Top 342 Uses Quotes

I think good radio often uses the techniques of fiction: characters, scenes, a big urgent emotional question. And as in the best fiction, tone counts for a lot. But a lot of effective and interesting radio is based on one character who reacts to the world.
Ira Glass
To say a scientist is not at all responsible is wrong. But to say that someone who invents a piece of knowledge or technology is responsible for all future uses is ridiculous. It doesn’t have to be that binary.
Astro Teller
While Justin Trudeau uses the slogan, ‘Diversity is our strength,’ he has demonstrated time and again that he does not extend that diversity to thought or conscience.
Erin O’Toole
Nature builds things that are antifragile. In the case of evolution, nature uses disorder to grow stronger. Occasional starvation or going to the gym also makes you stronger, because you subject your body to stressors and gain from them.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Today, medical devices such as catheters and stethoscopes use silver, and every hospital in the western world uses silver sulfadiazine to prevent infections.
Robert Kiyosaki
Everyone uses art for different reasons: We use it as entertainment. We use it as an escape. We use it as comfort. Everyone uses it for different reasons.
Hayley Kiyoko
I believe God takes the things in our lives – family, background, education – and uses them as part of his calling. It might not be to become a pastor. But I don’t think God wastes anything.
Eugene H. Peterson
Golf has an ambivalent relationship with the environment. On one hand, it’s a great preserver of open spaces. Golf doesn’t pave the world – it helps to green the world. But the downside is, it uses a lot of fertilizer, pesticides and water.
Thomas Friedman
To the extent that these advanced weapons or their components are treated as articles of commerce, perhaps for peaceful uses as in the Plowshare program, their cost would be well within the resources available to many large private organizations.
Herman Kahn
When I grew up, one of comedy idols was Rowan Atkinson, who of course is Mr. Bean and uses physical comedy. Same with Jim Carrey. Both of those guys. And Peter Sellers. Most of my comedy idols are physical comics.
Rhys Darby
After a long day at school, sports will help them rejuvenate their system. Especially in the digital era, where almost every kid uses a smartphone.
P. T. Usha
The re-use of a Dragon capsule is yet another example of how SpaceX uses cargo flights to prove out new technologies that can be later used on crewed flights, and is a key step toward a commercial return to the Moon.
Bruce Pittman
I am all for a good drag out argument every now and then, but the person that talks the loudest and uses the most curse words is not necessarily the winner of the argument.
Cynthia Bailey
A weapon isn’t good or bad, depends on the person who uses it.
Jet Li
The only sexual act that is sinful is the one that uses or abuses.
Pat Buckley
I’d be somewhat disinclined to be responsible for the fortunes of a franchise that uses a sitcom as their philosophical north star.
Brendan Hunt
The sensors have many potential practical uses – in Government buildings, train carriages, cargo containers, on a soldier’s lapel – and are a thousand times cheaper than current sensors that are used for the same purpose.
Anne Campbell
I just think it’s useful for people to know that even if you are off the telly you’re just an ordinary person who uses the Tube.
Prunella Scales
Ray Bradbury was the first author that I was really exposed to back in grade school. I’m a big Philip K. Dick fan, but the emotion and humanity that Bradbury brings to his stories and the way he uses sci-fi to get at the human heart is something that’s unique and for me incredibly influential.
Rian Johnson
I have faith that God often uses our deepest pain as the launching pad of our greatest calling.
Yolanda Hadid
I am completely turning into my mom. Me, trying to be stern, is her. Or when I make silly voices. My mom always uses weird voices if she’s talking to a kid or a dog. I’m the same person – completely my mother.
When you are doing a show, it can get really dull. You are sitting so long while they set up the lights, then you say a couple of lines, then they tear down the lights again. At least stunts are something that uses your physical energy a great deal.
Yvonne Craig
The U.S. and Iraq will work together next year to shift Iraqi resources from unproductive subsidies to productive uses that enable Iraqis to earn livelihoods.
Zalmay Khalilzad
I like to be the only one who uses my toothbrush.
Anjelah Johnson
Where 'Paranormal Activity' really comes into its own i

Where ‘Paranormal Activity’ really comes into its own is its rhetoric of legitimacy – how it uses itself to authenticate itself, and thus furthers the pretence of being real.
Stephen Graham Jones
Prince Charles is definitely my hero; he uses his position to do only good in this world.
Vivienne Westwood
Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.
Albert Einstein
In Houston everyone owns guns and uses ’em – sometimes just for the hell of it.
Shelley Duvall
It seems extraordinary to have waited so long into one’s life to have found the part that actually uses your basic rhythm. And I think that’s always sort of what actors connect up with – their own sort of world.
Susan Sullivan
My system uses no apparatus. The resistance of your own body is the best and safest apparatus.
Charles Atlas
We are not safe and secure when the government uses us as pawns to perpetrate violence against others. Our safety and security will come when we organize, love, and resist together.
Chelsea Manning
My laboratory uses evolution to design new enzymes. No one really knows how to design them – they are tremendously complicated. But we are learning how to use evolution to make new ones, just as nature does.
Frances Arnold
We do not need to eat animals, wear animals, or use animals for entertainment purposes, and our only defense of these uses is our pleasure, amusement, and convenience.
Gary L. Francione
He uses his good powers for evil, and that’s when it gets to the dangerous side of it.
Rosario Dawson
In France, I am just Madame Campbell. In Jamaica, nobody uses my title.
Lady Colin Campbell
Jon Jones is amazing; he’s so confident. He uses his elbows very well, and I think he’s a great talent.
Junior dos Santos
In many cases, water stress is more about politics, economics, behaviour and governance than absolute water scarcity. Better planning is needed, to allocate water where societal need is greatest, and to allow trade-offs between alternative uses.
Ian Goldin
I am by no means suggesting that everyone who uses the neocon label is doing so as an anti-Semitic smear, but the word has been used often enough in that ugly context that it should make any person of goodwill think twice before employing it.
Max Boot
The public treasure has been duly applied to the uses to which it was appropriated by Parliament, and regular accounts have been annually laid before Parliament, of every article of expense.
Robert Walpole
An identity would seem to be arrived at by the way in which the person faces and uses his experience.
James Baldwin
I guarantee you that’s what Jeff Gordon does. He uses everything the fans throw at him to stoke his fire and it drives him to be better at what he does.
Bo Jackson
If someone you know makes a bad decision or uses bad judgment, it doesn’t mean you have to allow that to alter your attitude. Why should you allow anyone else’s bad decisions to send you into a tailspin of misery?
Joyce Meyer
A hacker is someone who uses a combination of high-tech cybertools and social engineering to gain illicit access to someone else’s data.
John McAfee
I’d really love to see a business model for higher education going forward that is actually affordable, that uses modern technology to reach scale and quality and that really reimburses the services rendered in a way that’s meaningful to everybody.
Sebastian Thrun
To minimize market uncertainty and achieve the maximum effect of its policies, the Federal Reserve is committed to providing the public as much information as possible about the uses of its balance sheet, plans regarding future uses of its balance sheet, and the criteria on which the relevant decisions are based.
Ben Bernanke
Our fish, our recreation, our irrigation and all our uses of the Missouri River are threatened if the drought continues and the Corps of Engineers decisions aren’t changed.
Mike Rounds
‘I’ is the word everyone uses to refer to themselves. On the one hand, it points to a specific person, but it’s also this blank space that you can insert yourself into; it’s a chute into empathy.
Alexandra Kleeman
History uses a unit of measure for time that is different from that of the lifespan of the individual, whereas man is only too ready to measure the evolution of history by his own yardstick.
Gustav Stresemann
There are still many challenges and questions that need to be addressed before optogenetics can be applied in humans for therapeutic uses.
Feng Zhang
Most science fiction is based on our knowledge now and uses that to project the future.
Judith Tarr
The thing that is so touching about – I can come right up and call him Mr. Simon. The thing that’s great about Mr. Simon is he really uses the audience as a partner, and they tell him what’s working and what’s not. So he’s always working on a play.
John Ritter
There are some sites that pay, but access to them is quite limited. And a very small chunk of the population uses the Internet. So, a director goes on YouTube only for better reach.
Karthik Subbaraj
In every country except – industrial country except the United States, the government uses its massive purchasing power to negotiate drug prices. That’s one of the reasons prices are so much higher in the United States than in other countries.
Noam Chomsky
There are uses to adversity, and they don’t reveal themselves until tested. Whether it’s serious illness, financial hardship, or the simple constraint of parents who speak limited English, difficulty can tap unexpected strengths.
Sonia Sotomayor