Top 335 Sector Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Sector Quotes from famous people such as Matt Salmon, Steven Rattner, Bernie Sanders, Erin O’Toole, Suzan DelBene, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The federal government needs to get off the backs of sm

The federal government needs to get off the backs of small businesses and let the private sector grow and create jobs instead of harnessing it with onerous regulations and a repressive tax code.
Matt Salmon
Neither the George W. Bush nor the Obama administrations volunteered to bail out G.M., Chrysler and other parts of the auto sector. Both subscribed firmly to the longstanding American principle that government should resolutely avoid these kinds of interventions, particularly in the industrial sector.
Steven Rattner
I thought the Bush economic policy was a disaster. We lost 500,000 private sector jobs during his tenure.
Bernie Sanders
For many years I have talked about building a Hire a Veteran culture in Canada in order that both public and private sector employers understand and value military training and experience in their hiring programs. For me, this work began long before I became a Member of Parliament.
Erin O’Toole
I know how businesses work and what government can do to help lay a strong foundation for the private sector.
Suzan DelBene
Most go to prison not on account of their irreducible uniqueness as people but because they are part of a marginalized sector of the population who never had a chance, who were slated for it early on.
Rachel Kushner
To foster entrepreneurship, expansion and job creation, more leaders at all levels of government have to demonstrate some understanding of what it takes to build and grow businesses in the private sector.
Elaine Chao
During my time growing a company in the private sector, one of my guiding principles was to meet and hear feedback from as many customers as possible.
Mike Braun
If nothing else, the cyber attacks that occurred during the 2016 presidential election have laid bare the very real vulnerabilities that exist across our government and the private sector. Imagine the harm that could be done if our enemies ever hack into the Department of Defense or Homeland Security.
Mike Quigley
If you want to slow medical inflation in the private sector, it makes sense to expand the government’s investment in private health care.
Timothy Noah
The biggest difference between the private sector and public sector is in the private sector, there’s a sense of urgency because you have customers and you have competitors. Whereas in government, one of your major objectives is to not make any really big mistakes.
Charlie Baker
I had attracted large investments into information technology and built infrastructure in Hyderabad, including India’s first greenfield airport, apart from attracting the country’s first private sector investments in power generation.
N. Chandrababu Naidu
Energy legislation in Congress and the focus on energy legislation is first and foremost about creating good jobs. In Florida, where solar and biofuel and wind and so many other areas are important and so many in the private sector continues to pursue these, we need policies that will encourage that.
Ted Deutch
Private sector cannot substitute the role of the government in primary education.
Azim Premji
Embryonic stem cell research is legal in America, and nothing in the administration’s current policy affects that legality; 400 lines are currently being used to conduct embryonic stem cell research, both in the private sector and by the Federal Government.
Roger Wicker
The American economy has always been driven by the entrepreneurial nature of its citizens, and blocking access to affordable health care will only suffocate growth within the small business sector of our economy.
Paul Gillmor
I am not in the business of pointing fingers or making excuses. However, recent history has shown that I, like thousands of others in Ireland, incorrectly relied upon the persons who guided Anglo and who wrongfully sought to portray a ‘blue chip’ Irish banking sector.
Sean Quinn
Pemex becomes a productive company of the state, but it will have competition and can make associations with the private sector.
Enrique Pena Nieto
I think the funds that have been pledged at Euro Summit, combined with the outcome of the private sector involvement process should be sufficient in order to support financially the Greek Economy.
Lucas Papademos
To distract from the president’s disappointing record, Team Obama has decided to base their entire campaign on attacking the private sector and Mitt Romney’s career as a successful businessman.
Reince Priebus
The unions claim the deck is stacked against them when it comes to labor laws, but the truth is many private and public sector workers are forced to pay union dues as a condition of their employment, yet they have little say in how the unions spend their money.
Linda Chavez
Beneficial in theory, so-called free trade agreements far too often have been detrimental to the United States economy and the manufacturing sector that forms its central pillar.
Dan Kildee
Many people think that the U.S. is ahead in the frontier technology sectors as a result of private sector entrepreneurship. It’s not. The U.S. federal government created all these sectors.
Ha-Joon Chang
Let’s start with a basic question: Do we, as a country, want our most highly qualified employees from the private sector to pursue public service? The answer, I would imagine, should be yes.
Andrew Ross Sorkin
The idea that Veronica Wadley has no artistic credibility is just crazy. She has a strong reputation and when she was editor of the ‘Evening Standard’ she was very highly regarded in the arts sector.
Munira Mirza
One of the things that the public sector banks need to do is to raise private capital from the market and not rely on government largesse.
Urjit Patel
While some politicians argue over whether to believe scientists’ almost overwhelming consensus on climate change, the business sector is a believer and is wisely planning ahead.
John Delaney
I responded that we needed a private sector to improve the market situation and make peoples lives easier.
Alexander Dubcek
Conservatives may worship Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand,’ but for Obama, the helping hand comes in large measure from the public, not the private sector. To call this ‘socialism’ is to do violence to the word and to the concept. To call it ‘un-American’ is a smear.
Jeff Greenfield
To fix India’s healthcare scenario, what is most needed is ‘systems thinking.’ For far too long, India has followed a vertical approach in its health sector, which translated into disease-specific national programmes being set up.
Kapil Sibal
We recognise the link between environmental failure and social injustice. When the energy sector is privatised and deregulated, it not only tends to pollute more, it also charges the poorest more per unit!
Barry Gardiner
Every major industry sector in the U.S. would be positi

Every major industry sector in the U.S. would be positively impacted by the USMCA, with blue-collar manufacturing jobs seeing the most significant gains.
Mark Meadows
Adani Enterprises is well on track to realize its aim of emerging as India’s largest private sector energy and logistics conglomerate.
Gautam Adani
Small businesses create half of the jobs in the private sector.
Kenneth Chenault
The commercial and subsidised theatre are intrinsically linked. I wouldn’t have had the career I have had without the opportunities I had through the subsidised sector. However, I do think, in any walk of life, subsidy for the sake of subsidy is not always healthy.
Cameron Mackintosh
I think there’s not much patience for organized labour, period, public or private sector.
Kathleen Wynne
Growth means creating the right conditions for the private sector – farmers and firms – to invest and do business.
Hilary Benn
Subsidies on petroleum products and fertilizers should be phased out in a defined, time-bound manner. The resources that would get freed up could then be used to fund various social sector programmes in education, healthcare and other priority sectors.
Baba Kalyani
Advances in technology will continue to reach far into every sector of our economy. Future job and economic growth in industry, defense, transportation, agriculture, health care, and life sciences is directly related to scientific advancement.
Christopher Bond
I had no concerns – I had no reason to have concerns based on what was available to me about North’s contacts with the private sector people, but I didn’t think a CIA person should do it.
Robert M. Gates
After 1960, anyone who wanted to discuss almost any aspect of U.S. public policy – from how to make cars safer to whether to abolish the draft, from how to support the housing market to whether to regulate the financial sector – had to speak economics.
Paul Romer
While some people simply want to villainize the private sector, the fact is that the private sector drives jobs growth; we need to channel the energy and innovation of employers to generate opportunities for the entire labor market.
John Hickenlooper
The private sector must play a role in ensuring the prosperity and health of the people who comprise its market. It is time for the private sector to become a proactive partner contributing to the efforts of governments and philanthropies.
Simon Mainwaring
You cannot have development in today’s world without partnering with the private sector.
Hillary Clinton
People in the high-tech sector are living with change every hour. They can get up in the morning and find themselves behind already.
Jim Pattison
While a physical barrier can be effective in urban areas, each sector of the border faces unique geographical, cultural and technological challenges that would be best addressed with a flexible, sector-by-sector approach that empowers the Border Patrol agents on the ground with the resources they need.
Will Hurd
I have absolutely no idea about space exploration. I’m a software guy. But because I’m a non-expert, I’ve been able to bring the software concept of modularity into the space sector, which was never done before.
Naveen Jain
The E-government cabinet, E-health services, online voting, online pre-filled tax returns, e-mobile parking, are all examples of Estonian innovation, but far more importantly, they are examples of the transformative power of intensive and extensive use of Information Technology in the public sector.
Toomas Hendrik Ilves
Real estate deals a lot with the government. It isn’t like manufacturing, logistics, home appliances or the auto sector, which deal with consumers.
Wang Jianlin
We need legislation that encourages increased competition and tort reform and combats fraud, waste, and abuse. This would drive down health care costs, provide more ‘bottom line’ for our small businesses and lead to more private sector job growth.
Chris Gibson
In the private sector, as the president of a small business, my focus has been on driving the growth of our business, not driving any partisan political agenda.
Raja Krishnamoorthi
The movie industry is committed to working with the technology sector to find innovative new ways to deliver entertainment to consumers.
Dan Glickman
I plan to open Mexico’s energy sector to national and foreign private investment.
Enrique Pena Nieto
Diversifying our tech talent pool is an imperative for the tech sector. More diverse engineers and entrepreneurs will bring about a new type of innovation that Silicon Valley has yet to see.
Mitch Kapor
Our message in NSW is government don’t need to run businesses that are out of date when the private sector can do that better.
Gladys Berejiklian
I’m a very big proponent of cloud. We’ve used it a lot in private sector, and as far as we can tell, it is not only more efficient, it’s probably also more secure for lots of very complicated technical reasons. I think it’s a very important thing for government to do, and also to have systems that talk to each other.
Wilbur Ross
Clubbing energy efficiency with renewable energy will give us the much-needed window to incubate the renewable energy sector, particularly large solar, without having to increase the price of electricity.
Jamshyd Godrej
The post-crisis perception, at least in the media, appears to be one of Americans being held down by Wall Street, by big companies in the private sector, and by the wealthy. Capitalism is on trial. I see it a little differently. If a lender offers me free money, I do not have to take it.
Michael Burry
I am happy to be running a public sector bank. In times of stress, most people will always have an account with us, so, to the extent that it gives stability and faith for the people and because banking is a business of trust, it is a major advantage we have.
Arundhati Bhattacharya
I experienced what can never be duplicated in the private sector – the communal aspect of VA.
Robert Wilkie
If you want to work in engineering and to have an impact that’s global, come work in the aerospace sector.
Dennis Muilenburg
I think most people believe success in government is how many fewer people are in government, not because you kick them off of benefits like unemployment but they’ve been able to control their own destiny because private sector employers have created more jobs.
Scott Walker
We can't be paying pensions to the next generation of f

We can’t be paying pensions to the next generation of federal workers when hardly anyone in the private sector gets them.
Tim Griffin
The corporate sector in my view is the most important since it is actively involved in the shaping of our life on the planet. The corporate world has the power and the means to influence politics and public trends.
Yossi Ghinsberg
The role of a goalkeeper is difficult to judge, above all if you haven’t been a goalkeeper. It’s like me giving an opinion on someone’s job without having had any experience in their sector. You start to realise how many stupid things are said and written about goalkeepers.
Gianluigi Buffon
People need the financial sector to be safe; people also need the financial sector to go through a massive phase of innovation. That means delivering on the positive rhetoric, like around settlement accounts, not allowing Open Banking to be diluted, and leading the way on AML.
Taavet Hinrikus
I, Daniel Blake’ is a powerful and moving film. But it is a political polemic and is particularly unfair on the public sector professionals who work in Job Centre Plus, in my experience they are proactive and helpful. Completely at odds with their portrayal in the film.
James Cleverly
You know, it doesn’t take a genius in the private sector to know that you can save literally hundreds of billions of dollars in federal spending if you can make it more responsive. That’s the main job.
Darrell Issa
I am now a member of the private sector. I’m happy. I’ve got a little foundation. You never say never, but I may have had my last race and that was the Presidential race. I think that you only get one shot.
Bill Richardson
History tells us that America does best when the private sector is energetic and entrepreneurial and the government is attentive and engaged. Who among us, really, would, looking back, wish to edit out either sphere at the entire expense of the other?
Jon Meacham
We have decided to diversify agriculture; we decided to develop our tourism sector. We have decided to develop our mining sector. So these are some of the things we’re telling Malawians: we say this is what we need to do in order for us to get out of this total dependence on aid.
Joyce Banda
I have been busy working in order to make agriculture a priority sector not on a small scale, but into an agro-based industry.
Augustin Matata Ponyo
Terrorists remain determined to find a weakness in our defence… To stay ahead of the terrorists, I call on the international community, the private sector, and academia to share knowledge, expertise, and resources to prevent new technologies becoming lethal terrorist weapons.
Antonio Guterres
Around the time President Lyndon B. Johnson was declaring a War on Poverty in the 1960s, federal, state and local governments began accelerating a veritable War on the Private Sector.
Elaine Chao
My government is delivering our plan for Queensland’s economic recovery and the resources sector will continue to be an important part of that plan.
Annastacia Palaszczuk
Railroads are the primary economic beneficiaries. It’s a difficult project for the public sector.
John Gates
It strikes me as very strange that whereas Tennyson could support most of Mr. Buckley’s propositions about free trade, and the private sector, and private enterprise, Tennyson found no difficulty also in lending intellectual support to the idea of Women’s Liberation.
Germaine Greer
I’m probably one of the few people who can say I did all three types of state sector schooling.
Sebastian Coe
Continued public and private sector partnership with multilateral and bilateral organizations to support policies that encourage the proliferation of broadband access is essential if Afghanistan is to see the kind of social and economic progress its people deserve.
Tae Yoo
Private sector labors unions continue to suffer losses in their membership while public sector and service unions grow.
Thomas E. Mann
Health is already a dominant sector in most societies and the one most guaranteed to grow.
Geoff Mulgan
We believe the 36, nearly 40, billion pound discount given for a right to buy houses took a million houses out of the public housing sector which is desperately needed for rent.
John Prescott
If Indonesia improves governance of the fisheries sector and invests in large-scale maritime transport, it can double fish production by 2019.
Sri Mulyani Indrawati
Historically, Kerala has been performing well on the social sector. Public health, education, and awareness have always been our core areas on which we built up our social infrastructure.
Pinarayi Vijayan
I can be happy in the private sector, the non-profit sector, or the public sector.
Jared Polis
The most despised sector of Hollywood are the writers. A good writer is quickly promoted to a ‘concept man’ – and then a producer – because he’s too valuable to simply be a writer.
John Rhys-Davies
I would love to help the textile sector, but at the same time, a big red flag is held by the automotive parts and automotive sector. They don’t want to open up to the European Union.
Nirmala Sitharaman
Austerity is devastating these communities. The working poor, public sector workers, the disabled, and the vulnerable are the hardest hit by this bankrupt and ideologically driven policy.
Martin McGuinness
I think in the end the big issue is that the private sector still needs more help. And the answer is not more big government. I know in my state our reforms allowed us to protect firefighters, police officers, and teachers.
Scott Walker
I’d like to have another opportunity to serve. I believe in service. I enjoy it. I also like coming and going, you know, because I think that my private-sector life has contributed to how I think about public-sector challenges and what I do in the public sector.
Deval Patrick
Manufacturing still has the greatest multiplier effect, in terms of job creation, of any sector of the economy.
William Clay Ford, Jr.
Overly restrictive regulations not only stifle the private sector; they also ultimately hurt consumers.
Ajit Pai
We think that this message – of someone that’s from the private sector that built a company and now wants to shrink a government and grow an economy – is a winning message.
Doug Ducey
You know, at some point there has to be parity. There h

You know, at some point there has to be parity. There has to be parity between what is happening in the real world, and what is happening in the public sector world.
Chris Christie
I just believe that government borrowing and spending doesn’t lead to economic prosperity, growth, or sustainable jobs. I know that it comes from the private sector: people who invest in their businesses and ideas.
Sean Duffy
We need to make investment to get the economy going again, to give the private sector the confidence.
Xavier Becerra
Britain’s generosity in the world has allowed us to help the poorest countries to get on the road to industrialisation through economic development and private sector investment in the world’s most difficult frontier markets, where jobs and economic opportunities are desperately needed.
Priti Patel
If you give me $100bn now, I can’t use it. There is not only money, there is talent and experience. That’s why we need the private sector.
Abiy Ahmed
A number of bloggers in economics and the financial sector have risen to prominence through the sheer strength of their work. Note it was not their family connections nor ties to Ivy League schools or elite banks, but rather the strength of their research, analysis and writing.
Barry Ritholtz
The Clean Power Plan sets the first-ever national carbon pollution standards for the power sector, the single-biggest source of carbon emissions in the United States.
Brian Deese
The way to create jobs is to encourage private sector job creators.
Roy Blunt
My focus and that of all members of the Government responsible for delivering services to the public is to make sure that the public sector can use all the skills it needs to do the job the public wants it to do.
Estelle Morris
The question remains: which brands will commit to creating a private sector pillar of social change, and which will become casualties of their own outdated thinking?
Simon Mainwaring
As a company powered by technology and digital innovation, believes strongly in ensuring equal access and opportunity for all within the technology sector.
Gillian Tans
A veteran deserves the very best health care anywhere. That means sometimes, they should go out into the private sector if something’s being done better than the VA.
David Shulkin
If taxes and government spending are both slashed, then the salutary result will be to lower the parasitic burden of government taxes and spending upon the productive activities of the private sector.
Murray Rothbard
We must never forget that it is the private sector – not government – that is the engine of economic opportunity. Businesses, particularly small businesses, flourish and can provide good jobs when government acts as a productive partner.
Bill Richardson
One of the roles of the Treasury committee is to look under the bonnet of the financial services sector to shine a light on any of its shortcomings.
Nicky Morgan
I’m going to go after crime and corruption wherever it is. But I did focus particularly on the need to restore public confidence in essential institutions of both the public and private sector.
Eric Schneiderman
I recognize that as governor, my job is to sit on the other side of the table from the public sector unions and negotiate effectively on behalf of all the taxpayers of the state, including all of you.
Rob McKenna
It is an important priority for me to make sure veterans are taken care of and that they receive the same quality of care in modern facilities as we see in the private sector.
Ronny Jackson
Few, if any, corporations absorb the full cost of their operations. Corporations shove many of their costs onto the environment, the public sector, and distant third parties.
Paul Craig Roberts
I think that anybody that stays in school, gets good grades, pays the price, I think we are wealthy enough in the public and the private sector in America to make sure that every child in America that wants to continue their education, they should be able to do that.
J. C. Watts
I am a very instinctive Conservative. I have created a welfare system where it pays to work. I have created independent schools within the state sector bringing excellence to children wherever they are.
David Cameron
When I was in the private sector, one characteristic that differentiated the best entrepreneurs from the others was that they were not in it for the stock options, but for a mission – to deliver something that was helpful… Every entrepreneurial journey, it turns out, is like this.
Todd Park
People working in the private sector should try to save money. There remains the possibility that it may someday be valuable again.
Norman Ralph Augustine
In December of 1952, my first wife, Kirby, and I left Vienna to drive through the Russian sector of Austria into Yugoslavia.
Donald Hall
SpaceX has reopened the cosmos, and the space race is back on, only this time it is in the private sector.
Timothy C. Draper
You can’t have public health without working with the public sector. You can’t have public education without working with the public sector in education.
Paul Farmer
I think that I was the first MP to call for the nationalisation of Northern Rock, although that is hardly surprising because I have been calling for the nationalisation of the financial sector for 30 years or more.
John McDonnell
China will continue to adopt multiple measures to advance the reform and opening up of its financial sector so that its financial market can better adapt to financial modernization and globalization.
Xi Jinping
The financial sector has so distorted salaries that physicists are getting drawn into the financial sector. All that has led to an undersupply of people committed to the public sector.
Joseph Stiglitz
We need to open up private sector markets. We need to empower small business people, working Georgians, and entrepreneurs.
Brian Kemp
I’m hopeful that commercial space exploration will takeoff. To really fuel the spaceflight revolution will require an investment of hundreds of billions of dollars a year, and I think that’s only going to happen in the commercial sector – if there are large profits to be made.
Alan Stern
The beauty of having an LLC in today's world is No. 1,

The beauty of having an LLC in today’s world is No. 1, you have the ability to act and react as nimbly as need be to create change, and you have the ability to invest politically, in the for-profit sector and the nonprofit sector simultaneously.
Laurene Powell Jobs
In the economic sphere, the program demanded thorough decentralization and managerial independence of enterprises, as well as legalization of small-scale private enterprise, especially in the service sector.
Alexander Dubcek
Canadians must realize that the success of our resource sector benefits all Canadians.
Erin O’Toole
If you have faith in the public sector, as I do, you must be the harshest critic of corruption, waste and fraud in government.
Eric Schneiderman
It would be wise for the U.S. private sector to stay away from Iran.
Mike Pompeo
Our balance sheet provides us with the ability to act on investment opportunities in appropriate areas that diversify and broaden our portfolio, including the gas and energy sector.
Kerry Stokes
Employers who recognize the importance of investing in their workforce have a more productive workforce, a more efficient workforce, a more loyal workforce, less turnover, and, in the private sector, more profitable.
Valerie Jarrett
If you work for the federal government, the average salary is $7,000 higher than the private sector. Something’s wrong with that, when you’re making more money working for the government than you can working in the private sector.
Jesse Ventura
Mitt Romney turned businesses around in the private sector. He saved the Winter Olympics.
Scott Walker
Far from being imbeciles, as the left would have you believe, Trump has assembled a Cabinet of the nation’s best. This, of course, is unpalatable to the Washington elite, who only find worth in a long list of public sector titles.
Kayleigh McEnany
We must rediscover our faith in the future and join with one another to ensure that nonviolence is the prevalent choice for government, law enforcement, the non-profit sector, business, education, media, entertainment, arts, and for the global citizenry.
Bernice King
I think there’s a disconnect between political leaders and young voters around a lot of things related to the private sector. For example, a lot of politicians continue to attack big banks. While I’m not a defender of big banks, my sense is younger voters have had generally pretty good experiences with banks.
John Delaney
If done correctly, dynamic scoring will provide a more complete picture of Congress’s actions. This is exactly the type of modeling the private sector uses, and advances in data collection and analysis create an opportunity for it to be employed accurately.
John Delaney
I believe the private sector and small businesses drive our economy, and that means the federal government should work to ensure the private sector is as robust as possible.
Ann Kirkpatrick
The stakes in the encryption debate are high, with significant consequences for personal privacy, the U.S. private sector, and our national security.
Ted Lieu
Mobile is the perfect example of what is enabling economic growth in the technology sector.
Max Levchin
Because of my success in the private sector, I had the chance to run America’s largest city for 12 years, governing in the wake of its greatest tragedy.
Michael Bloomberg
The power and energy sectors are the biggest constituents of the infrastructure sector. If you ignore them, no development will happen.
Narendra Modi
A woman caring for her children; a woman striving to excel in the private sector; a woman partnering with her neighbors to make their street safer; a woman running for office to improve her country – they all have something to offer, and the more our societies empower women, the more we receive in return.
Queen Rania of Jordan
We are the first company anywhere in the hospitality sector to introduce technology-based solutions to the suppliers side to help them manage operations.
Ritesh Agarwal
If the YSRCP is voted to power, agriculture sector will be given top priority. The interests of all sections of people will be protected.
Y. S. Jaganmohan Reddy
I think what I brought from the private sector was a real appreciation of how much leverage – respect, if you will – that the SEC has. Major companies, in particular, really don’t want to be at war with their primary regulator. The SEC may not have appreciated just how great our leverage is.
Mary Jo White
Mitt Romney has a proven job creation record as governor and in the private sector.
Gordon Smith
Less than 8 percent of private sector workers belonged to a union in 2004, and, overall, only 12.5 percent of American workers carry a union card – down from about one-third of workers in labor’s heydays in the 1950s.
Linda Chavez
You know, I definitely have an inclination to work in the public sector.
Rashida Jones
I monitor very carefully, in the automobile sector in particular, the development of new technologies which help to limit negative effects on the environment by influencing human actions.
Albert II, Prince of Monaco
The need for mission-critical, high-performance network continues to grow as companies and public sector organizations everywhere digitize their operations.
Rajeev Suri
In today’s knowledge-based economy, what you earn depends on what you learn. Jobs in the information technology sector, for example, pay 85 percent more than the private sector average.
William J. Clinton
Innovation means taking risks, and that is where the private sector can play a role.
Ajay Piramal
Australia is a resource-rich nation. We have been good at exploiting our minerals base and agricultural sector for exports.
Anthony Pratt
We can find a great sector or business, but we’re investing so early that unless there’s this tenacious grit, determination, resourcefulness, ability to evolve, it won’t work.
Dan Levitan
We've supported the development of Cuba's private secto

We’ve supported the development of Cuba’s private sector. This is a human rights issue – people should have the right to live with dignity and to control their livelihoods.
Ben Rhodes
If I could create one job in the private sector by helping to grow a business, that would be one more than Congress has created in the last six months.
Evan Bayh
Broadband, wireless, and technology services have become a vibrant sector of our national economy with the potential to both empower and invest in our communities.
Eduardo Bhatia
Some things are too important to be left to the private sector.
George Galloway
It’s been 35 years since I left school. Almost nine of them were in government; all the rest were in the private sector. And I’ve proven over time to be a great leader.
Joe Lhota
Renewable energy also creates more jobs than other sources of energy – most of these will be created in the struggling manufacturing sector, which will pioneer the new energy future by investment that allows manufacturers to retool and adopt new technologies and methods.
Jay Inslee
From our perspective, just narrowly from the financial sector and from our institution, there’s nothing good about Brexit.
James P. Gorman
As a result of the policies of my government, black money in real estate sector has declined substantially, the prices of houses have come down and the dream of a normal middle class family for possessing their own house is being realised.
Ram Nath Kovind
In the public sector, there are a million people in the health service. There ought to be a couple of dozen or more on the Labour side, who learned their trade in different parts of the health service, and the public sector, and local government. And bus drivers, and people on the Underground.
Dennis Skinner
I was secretary of the Treasury in 2008. In that role, I had the privilege to work with many talented men and women in government and the private sector who labored to pull our nation back from the brink of disaster.
Henry Paulson
Nigeria, with the oil sector, had the reputation of being corrupt and not managing its own public finances well. So what did we try to do? We introduced a fiscal rule that de-linked our budget from the oil price.
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
An energy-dominant America will bring even more hard-working Americans into the high-skill, well-paying jobs and careers the energy sector offers.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
I would cap the amount of federal government can spend at 20 percent of the economy. Bring it back to 20 percent or lower. And say, we are not going to spend above that level. Democrats, they want to raise your taxes and spend more and more and turn us into an economy which is no longer driven by the private sector.
Mitt Romney
We have now under President Obama’s leadership had 29 months in a row of private sector job growth. That stretch of positive private sector job growth hasn’t happened since 2005. We still have a long way to go, but we are moving in the right direction.
Martin O’Malley
The Greek economy is improving, which should benefit the banking sector.
John Paulson
If you take all the money we’ve spent at NASA since we landed on the moon and you had applied that money for incentives to the private sector, we would today probably have a permanent station on the moon, three or four permanent stations in space, a new generation of lift vehicles.
Newt Gingrich
Even when it comes to zippers and buttons, Italy reigns supreme. The luxury market is ours, as demonstrated by the voracity with which various foreign conglomerates are buying up the jewels of our manufacturing sector.
Lapo Elkann
In every sector of business, it’s really hard to build something where you can get on a good run. In sports, it’s even harder because you only have a small window for an athletic career.
Andre Iguodala
I think there’s no question but what the tail end of the Bush administration, Bush-Cheney administration, that we took steps specifically geared to try and free up the financial sector.
Dick Cheney
Climate change is a global crisis – one the international community and private sector must tackle together if we have any hope of averting the worst impacts on our health, our economies, and our communities.
Tom Steyer
Representing the people is not something ‘our’ representatives do. They are too busy representing a handful of private interest groups such as the financial sector, the military/security complex, and agribusiness.
Paul Craig Roberts
We need all the transportation options that we can get in Virginia – especially options where the private sector carries all the risk and all the cost.
Ken Cuccinelli
India and other developing nations need non-farm sector activity. So what we are doing, we are giving small microbusiness to the rural women, especially the farmers’ wives.
Arunachalam Muruganantham
Infrastructure sector is all about building assets for the country. It is part of nation building.
Gautam Adani
As more and more money is coming into the formal economy, one can look at more attractive tax rates and lower tax slabs. Even if half the people who were in the informal sector move in to the formal economy and more taxes get collected, more money can be spent on the welfare.
Piyush Goyal
As you know, I spent 30 years of my life in the private sector.
Donald Evans
To achieve the kinds of innovations needed to tackle the climate crisis, government must not shun the private sector, but rather must work closely with industry and our nation’s great research universities.
John Hickenlooper
In a zero corporate tax rate environment, if the private sector doesn’t create tens of millions of jobs, then I don’t know what it takes to create tens of millions of jobs.
Gary Johnson
If you go to India the roads are being built almost entirely with private sector money and by the private sector. If you look at many, many countries in Europe that’s how they’re doing it.
Fareed Zakaria
My work is not generally in the commercial sector. However, I’m not worried by the commercial sector. I refuse to work in any other way except the way that I work.
Simon McBurney
Fortunately, in Piramal Enterprises, we are in three broad sectors. One is in the whole financial services sector, the second is in pharmaceuticals, and the third is in healthcare analytics and data.
Ajay Piramal
The more I learn about industry structures, the more I

The more I learn about industry structures, the more I feel that once a company has paid the fee, in a manner of speaking, to enter a sector, it becomes even harder to stay afloat.
Anand Mahindra
If the official community is interested in asking the private sector to take another look at Greece, then it will have to be only as part of a broader process of addressing the full range of sovereign debt issues in Europe.
Charles Dallara
It’s a tricky place, especially the last sector. I wasn’t happy in practice. I wasn’t happy with the car and I wasn’t happy with myself. But I always thought there was more in the car.
Sebastian Vettel
A vital step for the technology sector is to signpost legitimate search options far more clearly and to delete links to sites that promote illegally sourced content.
David Puttnam
I actually had a number of different careers. I worked on Wall Street; I was a Master’s in Business. I left that to work in the public sector.
Pramila Jayapal
It would be wonderful if the public sector were always great, or always terrible; or if the private sector were always great, or always terrible. Alas, reality is more complicated than comforting caricatures. Governments fail, and corporations fail.
Jon Meacham
I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in politics. When I’m finished with my term as governor, I’m going back to the life that’s waiting for me in the private sector.
Jesse Ventura
The shipping industry plays a fundamental role in boosting global trade and prosperity. Maritime leaders have rightly recognised the need to invest in more energy-efficient vessels and to apply measures like slow-steaming. But to ensure a level playing field, collective action is urgently needed across the sector.
Barry Gardiner
The American economy has always been the innovator in the world, and we’re starting to see some tremendous increases in innovation, especially in the clean energy sector.
Tim Kaine
The bottom line is this: I want America to be at the forefront of innovation in the broadcast sector, the wireless sector, and every other sector of the communications industry.
Ajit Pai
The fashion sector is very hot in New York, especially the fashion tech sector, and a lot of women have been the leaders in the industry.
Aslaug Magnusdottir
The healthcare bill not only is a monstrosity in terms of growing the government and cutting out the private sector, the way it was passed was sleazy. Every old Washington trick was used to pass the healthcare bill.
Lindsey Graham
In my private sector career, two of my favorite sayings were, ‘Strategy is easy and execution is really hard,’ and that we should ‘run at criticism.’
John Delaney
Despite significant challenges within the retail sector in the UK and beyond, which have resulted in many retailers failing, Sports Direct has continued to perform well and exceed market expectations.
Mike Ashley
For a long time, the for-profit world has told us in the not-for-profit sector to behave more like businesses.
Nancy Lublin
People shouldn’t have to lose their accents to get a fair crack at the whip at a job or move up within a sector or industry.
Esther McVey
The fact is that America has been at her most prosperous when government and the private sector have been not at war, but in a wary, if often underplayed, alliance. History is unmistakable on this point.
Jon Meacham
I’ve got cabinet experience, military experience, and private sector experience.
Erin O’Toole
The diiference is that in the private sector you work for yourself, and as Prime Minister I work for every single Haitian – inside Haiti and outside – and for all those who love Haiti as well.
Laurent Lamothe
I don’t think manufacturing should be looked at independently. It is part of the economy. So, when the economy does well, and when there is investment, the sector does well.
Jamshyd Godrej
There has been a genuine willingness from many in the arts sector to try to understand people who are not within the arts elite.
Munira Mirza
I drive Fords, and I’ve driven American cars all my life, and I want to have a strong American manufacturing sector, especially in automobiles.
Jim DeMint
Labour has lots of groups of people, whether it’s public sector workers, nurses and so on who will push their policies out for them. The right-wing equivalent, whether it’s businesses, the Church etc, don’t say anything. They all hide behind Conservative politicians.
Kemi Badenoch
Today many Caribbean workers can be found in the hospital, construction, service and hotel industries, but there is also a growing professional sector.
Charles B. Rangel
Improving veterans’ employment is an all-hands-on-deck enterprise. We work with the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs, with private sector partners and others.
Tom Perez
When private sector, government, social, and philanthropic leaders apply innovative partnerships and technologies to address social challenges and build sustainable communities, the impact is multiplied.
Tae Yoo
We cannot get serious about helping the private sector create quality jobs without focusing first on the main drivers of our economy – the American middle class and those struggling to enter it.
Paul Tonko
Providing all Latin-American children with the education and early childhood development that they need is in the best interest of all, so it has to be a priority for all of us, not only the government and civil society, but also the business sector.
I don’t like it when religions take it to the point where they discredit all other religions, because how could one sector of people have figured it out and know that that’s it? But I do think that there’s so much beauty in a lot of the stories or scriptures.
Adrianne Lenker
The federal government has been a proven failure in picking winners and losers in the energy sector.
Mike Pompeo
More people on unemployment benefits is not success in America, fewer people on not because we kicked them off but because they have been able to get a job in the private sector, because government got out of the way.
Scott Walker
I left Xerox for the non-profit sector because it was c

I left Xerox for the non-profit sector because it was clear to me that only public/private partnerships can pull off a turnaround plan at the scale we need to tackle global poverty.
Anne M. Mulcahy
When you have something that is perfect, that occupies a position and sector unrivaled by anyone else, that’s one thing we do not want to tamper with.
John Paulson
My whole life has been learning to lead, from my parents, to my education, to the experience I had in the private sector, to helping run the Olympics, and then of course helping guide a state.
Mitt Romney
Slowly, the oil and gas sector will decrease in Norway. The question in Norway is about how fast it will decrease.
Erna Solberg
The Obama administration is an affront to every freedom-loving American, and a threat to every private sector job in this country.
Rick Perry
South Sudan has faced numerous challenges, which include professionalising the security sector, establishing ministries and parliamentary structures with the appropriate capacity for policy making and oversight, as well as improving community safety and access to justice.
Miroslav Lajcak
Government pensions, built into law and mostly protected from stock market vagaries, are the envy of the private sector.
Nina Easton
One problem with relying on existing concepts is that it could stifle innovation, weakening the film sector over time.
Anita Elberse
In the private sector, you have a budget and you stick to it.
Rob Ford
Nevada once again has shown double digit increases in tax revenue… Nevada continues to show economic stability with its desirable business climate and booming tourism sector.
Kenny Guinn
There was, of course, a global financial crisis. But our Labour predecessors left Britain exceptionally vulnerable and damaged: more personal debt than any other major economy; a dangerously inflated property bubble; and a bloated banking sector behaving as masters, not the servants of the people.
Vince Cable
We should integrate the quality of ex-players at the highest level more in football, especially in the youth sector. That is absolutely crucial for me.
Michael Ballack
Again, the American people expect us to do what they are doing. It’s tightening the belt, it’s learning how to do more with less. That’s a reality today, and we’ve got to do that in order to get the private sector growing.
Eric Cantor
When Barack Obama tries to continually weasel his ever-expanding government into the private sector or does something like try to sneak the biggest backdoor tax in history into the books, he ceases to be ‘Presidential.’
Steven Crowder
Whenever there is a recession, the first sector that bounces back is technology services.
Ashok Soota
Unless you empower your domestic investor and domestic industry and domestic confidence in the sector, no foreigner is going to come.
Piyush Goyal
This project would not only open up venues of cooperation in the oil and gas sector between the member countries but also help bring the people of regional countries together.
Amanullah Khan
You look at Governor Romney’s record in the private sector, he helped turn businesses around. Certainly a decade ago he took what would have been an international disaster with the U.S. Olympics, and turned it around for America and made us great again with the Olympics in Salt Lake City.
Scott Walker
There are a lot of young kids serving in Washington, D.C.: kids that are smart, hard-working, but they’ve never farmed. They’ve never run a business. They’ve never been in the private sector. They went from high school into college and right into Washington, D.C.
Ron Johnson
Crony capitalism is essentially a condition in which… public officials are giving favours to people in the private sector in payment of political favours.
Alan Greenspan
Paternalism is the method of government activism most amenable to an impoverished public sector.
Jacob Weisberg
In order to develop the country’s sports in line with the great leaders’ ideas and plan of developing Juche-based sports, our Party directs great efforts to the work of the sports sector.
Kim Jong-un
Constituent services for Hoosiers are like customer service was to me in the private sector.
Mike Braun
We will support the long-term economic development of new, innovative activities in the space and satellite industries as a key high-tech sector for Luxembourg.
Etienne Schneider
I think public sector workers, our teachers, our firefighters, our home health workers who work for states, they do God’s work. They are some of our most important employees.
Tom Perez
When I first left university, I thought about going into the private sector. But I discovered when I went to interview that I could only have a career in the back office, or doing HR. The attitude was, ‘My dear lady, you cannot possibly think about going on the board.’
Pauline Neville-Jones
In 2018, my biggest worry is actually about North Korea. I worry a great deal that they may do a destructive attack, perhaps against our financial sector, in an attempt to deter a potential U.S. strike against either their nuclear facilities or even the regime itself.
Dmitri Alperovitch
We cannot just rely on the public sector or the private sector. We all need to work together.
Dan Schulman
The plan shows that the twenty million people in the German democratic Republic and in the democratic sector of Berlin think only of peace, and that they are working for freedom and peaceful prosperity.
Walter Ulbricht
Housing is a relatively small sector of the economy, and its decline should be self-correcting.
Janet Yellen
I am so excited that society is taking so much interest in the disability sector and our belief in inclusion is getting so much media coverage.
Madeline Stuart
Fundamentally, our broadband policy has been and should

Fundamentally, our broadband policy has been and should continue to be based on private sector companies continuing to build out their networks to meet consumer needs.
Michael O’Rielly
The fundamental problem is that President Obama has grown government. He has grown the private sector jobs.
Jason Chaffetz
Everything I have done in the private sector has been through an ethics review point by point by point, and I have been given a clean bill of health by Ethics from the day I walked in the door, including my involvement with Innate Immunotherapeutics and my position on the board.
Chris Collins
At one point, people thought that Eddie Murphy would only reach one sector of the audience, but now everyone sees everything Eddie Murphy does.
Morris Chestnut
There has to be a drive to make the U.K. competitive in the motorcar industry or in the engineering industry. To do that, you have to give attention to the manufacturing sector.
Ratan Tata
Al Gore’s problem, in my view, is that he never liked politics. He’s actually deeply uncomfortable in it but felt he had to do it because of his father. He’s much more comfortable in a private sector role and has, in fact, been much more successful in a private sector role, and I admire him for that.
Andrew Sullivan
We impugn the private sector, we impugn main street America, and the bureaucracy cannot be held to any different standard whatsoever.
Paul Gosar
In the typical economic recovery, a resurgent housing sector helps fuel reemployment and rising incomes.
Ben Bernanke
The biggest culprits in the housing fiasco came from the private sector, and more specifically from a mortgage industry that was out of control.
Mark Zandi
Studying art history is actually one of the few ways of getting a good job in the arts sector. It’s hard to be a museum curator without it, work in any senior position in an auction house or gallery, or become a serious art critic.
Munira Mirza
We aren’t upset when Paramount makes a $200 million movie that flops, but if a charity experiments with a $5 million fundraising event that fails, we call in the attorneys. So charities are petrified of trying bold new revenue-generating endeavors and can’t develop the powerful learning curves the for-profit sector can.
Dan Pallotta
After all, Wall Street is clearly the most powerful lobbying force on Capitol Hill. From 1998 through 2008, the financial sector spent over $5 billion in lobbying and campaign contributions to deregulate Wall Street.
Bernie Sanders
Even the dumber parts of our government are not run by idiots. These are ordinary people like us, doing a job. By and large, they’re trying to do it as well as they can. Or at least as often as people in the private sector try to do as well as they can.
P. J. O’Rourke
It’s so sad to see how few people in the Obama administration have any private sector experience.
Foster Friess
I always intended to return to the private sector.
Don Nickles
When I see some of the work in the commercial PC sector, some of our top focus is in India.
Lisa Su
Private sector has no issue in coming into infrastructure sector. They know very well that infrastructure is one area that can give you very steady long-term returns.
Arundhati Bhattacharya
Lula’s foreign policy goal was to turn Brazil into a sub-imperial power, with a presence in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. This strategy must be understood as a reaction to his concerns that the extractive sector would threaten Brazil’s industrial tissue.
Fernando Haddad
I understand fully that jobs are created by the private sector, having been all my life in the private sector, but I don’t buy the argument that the state has no role to play.
Chris Gabrieli
I got a job as a football development manager which meant I could coach the students and work with the sports sciences department, all the people in university sector.
Graham Potter
All developmental activities for the common man such as education, healthcare, shelter and food distribution should be handled by reputed private sector institutions. It should be a competitive market in order to prevent the formation of monopolies.
N. R. Narayana Murthy
During the early 1960s, I decided to supplement research support for quantitative economic studies at Pennsylvania by selling econometric forecasts to private and public sector buyers.
Lawrence R. Klein
The Tea Party elites believe government is evil. Everything about government is bad, and they blame all problems, even non-economic problems, problems that were caused by the private sector, on government.
Chuck Schumer
We do many things at the federal level that would be considered dishonest and illegal if done in the private sector.
Donald T. Regan
I started my career in the private sector and then became U.S. attorney. I think I was a stronger U.S. attorney, and I frankly think I am a stronger Chair of the SEC, because of that experience.
Mary Jo White
It is not business, it is not government – it is the social sector that may yet save the society.
Frances Hesselbein
I’ve never had a problem in a male-dominated sector. Results speak for themselves.
Cynthia Carroll
We take all potential threats to public and private sector systems seriously and will continue to investigate and hold accountable those who pose a threat in cyberspace.
Christopher A. Wray
One of the advantages of getting elected governor when you’re 58 instead of 38 is you have some mileage on you and part of that means some history and some relationships with people who have spent a fair amount of their career in the public and in the private sector.
Charlie Baker
The private sector can go forward, if it must, with destruction of embryos for questionable and ethically challenged science. But spend the people’s money on proven blood cord, bone marrow, germ cell, and adult cell research.
Roger Wicker
Just as a city cannot protect its manufacturing base without keeping its factories, we cannot have a strong arts sector without studios, rehearsal space, and performance venues.
Munira Mirza
Washington State has a strong tradition of a positive r

Washington State has a strong tradition of a positive relationship – positive working relationship between labor and management, whether in the private sector or the public sector. It needs to continue to be that way.
Rob McKenna
You can go on for days naming former elected officials who are now in the private sector getting paid lots of money for speeches.
Michael Capuano
If Obama’s vision of the public sector is socialism, then so too were the visions of Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and Richard Nixon.
Jeff Greenfield
After the liberation of Bangladesh in 1971, primary education was made free. We are now thinking to make education in the public sector free up to graduation level. We are also thinking of providing a light meal at primary and secondary schools in order to increase the student retention level.
Sheikh Hasina
Getty Images is one of the world’s great media brands and the company has delivered a significant repositioning in the past few years, investing in its products and people to capitalize on favorable sector dynamics and build on its industry-leading position.
Mark Getty
I am not someone who tends to advocate for increased government involvement in the private sector.
Frederick W. Smith
Finally, let’s keep well in mind the most important lesson of the auto rescue: While government should stay away from the private sector as much as possible, markets do occasionally fail, and when they do government can play a constructive role, as it did in the case of the auto rescue.
Steven Rattner
We in the independent sector more than anybody need Netflix, because they care about what we do.
Harvey Weinstein
The only result of our present system – unless we reverse the drift – must be the gradual extension of the fascist sector and the gradual disappearance of the system of free enterprise under a free representative government.
John T. Flynn
In the Senate, I will work to shrink the size of our federal government to its core Constitutional role so the private sector can thrive.
Thom Tillis
Private sector development and the creation of small businesses spur investment, jobs, opportunity, and hope. It empowers the market to meet local needs, whether for food, basic goods, or services.
Robert Zoellick
When WHO works with the private sector, the Organization takes all possible measures to ensure its work to develop policy and guidelines is protected from industry influence.
Margaret Chan
I thought the sports law sector would be boring, but it was unexpectedly interesting.
Park Ji-sung
No matter how much the private sector crows that corporate tax breaks will lead to more jobs or robust economic activity, such benefits rarely materialize.
Rashida Tlaib
What is obvious is that Donald Trump is comfortable with an approach to running his presidency based on what worked for him in the private sector.
Richard N. Haass
Somehow, failures in the public sector are always judged as systematic. The private sector thus exists to ride to the rescue – and their failures are only judged anomalies. A pretty nice arrangement for investors. The only people who suffer are the citizens.
Rick Perlstein
If you can get a teen leader in each sector of a student population, you can pull people in. Everybody wants to get involved, but most are too afraid. When they see a person they think is cool leading it, they’re first to join.
Andrew Shue
By becoming an MBE, I hope it helps raise the profile of our sector and what a thriving industry it is. I also hope it inspires others entrepreneurs in craft to believe, innovate and put our industry firmly on the map.
Sara Davies
Until you separate the speculative behaviour of the financial sector from the real economy and the financing of the real economy, then we are not going to see the kind of stability or the capacity to drive genuine, income-led growth as opposed to debt-fuelled, speculative behaviour.
Sharan Burrow
In business, we use certain principles to measure performance, and I envision applying those principles in the public sector.
Gina Raimondo
My problem with public sector union leaders, the bosses, has been they stood in the way of protecting the taxpayer.
Scott Walker
I think when Donald Trump looks at the energy sector, he sees that as a place to really create wealth for this country and for individuals, to put Americans back to work with good-paying jobs that have benefits.
Sean Spicer
The one period of glory in NASA was the first nine years when they weren’t a bureaucracy yet… and they haven’t gotten back to that excitement, that adventurism, and won’t. So, I would take most of the NASA budget, and I would turn it into prizes for private sector.
Newt Gingrich
In our country, the vast majority of our critical infrastructure and intellectual property is of course in the hands of the private sector.
Christopher A. Wray
The private sector is the key player in cyber security. Private sector companies are the primary victims of cyber intrusions. And they also possess the information, the expertise, and the knowledge to address cyber intrusions and cyber crime in general.
James Comey
Competition in the American tech sector is being gobbled up by the largest players, and it’s threatening our entire industry.
Brianna Wu
When you’re starting a new business, you don’t need to know much about it. A lot of the work is blocking and tackling – it’s the same type of stuff no matter what sector you’re in.
Naveen Jain
The Paris Agreement makes it impossible for any country or any sector to say climate change isn’t their problem. It has created unprecedented momentum for all sectors in all countries to take action and be part of the solution.
Barry Gardiner
The private sector complains that some of the agencies set up to advise and assist them in protecting their networks, such as CESG, are good at gathering information, but reluctant to disseminate it. This culture of information hoarding has to be changed.
Crispin Blunt
President Obama’s assault on the free-enterprise market and venture capitalists is anti-American and shows his greatest insecurity: his lack of private sector experience and his inability to understand the economy and help businesses thrive in these uncertain economic times.
Mercedes Schlapp
The long term sustainable growth in job creation comes from the private sector. It is important that the Obama administration partner with the private sector and come up with the best possible ideas for creating jobs.
Valerie Jarrett
There are reasons why Religious Right Evangelicals will

There are reasons why Religious Right Evangelicals will continue to dominate religious discourse, not only in their own sector of the Christian community, but also in what transpires in mainline denominations.
Tony Campolo
Trade wars in which countries are then obliged to retaliate by raising their own tariffs against the initiator undermine growth and hurt consumers. Far from being expressions of strength they highlight the failure of the initiating country’s economic sector to compete in the global market place.
Dominic Grieve
I have publicly talked about Mexico’s need to open ourselves up to the participation of the private sector in the energy sector, however this doesn’t mean privatizing state-run companies.
Enrique Pena Nieto
Government has a habit of blaming the private sector for its own failings while taking credit for advances we in fact owe to the private sector.
Thomas Woods
We need long-term tax reform that promotes private sector job creation. And legislated mandates that kill jobs by raising the cost of payrolls need to be eliminated.
Elaine Chao
The combination of a workable basic formula and the capacity to improve over time is what one hopes for in any aspect of society: business, government, the non-profit sector.
Michael Spence
I always told people in the private sector, ‘You can be the smartest person in the world, you can have the very best ideas, but if you can’t sell them and you can’t get other people to work with you, you’re not going to succeed.’
Henry Paulson
Social incubators not only create economic impact but also have impact in other sectors, such as healthcare, education, and the environment. As the number of social incubation programs increase in the global incubation sector, there is a greater need to help programs improve and help others start.
Tae Yoo
It is a well-known fact that bringing in technologies in retail sector is good for consumers.
N. R. Narayana Murthy
My view is the core engine supporting India’s growth aspiration will be the financial sector, which will have to get more efficient.
Uday Kotak
The work being done by Linklaters to help organizations understand keys to success in the development sector serves as an important international affairs issue and crucial element in how all of us work to support service provision in impoverished communities in a lasting and effective way.
Ann Cotton
China’s economic transformation began with the introduction in the 1980s of market incentives in the agricultural sector. These reforms were followed by a gradual opening to the global economy, a process that accelerated in the early 1990s.
Michael Spence
The three top issues have to be restoring jobs and private sector job growth to our country, getting the entitlement mess under control, and restoring back to our country a sense of self-confidence that Americans can achieve whatever we want to achieve.
Chris Christie
The Prime Minister in the UK thinks spending and borrowing more is the right thing to do in the circumstances, and is busily trying to bail out chunks of the private sector which would otherwise have to adjust more quickly to the painful reality that we have been living beyond our means.
John Redwood
I know it’s going to be the private sector that leads this country out of the current economic times we’re in. You can spend your money better than the government can spend your money.
George W. Bush
Having more women in company boards, in senior management, supervisory positions and workers in the formal sector is not only the right thing to do, but the smart thing to do. It’s good for the bottom line.
Michelle Bachelet
The Sochi circuit can be challenging, featuring a combination of high speed straights and lots of corners, especially in the last sector.
Charles Leclerc
History proves… that a smart central bank can protect the economy and the financial sector from the nastier side effects of a stock market collapse.
Ben Bernanke
My first job was as a programmer. So I feel like I’m familiar with the information technology sector and the information technology culture.
Gene Luen Yang
You have little representation of young black men in the business sector, so you have children growing up in disadvantaged neighborhoods who don’t hear discussions at the dinner table about what goes on in business. It’s almost as if we have two nations.
Edmund Phelps
I am not helpless. Any timid minister will not go forward… I have come here to strive hard for the sake of the country, to work for the country. If anybody thinks that decision making process in the oil sector will be prevented, they are totally wrong.
Veerappa Moily
I think that if Britain does decide to leave the E.U., that would be a disaster for the technology sector here and probably also for the broader economy.
Taavet Hinrikus
Connecticut has a vibrant farming community – the products they produce are world-class and we want to help support the continued growth of this important sector of our state’s economy.
Ned Lamont
Unfortunately, military servicemen and servicewomen often have a difficult time transitioning to jobs in the private sector once their duty is complete.
Tae Yoo
James Goldsmith is important because he used the power of the markets to break up the cosy patrician elite that ran Britain and its industries in the 1950s and ’60s. In the process, Goldsmith helped transfer power in this country away from politics and towards the markets and the financial sector.
Adam Curtis