Top 405 Campaign Quotes

A campaign gives you focus. You wake up to a different hotel alarm clock every day, but you know your mission.
John Dickerson
One of the biggest issues for me is campaign finance reform.
Cameron Russell
When you were a volunteer for the Bush-Cheney campaign, you came in the morning; you had a supervisor who gave you a list of calls to make and a time to do it in.
Ed Gillespie
Make no mistake, in this campaign, I will offer the American ideals of economic freedom a clear and unapologetic defense.
Mitt Romney
My entire career has been based around commerce. The Obama campaign was famous for raising boatloads of money online. My question is how do you make conversions better through mobile and e-mail.
Harper Reed
As a consequence, the Court ruled that the limits on campaign spending violated the First Amendment, but it accepted the $1,000 limit on individual contributions on the ground that the need to avoid the appearance of corruption justified this limited constraint on speech.
James L. Buckley
I think that, you know, this is a different year than most years. We’ve got to tell the American people that we have to live with less. We have a $13.5 trillion debt. And the only way to do that is an honest campaign with honest people.
Ken Buck
Let me thank the 2 1/2 million Americans who helped fund our campaign with an unprecedented 8 million individual campaign contributions. Anyone know what that average contribution was? That’s right, $27.
Bernie Sanders
The permanent campaign is inherently deceptive.
Scott McClellan
Because what’s going on now, and this applies mostly to television stations in the largest markets too, but TV stations basically are now the primary receivers of campaign spending.
Robert McChesney
I want to be a cheerleader for women who have never even considered running for office or being involved in a campaign, but who in the quietness of their hearts might think, ‘Why not me?’
Marianne Williamson
Public employee unions are hardly the only group involved in bare-knuckles politics. Businesses lobby fiercely, and executives make hefty campaign donations.
Charles Duhigg
The whole campaign was a tragic case of mistaken identity.
George McGovern
The President, the Administration and the campaign need a theme. I am concerned that the President is seen as a tactician without an overall strategy of his plan for the country.
Robert Teeter
I’m incredibly humbled that the leader of the modern liberty movement and strong conservative leader Congressman Ron Paul is backing our campaign.
Ted Yoho
Despite the absurdity and the silliness and the triviality of the entire campaign experience, there is also something, as non-cynical as this sounds, kind of uplifting and strange about watching democracy unfold.
Michael Hastings
Really, running an underdog, insurgent political campai

Really, running an underdog, insurgent political campaign against an opponent many folks think can’t be beat, and going out and meeting folks and talking about your ideas for America and Washington, is a lot of fun and a real privilege.
Michael Baumgartner
Candidates, of course, often claim that they want to run ‘a purely positive campaign,’ but this rarely materializes.
Kristen Soltis Anderson
Those who closely watched the campaign should not be surprised by Obama’s hostility toward Israel, given his relations with pro-Palestinian, virulent critics of Israel and his voluntary membership in Reverend Wright’s decidedly anti-Semitic church. Furthermore, his campaign website featured anti-Semitic posts.
David Limbaugh
In working to end violence against women and children, we need to ensure that men are centrally involved. Men need to organise themselves in a sustained campaign against gender-based violence.
Cyril Ramaphosa
In any human-rights campaign, everybody must do what they can.
Ian Mckellen
If you ever have the good fortune to create a great advertising campaign, you will soon see another agency steal it. This is irritating, but don’t let it worry you; nobody has ever built a brand by imitating somebody else’s advertising.
David Ogilvy
Income splitting is a cynical policy, designed by a tired government short on ideas, now reheating old concoctions as their next campaign policy menu.
Justin Trudeau
I don’t care what party you belong to or what your background is. If you believe we are headed in the wrong direction, and believe there needs to be a check and balance on the President and Congress, then join my campaign.
Tim Griffin
Abortion politics have distracted all sides from what is really essential: a major aid campaign to improve midwifery, prenatal care and emergency obstetric services in poor countries.
Nicholas Kristof
The very first television ad targeted to women was produced by the Eisenhower-Nixon campaign in 1956. It includes footage of a woman supervising her children doing their homework at the kitchen table.
Jill Lepore
What happens outside of the campaign is outside of my control.
Ron Johnson
Some have said, ‘Gosh, Donald Trump is going to hurt you.’ Some have said, ‘Gosh Donald Trump is going to help you.’ He may be helpful in certain parts of Ohio, but I’m going to run my own campaign.
Rob Portman
I’m 40 and I just got my first beauty campaign with Clairol Nice and Easy.
Teri Hatcher
There are a lot of musicians who are still desperately trying to pretend that it’s 1998 and by having a huge marketing campaign, they somehow believe that they can sell 10 million records. That’s delusional. No one sells 10 million records. The days of musicians getting rich off of selling records are done.
Bringing climate change to the forefront of American politics means making politicians feel the heat – in their campaign coffers and at the polls – and it’s time we voters make a change.
Tom Steyer
There can be an energy in a populist campaign that isn’t always in the best interest of the party.
John Hickenlooper
I am delighted to accept the chairmanship of Vote Leave, to help ensure that the organisation is fully prepared for the start of the referendum campaign.
Nigel Lawson
The Feeding the 5000 campaign is inviting food businesses to sign up to the principles of the Food Waste Pyramid tool, which illustrates a simple set of steps that any food business can take to avoid and reduce food waste.
Tristram Stuart
All women and girls have the fundamental right to live free of violence. This right is enshrined in international human rights and humanitarian law. And it lies at the heart of my UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign.
Ban Ki-moon
When people campaign for positions, they promise people all kinds of things.
Hugh Masekela
In every election homophobia has been part of the landscape and in every campaign I’ve been able to become connected enough to my constituents that they know who I am and that I can be elected on my merits.
Kathleen Wynne
I made it clear that I can run a positive campaign and do it better.
Jon Ossoff
Honesty, integrity, and accountability, the values, which should be the hallmark of this government, have instead been thrown under the bus by an arrogant majority, casualties in a misguided campaign to shield from accountability those who abuse this House.
Louise Slaughter
We were told our campaign wasn’t sufficiently slick. We regard that as a compliment.
Margaret Thatcher
I’m a comedian at the beginning and the end of the day. I’m not affiliated with any campaign, nor do I generally find politics interesting enough to plan to be involved.
Rob Delaney
I’ve been picked on my whole entire life, and I feel like I started the IAmMoreThan campaign on Instagram to try to find other people who have been bullied and totally overcame it and did something amazing with it.
Kylie Jenner
The tactics we were able to use in the 1960s, 1970s – let’s have a campaign, mobilize everybody and, therefore, social pressure – stop littering, or stop spitting, or be courteous to one another: I am not sure that kind of approach will work anymore.
Lee Hsien Loong
I don’t want a lot of bureaucracy… I want to run state government the same way we run a campaign – efficient, effective and victorious.
Charlie Crist
In 1840, William Henry Harrison is the first one to really campaign as a candidate, and the campaigns were totally frivolous. I mean, people were drinking hard cider all day. They were big parades; no one was debating the issues.
John Dickerson
The Oscars are like a political campaign. You have to have the right candidates, and the people in Hollywood know what they are.
Nick Hornby
Ben Smith’s quick-hit campaign ‘scoops’ are about as viral as cat videos. That fits with Buzzfeed.
Nick Denton
I've often reflected on this in the past weeks as I've

I’ve often reflected on this in the past weeks as I’ve been following the presidential campaign: Very often, I thought it would have been great for both of these guys to sit down and be force-fed a couple of dozen episodes of Star Trek.
Patrick Stewart
I’m not into animal rights. I’m only into animal welfare and health. I’ve been with the Morris Animal Foundation since the ’70s. We’re a health organization. We fund campaign health studies for dogs, cats, lizards and wildlife. I’ve worked with the L.A. Zoo for about the same length of time. I get my animal fixes!
Betty White