Top 455 Complicated Quotes

All of my work has been about ideas of utopia and dystopia. I think that’s what gives America interest. It’s many things all at once. It’s such a complicated society.
Joel Sternfeld
I would say I have a complicated relationship with institutionalized religion.
Joe Meno
Alcoholism is a complicated disease, and you never know when you’ll be tempted to pick up another drink.
Davinia Taylor
I think women’s relationships with other women are very complicated and depend on their relationships with their mothers. Mine was fraught with problems. So I didn’t necessarily trust women for a long time.
Dawn Steel
Girls have a tendency to take responsibility for romantic misinterpretations, when often it’s men whose perfectly honed emotional inscrutability makes life more complicated than it should be.
Mariella Frostrup
My parents were complicated people. They had a complicated relationship. My home was very, very complicated.
Beth Moore
If you think of life and death on a continuum, finding the point where it tips is complicated. It cuts across all political lines and gets to the root of our humanity. It requires faith informed by years of intimacy that you’re doing what’s right for your loved one.
Eleanor Clift
We believe that settlement expansion policies pursued in recent decades by successive Israeli governments have facilitated the process of de-facto annexation. It has complicated the dialogue between the different communities.
Peter Maurer
My reasons for coming to get married in Calcutta are complicated, and it’s very hard to put it into a sentence. People ask me why. To me, it just felt like a very natural and exciting decision.
Jhumpa Lahiri
Everything great in science and art is simple. What can be less complicated than the greatest discoveries of humanity – gravitation, the compass, the printing press, the steam engine, the electric telegraph?
Jules Verne
Should you create a protagonist based directly on yourself? The problem with this – and it is a very large problem – is that almost no one can view himself objectively on the page. As the writer, you’re too close to your own complicated makeup.
Nancy Kress
It feels like a simple human right to be able to be yourself, and yet, what trans people have to go through in order to get to there, it can be so complicated.
Eddie Redmayne
My problem with the word 'clean' is that it has become

My problem with the word ‘clean’ is that it has become too complicated. It has become too loaded. When I first read the term, it meant natural, unprocessed. Now it doesn’t mean that at all. It means diet. It means fad.
Ella Woodward
I always end up hurting myself doing something mundane. If I have to do some complicated stunt, I’m fine.
Lauren Cohan
We are moving toward a global economy. One way of approaching that is to pull the covers over your head. Another is to say: It may be more complicated – but that’s the world I am going to live in, I might as well be good at it.
Phil Condit
The Swedish government needs to understand that relations in the Middle East are more complicated than a piece of furniture from IKEA that you assemble at home.
Avigdor Lieberman
Our financial system is so complicated and so interactive – so many different markets in different countries and so many sets of rules.
Ben Bernanke
Theatre is a game of hide-and-seek. For both the hiders and the seekers, the thrill is in the discovery. When the rules of the game are too vague or too complicated, however, the audience can lose its urge to play; the prize no longer seems quite worth the hunt.
John Lahr
The relationship between the imagined and the real is more complicated than people imagine.
Siri Hustvedt
Maybe nature is fundamentally ugly, chaotic and complicated. But if it’s like that, then I want out.
Steven Weinberg
I think, us ladies, we are complicated creatures.
Maddie Marlow
Something we often struggle with on pictures is the right way to shoot live-action elements that are for an environment that’s very complicated from a lighting standpoint. An example is a starship flying through an environment that’s constantly changing.
John Knoll
She’s in a situation she tried to, that’s what’s complicated. She followed orders; she called off the raid. This is a dangerous situation. Somebody in DC police went ahead and started.
Julianne Moore
I didn’t want to write a ‘this is how it is’ Iraq book, because the Iraq War is an intensely complicated variety of things.
Phil Klay
I think there is a complicated side effect to overcoming evil in that we are forever changed by it. I think after we ingest some of the cruelty of the world, it takes years off of our lives, but it also gives us wisdom and a little grace, hopefully a sense of compassion.
Adam Rapp
You cannot communicate complicated information to large groups of people. As you increase the number of people, you have to decrease the complexity of the information.
Andy Stanley
I know what I want, I want things for myself, but I think the key to life is somebody to love, something to do and something to look forward to. I don’t think it’s complicated.
Rachael Taylor
This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.
Dalai Lama
It doesn’t happen every day, but many nights my dreams are like a movie. I don’t see normal movement – I see things in very complicated shots. That’s why I do remember many of them.
Penelope Cruz
Economic development and poverty alleviation are so complicated that I don’t think there’s a single background or a single discipline that is sufficient to tackle these great human problems.
Jim Yong Kim
I just get onstage and sing. I don’t think about how I’m going to do it – it’s too complicated.
Sarah Vaughan
I loved ‘Homeland’ – it’s such an intriguing, intelligent piece of television, and I am fascinated by them making a hero and heroine that are so odd, so flawed and so complicated. It is a programme that really draws you in.
Lindsay Duncan
My childhood dream? To play at Real Madrid. In 2014, before he died, I promised my grandfather who was from Avila, 110 kilometers from Madrid, that I would play there. It will be complicated, but it sits in a corner of my head.
Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang
The songs were really complicated. I used to meet people in bar bands who were trying to play our songs and they were really struggling with it. Technically it was really difficult stuff.
Kip Winger
I think my best quality as a writer is the ability to craft complicated, nuanced, interesting characters.
Paul S. Kemp
Americans have perfected the art of reducing complicated truths into formulas and products. We’re desperate for instant, visible, measurable ways of knowing God, instead of trusting that it’s complicated and a mystery.
Mike Yaconelli
The side of fairytales I don’t like is that they always have happy endings, that there’s just good and evil, and things are perfect. But life is a little more complicated, and that’s what I try to teach my kids.
Angelina Jolie
We can’t just pop off and drop a bomb on North Korea and think everything’s going to be OK. It just doesn’t work like that. It’s a complicated puzzle.
Lois Frankel
Business isn’t complicated; we complicate business.
Theo Paphitis
I don’t believe you can reduce the world to a mathematical formula. I start with the world, assume it’s complicated, and ask where can I get help from a whole range of disciplines.
Noreena Hertz
I got to know Sterling Hayden fairly well. He was a quiet man, who got more complicated as the years went on.
Marie Windsor
It’s a big, complicated democracy, and one of the strengths of our country is… its rich diversity.
Valerie Jarrett
What I find, particularly with young writers and readers, is that they don’t want complicated feelings.
Marlon James
All lawyers are going to have to - if we really want to

All lawyers are going to have to – if we really want to attain civil justice – address the issue of how complicated we have made the laws: what we have done to ensnarl the American people in bureaucratic rules and regulations that make access to services or compliance with the law sometimes difficult, if not impossible.
Janet Reno
I’ve always had a complicated relationship with sleep. Even as a little kid, I never wanted to go to bed – it always seemed unfair in some way.
K. Flay
I grew up in society when lots of things were hidden, and they were not hidden just one way, but it was very complicated.
Peter Sis
There was a technique to making a musical. It took a long time for the studios to learn it, and it was very complicated.
Cyd Charisse
These days a typical netizen has dozens of online accounts. If you really want to be safe, you need to have a different password for each one, and each password needs to be incredibly complicated, with a mix of capital letters, symbols, and numbers. Who can keep all that stuff in their head?
Daniel Lyons
Firstly the cars aren’t too complicated. They have no traction control, for example, which means you can spin if you try too hard and damage your tires if you’re not careful with your driving style.
Nigel Mansell
I like stories where there’s a center that’s mushy and complicated.
Sarah Koenig
Miley Cyrus, like all of us, needs to be loved. We all come from complicated parents… I understand her, and I love her, and I think things will be different with her. But you know, in the music business, sometimes you have to shock a little.
Richard Simmons
But charity is a very complicated thing. It’s important to find an area where you can really help and you can feel the results. Charity is not like feeding pigeons in the square. It is a process that requires professional management.
Roman Abramovich
When I see ‘Sunshine,’ I see a film that part of me is kind of very proud of and another part of me is very sad about, so it’s a really complicated film for me. And I’ve never been really able to resolve all that in myself.
Alex Garland
Autism is a complicated illness, and children with a variety of treatments and non-treatments show improvement over time, which is all to the good.
Harvey V. Fineberg