Top 342 Engineering Quotes

If you look at other countries, you'll find lots of gir

If you look at other countries, you’ll find lots of girls doing physics, engineering, and science. It’s something to do with the kind of culture we have in the English-speaking world about what’s appropriate for each of the two sexes.
Jocelyn Bell Burnell
During dark times, real entrepreneurs come out. They are not competing with 10 look-alike companies for engineering talent, so it’s a great time to invest and help build companies.
Douglas Leone
Thirty percent of Americans have German blood in their family. I don’t see any major difference in the engineering abilities of Americans and Germans.
Hasso Plattner
For decades engineers have stood accused that their buildings do not have any cultural value. We have attempted to liberate engineering of this accusation.
Fritz Todt
I did graduate with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering in 1948.
Daniel J. Evans
In life sciences, we find a reasonable balance between men and women. In engineering and computer science, we have a major problem. A very small percentage of women will be in computer science.
Freeman A. Hrabowski III
I think the ethics and morals of genetic engineering are very complicated. It intrigues me.
Roger Spottiswoode
When I came out of Stanford, I looked at my brilliant classmates, who were going into Wall Street high finance, Silicon Valley, advanced engineering, and I said to myself, ‘Jeff, go into an industry where nobody can add.’
Jeff Bewkes
Economic engineering is about the design and analysis of frameworks for achieving specific economic objectives.
Ben Bernanke
The key for us is always a multiple-year strategy, and a multiple-year strategy means great products, great customer relationships, and doing solid engineering.
Lisa Su
To make an embarrassing admission, I like video games. That’s what got me into software engineering when I was a kid. I wanted to make money so I could buy a better computer to play better video games – nothing like saving the world.
Elon Musk
Engineering and mixing are absolutely key. Once a song is done, for me personally, it’s usually two or three days to get the mix down.
Dr. Dre
‘Social engineering,’ the fancy term for tricking you into giving away your digital secrets, is at least as great a threat as spooky technology.
Barton Gellman
Being a CEO requires a specific skill set, and a background in engineering equips individuals with the ability to plan logically and make decisions that fit properly within the context of the business.
Dinesh Paliwal
Social engineering is using manipulation, influence and deception to get a person, a trusted insider within an organization, to comply with a request, and the request is usually to release information or to perform some sort of action item that benefits that attacker.
Kevin Mitnick
My dad and my mom convinced me to go into biomedical engineering because they said astronauts going to Mars will need life support systems.
Rony Abovitz
My daughter makes great jewellery and my son wants to pursue engineering. They’ve both been indoctrinated by the school of Linley. People want to get back to painting, building, exploring what their creative sides can do – it’s something all human beings crave.
David Linley
A National Database on Autism Research is fostering sharing of data and collaborations. Scientists are also making great strides at the interface of biology and engineering with new technologies that are laying the groundwork for future advances.
Thomas R. Insel
As you get older, you do reflect more. They were great times, but the biggest thing we all had to deal with a lot more disappointment from an engineering point of view, there was not the reliability that there is now.
Nigel Mansell
A country without engineering skill and knowledge will never become a developed country.
Mahathir Mohamad
My dad owns a company that lends equipment to industrial projects. I’ve been obsessed with taking it over since I could talk. I’d follow him and repeat conversations about how many tons of cranes were arriving. He said it was a man’s world, so I studied electrical engineering because it was related.
Ruchi Sanghvi
The Web is now philosophical engineering. Physics and the Web are both about the relationship between the small and the large.
Tim Berners-Lee
We must ensure that girls do not close off career paths by limiting the subjects that they study – this is why continuing to study science, technology, engineering, and maths is so important.
Nicky Morgan
So I went for engineering, specifically product design, which I enjoyed.
Debi Thomas
Being interested in science and engineering is not a male quality.
Emily Calandrelli
Engineering is the art of managing scarcity – it’s easy to design and build a massive bridge that will last forever if cost is not an issue. Similarly, to build a new company, you must manage scarce resources.
Joe Lonsdale
The path to the CEO’s office should not be through the CFO’s office, and it should not be through the marketing department. It needs to be through engineering and design.
Elon Musk
Yeah, I think that his great creation was not any one product but a company in which creativity was connected to great engineering. And that will survive at least while the current people who trained under Steve are there.
Walter Isaacson
I wanted to become an engineer and I believed in myself. I was the lone girl to enrol for engineering studies, then. But the college provided me an opportunity to excel in my life.
Sudha Murty
Google has helped raise the importance of DNS above the network engineering community, which has been really good.
David Ulevitch
I just want people to be excited about hard stuff, that’s what engineering is.
Hank Green
I was one of the first practitioners of social engineer

I was one of the first practitioners of social engineering as a hacking technique, and today it is my only tool of use, aside from a smartphone – in a purely white hat sort of way. But if you don’t trust me, then ask any reasonably competent social engineer.
John McAfee