Top 470 Yes Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Yes Quotes from famous people such as Amrita Rao, Annette Bening, Marina Abramovic, Kirk Douglas, Mark Gatiss, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

And yes, I am fond of beauty, be it clothes, jewelry or

And yes, I am fond of beauty, be it clothes, jewelry or just life. It has to be the best.
Amrita Rao
Yes, I know I’ve played these women, but I’m not really conniving at all.
Annette Bening
Yes, I believe stories are very important to all performances. The life story of the performer shapes their work, and the life stories of the audience alter how they receive the work, what they read into the performer.
Marina Abramovic
I guess I was a bad boy… Yes, yes, I’ve had lots of women in my life.
Kirk Douglas
They are called ‘Emos’ now, and before that they were ‘Goths.’ They didn’t have a name for it when I was one, but I was that black-wearing teenager and yes, I wore a little eyeliner.
Mark Gatiss
Look at the Palestinians with the huge, huge percentage of unemployed. What does that breed? Anyone who’s unemployed in the world, you feel there’s no meaning and there’s a risk that you drift over to something desperate. Yes, we have to tackle the social problems as well.
Hans Blix
I’ve been a writer for 42 years and, yes, it is a full time job for me. Not a hobby, but serious work.
Donald McKay
Does the road wind up-hill all the way? Yes, to the very end. Will the day’s journey take the whole long day? From morn to night, my friend.
Grantland Rice
When working abroad you work pretty hard, but with time off, this is the greatest job in the world. You drive. You explore Memphis, or wherever you’ve landed, or go and see Dr John, or the Californian landscape. And, yes, I’ve had a few good meals.
Toby Jones
It’s rare to find someone excited over jury duty. If they’re out there, I’ve never met them. Not a one. When the summons for jury duty arrives in the mail, how many people scream, ‘Yes!’ and run to clear the calendar? None. Our first and only reaction is, ‘Oh, no,’ quickly followed by, ‘How can I get out of this?’
Regina Brett
Yes, I’ve listened to just a few audiobooks – but hope to listen to more. I’ve wanted to investigate how my own books sound in this format and find the experience of listening, and not reading, quite fascinating.
Joyce Carol Oates
Yes, the work comes out more beautiful from a material that resists the process, verse, marble, onyx, or enamel.
Theophile Gautier
I’m very proud of it as a Yes record amongst many of the other Yes records.
Billy Sherwood
Yes, there are times when I get extremely depressed and how I sublimate those feelings is through music.
Peter Steele
If you like good ol’ fashion Southern soul food then, yes, I am a good cook! My specialty is chicken dumplings and poke salad.
Dolly Parton
Absolutely, yes, I’m proud of every woman, of every American, that makes her dreams come true.
Ainsley Earhardt
The short answer is, yes, I think I have become a better singer.
Boz Scaggs
I have only been funny about seventy four per cent of the time. Yes I think that is right. Seventy-four per cent of the time.
Will Ferrell
Yes, I have spent. I have lived and had accidents. It’s all part of life’s wonderful experience.
Chris Eubank Sr.
It’s about being fair. It’s about Black Lives Matter. Yes, they matter. Everybody counts or nobody counts, and I think if more cops had the philosophy of Harry Bosch, we’d have less of these situations happening.
Michael Connelly
Yes, films need to make their money back – it’s an expensive business, and people need to be paid for what’s involved – but just because you can, it doesn’t mean you should.
Jason Clarke
Yes, my heart is in Madrid.
Thibaut Courtois
When you’ve got a teenager and a pre-teen, especially a son and a daughter, and they’re going at each other at the table, all you really want is just five minutes of quiet, but sometimes I have a moment during the chaos when I think, ‘Yes, this is good.’
Al Roker
Now, people when I say that look at me and say, ‘What are you talking about, Joe? You’re telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?’. The answer is yes, that’s what I’m telling you.
Joe Biden
After saying yes to Turkey, the EU is having difficulty finding clear and consistent grounds for saying no to other, still more remote candidates – but being in the general vicinity of Europe does seem to be a continuing requirement.
Timothy Garton Ash
Yes, for a long time but I admired her and respected everything that I could sort of see in her from a distance, the pillars of her life, the loyalties, the relationships. It all got my interest and also the looks.
Andre Agassi
If there’s ever a vote for single-payer, I’m a ‘yes.’ But there are lots of things we can do in the meantime.
Brian Schatz
For sheer sexiness, a man must be beautiful. Funny. yes. Clever, no.
Jilly Cooper
Yes, I guess you could say I am a loner, but I feel more lonely in a crowed room with boring people than I feel on my own.
Henry Rollins
Yes, there’s a lot of the blues in my playing.
David Gilmour
World records at 19. I don’t want that. Later, yes. And when it comes, I’ll learn to live with it, but it won’t be my first love.
Steve Prefontaine
Yes, I will probably concentrate on solo roles, but I w

Yes, I will probably concentrate on solo roles, but I would not say no to multi-starrers if they come from good directors and with a good script. I would allow myself the freedom to do it.
Aditya Roy Kapur
I’ve been fortunate in my career, but, yes, there have been many times when I have been told my audition has been cancelled because they’re only going to see white people.
Gemma Chan
Yes, but I – you know, it’s been such a long time, I’m sure that I’ve got cousins and uncles that I’ve never met before, you know, that I’ve left behind.
Rafael Palmeiro
With good music, yes, we can bring people together because a good song will touch your soul no matter what and where it is coming from.
Guru Randhawa
Yes, I live in Chicago. Yes, I support Chicago.
Yes, I am 100% anarchist. Anarchy, to me, is a belief that all transactions, all activity, should be voluntary. It is a peaceful philosophy of not forcing anyone to do anything and not allowing anyone else to force you to do anything.
Jeff Berwick
I called up a bunch of the CEOs of Silicon Valley companies and said, ‘Hey, can I come and see you? And I’d like to learn about what you’re doing.’ And I don’t know, most of them said yes.
Michael Dell
Yes, natural is good and healthy, and whole foods are important. However, experimentation is important, too.
David Chang
I do take class because I still dance, and yes, I do slip into class with the Royal Ballet from time to time.
Deborah Bull
Being Mormon is a big part of who I am, and I try very hard to live the right way, but I don’t know that I’m an example. I hate to say, ‘Yes, look at me. I’m a good example of being Mormon.’ I want to be the best person I can be, so in that aspect, maybe I’m a good example.
Stephenie Meyer
Two months later at a party, Bernard pulled me into a closet and proposed. I said yes.
Shelley Duvall
Anybody who really knows about the TV business knows that it would be impossible to just march in one day and say to your colleagues and bosses, ‘Oh yes, I’m hosting my own show.’
Andy Cohen
Yes, I won the Bafta. I thought the British were very intelligent.
Eli Wallach
I’m not a very good yes man, and I’m not very easily controlled.
Brock Lesnar
I said yes, which turned out to be the right answer.
Pat Sajak
I certainly have some very strong libertarian leanings, yes.
Clarence Thomas
I’m quite a softy, yes. I have a blank spot with respect to visual art, but I have perhaps a compensating hypersensitivity to poetry and music.
Richard Dawkins
We, the people. Manifest Destiny. Conceived in liberty. Fear itself. Ask not. Morning in America. United we stand. Yes, we can. In times of great change and tumult, presidents seek to inspire beleaguered Americans by reminding them of their national identity.
Ron Fournier
There’s a difference between Bhad Bhabie and Danielle, yes.
Danielle Bregoli
I’m not this dark, twisted person. Yes, I have my demons and this is my way of exorcising them. It gets them out – and better out than in.
Naomi Watts
I think in any organization you want your manager to have a strong opinion. You don’t want them to just say, ‘Yes, sir’ to things they don’t believe in.
Terry Francona
Yes, the marriage proposal was shot. Michael excluded the dialogue from the final edit.
Madeleine Stowe
Yes, money is important. But it’s all about the creative process.
Travis Scott
If you are asking did I support the Soviet Union, yes I did. Yes, I did support the Soviet Union, and I think the disappearance of the Soviet Union is the biggest catastrophe of my life.
George Galloway
Every person who is offered a knighthood has the opportunity to say yes or no. You get a letter from the Prime Minister saying you’ve been recommended for a knighthood and there are two little boxes, one says yes, one says no.
Derek Jacobi
Ability-wise, when you see the best of Aaron Ramsey… at his best, is he good enough for Barcelona? Yes he is, at his best.
Chris Coleman
Am I a workaholic? Yes, but I also have no problem taking time for myself.
Chris Jericho
I’m a Golden Globe nominee, yes. It’s very nice. It’s a very nice thing, but I kind of think of all the awards I wasn’t ever nominated for, for years and things.
Patrick Marber
I feel like my career is to speak truth to power, and a lot of times, that sounds like troublemaking. If speaking truth is troublemaking, then yes, I will consider myself a professional at that.
Luvvie Ajayi
Yes, I see the Mobile Base System really is the shoulder of the arm. The arm is right there, like a human arm. It’s really funny to look at the similarities between a human arm and the Canadian robotics arm.
Philippe Perrin
It’s a political and manipulative industry. Actors vie for the same roles, movies are snatched away. Have I ever been manipulated? Yes. But I haven’t manipulated anyone because if you think from the heart, you cannot be calculative. I have spent nights crying.
Kareena Kapoor Khan
Yes, I think I am a genius, but not a rebel.

Yes, I think I am a genius, but not a rebel.
Mario Balotelli
I went up a straight crooked lane and, I said ‘No thanks, yes if yer please.
Jack Finney
Hypocrites in the Church? Yes, and in the lodge and at the home. Don’t hunt through the Church for a hypocrite. Go home and look in the mirror. Hypocrites? Yes. See that you make the number one less.
Billy Sunday
My parents know I was outgoing as a child, and whenever people came over, I’d automatically do impressions of them as soon as they left; it was my mom’s favorite thing. Yes, I grew up in Hollywood, but not in any rich neighborhood.
Leonardo DiCaprio
I used to play a lot of cricket at the junior level. Then I did my engineering and got interested in singing and playing the guitar. Yes, I’m a musician. From music it was a step away from cinema.
Yes, the disruption of the Internet can be blamed for the destruction of the business model that once made journalism a thriving, well-paying enterprise, but it has also created an array of new tools for reporting. Somebody will eventually figure out how to make online newspapers profitable – I hope.
David Horsey
Yes, in my books I do edit myself to keep from becoming the Village Explainer.
Thomas Perry
Yes; quaint and curious war is! You shoot a fellow down you’d treat if met where any bar is, or help to half-a-crown.
Thomas Hardy
I think I’ve got better at expressing my emotions. But going through the education system I went through – I don’t think you can go to boarding school and come out without feeling a little repressed – yes, it does leave its mark on you.
Julian Ovenden
Yes, sometimes I’m friendly and joyful, and sometimes I’m tough, and sometimes I’m straightforward.
Jen Psaki
Perhaps the better word is emotional yes, I am an emotional man.
Gyorgy Ligeti
Yes, we are fortunate because as a band we’ve always been on the up, always getting more successful.
Glenn Tipton
Yes, I am the best footballer in the world.
Kevin-Prince Boateng
Yes, I’m a patriotic person. For these people who disgrace the American way and burn our flag and do all of these things… I say, don’t live here and disgrace my country. Go live in the Middle East and see how you like it.
Payne Stewart
Yes, you are running businesses, and yes, we understand and accept that, but surely there must be a level beyond which profit from news is simply indecent.
Christiane Amanpour
Being a nice girl from the Mid-West, my inclination is always to give in and say yes because I want people to like me.
Cindy Crawford
There are a bunch of different ways to look at the fashion industry. Is it shallow to work in fashion? Yes, it can be. But does fashion transform a woman who might feel like nothing and unimportant to glamorous and gorgeous? Yes, it does. Does it employ a huge sector of America? Yes, it does.
Kelly Cutrone
You just have to keep trying to do good work, and hope that it leads to more good work. I want to look back on my career and be proud of the work, and be proud that I tried everything. Yes, I want to look back and know that I was terrible at a variety of things.
Jon Stewart
Success is not something I’ve wrapped my brain around. If people go to those movies, then yes, that’s true, big-time success. If not, it’s much ado about nothing.
Matt Damon
Always say ‘yes’ to the present moment… Surrender to what is. Say ‘yes’ to life – and see how life starts suddenly to start working for you rather than against you.
Eckhart Tolle
Oh, yes, that never happened to me in my life before. It was a risky film, and I warned the producer.
Alain Resnais
I asked Fred Astaire once when he was about my age if he still danced, and he said ‘Yes, but it hurts now.’ That’s exactly it. I can still dance, too, but it hurts now!
Dick Van Dyke
About six weeks later, she called because she had found a dress. And then she said yes.
Maury Povich
I’m from East Texas, yes.
Margo Martindale
I think Paris smells not just sweet but melancholy and curious, sometimes sad but always enticing and seductive. She’s a city for the all senses, for artists and writers and musicians and dreamers, for fantasies, for long walks and wine and lovers and, yes, for mysteries.
M. J. Rose
I think every journalist understands when they are the beneficiary of hot information that, yes, they have a scoop, but they’re also being used. Part of your responsibility as a journalist is to tell the story of why that information is coming to you, consistent with the ground rules of your sourcing.
John Hockenberry
So, yes, I believe in angels, absolutely, I do.
Della Reese
Yes, I’m a real fighter. But I often ended up empty-handed.
Hugo Pratt
There’s going to be a million people that tell you ‘No’ when you’re starting out to do something. But, all you need is that one person to tell you ‘Yes,’ who’s going to believe in you. But first, you need to believe in yourself.
Ayesha Curry
I hate a man who always says ‘yes’ to me. When I say ‘no’ I like a man who also says ‘no.’
Samuel Goldwyn
Happiness has a bad rap. People say it shouldn’t be your goal in life. Oh, yes it should.
Richard Dreyfuss
We ought to thank God for that. Yes, the man who tills

We ought to thank God for that. Yes, the man who tills the land is more worthy of respect than any.
Nikolai Gogol
Do I think I’m transgender? Yes, 1000 percent! Do I identify as my natural born gender? 1000 percent!
Trisha Paytas
Yes, but personally I was never a big acid head.
Bill Griffith
Anyone who knows me, knows I don’t walk away from a commitment, but I had a commitment to myself. Yes, there were times Nickelodeon made it more difficult than it needed to be, but there were also times they made it easier.
Joe Murray
Can anything be sadder than work left unfinished? Yes, work never begun.
Christina Rossetti
Yes, I think poker really isn’t gambling.
Al Alvarez
Yes, it will go through the disciplines that all puppies go through including house training and puppy walking, then at twelve month old it the training becomes a lot more rigorous which has to be done carefully otherwise you are in danger of stressing the dog.
David Blunkett
While choosing a fashion show, I take into consideration the designer and the collection. Then only I said yes to do a show.
Kangana Ran
Electricity is an example of a general purpose technology, like the steam engine before it. General purpose technologies drive most economic growth, because they unleash cascades of complementary innovations, like lightbulbs and, yes, factory redesign.
Erik Brynjolfsson
In an age of never-ending health fads, it’s comforting to learn that one of the healthiest activities you can do has existed for millennia. It’s called reading. Yes, books are not just entertaining or educational: they can also improve your mental health.
Matt Haig
My parents are very hard working people who did everything they could for their children. I have two brothers and they worked dog hard to give us an education and provide us with the most comfortable life possible. My dad provided for his family daily. So, yes, that is definitely in my DNA.
David Oyelowo
Yes, I was in that game where George Brett hit that home run. Billy saw there was too much pine tar on the bat and he went to the umpire, the next thing we knew they were fighting about it.
Bert Campaneris
I was never considered cool throughout my teens: a very important time to be accepted by someone, especially your peers. Yes, I had all the screaming women, but the guys hated my guts.
Donny Osmond
When every court was saying ‘no,’ I believe God was still saying yes. I had to somehow find that faith and reach deep down in my soul and believe in the teaching that my mother taught me as a young boy, that God can do everything but fail.
Anthony Ray Hinton
I’m not exactly sure how many kids I have, but yes, I do miss them officially, for the record. In case any of them are listening, I love you.
Tre Cool
When you arrive at a certain level it’s very easy to say yes: that is the moment to learn to say no.
Jose Carreras
Yes, the sound of the new V6 engines could have been a little bit better, but it is just one of those things that you get used to with time.
Nico Hulkenberg
Would I love to go and get out of here and have a couple of months preparing, I don’t know, anywhere in sunshine? Yes. But I think while I’m under employment with Chelsea, I think to talk about another job, even if it was short-term, and I haven’t been asked, I think it is so disrespectful.
Emma Hayes
I’m up for re-election in 2014, and yes I do plan to run for re-election.
Kay Hagan
Yes, Socialists should defend their country in great historical crises.
Karl Liebknecht
Yes, I’ve heard of the ‘Mad Men’ comparisons, but I like to think ‘The Hour’ has its own distinctive voice. Although it is set in 1956, I have tried to give it a contemporary edge, and its themes of love, passion, romance, fury, professional jealousy, and personal failure are universal, I think.
Abi Morgan
Yes, he wanted me to do Funny Games before, which I didn’t want to do because the film was very theoretical – the way people experience violence on screen. There was very little space for fiction, it was more like a sacrifice for the actors than anything else.
Isabelle Huppert
Yes, I’m having World Cup withdrawals; but no, this is sneaky of me to say, but I actually care about Tottenham more than I care about the England team.
AJ Tracey
I’ve been an inveterate reader of literary magazines since I was a teenager. There are always discoveries. You’re sitting in your easy chair, reading; you realize you’ve read a story or a group of poems four times, and you know, Yes, I want to go farther with this writer.
Marilyn Hacker
Lend your ears to music, open your eyes to painting, and… stop thinking! Just ask yourself whether the work has enabled you to ‘walk about’ into a hitherto unknown world. If the answer is yes, what more do you want?
Wassily Kandinsky
The U.S. army confirmed that it gave a lucrative fire fighting contract in Iraq to the firm once run by the Vice President Dick Cheney without any competitive bidding. When asked if this could be conceived as Cheney’s friends profiting from the war, the spokesman said ‘Yes.’
Conan O’Brien
Let’s make it simple: Government control means uniformity, regulation, fees, inspection, and yes, compliance.
Tom Graves
My wife says to do the dishes, and I’m like, ‘Yes, baby. I can clean up.’
Jason Momoa
Some say no when others say yes. That’s the difficulty with handball.
Thomas Tuchel
Do those serving life sentences deserve access to educational opportunities never having a future beyond bars? The answer is yes and necessitates that in-prison education serves additional goals beyond reducing recidivism.
Clint Smith
That’s part of American greatness, is discrimination. Yes, sir. Inequality, I think, breeds freedom and gives a man opportunity.
Lester Maddox
A nuclear weapon of some dimension, whether it's actual

A nuclear weapon of some dimension, whether it’s actually a nuclear weapon, or a dirty bomb, or some kind of radiological device. Yes, I think it’s probably a near thing.
Michael Scheuer
And then she finally said yes. And we have been married, I want you to know, for 51 years.
Val Guest
Yes, I’m supposed to go back to New York to do Geraldo, and we’re going to be doing The Tonight Show.
Bobby Sherman
We can walk and chew gum at the same time. Yes, the American people want us to legislate, they want us to insist on furthering their set of values, but they also want us to resist and exercise our oversight powers.
Ilhan Omar
Yes, romance has found it’s way into my heart in the past.
Michelle Trachtenberg
I’ve seen such a turnaround with this new administration, with President Trump, that when we came to a conclusion, the answer was yes – yes, we can make a difference.
Markwayne Mullin
Yes, Data is hairless but I am not. And we are both anatomically correct.
Brent Spiner
Yes, your home is your castle, but it is also your identity and your possibility to be open to others.
David Soul
There’s absolutely nothing irrational about me; insane, yes, irrational, no. But my dumbest fear would be spinning in the magic tea cups. Who the hell wants to pay to spin around like a bent yoyo for laughs?
Akshay Kumar
Ah! yes, I know: those who see me rarely trust my word: I must look too intelligent to keep it.
Jean-Paul Sartre
In every place there are 100 people who can say no and only one person who can say yes. You have to get a good piece of material to the right person.
Robert Evans
Oh yes, much, because music is just something that comes to you. You don’t question it.
Bryan Ferry
Yes, I get a report from BMI about the frequency of performances, and it is very surprising. They played one of my most advanced pieces, and one of my most unusual ones on the radio.
Elliott Carter
Yes – it’s the same in any other work – the more you massage your thinking the more capable I believe you are of expanding how you go about things and learning.
Siobhan Davies
Yes, you can feel very alone as a poet and you sometimes think, is it worth it? Is it worth carrying on? But because there were other poets, you became part of a scene. Even though they were very different writers, it made it easier because you were together.
Roger McGough
Music is beautiful. Yes, music is great. My music’s great.
Jon Anderson
Saying ‘yes’ to one thing means saying ‘no’ to another. That’s why decisions can be hard sometimes.
Sean Covey
Yes, we have got to quit worrying about fighting each other and trying to figure out a way to work together.
John Breaux
And I said, yes, if you think that I avoid bloodshed by standing aside, then I will stand aside.
Kamisese Mara
College is a magic time. Yes, you’re young and fickle, but you want to be part of this college experience… Then you graduate from that. You have your first job, moving to a new city.
David Sze
I don’t listen to Bollywood music much. But yes, I listen to Indian music quite often, and other non- film music.
Kailash Kher
Yes, I enjoyed my share of fantasy fiction series and comics. Among superheroes, Spiderman was my favorite. I always had this fascination for costume-clad vigilante who would come and save the day!
Kanika Dhillon
We need economic growth, yes, but growth can be jobless, so a sustainable development framework for employment must include a job creation strategy.
Sharan Burrow
Faith is part of who I am, yes. I was raised Christian Scientist. The most important thing I saw every single week on the wall at Sunday school was the Golden Rule.
Ellen DeGeneres
Writing a song is much like being an author. Yes, we all have tools to write (everyone has a brain I hope!), but that doesn’t all of a sudden make us best selling authors.
Ken Hill
We will move forward, we will move upward, and yes, we will move onward.
Dan Quayle
I say 20 words in English. I say money, money, money, and I say hot dog! I say yes, no and I say money, money, money and I say turkey sandwich and I say grape juice.
Carmen Miranda
Honestly, I’ve been very blessed. Yes, I am cursed with this gift.
Wilmer Valderrama
In all systems of theology the devil figures as a male person. Yes, it is women who keep the church going.
Don Marquis
If you want something, work hard for it, go after it. I can’t worry about all the ‘no’s, because I believe there’s a yes, and I’ve been very fortunate to find those in my career and made the most of those opportunities.
Mara Brock Akil
My poor kids have accepted that being dropped off late to birthday parties, practices, and yes, school, is just part of the large family package.
Rachel Campos-Duffy
The two most important words in marriage for me are 'ye

The two most important words in marriage for me are ‘yes, dear.’
Eric Close
So if diva means giving your best, then yes, I guess I am a diva.
Patti LaBelle
As I’ve said, I’ve been advised not to get into the specifics out there. Is there some truth out there? Yes. Is there a lot of falsehood out there? Absolutely.
Jeff Gannon
Yes, yes, I’m very happy that I finally got through this match, beat No. 7 in the world. It’s my best win so far. So I’m really happy the way I play today and felt really strong on the court physically, mentally.
Daniela Hantuchova
As a geek, I take umbrage at the notion that chips are not sexy. But yes, robots, drones, satellites and self-driving cars are the kinds of things that excite me.
Steve Jurvetson
I would be willing, yes glad, to see a battle every day during my life.
George Armstrong Custer
I would have voted ‘no’ on the Iraq war and ‘yes’ to Afghanistan.
Rand Paul
At times, yes, I have been typecast. But I love having a regional identity in my songs. I want to deliver music that reflects the culture of our soil.
D. Imman
Yes, I am a good singer.
Peter Tork
Yes; we have a specific procedure which we follow in all cases where the Agency is in contact, for the purposes of acquiring intelligence or whatever the case may be, with an individual.
Richard Helms
Yes and our obsession with youth in our culture and how we, women lie about their age after 35 obsessively and no one wants to let anyone know they’re getting older, et cetera.
Sela Ward
You shouldn’t have regrets. I’d say instead that I’ve learned a lot of lessons. Yes, I could have handled some things better. But they’ve also made me who I am today.
Natalie Cole
Yes, the first job I had at the studio was Snow White. I don’t like the term particularly, but I got stuck with the human characters. They just didn’t have that many people who could draw humans.
Marc Davis
Global poverty is a complex web of interlinked problems. There is no one ‘silver bullet’ that will solve global inequality. Multiple contributing factors must be tackled in parallel. Yes, education alone is unlikely to lead to employment without economic reform to address the demand side in much of the developing world.
Adam Braun
I just love to watch people get scared. It’s like, ‘Yes, I accomplished my goal!’
Kathryn Newton
Fancy the happiness of Pinocchio on finding himself free! Without saying yes or no, he fled from the city and set out on the road that was to take him back to the house of the lovely Fairy.
Carlo Collodi
Yes… well, I used to have a pilot’s license.
Will Wright
Yes, we can do business in Nepal and still succeed. That is what I proved.
Binod Chaudhary
Yes, I did, I mean I painted er, in a kind of abstract expressionist way, because of course that was exciting.
David Hockney
Expand the definition of ‘reading’ to include non-fiction, humor, graphic novels, magazines, action adventure, and, yes, even websites. It’s the pleasure of reading that counts; the focus will naturally broaden. A boy won’t read shark books forever.
Jon Scieszka
‘Obama and Biden want to raise taxes by a trillion dollars.’ Guess what? Yes, we do in one regard: We want to let that trillion dollar tax cut expire so the middle class doesn’t have to bear the burden of all that money going to the super-wealthy. That’s not a tax raise. That’s called fairness where I come from.
Joe Biden
Yes, it’s true – I love the roar of the crowd. When the fans are with you, their voices come together in a big booming rush of sound that you can actually feel in your body – almost like a wave that lifts you and carries you past your own limits.
Dwyane Wade
Yes, people pull the trigger – but guns are the instrument of death. Gun control is necessary, and delay means more death and horror.
Eliot Spitzer
There are no free lunches in life. You have to earn it. I am paying my dues. People have accused me of having it easy because I am Amitabh Bachchan’s son. Yes, I am his son, and I’ve never run away from it. I work hard to make him proud.
Abhishek Bachchan
Yes, Carl Vine stuck around. He’s now number one composer for choreography.
Graeme Murphy
I’m a precrastinator. Yes, that’s an actual term. You know that panic you feel a few hours before a big deadline when you haven’t done anything yet? I just feel that a few months ahead of time.
Adam Grant
As for ourselves, yes, we must be meek, bear injustice, malice, rash judgment. We must turn the other cheek, give up our cloak, go a second mile.
Dorothy Day
There’s no excuse to be bored. Sad, yes. Angry, yes. Depressed, yes. Crazy, yes. But there’s no excuse for boredom, ever.
Viggo Mortensen
We will invest in our people, quality education, job opportunity, family, neighborhood, and yes, a thing we call America.
Dan Quayle
I’ve never been a yes man.
Rogers Hornsby
If you say simply that pressures toward democracy are created by the market, I would say yes.
Peter L. Berger
I believe that everything we think and feel and do prod

I believe that everything we think and feel and do produces a result and that we have to deal with that result – that result is then something that produces another result, so on and so forth, so yes, I do believe in causality.
Shyam Selvadurai
Yes, I always imagined living in other places.
Cornelia Funke
Perhaps I can say that I am a bit astute, that I can adapt to circumstances, but it is also true that I am a bit naive. Yes, but the best summary, the one that comes more from the inside and I feel most true is this: I am a sinner whom the Lord has looked upon.
Pope Francis
I’ve made peace with the fact that the World Cup will not define me. Yes, it would be nice to add that to what’s been a very enjoyable career, but I know it won’t define me as a person or cricketer.
AB de Villiers
Just because an individual in his 30s hasn’t found true love and, yes, there are opportunities to date but it also forces you to be more particular. In so many ways, you become more adamant about finding that right person and not allowing yourself to open up to just anybody.
Jeff Garcia
I don’t want the power. When a project is given to me, and I say yes, I’m gonna oblige everybody who has the power to try to make it work.
William Goldman
Yes, I will put it out there – I will work for anyone for free if they’re prepared to make their clothing Fair Trade and organic. It’s really hard to get people interested in it.
Emma Watson
When I was drafted to Smackdown, I was like, ‘Hell yes, I’m going to captain this ship.’ Then I was like, ‘Oh, wait, you’re losing your best friend and travel partner and the person you enjoy having matches with the absolute most.’ That’s Charlotte. We travel together, and she is my best friend.
Becky Lynch
Being a doctor has taught me a lot about directing. You’re doing the same thing: You’re reconstructing the manifold of behavior to the point where an audience says, yes, that’s exactly like people I know.
Jonathan Miller
If one man is representing India in cricket, then yes, blame that person when things go wrong.
Sachin Tendulkar
I couldn’t do any of my other characters, you know? But I could have done the lady. Church Lady’s Malibu Beach party is an idea I have for a movie, too. Yes.
Dana Carvey
My mom asked me one day at lunch in a very lovely and respectful way. I was finally comfortable enough to say yes, I was gay, and it really was never talked about again.
Dan Levy
Oh, I had two nannies. God, yes.
Princess Michael of Kent
Of course, the slightest little mistake on the wire will deprive me of my life, so in that sense, yes, it is a dangerous profession. You have to pay attention; if not, you will lose your life.
Philippe Petit
There is a chip on my shoulder, both shoulders, yes sir.
Lamar Jackson
The bosses can’t read your mind, so I think women should tell them what they want out of their careers. And so I think that if you’re just a good person, you work hard, you say ‘yes,’ and you are driven, you will eventually work your way to the top. At least, that’s how it’s been for me.
Ainsley Earhardt
I really don’t care what people think of me. I’ve got my family. I’ve got my friends. Yes, I have been trained to be a little more aggressive if I need to be, but I don’t go around thumping people.
Chris Kyle
Yes, I made mistakes by rebelling, by acting out in confused ways.
Jennifer Capriati
Yes the moustache appeared for the first time about 10 years ago and it was grown as a joke of course but I discovered I quite liked it. I preferred it and my wife prefers it. I got married in it and she wont come near me when Im clean shaven.
Mike Wozniak
And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.
Jesus Christ
Yes, Barack Obama had his clashes with the press. I witnessed those first-hand covering the second term of his administration. But we did not have Barack Obama on almost a weekly basis referring to the press as the enemy of the people and accusing reporters of treason and calling legitimate stories fake news.
Jim Acosta
Yes, actually ever since I saw his films and tried to write about them, Sirk’s been in everything I’ve done. Not Sirk himself, but what I’ve learned from his work.
Rainer Werner Fassbinder
I haven’t got an opportunity to experiment with the dimensions of my moustache much. But yes, if the role demands, I’m ready to shave it off. I feel it’s good to have moustaches for South films, but I’d love to remove my moustache; why not?
Ravi Teja
Do people have an idea of who they think I am? Yes, and that’s fine with me. My music will speak for itself.
Jamie Lynn Spears
Millions have been taken from me. If you are not on top of it and you make a lot of money, and you trust business managers, then, yes, money will be taken from you.
Stephanie Mills
Sometimes things just click. The one contribution I tried to do, was shield the staff from the corporate politics that occur on any show. But yes, we all got along very well.
Joe Murray
Most of all, I love being a storyteller. And yes, I want to make a good living, but I’m not always driven by the best commercial sense.
Bruce Coville
When I was on a major label I felt obliged to say yes to every interview, tour and whatever else. The label is always telling you, ‘This ain’t going to last,’ so I worked myself half to death. I learnt from that and I like to pace myself now.
Adam Ant
Yes, I would have loved to win it, but I have great memories from World Cups. The 2007 tournament – my first – was very special.
AB de Villiers
I said ‘Brian, no one is going to respect me as a mother after this.’ He said, ‘oh no, yes they will, this is a movie, don’t worry about it.’ But they’re not.
Nia Long
Yes, the world is now flat for publishing as well.
Thomas Friedman
God creates out of nothing. Wonderful you say. Yes, to

God creates out of nothing. Wonderful you say. Yes, to be sure, but he does what is still more wonderful: he makes saints out of sinners.
Soren Kierkegaard
Fiction is a kind of compassion-generating machine that saves us from sloth. Is life kind or cruel? Yes, Literature answers. Are people good or bad? You bet, says Literature. But unlike other systems of knowing, Literature declines to eradicate one truth in favor of another.
George Saunders
The whole problem can be stated quite simply by asking, ‘Is there a meaning to music?’ My answer would be, ‘Yes.’ And ‘Can you state in so many words what the meaning is?’ My answer to that would be, ‘No.’
Aaron Copland
You do indeed have a past, but not now! And, yes, you have a future, but not now! You can consume your now with thoughts of ‘then’ and ‘maybe,’ but that will keep you from the inner peace you could experience.
Wayne Dyer
As a songwriter, you respect and appreciate the writings of other people, and I often get asked, are there songs out there I wish I’d written? Yes. There’s many of them!
Dolly Parton
Yes, there was a sort of underground cult following, which came from nowhere, and grew, and grew. It was quite surprising to us all, because all of us had spent probably the previous five to ten years without it. So it was quite overwhelming. Overwhelming and humbling.
Michael Giles
Nuclear power is a young technology – there’s so much more to be discovered. That’s what makes it so exciting to me. Yes, there are problems, but innovative people are going to be able to come up with solutions and bring the technology to its full potential.
Leslie Dewan
I would love to have children, yes. Maybe even adopt them. I’m not sure that I should pass on my genes.
Linda Fiorentino
‘Agent Mom’ is a perfect opportunity for me to do what I love… develop characters, act and take incredible stories to my fans. So yes, I can absolutely see myself cast as ‘Agent Mom.’
Alaina Huffman
Yes, free markets tend to produce unequal incomes. We should not be ashamed of that. On the contrary, our system is the envy of the world and should be a source of pride.
Arthur C. Brooks
I used to get 2000 as pocket money, and I was being offered a car and an opportunity to make lakhs, so I said a yes. I was a kid and got homesick over my 40-day schedule in Bangalore and decided that I would only do films in the South if they were 10-day roles.
Rakul Preet Singh
I never questioned the integrity of an umpire. Their eyesight, yes.
Leo Durocher
The best thing is to always keep honest people around, because when you have a bunch of yes men around that know that you’re making a mistake but let you go on with it, that’s when it ruins your mind state as an artist.
Kendrick Lamar
I have no idea what goes on in another person’s mind. As a legislator, I need to be good at persuading people, counting votes and getting to 50 percent plus one. I don’t go back and say, ‘Why did this person get to the right position?’ It’s only, ‘Are you yes or are you no?’
Tammy Baldwin
Every label thinks, when they sign someone, ‘This is the perfect pedigree to sign. They’re cute, they can sing, they can dance, et cetera.’ And they say to the public, ‘Here, this is what you’re gonna like.’ But you might say, ‘No, I don’t like that!’ You’ll probably say ‘no’ many more times than you’ll say ‘yes!’
Randy Jackson
I write funny. If I can make my wife laugh, I know I’m on the right track. But yes, I don’t like to get Maudlin. And I have a tendency towards it.
Gene Wilder
Yes, I would love to play one of the leads in one these movies and have all those challenges and deal with all those complications, but the business being what it is, there is a slot for me in these kinds of films, so I enjoy them, and I enjoy the people that I work with.
Joe Morton
Yes, ‘Aagadu’ was a failure. I was dejected for a couple of months, since there was a lot at stake.
Mahesh Babu
I always wanted to be a Broadway girl. But once I got Tony-nominated, it really messed with me, because it was like, yes, I’m getting this affirmation that you’re right where you’re supposed to be, but there was still this voice saying, ‘You’re not good enough.’
Danielle Brooks
Yes, yes, no one denies, for example, that you’re going to be able to fix the Murray through the Living Murray process without money, no one denies that.
John Anderson
Yes, I want to work with Rick Rubin. Yes, I want to work with Trent Reznor. Yes, I want to work with Madlib. Yes, I want to get with all these wonderful people. Collie Buddz, Marsha Ambrosius. I just want to go, man. I’m gonna keep on making music.
Tech N9ne
If a project feels good to you, say yes. And do it with everything that you have and hope that the outcome is good.
Daveed Diggs
Every time Wimbledon is on, I am thinking, ‘Yes, I could do the same and get out the racket.’ Sadly, not the same results.
Kate Middleton
If I’m only defined by my sport, I really have failed. Yes, I’ve opened myself up for more criticism, but I’m a professional athlete. I get criticised every week. I’m used to it. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt, but you get used to it.
Adam Goodes
It’s inevitable that if you do okay on something like that you don’t just annoy people, that it will make a difference because it seemed like such a lot of people so, yes I would have to say that it has done.
Jo Brand
I believe in soulmates, yes, but I believe you also have to work at love. I happen to believe your soulmate doesn’t have to be your partner – your soulmate could be your best friend, your sibling, it doesn’t have to be the person you marry.
Cheryl Cole
In a summer marked by instability in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, I know the world also took notice of the small American city of Ferguson, Missouri – where a young man was killed, and a community was divided. So yes, we have our own racial and ethnic tensions.
Barack Obama
When you carry out acts of kindness you get a wonderful feeling inside. It is as though something inside your body responds and says, yes, this is how I ought to feel.
Harold Kushner
Yes, I used to miss my childhood, but I did get a chance to relive it through Esha and Ahaana.
Hema Malini
Yes, I had to learn how to live life outside, but I had so many people help me.
Willie Mays
Yes. I was the first female colonel. I enjoyed being that kind of role model for young women watching the show. A woman can be a colonel! A woman can be in charge! Those were new ideas then.
Erin Gray
Yes, my teacher is the cold.

Yes, my teacher is the cold.
Wim Hof
Yes, the companionship is amazing. You know, you can get that physical attraction that happens is great, but then there’s an awful lot of time and the rest of the day that you have to fill.
Vince Gill
I wrote in my book, ‘unPlanned,’ about a church that kicked me out when they found out that I worked for Planned Parenthood. I often get questioned about that, whether I still think they made the wrong decision. My answer is a resounding ‘Yes.’
Abby Johnson
I try to be healthy. I train three days a week with a trainer. But I do like to eat, clearly. And I do eat dessert every day. If I cut that out, yes, I would lose weight.
Rebel Wilson
But when they offered this little situation for me to do this voice in this special segment, I found it so incredibly humorous that I said yes, and I enjoyed it. It was fun.
Werner Klemperer
Yes, it must be something that goes very well with my voice, let’s say something that I understand that this would be good communication with the others, and I don’t pretend for instance, to look for music that would be something that doesn’t go with my personality.
Victoria de los Angeles
I’m a dark blonde, yes. I dyed my hair blue, then black, when I was 14. I thought the colour was more flattering and matched my skin tone. I don’t think I’d ever change back unless it was for a film.
Eva Green
We are fans because the game also appeals to our local pride, our pleasure in thinking of ourselves as, yes, Americans but nonetheless different from residents of other towns, other states, other regions.
John Thorn
Yes, love indeed is light from heaven; A spark of that immortal fire with angels shared, by Allah given to lift from earth our low desire.
Lord Byron
To say yes, you have to sweat and roll up your sleeves and plunge both hands into life up to the elbows. It is easy to say no, even if saying no means death.
Jean Anouilh
Yes, we become stronger when men and women, young and old, gay and straight, native-born and immigrant fight together to create the kind of country we all know we can become.
Bernie Sanders
A nice person is a ‘yes’ person, whereas a good person is a person who accepts their responsibility in things and moves forward and tries to constantly evolve and isn’t afraid to say no or challenge someone or be honest or truthful.
Miranda Kerr
We’ll see if we ever do another Ministry gig again or not. I’m not saying yes or no yet. All I’m saying is I know there’s no new Ministry studio CDs coming ever again. I promise.
Al Jourgensen
There’s something about the openness of the American people. Yes, we have our faults, but deep down, there’s a goodness. America doesn’t want to take over the world; in many ways, we don’t want to be bothered by the rest of the world.
Jerry Springer
Yes, I am complimented on my work in Kids in the Hall once or twice a week. It’s a nice feeling.
Thomas Lennon
Yes, I remember the barbed wire and the guard towers and the machine guns, but they became part of my normal landscape. What would be abnormal in normal times became my normality in camp.
George Takei
The food wasn’t very good in the first kitchen I ever worked in. But it was very busy, so I learnt to be fast, absorb pressure, use a knife, and say, ‘Yes, chef.’
Marco Pierre White
He’s a good tough producer, yes. But I don’t think that he’s unreasonable unless he feels threatened. And when somebody’s in your home, I think everybody in the home gets threatened.
Liza Minnelli
Well if you were asking my personal opinion on that I think the answer can only be yes but it was missed. Much as I know I’m responsible for a lot of things, I can’t wear any responsibility for that.
John Anderson
More than an end to war, we want an end to the beginning of all wars – yes, an end to this brutal, inhuman and thoroughly impractical method of settling the differences between governments.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Do I believe in the supernatural? Oh yes, certainly. I can’t believe, I can’t accept that you die and that’s the end. Physically maybe it is a fact. But there’s something about the mind that’s more than that.
Terence Fisher
You know the actor John Garfield? In one movie he walked up to this train station, the ticket booth, and the guy says, ‘Yes, where are you going?’ And he says, ‘I want a ticket to nowhere.’ I thought: that’s it. The freedom to do that. I want a ticket to nowhere.
Wayne Shorter
Should the high court be able to roll back state health regulations whose efficacy was at least debatable? If your answer is yes, logical consistency should encourage you to apply this same logic to the court’s consideration of state-level gun control.
Kayleigh McEnany
I’m in control of myself. I take yes or no from no one.
Burning Spear
I never would have believed as a candidate for the U.S. Senate that the U.S. government could buy GM without a hearing, with no vote, yes or no. There are billions and billions of dollars at stake here.
Mike Johanns
It’s a twin type of telepathy. My sister and I, we share the same DNA, so on paper, we’re the same person. I knew she was pregnant, like, right away – it’s so crazy – but I asked her, and she said yes.
Tia Mowry
I got a phone call from Jon Favreau saying, ‘I need the voice of a personality-less robot, and I thought of you immediately.’ I thought that was the funniest thing I ever heard, so I said, ‘Yes.’
Paul Bettany
My interviewing style and my approach to things is that, yes, it’s okay to be sincere; it’s okay to be yourself; it’s okay to be real.
Eddie Trunk
I’m tenacious, I think – I know – and I do also have a quality where if you tell me I can’t do something, if I know I can’t do it I’m the first to raise my hand and say, ‘I can’t do that.’ But there is a big Bronx, New York Jew in me that just says, ‘Really? Really? You think I – yes, I can. I can do it. I can do it.’
Ellen Barkin
I tried marriage. Do I advocate it? Yes. Marriage is a wonderful institution, provided you meet the right person and you be the right person.
Pooja Bhatt
Everything happens for a reason. Like, I kind of hear people go, ‘Man, you’ve been in a lot of bands.’ Yes, I have. I’ve also been married several times, too, and every time I get into something, I think, ‘This is the one.’ I think that’s just human nature.
John Corabi
If you were not to set an alarm clock, would you sleep

If you were not to set an alarm clock, would you sleep past it? If the answer is yes, then there is clearly more sleep that is needed.
Matthew Walker
Yes, we do defend our office as we do defend our homes. This is a constitutional right everybody has, and nothing’s funny about that. The only reason they get mad at the Black Panther Party when you do it is for the simple reason that we’re political.
Fred Hampton
When I arrived in Manchester for the first time, it took me five seconds to realize that it was a very different place than where I come from. It is cold, yes, but people also do things very differently than we do in Nigeria. The culture was different, and everything looked different.
Kelechi Iheanacho
China and the U.S. need each other very badly. Yes, we should argue about some things, but it’s not an ‘us versus them,’ it’s an ‘us and them’ type scenario.
Bill Gates
After the final no there comes a yes and on that yes the future of the world hangs.
Wallace Stevens
Yes, the more I go through life I realize that there’s really no separation between practice and art at all. The two things more and more become one rather than two different aspects of my life.
Meredith Monk
Yes, for my undergrad I majored in Criminal Justice and minored in Political Science and English.
Matthew McGrory
I actually think the whole concept of retirement is a bit stupid, so yes, I do want to do something else. There is this strange thing that just because chronologically on a Friday night you have reached a certain age… with all that experience, how can it be that on a Monday morning, you are useless?
Stuart Rose
Successful negotiation is not about getting to ‘yes’; it’s about mastering ‘no’ and understanding what the path to an agreement is.
Christopher Voss
Acting is a strange profession, and, yes, sometimes I struggle with its worth, its value in the world.
Keri Russell
Over the years, I’ve learnt how to strike a balance between both my lives and give quality time to my passion as well as to my family. Yes, it is tiring at times, and every working woman goes through the phase.
Malaika Arora Khan
People are ready to say, ‘Yes, we are ready for single-payer health insurance.’ We are the only industrialized country in the world that does not have national health insurance. We are the richest in wealth and the poorest in health of all the industrial nations.
Studs Terkel
I look at light as a material. It is physical. It is photons. Yes, it exhibits wave behavior, but it is a thing.
James Turrell
Yes, I was a parish priest for five years. I was a curate in a large working class parish in Bristol and the Vicar of a village in Kent.
John Polkinghorne
I don’t see how an article of clothing can be indecent. A person, yes.
Robert A. Heinlein
So I think that, yes, anything that makes it more palatable and easier to understand, such as a Virtual Centre, has to be seen as a primary activity within the educational and information global state.
Richard Rogers
Yes, the European model remains superior to that of America and Japan.
Jacques Delors
But, yes, now I wouldn’t do some of those soundtracks the way I did them.
Maurice Jarre
Do you want an interesting job? Yes. Do you want a balanced life? Yes. And to make a contribution as well? Of course.
Pierre Nanterme
I always have hard-boiled eggs with me to eat egg whites for protein. Even when I travel, I bring eggs with me so I don’t eat the plane food. Yes, I’m the person you do not want to sit next to with hard-boiled eggs.
Marissa Jaret Winokur
Most of the things we decide are not what we know to be the best. We say yes, merely because we are driven into a corner and must say something.
Frank Crane
As I look over my work, I mean every time I look over my early work, I see, yes, I could do that then and then I could do that and that… That may be the hardest thing for a writer, at least for a poet, to tell what the identity of his work is.
Kenneth Koch
As for finding comfort in the zone, I’m comfortable singing what I write. I like writing emotional and slow, melodious songs. I haven’t tried singing songs from other genres, but yes, I would like to give them a try.
Bhuvan Bam
Luck always favours the brave. And you must remember that brave are the people who follow their heart; brave are the people who take chances in life. Which also means you have to say no sometimes. I believe the power of no is greater than yes.
Preity Zinta
Do you feel good in your role? If yes, that’s the perfect time for you to experiment with something new, to get out of your comfort zone. This willingness to learn is probably the most important thing for leaders of today and tomorrow.
Pierre Nanterme
Well, now I would like to kidnap Johnny Depp and yes, Ranbir Kapoor for sure.
Dia Mirza
Millions of ordinary Americans may suffer from a toxic combination of ignorance and amnesia, but the victims of U.S. coups, invasions, and bombing campaigns across the globe tend not to. Ask the Iraqis or the Iranians, ask the Cubans or the Chileans. And, yes, ask the North Koreans.
Mehdi Hasan
Yes, but if you take that crap and put a star in it, then you’ve got something.
Ed Wood
Did I haze the Miz? Hell yes!
John Layfield
Yes, and many times it’s frustrating, because I’m simply part of the show, and I’m not in the creative end of it, who goes out with detectives and tries to find these things out.
Robert Stack
But, on balance, we seized the marketplace. We’ve got a great infrastructure. And yes it’s struggling in some areas because of some external factors and some internal factors.
Jim Cantalupo
Yes, because when you're in love, you are shy.

Yes, because when you’re in love, you are shy.
Beatrice Wood
Yes, there are directors I admire, the mavericks. Altman. There are many good directors.
Mark Rydell
I have practically no private life. I’m already used to this and ready for it. Yes, sometimes it is hard, but it is the choice I made.
Cristiano Ronaldo
Go not to the Elves for counsel, for they will say both no and yes.
J. R. R. Tolkien
I eat a little bit of everything and not a lot of anything. Everything in moderation. I know that’s really hard for people to understand, but I grew up in an Italian family where we didn’t overdo anything. We ate pasta, yes, but not a lot of it.
Giada De Laurentiis
‘Yes’ is a far more potent word than ‘no’ in American politics. By adopting the positions which animate the political agenda for the other side, one can disarm them and leave them sputtering with nothing to say.
Dick Morris
I don’t think you can say yes to every opportunity and work the weekends and work the overnight shift unless you’re really passionate about your job. So I encourage everyone to find their passion and go for it.
Ainsley Earhardt
I love all Yes music and love to play it live, but I’m most interested in making new music with Yes.
Billy Sherwood
There are opportunities in the pharmaceutical industry, the insurance industry, so yes back home we are talking about investment opportunities in Morocco for various sectors of our economy and we will continue to do that.
Donald Evans
I say time and time again – yes, cooking is wonderful to cook for your loved ones and see them eat the food but the most important thing is getting them all sat around the table together.
Ainsley Harriott
Yes, I’m going to be the President of the United States. You know why? You think you can get chicks by being in the movies? You can really get chicks by being the President.
Ben Affleck
When the Hollywood thing happened, I thought at some point I’d get to the front of the queue: ‘Yes, hello, I’d like to play that role.’ But you don’t. You just join a different queue.
Olivia Williams
It’s so important as a creative person to go out and look for things. Go to galleries, talk to people, read books. Yes, you can just type something into Google, but if you read and interact, you’ll have a deeper understanding of the world.
Nicola Formichetti
For me, being able to engage with the details when necessary, when there’s a challenge, when there’s a particularly important pivot, yes, you have to do that. But in general, a leader needs to trust their commanders, needs to trust the team they’ve assembled, to actually execute in the right way.
Justin Trudeau
To have ego means to believe in your own strength. And to also be open to other people’s views. It is to be open, not closed. So, yes, my ego is big, but it’s also very small in some areas. My ego is responsible for my doing what I do – bad or good.
Barbra Streisand
I hate the terminology of ‘costume’ because my clothes are not costumes at all. I think they’re high fashion, avant-garde, and more couture, definitely, and yes, some of my pieces are not particularly wearable, but I wouldn’t say they’re costumes, I’d say they’re more couture.
Christian Siriano
Yes, young men, Italy owes to you an undertaking which has merited the applause of the universe. You have conquered and you will conquer still, because you are prepared for the tactics that decide the fate of battles.
Giuseppe Garibaldi
As a grown adult, if you can’t look a woman or look a man in the eye and say, ‘I have serious feelings for you’ and instead you have to say, ‘Do you like me? Check yes or no,’ like we’re in grade school, that to me is a red flag of maturity as far as a relationship goes.
Chris Harrison
It’s good fun, yes, but when we play, we take it seriously and want to do well.
Hansie Cronje
Yes, I have made a woman cry.
Enrique Iglesias
Yes, we believe in globalization and trade, but we also believe in you being able to benefit from that more. For too long, we progressives have seemed like part of the system. We need to start thinking about whether or not it’s delivering for us now.
Jacinda Ardern
Yes, my mum had a huge influence on my life and the love she had for me, the love we had between each other, did sway me to not do bad things. Sometimes they say the street raised you, but my mum did the raising.
Anthony Yarde
I can’t really put it in one sentence because although on one hand Preacher is about faith and yes it is also about, I suppose, the search for God, the search for faith and the manipulation and the abuse committed by figures in whom I suppose people have faith.
Garth Ennis
When it comes time to write the book itself I’ll shut the lights out, picture the scene I’m about to write then close my eyes and go at it. Yes, I can touch type.
Jeffery Deaver
I want a smaller government, yes, but I want a government that will be fair.
Maxime Bernier
Yes, but with the Cube there are many flashes, there are many aha’s.
Erno Rubik
Yes, I’ve been down the pike and back. And through the years, I’ve heard different songs with scatting in it, and it was – always cracked me up as kind of a funny style of music, you know? When I did it, it kind of cracked me up as a comedy kind of routine.
J. J. Cale
Among players, coaches, people who know football, yes I feel I get recognition.
Sergio Busquets
I don’t know why so many people in America hate Hillary Clinton; I found her to be one of the most gracious, intelligent, perceptive, and, yes, classy women I have ever met.
Peter Navarro
I’m very confident that not only will the other candidates who ran for this office support me but all of their supporters will as well. So yes, I’m very confident that I will get their support.
Tom Barrett
Life and death matters, yes. And the question of how to behave in this world, how to go in the face of everything. Time is short and the water is rising.
Raymond Carver
After you've watched your dad beat the crap out of Char

After you’ve watched your dad beat the crap out of Charlie King or some other bad guy in about forty movies, you pretty much always said, ‘Yes, sir,’ and meant it.
John Ritter
Yes, I’m religious. God has shown me things, made certain ways clear to me.
Richard Pryor
I love technology – yes, I have fallen in love with older cars, but I’m all for new technology.
Mario Andretti
Oh, yes; you Virginians shed barrels of perspiration while standing off at a distance and superintending the work your slaves do for you. It is different with us. Here it is every fellow for himself, or he doesn’t get there.
Abraham Lincoln
Yes. I’ve been asked to pose nude, but I never have, and I probably never will.
Rebecca Romijn
We need someone with superb judgement in their own right because, yes, a president can hire the best advisors on Earth, but I guarantee you this: Five advisors will give five different opinions. And it is the president – and the president alone – who always makes the final call.
Michelle Obama
I think women have long been defined by their roles as procreators and wives, and we’re expected to serve, take care of, say ‘Yes,’ and not ruffle any feathers. Women, in particular, are sometimes not allowed to consider who they are outside of the roles that they play.
Carrie Coon
I’m sometimes asked if I get bored with talking about ‘Kevin,’ and of course, the short answer is yes. Nevertheless, after a long slog in the literary trenches, I never take a single reader for granted and always remind myself that for new readers the unfolding story is fresh.
Lionel Shriver
If someone comes up to me and asks me for a photo, if they do it politely, I’m always going to say yes.
A. J. Pritchard
Yes, we have the freedom to do what we please, but it only works because we don’t do everything we might please – we should exercise some degree of personal, and corporate, responsibility.
Tammy Bruce
I didn’t think I would be prime minister, because I didn’t consider it. But that’s the power of saying yes, because there will be a moment when someone asks you to do something beyond your comfort zone. I am not unique.
Jacinda Ardern
Yes, Indian wrestling has improved since foreign coaches came in because the skills and techniques they have is new to us.
Geeta Phogat
Yes, I am a failed playwright. I had three shows on Broadway by the time I was 30. They all flopped, and I fled.
William Goldman
People are dying who haven’t had that opportunity to say yes to the Lord.
Michael Scott
Los Angeles is not a town full of airheads. There’s a great deal of wonderful energy there. They say ‘yes’ to things; not like the endless ‘nos’ and ‘hrrumphs’ you get in England!
Alan Rickman
Yes, living voices in a living language, so it seemed to us.
Robert Fitzgerald
I am a little bit of a softie, yes. Actually I don’t think it’s softness, I think it’s kindness.
Len Goodman
Words, yes, formulating things, creating something from your heart, it is something very necessary, yes.
Sophie Marceau
Some things is made by destiny, yes, other things by hard work, but quality you don’t learn. Quality you are born with.
Zlatan Ibrahimovic
Here’s a vice: I say yes to too many things. I wish I had the guilty pleasure of saying no. My goal is to try to do less, but more fully.
Sigourney Weaver
Yes, thanks to God… my life has a goal, much more important than my artistic activities, that is the struggle against Leukemia.
Jose Carreras
As a footballer, I have always found it better not to be too emotional. Better to be cool, consistent, clinical. Celebrate goals, yes, but keep your feelings for those you trust most.
Diego Forlan
Yes, we do need better representation, but I’m a big believer that we also need to talk about the Uluru Statement of the Heart. We need all of Australia to understand what it was, and is, and what that movement is about.
Adam Goodes
Do I believe in plastic surgery? Yes, if something is wrong and you can modify it. For certain people, it’s right.
Aerin Lauder
I think Sadio Mane is lucky the way Liverpool play. His job is pretty much to stay on one half of the field. Yes, he does come back and help out defensively every now and again, but generally he’s told to stay in the attacking half of the field and go at defenders.
Steve Nicol
Yes, Leander locked me out. I’d gone with my child for a birthday party. Leander and his mother were running out of the building as I was entering. They even put my clothes in boxes and threw them out.
Rhea Pillai
Yes, it is one of my ultimate aims – it is the ultimate sense of football: to make the people happy, to let them live some emotions that you usually can’t get.
Jurgen Klopp
It’s my first record since my son is old enough to understand and I can’t even show it to him. Yes, it’s affected me, probably in the opposite of how anyone would have thought.
Paul Westerberg
I proposed to my wife on Brighton Beach, and she said yes. That’s pretty romantic. Even though I forgot to go down on one knee because I was too busy trying to compose the question.
Robert Webb
So, yes, we do celebrate America today because the majority will stand up and empower the American people to live that American Dream and to be part of making a better, freer, and safer world.
Robin Hayes
It would be very discouraging if somewhere down the line you could ask a computer if the Riemann hypothesis is correct and it said, ‘Yes, it is true, but you won’t be able to understand the proof.’
Ronald Graham
Yes, influences are enriching, and they can be found in

Yes, influences are enriching, and they can be found in every work of art, even the most original.
Lukas Foss
I’m not interested in being easy anymore. Readable, yes. Easy, no.
George Murray
Yes, the Bechdel Test. It’s named for Allison Bechdel, who is a comic book creator. The test is, are there two named women in the film? Do they talk to each other? And is it about something other than a man? I actually think the Bechdel Test is a little advanced for us sometimes.
Kelly Sue DeConnick
When you’re starting out, say yes to everything you can.
Alex Weisman
Say yes to everything.
Aaron Swartz
If we’re discussing women’s empowerment and equal rights, then yes, I support it.
Dulquer Salmaan
I’m such an impulse buyer. I once went into a pet store for dog food and left with a fish tank and five fish. And yes, of course I forgot to buy dog food.
Colton Underwood
Yes indeed I have gained a lot out of playing scales and etudes.
James Galway
But how odd that in this heathen nation of empty pews, where churches’ bare, ruined choirs are converted into luxury loft living, a Labour government – yes, a Labour government – is deliberately creating a huge expansion of faith schools.
Polly Toynbee
Yes, America must do the right thing, but to provide moral leadership, America must do it in the right way, too.
David Cameron
Yes, but don’t forget I also have the luxury of the worlds finest band when it gets lonely.
Adrian Belew
Joining Yes was one of those stupid things that you do sometimes. It was one of the two or three times in my life that I’ve done something that I knew was wrong.
Trevor Horn
In a storm of struggles, I have tried to control the elements, clasp the fist tight so as to protect self and happiness. But stress can be an addiction, and worry can be our lunge for control, and we forget the answer to this moment is always yes because of Christ.
Ann Voskamp
I always thought I was a good person, a decent person. I never harassed anyone or touched anyone. And you say to yourself , ‘Oh, that’s good enough,’ but yes, I had certain jokes that I always assumed the audience would understand. This is Persona.
Jim Jefferies
I have been called the human jukebox, yes. But karaoke is not meant for people who can sing!
Carrie Underwood
Yes, it is a rehearsed show, yes, it was analogy of going to see a play at the theatre, where everything has to be in place and whole things, everything being works, all works together to get the best effect you know it’s more like an actor learning a part.
John Deacon
Faith is not simply a patience that passively suffers until the storm is past. Rather, it is a spirit that bears things – with resignations, yes, but above all, with blazing, serene hope.
Corazon Aquino
Yes, there is a story about Agent Orange, and we knew that it harmed our troops and we knew how long it was to get the medical community to accept that, the military to accept it, the VA to accept it.
Christopher Shays
Our business is about technology, yes. But it’s also about operations and customer relationships.
Michael Dell
I really rebel against this idea that politics has to be a place full of ego and where you’re constantly focused on scoring hits against each one another. Yes, we need a robust democracy, but you can be strong, and you can be kind.
Jacinda Ardern
You know, my family and friends have never been yes-men: ‘Yes, you’re doing the right thing, you’re always right.’ No, they tell me when I’m wrong, and that’s why I’ve been able to stay who I am and stay humble.
LeBron James
Oh yes, I love gadgets.
Roger Moore
Yes, I mean, There’s nothing like it. There is an added sense of pressure because of that, but there’s also nothing like the thrill you get being in the same space with that audience right there and then. And when you do it, it’s over.
Michael C. Hall
The depths of the Depression. You didn’t ask what the job was, what the pay was, you didn’t ask about stock options, or – you said yes.
Art Linkletter
Yes, I am Canadian, having sailed here from England on a Russian boat called the Alexander Pushkin when I was the ripe old age of 4.
David Hewlett
However, yes, especially as one gets older, you know, you really hope that your music will become more generally available, even though some of the performances might be riddled with faults.
John Eaton
Everything changes as a mother. Yes, work has changed. The projects that I choose are even more important to me now. The world he’s growing up in and the kind of stimulus that is out there; they are so precious and I’d do anything to protect him.
Jennifer Connelly
The pretty girls get all the good stuff. Oh, God. So not true. I unlearned this after years of coaching beautiful clients. Yes, these lovelies get preferential treatment in most life scenarios, but there’s a catch: While everyone’s looking at them, virtually no one sees them.
Martha Beck
At the moment I am a little bit politician, yes. I think that could be my next step. It is not because I want power, it is because of what I think I could do for the people.
Haile Gebrselassie
Saying no frees you up to say yes when it matters most.
Adam Grant
Yes, in general, I think there is too much club football on TV.
Sepp Blatter
Yes, indeed, in fact I would tell you that we go out of

Yes, indeed, in fact I would tell you that we go out of our way to be true to the original feeling and sort of sonic and musical pallet that we painted with back then.
James Young
When people ask for time, it’s always for time to say no. Yes has one more letter in it, but it doesn’t take half as long to say.
Edith Wharton
Ronald has had bicycle safety and safety in the home. Yes, Ronald is McDonald’s, second most recognised figure after Santa Claus, and there’s an element of obviously benefiting your business.
Jim Cantalupo
From my very first day in the Mayor’s office, I have worked closely with the Council members who share our vision of a city hall that really protects taxpayers and cares… yes… about the little things that make a big difference in people’s lives.
Laura Miller
I don’t mind if somebody comes up to me and shakes my hand, but if I’m in the middle of a restaurant and somebody asks me for a picture, I can be a jerk and say no, or I can say yes and draw more attention to myself, which is exactly the opposite of what I want.
Macaulay Culkin
In the underlying bill, I think the authors of the legislation, those in support of it, understand the use of the Mississippi River. Yes, there is commercial navigation on it, and there will be tomorrow.
Ron Kind
Yes, I believe the will is very important. It’s how I have succeeded in life.
G. Gordon Liddy
It is no accident that I made Cartoon Town a simple little village – in many ways it mirrored my home town. And, yes, many of my puppet characters took on some of the more eccentric characteristics of people I knew there.
William Jackson
I went into a French restaraunt and asked the waiter, ‘Have you got frog’s legs?’ He said, ‘Yes,’ so I said, ‘Well hop into the kitchen and get me a cheese sandwich.’
Tommy Cooper
If I’m within reach and can be helpful, I have a tendency to say ‘Yes.’ It’s hard to say ‘No.’
Marvin Hamlisch
Yes, I’ve just bought a new horse, named Jedi.
Bruce Boxleitner
Yes, I very much like to have a personal stake in what I’m writing about.
Michael Pollan
If an apprentice does not hear what a master hears, is then that quality not present in the music? Yes and no. In the world in which the apprentice lives no.
Robert Fripp
In an individual sport, yes, you have to win titles. Baseball’s different. But basketball, hockey? One person can control the tempo of a game, can completely alter the momentum of a series. There’s a lot of great individual talent.
Kobe Bryant
Yes I still enjoy playing him. He’s the best person to play isn’t he?
Tom Felton
Conspiracy theories themselves are big business, of course, selling books, videos, conferences, and all kinds of merch. Then there is the economy that promotes conspiracy theories to sell goods such as supplements, survival gear, and yes, bunkers.
Annie Lowrey
When I told the people of Northern Ireland that I was an atheist, a woman in the audience stood up and said, ‘Yes, but is it the God of the Catholics or the God of the Protestants in whom you don’t believe?
Quentin Crisp
Yes and for two reasons: one, I couldn’t find anything to imitate at the time, and secondly because what I heard on the radio didn’t bear any resemblance to what I wanted to hear on the guitar.
Leo Kottke
Yes, war is hell. It is awful. It involves human beings killing other human beings, sometimes innocent civilians. That is why we despise war.
John O. Brennan
In a way, yes, because I was starting something fresh, and it was something totally independent.
Skitch Henderson
We think of our prison inmates as the dregs of society, and we scorn them and push them off to the side and forget about them. We have to remember that they are humans, and they have rights, and yes, they did wrong, but we all have one shot at doing wrong, you know?
Adrienne C. Moore
Yes, President Abraham Lincoln was a Republican, but a hundred years later, the Republican Party wasn’t Lincoln’s. Richard Nixon became president by courting Americans upset by integration, intentionally fueling the racial divide.
Donna Brazile
I dislike the word ‘self-help.’ Self-awareness, yes, but not self-help.
Deepak Chopra
When your mother asks, ‘Do you want a piece of advice?’ it is a mere formality. It doesn’t matter if you answer yes or no. You’re going to get it anyway.
Erma Bombeck
The way you want to respond is to ask a question: Is this technology directly relevant to our hedgehog concept? If the answer is YES, then we want to become pioneers, not in the technology, but in the application of that technology specifically linked to our hedgehog concept.
James Collins
Certain actors wanna get paid, they think working in a low-budget movie is being ripped off. But for others it’s like, ‘Yes, let’s do it.’
Abel Ferrara
I think more talented writers should get involved in the industry, yes, of course. But that doesn’t presuppose that those writers have to be novelists or screenwriters.
Richard K. Morgan
Yes, I was the one people credit with inventing the cell phone. Now, whenever anyone gets a dropped call, they blame me.
Martin Cooper
Yes, I am transgendered but I also am a cross-dresser – I dress as a woman. It’s not that I just want to be seen as a female in our society, I’m also a drag queen and a performer – there are many levels there.
Alexis Arquette
The oldest, shortest words – ‘yes’ and ‘no’ – are those which require the most thought.
Yes, the experience of all stages of life are valuable, not just of youth.
Daniel Petrie
I stand by it. I take the criticism for it. I think it'

I stand by it. I take the criticism for it. I think it’s unfair, but yes, there is a thing about nepotism, and we all try to respect it.
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
I wasn’t a spy. I’d have been spotted in five seconds. Yes, I was in intelligence, but that covered a multitude of things.
Christopher Lee
Yes, sir, a patrol car came and took me down to a station where they were trying to develop films, but they hadn’t got the facilities to develop colored film.
Abraham Zapruder
Almost everything in ‘A Day With Wilbur Robinson’ has some basis in truth. And yes, my sister did pay me to feed her grapes while she talked to her boyfriend on the phone.
William Joyce
Yes, but another writer I read in high school who just knocked me out was Theodore Dreiser. I read An American Tragedy all in one weekend and couldn’t put it down – I locked myself in my room. Now that was antithetical to every other book I was reading at the time because Dreiser really had no style, but it was powerful.
Joan Didion
Yes, it’s absolutely true that anything worth doing is worth doing poorly – until you can learn to do it well.
Zig Ziglar
I’m an October baby, yes.
Cardi B
In law school, we studied the famous book ‘Getting to Yes,’ co-written by the head of the Harvard Law School Negotiation Project.
Erin O’Toole
My father passed away in 2002, but yes, we were pretty close. I loved him a lot.
Family responsibility, yes, and always. Family bankruptcy due to the cruel rules of government, no.
Barbara Mikulski
It is my opinion that everything must be based on a simple idea. And it is my opinion that this idea, once we have finally discovered it, will be so compelling, so beautiful, that we will say to one another, yes, how could it have been any different.
John Archibald Wheeler
Yes, guns are to men what jewelry is to women!
Steve King
And yes, the Homesteaders, including my grandparents who left behind almost nothing, and arrived in Montana with nothing but the clothes on their back, high hopes, faith in God and dreaming of the future.
Brian Schweitzer
Yes, iD is a machine vision and sensor browser for the physical world. That’s what we have been working on with Coca-Cola, Verizon, Bank of America and Disney to launch content when an image is recognised.
Patrick Soon-Shiong
I’m one of those people you can tell ‘no’ a million different ways, and I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to figure out some way to get you to say ‘yes.’ People have always underestimated me. I have great stamina, great tenacity.
Morgan Fairchild
Yes, well I really hope I can make a difference, even in the smallest way. I am looking forward to helping as much as I can.
Kate Middleton
I’ve gotten death threats, yes. I have. I think anytime you shine a spotlight on homosexuality or minorities and you try and say they are as normal or as worthy as acceptance as others, the people who are on the fringe don’t like that and they will come after you. And they have come after me.
Ryan Murphy
So in one sense you don’t have the classic keyboard player in Yes.
Billy Sherwood
Yes, I am proud, and very humble too.
Anne Sullivan
You must have been warned against letting the golden hours slip by. Yes, but some of them are golden only because we let them slip.
James M. Barrie
Having the courage to say no when all your friends are saying yes is one of the most difficult things you’ll ever have to do. Doing it, however, is one of the biggest charges you can ever make to your personal battery. I call this ‘won’t power.’
Sean Covey
I studied in American school, so yes, I grew up speaking English and Spanish. Obviously, Spanish is my first language.
Eiza Gonzalez
My mother used to tell me, No matter what they ask you, always say yes. You can learn later.
Natalie Wood
I get asked this question a lot. Am I really pro-life? Am I against abortion in all circumstances? Yes. Do I believe there are any exceptions for abortion? No. Do you want to make abortion illegal? Yes.
Abby Johnson
Well yes so far, I was recently in Germany and they had me do six book signings a day and that was too much so I had them cut it down to about three. It becomes taxing at times but its a lot of fun and you meet a lot of nice people.
Larry Hagman
Yes, I mean, I used to be into the big bulk thing, and that’s why my legs look like those of a cyclist instead of a shooter’s, but I think there is a point to where too much is not a good thing. I think I try to lower my center of gravity by doing a lot of legs.
Nancy Johnson
It was important that I became successful. People say they do it for the love, and yes, you do it for the love, but you want to be successful.
Wyclef Jean
Did I put them in contact with the people to acquire them? Yes. Did I educate them on how to use them properly, and what way, shape, or form, and when, and with what supplements? Yes. Absolutely.
Jose Canseco
Eat some pizza, play some Xbox, watch some TV. Gross? Maybe. Me? Yes.
Dustin Diamond
I find Godzilla exciting because he/she/it comes from the sea. It’s entirely plausible that it could be real. Yes it is! It doesn’t take a huge stretch in the imagination to imagine that something may be living at the deepest depths of one of our oceans.
Rhys Darby
Yes, we’ve still got more work to do. More work to do for every American still in need of a good job or a raise, paid leave or a decent retirement; for every child who needs a sturdier ladder out of poverty or a world-class education; for everyone who has not yet felt the progress of these past seven and a half years.
Barack Obama
Am I bossy? Absolutely. I don't like to lose, and if I'

Am I bossy? Absolutely. I don’t like to lose, and if I’m told ‘no,’ then I find another way to get my ‘yes.’ But I’m a loyal person.
Naomi Campbell
Yes I am a politician – I will promise you anything your little electorate heart desires – because you are my constituents, you are the informed voting public, and because I have no intention of keeping any promise that I make.
Vermin Supreme
Growing up in London, with a hippie mom, I don’t know that I’m most people’s definition of what a black person is. I’m mixed, yes, but in the world I’m defined as black before I’m defined white. I’ve never been called white.
Carmen Ejogo
What is our destiny? Does it matter? Is it bound up with ‘our’ planet? In my opinion, yes.
Roy Harper
Yes, prudently invested contributions to the Social Security fund may bring greater dividends, but those contributions would also face a greater risk. It would be like gambling. We should not gamble with the investments and the future of the citizens of this land.
Daniel Inouye