Top 33 Vermin Supreme Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Vermin Supreme Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I would love to see everybody get a pony, don't get me

I would love to see everybody get a pony, don’t get me wrong.
Vermin Supreme
For too long, this country has been suffering a great moral and oral decay in spirit and incisors.
Vermin Supreme
You should let me run your life because I know what is best for you.
Vermin Supreme
Adults don’t have the opportunity to pretend anymore.
Vermin Supreme
I’ve always maintained that if I didn’t have the boot and was talking serious things on the street corner, it would be very easy to ignore me.
Vermin Supreme
Free speech is very important.
Vermin Supreme
Money should be for ponies, not for war, I think.
Vermin Supreme
We can afford all these wars; this, that, the other thing, why can’t every American have a pony? If you break it down, if you do the math, the government could afford to give you a pony. Don’t let them tell you they couldn’t, they could.
Vermin Supreme
Gingivitis has been eroding the gum line of this great nation long enough.
Vermin Supreme
One of the things I like about what it is that I do… is that people can have a little bit of pretend.
Vermin Supreme
It is only the dogmatic, and the humorless, that don’t succumb to my charm.
Vermin Supreme
I’m the only candidate that will fund time-travel research.
Vermin Supreme
When I was younger, it was very easy to ignore me because I was like some crazy hippie kid. But as I’ve gotten older, and I’m more gray and more lines on my face, it has given me a lot more gravitas.
Vermin Supreme
If I were to become a serial glitter-bomber, it would seriously impact my ability to get close enough to candidates to ask them a stupid question.
Vermin Supreme
As a rule, I feel more comfortable on the Republican slate.
Vermin Supreme
Yes, I will promise you anything your little elector heart desires… Of course, I have no intention of keeping any promise I make.
Vermin Supreme
I’ve run as a Democrat, but I was not a Democrat. And when I ran as a Republican, I was not a Republican. I was just utilizing the New Hampshire primary as a vehicle to put forward my satirical critique of the system.
Vermin Supreme
One of the most important things about using a bullhorn is you don’t have to yell over it.
Vermin Supreme
I have never intentionally been out to alienate anybody.
Vermin Supreme
The police represent the authority of the state, the willingness of the state to use violence to assert their will.
Vermin Supreme
I believed I paved the way for Donald Trump. I brought ridiculousness to politics and he saw an opening and just jumped on in there.
Vermin Supreme
Jesus had told me to make Randall Terry gay.
Vermin Supreme
As a social anarchist, I believe that capitalism itself is an inherently exploitative hierarchical situation – you do have a boss, you do have somebody in charge.
Vermin Supreme
Together my friends, we will ride our ponies into a zombie-powered future.
Vermin Supreme
Anarchists believe we can run our lives without the government.
Vermin Supreme
I’m a friendly fascist.
Vermin Supreme
Well, mutual aid is a very critical and important thing. For a while, I was saying libertarians have no souls, but I promised them I wouldn’t if they hammered home the importance of mutual aid.
Vermin Supreme
I think the important thing to understand about the free pony program is, of course, it is an absolutely free pony program, uh, there may be some incidental costs involved with pony social security or universal pony health care or the haystamp program so ponies won’t starve in the streets.
Vermin Supreme
I’m a tyrant that you should trust, and you should let me run your life, because I do know what is best for you.
Vermin Supreme
Everyone’s a mixed bag. I’m a utopian social anarchist, but I’m also a pragmatist.
Vermin Supreme
My personal view of the anarch-capitalists is that it’s an oxymoron.
Vermin Supreme
I've scrubbed many, many landmarks. I scrubbed the Krem

I’ve scrubbed many, many landmarks. I scrubbed the Kremlin back in ’98. We had a mandatory-toothbrushing parade; we had the text of the mandatory-toothbrush law translated into Russian. And we had like 30 Russians; we had musicians; we had the giant toothbrushes. The police came and told us to stop, and we stopped.
Vermin Supreme
Free ponies for all Americans!
Vermin Supreme