Top 323 Disagree Quotes

Whether you agree or disagree with privatization, two things are obvious. First, taxpayers need to be asking more and better questions before handing over control of critical public assets like a highway, an airport, or a parking meter concession. And second, Uncle Sam is being played for a sucker.
Dick Durbin
I disagree that injecting emotion into a game comes at the expense of the playing experience.
David Cage
I have come to the conclusion that Ben Carson is a bit nuts. I say that not because I disagree with him politically, but because he doesn’t seem to know what the truth is.
Richard Cohen
Reasonable people can disagree about the authorities the NSA should have, when it’s appropriate for the CIA to use drone strikes, and how assertive U.S. foreign policy and intelligence should be.
Benjamin Wittes
The power to remove an individual from office is reserved for the greatest betrayals of public trust, not just because you disagree with someone.
Michael Tubbs