s in this picture?’
Howard Hodgkin
I feel a composer should not crave to sing songs because songs itself decides its voice. The films where I have given music, I have kept my option for the last. I like to make music and not necessarily singing all the songs.
Sonu Nigam
But, of course, she didn’t mean that she was going to retire from public life and only when the Queen removed her HRH some years later did she actually drop a hundred charities and just kept five.
Anthony Holden
I wrote that letter, and the one to Nixon. And I wrote more letters, and I thought it might be a magazine article. At that time I sent it to Esquire and Playboy, but anyway, I kept writing, and all of sudden I had enough and thought, well maybe it is a book.
Don Novello
I would rather be kept alive in the efficient if cold altruism of a large hospital than expire in a gush of warm sympathy in a small one.
Aneurin Bevan
I’ve never kept a record of anything.
Sean Connery
Let your literary compositions be kept from the public

Let your literary compositions be kept from the public eye for nine years at least.
I gave it my body and mind, but I have kept my soul.
Phil Jackson
I kept an open mind on the question of whether a hominid had been present in Europe in the early Pleistocene.
Louis Leakey
See, I have no journalism in my background, so I wasn’t practised at research or writing non-fiction, nor at handling the truth in a journalistic way. Journalists know when to call a halt and write something, but I kept on looking for answers.
John Sladek
I discovered that I wanted to be an actor back when I did my first play in junior high. I’ve been doing theater in junior high and high school, and I just kept feeding the fire, kept wanting to pursue acting full-on.
Michael Steger
I felt the term ‘plus size’ was inaccurate and kept all these beautiful, stunning women with the widest spectrum of body types I’ve ever seen – mind you, curvy agencies start at a size 6 and go up to a size 18 – from being seen and resonated with.
Barbie Ferreira
It is very important to me to maintain a consistent workout regimen during the season. The Bulls staff does a great job with providing me with a weekly workout, and these kept me energized throughout my rookie season. In the off season, I try to increase my strength and add new dimensions to my game.
Derrick Rose
I don’t have any secrets I need kept any more.
Frank Ocean
Vision is perhaps our greatest strength… it has kept us alive to the power and continuity of thought through the centuries, it makes us peer into the future and lends shape to the unknown.
Li Ka-shing
When I was young, I kept trying to read ‘Moby-Dick’, and I couldn’t get that far into it. And I kept thinking, ‘Well, man, if I can’t read the great American novel, I could never be a writer.’ And this bothered me a great deal.
Nick Tosches
From sixteen to twenty, all women, kept in humor by their hopes and by their attractions, appear to be good-natured.
Samuel Richardson
I went to a regular school… education kept me sane.
Romeo Miller
I’m a bit of a scaredy cat. Personally, I don’t like to be kept up at night.
Laurie Holden
I don’t watch a lot of the games on Sunday. But I always kept an eye on the 49ers.
Joe Montana
If you got more than one letter from somebody who said they hated you, it meant they kept watching.
Trevor Moore
I didn’t tell any of my friends that I wanted to be a comedian, because I was superstitious. I thought if I told people, it wouldn’t happen. So I kept it all in my head for years and years.
Steven Wright
After I left the White House, I kept a foothold in the business of American politics; as a talk-show host, analyst, commentator, speechmaker, and occasional writer. I was no longer a practitioner, but I was still a partisan, a Democrat, a blue-stater through and through.
Dee Dee Myers
Summer I was 13, my grandfather and my father taught me how to play golf. I took lessons that summer, and I played every day that summer. I probably would’ve kept playing, except I realized that girls don’t watch golf; they watch tennis. So I let my golf game go dormant and started playing tennis.
Thomas Gibson
My parents sent me to Montreal because I kept getting kicked out of school in France.
Emmanuelle Beart
Remember, if you do the same act for 20, 30 years it gets a little boring unless you’ve got something else going for you… And the orchestra really kept you going. They’d laugh at all your jokes, even if they’d been hearing them for the last 30 years.
Donald O’Connor
I was inherently slightly more bitter or cynical and that kept me from going to the commercial formulaic crowd. Also, I went to an art college and I did my foundation in art.
Abhay Deol
I am representing here – the sound of silence. The cry of innocence. And, the face of invisibility. I represent millions of those children who are left behind, and that’s why I have kept an empty chair here as a reminder.
Kailash Satyarthi
Historically, our culture has not made room for the nuances of humanity. People have not been kept safe: women, people of colour, queer people, transgender people.
Indya Moore
I haven’t lived my life through my daughters. Some parents devote everything to their children, which must be so hard, and it’s very beautiful. But I’m a working parent, so I’ve always kept my own life.
Annie Lennox
In ‘Taxi,’ I kept doing the same scene for three years. I was underused.
Jeff Conaway
Many people in their teens wonder about these big questions – what’s the meaning of life, what are we doing here – then somewhere in their 20s, they seem to say, ‘I’ll just get married. I’ll just have kids. I’ll get back to that later.’ But they never do. For me, it kept boiling.
Yuval Noah Harari
I came from the Bronx and a certain background. I worked really hard. I kept my focus on the right things.
Jennifer Lopez
Literary fiction is kept alive by women. Women read more fiction, period.
Khaled Hosseini
My feeling was, you plant some seeds. If they grow, great; if they don’t, you don’t take it personally. Not my problem; I just kept planting. Just like a farmer.
Hank Haney
To know what you prefer instead of humbly saying Amen to what the world tells you ought to prefer, is to have kept your soul alive.
Robert Louis Stevenson
Let us be sure that those who come after will say of us in our time, that in our time we did everything that could be done. We finished the race; we kept them free; we kept the faith.
Ronald Reagan
The heights by great men reached and kept were not atta

The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I had a very wise mother. She always kept books that were my grade level in our house.
Beverly Cleary
I always loved hitting a low fade to a back-right pin with the wind howling from the right. Not many guys could get it close in that situation, because they kept it low by just putting the ball back in their stance. You see, playing the ball back turns you into a one-trick pony – you can only hit hooks.
Lee Trevino
We have often been attracted to the story of the other, the outcast. And he and I just loved working together, so it just kept happening, and our relationship is completely bound up with our work. We enjoy each other’s art.
Julie Taymor
Pain is part of the past. There isn’t one of us who doesn’t still carry childhood wounds. Some are more horrific than others, but no matter how painful your young memories are, there were also glorious moments that kept you alive, or you would not be here today.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman came to see our show, We all had a drink before they set off on their travels, and we kept in touch.
Kelly Jones
An increasing number of Canadians must juggle the demands of work with the need to care for children, or for family members who are ill or too frail to care for themselves. Our programs have simply not kept pace with these societal changes.
Kim Campbell
I mean he’s a very famous director… they’re not going to put their… and he’s very tough, he doesn’t like interference at all, so he kept them at bay.
Ronald Harwood
My granny was very concerned that we weren’t baptised – Mum had been desperate to escape her own Catholic upbringing. But Granny thought we were blighted. Whenever we turned up at her house, she would flick holy water – from the font she kept by the door – over us, in the hope that it would save us from damnation.
Natascha McElhone
The applause from the audience gives me a high. Probably that’s what has kept my love for theatre intact.
Y. G. Mahendran
During the time I was on The Hardy Boys, I was also watching other people’s careers. I thought the next step was to be a movie star. I kept saying no to projects, and offers stopped coming in. I was no longer hot.
Parker Stevenson
We had no idea what we were in for when we started Blue Sky. We just had an idea of what we wanted to do. When we got to a point where it seemed impossible, we just kept doing it. After 18 years, we have a lot of it done.
Chris Wedge
I believe that some of us who were kept by God a long while before we found Him love Him better perhaps than we should have done if we had received Him directly, and we can preach better to others – we can speak more of His loving-kindness and tender mercy.
Charles Spurgeon
My mother fed my love of demons, science fiction, and paranormal. She was a devout horror movie fan who kept me up until the wee hours to watch ‘Outer Limits,’ ‘Night Gallery,’ ‘Twilight Zone,’ and ‘Star Trek.’ We lived to watch those reruns.
Sherrilyn Kenyon
My parents dreaded the fact that I was changing my life to do this, but I just kept doing it.
Jason Mraz
‘3:10 to Yuma’ was one that I just kept on talking and thinking about after reading it. And I think the reason is because, like in most Westerns, you have the very clear-cut bad-guy/good-guy, however, as the movie progresses, you kind of see that it’s a very fine line that divides these two.
Christian Bale
There are too many books I haven’t read, too many places I haven’t seen, too many memories I haven’t kept long enough.
Irwin Shaw
I was a Senate spouse for many, many years. I kept my own career. I was teaching and Joe was doing politics. I realized when we were elected vice president that I had a platform and I knew I was not going to waste my platform. It was going to focus women and girls’ education.
Jill Biden
The old bastions of the post-communist regime collapsed before my very eyes. The monsters who had kept Ukraine in a criminal state left the stage.
Yulia Tymoshenko
Many U.S. military bases are located in northern Okinawa and a number of drills are conducted there. We’ll work with the U.S. military to ensure that effects on local communities are kept to the minimum.
Yoshihide Suga
I kept bugging them about making it more upscale, because I felt Abby, through her cleverness and business sense, was a character who would move up. And that’s what she did.
Donna Mills
I love Chicago. I lived there briefly for three months and kept a boat under one of those space-age buildings. It was very Jetsons.
Candace Bushnell
When I first started, they were trying to get me into sitcoms – I think because I had that kind of Wonder Bread look and my hair always went into place. I kept saying, ‘I’m not good at sitcoms. I don’t know how to do that.’
Brad Pitt
If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25 cars that got 1,000 MPG.
Bill Gates
In school, I didn’t speak up often in class. I was never the person to yell out an answer. If I knew it, I might whisper it to my buddy and let him answer. I kept quiet.
Lyle Lovett
Abraham wasn’t perfect. He failed, made mistakes. But, he would go back, get right with God, and then just keep moving forward. He didn’t quit when things got hard. He just kept on going. And everywhere he went, God was there. God was with him.
Anne Graham Lotz
A productive employee who is kept busy working at his or her job is far more likely to be happy at that job and less likely to look for employment elsewhere.
Zig Ziglar
I really got my money’s worth from colleges in Sheffield and Rotherham because I kept dropping out, and I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do at first, like a lot of teenagers.
Sean Bean
I would like to be remembered as a guy who had a set of priorities, and was willing to live by those priorities. In terms of accomplishments, my biggest accomplishment is that I kept the country safe amidst a real danger.
George W. Bush
My cousin lives in Delhi, so I kept visiting the city and got really fascinated with DU. Apart from studies, one also gets good exposure to music here. For an artist, there are a lot of opportunities in the city.
Mohit Chauhan
We always kept believing in ourselves and our team and the car.
Sebastian Vettel
The best bands kept making records and had this evoluti

The best bands kept making records and had this evolution, where by the end, by their commercial phase or sellout phase, the records are from outer space.
Ariel Rechtshaid
I’ve kept a diary since I was 11. It’s a way of taking stock, almost meditative, trying to make sense of stuff because life is chaotic.
Richard E. Grant
My first taste memory is pickle. Even as a kid, I was really weird. I liked chillis. I used to climb up the shelves in my grandmother’s pantry. The pickle jar was kept right at the top. One time, I dropped the jar and it broke. I was totally busted.
Padma Lakshmi
Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
Albert Einstein
This was almost two hours of factual documentary. In our audience ratings, barely no one left the programme. The whole of his life is so fascinating and people kept watching for that reason.
Martin Bashir
My sister had been praying for me since I was born: my sister, Stephanie, my namesake. That’s what she is to me; my namesake – Stephanie, Stephon. Stephanie – that’s my daughter’s name. I kept it in the family.
Stephon Marbury
The first lover is kept a long while, when no offer is made of a second.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
The lesson that any thinking person draws from the Stewart saga is that when the government asks questions, run for your lawyer and don’t say a word. Had Stewart kept her mouth shut, she’d be OK.
Allan Sloan
I knew my ways were unfulfilling. I chased power, pleasure, possessions, something satisfying. I knew I kept getting let down. I knew it was insanity, and I was never going to find fulfillment, but I didn’t know what else to look for.
Throughout my life, I’ve always believed that the sole purpose of public service is to improve the lives of the people around us. From the Freeport Town Council to serving as Speaker of the State House, I’ve kept that sense of purpose close to my heart – consistently and passionately asking myself how we make progress.
Sara Gideon
I’ve always written. There’s a journal which I kept from about 9 years old. The man who gave it to me lived across the street from the store and kept it when my grandmother’s papers were destroyed. I’d written some essays. I loved poetry, still do. But I really, really loved it then.
Maya Angelou
When I originally entered UCLA, I had planned to go for a film major, but I kept finding myself taking math classes for fun, ’cause I missed them from high school!
Danica McKellar
It’s a nice visual. I had just done Blade and I put on more weight for Blade and I thought I might as well use it so I kept it and added a little more. I wanted him to be a big bear.
Ryan Reynolds
As I kept having episodes of depression, I realized that it was not a one-off: that I had, well, not a disease, really – more an illness.
Spike Milligan
If you have a great day at work and you’ve been hit with all these great ideas and there’s a lot of excitement on your team, your mind doesn’t turn off. For years I’ve kept a pad of paper and pen by me at night, because things just occur to you.
Anne Sweeney
We are cutting things kids like-music, art, and gym classes; stuff that kept me in school. This country can’t survive without you kids. It’s all about you kids.
Tony Danza
Honesty is a good thing, but it is not profitable to its possessor unless it is kept under control.
Don Marquis
I already have my dream job. Acting was the only thing that ever really kept my attention, and I’m very fortunate that I can have a career doing something I love.
Brant Daugherty
Although we dealt decisively with all terrorist organizations, we at the same time not only maintained, preserved our democracy, but kept improving it.
Bulent Ecevit
I got so passionate about technology. Hacking to me was like a video game. It was about getting trophies. I just kept going on and on, despite all the trouble I was getting into, because I was hooked.
Kevin Mitnick
We were playing a small club in San Diego and the power had gone out in the building. Eddie had a lighter and kept us lit backstage. We became very good friends and spent a lot of time together including hearing Eddie sing in some of the bands he was in at the time.
Jack Irons
There’s this weird game called ‘Blueberry Garden.’ For that game an artist recorded some piano music, but evidently he only had a really terrible microphone on top of the piano, and I really liked it and wanted to experiment with that. So, I made piano recording and really mangled it, and kept experimenting with the technique.
No man can stand still; the moment progress is not made, retrogression begins. If the blade is not kept sharp and bright, the law of rust will assert its claim.
Orison Swett Marden
I remember the first time I had sex – I kept the receipt.
Groucho Marx
We were kept at work, and permitted to speak with each other only on such subjects as related to the Convent, and all in the hearing of the old nuns who sat by us.
Maria Monk
Three publishers came to me at the White House after George lost and said, ‘We would like to publish your book.’ I said, ‘Well, I don’t have a book,’ and they said well it’s a well known fact that you have kept diaries.
Barbara Bush
We wanted to see this country win the war just as much as those advisors did. We felt we would help to do that by reporting the truth. And so there was the moral outrage over this general and the ambassador in Saigon who kept denying the truth we would see.
Neil Sheehan
Television is like the invention of indoor plumbing. It didn’t change people’s habits. It just kept them inside the house.
Alfred Hitchcock
Perhaps I am naive, but I believe that at this point in history, the greatest danger to our freedom and way of life comes from the reasonable fear of omniscient State powers kept in check by nothing more than policy documents.
Edward Snowden
You can never rely on musicians. I quit high school at one point to make a go of it with this band and we kept breaking up. So I went back to school.
David James Elliott
I’ve never hung around with any models. I’ve always hung around with my friends from school and kept myself to myself.
Georgia Salpa
And we have a little herb garden, which survived the wi

And we have a little herb garden, which survived the winter thanks to global warming. It makes me feel like a cool, old Italian housewife, that I kept my rosemary alive outside all winter.
Elizabeth Gilbert
I kept telling my mom that reading comic books would pay off.
Joss Whedon
Candidate Obama promised to fundamentally transform America and that’s one promise he has kept. Turning a shining city on a hill into a sinking ship.
Sarah Palin
I’ve kept all of my shirts that wore in the World Cup games, and I’ll be giving them to my family to keep.
Sadio Mane
Robert Burns enriched Scottish song with his genius and is mainly responsible for the rich treasure house of song that we enjoy today. He collected folk songs, retained the melodic line, kept what words were usable and rewrote the rest. He didn’t claim ownership.
Jimmy Reid
I just kept it real and had the freedom to do what I want. It’s not designed for any age group. It’s not made for radio. There are no edits. The whole album contains explicit lyrics but that’s because you need it.
Vanilla Ice
This campaign was special because we always kept the challenger mentality we had from the start. We managed to keep the against-all-odds, can-do spirit that kept us going when no one thought we could win.
Geoff Davis
When I did see the story of Persephone, I was really drawn to it. Persephone, the goddess of spring, was kept from Olympus by her mother, Demeter, because Demeter was very worried that the gods of Olympus would do something terrible to her.
Meg Cabot
All of these people kept on being professional musicians and composers in the strictest sense.
James Tenney
I was deliciously happy filming ‘True Blood.’ I even kept all the scripts in my office, which I never do with any script. Although I did shred them all in one go when the series finished; it seemed like a ritual, somehow.
Michelle Forbes
I loved writing ‘Two Brothers’ more than anything else I have written. It’s the first book I’ve written that I’ve always known I wanted to write. Having said that, it also kept me awake at nights.
Ben Elton
With one terrible exception, the Civil War, law and the Constitution have kept America whole and free.
Anthony Lewis
I think I wrote the first draft of ‘Nightmare on Elm Street’ in ’79. No one wanted to buy it. Nobody. I felt very strongly about it, so I stayed with it and kept paying my assistant and everything. At a certain point, I was literally flat broke.
Wes Craven
When we were trying to get the money for Driving Miss Daisy, everyone kept saying no one could direct it well enough to entertain an audience for 100 minutes essentially watching three people chatting in the kitchen.
Bruce Beresford
I’ve been quite fascinated by the relative insignificance of human existence, the shortness of life. We might as well be a letter in a word in a sentence on a page in a book in a library in a city in one country in this enormous universe! And that kind of fear and insignificance has kept me awake at night.
Laura Marling
When I took my first job, I was among only a handful of women. It was isolating at times. My love for technology kept me going, and I got to where I am today driven by my passion and self confidence.
Padmasree Warrior
The human heart has hidden treasures, In secret kept, in silence sealed; The thoughts, the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures, Whose charms were broken if revealed.
Charlotte Bronte
I did about 10-12 national commercials and then got one line parts in things like ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ and the show ‘The Unit.’ Got a little part in the movie ‘Redbelt’ by David Mamet and kept slowly grinding up and then started getting bigger parts in independents and getting noticed by Liz Meriwether.
Jake Johnson
When I got my headshots done, there was this woman screaming at me to blow my lips out. She kept saying, ‘You want to be like Scarlett Johansson, don’t you?’ In the shot, my eyes are popping out; I look terrified. I realised I’d rather not get a job than go through pain to be something I’m not.
Jessie Cave
My mother kept asking me, ‘When are you going to do a gospel album?’ And I’ve always wanted to do a gospel album. Everybody was going on about it, so mom started hounding me more.
Alan Jackson
I kept my age quiet for a good few years. I didn’t see it as a positive. I worked remotely, so I just didn’t tell people.
Pete Cashmore
How much a dunce that has been sent to roam, excels a dunce that has been kept at home.
William Cowper
I kept listening to albums where I’d hear this very joyful sound – and it was always the glockenspiel. Then I ordered one online, and I figured out how to play it.
Rachel Boston
One of the first drawings I did in Paris – I wasn’t thinking of doing drawings, but somehow or other, I kept drawing – I bought a hyacinth flower with a lot of leaves, just to make me feel like spring.
Ellsworth Kelly
I just would like to keep going. If I kept getting the kind of work that I’ve been getting for the last 20 years for the next 20, I’d be a bloody Dame of the British Empire. I’d be so happy.
Anne-Marie Duff
I also believe our country made a promise to veterans and their families. Veterans have kept their end of the bargain, and now, the VA is looking to pull out the rug.
Ellen Tauscher
Dad kept us out of school, but school comes and goes. Family is forever.
Charlie Sheen
Association with my pupils has kept me young in my work. Criticism of their work has kept my own point of view clear.
William Merritt Chase
My door was open part of the time, and part of the time I tried to get a nap and their voices annoyed me, and I closed it. I kept it open in summer more or less, and closed in winter.
Lizzie Andrew Borden
In the 21st century, white America got a wake-up call after 9/11/01. White America and the western world came to realize that people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just ‘disappeared’ as the Great White West kept on its merry way of ignoring black concerns.
Jeremiah Wright
His mother should have thrown him out and kept the stork.
Mae West
I'm into everything. My iPod is very eclectic - if you

I’m into everything. My iPod is very eclectic – if you kept it on shuffle, you’d be amazed. For example, I was forced to grow up on Dolly Parton. My mum was obsessed by her. She bought all this memorabilia for the front room. It’s ridiculous.
Tinie Tempah
She not only kept her lovely figure, she’s added so much to it.
Bob Fosse
If God made anything better than women, I think he kept it for himself.
Kris Kristofferson
One time, I fought 90 fights in 90 days in 90 different places around the world. I didn’t even know who I was: about 45 or 50 in, they just kept pushing me, and that’s when I really get into a lot of trouble.
Roddy Piper
The fleet being thus more inclosed will more readily observe the signals, and with greater facility form itself into the line of battle a circumstance which should be kept in view in every order of sailing.
William Falconer
You know, so many people say TV makes you stupid. But it had the complete opposite effect on me. It kept me from having a really bad Southern accent.
DJ Qualls
Life was simple and the credit goes to my parents. They decided to bring us up in a certain way and kept us away from public eye. I am doing the same with my children.
Aishwarya R. Dhanush
A lot of women have been whistle-blowers in the past, and a lot of them have just gotten torn down and treated terribly. One of the things that kept popping up was this idea that if you do whistle-blow about sexual harassment, then that is what will define the rest of your life.
Susan Fowler
You couldn’t define the ’80s when the ’80s were happening. We kept changing. We had shoulder pads, then we didn’t. It was revealing, and then it was decoration. It was a lot of things at once. It was defined when it was over.
Donatella Versace
When the doctors showed me an X-ray of my brain, they pointed to a black hole on the upper left side and told me that all memory from that spot was dead. I thought to myself that I hoped that’s where I kept ‘The Orange Blossom Special.’
Johnny Gimble
I had to get rid of any idea of hell or any idea of the afterlife. That’s what held me, kept me down. So now I just have nothing but contempt for the institution of the church.
Frank McCourt
So it’s kind of nervous to be in this situation, but at the same time you look at all those actors and the work that they’ve done, I’ve been in bigger films than all of them and still kept my integrity and still kept my respect.
Shia LaBeouf
The journey of Robert the Bruce became my journey because the moral of that story – as every schoolchild is taught in Scotland – is he went into this cave and watched a spider trying to spin its web and it kept failing several times, and then it finally succeeded.
Angus Macfadyen
Having now reached a point where danger might be reasonably apprehended from strolling war parties of Indians, spies were kept in advance and strict diligence observed in the duty of sentinels.
William Henry Ashley
I thought to be feminine was to give in to straight culture, or the beauty standard, but in my heart I had a flair for fashion and style. They were passions I kept secret because I didn’t understand I could love clothes and hair and makeup and still like girls.
Beth Ditto
I spent money, I slept with women around the league, but I always kept my mind on the game.
Dennis Rodman
When I was in Greenough, Montana, I came across a bear cub. I was off this path, and I thought, If there’s a bear cub, that means there’s a mother bear somewhere nearby. So I doubled back. If I’d kept going, I’m sure they would have eventually found my sneakers, and that’s about it.
Al Roker
Everyone understands the European Union is a failure. It has not kept any of its promises – in particular about prosperity, security – and, worst of all, has put us under a guardianship.
Marine Le Pen
The Cape Town is considerably increased within the last eight years. Its respectability with regard to strength has kept pace with its other enlargements and rendered it very secure against any attempt which is not made with considerable force.
William Bligh
There is a pride, a self-love, in human minds that will seldom be kept so low as to make men and women humbler than they ought to be.
Samuel Richardson
I cannot be a placard waver for every campaign; that’s why I have mostly kept quiet about gay marriage.
Clare Balding
Luckily, the public school system that I was in had a really great drama program, so I plunged into that. It really sort of kept me afloat because I was bored in school.
Allison Scagliotti
I kept on trying to use so many media and ideas in my work because our horizon is so vast and Indian culture is so rich that I think what we are today, culturally, we have a unique position and I don’t think one lifetime is enough to encompass it.
M. F. Husain
Let us keep the dance of rain our fathers kept and tread our dreams beneath the jungle sky.
Arna Bontemps
My parents kept us sheltered from this world of Hollywood. I don’t have any great memories of bouncing on Cary Grant’s knee or something like that.
Tony Goldwyn
What I love most about Her Majesty is that she has kept hats alive in people’s minds for more than 60 years. You can’t think of her without imagining her with a hat or a crown. I would, of course, love to design one for her.
Philip Treacy
The purposeful restriction of knowledge has been at the heart of untold misery and hardship in this world. Serfs were kept illiterate so as to not jeopardize the feudal system. Slaves were kept in the dark on a variety of subjects so as to not provide them the possibility of escape.
Niger Innis
Golf has probably kept more people sane than psychiatrists have.
Harvey Penick
I kept my babies fed. I could have dumped them, but I didn’t. I decided that whatever trip I was on, they were going with me. You’re looking at a real daddy.
Barry White
We all used to collect baseball cards that came with bubble gum. You could never get the smell of gum off your cards, but you kept your Yankees cards pristine.
Penny Marshall
My dad was the manager at the 45,000-acre ranch, but he owned his own 1,200-acre ranch, and I owned four cattle that he gave to me when I graduated from grammar school, from the eighth grade. And those cows multiplied, and he kept track of them for years for me. And that was my herd.
Dave Brubeck
When Paul was arrested in Japan for having hash in his

When Paul was arrested in Japan for having hash in his luggage, I thought he’d be out that night. But it became really serious stuff when he was kept in a cell. I became more fearful as the days went by.
Linda McCartney
Patients who are being kept alive by technology and want to end their lives already have a recognized constitutional right to stop any and all medical interventions, from respirators to antibiotics. They do not need physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia.
Ezekiel Emanuel
I’m all in favour of free expression provided it’s kept rigidly under control.
Alan Bennett
Being under the microscope meant I was never given any slack. I still managed to screw up plenty in life, mind you, but in the things I really cared about – the legal work, or the stories I was telling as a writer, or the office I built in government – I wasn’t left a lot of margin for error. It’s kept me driven.
Ronan Farrow
When the Beatles came in, I really concentrated on making a lot of movies. Those beach films that we did were a lot fun. They hit with an audience that related to what we were trying to do on the screen. That kept me going all through that Beatle period.
Frankie Avalon
A promise made should be a promise kept.
Steve Forbes
Despite my firm convictions, I have always been a man who tries to face facts, and to accept the reality of life as new experience and new knowledge unfolds. I have always kept an open mind, a flexibility that must go hand in hand with every form of the intelligent search for truth.
Malcolm X
I was in the tennis bubble. I wasn’t thinking about the big picture. I didn’t notice what they said on television, I wasn’t reading any papers. I had a coach and a manager, and they kept me in the bubble.
Boris Becker
It is in the public interest to know what our governors are up to. If they are up to doing good, then they are only too happy to let us know. When they are up to no good, they want that kept secret.
Jimmy Reid
I’ve always kept a low profile, and I like it that way.
A. James Clark
I don’t collect any memorabilia. I wish I’d have kept everything I had. But who knew you had to keep it. Just gave it away. And we lost so much and we didn’t look after a lot of it.
Ringo Starr
Getting married and then having children just centered me and grounded my values. It was like a whole new world. It started happening in New York with a little play called Cruise Control, where I relaxed, and then I kept getting work in Hollywood till this series happened.
Patricia Richardson
People just loved the sound because I kept it simple.
Dick Dale
I hit Damian Fuller with a left hook that left him laid out for 30-45 minutes. They brought oxygen to him, they couldn’t wake him up, he was out cold. The television station kept having to take breaks, he was out so long. It was unbelievable. That was the best one-shot I’ve ever done in my life.
Diego Corrales
I guess the thing that I’m most proud of is that I kept on writing poetry. I understand that poetry is sort of the source of everything I do. It’s the source of my creativity.
Erica Jong
The Indians kept increasing in numbers until it was estimated that we were fighting from 800 to 1,000 of them.
Buffalo Bill
Friendship is like money, easier made than kept.
Samuel Butler
Great abundance of riches cannot be gathered and kept by any man without sin.
Desiderius Erasmus
I was a slow starter. I didn’t really make any dazzling impressions. But I don’t really regret that because I learned a lot along the way. I always kept busy – I found my way my way, and I’m happy about it.
Christopher Lloyd
When I first turned elite in gymnastics, when I was 14, that’s when I really became more inspired than ever. I just always kept that in the back of my mind, and always thought about making the 2012 team.
Aly Raisman
When I started writing ‘A Million Little Pieces,’ I felt like it was the right story with the style I had been looking for, and I just kept going.
James Frey
The Emmy should be an ensemble award, too. I kept howling at everyone else’s performances.
Jeffrey Tambor
And I just remember, you know, breaking into tears and feeling so empty because, as long as Elvis was in the world, you always knew something was going and he always had something that kept everybody mesmerized.
Jackie DeShannon
But for me, my personal relations, my personal family relations, are very important, and we’ve always tried to make sure that the public and the private are kept separate.
David Miliband
School district policies and practices have not kept pace with student and teacher needs.
Eli Broad
This guy kept telling us that rock was the big thing, everyone’s talking about the big thing, our band was the big thing. So he made us change our name to The Big Thing. Can you believe that?!
Terry Kath
We were doing press for this movie that my friends and I made for $5,000 called ‘Brothers Justice,’ that I also wrote and directed. And during the press of that, people kept saying, ‘What’s next, what’s next?’ And my best friend Nate and I – Nate produced it – we kept saying, ‘Oh, we’re gonna do a car-chase movie next.’
Dax Shepard
Life must be lived and curiosity kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life.
Eleanor Roosevelt
The candle of liberty has always been kept lit by a vigilant few.
Russell Pearce
Letter writing was clearly important to Reagan. Even as president he kept dashing off letters to friends, pen pals, media people, statesmen, critics, and the kind of people who write to presidents never expecting a reply.
Russell Baker
Rage is the only quality which has kept me, or anybody I have ever studied, writing columns for newspapers.
Jimmy Breslin
The start-up life kept me busy and surfaced the problem

The start-up life kept me busy and surfaced the problem of not being able to stay on top of my personal finances, which led me to invent I was working 80-hour weeks, and had done enough preliminary work and research to know I had a big idea: To make money management effortless and automated.
Aaron Patzer
Boxing has kept me off the streets, stops me smoking and drinking and gives me something to do.
Billy Joe Saunders
Orson Welles’s second ‘I-did-it’ should show once and for all that film making, radio and the stage are three different guys better kept separated. ‘The Magnificent Ambersons’ is one of those versions of the richest family in town during the good old days.
Manny Farber
From the time we’re born until we die, we’re kept busy with artificial stuff that isn’t important.
Tom Ford
When I had a child, everyone was telling me that I was going to see the world through her eyes, and everything was going to get this nice gloss to it. I kept waiting for that to happen, and thought there was a real problem with me that it wasn’t.
Eddie Vedder
I never gave away anything without wishing I had kept it; nor kept it without wishing I had given it away.
Louise Brooks
My mother was a Sunday school teacher. So I am a byproduct of prayer. My mom just kept on praying for her son.
Steve Harvey
I’ve pent up all my aggression, kept swallowing it and swallowing it.
Mark David Chapman
At the Isle of Wight, the sound went out and kind of kept on going. And I wasn’t… when I came off stage I was kind of unhappy about how we had played. But now, I listen back to those recordings and it’s not bad.
Keith Emerson
Like most women, I thought it would be easy once I decided to start a family. I was surprised that Mother Nature kept poking me in the eye, saying, ‘Nope, nope, nope.’
Nia Vardalos
Here’s the thing, back in the day, a lot of guys would make fun of me, that I would sing and dance, that I was a cheerleader. But I kept my head on straight. I had goals.
Carlos Pena, Jr.
I think that in itself is kind of an amazing achievement to be able to say that your full-time career is in any creative arts, let alone a show that has kept people interested for coming on four seasons and hopefully more.
Anna Paquin
We say to the British government: you have kept those sculptures for almost two centuries. You have cared for them as well as you could, for which we thank you. But now in the name of fairness and morality, please give them back.
Melina Mercouri
I used to pride myself on the fact that I kept a house running and never burdened anybody.
Michael Learned
Finally I had a place where I could express my pain and I felt safe because I didn’t have to put my name on it. I think acting kept me alive back then.
Lindsay Wagner
‘Bahubali’ did not happen overnight. The producer Shobhu Yarlagadda, Prabhas, and I kept talking and discussing and imagining.
S. S. Rajamouli
Every year I just kept going back to gymnastics, but I didn’t start out training 10 hours a day. When I turned 10 or 11, I got more serious and I focused a lot on making it to the elite level, and from there I just kept going.
Shawn Johnson
I have kept journals at different times in my life. And a lot of my early notebooks became places where I would just think on the page, trying to parse what I was feeling, to find out what I was thinking.
Tracy K. Smith
They made us many promises, more than I can remember, but they never kept but one; they promised to take our land, and they took it.
Red Cloud
I was brought up when media still kept totally away from violence when it came to children. I don’t think it would have made me scared of violence, but I find it repulsive.
George Michael