Top 323 Disagree Quotes

I strongly disagree that you can’t have a happy family life and a child as well as rock n’ roll.
Richard Ashcroft
If the goal is to get the best artists, actors, and filmmakers in the world to create the best movies, Hollywood does a decent job. And I think no one would disagree with me that it also makes a ton of bad movies and employs a bunch of hacks.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
I have a very clear view, which is that if you disagree with the policies of Israel, fine, say so, but that is never a reason to take that out on Jewish communities.
David Cameron
I will always have dogs in my life, and I absolutely can’t be with someone who will challenge that or disagree with that stance – I will not budge on this, ever.
Jenna Morasca
Few disagree with the view that the 21st century will witness the return of Asia to the centrestage of global economic activity.
Sanjaya Baru
People don’t have to agree with me. They can say, ‘My gosh, I can’t believe I’m listening to this guy. I can’t disagree with him more.’ But at least they know that I’m going to fight for things that I believe in. And I don’t need to be in formal office to do that.
Gavin Newsom
They tell me that it will be hard to find a man strong enough to love my own strength and independence, and not worry about being Mr. Diana Ross, but I disagree. I know absolutely that that man is somewhere out there.
Diana Ross
Every day, we publish articles at ‘The Federalist’ with which I disagree.
Ben Domenech
Sometimes we have our perfect foils, or you can call them their bete noir: the person who brings out both the best and the worst in you because you disagree with them so completely. Yet, you understand and respect them enough to give it your all.
Morgan Neville
Negotiation in the classic diplomatic sense assumes parties more anxious to agree than to disagree.
Dean Acheson
Augustine does not disagree with this when he teaches that it is a faculty of the reason and the will to choose good with the assistance of grace; evil, when grace is absent.
John Calvin
As a pastor I understand the power and the possibility of coming together with those with whom we disagree; to have a robust debate on the issues that are important to families and to our country.
Raphael Warnock
The bottom line is: It is fine to have issues with President Trump; I’ve had them myself. The thing is, though, the best way to argue against the things that you disagree with is never to use abusive tactics.
Kat Timpf
There are things that some Democrats say I agree with and some things that I disagree with. And it’s the same with the Republicans.
Dana White
There are a number of issues that I disagree vehemently with Mr. Trump on. I question whether he’s got the temperament to serve as president.
Charlie Baker
In politics, religion and other areas of culture, people disagree on the worth of competing ideas. There is no equivalent to the scientific method that can determine in a robust way which ideas match the real world, and which ones can be ruled out. So conflicting ideologies persist indefinitely.
Nathan Myhrvold
If you have learned how to disagree without being disagreeable, then you have discovered the secrete of getting along – whether it be business, family relations, or life itself.
Bernard Meltzer
They call me racist too just because I disagree with a President who happens to be black. You are not racists – you are patriots.
Herman Cain
You can disagree with somebody and still think they’re qualified.
Michael Capuano
I am enduring. You can disagree with me.
Geraldo Rivera
One of the great things about working for Pop, not just me but everybody, is he wants you to give your opinions. He almost wants you to disagree with him. It’s part of the whole process.
Mike Budenholzer
It just seems like a religion that is perfect for people who feel like they need a grounding, who feels that the world has run off on them. I’ve discussed this with Scientologists, and they don’t disagree. So, for a certain type of person, that’s great.
Russell Crowe
I grew up where the repercussion of you having an opinion was being ‘cocky,’ or people would be mad at you. And I have finally learnt that it is better for them to be mad at you and disagree than you be so mad at yourself all of the time for not speaking up.
Paula Pell
There are lots of people who say you are born an entrepreneur – you either have that gene or not. I really disagree with that.
Peter Jones
Academic freedom and free speech mean the right to consider ideas with which you might disagree.
Bob Beckel
Now if you call ‘Ain’t No Half-Steppin’ ‘ or ‘Raw’ an old-school song, I agree with you. But if you call Big Daddy Kane an old-school artist, I disagree with you.
Big Daddy Kane
There are a lot of people who don’t believe I deserve to be recognized as one of the top-10 best and I don’t necessarily disagree with them.
Michael Chandler
I’m not an extremist. And I disagree with Saudis who are calling for regime change and stuff like that.
Jamal Khashoggi
It’s your human right to push back against something you disagree with. You do that by voting for that guy instead of that guy, or that lady instead of that lady.
Rob Halford
I think I can be closed in. I can close this outer shell, cut myself off and be quite cold. I can cut other people off if I need to. I don’t think I’m angry, though… Maybe my wife would disagree.
John Simm
I realize that a lot of business leaders may disagree w

I realize that a lot of business leaders may disagree with me, but I truly believe that God belongs in what my company does. By putting Him first in my operations, He can bless what I attempt.
David Green
Falsehoods not only disagree with truths, but usually quarrel among themselves.
Daniel Webster
It’s one thing to have a president with whose politics you disagree; it’s another to have a president who doesn’t even seem to care about your welfare.
Eva Moskowitz
This ideal of the Socratic academy is so reasonable that it may seem foolish to quibble with it. Of course, students should engage with ideas that they disagree with rather than silencing anything that challenges their worldview.
Heather Mac Donald
I would respectfully disagree that the right to own a military-style weapon is a God-given right. I didn’t see that anywhere in the Bible that I read.
Chris Murphy
Honest discussions – even and perhaps especially on topics about which we disagree – can help us resist hypocrisy and arrogance. They can also help us live up to the basic ideals, such as liberty and justice for all, on which our country was founded.
David Price
I don’t disagree with anything I’ve ever said. Why in God’s name would I disagree with something I’ve said?
Scott Ritter
The idea is that the state doesn’t have rights to limit individuals’ wants and passions. I disagree with that. I think we absolutely have rights because there are consequences to letting people live out whatever wants or passions they desire.
Rick Santorum
You can disagree with someone and still do business as a professional.
Beth Phoenix
I think sometimes when children grow up, their parents grow up. Mine grew up with me. We coexist. I don’t try to change them anymore, and I don’t think they try to change me. We agree to disagree.
Katy Perry
I’ve learned by hanging out in Hollywood, where I disagree politically with most people, that most people’s hearts are in the right place, and the only thing we have to argue about is the way to solve the problems.
Tom Selleck
I think a lot of people have grown up with the idea that they can’t learn things themselves. They think they need an institution to provide them with knowledge and teach them how to do things. I couldn’t disagree more.
Tara Westover
We live in the greatest country in the world, but the tone and destructive rhetoric across the ideological spectrum is tearing our country apart and we must return to a society that works towards finding common ground on issues where we disagree.
Mike Braun
I’m used to politics at an international level: people put together an argument and, even if you vehemently disagree with them, well, you can recognise it’s an argument and respond.
Mohamed ElBaradei
The Freedom Caucus represents a pessimistic, divisive, and gerrymandered view of our nation. If America is to make progress, we must step forward from this form of politics – not just because we disagree with this or that policy but because it is fundamentally undemocratic and tyrannical.
Michael Bennet
You can act, or you can’t. I’m sure a lot of people who are serious about acting would disagree, but I’m not really worried about them.
Chelsea Handler
Washington Democrats see the IRS’ overextended resources and automatically think the answer is to take and spend more of your tax dollars. I disagree.
Charles Boustany
I think every American has a role in saving this country. Whether you’re Democrat, Republican, independent, it doesn’t matter. We all know the country’s in trouble. We may disagree on how to solve it, but we all know the country’s in trouble.
Glenn Beck
Whether you agree with me or disagree with me; like me or loathe me, don’t bind my hands when I am negotiating on behalf of the British nation.
John Major
I have no bigger goal than to eradicate racism, to grant Americans who have a different color of skin the right to disagree against the Left’s style of orthodoxy.
Andrew Breitbart
If you are willing to listen and if you are willing to sit around the table, sometimes especially with the people who you think you disagree with the most, it is still really possible to get things done.
Sara Gideon
Reasonable people can reasonably disagree on policy.
Mark McKinnon
The only things Mick and I disagree about is the band, the music and what we do.
Keith Richards
Trump is a major motivation to be speaking out because I so disagree with some of the things that he decides on, and you notice there’s a lawsuit on just about everything he does? My gosh.
Mazie Hirono
Even though I don’t agree with Donald Trump on everything, and I think there may be certain things or statements of his that I may disagree with, he is a better candidate by far than Hillary Clinton.
Lee Zeldin