Top 405 Campaign Quotes

As you will recall, soon after the 9/11 attacks, an international coalition led by the United States conducted an impressive campaign to defeat the Taliban, al Qaeda, and other associated extremist groups in Afghanistan.
David Petraeus
What bothers me, I guess, is when I get these messages from girls on Twitter, and they’re like, ‘God, you’re my idol, I really admire you.’ It’s like, ‘Admire me for what? What have I done?’ It’s not that being in a Burberry campaign, or walking in a Chanel show is nothing. It’s just… I know I can do more.
Cara Delevingne
It might not be wise for a sometime political journalist to admit this, but the 2016 campaign doesn’t seem like fun to me.
George Packer
I am suspending my presidential campaign, because of th

I am suspending my presidential campaign, because of the continued distractions, the continued hurt caused on me and my family, not because we are not fighters. Not because I’m not a fighter.
Herman Cain
When Bill Clinton chose Al Gore in 1992 – from the same generational, ideological, and geographical background as his – it underscored his campaign’s central argument that this was a clash between the past and the future, that ‘Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow’ was indeed the campaign’s anthem.
Jeff Greenfield
Everything about it worked, and I don’t mean just the movie, but in our experience, we realized there’s also a component of luck involved in this business. We had absolutely the most competent people in the studio working on the release and ad campaign.
David Zucker
Some of the reasons John McCain lost in 2008 were his lackluster campaign, his refusal to showcase Obama’s extreme liberalism and, thus, his failure to demonstrate why he would make a better president than Obama.
David Limbaugh
I actually had a dream that one of my friends became president, and I was trying to help out with the campaign. It was pretty good.
Chris Massoglia
I think the reason we fought so hard during this campaign, whether it was my father and the work that he put into it, whether it was the rest of our family and the efforts that we put into it – and you know those efforts well – it’s because we’d do anything for this country.
Donald Trump, Jr.
In some ways, backing the Trump campaign was even harder than battling for Brexit. I received almost total condemnation, including from many senior figures in my own party.
Nigel Farage
During my campaign, people of my age and younger said consistently that they would not vote because their votes simply no longer matter and because no government or member of Parliament cared a whit about their problems and their striving for employment.
Charles Kennedy
The ‘SheTrades’ programme aims to connect one million women entrepreneurs to markets by 2020 with a campaign, a focussed networking app, and a range of international and national information resources.
Arancha Gonzalez
Rural voters believed the Democrats traded millions in campaign cash at their expense. Along came a guy named Trump to give these voters a political voice.
Bob Beckel
I took a lot of heat from Republicans when I stepped out of John McCain’s campaign after the 2008 primaries. I still supported McCain, and voted for him, but I just didn’t want to be the tip of the spear attacking Obama.
Mark McKinnon
I was Al Gore’s campaign chairman in 2000, when he won a half-million more votes than George W. Bush but lost the presidency.
William M. Daley
The revolution has been dubbed The Orange Revolution, orange being the campaign color of Viktor Yushchenko. The demonstrators say they are tired of living under a corrupt government.
Bob Schaffer
So far, I have looked and looked for a detailed plan from Hillary Clinton’s campaign that can tell me where she really stands, but there is none. It is difficult to trust that a candidate will be the right one for our community when you don’t exactly know what their plan is.
Nicholas Gonzalez
There’s the conventional wisdom, of which I have none, where you get a record deal, you get a publicist, you get a campaign, and you do the tour, but none of that adds up to things like nuance and subtlety and dynamic.
Chris Robinson
One of the hallmarks of the sign of Aquarius is the campaign for justice. Everybody is my brother. Justice is very important to me.
Morgan Fairchild
I’ve said it since the day he made the sacrifice to hit the campaign trail: Voters crave the anti-status-quo politician. Everything about Donald Trump’s campaign, it’s avant-garde. He is crushing it in the polls.
Sarah Palin
Natural Texas politicians make terrible, terrible presidential candidates. Phil Gramm, I remember the ‘Phil Gramm for President’ campaign. I thought that was the worst thing in the history of the world, but Rick Perry was possibly worse.
Gail Collins
I had started modelling and doing ramp shows. Then I signed the ‘Kama Sutra’ campaign. Overnight I became known as this sexy, hot chick.
Shweta Menon
The number one lobby that opposes campaign finance reform in the United States is the National Association of Broadcasters.
Robert McChesney
John McCain has not been president of the United States. He ran. He ran a spirited campaign. We lost. I hated to see us lose, but there were a lot of things working against us.
Richard Shelby
On a regular basis, to appease White House or campaign staffs, Secret Service officials order agents to ignore basic security rules and let people into events without being put through a magnetometer or metal detector.
Ronald Kessler
I took and received campaign donations under the existing laws.
Sheila Jackson Lee
Barack Obama won a second term but no mandate. Thanks in part to his own small-bore and brutish campaign, victory guarantees the president nothing more than the headache of building consensus in a gridlocked capital on behalf of a polarized public.
Ron Fournier
After President Obama took office, his campaign book ‘The Audacity of Hope’ receded into his past fast. Its sweet, naive, bipartisan ‘let’s reason together’ passages fell away, too.
John Dickerson
Frontrunners always attract envy, and a desperate campaign to stop them in their tracks.
Kwasi Kwarteng
The important things that in a campaign we talk about, let us not forget that once the election is over.
Mike Rounds
I work really long hours and work a lot and have done press tours and junkets, but there is nothing like a presidential campaign that I have experienced before… I think at one point we visited three different cities in one state in 12 hours. It’s exhausting.
America Ferrera
In campaign reporting more than any other kind of press coverage, reporters aren’t just covering a story, they’re a part of it – influencing outcomes, setting expectations, framing candidates – and despite what they tell themselves, it’s impossible to both be a part of the action and report on it objectively.
Michael Hastings
I have a tendency to campaign positively and campaign on issues, not try to tear someone else down.
Danny K. Davis
The Muslim world is deeply hurt by the campaign of violence initiated against our Palestinian brothers.
Ahmet Necdet Sezner
I'm not part of the friends-and-family club; I'm not pa

I’m not part of the friends-and-family club; I’m not part of the pay-to-play club; I’m not looking to get re-elected. I’m not looking to go to another office and fill my campaign coffers. I don’t need any friends in Albany except the people of the state.
Carl Paladino
In any grass-roots campaign, building an ongoing base of support is as important as winning the ultimate goal.
Patricia Ireland
Despite a campaign that was based on a very powerful promise of transparency, President Obama, and again in my view quite correctly, has used the state secrets argument in a variety of courts, as much as President Bush.
Michael Hayden
No money has ever been spent on ‘Peaky Blinders’ in terms of publicity, there’s no massive campaign – because it’s the BBC you just get the trailers. But what’s happened is people have found it for themselves and I think the loyalty is greater when people find than when they’re told to watch something.
Steven Knight
I have had enough of the sexist treatment of Sarah Palin… I call upon the McCain campaign to stop treating Sarah Palin like she is a delicate flower who will wilt at any moment.
Campbell Brown
You lose yourself in the to-do list and never tackle those big things you promised you would when the campaign came to an end.
John Dickerson
During the 2008 campaign, I strongly endorsed Barack Obama for president. I did so early, when many Democratic leaders – including many prominent African-American politicians – believed the safe bet was to back then-front-runner Hillary Clinton.
Douglas Wilder
I want to do right, apart from my gender – I want to do right as a campaign manager.
Kellyanne Conway
I’d say the real turn in my career came when I did the Dolce & Gabbana International Ad Campaign playing Madonna’s son, which was just an incredible experience and I still can’t believe actually happened.
Max Schneider
The most important political task facing the out-of-power party – the Democrats for now – is creating a villain to run against. It’s certainly easier than developing some grand new ideas or policies on which to campaign.
Pat Sajak
I never went on TV one time during the campaign. Not once. You know why? Because politics is war. General Sherman would never have gone on TV to tell everyone his plans. I’d never tip my hand to the other side.
Steve Bannon
A number of Donald Trump’s supporters told me during the campaign they had faith that he would be a good president because he would be helped by the experts around him. But the president’s improvisation saps experts of their key skill: pattern recognition.
John Dickerson
Terrorist groups and their extremist state sponsors cannot be fought with kid gloves and flowery words of persuasion. As the U.S. has displayed in Afghanistan and in Iraq, only a vigilant and determined campaign of confrontation can deter and obstruct them.
Ehud Olmert
When the president during the campaign said he was against nation building, I didn’t realize he meant our nation.
Al Franken
The aim of the Palestinian terror is not just to kill Israelis but also to break the will of Israeli society in order to dictate a political solution. Israel should never yield to this terror campaign.
Ehud Barak