Top 35 Sam Seder Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Sam Seder Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

When I came home, I was no longer the pariah who had dr

When I came home, I was no longer the pariah who had dropped out of law school. I had been on TV. And everybody wanted to know, not only what being on TV was like, but what I thought about world events. Suddenly, there was some value to what I was saying. That’s bizarre.
Sam Seder
I think there’s a real hunger out there for new voices who will speak more truth to power and who are less ensconced in the establishment machine.
Sam Seder
There’s an argument that private debt, in some way, is creating indentured servants in our country. But public debt does not do that. In fact, public debt does the exact opposite – it relieves private debt.
Sam Seder
Listen, as far as the war on Christmas goes, I feel like we should be waging a war on Christmas.
Sam Seder
I quit law school in 1990 and started doing stand up in Boston.
Sam Seder
I feel like I don’t mind acting in a sitcom because it pays well and is good exposure, but I don’t feel like, comedically, what I have to say I can say on a show that needs to draw 14 million each week.
Sam Seder
I wanted to do something I could show my grandkids and say that this is my comedic vision.
Sam Seder
The days where you could just step back and not pick a side are over.
Sam Seder
Now, a big part of Donald Trump’s campaign strategy has been to try and undermine the legitimacy of the election. Then, if he loses, he can just dismiss the whole thing as corrupt and claim victory anyway.
Sam Seder
With comedic actors, you can write one joke or two jokes, sample dialogue, and they have the capacity to extrapolate.
Sam Seder
You cannot avoid controversy in this day and age – you really only can pick sides.
Sam Seder
Because there is something psychologically wrong with you on some level if you want to be on TV, if the only way you can fulfill yourself is by literally going from three dimensions to two dimensions.
Sam Seder
The mainstream is not the mainstream anymore. We’re a lot more niched in our media.
Sam Seder
I mean, Donald Trump has been able, because of Mitch McConnell, to seat more circuit court judges almost than Barack Obama did in eight years.
Sam Seder
I look like a very nice, benign Jewish man-boy.
Sam Seder
Cable news is nothing more than entertainment, except for the International version of CNN and perhaps the BBC.
Sam Seder
I think what happens normally in a narrative film is that the camera constructs the reality.
Sam Seder
I don’t have any insight to Donald Trump that anyone else doesn’t.
Sam Seder
You know, I’m glad that what I want doesn’t necessarily always come true.
Sam Seder
I’m not of the ilk that there’s something immoral about doing an unfunny sitcom – it just gets boring and unchallenging.
Sam Seder
You know, actors say, ‘There are no bad roles, there are only bad actors.’ Well, comedians, because they’re also writers, believe that there are in fact bad roles.
Sam Seder
Donald Trump’s own intelligence is publicly saying that Russia is actively trying to help him and hurt Joe Biden.
Sam Seder
I don’t have great thoughts about a lot of Republican candidates.
Sam Seder
This is the thing Donald Trump is doing. He may be an embarrassment, but what he’s actually doing is reflecting back on Republicans exactly what their positions are.
Sam Seder
I mean, the conservative movement in this country has been selling a pack of lies for a long time.
Sam Seder
There’s been this sort of attitude in media in the past in this country that it’s not our job to fall on one side or the other. But what I’m suggesting is that in this day and age, there is no deciding not to fall on one side of the other. You’re going to be on a side, so you’ve got to lean in and choose the right one.
Sam Seder
Bin Laden is living in the United States, and he has blonde hair. He’s probably got some type of eating disorder. And he drinks too much, and then occasionally writes an op-ed under the name Ann Coulter.
Sam Seder
My influences as a comedian and filmmaker are Albert Brooks, Lenny Bruce, Woody Allen, Andy Kaufman and John Cassevettes.
Sam Seder
There are a lot of things about the TV industry that make you try to change who you are to fit into a certain mold.
Sam Seder
Either you’re a political comedian or you’re a stand-up. Just talking about politics isn’t enough. People who talk about airplane food, you don’t call them airplane comedians.
Sam Seder
Donald Trump got impeached for his Ukraine Plan A and the economy went down the tubes, thanks to his failure to deal with the Coronavirus.
Sam Seder
My theory about L.A. is that it's almost like you have

My theory about L.A. is that it’s almost like you have an allergy that’s dormant and just need to be put in the right context for that allergy to come out. And L.A.’s like that in my mind. People who have any of that dormant blind ambition, it can easily come out in that context.
Sam Seder
Remember, Donald Trump’s Plan A for reelection was to get Ukraine to dig up dirt on Joe Biden, and then to use that to go after him.
Sam Seder
I think what should happen is companies should calculate how much money they’re getting from people who are celebrating Christmas and provide exactly that much amount of Merry Christmas, because that is exactly how I would want any type of religious holiday to be celebrated.
Sam Seder
I mean, what was really interesting is that, you know, Ted Cruz put out this ad with little kids saying that Donald Trump essentially is pretending to be a Republican, which is a little bit odd because Ted Cruz is not been the biggest Republican Party booster, right.
Sam Seder