Top 415 Notion Quotes

I’ve always admired the tradition of storytellers who sat in the public market and told their stories to gathered crowds. They’d start with a single premise and talk for hours – the notion of one story, ever-changing but never-ending.
Nicolas Roeg
The notion that gaming was not for women rippled out into society, until we heard it not just from the games industry, but from our families, teachers and friends. As a consequence, I, like many women, had a complicated, love-hate relationship with gaming culture.
Anita Sarkeesian
I’ve been taught that human nature is such that the place of privilege most often and most naturally leads to a sense of entitlement. The notion that I deserve to be treated as special because I’m privileged. The truth is, privilege should never lead to entitlement.
Kirk Cousins
We cannot afford to lose talented young black people, who make it to university, overseas, or worse, to let other talented black people be put off by the notion that university is somehow not for them.
David Lammy
Demonization of people on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, or other criteria leads to dehumanization. The notion that some are ‘other’ is a dangerous and slippery slope.
Kerry Kennedy
In England, it’s usually cold. So surfing is more of an adventure where you’re floating around in a big, dark, stormy sea rather than the California notion of girls in bikinis on beaches. It’s really going into the fray. I like it because it gives you the extra time and space you need to think.
Ben Howard
It kind of scares me, the notion that we’re going to be injecting ourselves into other countries’ affairs when they’re not posing a threat to our security. I wouldn’t be telling Israel what to do.
Gary Johnson
No matter what your mission is, have some notion in you

No matter what your mission is, have some notion in your head. Forget the model, whether it’s government or nonprofit or profit. Ask yourself the more important question: Is my mission improving the world? Are you sure about it? Seek to disconfirm that all the time. And if you can, change your mission.
Jeff Bezos
Conservatives still attack feminism with the absurd notion that it makes its adherents less attractive to men; in truth, it is feminism that has made forty-two-year-old women so desirable.
Tom Junod
I had many moments of disappointment, despondency, and exhaustion, but I always found that by reading the literature and showing up at my lab looking at the data as they emerged day by day and discussing them with my students and postdoctoral fellows, I would gain a notion of what to do next.
Eric Kandel
Essential to the self-image of conservatives is the notion that they are enemies of an established orthodoxy, insurgents against the dogmatic political correctness that predominates on the Left.
Jacob Weisberg
Obama’s entire foreign policy was predicated on the notion that by existing, he would bridge all gaps and bury all hatchets. Instead, the Muslim world burns his picture even as he tells them he respects their radicalism. It turns out that diversity is a one-way street for the devotees of global Islam.
Ben Shapiro
I rejected the notion that my race or sex would bar my success in life.
Constance Baker Motley
The default mode of modern writing about art is to despise any notion of singularity as so much overheated genius-fetishism.
Simon Schama
Once the notion of time travel starts to come naturally to the human mind, it is supremely easy to assimilate it into our mode of thinking.
Maria Konnikova
I am generally wary of the demand for ‘likeability’ in fiction, which I think is a bastardisation of the demand of identification – itself something of a suspect notion.
Katie Kitamura
At Andreessen Horowitz, we talk about the notion of being ‘too hungry to eat.’ That’s to say, we often see startups that are so entrenched in the product that the founders forget they need muscle to grow.
Scott Weiss
I’m a big believer in the notion that to know where you are going, you have to know where everything has been.
Justin Gatlin
Foreign languages are another favourite topic, and as these men are bilingual they have a fair notion of what it means to speak and think in many different idioms.
John Millington Synge