Top 300 Make A Difference Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Make A Difference Quotes from famous people such as Ananya Birla, Billy Butler, Mark Meadows, Al Horford, Jason Mraz, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The world belongs to those who want to make a differenc

The world belongs to those who want to make a difference, and gender is no barrier.
Ananya Birla
That’s the thing about pinch-hitting – you usually have a chance to make a difference in the game.
Billy Butler
In all humility, I don’t know that an endorsement from Mark Meadows is going to make a difference as much as the commitment of that particular candidate to really represent the people.
Mark Meadows
Usually I try to represent my community and my culture the best that I can, but I go about every day just trying to represent my family. I’m just trying to make a difference out in the world. I don’t even look at, necessarily, just the Latin community, I’m looking at everything in general.
Al Horford
By the end of the writing process, which is about 80 songs per album, I look at the material and think, what’s going to make a difference in someone’s life.
Jason Mraz
We tour the world and my carbon footprint is massive. I feel like it’s my responsibility to do something – not just to offset it but to help make a difference.
Oliver Sykes
I think if you show a player an avenue to make a difference, he’s going to bring that same intensity he brings on the field in his community.
Chris Long
One of the things which make any company successful, in particular the Home Depot, was that we understood and catered to the customer. If it didn’t sell, it didn’t make a difference what we thought or our research told us. They told us if it was successful by buying it or not.
Bernard Marcus
If we make a difference in Ohio, we can make a difference on a national scale.
Gordon Gee
People need to believe they can make a difference – that one person standing strong can turn the tide.
Ann Aguirre
Testifying has helped me understand that one individual’s behavior and actions make a difference. That my actions are important to people other than myself.
Anita Hill
I am a firm believer that you can make a difference in someone’s life – whether they’re thousands of miles away, or on your own block.
Michelle Monaghan
I just want to go in with the right attitude and from Day 1 make a difference.
Freddy Adu
‘Unlikely Brothers’ talks about the importance of citizen action and shows why and how we can make a difference.
John Prendergast
I know I got to do something that’s one in a million, to escape a refugee camp, to come to this country and have so many doors open for me. So I want to go back and make a difference and give motivation or hope to all the kids that never got to leave or have the privilege that I did.
Halima Aden
Don’t accept that you can’t make a difference. Because if you can’t make a difference, you won’t make a difference, and if you put a multiplier on that we will continue on an unsustainable pathway.
Maurice Strong
An individual can make a difference, but a team can make a miracle.
Doug Pederson
This is what climate action is all about – all sectors of the economy, from places large and small, recognizing the moral imperative and the economic opportunity, stepping up and doing what they can to make a difference.
Brian Deese
It is all about experience. When you are 7-8 years old, you start playing school cricket and score runs; my coaches, from school level to Rahul Dravid Sir now, all those small, small things – the experiences make a difference.
Prithvi Shaw
Every day, Iowans step up and make a difference together through volunteerism.
Kim Reynolds
Whatever I want to do, I want to make a difference.
Madelyn Cline
I just want to make people happy and make a difference in people’s lives.
JoJo Siwa
It’s kind of hard to sit on the bench and watch your team go down when you think you can go out there and make a difference.
Paul Millsap
To have a platform to make a difference ultimately, which is what I want to do with my life, we’ve got to win football games. When you’re highly paid and your losing, no one really cares what you have to say.
Kirk Cousins
It’s easy to make a buck. It’s a lot tougher to make a difference.
Tom Brokaw
I’m going to make a difference in other people’s lives because who I am as a person rather than who I was as a football player.
Ryan Leaf
I made a pact with myself when I was younger that if were to ever grow up to be someone, I would be someone who would make a difference, instead of being just another person on the planet who doesn’t look into anything.
Hannah Teter
If you are just using the service to look at Web sites and download e-mail, then a DSL line may be cheaper. It is when you have more data going out that wireless can make a difference.
Blake Farenthold
I can’t say who is the best, because all of them have their qualities. There are many goalkeepers out there who can make a difference.
Marc-Andre ter Stegen
My own American Dream was to serve my country as best I could and make a difference in America – and in the world.
Buzz Aldrin
Doesn’t make a difference who you’re auditioning for; whatever it is, you have an audience, and you have a role, and you have the opportunity to perform that role the best you can for this audience. If you look at it like that, it doesn’t make a difference if you get the part or not.
Jon Voight
Most superhero shows are set in an alternative universe

Most superhero shows are set in an alternative universe. ‘Black Lightning’ is literally in the hood. He’s going inside of the ghetto and trying to make a difference.
Nafessa Williams
At least one reason for trying to live lives that make a difference is that by so living, we hope we will not be forgotten by those who benefit from our trying to make a difference. Yet to try to insure we will not be forgotten too often results in desperate manipulative strategies that are doomed to fail.
Stanley Hauerwas
I just want to make a difference. I want to make Chrysler the most profitable car company in the United States.
Sergio Marchionne
I was certainly a kid who believed he could make a difference in the world. I was, as a young person, cooking up plans. My hero is Billie Jean King, and the thing that I find so impressive about Billie Jean is that she took something as banal as playing tennis and used it to change the world. She really did.
Peter Paige
I ended up staying 10 years in Boston. It was nine as GM but 10 years there. That seemed about right: long enough to try to make a difference and try to contribute to winning teams and some championships.
Theo Epstein
I think the fact is that anybody who goes into politics feels like ‘I can make a difference’. But it’s not one person, you need so many others.
Drew Brees
The greatest advantage of being First Lady is the opportunity it presents to truly make a difference on issues of great importance.
Ann Romney
That’s the beauty of coaching. You get to touch lives, you get to make a difference. You get to do things for people who will never pay you back and they say you never have had a perfect day until you’ve done something for someone who will never pay you back.
Morgan Wootten
You can consciously make a difference with music. Bob Marley is one of those few artists that everyone can say that they love. He makes you feel good. It’s very real.
Kali Uchis
No matter how many shows or how much work we do, we are not going to make a difference. It’s only the masses that will make a difference.
Terri Irwin
I would take one of 15 half-million-dollar cars I owned and go to the mall and spend that much money. Stupid, stupid stuff. It’s like it didn’t make a difference. They were ego investments. I would have been great with three or four cars. I didn’t need a 117-foot boat.
Scott Storch
I think something that’s really important to share, having spoken now to lots of people who work within mental health support networks or people trying to make a difference, is that there is hope. There is help available.
Zoe Ball
When you become an instrument in God’s hands as He transfers someone from the realm of darkness into the kingdom of His Son, you make a difference in the person’s eternal destiny. Not only that, but Satan also receives a devastating blow.
Charles Stanley
I want to be remembered as someone who put India on the scientific map of the world in terms of large innovation. I want to be remembered for making a difference to global healthcare. And I want to be remembered as someone who did make a difference to social economic development in India.
Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
Multiple Sclerosis is obviously close to my heart and I’m determined to make a difference in the lives of people who suffer from the disease by raising the profile of MS, as well as raising funds for advocacy and research.
Ann Romney
You don’t always realize the impact you have on people’s lives. You just think ‘I’m an actor, I don’t think I’m doing anything particularly important in life’ and then you suddenly realize that actually for a fleeting moment you do make a difference to somebody’s life – it has an impact.
Sarah Lancashire
Anyone can make a difference, so you don’t have to have it be some huge, global campaign… you can start small, and that’s just as important.
Blake Mycoskie
I do make a difference. I just come out and provide a presence in the paint, defensively and offensively. I play hard.
Derrick Favors
While I knew that individuals had in history – and still could – make a difference, it seemed presumptuous – even pompous – to imagine that I could be part of it, that I could be one of them.
Samantha Power
I am not interesting in making money. I go to the most expensive restaurant in Boston to have dinner. It is where billionaires come to eat. Even if I become richer, I will still have to go there to eat. After some time, money doesn’t make a difference.
Pranav Mistry
Being honest about being bullied in school and my bipolar was not so much of a ‘do I or don’t I?’; it was waiting for the right time. Even before I knew what making a mark on the world meant, I knew I wanted to make a difference.
Ruby Rose
Everyone can do simple things to make a difference, and every little bit really does count.
Stella McCartney
I’m a film maker, not a crusader. I know a film will not change the world. If it can make a difference to a few that’s good enough.
Rajkumar Hirani
When everything is stripped away in life, everybody is a human being that has problems, that has issues, has flaws, that isn’t perfect. It doesn’t make a difference what your sex is, what your sexual preference is, what your race is or what your background is. If you’re a good person, you’re OK in my book.
Matt Hardy
When I ask teachers why they teach, they almost always say that it is because they want to make a difference in the lives of children.
Arne Duncan
I could make a difference.
Chris Burke
I believe that young kids have agency and can make a difference in the world.
Peter Paige
I chose to go to law school because I thought that someday, somehow I’d make a difference.
Christopher Darden
In global warming, I think everyone is scratching their heads – are there technological things that can be brought to bear that can make a difference?
Paul Allen
I used to feel guilty about having nice things, because there was so much good I could be doing with that money. I always tell people that, if you can afford what I’m wearing, then you can afford to make a difference. But fashion has taught me that it’s not a bad thing to love yourself and take care of yourself.
Rain Dove
We can stay in Afghanistan and the Middle East forever, and it won’t make a difference.
Virgil Goode
Some people think that you have to be the loudest voice

Some people think that you have to be the loudest voice in the room to make a difference. That is just not true. Often, the best thing we can do is turn down the volume. When the sound is quieter, you can actually hear what someone else is saying. And that can make a world of difference.
Nikki Haley
Thanks to ‘I’m Yours,’ I’m probably set for a really long time. The pressure I put on myself, or what I hope my ‘I Won’t Give Up’ does, is to make a difference in people’s lives… With ‘I’m Yours,’ I got to go out and set my feet on different continents, and expose myself to different cultures and causes.
Jason Mraz
Art and activism seem to go together naturally, the idea being that if you’re an entertainer, you can have a voice, and if you have a voice, you can make a difference. But if I were not an actress, I would still try to extend myself beyond my little micro-universe of my job, family and personal joy.
Salma Hayek
A player cannot rely only on his name to make a difference but also has to work hard and make things happen on the pitch.
Dani Alves
I’m incredibly impressed by people who organize to achieve a goal, and believe that they can make a difference and then go ahead and do just that. I think it’s incredible.
Fiona Apple
I like candidates who tell me something that is going to make a difference to me.
Ann Richards
When I got to be a CEO, I said: ‘Right. I’m now going to tackle gender inequality head-on. I’m going to make a difference and lead by example and actively put in place policies and practices to support women.’
Gail Kelly
As a young girl growing up in poverty, I know firsthand how much a paycheck from a summer job can make a difference.
London Breed
There are so many causes that you care about, but one can’t change or take on the world, so one has to really focus on where you feel you can – to use a very overworked phrase – truly try to do something to make a difference.
Anna Wintour
Teachers make a difference, and we would serve our students better by focusing on attracting and retaining the quality teachers by raising teacher pay.
Jeb Bush
My advice to young wrestlers is that your surroundings really make a difference. You want to put yourself in good, positive surroundings.
Dan Gable
There are a lot of studies about small businesses and how they make a difference in their community and create a lot of jobs and values. So we need to focus on small businesses or entrepreneurs who want to start manufacturing or making things.
Hamdi Ulukaya
I know it shouldn’t make a difference, but crossing the dateline, we weren’t sure what day it was – it was very strange. Now, I seem to cope with it better.
Phil Collins
Discovering your purpose doesn’t have to be complicated. Look at what you do and why you do it. Is it to support your family? That’s your purpose. Is it to make a difference in your customer’s life? That’s your purpose.
Anne F. Beiler
Regardless of whatever I do, I know what my purpose is: to make a difference in people’s lives.
Tim Tebow
If there’s one perk, it’s being the quarterback of America’s team and being able to make a difference off the field.
Dak Prescott
If you think about stripping away 80 percent of the things that don’t matter and focusing on the the 20 percent that will actually make a difference, I think you’ll find great results even in the toughest of situations and the harshest of environments.
Julia Hartz
I think that in the realm of commercial, popcorn cinema, the amount of message or smuggling of ideas you can get in there is quite limited. Like, if you think you’re going to make a difference or change anything, you’re on pretty dangerous thin ice.
Neill Blomkamp
I thought I could make a difference, so I ran for office.
Mary Fallin
I’ve always been interested in politics, and I would like to make a difference in people’s lives.
Shawn Bradley
It’s important that I make a difference in some way. It’s not necessarily how I make a difference, but I want to make sure that I do.
Clay Aiken
Being in the public eye makes you frightened to talk openly about things – which is precisely why you should. You can really make a difference and open up subjects that are taboo.
Sarah Lancashire
I never minded flying cheap. I always said to myself, ‘Taking this flight saves enough money to rescue four dogs, or six cats, or will let me make a difference to the one woman saving chimps in Cameroon.’
Elayne Boosler
I’m just glad I can make a difference in someone’s life.
Tommy Chong
It doesn’t make a difference what temperature a room is, it’s always room temperature.
Steven Wright
If you believe you can make a difference, not just in politics, in public service, in advocacy around all these important issues, then you have to be prepared to accept that you are not going to get 100 percent approval.
Hillary Clinton
I know as an athlete I want to use the platform for good and make a difference in a positive way. I think I can do that, and I want to do that.
Trea Turner
Justice Ginsburg is a shining example of how one person can impact our world and truly make a difference. May her memory be a blessing.
Mikie Sherrill
Leadership offers an opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life, no matter what the project.
Bill Owens
From the moment I became an established international cricketer I always had a strong feeling that I should be doing some ‘good’ while I had that profile, using it to try and make a difference.
Dale Steyn
A great team relies on its leaders and they have to make a difference at key moments.
Kylian Mbappe
For me, it's more about having fun out there and compet

For me, it’s more about having fun out there and competing and trying to make a difference in the game in every aspect that I can.
Gerrit Cole
The Almighty has plans for us to make a place so we can go on and make a difference. It all has to do with my faith; I am deeply religious. It goes back to my roots, to my mom and my dad.
Dikembe Mutombo
I decided very early on that the way to make a difference in my life and in other people’s lives was to give them services and products that are actually for the many and not for the few.
Stelios Haji-Ioannou
To make a difference, you have to have large aspirations.
Roshni Nadar
I talk to teachers, nurses, police officers, and families nearly every day in North Carolina. Their desire to make a difference inspires me.
Roy Cooper
Imagine someone with $10 finding a classroom project that speaks to them personally, seeing where their money is going, and realizing that they don’t need to be a millionaire to make a difference.
Charles Best
I want Americans to realize that we are the owners of this country, and that one person can make a difference.
Michael Moore
Scholars are deeply gratified when their ideas catch on. And they are even more gratified when their ideas make a difference – improving motivation, innovation, or productivity, for example. But popularity has a price: people sometimes distort ideas and, therefore, fail to reap their benefits.
Carol S. Dweck
One man won’t make a difference against sixty.
William Regal
I didn’t have traditional stage fright. If there was 500 people in the audience or three people in the audience, it didn’t really make a difference. What made a difference was the conductor. Everything that I was scared about as a drummer was him.
Damien Chazelle
I am a woman. I definitely have a woman’s perspective. I’m also a mother, and I think, because of that, I feel responsible to try and make a difference.
Nadine Labaki
I believe that each person can make a difference, but it’s so slight that there’s basically no point.
Lauren Lapkus
People always talk about first-ballot Hall of Famer and all that stuff, but it doesn’t really make a difference. Once you get in there, you’re a Hall of Famer. It doesn’t matter if you get in on the first, second or third ballot. It’s the same thing.
Gary Payton
I don’t want to make money; I want to make a difference.
Lady Gaga
If I wanted to make something that actually made a difference roughly in this industry, I would make a documentary. That would be the closest I could come to actually try and make a difference.
Neill Blomkamp
We simply must stand with the Boy Scouts and give them the support they need to make a difference in communities across West Virginia.
Jim Justice
You don’t have to be a nerd or a programmer or a network engineer to make a difference.
Rebecca MacKinnon
I’m interested in what it means to live in America. I’m interested in the kind of country that we live in and leave our kids. I’m interested in trying to define what that country is. I got the chutzpa or whatever you want to say to believe that if I write a really good about it, it’s going to make a difference.
Bruce Springsteen
I realized just how much exercise and eating right make a difference in how you feel now and when you get older.
Ashley Tisdale
Individual writers can certainly make a difference, but they are working within a system, an institution, that still holds tremendous power over whose voices are heard and whose voices are rewarded.
Marjorie Liu
Student loans, Social Security, and Medicare make a difference in the lives of working families every day, and the conversation that should be taking place is how we can save these programs, not weaken them.
Tammy Duckworth
Each year on Impact Day, I love seeing our people fill classrooms, parks, and training centers to make a difference in communities across the country.
Cathy Engelbert
When I left the San Francisco DA’s office, I went down to the Los Angeles district attorney’s office, and I was able to try a tremendous amount – very serious cases and working in gang neighborhoods, impoverished neighborhoods – really make a difference and be impactful in those communities.
Kimberly Guilfoyle
I’m an entertainer first. But I do as a stand up comedian, the way for me to evolve is to make a difference, to make people laugh and learn and do something different. Because there’s too many comedians out there just making people laugh. And anybody can do that.
Ralphie May
I think that passion is the secret ingredient that drives hard work and excellence. My passion is to serve the public: to be in the arena of public policy, to have the opportunity to solve problems for our country, to be in a position where I can make a difference.
Kelly Ayotte
It is our job to make a difference and leave the world a better place.
Karol G
My goal was to be at the point – no older than 40 – where I would have enough resources to make a difference in the lives of disadvantaged people.
Jeffrey Skoll
I believe that I exist for the people. I’m just here to try to make a difference, and hopefully, the people listen and trust me enough to contribute.
Bibi Bourelly
When I came to the Orlando Magic and saw work that they did in the community, I wanted to ripple off that and make a difference too.
Tobias Harris
I want to help kids when I’m no longer here, when I’m dead and gone. I want to help kids when I don’t have the energy and the time to help them but somehow still find a way to make a difference.
Tim Tebow
Like others before me, I have a great opportunity as an NFL player to make a difference in the lives of others.
Jason Witten
Praying can make a difference, and it is up to all of u

Praying can make a difference, and it is up to all of us to try that, with faith, and see if it will not support these admirable troops, their spouses, and their families.
Michael Enzi
I returned to India after long years of international service, because I had always cherished the desire to make a difference in my own country.
Shashi Tharoor
Make a difference about something other than yourselves.
Toni Morrison
As center you can push the ball. If you’re a big man and you can push the ball, or you can run fast, you can make a difference in the game.
Nikola Jokic
When I was growing up, government was the agent of change: it was a developing country. What was important was to make a difference.
Kiran Bedi
My great-grandfather started in the coal mines, and my great grandmother made 10 pounds of bread every Saturday morning that we delivered to the neighbors. It was always about giving back. These kinds of things drive me to make a difference.
Heather Bresch
Equipping a girl with even rudimentary ICT skills can make a difference in her productivity when she grows up, and this is especially true in developing regions and even in jobs that are viewed as ‘low-tech.’
Tae Yoo
My father took one of the toughest jobs in the government because he cared about his nation more than himself. His courage and conviction have always driven me to want to make a difference.
Pardis Sabeti
The last issue I remember where a president was involved was in the capital punishment of 1993 blasts convict Yaqub Memon. Otherwise, in your life, in my life, how does a president make a difference? Has a president ever stated his point of view on anything?
Raj Thackeray
Actors are agents of change. A film, a piece of theater, a piece of music, or a book can make a difference. It can change the world.
Alan Rickman
What material success does is provide you with the ability to concentrate on other things that really matter. And that is being able to make a difference, not only in your own life, but in other people’s lives.
Oprah Winfrey
You can satisfy your soul’s mission by committing to leaving something behind on this planet that will make a difference to those who come after you.
Debbie Ford
I think there’s no higher calling in terms of a career than public service, which is a chance to make a difference in people’s lives and improve the world.
Jack Lew
Building one garden in L.A. – it might be a nice gesture – but it won’t make a difference. We have to start to change the culture of the community.
Kimbal Musk
Given how well the cards have been dealt to someone like myself, I think there’s an inherent obligation to try to reach out and make a difference.
Max Walker
I just try to go out and help others, to do whatever I can to make a difference.
Dakota Meyer
Don’t be afraid to speak out about what you’re passionate about because your voice matters and your voice can, at the end of the day, make a difference.
Lexi Underwood
I just try to find things that either need to be done, should be done, or where I can make a difference in a significant way. And the things I’ve been able to participate in have been very, very exciting.
Paul Allen
I think I’ve shown I have the defensive discipline to play deep as the No.6 and start the build ups with my passing. I can also play higher up the pitch and make a difference in the opposition area. Being able to do both has helped me to play so many games.
Georginio Wijnaldum
You reach a certain point in your life where they things you do and say do make a difference.
Jimmy Webb
Businesses need to proactively create models that make a difference in society and let everyone else use them, talk about them, emulate them – and build on them.
Muhtar Kent
When you believe in what you’re doing and use your imagination and initiative, you can make a difference.
Samuel Dash
Rosa Parks was the queen mother of a movement whose single act of heroism sparked the movement for freedom, justice and equality. Her greatest contribution is that she told us a regular person can make a difference.
Marc Morial
If you take energy and climate change, you really cannot deal with the problems with energy and climate change without European co-operation at a high level. If you take digitalisation, it’s an obvious area where European co-operation can actually make a difference.
Gordon Brown
All that time I spent chasing Yale was time I could have been using to actually make a difference in the world. Bravery, not perfection, was the key that unlocked all the doors I’ve walked through since.
Reshma Saujani
Box office is one of the strongest tools we have toward preserving our ability to make our movies. We really can make a difference by purchasing a ticket each opening weekend to a movie made by a woman, even if you don’t like the movie or the filmmaker and even if you don’t see the film.
Allison Anders
As long as God lets me live, I want to do things that make a difference in the world besides play music.
Randy Owen
If you look at the scientists who really make a difference, they think boldly. They’re not afraid to question what they see.
Taylor Wilson
The top players talk more now, and we have more meetings. We’re just trying to get things better. But we still need somebody who could make a difference.
Martina Hingis
Take care, don’t fight, and remember: if you do not choose to lead, you will forever be led by others. Find what scares you, and do it. And you can make a difference, if you choose to do so.
J. Michael Straczynski
I have 2 million Twitter followers. Some of those people are also yogis and activists and people who really go out and make a difference. I do as much as I can with my voice. It’s effortless in some cases. I try to remind everybody that they have that kind of voice.
Russell Simmons
You can't make somebody love you, no matter what you do

You can’t make somebody love you, no matter what you do to yourself. You can get implants, you can get all these procedures, thinking you will be more of a woman for that person. But it does not make a difference. If they don’t love you, they won’t no matter what you do to your appearance.
Shirley Ballas
I think everyone can make a difference, I think even smiling at someone in the morning can make her day.
Manushi Chhillar
It doesn’t make a difference to anybody if I accept or quit a film.
Entrance music doesn’t make a difference.
Rory MacDonald
A lot of women don’t realize that even a small heel helps you throw your shoulders back and keep your chest up; it really does make a difference in the way you present yourself. It changes your posture and makes you look more confident.
Stacy London
I’ve been trying to make a difference as an actor. I want to play characters that move people, have them look at their lives differently, or give them an escape.
Hill Harper
It’s inevitable that if you do okay on something like that you don’t just annoy people, that it will make a difference because it seemed like such a lot of people so, yes I would have to say that it has done.
Jo Brand
Yes, across the board, these gentlemen understand they have the power to make a difference and even educate people to injustices that are occurring in their worlds.
Alexis Arguello
We are committed to doing everything we can at the state level to fight violent crime, but we can’t do it alone. The only way we can truly make a difference is by working together.
Mike Parson
Sports have an obligation to step up and make a difference.
Michael G. Rubin
It is all about the kind of experience you garner over the years, which tends to make a difference in the way you play at the top level.
Prithvi Shaw
To me, it is not necessarily you responding that trolls want: they want to scare, they want to intimidate, and they want to silence people – so ignoring it doesn’t make a difference.
Lauren Mayberry
I launched Chefs for Humanity, a national nonprofit, with my voice, heart and money from my own pocket. Money gives you the ability to make a difference in the world and, when used in a positive way, is a lot of fun.
Cat Cora
The players is what I enjoy, the training ground, making players better and believing in themselves because you can make a difference.
Neil Warnock
To be a member of the Labor Party is to be an optimist – optimistic about the future of Australia, optimistic about the ability of government to make a difference.
Kevin Rudd
I’ve been given an opportunity to make a difference.
Tamron Hall
All successful captains in the world have had long-term roles to make a difference.
I’m glad if my work can make a difference.
Lena Dunham
I started in politics as a fresh graduate wanting to make a difference, by bringing more political awareness and interest to young people.
Nicole Seah
I never get upset about what I read in the newspaper. I realize that every human being can make a difference in this world.
George Foreman
I believe that one person can make a difference.
Greta Thunburg
You have got to field well. If you don’t bat well, you can still make a difference by fielding well. There are times I have played games just because of my fielding.
Mohammad Azharuddin
I want to make a difference in the world because I believe that’s what science is for.
Craig Mello
Playing on Sky Sports doesn’t really make a difference to me.
Adebayo Akinfenwa
I can’t see anyone coming out, because the players feel it is no one’s business. We all stick together. We’re a very tight group. It would be too hard for just one person to do, too stressful. And why should it make a difference? The LPGA is about golf.
Hollis Stacy
It’s easier than you might think to make a difference in a kid’s life. There are no special requirements you have to have – you just kind of have to love the kids, and that comes naturally for me.
Sherri Saum
I believe that every single one of us, celebrity or not, has a responsibility to get involved in trying to make a difference in the world. Our generation faces many challenges, some of which were passed on to us by the past generations, but it’s up to us to find solutions today so that we don’t keep passing our problems on.
If health care is a $2.7 trillion industry, and a huge percentage is paid by the government, then you have to be involved in politics to make a difference.
Anne Wojcicki
The mission we are about is something that truly energises me. I feel that at Lockheed Martin we have the opportunity to make a difference… supporting men and women fighting for our peace and freedom.
Marillyn Hewson
Being a working mom, you want to make a difference in our schools, which is making a difference in our children and ultimately it’s making a difference in our community.
Kimora Lee Simmons
Do excellent work for Christ. So that’s my heart. It’s always been. And I want to be the best I can be. I want to make a difference in my generation.
Ricky Skaggs
If people support independently owned small businesses

If people support independently owned small businesses in their community, they can make a difference.
Kenneth Chenault
I know politics and politicians are hated, but I still believe in goodness of a heart that has selfless intentions. With the grace of God, I will make a difference.
Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore
I could just go to the horse races and take lovely holidays, but I have some strong views, and I want to make a difference.
Zac Goldsmith
In Formula One, the car can make a difference in a way that a driver cannot. Whereas Michael Schumacher and Ayrton Senna spent their early seasons in second-rate machinery, Hamilton walked into the equal best car on the grid. His first season none the less has, by any standards, been extraordinary.
Martin Jacques
As a young prosecutor, I used the Bureau of Criminal Investigation extensively. I saw that there were problems with BCI. Frankly, I thought I could fix them. I thought if I was successful, I could really make a difference as attorney general.
Mike DeWine
Some people get in the way of change happening. Some people spend their whole careers thinking they can make a difference. Other people want to do as little as possible to get the day done.
Amy Poehler
I want to be known as the mayor who happens to be Latino who made a difference. I ran to make a difference.
Antonio Villaraigosa
I don’t think that a vote for Barack Obama is a symbolic thing. I think it’s much more than that. It’s not just a black man. It’s not just a feel-good vote. It’s the idea of electing someone who really does want to make a difference.
Aunjanue Ellis
If you look at South Africa and President Nelson Mandela, it was people of the world who held their hands together and stood up to make a difference. So ‘people power’ is important.
Liz Mitchell
Something my mom and I have always said to each other is: ‘We’re not here for interviews. We’re not here to get your picture taken. We’re here to make a difference, and this is our opportunity to.’
Bailee Madison
Essentially, whoever is successful, whoever is going to do things that make a difference, is going to be talked about.
Mukesh Ambani
Society and government at all levels – the state level, the local level and, of course, the federal level – really needs to redouble its efforts if we’re really going to make a difference in combating autism.
Chris Smith
I’m very humbled by the fact that I do have so much to say, and I just hope that my walk, my honesty, will make a difference for people and maybe motivate them.
Jenifer Lewis
Each one of us can make a difference. Together we make change.
Barbara Mikulski
As my athletic career was coming to an end in 2007, I asked myself, do I want to work for somebody, or go out and make a difference?
Ronnie Coleman
Criticism is a funny thing, because I think if you want to be something, create something or make a difference in any walk of life you have to be hugely self-critical.
Mike Ashley
I’m trying to have everything that I put into the world be something that makes a difference in the way I want to make a difference.
David Friedman
Imagine that your life’s efforts serve as a mark of God and that the only way the divine is seen, heard or expressed is through the legacy you leave behind. The yearning to make a difference is your need to express your purpose and derive meaning from your time on earth.
Debbie Ford
We want to have a system where people can come here and work – go back and forth if they want to… so that we have an open door to the people who want to come and contribute to our country, who want to come and make a difference in their families’ lives and our economy.
Paul Ryan
Obviously it makes a difference if an author has a public online profile of some sort, even just down to the level of having a moderately popular blog. Most books sell 5, 10, or 15 thousand copies. Most are midlist books. With those people, even a modest online presence can make a difference in sales.
Patrick Nielsen Hayden
To make a difference within the football environment means to make a difference in the world.
Clarence Seedorf
Don’t make art for other artists or for ‘intellectuals’, make art for people – and if you can touch just one person in a lifetime and make a difference – you have succeeded.
Ray Conniff
It is important to nurture any new ideas and initiatives which can make a difference for Africa.
Wangari Maathai
What is Apple, after all? Apple is about people who think ‘outside the box,’ people who want to use computers to help them change the world, to help them create things that make a difference, and not just to get a job done.
Steve Jobs
All the makeup in the world won’t make a difference without great skincare.
Khloe Kardashian
You’ve got a bunch of kids out here that might not want to be athletes, but they want to learn how to make a difference in their community, and I’m trying to as best I can show an example of that.
Malcolm Jenkins
My husband believes that he can make a difference. He loves people.
Jackie Jackson
The Old Testament teaches us that if we humble ourselves and pray, God will hear from heaven and heal our land. And the New Testament assures us that the fervent prayers of righteous men can make a difference.
David Jeremiah
We’re fortunate that our fans worldwide have really embraced our evolution. We know how lucky we are. We want to change people’s lives. I’m not saying we’re God’s gift, but we’re trying to make a difference.
Synyster Gates
To be able to make a difference in one life is really what I’m all about. To make a change.
Booker T
I’ve come to recognize that social purpose must be embedded into the core DNA of a company. The questions ‘Why do we exist as a company?’ and ‘How do we make a difference?’ need to have the same answer.
Dan Schulman
Environmentalism isn't a discipline or specialty. It's

Environmentalism isn’t a discipline or specialty. It’s a way of seeing our place in the world. And we need everybody to see the world that way. Don’t think ‘In order to make a difference I have to become an environmentalist.’
David Suzuki
I was always brought up that if you can make a difference, you should, and if you don’t it’s a waste. So we’ll see if I can make a difference.
David Miliband
Popular as Keynesian fiscal policy may be, many economists are skeptical that it works. They argue that fine-tuning the economy is a virtually impossible task, and that fiscal-stimulus programs are usually too small, and arrive too late, to make a difference.
James Surowiecki
Documentaries make a difference.
Paul Watson
I think I play with no fear: I run at players regardless of who they are and try to make a difference.
Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain
I didn’t really get into the sport for fame. I didn’t get into it to be this infamous guy that everybody worships. I got into this sport to make a difference.
Tyron Woodley
I would say more power to women who scream from the rooftop about something wrong done to them, whether it is after 10 years or 20 or 50… It doesn’t make a difference.
Mahesh Bhatt
When you’re a kid, you have these big ideas and these big dreams to make a change, or maybe you feel like you can’t make a difference.
AnnaSophia Robb
It’s always inspiring to me to meet people who feel that they can make a difference in the world. That’s their motive, that’s their passion… I think that’s what makes your life meaningful, that’s what fills your own heart and that’s what gives you purpose.
Maria Shriver
I think we have a number of young people – like yourself – who want to make a difference. I’m not sure the numbers are as large because I think the burden of getting elected to public office at the national level has become astronomically expensive.
Birch Bayh
I’ve seen such a turnaround with this new administration, with President Trump, that when we came to a conclusion, the answer was yes – yes, we can make a difference.
Markwayne Mullin
Our associates are the heroes of our company’s story. They work hard to make a difference in the lives of millions of customers.
Doug McMillon
When I choose what I do, I ask, ‘Does it make a difference?’
Frances Hesselbein
Everyone needs to realize the responsibility they hold and realize where they can make a difference.
Philomena Kwao
You know, my dad served in the President’s Cabinet after his time as a governor. He told me he enjoyed being governor a lot more. Now, I understand why. If I do my job well, I can make a difference in people’s lives and I can help our children realize their dreams.
Mitt Romney
If a film is not a success, then that’s just the way things are. Nothing I can do can make a difference. I have stopped worrying about it.
Sandra Bullock
I became a teacher because I wanted to make a difference in people’s lives.
Deborah Harkness
I’m conscious of what bands we tour with and what companies I want to be associated with, even in the small things: if I’m going to buy stage makeup, I want to get it from companies run by women. Those are little changes that will make a difference.
Lauren Mayberry
Anything that looks at sport in its entirety is my bag. It’s not just about bringing back medals, it’s about communities, people’s lives, how sport can make a difference.
Denise Lewis
You always dream of going to the Olympics and winning gold. I’ve learned over the years that there are lots of gold medals, but certain stories stick out and make a difference.
Kerri Strug
My motivation for running for Senate was not for the stature of being a senator, but because I wanted to make a difference on issues I feel passionate about.
Herman Cain
We must celebrate difference until difference doesn’t make a difference in the way we treat each other.
Yolanda King
When you’ve wised up enough, there is a very clear conclusion that you have to reach after a while, which is, at the end of the day, it is really impossible for one person to make a difference.
Robert Sapolsky
Being a justice. If you love law the way I do… you’re given the job of a lifetime… you’re permitted to address the most important legal questions of the country, and sometimes the world. And in doing so, you make a difference in people’s lives.
Sonia Sotomayor
I had trouble in high school, and it has really pushed me to do something big and make a difference.
Taylor Louderman
When your heart speaks to you about what you need to do to sustain life on this planet, listen to it, make a difference, and be an inspiration for generations to come. Be inspired by people like Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Christopher Reeve, Albert Schweitzer, Helen Keller, and many others.
Bernie Siegel
A lot of young people don’t think they can make a difference. That’s really what I am at Dartmouth to do. I’m there to tell the young people, ‘Look, a few committed souls can change the world.’
Jim Yong Kim
Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences, our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging.
Sonia Sotomayor
I come from a time when music used to make a difference.
Leo Sayer
I went to Massachusetts to make a difference. I didn’t go there to begin a political career running time and time again. I made a difference. I put in place the things I wanted to do.
Mitt Romney
After hearing from my colleagues, I have decided to run for Speaker of the House. Let’s work together to make a difference for our country.
Kevin McCarthy
Every day, we're learning about what's happened with gl

Every day, we’re learning about what’s happened with global warming and what’s happening all around the world, and our employees and our customers are really feeling that it’s time to step up and make a difference.
David Lauren
People think they have to give up things to make a difference to the world, but you don’t have to.
Waris Ahluwalia
When you encourage others, you in the process are encouraged because you’re making a commitment and difference in that person’s life. Encouragement really does make a difference.
Zig Ziglar
If you don’t think a small act can make a difference, try going to sleep with a mosquito in the room.
Julie Foudy
I’m saying that when a publicly traded company says something doesn’t make a difference in terms of their investments, I trust that they are representing those facts accurately.
Brian Schatz
I would love for people to be able to think of me as a guy who stood up for what he believed in and helped make a difference for the vets.
Chris Kyle
I choose bold. I choose action. I choose what’s right for the people. I choose to make a difference.
Bill Richardson
I think that what we need to do is say, ‘Reading is going to really affect your life.’ You take a black man who doesn’t have a job, but you say to him, ‘Look, you can make a difference in your child’s life, just by reading to him for 30 minutes a day.’ That’s what I would like to do.
Walter Dean Myers
The frustration of Washington is you have to concentrate on just a few areas to really make a difference, and then so much of the power is at the top, at the committee chairman level.
Mike Coffman
Creativity, for a lot of young people, is a coping mechanism. It’s the only place they feel comfortable. It’s the only time they feel like they’re being heard or can make a difference, is if they can go into a room and do a drawing or go to a garage and play a song or retreat to this world.
Paul Dini
Having those positive friends around can really make a difference in how you view yourself. It’s helped me realize that there’s no such thing as having a perfect body, and just because I’m not shaped the same way as another girl is, it doesn’t mean I’m not pretty. It just means that no two girls are alike.
Lauren Jauregui
Optimistic people play a disproportionate role in shaping our lives. Their decisions make a difference; they are inventors, entrepreneurs, political and military leaders – not average people. They got to where they are by seeking challenges and taking risks.
Daniel Kahneman
People don’t get involved with local charities or politics because they think it’s hard to make a difference and the problem feels overwhelming. But I believe that if all I’ve time for this year is to write one letter to the local council, it’s still worth doing.
Monica Ali
I promise I will get up every day, determined to make a difference… I am ready to serve.
Tedros Adhanom
Running for office was definitely something I’ve thought about. When I was younger, I wanted to major in political science. And I’ve been engaged in current events since I was a kid. If I can make a difference and feel passionately and capable, then I would. Why not?
Queen Latifah
I have to report to those of you who think diamonds make a difference that I cannot tell what it is. Seriously, as you all know, they make no difference at all. They just make the flute look a little more special.
James Galway
It is important that we work toward a better future. You can make a difference. Don’t listen to people who say you are unqualified, you can start a change and see it through.
Liz Parrish
Most politicians come into politics because they want to make a difference; we just have different ideas how to do it.
Nicola Sturgeon
I wake up every day feeling like today’s the day to make a difference. I never question the correctness of what I’m doing or the need for it.
Cindy Sheehan
If people take the film and screen it whenever possible for their social and professional networks, we can continue to make a difference. It is one more element we have to use in the ongoing effort to take back our country.
Robert Greenwald
I’m not the same person I was. I used to act dumb. It was an act. I am 26 years old, and that act is no longer cute. It is not who I am, nor do I want to be that person for the young girls who looked up to me. I know now that I can make a difference, that I have the power to do that.
Paris Hilton
Some people are filled by compassion and a desire to do good, and some simply don’t think anything’s going to make a difference.
Meryl Streep
Especially as a title-holder, you can do great things with charities, because people suddenly care about what you have to say. I wanted to make a difference, which is why I created the Queen of the Universe pageant. I want to change all of those stigmas in the beauty pageant world.
Joyce Giraud
It’s important for Oklahoma to have people in a position to make a difference. The only way we can do that is to have people in key places.
Markwayne Mullin
I actually love physics, but art is where I thought I could make a difference for my country.
Dasha Zhukova
I realized I could make a difference. I could be their voice; I could fight for them… There’s no better place to fight for working families than the governor’s chair.
Kate Brown
There is nobody called Test bowler, one day bowler or T20 bowler. It just how you adapt and make a difference to your own game.
Sourav Ganguly
This might be a conceit of government officials, but there’s the idea that maybe you can make a difference. It’s a conceit. Maybe it’s unhealthy. We all believed we could make a difference.
Alexander Vindman
If I look back down the years, how I was treated as a kid, if it wasn’t for the teachers at my school, then I wouldn’t have achieved what I have. You have to look where you came from, and we do need to get more parents involved, more running clubs and more schools. They can make a difference.
Mo Farah
I like to make pictures about people who make a difference.
Jerry Bruckheimer
It will take time to educate people about sustainability, why it is so important and how it will make a difference to our planet.
Sanya Malhotra
Writing children's books all started out as a way for m

Writing children’s books all started out as a way for me to give back and make a difference.
Coy Bowles
Yes, well I really hope I can make a difference, even in the smallest way. I am looking forward to helping as much as I can.
Kate Middleton
Acting is such a huge part of my life. It really allows me to have a creative outlet and to actually be able to have an outlet to discuss openly the things that truly I think are relevant in the world, that make a difference.
Ian Somerhalder
Life is about balance, and we all have to make the effort in areas that we can to enable us to make a difference.
Orlando Bloom
My message to all the activists is to just keep going, and I know it really may seem impossible and hopeless sometimes – it always does – so you just have to keep going because if you try hard enough and long enough you will make a difference.
Greta Thunburg
You never know. One point can make a difference in the end.
Valtteri Bottas
It’s important to think about the bigger picture, especially if we are given these platforms. We can make a difference.
Freja Beha Erichsen
I want to make a difference.
Malcolm Brogdon
I think – you know, I’m a guy that – I don’t live on the earth just to walk it. I live on here to make a difference.
Tracy McGrady
Of course I believe imaginative architecture can make a difference to people’s lives, but I wish it was possible to divert some of the effort we put into ambitious museums and galleries into the basic architectural building blocks of society.
Zaha Hadid
Conversations with my mother, father, my grandparents, as I’ve grown up have obviously driven me towards wanting to try and make a difference as much as possible.
Prince Harry
I’ve always had a burning desire to help people and make a difference in the world. I didn’t know how I could do that in modelling when it can be such a fake world. But my dad told me I could make a difference by being true to myself and teaching people what I’ve learnt about spirituality, health and nutrition.
Miranda Kerr
If you care enough, you make a difference.
Loretta Swit
I think I will always have a connection to young people, to try to bring their voices to the polls, bring their voices wherever they can make a difference.
Russell Simmons
You do only live once, and I feel like if I’m able to make a difference on this planet and leave it just a little better than I found it, then I’ve done my job.
Bindi Irwin
I am extremely active in the foster care crisis in this country. Everything that I do is pretty much with the end goal of trying to make a difference in the lives of the children in foster care.
Jen Lilley
You really never know where your path will lead you, but working with technology was truly the best way I could make a difference.
Reshma Saujani
Despair is a cop-out, the ultimate abdication of all responsibility, in which people feel justified in their feelings of impotence. But if, on the other hand, you feel that your work in the world does make a difference and that you do have the power to change things, the nay-sayers will turn a deaf ear.
Marilyn Ferguson
I want to do different kinds of roles, and films that make a difference to my career.
Neha Sharma
It’s good that they’ve seen it, but how can I be satisfied after working for two years making a film which I hope will make a difference, when the government sees the film and does nothing about it?
Mathieu Kassovitz
There are many successful startup funders who are looking for ways to make a difference in the world.
J. B. Pritzker